A full and perfect RELATION OF The great PLOT, and unparalleld Conſpiracy of divers Lords, Gentlemen, and Citizens, againſt his Highneſs the Lord Protector.
Had it pleaſed the ſupream Diſpoſer of all things (who changeth times and ſeaſons, and doth with the Nations of the World as he pleaſeth) to have united Amity and friendſhip between the Royal party, and the Aſſertors4 of the preſent Government (which by his Highneſs no means have been left unaſſayed) it would have been matter of great content to the whole Nation: But ſince they ſeem to chuſe Diſtractions rather then Peace, and to involve this Nation into new Diviſions; notwithſtanding the great tenderneſs of his Highneſs and his honorable Council to avoid every thing that might lead to a Rupture, ſaving the undoubted Rights and Dominion of this Nation, and the juſtice they are reſolved to adminiſter to the People. In conſideration whereof, I am ſorry the Deſign of the Royal Party ſhould be ſo ſecret and cunning, as to wind about the judgment of ſome good men amongſt us, undiſcerned and unobſerved of them, under the pretences of publike ſervice, loyalty, and freedom, rejoycing (though obſcurely) that they can put on our own party to proſecute one another; tryumphing to themſelves, that they can meke us lop off our own Branches, and act that upon our ſelves in their behalf, which they themſelves cannot do upon Us: But I cannot but here publiſh to the World, that this was the grand Artifice, and Deſign of the Enemy, both abroad, and at home, within the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, working in ſecret to make Us the ſad and fatal inſtruments of undoing and deſtroving one another, and daſhing in pieces this happy and glorious Government, now eſtabliſhed under his Highneſs the Lord Protector. But I hope we ſhall diſcern and embrace one another, to the deſtruction of their ſtratagem; as already appears by that happy and timely Diſcovery on Tueſday night laſt at the Ship-Tavern in the Old-Bayley, where a company5 of Gentlemen being drinking two pair of ſtairs high, and having called for as much Sack as came to eight ſhillings and ſix pence, before ▪ they had put a period to their quaffing Glaſſes, in came a company of Officers and Souldiers, with their Swords and Piſtols cockt, and went immediatly up ſtaires, where they demanded the Names of the Perſons, their Reſidence, and their preſent buſineſs; which they anſwered: But it being not ſatisfactory: the Officers told them, they had an Order from his Highneſs to apprehend them, and commit them to cuſtody, during the pleaſure of his Highneſs: Whereupon the Drawers were all called up, and examined, VVhether or no, they knew thoſe Gentlemen, they anſwered, They knew not one face there, except Mr. Dutton's. Whereupon they ſecured them all, and conducted them to Iame•'s; upon the Ordinance for Treaſon, for contriving and conſpiring againſt his Highneſſe the Lord Protector. And withall, took away Mr. Amps the Maſter of the houſe; but upon examination, he was acquitted. This party is ſaid to be very numerous, there being at the leaſt five hundred, as we hear, confederated together in an Oath and Covenant, to ſtrike at the very Root of this preſent Government, and to uſe the utmoſt of their endeavors to take off his Highneſs. Which is a thing moſt unparallel'd, ſeeing that we are but as the firſt ripe fruit to this flouriſhing Harveſt, wherein the Sickle of Providence will be put into the hands of our preſent Governors, to accompliſh that glorious Prophecie, of Gods cutting down Monarchs, his Adverſaries, and making way for reſtoring of his Judges as at firſt, and his Councellors as at the beginning.
- Mr. Dutton of Grayſ-Inn, an eminent Gentleman.
- Mr. Amp at the ſhip-Tavern in the Old-bayley; but upon examination releaſed.
- Cap. Smith,
- M. Jacob,
- M. Peterborough,
- M. Johnſon,
- Mr. Bunch.
- Mr. Rolſton,
- Mr. Switzer,
- A Goldſmiths Prentice in Lumbard-ſtreet,
And divers others, who were ſuddenly apprehended at the aforeſaid place in the Old-Bayley, and by his Highneſses command conducted to St. James's: from whence, on Thurſday ltſt they were brought to White-hall, being guarded by a company of ſouldiers; and in the afternoon7 they were brought before the honourable Council, where they were examined by his Highneſs, touching their Meetings, and their private Negotiations and Conſultations, for to raiſe inſurrections, commotions, and to involve this Nation into another bloody and inteſtine war, &c. But many of them ſtood like ſo many Smithfield Lyons, being not able to ſpeak a word for themſelves. Others, ſpake with great dexterity of ſpirit, yet ſome of them confeſſed their Errors, and laid themſelves ſo low at the feet of his Highneſ: and his honourable Council, that by their confeſſion it is conceived they may find remiſſion; in order whereunto they have already impeached divers, and many brave Birds, bedeckt with dainty feathers, begins now to flutter: Beware ye Citizens! Ay, twas an old Proverb of King James, that he loved the Treaſon, but hated the Traytor. Which ſaying has been verifyed for a century of yeers: But let me not deviate nor center too much upon circumſtances; but re-mind you, that after much time ſpent in examination, his Highneſs, and the Council ordered that they ſhould be remanded back to the place from8 whence they came, till the further pleaſure of his Highneſs were known; and accordingly they were conducted by a ſtrong Guard of ſouldiers.
About twelve of the clock on Wedneſday night laſt the Lord of Newport, and the Lord Vaus were both apprehended and committed to cuſtody; but not upon the Ordinance for Treaſon; but upon the Act againſt Duels; having challenged each other: but on Thurſday laſt they were both examined by his Highneſs, and upon engagement, ordered their liberty.
The Lord Haſtings of Loughborow is ſaid to b•gone,
With divers other young Lords, Knights, and Citizens, Divers Apprentices were engaged in this horrid, and wicked Deſign, amounting to five or 600, as appeares as reported) by the Scroul taken in the Pockets of thoſe that were apprehended. A little before which time, appeard a STAR in the Eaſt, which Aſtrologers interpret, to be the onely Signal of a cleer Diſcovery of any black or foul Conſpiracy.