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Three Excellent Tragoedies. Viz.




WRITTEN, By THO. GOFF, Maſter of ARTS, and Student of Chriſt-Church in Oxford; and Acted by the Students of the ſame Houſe.

The ſecond Edition, carefully corrected by a friend of the Authors.

LONDON, Printed for G. BEDELL and T. COLLINS, at the middle Temple Gate Fleet-ſtreet. 1656.


A Tragedie Written by THOMAS GOFF, Maſter of ARTS, and Student of Chriſt-Church in Oxford; and Acted by the Students of the ſame Houſe.

Monſtra fato, ſcelera moribus imputes,
Det ille veniam facilè cui venia eſt opus.

The ſecond Edition.

LONDON, Printed for G. BEDELL and T. COLLINS, at the middle Temple Gate Fleet-ſtreet. 1656.

TO THE No leſs ingenious then zelous favouorer of ingenuity, Sir RICHARD TICHBORNE Knight, and Baronet.


THis Tragedy, a manuſcript, with another of the ſame Authors, came lately to my hands; He that gave them birth, becauſe they were his Nugae, or rather recreati­ons to his more ſerious and divine ſtudies, out of a nice modeſty (as I have learnt) allowed them ſcarce private foſtering. But I, by the conſent of his eſ­peciall friend, in that they ſhew him rather Omnium ſcenarum homo, to his glory then diſparagment, have publiſhed them, and do tender this to your moſt ſafe protection, leſt it wander a fatherleſſe Orphan, which every one in that reſpect will be apt to injure with calumnious cenſure. Now if you vouchſafe to receive and ſhelter it, you will not onely preſerve un­blemiſh'd the ever-living fame of the dead Author, but aſſure me that you kindly accept this humble ac­knowledgement of

Your moſt obliged and ready reall Servant, RICH. MEIGHEN.

The Names of the Actors.

  • Bajazet, Emperour.
  • his Sonnes.
    • Mahomates
    • Achomates
    • Corcutus
    • Selymus
    • Thrizham
    • Mahomet
  • Achments a Generall,
  • Cherſeogles Vizerory of Greece.
  • Baſſes.
    • Iſaack
    • Meſithes
    • Muſtapha
  • Solyman Selymus ſon.
  • Cajubus, Achmates ſon.
  • Alexander Biſhop of Rome.
  • Zemes, Bajazets brother.
  • Tartarian King.
  • ArmeniKing.
  • Aſmehemedes Mahomets followers.
  • Hamon Bajazets Phyſician, Jewiſh Monks.
  • Herauld.
  • Dwarfe.
  • Nemeſis.
  • Capaines.
  • Ambaſſadors.
  • Janizaries.
  • Souldiers.
  • Nuncius.

THE RAGING TURKE, OR, the Tragedie of BAIAZET, the ſecond of that name.

Actus 1.

Scena 1.

Enter Baſſaes, Iſaack with a Crown in his hand, Mu­ſtapha with a Scepter, Meſithes with a Sword, they Crown Corcutus youngeſt ſon to Bajazet.
LEt the world feel thee, and thoſe Demigods,
Proud with the name of Kings, debaſe themſelves
To honour thee; this Crowne commands as much
He crowns him.
Wherewith I do inveſt thy happy brow,
Happy indeed, if that ſucceeding times
Shall ſet up vertue, ſo to leſſen crimes.
Thus from the aſhes of dead Solyman
Is rais'd another Phoenix, great Corcutus;
Live equally adored: when Princes bend
To better courſes, all their ſubiects mend.
Crowns make not Kings, nor can that glittering ſhew
Perfect thine honour, take another ſigne
〈5 pages missing〉
6Of thy Imperiall dignity, tis thine.
Gives him the Septer.
That addes a God-like grace unto thy brow,
This binds due honour, that proſtrates every knee
Before thy throne: then live, and may that arme
Secure thy ſubjects from all forraigne harme.
What ſeaſoned knowledg, learnings prudent Queen
Hath bleſt thee with, muſt now initiate thee
In the pathes of warre. All ſtudied Arts
Are but degrees unto ſome wiſhed end,
And ſteps of hope whereby we do aſcend
Unto the top, and levell of our thoughts.
But Kings then prove moſt happy when they are
Watchfull in peace; and provident in warre.
Thoſe are their utmoſt ends, which that they may
O'retake, Art and the Sword make faireſt way.
The Muſes nours'd thee up, and thou didſt draw
The pleaſant juice of learning from their breſts
In thy firſt nonage; here then we beſtow
The ſecond help, to which good Princes owe
Much of their welfare; Swords are the firſt ground
Of peace and war; they both defend and wound.
Thus are we vow'd to thee, let thy dread fame
Thunder amazement through the ſpacious world
That when thou lifts thine arme, thy foes may ſay
Showts 3.
Not Jove, but great Corcutus rules the day.
Which that applauſe hath crowned, and with it
Will ever, ſpight of traytors, joying ſit
As now we do; nor ſhall my watchfull care
Be wanting to you, whilſt this ſubtil ayre
Feedes mine induſtrious ſpirits; I ſhall fill
The good with joy, by cutting off the ill
Corrupted rags of men; Jove let me ſtand
An object in thine eye, when thy ſwift hand
Fails in the ſtroke of Juſtice: Vertue, returne
7 From thy ſad exile, I will purge the walls
From ſpotted vice, and make this city free
To entertaine ſo faire a Queene as ſhee.
Then (Baſſaes) I embrace what you have throwne
Upon me, and theſe ſignes of honour thus
Gives them back
We re-beſtow; their power ſtill ſtayes with us.
Could this vaſt body of the Common wealth
Stand faſt without a ſoule, each man ſhould ſee
I am not greedy of this dignity,
This burdenous weight which ſome muſt undergoe:
The gods are buſied with diviner things,
And put Earths care into the hands of Kings.

Actus 1. Scena 2.

After ſome clamors of applauſe. Enter Cherſogles, and Achmetes at ſeveral doores.
And is Bajazet arriv'd?
So fame reports
Yet how he doth digeſt Corcutus Raigne,
That every Bird ſings not; but ſure with paine.
A Turkiſh Bajazet and ſuffer wrong,
May for a time conceale his griefe, not long.
Eagles ſoare high, and ſcorne that ſhorter Plumes
Should reach the clouds, which their proud wings can touch
Corcutus muſt not raign to keep the right
Due to his father, nor will he if he might:
Enter Iſaack
Hee's learned, therefore juſt; Arts not allow
To weare a Crown due to anothers hrow.
Dar'ſt thou oppoſe his greatneſſe? is not Greece
Already wrackt enough? have thy proud Towers
8 reard up their loftie ſpires? which ſteep'd in blood,
threw a reflex of red backe to the clouds,
and bluſh't at their owe ruins? are thy crude wounds
already ſtopt, and is that day forgot,
in which the Turkiſh Mavors Ottoman,
wielded a ſword of death within thy Walles?
Charon grew weary with hurrying ſouls to hell,
when threeſcore thouſand Greeks in one day fell.
We know their force, and ſad experience ſays,
Move not again. Greece welters ſtil in blood,
and every crackling thunder of the heavens
ſpeaks the ſhrill eccho of the Turkiſh drums.
Then are we drawn by you, ſo let it be,
about theſe great affairs as you decree.
This phraſe becomes the Greeks, ſubmiſſive ſtates
muſt bend, the Conqueror muſt rule the fates.
And ſuch are you, our vanquiſht hearts muſt bend,
but bad beginnings have a fatal end.
Me thinks I ſee great Bajazet in armes,
ſpreading his fearful Enſignes in the ayre,
like ſome prodigious Comet: we may feare
ſpeedy revenge, unleſſe ſome quick advice
works a prevention of his future hate.
Tis he muſt ſway the Scepter, or we ſhall heare
a dreadful defiance ratled in our eare:
hee's ſtrong in friends, and power; we muſt deſcend
to our juſt duty, or our lateſt end.
Renowned Vice-roy, thy perſwading thoughts
Have predivin'd moſt truly theſe effects,
and we applaud thy Counſel: let us three
joyn our beſt ſtrength, that theſe enſuing jarres
may be compos'd without the ſtroke of warrs:
Corcute is wiſe, and milde, and being ſo,
he hates the rumour of a publick foe.
Nobly reſolv'd (Greece ſings) if the event
Prve but ſo happy, as honeſt the intent.
9Enter Bajazet.
Am I not Emperor? he that breaths a no,
damnes in that negative ſyllable his ſoul,
durſt any god gain-ſay it, he ſhould feel
the ſtrength of fierceſt Gyants in mine armes,
mine angers at the higheſt, and I could ſhake
the firm foundation of the earthly Globe:
Could I but graſp the Poles in theſe two hands,
Il'd pluck the world aſſunder; drop thou bright Sun,
from thy tranſparent Spheare, thy courſe is done,
great Bajazet is wrong'd, nor ſhall thine eye
be witneſſe to my hateful miſery.
Madneſſe and anger makes my tongue betray
the Chaos of my thoughts: under this breſt
an heape of indigeſted cares are preſt.
What is it that I doubt! through every joynt
dances a trembling ague, this dull blood,
that courſes through my veins, divines no good.
ſhouts of joy within.
Ha, ſhouts of joy, at dead mens obſequies?
I'me in a maze of woes: what thou wilt throw
on me, Jove, let it come. Ile ſtand thy blow.
Live happy Bajazet.
Happy in my fear!
that word ſounds ſweet in my diſtracted eare.
He turns aſide to them.
Happy in what?
In thy friends,
that grieve to ſee thy wrongs.
My wrongs!
there ſticks the ſtring my thoughts did harp upon.
But who hath wrong'd me in this high content?
the fates do ſometime frown, yet bleſſe th' event
and ſequel of our woes; it cannot be,
I ſhould de thwarted in my jollity.
But if I can unfold it for the more
I know them not, the greater is my ſore.
In that read all thy woes, take there a brief
Contract of all thine ills, ſad lines of grief.
10He gives him a paper
Contract of all thine ills, ſad lines of griefe.
How's this? my youngeſt ſon advanced to my ſeate?
Corcutus Imperator! ſure I dreame:
Theſe are but empty apparitions
Fain'd by the god of ſleepe to vex my ſoule:
Were they not ſo ere this black night
Had throwne her fable mantle ore the heavens
To hide me from my ſhame-but is it ſo?
I do but flatter up my ſelfe, they are true
And reall griefes, my Paſſion ſayes they are.
Iſaack, Achmetes, are they not?
Too true
Great Bajazet:
Corcutus Imperator!
reades again
Would I had ſeene thy name writ in the booke
Of darke damnation, rather then theſe lines.
Crackt not mine eye-ſtrings when I view'd this text?
See how each letter ſpreads abroad in pompe,
As if they ſcorn'd my teares! how I could dwell
On theſe two words, Corcutus Imperator!
Hither repaire, the watchfull paper-wormes
That ſcan old records over to a line:
Here in two words imprinted ſhall you ſee,
The modell of a dolefull hiſtory;
Vertue diſhonoured, breach of filiall love,
Right ſhoulder'd out by wrong; nor can you faine,
A crime, which theſe two words do not contain.
But now I rayle, not grieve: O nimble ayre,
Let my plaints vaniſh as they ſpoken are.
Off with this womaniſh mildneſſe, I will find
A ſhorter tricke then this to eaſe my mind.
Pluto beware, I come to raigne in hell,
about to kill himſelfe.
Fates bid me rule, and birth-right to excell.
Stay Bajazet, that arme can breake a path
Unto thy earthly monarch, ere thou come
11 To bleſſe the banks of ſweet Elyſium
With thy wiſht preſence: Mahomet forefend
That thou ſhould'ſt ſeale a Kingdome to thy ſon;
By this untimely death Corcutus raignes.
But at thy better pleaſure, when he ſhall heare
Thou art ariv'd, then hee'le twixt joy and griefe
Start from his throne, and nimbly run to meet
Thy pompe, and throw his Scepter at thy feet:
If he but ſlack that duty, here are by,
Achmetes ſtrong and bold, Iſaack and I,
Devoted to your ſervice. Yet the world ſtands,
On wavering doubts, ready to clap their hands.
My deſires are crown'd,
And from the gate of Limbo, where I ſate,
I feele my ſpirits knock againſt the heavens.
Achmetes? In that name I hear an eaſe
Of all my griefs pronounc'd; he ſhall ſuffice
To baniſh uſurpation from my throne:
Did furyes guard it round, hee's able well
To reach my Kingdomes from the gripes of hell.
My ſword & life, both which are vow'd to thee
Are ſtill at thy command: walk but along,
Corcutus ſhall reſigne, thou have no wrong.
Exeunt Bajazet, Cherſogles, and Achmetes: Manent Iſaack, and Muſtapha.

