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Good news from NEVV-ENGLAND: WITH An exact relation of the firſt plan­ting that Countrey: A deſcription of the profits accruing by the Worke. Together with a briefe, but true diſcovery of their Order both in Church and Common-wealth, and maintenance al­lowed the painfull Labourers in that Vineyard of the LORD. WITH The names of the ſeverall Towns, and who be Preachers to THEM.

LONDON; Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1648.

A New Relation by Obſervation, and ſerious Cogitation touching the Tranſplan­tation of our Engliſh Nation.

TO ſpend no time in complement honeſt John, caſt not away theſe lines, becauſe the meeter and ruſticall harmony rings but rudely without rhe­torick, let me lead thy affections to theſe follow­ing premiſes: ſuppoſe thou ſee thy face not ſo amiable as thy fancy deemes it to be, fling not furiouſly to breake the glaſſe, moderate thy anger, and I have my deſire. Miſſe not my meaning, by turning my diſcourſe to perſo­nate any, but many: Its paſt my intention to leſſen or inlarge for favour or affection. Applauſe I looke not for: ſome Latine and E­loquent phraſes I have pickt from others, as commonly clowns uſe to doe, yet be ſure I am not in jeſt: for the ſubject I write of re­quires in many particulars the moſt ſolemn and ſerious meditation that ever any of like nature have done. Favour my clown-ſhip if I prove too harſh, and I ſhall remaine yours.


Of the reaſons moving this people to tranſplant themſelves and Families to thoſe remote parts.

