A Beacon Set On Fire: OR The Humble Information of certain Stationers, Citizens of London, to the Parliament and Commonwealth of ENGLAND.
Concerning the Vigilancy of Jeſuits, Papiſts, and Apoſtates, (taking advantage of the Diviſions among our ſelves and the States great Employment,) To
By Writing and Publiſhing many Popiſh Books, (Printed in England in the Engliſh Tongue within theſe three laſt Years, therein maintaining all the groſs Points of Popery, urging a neceſſity for all to receive them upon pain of Damnation, proclaiming in one of them, that the Parliament have diſcharg'd the people of this Nation from the common profeſſed Religion thereof; boaſting of many eminent men that are lately converted to their Religion, and expreſſing the hopes they have of a great flowing in of people unto them.)
And Blaſphemous Books of another Nature: All made evident by The Catalogue and Contents of many of the aforeſaid Books added hereunto.
Publiſhed for the Service of the Parliament and Commonwealth.
Hoping that the Parliament by ſufficient Laws, and the Lords Miniſters and People by their Preaching and Prayers, will ſet themſelves (upon this Alarum that the Enemy gives) to maintain the Faith that was once delivered to the Saints againſt all the Enemies thereof.
LONDON, Printed for the Subſcribers hereof. 1652.
THe ardent affection that we bear unto the§. 1true Reformed Chriſtian Religion taught in the holy Scriptures, the operation and ſweetneſs whereof upon our hearts, we have an experimental knowledg, taſte and feeling of through the Holy Ghoſt, to the eternal praiſe of the grace of God; which Religion through the ſame effectual working hath been ſealed with the blood of ſo many holy Martyrs: The tender love we bear to our own native Country and Relations, being paſſionately deſirous that the Kingdom of our Lord Jeſus may flouriſh in this Nation unto the end of the World, that ſo the future generations enjoying the light of his glorious Goſpel and Ordinances, may through his grace walk in that light unto the Kingdom of Glory: And laſtly, the juſt fear we have leſt Popiſh & Blaſphemous Books ſhould grow ſo numerous, as to become a conſiderable (if not the greateſt) part of our Trade, and ſo we be tempted to be Venders of ſuch Loathſom Ware, or elſe neceſſitated to leave our Callings to keep our Conſciences pure: Theſe Conſiderations have put us upon giving this Information following, to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England, concerning the late publiſhing and printing many Popiſh and Blaſphemous Books in England in the Engliſh Tongue, which otherwiſe perhaps they would not ſo ſoon come to the knowledg of, that they might ſuppreſs them.
4§. 2Hoping it will be well taken, becauſe it is a matter of ſuch unſpeakable concernment, as Gods ſtaying with theſe Nations, or departing from them, the Salvation or Damnation of millions of Souls; and becauſe the Members of the Parliament, to whom we chiefly intend this our humble Information, are by Profeſſion of the Reformed Chriſtian Religion, in oppoſition to Popery, who have in all their Declarations ever ſince the beginning of the late troubles, held forth the maintaining thereof as one end of the War; and have demoliſhed Popiſh Pictures, that men might not learn Popery by them; put men to death for being obliged by Office to aſſert the Popes Supremacy, made a greater Profeſſion of Sanctity then any Parliament that ever ſat before them, and of aiming at the higheſt degrees of Reformation, even beyond Presbytery it ſelf.
Yea our hopes aſcend higher, to wit, That that great Accuſation of the Parliament in one of the Popiſh Books [namely, That God hath put a period to the common profeſſed Religion of this Nation, and that by Authority of PARLIAMENT,] will be by publique Demonſtrations confuted; the Parliament well knowing, that the common people of this Nation will be of one Religion or other; and if by publique Authority they be not kept to the Reformed Religion, they'l be eaſily drawn to the Popiſh: When an old Religion is out of credit with a State, the multitude will welcome the Introducers of a new; and if once the Approvers of Popery ſhould grow moſt numerous, how then can we have other then a Popiſh Parliament, and a Popiſh Army? Or if the Parliament ſhould be Proteſtant, yet how could it rule or be ſafe, ſith the ſtrength of the ſupream Magiſtrate lieth in his Subjects? And if once the Romiſh Religion ſhould prevail, then farewel the5 holy Bible in our Mother Tongue, and Sacraments in both kinds, or ſo much as in one, otherwiſe then as a viſible real material Sacrifice both for the quick and the dead: Then no more preaching and Catechizing in Engliſh out of the pure Fountain of the Scripture; we muſt part with theſe ineſtimable Treaſures for the filth of Egypt, viz. the Romiſh Church for the Rule and Standard of our Faith, and her Service in Latin, with all the rabble of her Will-worſhip and Superſtition, for our Practice; which if we ſhall not like of as the beſt, we ſhall for our ſatisfaction be ſent to the Inquiſition, there adjudged to be Hereticks, and ſo paſt their cure; and then, as if it were pity to leave us ſo, tender-hearted fathers as they are! they'l turn us over to the ſecular Power, who will quickly rid themſelves and their Church of us, the ſame way as they did our renowned Progenitors in Q. Mary's days. And then what will become of the Souls of our dear children, and the poſterity that ſhall ſucceed us, when they ſhall want the means of their Converſion and Salvation, viz. the pure Goſpel and Ordinances of Jeſus Chriſt, which every godly parent and Commonwealthſman had rather leave unto his children, then the greateſt earthly Inheritance that ever man was born to.