Actus 1. Scena 3.

Death, & the furies plunge the obſequious ſlaves,
Would he have joyn'd with us? we would have kept
Corcutus high, and honoured, where he ſits
In ſpight of a whole boaſt of Bajazets.
Me thinks your power might have bin greater ſarre
Over Achmetes, one adict to you
By no leſſe bond of duty, then the ſon
Is to the father:
Muſtapha, Ile tell you,
12 Had not my daughter been eſpouſed to him,
I had nam'd his death, and by ſome plot
work't him a quick deſtruction long e'r this.
Now let us temporize with Bajazet;
yet keep thy nature ever, and be true
to thine own profit; Fortune may advance
ſome other Prince, worth both thy love and mine.
Weel ſtay her leaſure.
See more Harpies gathered to catch a Crown,
O tis a charming bait!
Exit uterqueEnter Mahomet, Achmetes, Selimus.
Me thinks theſe City walls ſmile on our entrance,
as if they knew great Bajazets three ſons
were come to grace their beautie.
But We ſhould frown
on them which harbour ſuch black treaſons. Well,
were I great Bajazet, I'de ring a noyſe
of ſpightful horrour, that ſhould make the ground
tremble beneath their weight at ſuch a ſound;
A younger ſon enthron'd an Emperour!
Brother, contain your ſelf, come lets away,
to ſee the end that waits on this ſad day.
Exeu. As they goe Trizham and Mahomet, two o­ther Sons of Bajazet goe to meet them.
What Mahomet?
And Trizham? here's a ſight
of one mans iſſue, Noble Bajazet:
brothers we have jumpt together.
All ſave one,
and hees a great deal better ſo alone.
Corcutus 'tis you mean, who though he raign
above us now, yet muſt fall back again
into our rank; 'tis Bajazet muſt riſe,
and he deſcend, ſuch a report there flyes.

Actus 1. Scena. 4.

Enter Corcutus, Cherſeogles, Meſithes.
Did not he frown, and ſtorm?
It mov'd him much,
and wrought ſtrange paſſions in him, when he read
your name, and found your name ſo intituled.
Cling to my temples thou bleſt ornament,
be ever unremov'd, though all the gods
chide me in thunder for this inſolence.
Am I in heaven, in ſtate, plac'd on the ſphear
of eminence, but barely to appear
with faint and borrowed luſter, then deſcend,
rankt with the vulgar? heads firſt let me feel
the Titian vultur, or Ixions wheel,
and the worſt torture hell it ſelfe can bring,
to ſcourge my ſoul: ô let me die a King.
But ſtay, I muſt bethink me at what rate
I purchaſe theſe fair trappings: ha? the curſe
of him that got mee! ſtart my danted ſpirits,
ſhall I uſurp a throne and ſit above
my father, whilſt the gaping pit of hell,
with wide ſtretcht jawes, yawnes for my fall; O I
am ſtruck with horror, and the ſlaves of Stix
already ſting my wounded ſoul.
Will you fair Prince reject all future hopes
of juſt ſucceſſion, and afflict your Sire,
by your unjuſt detainment of his Crown?
I am diſtracted, and me thinks I burn
under theſe robes of State, a boyling heat
runs from them through my veins, Joves hardy ſon,
when he bewrapt himſelfe in Neſſus ſhirt,
felt not more bitter agonies, then I,
cloath'd in the trappings of my majeſty.
I am reſolv'd; Baſſaes, go meet our father,
allure him home with this: I am begun
to be no King, but a repentant ſon.
Exeunt Meſithes and Cherſeogles.
Pallas, I aske thy pardon, I have ſtraied
14 A graceleſſe trewant from thy happy ſchooles,
Whither Ile now returne; there's not a ranke,
Place, or degree, can ſort us out true bliſſe
Without thy temple, there my dwelling is:
Amongſt the ſacred monuments of wit,
Which Claſſique authors carefully have writ
For our inſtruction, I will waſt my time;
So to waſh out the ſpots of this ſad crime.
Court honours, and you ſhadows of true joy
That ſhine like ſtarres, till but a greater light
Drowne your weake luſter, I adjure your ſight
Even from my meditations, and my thoughts
I baniſh your entiſing vanities,
And cloſely kept within my ſtudie walls,
As from a cave of reſt henceforth Ile ſee,
And ſmile, but never taſte your miſery.
I but as yet am floating on the waves
Of ſtormy danger, nor am ſure to ſcape
The violent blaſt of angry Bajazet.
Blow faire my hopes, and when I touch the ſhore,
Ile venture forth on this rough ſurge no more.
Enter Bajazet, Cherſeogles, Achmetes, Iſaack, Meſi­thes, Muſtapha, Mahomet, Achomates, Selymus, Trizham, Mahomet, Zems diſguiſed.
See where he comes, oh how my guilty blood
Starts to my face, and proves my cauſe not good!
Our dutie to our father,
Ours to the Emperor.
Why kneels great Bajazet? I am thy ſon
Thy ſlave; and if thy wrath but frowne, undone.
VVhy kneeles great Bajazet? heavens hide thy face
From theſe propoſterous doings.
What, not aſham'd
To circle in thybrow with that bright crown,
Yet bluſh to ſee me kneel? though filiall rites,
And morall precepts ſay, the ſon muſt bend
Before the Father, yet your high degree
15 and power bids you riſe, commands my knee.
Theſe ornaments be thine. Here Bajazet,
I Crowne thee Monarch of the ſpacious Weſt,
Aſia, and Affrica: if ought be mine,
greater then theſe, I here proclaim it thine.
Live Bajazet our mighty Prince,
live, rule, and flouriſh.
Is this your zeale? is it? Did every voice
breath out a willing ſuffrage? I am crowned,
my joyes are fully perfect, and I feele
my lightned ſpirits caper in my breſt.
Riſe thou ſtarre-bright mirrour of thine age,
To Corcutus kneeling
by thee our iron daies prove full as good,
as when old Saturne thundred in the clouds.
Be an example to ſucceeding times,
how ſons ſhould uſe their Parents: and I vow
(when I ſhall faile) this honour to thy brow.
Attend us Baſſaes, Ile lead on to joy,
never was Father bleſt with ſuch a boy.
Exeunt omnes, manet Corcutus.
Freed from a princely burthen, I poſſeſs
A Kingly liberty, and am no leſſe
Princely; obſervance waite on him, on me
thoughts undiſturb'd, I ſhall then happy be.

Actus 1. Scena 5.

Enter Zemes the brother of Bajazet alone.
Scarce had I ſet my foot within theſe walls
in expectation of a ſolemne hearſe,
due to the wandring Ghoſt of Mahomet;
but lowd alarmus of abundant joy
ring in mine eares, and every ſervile groome
Congratulates the coronation
A ſhowt within.
16of Bajazet: harke how they roare it out.
A cold diſturbance like a gelid froſt
ſettles my blood withinme, and I hate
his cheerefull triumphs, more then mine owne fate.
'Tis true, indeed, I prov'd not the firſt fruites,
an elder off-ſpring of my Fathers breed,
yet was it ſo that Bajazet and I
both tumbled in one wombe; perhaps the Queene
of womens labours doted at our birth,
and ſent him firſt abroad, or elſe I ſlept,
and he before me ſtole into the world;
muſt I then loſe my glory, and be hurld
A ſlave beneath his feet? no, I muſt be
An Emperor as full, as great as he.

Actus 1. Scena 6.

Enter Iſaack alone.
Divorc'd my Daughter? fond and inſolent man
Ile cruſh thee into nothing: if I can
endure the noiſe of my diſgrace, I know
how to return it; I am a flame of fire,
a chafing heat diſtempers all my blood.
Achmetes, thou muſt cool it, when thy limbs
are emptied of that moyſture they ſucke in,
and thy ſtain'd blood inchanted from thy veins,
then ſhall I be appeaſed, meane while I live
thy mortall foe: But ſtay, let me contain
mine anger undiſcover'd. Friend, how is't?
Enter Meſithes.
Know you not Iſaack?
The flight of Zemes hence to Armenia?
Of Zemes?

Yes, he walkt about the City diſguis'd, and unſeen till his eſcape.