THe great Jehova's working word effecting wondrouſly,
This earths vaſt globe, thoſe parts unknown, to civill people by,
Columbus or Alkmerricus by providence direction,
Found out this Weſtern world with ſtore of mettels cleer extraction.
The Spaniſh project working well, tooke ſudden ſuch impreſſion
In minds of many Europe held, who fell to like progreſſion.
It's ſtrange to ſee the Spaniſh fleete ſo many ſhould provoke,
In Engliſh ſearching for like prize, they are vaniſht into ſmoake.
Yet theſe undaunted hearts ſtir'd up a Colony to plant,
Hight Nova Anglia, for which they gain'd a patten grant.
Now all ancient ſeild and read in lands new population,
No parallell like this (I deeme) you'l finde in any Nation.
Theſe people now begin with care to veſe and plot, each man
That heares of this new Colony, with diligence doth ſcan.
Such motives as he hath in Eye, one he deſires land,
Quoth he I ſee here landed men in reputation ſtand.
Hundreds and thouſands I have not to purchaſe, but I will
Through ſeas much wood-land to atchieve, and medow ground my fill.
Ʋp ſtarts another from a ſad and ſerious contemplation,
How he a Gentleman might be, good man is his vexation.
Houſe implements being turn'd to coyne, his cloath of faſhion new,
To ſhip he hyes, much welcome Sir, for none his perſon knew.
New rais'd from ſleepe, another cries, my earnings are but ſmall,
I'le venter to this new-found world, and make amends for all.
In haſt halfe breathleſſe running, comes a man with longing ſore
For novelties of new-found lands, the Seas he would leap o're.
His kindreds letters looking in, ha ha here's newes indeed,
From Brothers, Siſters, Ʋncles, Aunts, I'le ſhip my ſelfe with ſpeed.
Theſe but the ſtraglers now remaines the chiefeſt troopes to eye,
Truth 'tis, their ſtandard of reſort was Chriſtianity.
Couragious Captaines leading on, their coynes and lands 'way throwing,
Made many Souldiers follow faſt, their bands in number growing.
When England by Elizabeth began a Reformation,
It was a joyfull day to all, the godly of that Nation.
Proh Dolor, it did not goe on, with joyfull acclamation.
But hirarchy and lordly throne of Prelacy invading,
The government of Chriſts deare flocke, then godlineſſe was fading,
Some men impute it to the pride of Biſhops, others ſay,
The looſeneſſe of the Laity did carry moſt away.
But ſure it is that godlineſſe, and purities deriding,
Mov'd many godly ones to ſeek, a place of new abiding.
Proud Biſhops skil'd in policie of machivilian learning,
Fore-ſaw their pomp would fall to ground by Scripture cleer diſcerning,
New fangled fetches were devis'd for ſoone intrapping thoſe
Who to the people faithfully truth wholly did diſcloſe.
While things thus craftly were contriv'd, Preachers to priſons packe,
The Biſhops Courts were fill'd with worke, and conſciences on racke.
Come ſirrah quoth the Commiſſary, you will no Surplice weare,
Nor yet proclaime our Sunday ſports, a Puritan I feare
You are, and ſhall no more preach forth to people ſtir to reare
Againſt my Lords grace, I know well, your preaching doth him ſcare.
And to another: as for you, your faction is ſo much,
Whole townes run from their Pariſh Church to heare your word, are ſuch.
As for to overthrow my Lord, and his commanding power,
If I live in this Dioceſſe, you ſhall not ſtand one houre.
In midſt of all theſe wofull ſtirs grave godly men ſit muſing,
How they their talents might improve, to honour God in uſing.
Nine hundred leagues of roaring ſeas diſhearten feeble parts,
Till cruell handling haſten on, and God doth ſtrengthen hearts.
Come quoth the husband, my deare wife, canſt thou the ſeas endure,
With all our young and tender babes, let's put our faith in ure.
With watry eyes the wife replies, what remedie remaines,
Forſaking all for Chriſt his ſake, will prove the greateſt gaines.
From in-land parts poore Chriſtians packe to Sea-ports ſhips to enter,
A wonderment, in ſtreets they paſſe, dividing their ſtrange venter.
What meane theſe mad men ſoone ſayes one, witleſſe to run away,
From Engliſh beere, to water, where, no hoone companions ſtay,
But its the Surplice ſcares them hence, the Tippet and the Croſſe,
Nay more they feare, my Lords grace here, will bring againe the maſſe.
Yea further I have heard of late our Puritans much wonder,
Becauſe our Metropolitan intends to bring them under:
Thus paſſe the people to their ſhips, ſome grieve they ſhould goe free,
But make them ſweare, and ſearch them bare, taking what coyne they ſee.
Now Satan ſeeing God had croſt, his minde in making way,
For's people and his Paſtors too, in wilderneſſe to ſtay.
Fearing Chriſts Kingdom would encreaſe, and his to ground be falling,
Stirs up freſh inſtruments like ſheepe that wolfiſhly were haling.
Proud errour brochers, theſe croud in for liberty pretending,
The overthrow of Romiſh traſh, their words againſt it bending.
Quoth one here none but Scholler may in pulpit be a Preacher,
Pleſhip my ſelfe, for ſure I am, full gifted for a Teacher.
Ʋp ſtarts another from a crowd, of women, her admiring,
An able tongue in Scripture learn'd, to preach forſooth deſiring.
With revelations ſtrange, yet true, as Scripture them accounting,
Another comes to ſhip himſelfe, in knowledge all ſurmounting.
' Gainſt Magiſtrates another cries, none ſuch on earth ſhould ſtand,
I'le venture o're the broadeſt Seas for freedome from their hand.
Thus diver ſly diſpos'd doe people pack up away,
To populate new Collonies, where none but Heathen ſtay.

Of the Tranſportation of people and goods to the Mat­tachuſets bay, and other adjacent Collonies.

