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A FULL RELATION OF His Majeſties proceedings at Newcaſtle; Declaring his gallant Reſolution to come to London, and to unite himſelf to his great Councell, the Honou­rable Houſes of PARLIAMENT. ALSO, The time of His Majeſties coming to London; And ſeverall remarkable Paſſages, concerning the diſpoſall of His Royall Perſon.

Publiſhed for generall ſatisfction, and preſented to all His Maje­ſties Subjects within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales.

[two angels holding the royal crest of Charles I

LONDON, Printed for William Iohnſon, 1646.


IOYFVLL NEWES FROM NEWCASTLE Being a full Relation of the proceedings of the Kings Majeſty, concerning his com­ming to LONDON.

THe darkſome Cloud which hath for many years appeared and hung over the heads of the Inhabitants of England doth now begin to ſhew its ſelf with a moſt cleer and perfect reſemblance, and in ſtead of coun­tenancing a diſmall ſhew, doth demonſtrate is ſelf in her full luſtre, giving us ſome glimpſe of the apparent light, which begin­neth to ſhine upon us, and the moſt happy and welcome appearance of that bright and glorious Cloud, which attends its motion, for the crowning of the Well-willers of the Peace of Zion, with unity and proſperity, as will manifeſtly appeare, by theſe bright ſtars and ſhining Comets, which I ſhall here faith­fully repreſent unto you, as followeth:

The gallant proceedings, and moſt happy concurrence of the Comiſſioners of the king­dome of Scotland, with the Parliament of England, doth cauſe the hearts of all true ſub­jects to rejoyce, inſtancing unto us, the bleſſed unity which the Inhabitants of England and Scotland are now each other to embrace; for all things being concluded of, betwixt the Parliament of England, and the Parliament of Scotland, and their Armies to depart this Kingdome in a quiet and peaceable manner (of which I ſhal have occaſion to ſpeak more at large in the concluſion) the chiefeſt ob­ject that we now look upon, is, the ſafe arri­vall and happy return of the Kings moſt ex­cellent Majeſty, to his great Councell the ho­nourable Houſes of Parliament, that ſo His Royall heart may be united and knit faſt to them, whoſe faithfull endeavours, and unwea­ried pains, have alwayes tended to the preſer­vation of the perſon of his Royall Majeſty and his poſterity, the advancing of his Crown and Dignity, the maintenance and preſerva­tion of the truth and purity of the Goſpell of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, and the ſafety and liberty of all his Majeſties Sub­iects.

And for the accompliſhing of this, we are given to underſtand, that his Maieſty hath an earneſt deſire to come to London, and to u­nite himſelf with his great Councell, that ſo the ſtreames of bloud, which hath for many years guſhed forth within the bowels of this bleeding Kingdom, may be ſtopped and pre­vented, and this diſtreſſed and languiſhing Kingdom ſetled in peace and proſperity.

Some ſuppoſes that his Maieſty will take his Journey from the North about a month hence, and others fancy his Maieſty to bee here about New years day.

But we dayly expect his Maieſty, and it is ſuppoſed he will be here ſuddenly.

What a terrour will this be to the raging and potent enemy in Ireland, to ſee the hap­py uniting, and firm knitting of the Head & Members, which hath for many years beene ſeparated and divided. Nay, what a ſting will it be to other Forraign enemies, to behold ſo gallant a uniting; whoſe former pride, were in boaſting ofnglands calamities, and laugh­ing in their ſleeves, to ſee our unnaturall Di­viſions.

But now for the generall ſatisfaction of all people, I ſhall think it meet to inſert ſome re­markable Obſervations concerning the diſpo­ſall of his Maieſties perſon, viz.

Firſt, that the honour, ſafety, and freedome of the Common-wealth, may be ſetled, & then the honour and ſafety of his Majeſties Per­ſon, ſo farre as the latter may ſtand with the former, and no otherwiſe.