'Tis ſtrange and full of fear.
We meet him frequent in the vulgar mouth.
Zemes is valiant, and Armenia ſtrong,
17 here's Bajazet, he muſt beware the wrong.
Enter Bajazet.
What is't thou murmureſt? Bajazet & wrongd!
ſomething it is thou knoweſt concerning us:
Take thee faire leave and ſpeak it.
Yes, I know
matters of weight, ſuch as concern thy life.
Such as concern my life! Speak out thy tale,
we are ſo fleſht in joy, bad news proves ſtrange,
and touch my ſenſe too harſhly.
But you muſt hear.
Your brother Zemes, when ſwift winged Fame
told him your father Mahomet was dead,
flew quickly hither, firſt to celebrate
his funeral pomp; then to aſſume his State,
his Crown, and Scepter: which he rightly knew,
unto your hand, and head both to be due.
But when applauſive joy, and peales of mirth
ſounded loud Muſick in his troubled eares,
of you enthron'd; then he began too late
to brawl at heaven, and wrangle with his Fate.
So he went hence and cryed, revenge be mine:
quake thou great City of proud Conſtantine
at my fierce anger: when I next return
with clouds of miſty powder, I ſhall choak
thy breath, and dul thy beauty with it's ſmoak.
Thus poſted he hence to Armenias King,
there to implore his ayde, which he will bring
to front thy power: nor doth he yet deſpair,
to diſpoſſeſs, and fright thee from thy chair.
Firſt from my body ſhall he fright my ſoul,
and puſh me into duſt.
make haſt
to muſter up our forces, ſtrike up our drums
let them proclaim deſtruction through the world.
Clear up your duſty armour, let it caſt
ſuch an amazing luſtre on the Foe,
as if Belbona danc'd on every creſt.
The bright ſun of my glory is eclipſed,
18 till Zemes be extinct: he muſt not ſhine
to dull my beams, ſince the whole heaven is mine.
Call forth Achmetes, his unconquered arm
ſhall keep us ſafe from this intended harm.
My Liege, you have forgot Achmetes oath,
in which he vow'd never to draw his ſword
in your defence.
I had forgot it,
but now I remember, ſuch was the vain
heat of my youth: but I recall again
what ever I proteſted, tell him ſo.
Raſh words muſt be diſpens'd with.
Then Ile go.
My Father once in ordering of a Camp,
prefer'd me to be Captain of a wing,
ſo when the battails joyned, and life and death
where ſtrugling who ſhould win power of our breath,
our Armies prov'd the ſtronger; only my guide
fail'd, and a baſe repulſe fell on my ſide;
at which my Father ſtorm'd, and in my place
ſeated Achmetes, for which black diſgrace,
I vow'd a ſwift revenge, even by his ſhame
that wore mine honour, to redeem my fame;
which when Achmetes heard, he deeply ſwore,
never with wit and ſtrength to guide me more.
But now he muſt, ſee where he comes, and arm'd.
Enter Achmetes.
What ſtrange device is plotting in his brain?
Honoured Achmetes.
Royal Emperour.
gives him a ſword.
Thine arm muſt then uphold my Royalty.
VVhy lies thy valour proſtrate at our feet,
when like firce lightnings it ſhould run and meet
my harms, and like a rock unmov'd, oppoſe
the courſe, and headlong torrent of my foes?
I am a man of peace; miſtake me not.
I made a vow, nor can it be forgot,
19 till you revoke your oath.
VVhich here I do,
great Mahomet be witneſſe, that I mean
ſincerely what I ſpeak, Achmetes now
we're friends, and thus, I nullifie my vow;
gives him his ſword again.
heavens on this concord lend a gracious ſmile.
Achmetes I have plac'd thee in my boſom,
gave thee an honour'd title in my love;
and of as laſting conſtancy, as is
the ſun, which looks ſo chearfully on us.
Go fit the Janizaries to the warrs,
kindle new fire of valour in their breſts,
Thou art their Genius, even the breath they draw;
Raiſe then thy plumes, and keep thy foes in awe.
Sood there a Pluto at thy city walls,
and with a band of furies had beſieg'd
thy people; I would conjure them away,
and ſend them back to hell: ſo thou ſhalt ſtand
as faſt as in the skyes, under mine hand.
I am Crown'd in thee, nor can I fall,
whileſt ſuch a valour breaths within our wall.
Zemes depoſe me! he muſt be more ſtrong
then Mars, that can do Bajazet that wrong.

Actus 1. Scena 7.

Enter Zemes, and the King of Armenia.
We hate thy brother, therefore lend thee aide,
'tis not our duty to expoſtulate
thy right unto the Crown: on to your warrs,
thrive in your projects; I ſhall joy to ſee,
a quarrel fought twixt Bajazet and me.
Ile ſecond thy encounters, and we two
like the two Roman thunder-bolts of war,
will with the flaſhes of our fiery ſwords
20 keep their compoſed ranks, that they ſhall ſtand
agaſt, to ſee two Scipioes in one band.
Thanks great Armenian King, and when I am
wheel'd to that height, which now my brother holds,
I ſhall requite theſe benefits, and vow
that kindneſſe, which I can but promiſe now.
Come let's away, our armies are well ſet,
ready to march: now tremble Bajazet.

Actus 1. Scena. 8.

Enter Achmetes in his Generals coate, and Caigubus his Sonne.
Caigubus, publick dangers call me forth,
and I muſt leave thee now unto thy ſelf.
My ſon, thou ſeeſt unto what height of fame
we are aſcended, yet the ſun ſhines clear,
and not one dusky cloud of diſcontent
dimms the unſpotted brightneſſe of our joyes:
Not Bajazet is more belov'd than I.
Such ſtrict obſervance is there ſhew'd to me
by all that know my worth, and hear me nam'd,
as if I graſp't Joves thunder in mine hands.
By all my hopes I fear ſome tragick ſcene
will trouble our calm fortune. Son beware:
The top of honour is a narrow plot
of ground, whither we have already got:
'Tis brittle and uncertain, if thou tread
one careleſſe ſtep aſide, thou fall'ſt down dead;
the ſhute from thence is deep, and underneath,
ruine gapes wide, thy body to receive.
Stand firm Caigubus: though thou ſtart'ſt not away,
yet blaſts of envie often force aſide
the wearieſt footſtep: theſe, where e'r they ſhall
blow ſtrong, will make them ſtagger if not fall.
I ſhall forget to ſleep, to breath, to live,
21 ſooner than theſe thy precepts: they are fixt,
and printed in my thoughts.
Enough, no more
That Iſaack Baſſa, truſt him not too much:
I have divorc'd his daughter from my bed,
for her adulterate looſeneſs, hence he hides
a maſſe of fretting rancor in his breſt,
which he hath varniſh't yet, & guilded o're
with coloured ſhews of love; but he is falſe,
and ſubtil as a Serpent, that will wind
into thy breſt, ſtinging thee ere thou find
or once ſuſpect his hatred: I muſt away,
Trumpets ſound. Exit. Exit.
haſty alarms call me hence, thus, farwel,
envie grows greater, as our ſtates excel.
Father, adieu.

Actus 2.

Scena 1.

A dumb ſhew: Enter Zemes, and the Armenian King, Trumpets and Enſignes, Souldiers paſs over the ſtage, and in a ſolemn march. Exeunt.

Actus 2. Scena 2.

Enter Bajazet, and Trizham and Mahomet his two ſons
Already marcht ſo near! Zemes makes haſt
to death, as if he long'd our wrath to taſt.
Trizham & Mahomet, it concerns you now,
to fly hence nimbly to your Provinces:
Zemes is come too neere us to eſcape,
he cannot flye the ground whereon he treads,
but through your countries: haſt then, if the wars
crack not his thred of life, his flight will be
when you may intercept it; if we preſume
only one bold Achmetes, and our ſelves
in beds of down ſupinely ſleep at home;
Zemes may ſcape the tempeſt of our wrath.
20〈1 page duplicate〉21〈1 page duplicate〉
22Then we hope beſt, when each event we ſee
thwarted with their preventing policie.
Doubt not our haſt and truth, he ſhall as ſoon
break through the fiery fabrick of the skies,
as through my Provinces.
Through hell as ſoon as mine.
Go, I have done my part; Mars and my fate
give faire ſucceſſe to my deſigned plot;
and Zemes is intrapt, already dead,
that hand ſecures me that ſtrikes off his head.

Actus 2. Scena 3.

Enter Achmetes, Cherſeogles, Muſtapha, Meſithes, Drums and Trumpets.
The battel will prove great and dangerous:
but were their number double more then ours,
the juſtice of our cauſe bids us go on,
and like a chearful drum, ſtrikes painting fear
from every breſt. Father, lead you the vangard,
the rearward be your charge, the right wing yours,
my ſelf will guide the left: this day ſhall crown
your valour in full pride, Zemes muſt down.
Enter Zemes, Armenia, two Captains.
Time hath out-ſtript our haſt, our foes do ſtand,
waving their golden plumes, as if the gods
were come to meet great Zemes in the field;
their armie's planted, and a diſtilling cloud
hovers about their heads, as if it wept
at their approaching fate. Armenia's King
lead you the vanguard; under your command
the reareward ſhall march on: the Phalance be
your care, brave Captains: as we are inform'd,
Achmetes rules the left wing of our foe,
Ile rule the right wing of ours: ſo when I meet
him in his pride, Ile proſtrate at his feet.
Our men are ordered, Zemes lead the way,
the skies look duskie black on this ſad day.
Trumpets ſound to the battell, dumb ſhews in skirmiſhes, one of Zemes Captains and Cherſeogles meet, Zemes Captain prevailes; his ſecond and Meſithes meet, Me­ſithes retires; the King of Armenia and Muſtapha meet, Armenia prevailes, and purſues the battaile. Enter Achmetes with his ſword.
Great Queen of chance; but do I call on this
unconſtant Stepdame? be thou propitious Mars,
rough god of warr: ſteel up this weary arm,
and put a ten fold vigor in my bones;
what ſhall Achmetes fall, and in his loſſe,
great Bajazet be wrong'd! it cannot be.
Death comes to wound thee Zemes, I am he!
As he goes out, the King of Armenia meets him, they fight, Achmetes makes him retire from the ſtage, and purſues him in his fury, enters again at the one door, Zemes at the other: they meet, drums and trumpets ſounding.
Achmetes! Opportunely met,
here ſtaggers all the fortune of the field;
this hour muſt bleſſe me, and a ſingle fight
purchaſe thee honour, and to me my right:
honour to thee, to die by Zemes hand,
my right to me, an Empire to command.
Brave Prince, I more lament thy caſe then can thy ſelf
that runneſt with ſuch madneſſe on the edg
of deſperate ruin: thou art but young & weak,
manhoods ſoft bloſſoms are not fully ſpread
upon thy downy chin; but riper years
have ſetled the compacture of my joynts,
and they are ſtrongly knit: 'twill vex my ſoul
24 in the clear morn of thy up-riſing hopes,
to wrap thee in a fatal could of death.
Submit thee to thy brother, thou ſhalt find
me thy true friend, him merciful and kind.
Submit! had I a right to Joves high Throne,
and ſtood in oppoſition of his power;
ſhould all the gods adviſe me to ſubmit,
I would reject their counſel: much more thine.
Guard thee, Achmetes, I thy ſtroke abide,
I cannot gore thy Prince but through thy ſide.
They fight and breath: fight again. Achmetes takes away Zemes ſword.
The day be thine, and Zemes ſtand thy Fate;
ſtrike home, I've loſt the day: and life I hate.
Have at thee then.
Offers to run at him with both ſwords.
not ſtirre! Now by my ſword
thou ſhalt have fayrer play before thy death:
take back thy ſword, in that I recommit
my forfeit to thy charge, thy life with it.
They fight again, and Achmetes wounds him on the head. Zemes falls.
Oh! hold thy conquering hand, and give my ſoul
a quiet paſſage to her reſt; my blood
begins to waſt, and a benumming cold
freezes my vital ſpirits: Achmetes goe,
tell Bajazet that thou haſt ſlain his foe.
Farwel brave ſon of Mars, thy fame ſhall ſtay
with us, although thy ſoul flit hence away.
I have not ly'd, Achmetes thou haſt ſlain
my hopes, and therefore me; my wounds are ſhallow,
but my ſtate deſperate: Ha! what ſhall I do?
Armenia's King is fled back to his home,
cold entertainment will attend me there;
the field is empty, every man retir'd,
only a few dead carcaſſes, and I;
then whither ſhall I bend my ſteps? to Rome!
25To Rome then let it be: Biſhop, I come;
th'art a religious thing, and I will truſt
my life to one ſo innocently juſt.

