THE Engliſh Guſman; OR THE HISTORY Of that Unparallel'd Thief JAMES HIND.
I Shall not be tedious before I give you the chiefeſt things done in his Life; but firſt I ſhall deſire you to take notice what his Father was; how hee was bred up to Write and Read, though hee took no delight therein; next, how be was bound an Apprentize; which was but a ſlaviſh life to him; and how it was his fortune to meet with ſome Robbers, by whom he was tutored: and further how, after many Robberies, he was at laſt favoured by a WITCH, who gave him an Enchantment for a certain Time; which having obtained, he moſt ordinarily Robbed by himſelf; but the time expiring, and his Enchantment growing out of date; he lay as open to be taken, and to the Law as any other Thief, as here after will appear: And laſtly, the manner of his Apprehenſion, his Examination before the Councel of State, Commitment to the Gatehouſe, from thence to Newgate: and the Diſcourſ that paſt in Newgate between his Father, Wife, and Himſelf: Alſo his Arraignment, Tryal, &c. But this by the way; Now to the Hiſtory it ſelf.
FOR his beginning it was derived from the Loynes of a Sadler, who lived in Chippingnorton, where his abode was for many yeers, in good Reputation and Credit, and having but one onely Son, did reſolve (ſo far as he was able) to beſtow on him a Portion of Learning; and thereupon ſet him to School to read Engliſh, and•o Write, where he was for the ſpace of Two years and pro••ed little or nothing, for his minde fancied other things: And if there were any Robberies Committed, he would importunately enquire the Manner of it, and delighted more in ſuch Relations, then in my thing that tended to his Book, and was very•••able in Jeſting; (yet loved not learning) and his Father perceiving his diſaffection thereunto, and to other, A•ts which he would have beſtowed upon him, and finding him uncapable, (or rather unwilling) to proceed in the ſame any longer; did take him home to ſee if he could learn him his own trade, but his minde ſtill wandering, twas in vain for his Father to inſtruct him in that Trade, ſo that his Father bound him an Apprentize unto a Butcher in the ſame Town, where he lived for the ſpace of a year, ſtill ſtudying how he might releaſe himſelf of that Bondage, thinking every other two, till he was at his Free Liberty, which he obtained; as you ſhall ſee in this enſuing Chapter.
How Hind run from his Maſter.
HIND living but a weary life with his maſter, would often complain to his fellow Apprentize of their Slaviſh life and condition, and told him, That it was better to rob on the high way, then ſo to ſpend his life, and ſo reſolved to enlarge his reſtraint; and upon a time he puts on his beſt apparel and goes to his Mother and deſires leave of her privately (unknown to his Father) to go to London; and there he told his Mother, he had a friend that in a ſhort time would procure him a place to his content; the good old woman loving her onely ſon ſo dearly, (being her onely joy) that ſhe would not ſeem to deny him, that requeſt; but gave him forty ſhillings, and promiſed to furniſh him with no more money, untill ſuch time as he ſhould be placed; ſo that now he gives his maſter the ſlip, and travels towards London, and upon the Rode he overtakes ſome Carriers, of whom he asked ſome queſtions, but they anſwered him but ſaucily, whereupon Hind ſtrikes one of them to the ground, but the reſt ſeeing that, fell upon him, and intreated him with many ſower blowes, and at laſt being parted, Hind tells them that he would requite their cowardlineſs; as afterwards he performed by robbing them, as ſhall be intimated hereafter.
What befel him when he came to London.
HIND being now come to London, did meet with many of his friends, and acquaintance, and one night being drinking in the City, and too long ſtaying by the good liquor, made Indentures as he went by the Counter, (a Trap to catch ſuch Rats, was forced to take a nap before he went any further, and after his firſt ſleep, awaked and looked about him, ſaying, This is a large houſe and may entertain many gueſts, but I do not intend to keep my Chriſtmas here; and afterwards meeting with ſome mad Lads (as mad as himſelf) in earneſt reſolved to be drunk ▪ being before but ſpiced a little with the ſame diſeaſe, in jeſt; now they drink and roar, fearing neither Cunſtable, nor Watchmen, (to come to diſturb them) and at this place Hind became acquainted with**Allen was in the Counter for being drunk. Allen, who now is one of the chief Rogues in the Pack and promiſed Hind to entertain him as his ſervant, and to learn him ſuch an Art, as would for ever make him a Gentleman, Hind being willing to imbrace his proffer, (to be a Gentleman) vowed, To ſerve him in any thing: ſo the morning being come, they payed their Fees, and were diſcharged; now Hind is very obſervant to his new Maſter, and thinks his money well ſpent in the T•pling houſe, by that means to get ſo good a Maſter, in ſo ſhort a time; Allen takes his ſervant to the Tavern to conſult of ſome points, that they may loſe no time.
How Allen inſtructs his new ſervant, and ſets him to rob a Gentleman.
ALLEN being at the Tavern with the reſt of his Crew, began to drink merrily; but Hind being ſomewhat modeſt, went from the table, and ſtood by them leaſt his new Maſter ſhould think him Sawcy if he were too familiar, ſtill expecting what rare Art his Maſter would teach him; Allen ſeeing his young man in a Study took him aſide, ſaying, I would have you be as my companion and friend, and not as a ſervant, neither do I look for any ſuch reſpect as you do give me; you ſhal eat and drink as I do, and if I have money, you ſhal have part, and want none, and if I want, you muſt help to get ſome as well as you can: In ſhort, Hind condeſcended, and they ſwore him to be true to their Gang; which being done, they admit him as a Brother of their Company: And now to Fleſh him they determined, and went to a ſtable, where were many brave Horſes: Allen bid him chuſe his Horſe, and to take which he liked beſt; whereupon Hind did chuſe the very beſt (and Allen and his Gang wondred much to ſee what an audacious ſpirit their new Brother had:) Now they go to Shooters-Hill, where preſently they diſcovered a Gentleman and his ſervant coming towards them; and Allen bid Hind to ride alone up to them, and they would lie in an Ambuſh if occaſion ſhould ſerve; thereupon Hind rides to them (being already tutor'd to the purpoſe) and bids them Stand, and deliver ſuch money as they had, otherwiſe he would preſently be their death; The Gentleman not willing to die, preſently gave him Ten pounds, which was all the Gentleman had; Hind ſeeing it was all he had, ſaid, Sir, here is forty ſhillings for you to bear your Charges; in regard it is my Handſale; the Gentleman anſwered, I wiſh you better luck with it then I have; ſo Hind took his way, and came to the reſt of the gang;5 and Allen praiſed him for learning his Art ſo quickly, ſaying, did you not ſee, How he rob'd him with a Grace.
How Hind ſold his Horſe to a Citizen of London.
HInd having Liberty to ride where he pleaſed, having his Art already ſo perfectly; upon a time took an occaſion to ride to Barnet, where he took up his Inn, and there met with ſome Gentlemen, and were very merry together; and after Supper, Hind went to**He fed him with fleſh. feed his horſe, and ſee him dreſt, and ſome of the Company went with him (but chiefly a Citizen) and when they came into the Stable, the Citizen looked upon all the Horſes, wiſhing, he had a better then his own; his being the worſt; and ſwitching the horſes, at laſt ſwitched Hinds, which leapt with ſuch courage, as made the young Citizen wiſh him his own; and asked the Hoſtler, whoſe horſe it was; the Hoſtler anſwered, it is the Gentlemans in the gray ſuit. I wiſh he would ſel him me, ſaid the Citizen; In the interim, Hind came into the Stable where the Citizen and the Hoſtler were; The Hoſtler ſaid, Sir, will you ſell your horſe: Hind ſaid, that money would buy him; Sir, ſaid the Citizen, I have a good Gelding here, but that he is out of fleſh; what ſhal I give you, and my Gelding, for your Horſe, Hind ſaid, Sir, you ſhal give me five and twenty pound and your Gelding; The Citizen told him it was too much; yet ſaid he, I will give you 20 l. in Gold and my gelding, which is worth 8 l. for your horſe: Now he ſtrikes him earneſt with a piece of gold, Hind loving that kind of money, yeilded that a bargain; the Citizen had the beſt bargain, if he could have kept the horſe; though he bought him by Candle-light: The Citizen pays Hind the reſt of the gold, and gives him a pottle of ſack for good luck; after their mirth they go to bed. In the morning, Hind, out of courteſy, would have the Citizen on his way; but as they rod, Hind found fault that he rayned his horſe too hard, ſaying, he is tender mouthed, and you will put him quite out of his pace: But they now riding in Endfield-Chaſe, Hind deſired the Citizen to let him ride the horſe, and he would ſhew him how to pace him right; the Citizen eaſily believing what Hind ſaid, alighted, and mounted the horſe that Hind rid; Hind finding himſelf well ſetled on his own horſe, paced him a little way; Sir, ſaid Hind, you ſhall ſee his true pace the next time you ſee me; ſo he rod at full ſpeed till he was out of the Citizens ſight: the Citizen began to wonder at this ſudden change, ſtill thought that Hind was but in jeſt; but when he found it in earneſt, wiſhed that he had never ſeen Hind nor his horſe: But wiſhing was in vain! for Hind was ſooner out of the Citizens ſight then out of his minde: for his minde was ſometimes of his gold, and ſometimes of the horſe; not knowing which was the greateſt loſs to him. Being in this ſtudy, he was recolected to his ſenſes by ſome Company; who asked him the reaſon of his melancholy; to whom, when he had related his bad fortune, thought to have had ſome comfort of them: but it proved otherwiſe; for inſtead of comforting him, they fell a laughing and jearing him. The Citizen ſaid, Gentlemen, forbear, for this is worſe then the loſs of all, to be laughed at.
Hinds return home to Allen, and what hapned afterward.