Having thus in all humility declared our ſelves by§. 3way of Introduction, we do hereby faithfully inform the Parliament and Commonwealth of England, Thatwhile the people of God in this Land have vented their heat againſt each other about leſſer points in Divinity, and the Parliament and Army conflicted by Councel & Force with many Enemies in reference to publike Liberty, wherby the great care, that otherwiſe might have been had of the Lords Vineyard, hath been hindred; the old vanquiſh'd Popiſh Party, Jeſuits and6 Papiſts, are unawares with indefatigable pains endeavoring all along to entice the people of this Commonwealth unto the Popiſh Religion, and have made ſuch great progreſs therein by ways known not only to God, but (as we conceive) wiſe men alſo, as that now they have taken the boldneſs to publiſh among the people of this Nation divers Impreſſions of ſeveral ſorts of Popiſh Books in the Engliſh Tongue, and printed in England within theſe laſt three Years, to the number of (as we gueſs, reckoning 1500 to an Impreſſion of each Book that hath been in that time printed) Thirty thouſand at leaſt:As if they were now confident of compleating their deſign, and as if (in their opinion of us) we were yet to ſeek whether the Popiſh or Reformed Religion were the right Religion, and were aſhamed of the former Zeal of Church and State to preſerve the people of this Commonwealth from Romiſh Doctrine, Worſhip and Tyranny; and did now think their natures and Religion more milde then when ſo much Blood of our now glorious Anceſtors was in cool blood moſt inhumanely ſhed by them, for holding, that the Pope and his Biſhops could not make an Article of Chriſtian Faith, much leſs were to be beleeved or obeyed in things contrary to the Canon of the Scripture; or, that the very body of Chriſt now glorified in Heaven was not in ten thouſand places at one time upon earth: of many of which Popiſh Books both their Titles and Contents, we do hereafter give a Catalogue, and do keep in our cuſtody one of each to make good our Information, if ſo commanded: And although upon the Titles of moſt of the Books there be Paris, or other places beyond the Sea, prefixed, as if they were printed there; yet we, and all the Bookſellers and Printers in London, that have ſeen or ſhall ſee7 them, do upon ſuch ſight know that they are printed in London: And the Founders of Printing-letters that live in London, do infallibly know, that the letters with which the ſaid Books are printed, were by them caſt and made in London.
The Premiſſes conſidered, we do humbly pray the§. 4Parliament, for the ſake of our dear Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, in behalf of our ſelves, and all the many thouſands of Gods people in England; yea and again, moſt heartily implore the Parliament, and every Member thereof, by Gods and mans expectations, your own publique Profeſſions and Engagements, and as ever you expect to appear before God with comfort, who hath put power into your hands to do much for his beloved Spouſe and Cauſe; That you would ſtir up your Strength and your Zeal againſt the Enemies of both the Souls and Bodies of the people of this Commonwealth, By ſuppreſſing Popiſh and Blaſphemous Books, which are the Nurſery of Error, Idolatry, and Rebellion, Putrefaction and Shame of a Nation, Provocation of Divine Vengeance, and High-way to eternal Perdition: And that if the Act now depending, concerning the Company of Stationers and Printing, do not make ample proviſion in the Premiſſes, it may be accommodated to the aforeſaid purpoſe, as well as any other: And to the end ſo good a work may be accompliſhed, and effectual means may be applyed, we ſhall humbly offer our Propoſals (if commanded) how it maybe done, without any trouble or charge to the State; In the mean time begging leave, that without offence we may ſay, we humbly conceive, that we ſhall deſpair of ever ſeeing a ſufficient Redreſs in this caſe, unleſs8 the way of Licenſing Books, by faithful able men that are ſound in the faith, be ſtrictly enjoyn'd, and an equitable penalty layd upon all that print and publiſh, or cauſe to be printed and publiſhed, any Book not Licenſed, and the ſaid penalty to be recovered by any that ſhall proſecute the Offender at the Common-Law, with good encouragement to the Proſecuter.