Actus 2. Scena 4.

Enter Mahomates, Achomates, Selymus three of Bajazets ſonnes.
Indeed we may be thought upon in time:
when there be countries more then there be men
we may get ſome preferment; ſit at home
and prove good boyes and pleaſe our father well.
My thoughts are too unbridled,
I neither can nor will endure thy curbe;
my compreſt valor like the ſtrangled fire
breaks out in violent flames and I muſt rule.
Trizham and Mahomet are ſlipt in haſt
each to their ſeverall province, we muſt ſtay,
that are their Elders, for another day:
this Court will prove our ſcaffold, where we ſtand
plac't in the eye of angry Bajazet;
who thwarts him in his fury is but dead,
and in that paſſions heat off goes his head.
I muſt not live thus.
I could be content.
He fears not death whoſe thoughts are innocent.
I thank you brother; then belike ſome crimes
lie heavy on my conſcience, and I fear,
unleſſe I ſhift my ſtation, 'twill be known.
You think well of me kind Mahomates.
As well as of a brother I can think:
if by a raſh applying to your ſelfe,
my words have been diſtaſtful, blam not me.
Can I apply them then unto my ſelfe?
am I ſo looſe in manners? By heaven and earth
thou ſhalt repent this deeply.
Stop that oath,
brothers agree, or walk hence but along
into my garden, where each ſpringing hearb
26 ſmiles on my fair content, there you ſhall ſee,
how flowers of one ſtock, ſo twiſted are,
one in the others twinings, that they ſhew,
one ſtands by th' others help, both joyntly grow;
theſe ſhall ſuffice your quarrels to remove,
and dumbe examples teach a lively love.
Come let us go.
Exeunt Mahomates, and Achomates.
Straight I will follow you.
Away fond wretches, ô that every breſt
were of ſo dull a temper as you two.
But who comes here?
Enter Corcutus
Brother Corcutus, whither are you bent?
what from the court ſo ſoon?
My father bids,
I go to undertake the charge his love
hath thrown upon me. That's rich Ionia.
You go to rule there?
Heavens ſpeed you well.
Dear Selymus adieu.
Brother farewell.
Exit Corcutus.
Revenge and you, three furious twinnes of night,
aſcend up to our theater of ill,
plunge my black ſoul twice in your Stygian flood,
that by it's vertue it may be congeal'd,
and hardned againſt remorſe: Pluto enrich
my breſt, with a diviner policie
then every trifling braine can reach unto;
Ile fill the world with treaſons, and my wit
ſhall put new tracts to death: Charon ſhall ſee,
his waftage ſtill in uſe, by company
ſent thither by my care: ô 'twill do well,
to blaſt the earth with want, and furniſh hell.

Actus 2. Scena 5.

Enter Iſaack, Bajazet.
Tuſh, vertue makes men fooles, Iſaack be wiſe,
27 ſhake off the tender fetters of remorſe:
and hug that chance, that opens thee the way
to ruinate Achmetes. Did he ſtand
on terms of conſcience, neighbor-hood or love,
when he caſhier'd my daughter from my houſe,
and to the worlds broad eye, open'd her crime?
No he was ſwift and bitter in his hate,
and ſo will I: he is but now return'd
in triumph from the field, as full of pride
as I of envy: hence Ile ground my hate.
When fierce Bellona ſmil'd on Bajazet,
amidſt the fiery tumults of the warre,
ſhe offered Zemes to Achmetes hand,
they fought, Achmetes conquered, at his foot
fell the proud rebell, wounded but not ſlain;
there might Achmetes with a blow of death
cut off our fears, continued in his breath:
this ſhall incenſe the angry Emperor:
and cruſh Achmates in his faireſt hopes.
True polititians work by others hands,
ſo I will by the Prince: my plot ſtands firme;
ſee where he comes, now ſly Mercurius, whet
my tongue, to kindle hate in Bajazet.
Enter Bajazet.
Iſaack, how thriv'd Achmetes in his wars?
Fame is of late grown dumbe of his renown:
ſurely unwelcome news clogs her ſwift wings,
elſe had ſhe now bin frequent in our Court;
and we had fully known the chance of all.
We had: yet could not the event,
lie ſo conceal'd, but Iſaack found it out;
which when I firſt diſcovered, ſtraight it wrought
tempeſts of paſſions in me, joy and grief
reign'd at one inſtant in the ſelfe ſame breſt.
As how?
As thus. I joy'd that Zemes fell,
was ſorry he eſcap'd.
Fell, and yet eſcap'd!
Beneath Achmetes feet the traytor fell.
And yet eſcap'd! good Iove how may this be!
Thus it might be, and was ſo: when ſad death
was glutted with the ruine of each ſide,
when ſlaughtring Mars had ſtain'd the field with blood
and caſt a purple colour o'r the earth
at length ſome milder providence deſir'd;
an end of thoſe hot tumults that were ſeen,
to laſt in Zemes breath; ſo that their fire
would be extinct, when Zemes ſhould expire:
then from the middle skirmiſh forth were brought
he and Achmetes; being met they fought;
Zemes was vanquiſh't by a violent blow
which ſtruck him trembling lower then his knees:
now whether flattering, or preſent gifts
redeem'd him from his fate, I cannot ſhow;
ſomething they plotted, what, none yet can know.
Canſt thou adviſe me (Iſaack) how to ſound
the depth of all his miſchief?
Thus you may,
He being come from Zemes overthrow,
and yet luke-warme in blood and full of joy,
you may in way of honour and free mind
call him this night to banquet: Then being ſet
when the hot ſpirits of carouſed healths
have ſpoyl'd his wit of ſmooth and painted tales,
and wine unlockt the paſſage for the truth,
bid him relate the manner of his war,
the chances and events; then when he comes
to Zemes, if he err about his flight,
his ends are bad, his boſome black as night.
Thou art my good Angel, Iſack, I applaud
thy faithfull plot. Achmetes, were thy ſoule
as dark as hell and thy encloſed thoughts
as ſubtill as a winding Labyrinth,
by ſuch a guide as can remove each doubt,
29 and by a clue of thred I'd track them out.
But Iſack; if we trap him in his wiles
how ſhall we kill the traytor? we have a trick,
already ſtrange to catch him in the nick.
Eaſily, thus. Our laws allow a cuſtome:
not uſ'd of late, yet firme ſtill in effect
and thus it is: When there doth breath a man
direfully hated of the Emperour,
and he in ſtrickt ſeverity of right
cannot proceed againſt him, then he may
orewhelme him in a robe of mourning black,
which we have call'd deaths mantle: that thing done,
the man thus uſ'd, is forfeited to fate,
and a devoted ſacrifice to him
whom he had er'ſt offended, neither can
ſtrength or intreaty, wreſt him from his death,
both which are treaſon and inexpiable.
Thus then you may proceed, when banquets done.
and all their comick merriment run on
to the laſt ſcene, and every man expects
a ſolemne gift, due to Achmetes worth,
call for a robe therewith to deck your friend
and perfect all his glory, let that be
this robe of fate, in which ready at hand,
you may intombe the traytor and bewrap
his pampred body in a vaile of death;
ſo let him die, dream not on the event,
vice is rewarded in it's puniſhment.
I will be fierce and ſudden, Iſaack invite
Achmetes to a feaſt; he dies this night.
Exit Baj.
I ſhall. Would not a private warning ſerve,
but open penance muſt correct my child,
and a ſevere divorcement quite degrade
her of her honour'd matrimoniall rights?
Were he as ſtrong, as ſteel-like joynted Mars,
as much applauded through our popular ſtreets,
30 as erſt Dictator Fabius was in Rome,
or geat Auguſtus: yet the ſlave ſhould feel
the wrath of an inflamed father light
heavy upon his ſoul: & that e'r the next ſun
appear, Achmetes all thy glorie's done.

Actus 2. Scena 6.

Enter Achmetes, and Caigubus his ſon.
I fear'd your ſafety and devoutly prayed
the ſword of juſtice, which your hand did ſway
might be of conquering force.
Thy prayers were heard
and I am here as ſafe as I went forth,
untouch'd by the rough hands of deſperate war.
Nor did I once ſpie danger in the field;
but when I fronted Zemes, then there met
two ſtreams of valor, ſith on us was ſet
the chance of the whole combat, others ſtood
expecting which of us ſhould loſe his blood:
but heaven was juſt, and to compoſe the ſtrife,
this ſword at one ſad blow took thence his life.
The heavens were juſt indeed, but who coms here,
Iſaac, Meſithes, and Bajazets three ſons.
Enter Iſaak, Meſithes, Mahometes, Achomates, Selymus.
They come to gratulate my late ſucceſs,
I ſee their errand foulded in their ſmiles,
how chearfully they look upon my joyes!
All happineſſe attend Achmetes.
Thanks Noble friends. How fares the Emperor?
Well by your guard; and he hath ſent us now,
all to invite your preſence to a feaſt,
we muſt be frolick, and this following night,
ſhall Crown your joy with revels and delight;
or elſe deprive thy ſoul of that good light.
We muſt be frolick Captains, think not then
31 on my loud drums, and ſtaring trumpeters,
ſuch whoſe ſtrong lungs roar out a bellowing voice
would make a man daunce Antick in the fire:
weel have a choicer muſick, and my feet
ſhall tread a neater march, then ſuch harſh ſtrains
can teach them: with more pleaſure and leſſe pains,
ſince it hath pleas'd the Emperor to grace
our ſlender merits thus: we ſhall be there,
to taſt his bounty.
Weele lead on before.
Ile follow you.
Ne'r to return more.
aſide. Exeunt omnes, Manent Achmetes and Caigubus.
I am happy above envy, and my ſtate,
not to be thwarted with injurious fate,
I could disburden all my jealous thoughts,
and ſhake that curriſh vice ſuſpicion, off
from my ſincere affection: I have worng'd
ſure I have wrong'd thee Iſack, thy chaſt love
cloaks not intended miſchief; black deceit
cannot lie hid under ſo pure a white,
but it would caſt a coloured ſhadow out
through ſuch a ſlender vail; thy generous thoughts
nouriſh no baſe detraction; thy free love
thy profeſt actions ſay, t'were no juſt fate
that good mens deeds ſhould die by ill mens hate.
Pray heaven they do not.
Fear not, I am gueſt
to Bajazet, expected at the feaſt.

Actus 2. Scena 7.