HInd rod merrily home, giving his Maſter a good account of the time he was abſent, ſhewing him the Citizens gold, and telling him the jeſt: Allen laughing at his new ſervants forwardneſs, highly commending his wit to other of the gang; who were much in love with their new Brothers conceits. Having all a fancy to travel, they go into the Countrey; under many diſguiſes they rob: Sometimes with a Coach: ſometimes as Noblemen and their ſervants: much harm they did, undiſcovered: but riding along, they ſpied a Gentlemans Coach coming full of Gentlewomen, whom they ranſack of their money, Jewels, Rings, and the beſt of their Carriage, leaving them but two horſes to draw their Coach, which before had ſix: Now they leave the Ladies with their ſlow driving, to overtake them if they can: They having their bie-places to unload7 their carriage, and divide their ſpoyle: made themſelves merry with a portion which was to be the preferment of a young Lady; but being paid before ſhe was married, ſpoiled the ſport: for the young Gallants love was not ſo hot, but this newes quickly coold it: Which ſhewes that money is the chiefeſt drug, to put off a homely piece of fleſh in theſe days.
How Hind parted from his Company, and appointed to meet them at a certain place; and how he robbed two Gentlemens ſervants; and cauſed a Parſon to be apprehended for a high-way-man, and eſcaped himſelf.
HInd being informed of a Purchaſe, deſired leave of his gang, to go by himſelf for a day, and appointed them to meet him at a certain place; but his plot failed: and being vext, he not much minded his way, but rod on another road, where he eſpied ſome gentlemen drinking at an Ale-houſe on horſe-back, having ſent their ſervants before: Hind paſſed by them; but riding at a good rate, quickly overtook the Gentlemens ſervants, who rod but eaſily: Hind being with them, ſaw by their Portmantles that there was money in them; bid deliver the money, or he would be their death: they being not uſed to fight, yeilded unto him; but he ſeeing their delaies would breed danger; with his dagger-knife, cut open the Portmantles, and took out the money, and tying the baggs together, laid them before him and rid full ſpeed away: one of the ſervants rod to acquaint their Maſter, who preſently perſued Hind hard: Hind met a Parſon and ſaid to him, Sir, I am like to be robbed, you muſt ſtand to it now for your own good as well as mine: they would have this money from me, which you ſee. Come Sir, be of good cheer, one honeſt man will skare ten theeves: you ſhall have one of my piſtols: ſo Hind gives the Parſon a piſtol ready cock't and charged, and bids him fire at them that come firſt; while I ride down to the next Village and raiſe the Countrey-people to be our help. The Parſon having taken a cup too much at a wedding, was pot-valliant, and rid up boldly to the Gentlemen, and fired his Piſtol at them;8 but being too far off, did no execution to either of them; but he rid nigher to them, and flung the Piſtol at one of them, that he had like to have knockt him off his horſe: the Gentlemen ſeiſe on him, and take him priſoner: the Parſon cries out, ſpare my life, and you ſhall have all my money: no Sirra, ſaid the Gentlemen, we will have you hanged: what? a Parſon and rob on the high-way: they preſently hale him to the next Juſtice of the Peace, which was very near: when they came before the Juſtice, they told him, That they were robbed of almoſt two hundred pounds; and that this Parſon was one of the Theeves: the Juſtice marvailed that ſuch an apparent teſtimony ſhould come againſt the Parſon of his Pariſh.
The Parſon by this time was come to himſelf, and deſired the Juſtice to give him leave to ſpeak for himſelf: being licenſed to ſpeak, he ſaid to the Juſtice, Sir, you have known me this twenty years, and no man can ſay I have wronged him of a penny; much leſs this which is laid to my charge; Sir, I ſhall tell you ſo much as I know of this buſineſs: as I was riding in my way home, I met a man who had two baggs of money before him, who told me that theeves perſued him, and he deſired my help; and ſaid that I need not fear, for One honeſt man would beat Ten theeves: ſo he gave me a Piſtol charged, cockt and primed, and bid me fire at the firſt that came, while he raiſed the Countrey men to aſſiſt us: but when theſe Gentlemen came down the hill, I rod up to them, and fired my piſtol among them, and when I had ſo done, I flung it at this Gentlemans head, thinking they had been**Pointing at one preſent. theeves: Sir, this is all I know of the matter. The Juſtice laughed to ſee the Parſon of his Pariſh apprehended for a high-way-man; ſo the Juſtice paſt his word for his appearance the next Aſſiſes: who when he was brought before the Bench, was**He might have been hanged. cleared: But he made a vow never to fire Piſtols more.
How Hind came to his Company ſhewing them the money; and what hapned to them at the ſame time.
HIND having Eſcaped by leaving the Parſon in the••rch: came to the place appointed by his Companions, where being merry he ſhews them his daies work; one of the**A good ſervant. ſervants of the houſe over-hearing their diſcourſe: told his Maſter of it, who to clear himſelf of them: hearing ſo many Hew and Cries abroad for ſuch men, went and acquainted the next Conſtable of it: who went for a warrant to apprehend them: Hind having a quick wit, did gueſs by the peoples ſtaring up to the windowes, that they were diſcovered: he then ſpeaks to all his Company to ſhift**He provides for one. for themſelves: he takes one of his bags and goes into the ſtable: and mounts his horſe, and was gone before any of the other could finde their cloaks and neceſſaries to be going: there came in this mean time many people in, who filled the yard with noiſe, that they could ſcarce hear one another: Allen to appeaſe the multitude, flung handfuls of money among them: ſaying, Good people forbear coming any farther, and be civil: for we are Gentlemen: and to the contrary expect death ſome of you: Now Allen and his Comrades deſcend the ſtairs with their ſwords drawn and their piſtols cock't; the Townſmen being but ſlightly armed, they found ſmall reſiſtance: for more came to ſee then to fight, Allen makes his way to the ſtable: where they mounted all their horſes, and rod out at the back gate of the Inn: but riding hard they met with hew and cries, which had raiſed the Country, who fell foul upon Allen and his lads; but Allens men being well mounted, much injured the Country men: who had no more minde now to follow them: Allen being free from trouble as he thought, yet ſpared no horſe fleſh to be out of the way: but being twenty miles off that place: now thought himſelf ſafe: where after ſupper he went to bed; he had not taken his firſt ſleep before there were ſearch made all over the Town for ſuch men: who at the laſt came to the Inn where Allen lay: the Conſtable being ſomewhat10 ſilley, was ſatisfied with a reaſonable Anſwer: for they came to his Chamber, where by his attend•nce he ſeemed to be ſome great perſon:**The Counſtable was a ſoftly man. Allen was amaſed to ſee ſo many lights, and w•tchbills, in his Chamber, ſaid Mr. Counſtable, You might have been more civil, then to preſs into my Chamber**A great miſtake. at this time of the night: Sir, ſaid the Counſtable I was commanded ſo to do: I would your torches and candles were all out, ſaid Allen, otherwiſe I ſhall not ſleep:**He ſpeaks to his man. Jack: give the Counſtable five ſhilings to make his watchmen drink: I thank you ſir ſaid the Counſtable, I ſee you are an honeſt Gentleman now: Good night ſir: Good night Mr. Counſtable: I pray let me hear no more of you.
The Counſtable deſcending the ſtairs; ſaid to ſome of his watchmen, I am ſorry I have troubled the Gentleman: did you not ſee what a glorious ſhute lay on the Table: I'll warrant it coſt twenty Nobles, at leaſt: his men I beleeve are all Gentlemen or Gentlemens ſons; good lord! If I had taken theſe men for the Robbers, What ſhould have become of me, and**Pointing to all the watch. you too: one of Allens men came down and called for a pint of Sack in a Gallon pot: the Counſtable drank Sack like ſmall Beer, till the watchmen were troubled to carry him, for go he could not; ſo we leave the Counſtable drunk as he is: and return to Allen: who is in a ſweat.
How Allen cauſed his men not to go to bed, but to ſit up and drink, fearing leaſt a plot ſhould be laid to take him: and how in the morning he would have robbed a Steward to a Noble man.
WHEN Allen's men came from the Counſtable, he ſaid to them, How goes the ſquares abroad: they anſwer him very well: feel my hands ſaid Allen, If I was not in a fear when they came: well we are much bound to God that he gave this Counſtable no more underſtanding; otherwiſe we might have lookt out at a grate by this time; I hope that**Meaning Hind. James is well, for I love him dearly; Gentlemen, I ſhall deſire you to ſit up this night for fear of the worſt: ſo Allen made as11 though that diſturbance would not let him ſleep any more that night: ſaying, When my firſt ſleep is broke, I can ſleep no longer: ſo he ſends one of his ſervants to the Hoſt of the houſe to come and drink with him: who being a good fellow, never denies drink, came willingly to Mr. Allen: (who told him, he was ſorry there was any diſturbance in the houſe; but being in all other Inns, he hoped he would not be offended: No, no, ſaid Allen, I am not troubled, but onely for my**He could not ſleep in quiet for fear of taking. ſleep: but this ſhall be your penalty that you drink all night with me; ſir, ſaid the Hoſt, I ſhall fulfil your deſire: then ſaid Allen I will riſe; there being a great fire in the room: their drink was muld ſack till morning: which when it appeared he cauſed all his men to be in a readineſs for to take horſe: and accordingly his deſire was accompliſhed, ſo taking leave of his Hoſt, rod away: but riding by-ways becauſe of the hew and cryes overtook a Gentleman riding with a port mantle behinde him: Allen uſed ſome diſcourſe; and among the reſt asked if he lived thereabouts: he anſwered yes, I am a ſteward to a noble man in theſe parts, and I have been to fetch in ſome rents that lay forty miles off: Allen was glad when he heard he had money: ſaid, ſir, how do you think I maintain all theſe Gentlemen: ſhall I tell you: I borrow of thoſe that are not**Moſt ſtewards are knaves in their•earts willing to give or to lend: ſir, ſaid the Steward you are merrily diſpoſed: and are willing to try my patience: I ſpeak in earneſt ſaid Allen, therefore unto your portmantle: ſir, ſaid the Steward, if you will have it, I cannot now gainſay it: I am a ſervant, and if you take this money from me I am undon; but I will direct you to a greater purchaſe if you let me eſcape: to this Allen conſented: the Steward pulled out of his pocket a Letter, which his Lord had ſent him, ſignifying that one of his Lords Creditors was come from London for two hundred pounds, which was to be paid as ſoon as he came home: this ſomewhat ſatisfied Allen; who ſware the Steward to be true to them, and he ſhould have ſhare of what they got: the Steward guides them to a friends Inn of his, where they lay ſecure. till he brought them news of the Merchants travelling, they ſoon ſtayed his journey by21 eaſing him of his money: thus you may ſee how ſome men to ſave themſelves from a little harm, will eaſily undo other men to get gain:
How Hind Robbed a Gentleman on foot, and furniſhed himſelf with a horſe, money and cloaths.