And laſtly, Leaſt the Parliaments great Affairs about War and Peace ſhould hinder ſuch inconſiderable Informers as we are from being heard, we do beg (in the Name of Chriſt) of all perſons, of all degrees, whether Miniſters of the Goſpel, Gentlemen, or others, by what Names ſoever diſtinguiſhed, that are or would be eſteemed real Friends to true Religion, the Parliament and Commonwealth of England, That they would improve all the intereſt they have both in God and men in authority, for the effectual Suppreſſion of Popiſh Books, and ſtopping the growth of Popery.
The ſame Requeſt to the Parliament and aforeſaid Perſons we humbly deſire may extend unto other Blaſphemous Books alſo; The Names and Blaſphemies of ſome of which we likewiſe herewith tender.
1. THe Golden Treatiſe of Vincentius Lirinenſis, 1651.
2. The Verity of Chriſtian Faith, 1651.
3. The Felicity of a Christian Life, 1651.
4. The Profit of Beleeving, 1651.
5. Saint Auſtin's Care for or the Dead, 1651.
All which forementioned Books have more or leſs in them in favor of the Popiſh Religion, as cunningly inſinuating, that the Romiſh Church is that Univerſal Church to which all muſt neceſſarily adhere, &c.
6. Parſon's Reſolutions, as he firſt put it forth without Bunny's Correction.
7. Sales his Introduction; a Book burn'd as Popiſh in the late Arch-Biſhops days, as having many of the groſs Points of Popery in it.
8. The Holy Court; which Book, with the other two foregoing it, are ſo well known to many Schollers and judicious men in England to abound with Popiſh Errors, that we need but name them.
9. The loſt Sheep returned home, or the motives of the Converſion to the Catholike Faith of Tho: Vaine, D. D. Laboring by a great ſhew of Learning and Argumentation to evince the Popiſh Religion to be the onely true Religion, the Church of Rome the onely true10 Church, and infallible; maintaining Latin Service, the Communion in one kind, and moſt of the groſſeſt points of Popery.
10. A Miſsive to his Majeſty K. James, by Dr Carrier, written 39 years ago, and reprinted 1649. containing the Motives of his Converſion to the Roman Religion, with Inducements to that King to turn Papiſt: The Publiſher endevoring to make Luther, Calvin, Beza, &c. odious; inferring from Mechanicks Claim to the Pulpit, the Diſagreement that is among our ſelves, and the miſcarriages of particular perſons; That our Religion is falſe; glorying much in the Converſion of many Proteſtants to Popery of late; as, Dr Vaine, Hugh Paulin, Hen: Ireſon, N. Read, Mr Rich: Nicholls, Mr Rich: Mileſent, Mr Rich: Craſhaw, Mr Will: Rowlands, Mr Thomas Normington, Mr Joyner, Mr Blakiſtone, Mr Edward Barker, Mr Eaton, Mr Peter Glue, Mr Jackſon, Mr Cooper, Mr Jo: Crighton, Mr Andrew Youngston, Mr Hugh Roſs, Mr Tho: Johnſton, Mr William Simple: Perſwading, that things being fallen to ſuch an unconceivable Confuſion in England, it is no matter of wonder that ſo many turn to Popery, but that more do not follow.
11. The Love of the Soul, by G. M. The whole ſcope of the Book is to perſwade people, That the Church of Rome is the one only true Church, and that ſeparation from her is ſinful and damnable; and at the end of it are prefixed ſome Popiſh Queſtions in Rhyme, which were anſwered by Mr Samuel Hiron forty years ago.
1112. A Manifeſt touching Mr W. P. Averſion from the Proteſtant Congregation, and his Converſion to the Catholique Church: Maintaining all the groſs Points in Popery, affirming the Roman Church to be the only true Church, to which all muſt joyn, from which none muſt ſeparate upon pain of Damnation; That ſhe is infallible, and cannot teach any thing repugnant to the Word of God, no more then God can teach contrary to himſelf; And that Proteſtants have no true Scripture to build their Faith on.
13. The Examination of the late Act of the Convocation at Oxford, containing their Reaſons againſt the Scotiſh Covenant and Presbytery.