Enter Bajazet, and Cherſeogles.
The day's far ſpent, is not Achmetes come?
Not yet, great Emperor.
Vice-roy of Greece, ſay now there were a man
whom my mind honored; and I ſhould command
to cloath his bodie in a ſuite of gold,
32 ſtudded with gems, worth all the Indian ſhore,
durſt any tongue gainſay it?
Surely no.
What if I hated him, and ſhould command
to wrap him in a ſable coloured black:
and ſentence him to death?
Then he muſt die.
My thoughts are troubled.
What ſhould theſe queſtions mean,
abrupt demands, one to confound the other?
My liege your gueſts are come.
Enter Achmetes, Iſaack, Mahomates, Achomates Selymus, Meſithes, Caigubus.
Bleſt be the hour in which I ſee Achmetes ſafe return'd,
Bring in our banquet, ſouldiers: boyes kneel round.
Enter a banquet, all kneel.
A ring of braver lads nere bleſt the ground:
ſupply us here with Nectar, give it me,
takes the cup.
Achmetes, noble warriour, here's to thee,
a health to thy bleſt fortunes, it ſhall run
a compleat circle ere the courſe be done.
My duty bids me pledge it. I return
good health to Iſaack, and in this wee'l drown'd
all conceal'd enmities
Iove ſplit me with his thunder, if my breſt
harbour one bad thought when this draught is paſt.
and ſo I greet thy ſon: Health to Caigubus.
Mahomates the turn lights next on you.
Ile pledge it freely, Viceroy her's to you.
Achomates, to you I muſt commen
the welfare of Achmetes in this cup.
To you Meſithes thus I prove my love.
Young Prince, I do commit this health to you.
I am the laſt be prodigall in wine,
fill up my bowle with Nectar let it riſe
above the goblets ſide, and may it like
a ſwelling Ocean flow above the banks,
33 I will exhauſt it greedily, 'tis my due.
Wee'l drink with Bacchus and his roaring crew.
Already done, ſo quickly run about,
one health to me: faith, ſith you are ſet to't,
here's a carouſe to all.
wee'l pledg it round.
As they drink round, Bajazet riſeth and ſpeaks aſide.
'Tis the laſt draught to ſome, or I ſhall fail
in mine intendments. Let a foe eſcape
when he was trampled down beneath his feet!
There muſt be treaſon in it: How my blood
boils in my breſt with anger! not the wine
could work ſuch ſtrong effect: my ſoul is vext.
A chafing heat diſtempers all my blood;
Achmetes, thou muſt cool it: when thy limbs
are emptied of that moiſture they ſuck in,
and thy ſtain'd bloud unchannel'd from thy veins;
then ſhall I be ſecure; a quiet reſt
ſhall rock my ſoul aſleep; 'tis thy laſt hour
muſt ſet a period to my reſtleſs fears.
What, are you merry friends? drink on your courſe,
then all ariſe: and now to conſummate
our happy meeting, And ſhut up our joyes,
diſcourſe Achmetes of your finiſht warrs;
After an age of woes, it proves at laſt
A ſweet content to tell of dangers paſt.
Let's know your whole events.
Great Emperor,
Scarce had the roſie day-ſtar from the Eaſt
diſplay'd her ſilver colours through the heaven,
but all the watchful Souldiers ready arm'd
dim'd her pale cheeks with their tranſparent ſteel,
and added luſtre to the dull-ſight morne;
ſo ſtood we in full pride till the bright Sun
climing the glaſſie pavement of the skies;
rouz'd the ſlow ſpirits of the backward foe,
and urg'd them to the field; at length ſtept forth
Zemes, in all the trappings of his ſtate;
34 And like a well-taught Hector rang'd his troups
into their ſeveral orders; all prepar'd,
Tiran being fearful, ſtept behind a cloud,
leſt when he ſaw our limbs bath'd all in bloud,
and purple ſtreams guſh't from our wounded breſts
like water from their ſprings, he in fear
ſhould be eclipſ'd, or ſtartle from his ſphear.
The air was thick and dim; our armies joyn'd,
the skirmiſhes grew hot; and angry Mars
inthron'd upon the battlements of heaven,
left either ſide to tug with their own ſtrength
till their oppreſſing multitude bore down
the juſtice of our cauſe; and our whole ſide
not daring to withſtand, ſcorning to fly,
ſtood trembling on the utmoſt brink of hope;
then the propitious Gods ſingled me out
Zemes the life and ſpirit of our foes.
We met and fought: Such was my happy fate,
that at the firſt encounter Zemes fell,
and I diſarm'd him; when in proud contempt
he ſpit defiance in the face of death,
open'd his breſt, and dar'd me to the ſtroak,
whereby I might have ſent him hence to hell:
But I, in admiration of his worth,
arm'd his right hand once more and bad him fight.
Chance did direct my ſword upon his head:
he fell before me, and cry'd, Achmetes hold,
I'me wounded to the death; and Captain, go
tell Bajazet that thou haſt ſlain his foe.
I left the dying Prince; our warrs were done
and ceaſ'd with him by whom they were begun.
The plot has took.
Treaſon, by Mahomet:
I left the dying Prince!
Purſue the project.
Worthy Achmetes,
well we may give, but not reward by gifts;
35 and thank, but not requite thee. I would hate
that liberality which would abate
the worth of the receiver: thy true fame
out-ſtrips the length of titles; and a name
of weighty honour is a ſlender price
to grace thy merits with: as for a voice
to crown thee after death, thou art the choice
of everliving glory: on thy creſt
is her abode; and when the lateſt reſt
of nature hath betrai'd thee to thy grave,
then ſhall ſhe print in characters of gold
how brave a man thou waſt, how great, how bold:
though we be dumb, yet ſhall the world uplift
thy name, and thou ſhalt live without our gift:
Yet thy bleſt fates have not created thee
ſo clearly God-like, but ſome other chance
may croſs thy greatneſs, and thy high renown
the envy of ſome God may ſhoulder down:
then thus wee'l make thee happy; future events
ne're ſhall oppreſs thy worth; nor envious chance
blot thy enſuing fame. Achmetes know,
death, an immortal gift, we thus beſtow.
He caſts a gown of black velvet upon him, called the mantle of death.
Treaſon, treaſon, O my Father, treaſon:
Help Janizaries.
Stop the furious youth.
Exeunt Baſſaes.
Bring in an Heads-man. Traytor, Zemes dead!
He lives to ſee this hand untwine thy thread.
Enter ſeven or eight Janizaries with ſwords drawn.
What means this outrage?
  • 1. Cruel homicide.
  • 2. Ungrateful wretch.
  • 3. Tyrant.
  • 4. Meet hilts in's guts.
  • 5. Firſt let his own hands take that Mantle off.
    Circle him.

Help! Treaſon, I am ſlain!

Help? why? From whom?
Is not thy Guard about thee?
Hemn'd in with death! my friends beſet me round,
not to preſerve my life, but murder me!
Bluſh you pale heavens at this abhorred fact,
that they may ſee their crimes, and be aſham'd
of this unheard offence: Valiant Janizaries,
ſheat up theſe weapons of rebellion;
print not that ugly ſin upon your brow;
let my free pardon woe you to ſubmit.
Keep your allegeance firm.

Ha, ha, ha, ha!


One word more damns thee.


How prettily he began to talk

Of ſin and pardon! Bajazet, behold
here ſtands a man milde, honour'd, gracious,
valiant and faithful, gentle in command,
at home belov'd, and fear'd amongſt our foes;
yet hath thy hand of cruelty aſſai'd
the hated murder of ſo dear a friend:
Bluſh, you pale heavens, at this abhorred fact,
that he may ſee his crimes, and be aſham'd
of this new bloudineſſe. Wicked Bajazet,
theſe admonitions fit the teacher well.

But hear me ſpeak.


Firſt ſet Achmetes free, then ſpeak thy fill.


What, ſhall I be compell'd?


And quickly too.


We cannot brook to ſee him ſtand thus cloath'd.

Takes of the Mantle.
Your anger will have way: Achmetes go:
there take him: They have ſav'd thee from this woe.
Exeunt ſhowting and laping.
Pernicious villains, they have croſt my plot;
'twas intercepted ev'n in the laſt deed.
37What ſhould Achmetes meane thus to ingroſſe
The beſt affections of my Janizaries?
Will he defraud me of my Crowne and life?
My life I weigh not: but to loſe my Crowne,
were to be ſentenc'd to a hell of woes.
I am full ſtuft with choler. Slaviſh Peaſants,
held I a ſword of power in mine hand,
I would diſjoynt them peece-meale; can I not?
Am I not Emperour? men call me ſo:
A reverend title, empty attributes,
and a long page of words follow my name,
but no ſubſtantiall true prerogative.
Enter Iſaack.

Good health to Bajazet.


Indeed that's nothing, ſince your councell fail'd.

Uſe your beſt patience, it may be regain'd.
Affection in your ſtubborne multitude
is a proud torrent not to be withſtood.
Were you as ſacred as their houſhold gods,
Yet when you thwart the current of their will,
they'le breake the bands of duty, and prophane
that holineſſe to which they bound their thoughts.
Mine eyes are witneſſe with what lively joy
They bore him through the ſtreetes upon their necks,
Offering the uſe of their beſt ſtrength.
No more.
I am already gone. Why did not then
his proud ambitious tongue bid them goe fetch
My Crowne, and with quick ſpeede diſrobe a wretch?
't was in his power: we are diſtracted Iſaak,
lend us thy wholſome counſell to prevent
my ruine, and their dangerous intent.
Mine is a blunt advice, and deepe in bloud,
to cut off thoſe baſe Peaſants that withſtood
the force of your decree.
To cut them off?
Me thinkes I ſee my ſelfe yet circled in
38 with their revengeful ſwords. Ha? cut them off
Could I but curſe the Traytors from the earth,
or were my doom pronounc'd but of effect,
I'de rattle ſuch new torments in their ears
ſhould ſtagger their high courage; but my fears
ſtrangle my furies; and my envious fate
forceth my tongue to flatter where I hate.
Here lies the ſafeſt courſe to rid theſe griefs;
Give out you'l go to war, ſo to enlarge
your territories: and to this end fetch home
thoſe warlike Souldiers plac'd in Gariſon;
let them remain without the walls: at laſt,
when things ſhall fit your purpoſe, lead them all
by night into the City, and in one ſtroke
ſtrike off ſo many thouſand perjur'd heads
as ſhall amaze poſterity to hear
how many lives redeem'd thee from thy fear.
The weight of all mine honour leans on thee:
that or ſome nearer courſe ſhall quell the pride
of ſtrong Achmetes, and confound his ſide.

Actus 2. Scena 8.