HIND having never a horſe whereby his trade fail'd him, was reſolved to get one, or to follow the trade on foot: hearing of his**His Maſter was hanged. Maſters misfortune, grieved him much; but being paſt, he reſolved to forget, and caſt it out of his minde. And now to colour his knavery, puts himſelf in the habit of a Shepheard, with a long ſtaff in his hand: and ſo travels towards Cambridg; where in his way he eſpies a Gentleman coming down a hill leading his horſe in his hand: Hind, as if he took no notice of the Gentleman: went whiſtling the tune of an ordinary Pſalm: when the Gentleman came to the foot of the hill where Hind now ſtood whiſtling his Pſalm: the Gentleman enquired of him the time of the day; he anſwered him very civilly: but as the Gentleman was getting on his horſe, Hind hit him with his long pole ſuch a ſtroke between the head and the ſhoulders, that he made him tumble on the ground: Hind preſently took his money, cloak, horſe, and ſword, and left him his old coat, and his pike-ſtaff, to beat one the hoof as he had done, giving him twenty ſhillings back to bear his charges: but to this day, the Gentleman loves not the tune of a Pſalm.
How Hind after he had left his company, Robbed a Doctor of Phiſick of forty pound in Gold.
HIND having left his Gang, and now riding by himſelf made a vow never to keep ſo many lads company; for being but a little in drink, you might eaſily underſtand what they were, which would endanger all their necks: therefore to ſave himſelf as long as he could, ſhund all their company:12 and reſolved to ride only by himſelf; and what he then got, was not to be ſhared: riding and muſing, he came to a Hill, where he alighted, and as he came down, ſaw a Handkerchief full of little Boxes and Papers, he takes them up and looks in the boxes, and there was pills gilded; and in the papers certain minerals and powders: Hind very carefully carries them, knowing that ſome Doctor or Apothecary had loſt them: being now at the foot of the hill, he mounts his Cheval, and away he rides the beaten Road: The Doctor which had loſt theſe things, by chance miſſes them, and rides back, remembring he had them when he came down the hill: He meets Hind, who ſeeing him in that civil habit, did gueſs him to be the man who had loſt thoſe things. The Doctor ſaid, Sir, I pray did you ſe a handkerchief with Phyſical things in it? Hind anſwers him, I did take up ſuch a thing on the hill, and here it is at your ſervice: The Doctor ſaid, Sir, I cannot go with you to the Town to requite your courteſie, but I will engage you to go to a Knights houſe hard by, whether I am going, and we will have a bottel of ſack, and a game‖‖The Doctor was a gamſter. at Gleek or Cribidg, and to morrow I will have you five mile on your way; to this††Their bargain is now made. Hind agreed; and now they ride together to the Knights houſe, where the Doctor was very familiar; and ſaid, Sir William, I am come once more, and have brought my friend with me to be merry to night: The Knight bid them welcome; and having them into his Parlor, where two or three friends were at cards: the Knight makes Hind welcome, and drinks to him a boul of ſack; and after ſmall intreaty, Hind makes them all merry with one pretty**He was bold enough Jeſt or another: Then the Knight deſires the Doctor and Hind to play a game at Gleek with him; being ſet to it, they play high: twelvepenny Gleek, and ten ſhillings the beſt Trump: ſupper being ready, they were called from the ſport; Hind having loſt about five pound, with modeſty, left off: the Knight having loſt twenty five pounds to the Doctor, who won thirty pounds in all: Now they go to ſupper, where with much mirth they paſs away the time; after ſupper they go to cards again; the Doctor quarrels with Hind, and taxes him with foul play; Hind knowing how the caſe ſtood, yeilds it a loſs, and leaves off play with the Doctor; the14 Doctor playes till he had won fifty pound of the Knight; being late they give over, and after a cup of ſack they go to bed: Hind and the Doctor lodge together; when they were in their Chamber, Hind invites the Doctor to a Dinner at the next Town, and their bargain is to go**He had better have ſtaid, or gon with company. privatly (being the Doctors deſire ch•efly) after the Doctors pipe was out, he puls out his money and told it on a table; the ſilver he put by it ſelf into a Cabinet which was given him by the Lady of the houſe; but the gold he put in a little bugle purſe and kept it in his pocket: In the morning early, Hind gets up, and cals the Doctor, who preſently aroſe, and went to the ſtable, and ſo mounted their horſes: and now they ſtudie what to have for their**He gave him a Breakfaſt indeed. Breakfaſt when they come to the Town; but as they rod, Hind and the Doctor could not agree: many words paſt; but in the end, Hind ſeeing his oportunity, ſaid, Sir, I muſt have your purſe of gold, therefore make no delay, but deliver it to me: The Doctor ſeeing no remedy among all his receits for this diſeaſe, delivered it to Hind: well Sir; ſaid Hind, I ſhall deſire one curteſie more of you Mr. Doctor; that you ride back and excuſe me to the Knight and his good Lady, and tel them, that my mind run ſo much on your gold, that I could not take my leave: The Doctor rod back with a heavie heart and a light purſe: but being come home to the Knight, he did his Errant, whereat they laughed; and he was not a little jeared of a Breakfaſt:
How Hind was betrayed by two whores: who ſent two highway men to take his money: undhow he killed one of their horſes, and robd the other of his money.
HIND being now full of gold, paſt away the day very merrily, and towards night, rides to an Inn which ſtood in a privat road, where it ſeems ſome highway men did uſe; after he had ſeen his horſe carefully dreſt and fed, came into the houſe, where were two handſome Ladies by the fire; he beſpoke a good ſupper, and invited the Ladies to it, when ſupper was ready: he called for wine, and made them merry; they ſeemd very coy to him; but he knowing their humor,15 puld out of his pocket a handfull of gold,**He was never no great ſinger ſinging the Song, of Maids where are your hearts become; Look you what here is! after much mirth, to bed he went; he had not been long a bed; but the two men came in who kept theſe two whores, to whom they ſaid, that there was a gentleman in the houſe that had abundance of gold about him: they reſolve to watch his going, and to follow him in the morning; Hind being wakefull, roſe early in the morning and was mounted before thoſe Lads were ſtirring; when they heard his horſe praunce, they looked out of a window to ſee him; but the theeves ſeeing he had ſo good a horſe, were like to fall out who ſhould have him: one ſaid,**'Tis not good to diſtribute that one has not I will have the horſe, and you ſhall have his money: nay, ſaid the other, I will have his horſe. They quickly made themſelves ready, and rod after Hind; when they had overtaken him, they asked him which way he rod, he anſwers them, towards Cambridg: they tell him they would be glad of his company: now riding in a place where no people were nigh, one of the theeves ſings‖‖He jears Hind, holding money in his hand Maids where are your hearts become, Look you what here is! Hind ſeeing their intent, and knowing he was betrayed, anſwers them in the ſame tune: Now you Rogues,††He draws a privat Piſtol. you are both undone * Look you what here is, fyring at one of them, by chance ſhot his horſe in the head: the horſe preſently fell down with his Maſters leg under him: the other ſeeing this, betook him ſelf to flight, but Hind quickly overtook him, and made him deliver ſuch money as he had: cutting his girts and his bridle made him work enough to catch his horſe again. Hind now rides to the other theif who now lay in little eaſe: he alights a•d puls the horſe from his leg, and then helps him up, and takes away his money alſo, ſaying, is there but one Maſter-Thief in England, and would you venture to rob him: verily, were you not of mine own profeſſion; neither of you ſhould††He talks more then he means to do. have lived; but ſeeing you ventured hard for it, thou deſerveſt ſomething: ſo Hind gave him his money back which he had taken••om him, to buy him another horſe: ſaying to him,**Pretious Counſel. Remember what I ſay unto you: Diſgrace not your ſelves with ſmall ſums, but aim high, and for great ones; for the leaſt will bring you to the gallows: Hind ſhaking the poor thief by the hand, left him to his partner to**Small comfort to walk on foot. catch his horſe, and bid him farwell.
How Hind was Inchanted by a cunning woman, who after ſome diſcourſe ſwitched him with a Charmed Rod ▪ not to be taken or harmed during the time this Charm ſhould laſt; which was for Three years.
AFter Hind had robbed the High-way-men of their money; It was his chance to ride to Hatfield, lying at the17 George-Inn, being then the Poſthouſe; where he very merrily ſpent the evening with ſome Gentlemen that were there: In the morning very early Hind cals for his horſe, to b•g•n; being now mounted he takes leave of all thoſe Gentlemen that were ſtirring; as he rod along Hatfield, at the Towns end, an old Ill favoured woman asked an Almes of him: his horſe preſently ſtaid, and would go no further; Sir, ſaid the old woman, I have ſomething to ſay to you, and then you ſhal be gon; Hind not likeing her Countenance, puld out five ſhillings and gave her, thinking ſhe would but like a Gipſee, tell his fortune: Said, good woman I am in haſt; Sir, ſaid ſhe, I have ſtaid all this morning to ſpeak to you; and would you have me loſe my labour: ſpeak your mind, ſaid Hind.