The whole drift of this Book is to deny our Religion to be true, becauſe of the Diſunion between the Epiſcopalians and the Presbyterians; To ſlander and reproach our Captains that led us out of Romiſh Egypt; aſſert Traditions in the Popiſh ſence, the Sacrament of the Maſs, Prayers for the Dead, Purgatory, and Invocation of Saints.
14. A Treatiſe entituled, The Right Religion Evinced, by L. B. 1652. Tending to prove, That the Romiſh Church is the true and only Catholique Church, Infallible Ground and Rule of Faith; maintaining the Real Preſence, Adoration and Bowing to the Hoaſt, Altars, Images, Reliques, worſhipping of and praying to Angels, and Saints departed; aſſerting a perfect keeping of the Commandments, The Prieſts power to forgive Sins in a proper ſence, and humane merits; Denying the Actions of Beleevers in Covenant to be Duties, Juſtifying the Receiving the Communion under12 one kind, acknowledging Chriſts Inſtitution to be otherwiſe, but not binding; and that all this muſt be yeelded to if a man would be ſaved.
15. Prayer to the Saints Vindicated, by F. P. 1652. Affirms the Lawfulneſs and Duty of praying to Saints and Angels; That the Saints in Heaven know the ſecrets of the hearts of men upon Earth; That the Saints in Heaven that were poor on Earth have ſuch power and authority by their prayers in Heaven, as to receive into Heaven what faithful rich men they pleaſe; That thoſe that perſevere in the denyal of this Doctrine of Prayer to Saints, muſt periſh everlaſtingly in Hell, where the Saints ſhall ſee them, and rejoyce in their torment; And that no Honor, Worſhip, Adoration, Proſtration both of Body and Soul, is to be denyed the Saints and Angels, but only viſible Sacrifice, which is (ſaid to be) due to God alone.
16. A prudent and ſecure Choyce, being a ſure Landmark to all thoſe who have been toſſed to and fro in theſe wavering times, by H. G. 1650. Beginning his Prologue thus, viz. Sir, Since it hath pleaſed God to put a period to the common profeſſed Religion of this Nation, and that by Authority of PARLIAMENT: in Capitals the Papiſt prints it, and ſo we re-print it, that the Parliament might take notice of it. The Book affirms, That what the Church of Rome holds forth as matters of Faith, are Therefore to be beleeved as infallible Truths: Pleads for real corporeal preſence in the Euchariſt, and offering up Chriſt in the Maſs as a due Sacrifice; maintains Auricular Confeſsion, the viſible Headſhip of the Pope, Prayer to Saints departed, Worſhip to Images, Purgatory, Free-will, Merit of good Works, Tradition, Indulgencies;13 That Scripture is unſufficient to declare its own ſence in things that muſt be beleeved upon pain of Damnation; and that therefore the Church and the Church of Rome is the only infallible Rule both to know what is the Word of God, and the ſence thereof, and what is to be beleeved; and that upon the belief of all this depends our everlaſting welfare.
17. A Treatiſe of Schiſm, by Scot.
18. The Chriſtian Sodality, or Catholique Hive of Bees, by E. P. alias Gage, as is ſaid; Which expounds the Popiſh Primmer, juſtifies their Popiſh Days, Worſhip, and the whole Religion of Popery: printed 1652.
19. The Chriſtian Moderator, printed 1652. the fourth Edition. Pleading for a Toleration of the Popiſh Religion; maintaining the real corporeal preſence in the Euchariſt, prayer to Angels and Saints departed, &c. Putting a painted Gloſs upon the foul face of Popery, to make it appear otherwiſe then it is; Making much mention of a ſweet ſpirit, tenderneſs, humility, mutual Love, &c. meerly to abuſe the people of this Commonwealth; for the world knows, that thoſe vertues never appeared in Papiſts toward Chriſtians of a different Belief, who are not (that we know of) tolerated to profeſs their Religion among them, except by the atchievement of the Sword taken up in their defence againſt Popiſh cruelties: Nor doth the Author in the leaſt demonſtrate how the Proteſtants may be aſſured of a Toleration, in caſe the Papiſts ſhall at any time become the major part, as being impoſſible for him or any others ſo to do, until a Popiſh-General-Councel ſhall cancel ſome of their Points of Faith about the Popes Supremacy, and Churches Infallibility; which Points all Papiſts muſt14 and do believe, notwithſtanding any thing they ſhall ſay to the contrary.
The Names and Blaſphemies of ſome Books not Popiſh.