Secondly, that when his Maieſty were plea­ſed to caſt himſelf upon his Subiects of Scot­land, the honourable houſes of Parliament were pleaſed to wote their dſpoſall of him, to prevent that harme which might befall his Maieſty, reſiding in the Scottiſh Army in England.

But afterwards this perſonall being of the King with the Scots begets a Nationall diſ­pute of his diſpoſall betweene the King­doms.

The Scots claiming a right of coacting with the Parliament therein; yet declaring their opinions, that his going into Scotland is not the ſafeſt.

It was alſo intimated, that ſeeing they ap­prove beſt of his being in England; who ſhall take care for the good of the Kingdom, & the ſafety of the Kings perſon therin, but the Par­liament of England, in whom the power is for treating and concluding for the good & ſafety of the Kingdome, though the King bee with their Army in England, and propound otherwiſe.

Thirdly, the Parliament out of their great deſire to have the King to come and remaine with them, ſent to his Majeſty Propoſitions from both Kingdoms, and agreed fot their pay and marching home.

Which, for ſatisfaction of the whole King­dome, I will here faithfully impart the man­ner of their departure, as followeth:

That the 200000 l. to be told at York 100000 l. to be paid at North-Aerton, within fie caes after it is told. That when the money comes to Topcliffe the Scots ſhall give ho­ſtages, that they ſhaquit all their quarters poſſeſſions and ga­riſons on the South••de Tyne. Newcaſtle & Tinmouth, with all the armes &c. within ten dayes: Upon performance the hoſtages to be redelivered.

Upon the delivery of the Garriſons on the South ſide of Tyne, and of Newcaſtle, Tinmouth, &c. the Kingdom of Scot­land ſhal have Hoſtages upon redeivery of theirs, for aſſu­rance that the other 100000. l. ſhall be paid on the Northſide Newcaſtle within a mile of the works, within 8 dayes after the quitting Newcaſtle, Tinmouth, &c. and all the Forces to be drawn on the North ſide Tyne.

For the payment of the other 200000. l. the Scots Commiſ­ſioners deſired, that it might be paid out of the ſale of Delin­quents eſtates, or ſome other particular ſecurity.

The houſe conſidered of this buſineſſe, and ordered to ad­here to their former Vote, which was to give them the pub­lique Faith of the Kingdom for the ſame.

And upon further debate thereupon, the houſe ordered that the ſum of 900. l. ſhould be allowed to the tellers of this firſt 200000. l.

They likewiſe ordered, that the ſum of 1600. l. ſhould be allowed for and towards the defraying of the charges of the carriages, and conveying of this 200000. down to York. The Committee of both Kingdoms were likewiſe ordered to treat with the Commiſſioners of Scotland how their Forces ſhould or may march for the beſt advantage of thoe parts, and that they may pay their quarters as they march into their owne Kingdom.

And in caſe any miſcarriage ſhould bee in the carriage of the ſaid monies to York, that the loſſe ſhould be born by the whole Kingdom.


About this transcription

TextA full relation of His Majesties proceedings at Newcastle; declaring his gallant resolution to come to London, and to nnite [sic] himself to his great councell, the Honourable Houses of Parliament. Also, the time of His Majesties coming to London; and severall remarkable passages, concerning the disposall of his royall person. December, 17. 1646. Printed for the generall satisfaction, and presented to all His Majesties subjects within the kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84990)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160085)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA full relation of His Majesties proceedings at Newcastle; declaring his gallant resolution to come to London, and to nnite [sic] himself to his great councell, the Honourable Houses of Parliament. Also, the time of His Majesties coming to London; and severall remarkable passages, concerning the disposall of his royall person. December, 17. 1646. Printed for the generall satisfaction, and presented to all His Majesties subjects within the kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales. [2], 1, [5] p. Printed for William Iohnson,London :1646.. (Signatures: A⁴. Only A2 is numbered.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Peace -- Early works to 1800.
  • Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E366_10
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