The old woman began thus:
Captain Hind, You ride and go in many dangers; wherefore by my poor Skill, I have thought on a way to preſerve you, for the ſpace of Three Years: but that time being paſt, you are no more then an ordinary man, and a miſchance may fall on you, as well as another: but if you be in England, come to me, and I will renew the Vertue of this Charm again: in ſaying theſe words, ſhe puld out of her boſom, a little box, almoſt like a**This Star was at the end of a needle, like a dyal. Sun Dyal, and gave it Capt in Hind, and ſaid to him, When you are in any diſtreſs, open this, and which way you ſee the Star turn, ride or go that way, and you ſhall eſcape all dangers: ſo ſhe ſwitched him with a white Rod that was in her hand, and ſtrook the horſe on the butto•ks, and b•d him farwell: the horſe preſently leaped forward with ſuch courage, that Hind could not turn him to give her thanks; but gueſſing it was her will it ſhould be ſo, rod on his way. The time of this Charm was expired in Ireland about ſome two months before Youghall was ſurpriſed by the Inhabitants for the Commonwealth of England, where Hind was wounded: as hereafter you ſhall hear in his Voyage to Ireland.
How Hind robbed a Captain upon Chaulk hill in Buckingham-Shire.
AFter a day or two, Hind rod into Buckingham Shire, where he was acquainted with many Gentlemen: and paſſing away the time till his oportunity ſerved: It was his chance to ride towards Chaulk hill; Hind eſpied a little before him, a Gentleman and his ſervant who were alighted to walk down the hill: The Captain gives his horſe to his man, and bids him ſtay at the Stile till he came down: the Captain having occaſion to untruſs a point, ſtaid under a little hedg: Hind watching his oportunity, rid ſoftly till he came near the Captain, and ſeeing him in good cloaths, rid haſtily up to him, and bid him, Deliver: The Captain was amazed at this preſent action of Hind, who all this while held a Piſtol at his breaſt: Hind bids him diſpatch; for tis not my cuſtom ſaid he, to ſtand manding; but I demand, and look you make no longer ſtay: the Captain deſired him to forbear: till he was truſt up: Hind giving him ſo much leave, ſaid, your money Sir. The Captain ſeeing it could not be helpt by delays, delivers him thirty pieces of gold: Hind ſaid, Sir, I take this in part, I ſhall not be too mercenary upon you at this time: and ſo he rod down the hill where the Captains man ſtaid with his Maſters horſe: Hind ſaid, Sirra, is that your Maſter on the hill: he anſwers him, yes Sir: then ſaid Hind, I ſeldom take any thing from the Maſter, but I give the ſervant ſomething.‖‖He gives him ten ſhillings. here is ſomewhat for thee to drink my health: prithee tell thy Maſter, my name is Hind.
How Hind robbed a Gentleman of one hundred and fifty pounds, near Nottingham.
HIND travelling up and down at laſt met with a luſty young fellow whom he had formerly known: and asking him many queſtions, among the reſt: ſaid, Jack, If thou**You may gueſs that he was well bred. Wilt live with me thou ſhalt have money at command or any thing you want, Jack knowing partly his trade, gave conſent; Hind preſently bought a good horſe for his man; and furniſhed him with Cloaths, a ſword, and ſmall piſtols: being well fixed away they travel towards Nottingham; and as they rod they chanced to come into an Inn, where a Gentleman and his man were newly come before them: Hind rides to the ſtable door, where the Hoſtler was a taking of the other Gentlemans portmantle, the Hoſtler ſaid, it is but a little pormantle, but it is very heavy: Hind, well eying it ſaid to his man: Jack, enquire cuningly which way this Gentleman travels to morrow: So Hind went in: and when ſupper was ready, they went to ſupper together: after the Gentlemen had ſupped the ſervants fell too: and Hinds man gives the other Gentlemans ſervant a pint of Sack: and after ſupper Jack gives him ſome Spaniſh Tobaco, and now they begin to be great acquaintance; ſo they go together into the ſtable to ſee their Horſes dreſt: Jack asked the Gentlemans ſervant, which way they rod in the morning, he told him towards London, my Maſter, ſaid Jack, rides that way too, I think, now Jack having as much as he deſires, went to ſee what his maſter wanted: Hind bids his man get his ſlippers ready, and pull off his boots: which being done he takes his leave of the Gentleman, and goes to bed: when he came into his Chamber, he asked his man which way they went: Jack tels him: In the morning Hind rides firſt: but the Gentleman ſtays to eat his breakfaſt: after he had done he rod on his journey, and riding by a wood where Hind and his man lay in ambuſh for them: Hind rides out to the Gentleman, and with his Cane ſlaps him over the pate: ſaying, have I nothing to do but to wait on you: Jack, takes his Portmantle off: maſter, tis heaheavy:20 Sir, ſaid Hind to the Gentleman, you are ill beloved in the Country that you cannot get gold for your ſilver: Jack rides back to the Gentlemans ſervant and ſtrik•s him over the pate, ſaying, You Rogue, muſt I ſpoil my horſe to carry your Portmantle;**Jack ſtrikes him again. muſt I, muſt I, you Rogue.
Hind and his man rid away; leaving the Gentleman and his ſervant: looking one upon another, almoſt amaſed at this ſudden accident; the Gentleman at the laſt cheers up himſelf, and ſayes to his man; I was robbed between ſun and ſun, therefore the Country muſt pay me again: ſo they ride back to make their redreſſes: where we leave them to get their money if they can.
Hind and his man ſpared no horſefleſh till they were far enough from the Gentleman: for they rid all the by wayes, that it had been hard for any one to follow them; being at a place, where he knew himſelf ſafe, he looked in his Portmantle, where he found one hundred and fifty pounds. He leaving his man at this place; went himſelf into Gloceſterſhire, where he met with a Farmer, and had good ſport with him, and at laſt got his money.
How Hind robbed a Farmer.
HIND riding between Gloceſter and Tewxbery overtook a Country-Farmer, who had money about him, to whom Hind had ſome diſcourſe, and as they were riding; Hind ſhewed him one of the States twenty ſhilling peeces, asking him, how he liked it: the Country Farmer replied, it is a very fair peece, I would I had one to carry home with me: If you pleaſe, Sir, I will give you one and twenty for it; Sir, ſaid Hind, being you are deſirous of it, you ſhall have it; the Countryman pulled out his long purſe, and told out one and twenty ſhillings and gave Hind; ſo Hind gave him the peece of gold, ſaying, do not put it among your ſilver, for it will waſt the gold: well, ſaid the Country man, I'll put it in my little pocket then in a paper to keep it; Hind, ſeeing his purſe, longed21 like a woman with child till he had it: ſaid to the Farmer Sir, I want a little ſilver to buy a commodity that I have uſe for: nay, ſaid the Country man you ſhall have your gold again: the old ſaying is true, one may buy gold to dear: Hind ſaid, tell me not of old ſtories, but give me your money, for I will have it by fair means or foul: nay, ſaid the Country man I will not fight, but if you have it, I'll go to law with you, if there be any law in England: Hind told him, that he cared more for the Lawyers, then the law it ſelf: and would be glad to meet them any where: your money, your money, ſaid Hind, I do not uſe to ſtay ſo long for ſo little money: the Farmer pulls his purſe out, as if all the wealth of**There was but ten pound in the purſe. Preſto John or of the Indies had laine in it: but Hind receiving the purſe made light of it, ſaying, this is an ill daies work, but I will make it better before night: If God ſend you good luck ſaid the Farmer, I hope you will give me my money again: yes, yes, ſaid Hind, and many thanks; then I ſuppoſe ſaid the Farmer you are no common thief, but one that will pay what you borrow: Hind asked him where he lived, that he might come and pay him: the Farmer told him, and ſo Hind parted from him: the Farmer went home thinking Hind would come and pay him his money again: ſhewing all his neighbours his new gold, and told one of his neighbours how he was ſerved: his neighbour ſaid, you may hang him if you will; No, no, ſaid the Farmer, I will not hang him becauſe he let me have his gold ſo willingly.
How he jeſted with a Butcher that was his friend.
HIND riding neer Chippingnorton, met with a friend and acquaintance of his; but Hind being in a diſguiſe of falſe hair and a falſe beard: would not make him acquainted who he was: but bid him ſtand and deliver ſuch money as he had, the Butcher ſaid, You come in an ill time, for I have newly paid away all my money; but I have ſix ſhilling left, if that will ſerve your turn you ſhall have it: Hind ſaid, any money:22 for, I am like an Angler that muſt refuſe no bite: for I may as well catch a fry, as a great fiſh. Hind having his money rod a little way, and pulled of his diſguiſe and returned to his friend; and ſaid, how eaſie it is to deceive an honeſt man: Hind gives him his ſix ſhillings again; and gave him alſo a twenty ſhillings peece to buy him a pair of gloves: after a little diſcourſe they parted.
How Hind ſerved two Bailiffs and a Ʋſurer:
HIND riding through a little Town in Warwickshire, ſaw a tumult in the ſtreet; ſo he rid up to them, and deſired to know the occaſion; one told him that an honeſt Innkeeper was arreſted for twenty pounds, and that the man was undone if he had not ſome relief ſpeedily; So Hind asked the man if he would give him any ſecurity, if he ſhould pay the money for him; the poor man being overjoyed for this unlook'd for news: told him he would make over all he had for the ſecurity; ſo Hind had the Ʋſurer and the Bayliffs into the houſe, Hind deſired the bond, paid the Ʋſurer all he demanded: giving the Bayliffs their Fees, and Cancelled the bond: Hind ſent for one to make over the Inkeepers goods to himſelf, which being done, they departed: Hind being not unmindful to enquire of the Ʋſurers way he was to go; went after him, and ſaid, friend, I lent you twenty pounds: but I muſt have it again; the Uſurer ſaid, you paid me ſo much money on a bond; Hind ſaid, it is no time to diſpute it now: ſo Hind took from the old Uſurer, his twenty pound, and twenty pound more which he had got by his Uſury: ſo Hind rod back to the Inn, and gave the Hoſt his writing again, and five pounds, and told him, that he had good luck by lending his money to honeſt men, the Uſurer came after to the Inkeeper thinking to get ſome money of him: but the Inkeepeer fell up•n the Uſurer and did beat him almoſt to death: ſaying, you rogue, I am ingaged in all that I have for the payment of the money, and if you be robbed, ſhall I pay you. I will, I will. ſo this was all the Uſurer got by Hind.