Enter Zemes and Alexander Biſhop of Rome
If your intents be vertuous, and deſire
of eminent place quite baniſht from your thoughts,
my houſe ſhall be your Caſtle: that I deny
my men and Arms to aid you in your broils,
think it kind uſage: Should my Holineſſe
feed your ambition, and make ſtrong your hand
againſt your brother? 'twere too light a brand
of flaming hot diſſention, and to ſet
the world in a combuſtion: all would then
quarrel by my example. No, ſweet Prince,
Romes holy Biſhop muſt not ſo tranſgreſs.
39If you will dwell within my ſacred roof,
ſettle irregular paſſions, and begin
a quiet life: repentance wipes out ſin.
My waxen wings are melted: I will ſoare
againſt the Sun through ſuch thick clouds no more;
the middle Region ſhall contain my flight;
your counſell ſwayes my wiſhes; my late deeds
were full of ſin: now let my brother know
Zemes repents; (and that's the greateſt woe.)
To mans aſpiring thoughts, how ſweet is hope
which makes them (like Camelions) live on air,
and hug their ſlender plots; till cool deſpair
doth ſo benum his thoughts, that he falls dead
from his ſublime height; and his lofty head
which level'd at the skies, doth drop below
his humble feet! this hath experience taught
in that mans head-long ruine, whoſe proud thoughts
aim'd at the Turkiſh Diadem: but now croſs fates
have forc'd his ſtubborn heart to bow.
Enter a Meſſenger.
What ſpeaks your entrance?
Health to Romes Biſhop,
and peace from Bajazet, who commends his love
with this his Letter, and expects from you
a gracious anſwer.
Gives him a letter.
He reads the letter.
"Let Zemes die by an untimely death,
" elſe for our love you ſhal provoke our hate:
"Hee's not our brother, but our hated foe;
" and in his death you ſhall prevent our wo.
Return our ſervice back: tell Bajazet
what he hath given in charge, ſhall by my hand
be carefully diſpatcht.

Good peace attend you.

Imperious Turk,
Am I not Gods Vice-gerent here on earth?
40 and dar'ſt thou ſend thy letters of command?
or ſpeake to me in threatning menaces?
It grates my patience to obey this monſter,
yet muſt I murder Zmes, what doe I know
whether my fathers ſoule did tranſ-migrate
into his breaſt or no? be dumbe remorſe,
the Turke is great and powerfull, if I winne
his love by this, t'will prove a happy ſinne.

Actus 3.

Scena 1.

Enter Solymus alone.
Am I ſo poore in worth? ſtill kept ſo low?
Was I begot only to live and dye,
to fill a place, move idlely to and fro
like other naturalls? unmanly life,
the world ſhall take more notice of my fame,
els will I with the venom'd ſting of warre
deface the beauty, of the univerſo.
Poſteritie ſhall know, once there did breath
a Selymus, a mortall diety,
a man at whoſe bleſt birth the planets ſmil'd;
and ſpent their influence to create a boy
as brave as Greece e'r hatcht, or Rome, or Troy.
Enter Iſaack
Here's Iſaack Baſſa, hee's already mine,
he courts my father, but intends for mee,
and furthers all my counſells; Noble friend,
how ſtand our hopes?
Great Sir, moſt happily:
the Baſſaes murmure at Achmetes wrong:
ſeize on their wavering love, their breaſts are ope
to him that firſt will enter ther's free ſcope;
drop dowre thy franke affection in their hands,
to bribe is lawfull: and 'tis ſtrongly prov'd
41 by good examples: Otho ne'r was lov'd,
till he had bought the ſouldiers, that once done,
Galba grew out of faſhion; ſo muſt wee
addict them to us by a gaine-full fee:
Give freely, and ſpeak fairely. I'le be gone,
ſtay here, the Baſſaes will be here anon.
Enter Meſithes.
I ſhall obſerve thy precepts. Meſithes! welcome,
How fare you in theſe dayes of diſcontent?
my dutie bids me aske, and wiſh you well;
I have beene long a barren debtor to you,
At length I may prove thankfull: weare my love,
'tis yours without refuſal, a ſleight gift,
gives him a ring aſide
Yet your lookes tel me 'twill helpe out my drift.
This courteſie exceeds my weake deſerts,
ſweet Prince; but when occaſion calls me forth
to helpe you, I'me devoted to your worth.
Your kind acceptance of that recompence,
Binds me more ſtrictly to you.

Sir, farewell,

Exit. and enter Muſtapha
So one hath tooke; ſee where another comes:
all health to Muſtapha. Muſta. Thankes gracious Prince,
your gentle pardon for my boldneſſe, Sir.
Command my pardon, and commend my love
to thy bright daughter: tell her; I admire
her vertuous perfection; let that chaine
gives him a chaine
make me remembred often in her mind.
When my weak ſtrength, or wealth ſhall ſtretch ſo far,
as to continue

No Cynicke complement, good Muſtapha.


Then I returne you thankes

Health follow you,
and Honour me. Here is a third at hand.
Enter Aſmehemides.

Continuance to your health Sir.

Thanks gentle Prince.
Pleaſe you to uſe my ſervice?
Yes, thus farre.
Spend me that purſe of gold.
gives him a purſe.

What means your Highneſs?

But to deſerve your kindneſs, and avoid
the hated cenſure of ingratitude.
This is your liberal vertue, not my deeds;
but you ſhall find me thankfull.
So I hope;
three ſteps are trod already to a Throne,
and I am rich in friends; theſe proffer'd gifts
conjure obſervance from their ſervile breſts.
Oh powerfull gold, whoſe influence doth win
men, with deſire for to engender ſin!
Iſaak Baſſa?
Even the man you wiſht:
What, did the golden lure work good effect,
and make the Baſſaes ſtoop unto your mind?
Words are but empty ſhadows, but if deeds
anſwer their words, we cannot doubt their faith:
they ſtoop beneath my feet; I ſeem to be
as true as Jove, but ſlye as Mercurie.
Enter Meſithes.
Here comes Meſithes muttering back again;
but ſtep aſide, and we ſhall know his mind.
But he is cruel, bloody, and his pride
unſufferable great.


Proud Bajazet,
Thou haſt uſurp'd a title thy deſcent
could never reach unto; thou wrongſt the world
ſince thou detain'ſt the Crown, which heavens decree
due to a better brow: thou art defam'd
with Tyranny and wrong; but Selymus
is void of blemiſhes, as truth of lyes:
bad ſtocks muſt be cut down, the good muſt riſe.
He daunted me at firſt, but now I find
the golds bright luſtre made his judgment blind.
Mustapha comes.
Enter Mustapha.
Fortune hath wheel'd me up above the ſtars,
under a Monarch; I'le not ſell my hopes.
Bold Selymus, I'le ſecond thy deſigns;
and thou ſhalt Queen my daughter; that being done,
with mine own ſplendor I'le eclipſe the Sunne.
Is't ſo? a while I'le feed thy airy hopes,
then daſh thee into nothing.
Here's a third.
Enter Aſmehemides.
A purſe of gold! I can untie the knot:
the cloſe aenigma ſayes, I would be King.
Brave Selymus, I like thy mounting thoughts;
work out thy projects; thou canſt never need
or ask my help, but thou art ſure to ſpeed.
What we reſolv'd, ſtands firm, but the event
be ſcan'd when leiſure ſerves: wee'l now prevent
my brothers hopes, and by a ſudden fate
unto their lives and dayes give equal date
to compaſs a bleſt end: now we begin
(Jove hath offended, if it be a ſin)
to throw a father down. Saturn did dwell
once in the heavens, Jove threw him down to hell.
Enter Bajazet and Achmetes, hand in hand, Cherſeogles, Meſithes, Mustapha, Mahometes, Acho­mates, Trizham, Mahomet, Aſmehemides.

But ſtay: Achmetes, and our fathers friends?

Achmetes, I have injur'd thy deſerts,
ſubborn'd accuſers, wrong'd my credulous ears,
and my raſh cenſure undervalued much
thy noble ſpirits, when it firſt condemn'd
them of intended treaſon, renſe thy ſoul
in the dull river of oblivion.
44 we halt beneath the burthen of thy hate,
thinke my mov'd anger made me hot and wild,
I cannot ſleepe till we be reconcil'd.
The gods neglect my welfare here on earth,
and when I ſhall put off this mortall load,
let me be out-law'd from the Court of heaven,
if in this boſome there lye hid one thought
that doth not honour Bajazet.
Wee know
thy vertues make us happy: valiant Sir,
thy feete once more muſt tread a warlike march
under our fearefull banner, thou ſhalt pace
even to the walles of Rome, there dwels our foe;
where our halfe Moone, rear'd in the middle camp,
like a diſtempred Meteor in the ayre,
ſhall ſtrike amazement in the cloiſtred monkes,
and ſhake the Prelates Miter from his head,
till he yeeld Zemes up alive or dead.
When we have mov'd thee from thy Janizaries,
thou ſhalt not travell farre.
A ſubtile tricke,
and well pretended, I admire thy wit.
Let me march hence, and Bajazet ſhall know,
how little I befriend my Princes foe.
Ile caſt a ring of ſouldiers round about
The walles of Rome, if Zemes ſcape thence out,
cut of my breath: he that's deepe in blame,
Muſt hazard boldly to regaine his fame.
What meanes our father, noble Bajazet,
to worke untimely horrors through the world:
deſolate ruine, publike diſcontent
have printed deepe impreſſions in our path,
danger and feare ſcarce emptied from our towne,
the ſhaken members of our common wealth
yet ſtagger with their wounds; when diſcord ſhall
make but a ſecond breach, they faint and fall,
Short peace hath charm'd your ſubjects all a­ſleepe,
and throwne a quiet ſlumber ore their eyes,
whileſt with a ſweete reſtorative ſhe heales
their Martyr'd joynts, and wipeth out their ſcarres
writ on their boſomes by the hand of warres.
Zemes is ſafely cloyſtred up at Rome,
the Prelate dares not ayde him, all the gods
ſmile on the entrance of triumphant peace,
war lies faſt bound, nor can ſhe worke our paines,
unleſſe we looſe the fury from her chaines.
Our ſonnes inſtruct us! muſt your pregnant wits
croſſe my command! Baſſaes prepare for warre;
and ſince your grave diſcourſe argues a will
to ſtay at home, you ſhall; weele lay you up,
where no loud ecchoing drums ſhall breake your ſleepe,
even in the bowels of your mother earth
I will entombe you: Put them both to death.

What meanes great Bajazet?


To murder you, unleſſe you ſtrangle them.


But heare us ſpeake.

Stop up the damned paſſage of their throat,
Or you are all but ghoſts. What! ſtare you friends?
Iſaack and Selymus, a garter;
twiſt me that fatall ſtring about his necke,
and either pull an end,
ſtrangle Trizham.
Meſithes come,
joyne force with me, by heaven y' were beſt make haſt,
Or thou art ſhorter liv'd then is that bratt.
Tugge ſtrongly at it.
ſtrangle Mahomet.
So; let the baſtard droppe,
we have out-liv'd our tutors: dunghill ſlaves,
durſt they breath out their Stoicke ſentences
in oppoſition of our ſtrickt command?
So: things run well along, and now I find
Jove heares my prayers, and the gods grow kind.
Did not I ſend theſe to their Provinces
46 to hinder Zemes flight? and did not they
dejected baſtards, give him open way?
Mine anger hath been juſt.
None doth deny't;
you may proceed in your edict for warrs,
and make Achmetes General of the camp.
It is enough: Achmetes go to hell,
ſtabs him.
the divels have rung out thy paſſing bell,
and look for thine arrival.
Shend me ſlaves.
Exeunt omnes.
They fly before my breath like miſts of air,
and are of leſs reſiſtance; I'le purſue.
Oh I am ſlain! Tyrant, thy violent hand
hath done me pleaſure, though againſt thy will:
had I as many lives as drops of bloud,
I'de not outlive this hour: fly hence vain ſoul,
climb yonder ſacred mount, ſtrive upwards there,
there where a guard of ſtars ſhall hem thee round,
build thee a ſafe tribunal I am gone.
Oh tragick cruelty! behold the end
of two right Noble ſons one faithful friend.
Re-enter Bajazet in fury.
Have all forſaken me? and am I left
a prey unto my ſelf? did all their breath
paſs through his organs? and in his ſad death
have I abruptly crackt the vital thred
of all my Baſſaes?
Achmetes groans.
Ha! where am I now?
In ſome Gebenna, or ſome hollow vault,
where dead mens ghoſts ſigh out their heavy groans?
Reſolve me, Mahomet, and rid me hence,
or I will ſpoil the fabrick of thy tomb,
and beat away the title of a God.
Doſt thou not move? a trunk? a ſtock? to die
is to put on your nature, ſo will I.
47Offering to ſtab himſelf, Cherſeogles, Meſithes, Mustapha, Mahomates, Achomates, Selymus, Aſmehemides interrupt him.