HOBS his LEVIATHAN, Affirms,
That all they to whom God hath not ſupernaturally revealed the Scriptures, are not obliged to obey them by any other Authority then that of the Commonwealth reſiding in the Soveraign, who only hath the Legiſlative power: p. 205.
That the Kingdom of God we pray for in the Lords Prayer, when we ſay, Thy Kingdom come, is nothing elſe but a Civil Kingdom, governed by Gods Lievtenants and Vicars upon Earth, and not a Spiritual: That the preaching of the Apoſtles was the preaching of this Kingdom: p. 219. 220.
That God hath a Soveraign Prophet and Vicegerent upon Earth, who is a Chriſtian Soveraign, that hath next under God the Authority of governing Chriſtian men; and that by the Doctrine which in the Name of God he commands to be taught as a ſure Rule, we are to examine and try the truth of ſuch Doctrines as ſhall be advanced either with Miracles or without; and that if the Soveraign diſavow them, then we are no more to obey their voyce: p. 232.
That the immortal Soul begins not in a man till the Reſurrection: p. 241.
That the Tormentors of the damned, which the Scripture calleth Satan, Devil, Abaddon, are not any individual perſon, but an office and quality; and that by Satan is meant any earthly Enemy of the Church: p. 244.
That the Torments of the damned after the Reſurrection, ſhall be ſuch an earthly miſery as many men now endure that are alive; that this miſery ſhall be but for a time, and15 that they ſhall then dye again, and be annihilated: p. 245.
That If our Prince cōmand us to ſay with our tongue, We beleeve not in Chriſt, we muſt obey the Prince; and that whatſoever a Subject is compelled to in obedience to his Soveraign, and doth it not in order to his own mind, but in order to the Laws of is Country, that action is not his, but his Soveraigns; nor is it he that in this caſe denyeth Chriſt before men, but his Governor, and the Law of his Country: p. 271.
Aſſerts, that there have been no Martyrs ſince the Apoſtles days, but many have needleſly caſt away their lives: p. 273.
That actions of men can never be unlawful or ſinful, but when they are againſt the Law of the Commonwealth: p. 279. Denying, that the New Teſtament is in any place to any perſon a Law, where the Law of that Commonwealth hath not made it ſo, p. 284. And as much he ſaith of the whole Scripture elſewhere: with a great deal more of ſuch Blaſphemous Stuff.
A Teſtimony to an Approaching Glory, by Joſhua Sprigge:
Aſſerting, That the Sufferings of Chriſt for us were as it were but a Parable, and that Gods heart was not ſet upon the very having a little Blood for the ſins of the people; but taking that Blood, ſpeaks thereby to our Childiſhneſs, who could not ſee how there could be a Reconciliation without Blood: p. 53.
That crucifying old Adams righteouſneſs, is a greater Sacrifice to God then the very ſacrificing of the fleſh of Chriſt: p. 54.
That the Humanity of Chriſt is a Form wherein God appears to the world; there is a higher thing then Beleeving,16 and that is ſeeing and knowing the Father without a Form, manifeſting and revealing himſelf in his own immediate Light; this I deſire you to wait for, ſeek for, preſs towards, p. 56. And that So a Beleever doth when he goeth to God in the ſame Unction that was poured upon Chriſt Jeſus, and doth not formally make uſe of the Name of Chriſt, as a man would uſe the name of ſome great man, and beg for his ſake, p. 58. Calls it weakneſs to think that Chriſt doth procure the love of the Father, p. 59.
The Racovian Catechiſm, printed (as in Latin, ſo alſo) in Engliſh: Denying the Divinity of Chriſt, and the Divinity and Perſonality of the Holy Ghoſt, that Chriſt made Satisfaction for our ſins: with many other abominable Errors.
A Book written by Biddle, maintaining that the Holy Ghoſt is not God.
Concerning which two laſt Books, namely, the ſaid Catechiſm in Latin (not Engliſh) and Biddle's Book, we cannot but thankfully acknowledg that the Parliament have ſhew'd their diſlike of them, by cauſing a few that could be taken to be burnt: But alas, there is no ſtanding penal Law (that gives ſufficient encouragement to the Proſecutor, and inveſteth the Maſter and Wardens of the Company of Stationers, or ſome others, with ſufficient Authority) to deter men from Writing, Printing and Publiſhing the like for the future; whereby it comes to paſs, that ſince the execution of that Juſtice ſome have preſumed to publiſh the foreſaid Catechiſm in Engliſh, in affront to the Parliament, and chiefly to the Lord Jeſus, who is the true God and Eternal Life, to him be Glory both now and for ever. Amen.
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