How Hind fought with a Gentleman, and after gave him his money again.
HInd Prauncing the road in Yorkſhire, by chance overtook a Gentleman and his ſervant; which Gentleman was riding to London to pay his Compoſition: This Gentleman had ſent moſt part of his mone•to London by Bills of Exchange: yet his man was forced to carrie one hundred pounds behind him in a Port-mantle: Hind riding by, asked the Gentleman many odd queſtions, and among the reſt he ſaid, Sir, I am a Gentleman, and ſince I came from my houſe I have bin an**He ſaid true. ill husband: now I am in want, and ſhould deſire you to lend me ſome money: Sir, ſaid the Gentleman, you are but a ſtranger to me: and I have no reaſon to part with money to any upon ſo little acquaintance; but rather then you ſhould be diſgraced on the road, I ſhall lend you twenty ſh•llings: Sir, ſaid Hind, I thank you for your love; but I care not for ſuch ſmall ſums, when there is greater in the‖‖He points to the port-mantle. place: The Gentleman quickly underſtood his meaning; and ſaid, Sir, you muſt fight for it if you have it: with all my heart, ſaid Hind: and you ſhall not fight for nothing; for I will ſtake my horſe to one hundred pounds: and thus it ſhall be, whoſoever drawes the firſt blood, ſhall have all; and if you win my horſe, you ſhall give me; your mans to ride on; and if you loſe your money, I will give you ten pound out of it toward your Charges: to this the Gentleman agrees: they ride out of the way about a flight ſhot, where Hind ties his horſe to a hedg, and the Gentleman gives his horſe to his man to hold: now they draw, and at the firſt paſs, Hind ran the Gentleman into the ſword-arm; the wound was but ſlight; yet being their Ingagement was ſuch, the Gentlemans man yeilded Hind the Victory; Hind receives the††He give him 10l. back. hundred pound of the Gentleman: and ſo they mount their horſes: Hind being of a Noble ſpirit, ſaid, Sir, we muſt not part thus, I will give you a very good dinner if you pleaſe to accept of it; the Gentleman thankt him, and rod with him; and as they were riding, Hind asked the Gentleman whether he was travelling; the Gentleman ſaid, to London; I am going to pay my Compoſition;24**Smites his hand on his breſt. I wiſh I had no occaſion there: Alas poor Gentleman ſaid Hind, you have ſorrow enough, and it hath been my ill fortune to augment it,††He gives the Gentlemans ſervant the mony again ask now any thing that lies in my power, and you•hall command it: Sir ſaid the Gentleman, I ſhall deſire nothing more then your**He did but Complement to Hind. friendſhip, which I ſhall value above any earthly thing: I am beholding to you for your care of me: for if I had loſt this hundred pounds, I had been undon; being nigh the place, it broke off their diſcourſe. Hind be ſpeaks the beſt proviſion that can be got, and then ſends for a Chirurgion to dreſs the Gentleman; which being done, they fell to the victuals, and made themſelves merry with many odd jeſts; when they had repoſed themſelves a while, Hind paid the reckoning privatly, and came in to the Gentleman, and ſaid, Sir, you are the firſt man that ever I hurt on the road, and I am heartily glad there was no more harm: ſo giving the Gentleman a word to paſs all highway-men, called for his horſe, and bid him farwell.
How Hind was made a Captain at Colcheſter.
WHen the Riſing was in Kent and Eſſex, Hind was among them: being belov'd of many wilde Gentlemen, who ſtill call'd him Captain at every word; Hind ſaid, Gentlemen, you call me Captain; but I will deſire you to call me ſo no more, till I am one, or may deſerve it: the Gentlemen ſaid, we wil ſpeak to Sir William Compton, who wants a Captain in his Regiment of foot: they all go to Sir William Compton, who knowing Hind, ſince he was wont to borrow his horſe, to do many mad pranks: forgave him all that was on the old ſcore, and began a new one with him, giving him a Commiſſion for to be a Captain; Hind being in Command, ſwagred at no ſmall rate, he ſtill having a minde to his old trade of taking, and uſes it for recreation ſometimes; but when the Lord General Fairfax beſieged Colcheſter and took it, Hind was in a maze; but being then guided by his Art, eſcaped in Seamans apparel on foot: and afterward got himſelf a horſe by a very pretty Conceit, as in the next Chapter you ſhall hear.
How Hind got a gallant horſe, having ſpoiled his own by an unfortunate leape.
HIND being a Gentlemans houſe, where he was wel entertained, after dinner he would ſhow them ſome ſport, with his horſe: thy young Gentlemen being deſirous to ſee it: got their horſes ſadled, and rid with him; he leaped many places, and ſhows them many fine tricks, but by chance, leaping over a gate that was very high, inſomuch, that the horſe ſtrained his back, that Hind durſt not ride him on a deſperate deſign: ſo taking his leave of the Gentlemen, he rod to Sturbride fair, where he ſaw a Gallant Horſe, which was to be ſold: Hind being on his own horſe, asked what the price of that horſe was; the Horſecourſer that was to ſell him, ſaid, fourſcore pound is his price: Hind, ſaid, ride him along: the man rod him well; but Hind had a minde to uſe him better: and ſaid to the Horſecourſer; I prithee put my ſaddle on the horſe: that I may try him: He did ſo, and held Hinds horſe: which to ſight was as good as the other: Hind rid the horſe a little way and trotted him back, and asked the Horſecourſer, whether he he had a good Gallop; yes, Sir, ſaid he, Gallop him and try: Hind gallopt him ſo far, that he returned no more: leaving his horſe with the Horſecourſer, to make the beſt uſe of him: which once was better, but now may lye on his hands: Hind being well horſed, rod till he came to a place: where ſome of his Companions ſtayed for him: but when he come to the place, they were extream glad to ſee him ſo well mounted: they preſently asked him, how he came by this brave horſe, and what he gave for him: He anſwers them thus: Gentlemen, how long ſhall I tutor you; will you never underſtand this; to deceive the deceiver is no deceit? I had him of the Horſecourſer at an eaſie rate: whereat they fell a laughing at the conceit: and ſo mounting their horſes, away they ride together.
How Hind robbed a Gentleman in Yorkſhire, and afterwards came to the Inn where he lay to ſup with h•m, but did not.
A Gentleman coming from York, intended his journey for London, but by accident met with Hind; who ſoon made him deliver what money he had. Hind gives him back twenty ſhillings to bear his charges, till his credit would furniſh him again; ſo the Gentleman rode on his journey to the next Town, where he was well known by an Inkeeper; there being alighted from his horſe, deſires the Hoſt to get ſomewhat ready for his ſupper, ſo the Gentleman went to his Chamber; in the mean time, in comes Hind, and askes, If there were any Gentlemen that went for London; the Hoſt anſwered, yes, There was one Gentleman alone, and he would he glad of any good Company. So Hind went up to the Gentleman's Chamber and ſaluted him: The Gentleman ſaid, Sir, ſit down, and I will tell you how I was robbed to day, and I durſt have ſworn you had been the man, but that your**He wares a Periwigs ſometimes. hair is ſhort, and his was long. Sir, ſaid Hind, do you know his horſe; yes very well, ſaid the Gentleman; To ſatisfie you, ſaid Hind, you ſhall ſee mine: So Hind went down and fetch'd his horſe out of the Stable, and asked the Gentleman, If that were the horſe; he anſwered, I, I, that's the horſe. Then, Sir, ſaid Hind, I cannot ſup with you to night, if you know my Horſe better then my ſelf. So he bids him good night.
How ſome of Hind's Companions robbed a Gentleman: and, how Hind met him, and gave him mony to bear his charges, and afterward met him in London, and paid him the reſt.
HIND and his Gang, riding merrily along, met accedentally with one of Hind's friends, who was very glad to ſee Hind, and to have ſome private diſcourſe with him: Hind deſired his Companions to ride before, and he would overtake them: Hind and his friend went to a houſe hard by that27 place, where they might diſcloſe their mindes to each other; the whilſt his mad Gang rid on their journey: where in the way they met a young Gentleman; theſe lads bid him ſtand, and makes him deliver ſuch money as he had, leaving very little to bear his charges, and rod from him: the Gentleman kept on his way, and as he rod met with Hind, who bid him Stand, and deliver: the Gentleman ſaid, It was the laſt thing I did: for four Gentlemen in ſuch**He deſcribes their cloaths. habits met me and took all my money from me: Hind knowing they were his Companions, ſaid, did they leave thee any money: very little, ſaid the Gentleman: Sir, ſaid Hind, I ſee you look but melancholly on the matter; deal ingeniouſly with me, and tell me how much they had from you: In troth, Sir, ſaid the Gentleman, it were a folly for me to bely my own purſe: they had about twelve pounds from me: Hind pulls our five peeces of gold, and gives it the Gentleman, ſaying, Sir, here is this in part, and when I meet you next, I will give you the reſt: the Gentleman giving him many thanks, would have parted from him: Hind ſaid I have one thing more to ſay to you; here are many wags abroad, and they will have this money from you; therefore if you meet any; tell them the Fidler is paid, and they will let you paſs: ſo Hind bid him farewel; the Genteman had not rid far, but he met with ſome blades, who bid him ſtand; Gentlemen ſaid he the FIDLER is paid: they being ſatisfied with this anſwer; asked him which way the FIDLER went: he giving them the beſt direction he could, parted from them. Hind afterwards met this Gentleman in London, and paid him the reſt of his money, and gave him a Dinner.
How Hind ſerved a Committee man, who diſguiſed himſelf for fear of robbing.