Hold, hold, and live.


How come theſe bodies dead?


Father, it was your ſelf.

Let me revoke
my wandring ſenſe: Oh what a ſtream of blood
hath purg'd me of my black ſuſpition!
two ſons, one valiant Captain hence are wrought
by mine own hand, to cure one jealous thought.
As 'tis, they are the happier; I out-live
them whom I wiſht to fall: only to grave
bear forth their bodies.
Baſſaes carry them out.
We were curſt in this,
and ſhall intomb with them much of our bliſs:
indeed we had reſolv'd to ſpend this day
in things of more ſolemnity, leſs wo.
Now our moſt wiſhed councel ſhall begin,
and bitter deeds weigh up the ſcales of ſin.
Amaſia is a province rich and ſtrong,
Mahomates it is thine, keep it as long
as I have power to give it; go, provide
for thy conveyance at the next fair tide.

Farewell dear father.

Worthy ſon, adieu;
the love my dead ſons wanted falls to you
as an hereditary good.
Then we
may vail our heads in black, no mourners be.
Achomates, thy worth
deſerves ſome trophies of our love,
which to let ſlip unmention'd, were to adde
to this black day a fourth offence as bad.
Governe Maneſia, now the people ſtand
diſhfurniſht of an head; let thy command
48 be great amongſt them, ſo; make ſpeedy haſt.
Honour ſtayes for thee.

Now the ſtormes are paſt.


Father adieu;


Achomates, farewell.


Now to my lot, I thought 'twould ne'r a fell.

Now Selymus, wee know thy hopes are great,
and thine ambition gapes with open jawes
to ſwallow a whole Dukedome; but young Sir,
we dare not truſt the raines of government
into the hands of Phaeton. Deſire,
raſhly fullfild, may ſet the world on fire;
Greene youth, and raw experience are not fit
to ſhoulder up a Kingdomes heavie weight;
mixe wit with ſtay'd diſcretion, and ſpend
wild yeares in ſtudy, then we doe intend
to ſettle more preferment on thy head
then thou can'ſt hope for.
Wilt thou envious dotard
Strangle my greatneſſe in a miching hole?
the world's my ſtudy, Bajazet, my name
Shall fill each angle of this round-built frame.
I know he grumbled at it; 'tis good
To calme the rebell heat of youthfull blood
with ſharpe rebukes.
Enter a Meſſenger

Health to the Emperour.


What will your meſſage?

Duty firſt from Rome,
commended by the Biſhop to your ſervice,
with a firme promiſe to diſpatch your will
what ever it imply'd, and would but ſtay
till Times ſwift circle ſhould bring forth a day
ſecure for the performance.
'Tis enough.
Thanks for your care. This was to murder Zemes.
49 War with the Biſhop! 'thad been pretty ſport,
I knew my powerful word was ſtrong enough
to make him do my pleaſure: ſimple Prieſt!
only I vs'd it as a trick to ſend
Achmetes from the City and his friends;
but Fate ſo ſmil'd upon me, that I found
a ſhorter means, his life and hopes to wound
with my ſententious ſons, that when my foe
fled through their Province, finely let him goe;
which being wholy finiſh'd, ſtrait to pleaſe
my friends, I play'd a raging Hercules;
then to ſhut up the Scene, neatly put on
a paſſionate humour, and the worſt was done.
But who comes here?
A dumb ſhow.
Enter Mahomates with ſtore of Turks, he as taking his leave, they as ceremoniouſly with great hum­bleneſs, taking their leavs, depart at ſeveral doors
I like not this, Mahomates belov'd
ſo dearly of the Comminalty: ha!
Hee's wiſe, fair-ſpoken, gently qualified,
powerful of tongue; why hee's the better ſon,
not to ſupplant his Father. I miſlike
the prodigal affection thrown on him
by all my ſubjects. I bely'd my hopes
when I preſum'd this day had freely rid
me of my worſt vexation: I was born
to be a jade to Fate, and fortunes ſcoff,
my cares grow double-great my cutting off.

Actus 3. Scena 3.

Enter Caigubus Achmetes Son.
If ever man lov'd ſorrow, wiſht to grieve,
Father I do for thee. Could I deprive
my ſenſes of each object, but thy death,
50 then ſhould I joy to ſigh away my breath:
be Godhead to my griefe: then ſhall theſe eyes
with tributary tears bedeck thy ſhrine:
and thus I do invoke the: nimble Ghoſt
what ever or be of Heaven, what ever coaſt
affords thee preſent manſion, quickly thence
flit hither, and preſent unto my ſenſe
thy ſelfe a feeling ſubſtance: let me ſee,
acknowledge and admire thy majeſty.
Put off that ayry thinneſſe which denies
me to behold thee with theſe duller eyes,
then ſhall they, ſending down a powerfull flood,
rence thy cold members from each drop of blood;
and ſo return thee back, that thou mai'ſt ſoare
up to the skies, much purer then before.
Had the juſt courſe of nature wrought thee hence,
I would have made the gods know their offence,
and back reſtore thy ſoul; but thou art dead,
and 'twas a fiercer hand that clipt thy thread,
fiercer and boulder, which did ever thrive
by miſchiefe, and once coffind thee alive
up in deaths mantle, but then would not uſe
ſuch open violence, nor durſt abuſe
one of ſuch ſacred worth, till furie ſtruck
his reaſon dead, and made his treacherous hand
creepingly ſtab thee, both unſeen and foul,
as if he would have ſtoln away thy ſoul.
But oh!
Enter Iſaack.

But oh indeed.


Why, what?

As bad
a ſtroke attends thee as thy Father had:
Princes ſuſpicion is a flame of fire,
exhal'd firſt from our manners, and by deſire
51 of rule is nouriſh'd, fed, and rores about
till the whole matter dye, and then goes out?
Unfold a ſcene of murders: Fates work on
wee'l make a path to Heaven: and being gon,
Down from the lofty towers of the skies
throw thunder at the Tyrant; will he preſſe
the earth with weight of ſlaught'red carcaſſes?
Let him grow up in miſchief, ſtill ſhall her wombe,
gaping, reſerve for him an empty tombe.
We do but tread his path; and Baſſa, ſince
it ſtands upon thee now to cure thy prince
of his diſtemper'd lunacy, go fetch
the inſtrument of death, whilſt I a wretch
expect thy ſad return.
I go; and could
it ſtand with mine alleageance, ſure I ſhould
imply my ſervice to a better end,
then to diſrobe the Court of ſuch a friend.
He that is judg'd down from a ſteepy hill
to drop unto his death, and trembling ſtill
expects one thence to puſh him, ſuch a ſlave
doth not deſerve to live, nor's worth a grave
Then Lacheſis, thou that divid'ſt the threed
of breath, ſince this dayes Sun muſt ſee me dead;
thus Ile prevent thy paine, thus Ile out-run
my fate; and in this ſtroke thy work is done.
Stabs himſelfe.
Eternall mover, thou that whirlſt about
the skies in circular motion, heare me out
what I command, ſee that without controule
thou make Heaven clear, to entertain my ſoule,
and let the nimble ſpirits of the ayre
Print me a paſſage hence up to thy chaire,
there will I ſit, and from the Azure sky,
laugh at obſequious baſe mortality.
Vaniſh my ſoule, enjoy, embrace thy fate
52 thus, thus thou mount'ſt above a Tyrates hate.
Stabs himſelf. dyes.
Enter Iſaack with Executioners.
We are prevented; ſee the fates command
falſe deeds muſt dye, though by the Actors hand.
Return to Bajazet, and bear that corps.
So now I am alone, nor need I fear
to breath my thoughts out to the ſilent ayre;
my conſcience will not hear me, that being deaf
I may joy freely. Firſt thy hated breath
Achmetes vaniſht, next Caigubus fell,
thus we clime Throans, whilſt they drop down to hell.
The glorious eye of the all-ſeeing ſun,
ſhall not behold (when all our plots are done)
a greater Prince then Selymus; 'tis he
muſt ſhare with Jove an equal Majeſty.
But for my ſelf his Engineer, I'le ſtand
above mortality, and with a hand
of power daſh all beneath me into duſt,
if they but croſſe the currant of my luſt.
What I but ſpeak, 'tis Oracle and Law,
thus I will rule and keep the world in awe.

Noble aſſiſtant.

Enter Selymus Meſithes. Muſtapha, Aſmehemedes.

Happy Selymus.

'Tis thou muſt make me ſo, for ſhould I ſtay
waiting my Fathers pleaſure, I might ſtand
gazing with envy at my Brothers pride,
my ſelf lying proſtrate even beneath their feet.
Towns, Cities, Countries, and what elſe ſoever
can give high thoughts content, are freely theirs,
, only like a ſpend-thrift of my yeares,
Idle my time away, as if ſome god
had raz'd my name out of the role of Kings,
which if he have, then Iſaack be thy hand
s great as his, to print it in again,
though Bajazt ſay nay.
No more: I will;
an Empire be our hopes; that to obtaine
wee'l watch, plot, fight, ſweat, and be cold again.

Actus 3. Scena 4.

Enter Zemes and Alexander Biſpop of Rome.
Cannot my words add ſolace to your thoughts?
oh! you are gulft too deep in a deſire
of ſoveraigne pompe, and your high thoughts aſpire.
All the unſhadowed plaineneſſe of my life
doth but contract thick wrinckles of miſlike
in your Majeſtick brow, and you diſtaſt
morall receipts, which I have miniſtred
To cool Ambitions Feaver.
Pardon Sir,
your holineſſe miſtakes my malady,
another ſickneſſe grates my tender breſt,
and I am ill at heart: alas I ſtand
an abject now as well in Natures eye,
as erſt I did in Fortunes: is my health
fled with mine honour? and the common reſt
of man grown ſtranger to me in my grief?
ſome unknown cauſe hath bred through all my blood
a colder operation, then the juice
of Hemlock can produce: O wretched man!
look down propitious Godheads on my woes.
Phoebus infuſe into me the ſweet breath
of cheerefull health, or elſe infectious death.
If there an Angel be whom I have croſt
in my tormented boldneſſe, and theſe griefes
are expiatory puniſhments of ſin?
now, now repentance ſtrike quite through my heart
enough of paines, enough of bitter ſmart
have ty'd me to't. I have already bin
bolted from joy, content can enter in,
54 not at the open paſſage of my heart,
I neither hear, nor ſee, nor feel, nor touch
with pleaſure; my vexation is ſo much,
my grave can only quit me of annoy;
that prevents miſchief, which can bring no joy.
Now I could curſe what mine own hand hath don,
and wiſh that he would vomit out the draught
of direful poyſon, which infects his blood.
Ambitious fire! why 'tis as clean extinct,
as if his heart were ſet beneath his feet,
grief hath boil'd out the humours of vain pride,
and he was meer contrition.
Enter a meſſenger.