A Committee man having occaſion to travel from Warwick towards London for to buy many commodities, hearing that there was robbing in that road, fitted himſelf with an old gary coat out at the elbowes, and an old mare, with28 bootes inſteed of ſtirrups, hung at a Saddle, that was not worth three pence, and a bridle of the ſame price, now rides he merrily thinking no highway man would ſet on him, but money ill got will be ill ſpent; for he chanced to meet with Hind who asked what he was: he replyed, that he was an old man going to get relief among his friends: Hind gave him a peece in gold, and bid him drink his health, and be merry at his Inn: the old miſer thinking to pleaſe Hind, coyned two or three great oathes preſently and ſaid, he would be drunk with drinking his health, ſo Hind parted from him, and the old man went to his Inn, and ſet up his mare, then called for half a pint of Sack; and after the firſt glaſs was down, he began to ſay, that he eſcaped the greateſt danger that ever he was in; for, ſaid he, I met with Hind; and inſteed of robbing me, he gave me a peece in gold; and bid me drink his health, but I'll ſee him hanged before I'll ſpend one penny for his ſake; hang him Rogue, he robs all honeſt men, onely Cavaliers, he lets them go: I'll put his gold among my own: I would have given ten pound to have been rid of him when firſt I met him; ſo after a ſhort ſupper went to bed. Hind came to the Inn, uſing to lie there, as a traveller not known: the hoſt was telling him in what fear an old Committee man was to day, ſaying, he met with Hind, who gave him money to drink his health; but he ſaid he would ſee him hanged firſt, and called him rogue a thouſand times: Hind went to bed, and let the old man travel firſt in the morning, and about an hour after, Hind rides after him: when he had overtaken him: he asked the old man, if he drank his health; I, Sir, ſaid he, I was never ſo drunk in my life, as I was the laſt night; for I drank the Kings health, the Queens, the Princes, and your health ten times over. Hind ſaid unto him Friend, I have found you in many lies: and now I wil make you call me Rogue for ſomthing: So Hind made him unty his greaſy ſnapſack, where he ſound fifty pound in gold, and his own peece beſides; now the Committee man to cheer up himſelf; reſolved to borrow ſo much money of the State before he went another journey. Hind ſaid, the ſooner you get it, the more money I ſhall have.
How Hind borrowed money of a Tobacco-ſeller, who ſold his Tobacco at Fairs, and to great Inns, and afterward paid him.
HIND having ſome Companions with him more then he thought good, ſent ſome of them to ſeek their fortune by themſelves, he only reſerving two Gentlemen wherein he put great confidence; but money growing ſhort, he deſired them to accompany him, they being as willing to go, as he was to deſire them: as they were riding, Hind eſpies one riding between two Doſſers on a good horſe, ſays to his Companions, I believe that this fellow has money, tis but trying ſaid Hind ▪ they preſently ride to him, and being far from any houſe, they ask him for money, and tel him that money they will have: the fellow was amazed and could not tell what to anſwer: they preſently lead him out**They ſaw people a coming. of the road, and puls him off his horſe, and riggs his doſſers, where they found nothing but Tobacco and pipes, and ſome aquavitae in a bottle: come, ſaid Hind, honeſt fellow will you give us a pipe of your Tobacco: yes, with all my heart ſaid he, and my††They drink his Water, and take ſome Tobacco. ſtrong water too: Hind ſays, honeſt friend, I have but little money, and if you will lend me but three or four pound, I will give you††HIND courts him with good words. five pound for it a week hence upon my reputation: Alas, Sir, ſaid the fellow, I have not much money, and that I have is my Maſters; but rather then you ſhould take it from me by force, I will**He was a cunning Knave. lend you three pounds which I have hid about me: well ſaid Hind, it ſhall be ſufficient: the poor fellow puls off his hat, and in the crown thereof was his money: Hind and his Comrades fell a laughing at this conceit, and ſaid, we might have looked long enough in the Doſſers, and your money ſo ſafe: he delivers Hind 3. pound, ſaying, I hope you will be honeſt, and then you ſhall borrow another time: Hind thanks him, and appoints him a place to pay him. After ten days Hind ſent for this fellow to come to him, who preſently came: Hind gives him 5l. and his belly full of ſack: Sir, ſaid the fellow, I will give you a pound of Spaniſh Tobaco ▪ no do not go ſaid Hind: I live but hard by, at the Conſtables: ſaid Hind, I30 never care to take any of their Tobacco: ſo calling for his horſe, rod away.
How Hind robbed two Captains that had received money to pay their Troops, and after he had conveyed away the money, came back and robbed them of what money they had about them.
TWo Captains, whoſe Troops lay then in Eſſex, had been to fetch money for the payment of them a fortnights pay, having two Troopers and a ſpare horſe with them, whereon the Port-mantle lay which had the money ▪ but they riding by Havaring Park, heard many Gentlemen hollow; ſo they loving the ſport, rid into the Park, and commanded the Troopers to ſtay till they came back: Hind, as his fortune was, came that way, and ſeeing a horſe with a Port-mantle, did gueſs it to be money by the cloſe lying of it ▪ asked what they ſtayed for, they ſaid, for their Captains; as they were in diſcourſe, the Deer and Doggs ran by, which took the Troopers Eyes off their Charge: the while Hind with his Dagger-knife cuts the male-girts, and takes the Port-mantle and laies before him, and rides away; but when he was juſt ſetting ſpurs to his horſe ▪ one of the Troopers cries out, The Port-mantle's gon, The Port-mantle's gon: The Captains being amazed at this newes, rod after Hind; but he had delivered up his Treaſure to**His Companions waited his coming. thoſe that ſtood redy for it; and returned a little way, where he eſpies only the two Captains coming, who rod at him a tilt; but he knowing how to ſave one, ſhund their firſt incounter, and out-rid them again; the Captains followed him hard; at laſt he turned ſhort and came in the rear of one of them, and puld him by his long Belt, that he made him lie on the ground, and the fall ſo much amazed him, that he could not riſe to catch his horſe: Hind was preſently up with the other, and was ſo rough with him, that he cryed, Quarter: Hind feels his pocket, where was a very fine watch and ten pieces of gold: Hind cuts his bridle and girts, and turns his horſe going, and preſently went to the other, who as yet, was ſcarce in his ſenſes; yet delivers Hind ſuch money31 as he had: the Troopers by this time were come up: but their horſes were ſo tyred that they, could gallop no longer: Hind flung them twenty ſhillings to drink, and bid them farwel.
How Hind neatly robbed a Parſon of forty pounds in gold, which he had hid in the Coller of his Doublet; after he was robbed of all his ſilver the day before.
A Parſon riding from Coventry towards London, by petty theeves was robbed of his Silver: but having forty pounds in gold about him reſolved to go on his journey: and as he rode, Hind overtook him, and asked the Parſon which way he travelled: the Parſon told him that he intended for London: but I was almoſt prevented, for to day I was robbed of five pounds in ſilver, and the knaves left me but five ſhillings. Sir, ſaid**He tels him a lie. Hind, I was robbed of a little ſilver to day alſo: for a man were as good let them have it quietly, as indanger ones life to reſiſt; but I was cunning enough to hide my gold in my boots, before I met them: nay, I believe, ſaid the Parſon, that mine is as ſafe; for I have quilted it in the Coller of my Dublet: Hind was not a little glad when he heard where his gold lay: but being neer their Inn, they ſupt together, and went to bed; in the morning the Parſon called**He had been better have let him ſleep. Hind up, and told him, he would be glad of his Company: after breakfaſt they rid together; Hind asked the Parſon if he could gueſs what trade he was; no ſaid the Parſon: then ſaid Hind, I am a Cutter: for I muſt cut the Coller of your Doublet off, before I ſhall come to your money: having ſo done, he left the Parſon forty pounds lighter, then he found him.
32How Hind robbed two Lawyers.
TWO Lawyers that had got money enough in their Circuit, were reſolved to return to London: and now being33 on their way, Hind overtakes them: and askes them which way they were travelling: they told him, to London: I go there too ſaid Hind: we three may make a fine Company, for we may travel as**He faigns himſelf a good huſband. cheap as two; but as they were riding, the two Lawyers diſputed much on points of the Law: Hind being almoſt dulled with their Diſcourſe, ſaid, Gentlemen, what point of the Law will you give for this; ſuppoſe I take both your monies from you, and give each of you a ſmall ring in lieu of it. One of the Lawyers ſaid, it doth weaken the Law much; but becauſe we are two, and you but one, we may hang you: ſaid Hind, In troth I will try the title: ſo having a Piſtol ready; made them deliver their money, and gave each of them a ring, and bid them incite him if they would: they ſaid, to much purpoſe, and you'll never come: God be with you, ſaid he.
How Hind overtook a Hop Merchant, being informed before that he had received money, and what hapned.
A Hope-Merchant having ſent many bags of hops to a fair in Oxford ſhire made a good market, and received much money there, came to an Inn where Hind by chance lay: the Merchant delivers his money to the Maſter of the houſe; and deſires him to lay it up till he had occaſion for it: the Chamberlain of the houſe being acquainted with Hind: told him, that there was a Merchant that had brought good ſtore of money into the Inn, and doth intend his journey for London: Hind hoping it would prove a booty for him: ſtaid till the Merchant was ready to take his journey: but it fell out otherwiſe, for the Merchant turned his money into ſuch vendable Commodities, as he thought moſt convenient: ſo he took with him ſome three pounds, his journey being not long: now he cauſes his horſe to be ſadled, and the Pillion for his wife to ride behind him, who was at her Fathers houſe not far from that place: Hind being gone before ſome three or four miles: ſtaid his coming: which was not long before34 the Merchant and his wife came riding: Hind rid up to him, ſaying, Sir, I am informed you carry a good ſum of money with you, and I muſt have ſome. Sir, ſaid the Merchant, I confeſs I had ſo much money to day; but I have made a return of it to London: But if you pleaſe to accept of this, you ſhall have it: Sir, ſaid**Pulling out of his pocket about ſixteen ſhillings. Hind: I ſhould diſgrace my ſelf, if I ſhould rob you of ſo little money: therefore if you will lend me five ſhillings of this mouey, I ſhall thank you: then giving the Merchant the reſt of the money: ſaid, Sir, I do but borrow this money of you: If you do but go to ſuch a place, near White-Fryers, and tell them, that James Hind ſent you, you ſhall have your money again. Sir, ſaid the Merchant, I live at the Anchor and Grown at Billingſ-gate: Sir, ſaid Hind, if you live there, I muſt eat no Oyſters at Billingſ-gate this year: So riding a croſs way bid him farewel.
How Hind robbed a Gentleman in Hide-Park.
HIND being well horſed, went one Evening into Hide-Park to ſee ſome ſport; and riding up and down the Park by the Coaches, ſpies a bag of money by a Gentleman, to whom Hind uſed ſome diſcourſe about the race that was to be ran; but the race beginning, the Gentleman cauſed his Coach to ſtand ſtill, that he might judge which horſe ran beſt: Hind's head being not idle, rod to the Coach, and took the bag in his hand, and rod away; the Gentleman preſently miſſing his money, cries out, ſtay him, ſtay him, I am robbed: many rod after him, eſpecially the Captain whom he rob'd at Chalkhil, who purſued him hard. Hind riding by St. James's, ſaid to the Souldiers, I have won the wager: but holding his bag faſt, his cloak fell off, which he left for them that came next: he riding the way by So-ho left them: but when he came to his companions, ſaid, he never earned a hundred pound ſo dear in his life.
His voyage into Holland, and from thence to Ireland.
ABOUT a fortnight after he was purſued by Captain Evans, and other Gentlemen neer Hide-Park: he thought it not ſafe to ſtay in England: ſhipt himſelf for Holland, and landed at the Hague: after he had been there three or four daies, he ſaw it no place for him: ſhipped himſelf in a veſſel that carried the Scotch King's goods, and landed in that veſſel at Galloway; when he had acquainted himſelf with ſome Engliſh Gentlemen, they adviſe him to go to Ormond: who hearing of his fame in England; entertained him very civilly, and made him Corporal to his Life-gaurd: being now in imployment, he got many mad-lads together and did many robberies with authority: but chiefly this of Caſtle-haven, whom he robbed of fiftteen hundred pounds, and delivered it to Ormond, who rewarded him and his Comrades well for their paines: he robbed many Iriſh Merchants, and other Gentlemen, with other things of great conſequence: afterward he went to Youghall, where he merily ſpent his time, till Prince Rupert went thence: having money enough which he lightly got, furniſhed himſelf with many brave horſes, thinking to keep open trade; but it fortuned otherwiſe: the Gariſon being but ſlightly guarded, the inhabitants ſurpriſed it for the Parliament: Hind being in the tumult was ſorely wounded in both hands with Halberts: but getting into a veſſel that then went to Duncanon, ſtaid there till his wounds were cured: but the plague growing hot at Duncanon; he again imbarked himſelf for the Iſle of Scilly; where he did many tricks, ſtaying there eight moneths, came to the Iſle of Man, where he found ſome work to do, as ſhall be related to you in the Chapter following.
How Hind lived in the Iſle of Man.
HIND came in a ſmal veſſel from Scilly to the Iſle of Man, were he preſented himſelf to the Earl of Darby: who36 hearing of many of his merrypranks, made him welcom: allowing him a certain ſtipend weekly: the Earl often times would ſend for him, to hear ſome of his merry jeſts; and being often in the Earls Company, grew much in his favour: and taking that for a cloak; did much view the Iſland to ſee if there were any hope to uſe his trade; he had not been there much above three weeks before he had robbed ſix or ſeven eminent men of that Iſle: this was novelties to that people, who before he came there, might have rid or gone round that Iſle, with a bag of money in one hand and a ſwitch in the other without fear or danger of loſing it: this ſtrange report came to the Earls ear; who preſently ſent for Hind: In the mean time the Earl told Sir Philip Muſgrave, that he ſuſpected none but Hind to do the feat there: Sir Philip ſaid, my Lord there are many ſtrange Gentlemen in the Iſland, do not judge raiſhly of Captain Hind, he carries himſelf very civilly here; but I confeſs he is a likely man to do ſuch things. Hind in the interim came in, which broke off their diſcourſe; my Lord and Sir Philip ▪ deſired him to deal ingeniouſly with them, and tell them the truth, whether he did thoſe robberies or no: Hind being apt to bluſh, yet ſpoke ſmartly, I proteſt my Lord, your honors tell me news: If any of your Iſland can ſay, and ſwear I robbed them, I will ſuffer your law: the Earl ſaid, Captain Hind, you are the onely man ſuſpected; and the men who were robbed are now in the Caſtle, the Earl ſent for the Gentlemen, who came preſently: he asked them all, if they knew the man who robbed them; they ſaid, very well. The Earl ſaid, pointing to Hind, is he like this Gentleman, they anſwered, no; for he had long black hair, and a great beard (this was a diſguiſe which he wore: but thoſe people did not uſe to ſee periwigs nor falſe beards) then the Earl ſaid to the Gentlemen that he would do his beſt endeavour to find the man by laying wait at all Seaports, and cauſing ſearches to be made; ſo the Gentlemen departed; when they were gone, he ſaid to Hind, Sir, I am ſorry if I have accuſed you wrongfully: deal ingeniouſly with me, and I will give you a ſum of money, and give you under my hand not to do you the leaſt injury: which being done: Hind went to his loding,37 and fetch the Periwig and falſe beard; whereat the Earl and Sir Philip fell into a great laughter: nay, ſaid Hind, let them laugh that win; ſo he laughed too.
How Hind came to the Iſle of Man; and went thence into Scotland to the Scotch King to Sterling.
AFTER Hind had ſtaid in the Iſle of Man thirteen weeks; he began to be weary of the place, becauſe he had not room enough to range about; ſo he ſhipt himſelf for Scotland; when he was landed there, he went to the King at Sterling: the King being informed who he was, had ſome diſcourſe with him, and commended him to the Duke of Buckingham, then preſent; to ride in his troop, becauſe his lifeguard was full: He came into England with the ſame troop; was in the engagement at Warrington, he continued ſtill in the ſame capacity, and came to the fight at Worceſter, and ſtaid till the King was fled: then every one ſhifted for themſelves: Hind being in the City ſaw the gates full of flying perſons: he leapt over the wall on foot by himſelf onely, travelled the Country and lay three daies under buſhes and hedges, becauſe of the Souldiery, afterwards came to Sir John Patkingtons woods, where he lay five dayes; and from thence came on foot to London, by the name of Brown, and lodged five weeks in London.
The true Relation of the taking of Captain James Hind in London.
Vpon the 9. of November 1651. a diſcovery was made of Captain Hind's frequenting one Denzys, a Barber over againſt St. Dunſtans Church in Fleet-ſtreet; he having lodged three weeks before by the name of Brown; this information was communicated to certain Gentlemen belonging to the right honorable Mr. Speaker, who with great care and38 privacy, ſo ordered the buſineſs, that there was not the leaſt ſuſpition, until they came to the Chamber door, which they forced open, and immediately entered with their piſtols cockt, which attempt did not a little amaze Hind; being ſo ſuddenly awaked out of his ſleep, for not above an hour before he had betaken himſelf to reſt (being not very well) as he conceived in ſecurity, but it proved otherwiſe: for one, who had formerly been in the Army, and of his intimate acquaintance, diſcovered him, and went along with the Guard that was appointed to ſecure him, who no ſooner was apprehended, but immediately they haſted him to Mr. Speakers houſe, in Chancery-lane, where they ſecured him for that night.
The next day (being Monday) by order from the Right Honorable the Councel of State, the ſaid Captain Hind was brought to White-hall; where he was examined before a Committee, and divers queſtions put to him, in relation to his late engagement with Charles Stuart; and whether he was the man that accompanied the Scotch King for the furtherance of his eſcape.
To which Hind anſwered, That he never ſaw the King, ſince the fight at Worceſter, neither did he know of his getting off the Field; but he was now glad to hear he had made ſo happy an eſcape.
After ſome time was ſpent in taking of his Examination, it was ordered that he ſhould be ſent priſoner to the Gate-houſe, till the further pleaſure of the Councel of State was known therein; which accordingly was done: the ſaid Hind was guarded with four Files of muſqueteers to the Gate-houſe, where he remained in ſafe Cuſtody that night.
The next day being Tueſday, he was brought back from thence, (by ſpecial order from the Councel of Sate) to New-gate: and accordingly was brought in a Coach with iron bolts on his legs: Captain Compton and two other Meſſengers belonging to the Councel to guard him: and about two of the clock in the afternoon they brought him to New-gate; where Captain Compton ſhewed the Maſter of the Priſon an Order from the Councel for his commitment, and alſo cloſe impriſonment, and to let no perſons whatſoever to have acceſs to him;39 this order was accordingly obſerved: but during the time that the Hole was preparing for him, and the Souldiers which lay there removed to another place: divers perſons frequenting the place to ſee him, asked him many queſtions, to whom he returned very civil and mild anſwers: Among the reſt, a Gentleman born in the ſame Town, viz. Chippingnorton: who took acquaintance of him, and ſaluting him, ſaid; truly, Countryman, I am ſorry to ſee you here; he anſwered, that impriſonment was a comfort to him: in ſuffering for ſo good and juſt a cauſe, as adhering to the King. His Countryman ſaid, to morrow I ſhall return home; and if you have any thing to recommend to your wife, or friends, I will communicate it: I thank you Sir, ſaid Hind; pray remember my love to them all, and ſatisfie them, that although I never ſee them more in this world, yet, in the world to come, I hope we ſhall meet in glory: then the Gentleman took a glaſs of bear and drank to him, which he pledged about half: and filling up his glaſs, ſaid, come taking the Gentleman by the hand, here is a health to my Maſter the King: and God bleſs and preſerve his Majeſty; but the Gentleman refuſing to drink the ſame upon ſuch an account: moved Hind to paſſion; who ſaid, the Devil take all Traytors; Had I a thouſand lives and at liberty I would adventure them all for King Charles: a pox take all turn coates: Forbear, Sir, ſaid the Keepers, and be not in Paſſion: not in the leaſt ſaid he, I am free from it.