What's the news?

Zemes, as now he left you pale and wan,
dragging his weake leggs after him, did fall
dead on the ſtony pavement of the Hall,
not by unhappy chance, but as he walkt,
folding his arms up in a penſive knot,
and railing at his Fate, as if he ſtag'd
the wounded Priam, or ſome falling King,
ſo he, oft lifting up his cloſing eye,
ſunk faintly down, groan'd out, I dye, I dye.
It grieves my ſoul: let Bajazet know this;
could our own ſhortned life, but lengthen his,
by often ſighs I would transfuſe my breath
into his breſt, and call him back from death.

Actus 3. Scena 5.

Enter Selymus, Meſithes, Muſtapha.
Let not my abſence ſteal away my love,
or local diſtance weaken the reſpect
which you have ever born me; I muſt fly
55 to ſhake the yoake of bondage from my neck:
my Fathers eyes ſhall not ſcan out my life
in every action; then when I am gone,
our love like precious mettle ſhall not crack
in the protraction, but be gently fram'd
into a ſubtler thinneſſe, which ſhall reach
from either part, not craz'd by any breach.
Return with ruine painted in thy brow,
pale death triumphant in thy horrid creſt,
danger limn'd out upon thy threatning ſword,
the Turkiſh thraldom portrai'd on thy ſhield,
weel meet thee in thy horror, and unfold
our arms as wide as heaven to take thee in.
We truſt you: if there lie unſpoken love
hid in your boſoms, we muſt bury it
in ſilent farwells.
Noble Prince adieu,
ſince thy frank deeds have printed in our hearts
ſo true a pattern of thee, we will feed
our contemplation with thy memory.
When thou art really departed thus,
a better part of thee ſhall ſtay with us.
So the ſwift wings of flight ſhall mount me up
above theſe walls into the open ayr,
and I will towre above thee Bajazet.
Farwel ſoft Court; I have been kept too long
within thy narrow walls, and am new born
to golden liberty; now ſtretch out you heavens,
ſpread forth the dewy mantle of the clouds
thou powerful Sun of Saturn, and remove
the terminating Poles of the fixt earth,
to entertain me in my ſecond birth.
Enter Iſaack Baſſa.
Not yet rid from our wals! Fair Prince take heed,
treaſon's a Race that muſt be run with ſpeed.
Aeolus beckons, and the flattering winds.
56 joyne all to help our project: quickly hence:
all's full of danger. Did your Father know
Hee'd ſtop your flight and breath at one deaths blow.
Friend I am gone: thou hoary God of Seas,
ſmooth the rough boſome of thy wrinckled tide,
that my wing'd Boat may gently on it glide.

Actus 4.

Scena 1.

Enter Bajazet ſolus.
How the obſequious duty of the world
hangs ſhivering on the skirts of Majeſty,
and ſmells out all her footſteps! I could yet
never ſteal leiſure to reform my thoughts,
ſince my pale brow was firſt hoop'd in with gold,
till this bleſt hour: and now great Bajazet
empty thy breſt of her impriſon'd joyes,
which, like the ſmothring winds, could with a blaſt
rip up a paſſage. I am crown'd in bliſſe,
plac'd on the rocks of ſtrong ſecurity,
without the reach of Fate Envy ſhall gnaſh
and pine at my full pleaſures; the ſoft feet
of labouring ambition ſhall quite tire,
ere touch the ſtarry-height on which I ſtand.
Achmetes and his ſon with my two boyes
are faln, to clear the ſun-ſhine of my joyes,
Achomates I fear not, Selymus
lives cag'd within the compaſſe of mine eye,
all that I doubt is of Mahomates,
that blaſing ſtar once darkned, I will throw
the luſter of my pomp from me, as clear
as if three Suns were orb'd all in one Spheare.
What news brings Iſaack?
Enter Iſaack Baſſa.

Unwelcome news.


Be quick in the delivery.

Then thus.
Young Selymus is fled.



Fled this night to the Tartarian King.

Would he had ſunk
to the Tartarian deep. Iſaack, th'art falſe,
and every hair dependant from thy head
is a twin'd ſerpent. Iſaack, I ſay th'art falſe,
I read it in thy brow.

By heaven I am not.

Come; anſwer my demands, firſt, at what time
left he the Court?

I know not.

Know he is fled,
and know not when he fled! how can this be!
After our ſtrict enquiry, 'twas our chance
to lite on one that ſaw him take a ſhip,
at the next haven.
On one; bring forth that one,
Exit Iſaack.
i'le ſound the depth of theſe villanies.
Enter Iſaack with a dwarf.
What's here?
a barrel rear'd on end upon two feet?
Sirrah, you guts and garbage did you ſee
Selymus leave the Court?

So pleaſe it your


Pleaſe it! thou monſter, are you now ſo pleaſing.

My Liege hold in your fury: ſpend not one drop
of your fierce anger, on ſo baſe a worm,
keep it entire and whole, within your breſt,
that with it's vigor it may cruſh the bulk
of him whoſe treaſons move it.
So it ſhall,
Neptune reine back thy ſwelling Ocean,
invert the current of thy guilty ſtreames
58 which further treacherous plots, mild Aeolus,
(that when a peeviſh goddneſſe did intreat,
ſcattredſt a Trojan Navy through the ſeas:)
now Bajazet a Turkiſh Emperor,
bids thee ſend forth thy jarring priſoners
into the ſeas deep bowels: let them raiſe
tempeſts ſhall daſh againſt the firmament
of the vaſt heavens, and in their ſtormy rage,
either confound, or force the veſſel back,
in which the traitor ſayles; now, now begin
or I ſhall think thee conſcious of this ſin.
What would this Monk?
Enter a Monk.

Only your bleſſed almes.

I'me in a liberal vain
Monk ſhootes of a dagge at Bajazet; Me­ſithes, and Iſaack, kill the Monk.
Traitor I'me ſlain!
I feel the bullet run quite through my ſides.
Great Mahomet hath kept you ſafe from harm:
it never toucht you.
Oh I am ſlain!
open the gates of ſweet Elyſium,
take in my wounded ſoul: Bring forth that Monk
ile make him my ſouls harbinger, he ſhall
fore-run my coming and provide a place
amongſt the gloomy banks of Acheron,
then ſhall he dwel with me in thoſe black ſhades,
and it ſhall be my bliſs to torture him.

Hee's gone already, I have ſent him hence.

Fly then my ſoul, and nimbly follow him,
he muſt not ſcape my vengeance: Charon ſtay,
one waftage will ſerve both, I come away.

Let not conceit thus ſteal away your life.

Me thinks I feel no blood ebbe from my heart,
my ſpirits faint but ſlowly.
Heare me Sir,
59 You are not wounded.

Ha! not wounded!

Untoucht as yet:
His quaking hand deceiv'd him of his aim,
and he quite miſt your body: here behold
the bullet yet unſtain'd with blood.
Now I believe thee: oh the baleful fate
of Princes, and each eminent eſtate!
How every precious jewel in a Crown,
charms mad ambition, and makes envy dote
on the bewitching beauty of it's ſhine!
Indeed proud Majeſty is uſher'd in
by ſuperſtitious awful reverence;
but curſed miſchiefs follow; and thoſe are
treaſons in peace, black ſtratagems in war.
But wher's the dwarf? Iſaack, go ſend him in;
bid bold Meſithes, and ſage Muſtapha
quickly attend us. Go.
Exit Iſaack.

I ſhall.

This hour,
hath hatcht a richer project in my brain,
whoſe wiſh't event ſhall ſtrangle envies breath,
and ſtrike ambition dead in every breſt.
Enter dwarf.
Sirrha, draw hence the body to the ditch,
whither the filth of the whole City runs,
there overwhelm't in blood; go, quickly doo't:
What doſt thou grin, thou viſage of an ape?
he ſtriks him.

Ile rather hang my ſelf then endure this.

Nay, come; be patient and Ile uſe thee well:
why 'twas a Scepter ſtrook thee, and twill work
diviner operation in thy blood
then thou canſt dream of.
I'de rather be ſtruck croſs the teeth with a pudding
then croſs the back with a Scepter.
A man would gueſs ſo, that over-views the dimen­ſions.
But to thy buſineſs.
he caries out the courſe.
Enter Baſſaes.
Baſſaes ſtand ye round,
Stay: who comes here? ſure I ſhould know that ſtature,
obſerve him nearely.
Enter Mahomates diſguiſed.

Tis no Courtier.

Mahomates 'tis time to look about,
Selymus fled! Achomates ador'd!
My name ſcarce heard of through the popular ſtreets!
had that unhappy arm of that damn'd Monk,
not ſtaggerd from the mark at which he aim'd,
who ever ſent him hither, I had leapt.
into the empty throne, and cropt the fruit
budding from treaſons root; but Ile return
back to my Province, this unknown diſguiſe,
ſhall ſearch my Fathers cloſeſt policies.

Mahomates diſguis'd!

By heaven 'twas he.
He pryes into my counſels: let it be.
Wee'l forward in our buſineſſe, which being done,
weel cool the hot ambition of each ſon,
as mine already is, quick moving time
hath caſt a ſnowy whiteneſſe on my haires,
and froſty age hath quel'd the heat of youth;
mine intellectual eyes, which ever yet
gaz'd on the worlds rich guilded vanities,
are now turn'd inward, and behold within,
diſmal confuſion of unpardoned ſin.
E'r ſince I firſt was ſetled on this Throne,
my cares have clog'd the ſwiftneſſe of the hours,
and wrought a tedious irkſomeneſſe of life,
murders have mask'd the forehead of the Sun
with purple-coloured clouds, and he hath bluſht
at the blood-ſucking cruelty of ſtate.
61There's not one little angle of this Court,
whoſe guilty wals have not conceal'd a knot
of traitors, ſquaring out ſome hideous plot
againſt my ſafety; now at laſt I ſpie
the dangers of perplexed Majeſty.
And were it not for a religious fear
of after-harms, which wretchedly might tear,
and ſpoyl the body of this Monarchy,
here at this inſtant would I ſtrike the ſayl,
and proud top-gallant of mine eminence,
hurle up my ſcepter, diſ-inthrone my ſelf,
and let the green heads ſcramble for the Crown.
Age hath taught me a ſtayder providence
then my raſh youth could reach to; I intend
to place this glittering bable, on the head
of ſome ſucceſſor, e'r I yet am dead,
So give it out; thereby Ile try the love
and favour of the people: whom they ſeem
moſt to <