His Speech at New-gate.His time being ſhort, ſpoke as followeth ▪
THIS is all I have to ſay to you before I go into the Dungeon, for ſo may I term the place whereto I am going; I would have all men true to their Principles, and thoſe that have laid a foundation for their King, let them endeavour to raiſe it, and thoſe that are on the con•rary Party, let them, endeavour to demoliſh it: As for my part I had not been here40 now, if there had not been a Judas abroad; for indeed I was betrayed by one who formerly ſerved the King; but now he is for you: (which when he uttered, he pointed to a Captain that was preſent) but God forgive him: the Keeper of the Priſon, called him from the fire ſide to the window, and looked upon the iron ſhakels that were about his legs, to ſee whether they were in order: well, ſaid Captain Hind, all this I vallew not three pence: I owe a debt to God; and a debt I muſt pay. Bleſſed be his name, that he hath kept me from ſhedding of blood unjuſtly; which is now a great comfort to me, neither did I wrong any poor man of the worth of a penny; but I muſt confeſs, I have (when I have been neceſſitated thereto) made bold with a rich Bompkin, or a lying Lawyer, whoſe full fed fees from the rich Farmer, doth too too much impoveriſh the poor Cottage keeper: but truly, I could wiſh, that thing were as little uſed in England among Lawyers; as the eating of Swines-fleſh was among the Jews: the expreſſion cauſed much laughter; and many ſuch witty gingles he often put forth: another Gentleman ſtanding by: ſaid, I, Captain, you are not brought hither for robbing but for Treaſon: Treaſon, replyed Hind, I am not guilty in the leaſt; yes, Sir, but you are, for complying with Charles Stuart, and engaging againſt the Common-wealth of England: Alas, Sir, it ſeems, that is enough to hang me: I am afraid, you will finde it ſo, replyed the Gentleman: well, Gods will be done, ſaid Hind; I vallew it not three pence to loſe my life in ſo good a cauſe; and if it were to do again, I proteſt, I would do the like; laying his hand on his breſt: Come, ſaid the Keeper, no more of this diſcourſe; clear the Room: ſo he went with the Keeper to the place appointed for him.
The humble Petition of James Hind, to the Right Honorable the Councel of State; and their proceedings thereupon.
THAT whereas your Petitioner (cloſe Priſoner in New-gate) is unfaignedly ſorrowful for all his late miſcarriages, whether teſtified again him, or acknowledged by him; and that upon earneſt ſeeking of God, and inquiring into his Will, your Petitioner is convinced of his former miſdemeanours and actings; but yet remaineth under the heavy Yoak of Irons and Bondage.
May it therefore pleaſe this Honourable Councel to take theſe Premiſes into your gratious conſideration; and to vouchſafe your Chriſtian favour and clemency to your poor Supplicant, for the ſetting of him free from this intollerable Iron Yoak; for the granting of his friends acceſs unto him; and for the reducing of him from the bare boods, to a more Chriſtian-like Condition:
And your Petitioner ſhall ever pray, &c.
42The diſcourſe between his Father, His Wife, and himfelf, in Newgate, the 28. of November.
HIND's Father hearing of his Sons misfortune, came to London; and brought his Sons Wife with him: but there43 being ſuch ſtrict orders that none ſhould go to him, his Father, and his Wife could not be admitted to ſee him: but lodging at one of the Keepers houſes, the next day was brougt to him: the good Old man with tears in his eyes began to behold his Son, who was kneeling at his Fathers feet; but was ſcarce able to riſe for the wait of Irons that was on his legs: but being helped by his Father, aroſe, and wen•to his Wife, who ſtood wringing her hands, to ſee her Husband in that miſery: She taking him about the neck,The old man weeps. wept to ſee him, kiſſing him a thouſand times; after they had diſcourſed a while: His Father, ſpeaks as followeth.
Son, I hope it is not too late to give you counſel: but I wiſh to God you had taken my former counſel, and then I might not have come here to ſee you; you do not think how much it goes to my heart, and all your friends to think what will become of you.
Father, I hope the Lord will look upon a ſinner that truly repents, and is ſorry from the bottom of his heart for his offences: and I make no doubt, but that the State, will have as much mercy on me, as ever the late King had on Clavil; who was far more in danger then I am now.
Son,Clavil was a great ſcoller, and had many friends. Son, Be not too confident; for when a ſhip is caſt away by bulging on rocks that are neer the ſhore; thoſe that can ſwim may be ſaved, but thoſe that cannot muſt take their fortune. Meaning his reviling ſpeaks in paſſion.Even ſo it is with you: For friends that ſhould ſtir in your buſineſs, I have none; and that which ſhould do you moſt good, doth you the moſt injury: I ſhall deſire you upon my bleſſing to bridle your ſpeech, and let not envy be in your heart to any one: let not this counſel be like water ſpilt upon the ground, but make uſe of it for the beſt.
Father, I ſhall by the help of God follow your advice: and I deſire the world not to look back on my actions; but forward, and they ſhall find me an altered man.
Huſband, I would once more you were at liberty, that I might ſee this change, which would make both ſoul and body happy.
The Keeper having occaſion to be gone, deſired them to depart for that time: ſo taking their leave of him, they went to their lodging.
The Tryal of Captain James Hind, in the Old Bayley with his Examination, and Confeſſion.
ON Friday the 12. of December 1651: About two of the Clock in the afternoon, Captain James Hind was brought to the Bar, before the Honourable Court at the Seſſions in the Old Bayly: being brought with four Keepers to the Bar: divers Queſtions were propoſed to him, which he very mildly anſwered: the Recorder asked him, what Countryman he was, and where he was born: He replyed, at the merry Town of Chipping-Norton in Oxfordſhire: then it was demanded of him, whether he accompanied the Scotiſh King into England; and whether he was at the fight at Worceſter: He anſwered, that he came into England with his Majeſty the King; and that he was not onely at the fight at Worceſter, but at Warrington alſo, wiſhing that it had been his happy fortune there to have ended his daies.
Then ſome farther queſtions were propoſed to him, in relation to his Mad Pranks: To which he anſwered, that what he confeſſed before the Councel of State, the like he acknowledged to that Honorable Court: proteſting his innocency in any matter of Fact or Crime, ſince the year 1649. within any of the Parliaments Dominions. He ſtands indited upon high Treaſon, by the Councel of State, and thereupon the Court made no farther progreſs againſt him; by reaſon that no bill of inditement was brought in; ſo he was ordered to be remanded back to the place from whence he was brought: The time he was at the Bar, he deported himſelf with undaunted courage, yet with a ſmiling Countenance: but before his departure, this is obſervable; that as he paſſed from the Bar, caſting his head on one ſide, and looking as it were over the left ſhoulder: ſaid, theſe are filthy gingling ſpurs; (meaning his irons about his legs) but I hope to have them exchanged ere long; which expreſſion cauſed much laughter. As he paſſed up the Old Bayley towards Newgate, divers people reſorted to ſee him; who asked if he had received ſentence: which words Captain Hind hearing, faced to the left, and45 ſmiling, ſaid, no, no, good people, there is no haſt to hang true folk.
BEING now come to Newgate, many Gentlemen were there to ſee him, and to ask him ſome queſtions: Captain Hind having a little time now more then ordinary, before he went to his old lodging: ſaid, Gentlemen, what is your will with me, I know you long to hear news: they deſired to know how he came off at the Seſſions: he pulling a chair, ſaid, I ſtand but in little eaſe therefore I will firſt ſit down: then calling for a glaſs of Sack drank to them all ▪ ſaying, Gentlemen, I was ſomewhat dry with talking: therefore give me the other glaſs: having drank his Sack, ſaid, Gentlemen, It ſeems that to my enemies I have been civil; there being no bill found againſt me, the Honorable Court onely asked my name, and ſome other queſtions; which I anſwered, not ſeeing any one that would accuſe me: neither could I ſpy, no, not ſo much, as the face of a Thief catcher; (who would if they knew how (not for their conſcience ſake; nor out of love to the Common-wealth) Hang me) but for the lucre of the ten pounds which is the reward; which will make them ſwallow a falſe oath as eaſily, as one would do buttered fiſh: but I have nothing to do with them, nor never had; ſo I leave them to follow the reſt of their Company, which aſſoon as they have oppertunity, will let no time ſlip to help one another to the Gallowes. His Father and his Wife came into the Room, which broke of his diſcourſe: ſo for the preſent taking his leave of the Gentlemen, went with his Father into his own Room, where he lay; being by themſelves, his Father ſaid to him, Son; How much are you bound to God for your good fortune, you ſee many poor men here condemned, who have not been ſo noted as you have been, I make no doubt but God has a bleſſing in ſtore for you; and it is my deſire as a Father to ſee his child do well: So I hope thou will not forget my Councel, but daily meditate on things for thy Soul, and then thou ſhalt be happy.
His Wiſe then rejoycing to ſee him take his impriſonment ſo patiently: ſaid Dear heart, I ſhall viſit you often, but it is46 my grief that I come to a Priſon to you; but I hope you ſhall be releaſed of your miſery, and live once more with me: His Father ſaid, Son, my occaſion calls me home, and I ſhall do you little good in ſtaying here; I ſhall take my leave of you: now giving him his bleſſing, bids him fare-wel; wiſhing him to ſerve God, who would not caſt away a ſinner that doth truly repent: His Wife with tears in her eies gave him a parting Salute; which made the ſtout Captain anſwer the ſame in the like nature; wiſhing he were at liberty to have gone with them: but he ſtill relying on the mercy of the Parliament; made no doubt, but to viſit his friends, before they came to viſit him again; but as yet he lies in Newgate in hopes of a Releaſe.