VVHen as this people thus reſolv'd the Ocean Sea to venter,
As was their errant, ſo they did addreſſe the ſhips to enter.
Ship-owners ſeeing like it was their gain might holpen bee
And Ʋndertakers with like hope, to hire ſhips were free.
Cloſe Cabbins being now prepar'd with bread, biefe, beere and fiſh,
The paſſengers prepare themſelves that they may have their wiſh.
With little goods, but many words, aboord comes one, and ſayes,
I long to ſet my feet on ſhore, where cloudy pillar ſtayes,
As high as clouds he darts his words, but it is earth he wants:
For having paſt the fiſhing banks, ſoon ſmels the gay ground plants,
In long boat with a ſcouring pace comes gentle-like attended,
New faſhion'd by the Taylors hand, one for his parts commended.
Maſter at laſt quoth he, I'm not with labour much inured,
Yet for to countenance good folk this toylto be endured.
Hee's loath to ſay, that men of parts to govern towns are wanting,
And therefore he will through the ſeas, 'mongst others to be planting.
His Cabin is too ſtrait, his fare too mean for his degree,
Now good Sir be content a while, on ſhore youl 'he more free.
Eftſoones comes clambring up the ropes one in his mind revived,
That hee's no ſervant, quoth he, this was very well contrived,
Now I may goe where I can cloſe with people and with Preacher,
But its great wages makes him cloſe, for there he needs no teacher.
Brief dancing on the decks doth walk another boaſting ſore
Of godly kindred, and he longs to be with them on ſhore,
Theſe and the like may England ſpare, but oh it's ſad to ſay,
That privatly for publick work thy Worthies went away.
Sage, ſober, grave and godly men, together counſell ſeeking
At th'hand of God, they faſt and pray for their approved liking:
And will not ſtirre one foot, but by his word and will directing,
So on the ſeas moſt happily they found his hand directing.
Now large Revennewes hinder not, hoopt up in hogſheads they
Tranſport both lands and houſes too, nine hundred leagues away.
Oh wel away, now ſay the poore, our Benefactors going,
That fild our childrens mouths with bread, look yonder are they rowing
O woe is me another cries, my Miniſter, its hee,
As ſure as may be, yonder he from Purſevant doth flee.
With trickling tears, ſcarce uttering ſpeech, another ſobbing ſayes,
If our poore preacher ſhipped be, hee'l nere live halfe the way,
But one poore friend, another cries, my ſecret heart to plain,
And he and his are ſhipped, now I'le after him amain.
'Mongſt theſe doth Satan get a fraught, Angels of light they ſeeming,
Were entertain'd among the reſt, as holy Saints them deeming.
Hardly beſet on every ſide, Gods people thus attended,
To troublous ſeas betake themſelves, yet by their God befriended.
In ſtraits to get their goods aboord, their wives and obildren ſmall,
Hard to attaine a cleering thought, cleerely diſmiſt of all.
But God and godly friends, whom they find in their hard-ſhips free,
To ſend and lend them help in all, their great calamity.
The boyſterous waves begin to hoyſe their brittle barques on hye,
When ſuddenly the billowes breake, and daſh their ſhips awry.
Ʋnwonted to ſuch wondrous workes the little babes complaine
For harbour in their Mothers armes, whom ſickneſſe doth conſtraine
To ſit as helpleſſe, yea, for help of others they doe cry,
But all ſea-ſicke for preſent, all do others help deny.
Each corner's fill'd with goods and folke, the ſhips large womb could bear,
That hot diſeaſes breed among, this crowd, no roome to ſpare
For any weake ones, nor for thoſe, whoſe fruit was ripe for light,
On ſoundleſſe depths their babes are borne' mongſt waves above ſhips hight.
Both aged, weake, and tender ones the ſeas now tumbling toſſe,
Till they I fore'd to harbour turn'd, with ſtormy windes being croſt.
In weſtern Anglia, and the Iſle Hibernia they bide,
With longing for Jehova's help, who only windes doth guide.
As loft to loſe the laſt long ſight of their deare native ſoile,
Both back and forth the winds them drive, with mickle reſtleſſe toyle.
But being once in Ocean large, where depths the earth wide ſever,
Returne no more, though winds them croſſe, to end their courſe indere.
In unknown depths, and pathleſſe Seas, there nights and days they ſpend,
'Mongſt ſtormy winds & mountain waves long time no land they kend.
At ſhips maſt doth Chriſts Paſtors preach, while waves like Prelats proud,
Would ſling them from their pulpits place as not by them allow'd.
The ſwelling ſurges raging come to ſtop their mouths with fome,
For publiſhing of every truth that by Gods word is known.
But Chriſt as once, ſo now ſayes peace waves, and be ſtill,
For all their height they fall downe flat, obey they muſt his will.
And now the Seas like medowes greene, whoſe ground and graſſe even are,
Doth gently lead their ſhips as ſheep from place to place afar.
Who would not wait on ſuch a God, that heaven, earth, ſeas commands,
To ſerve his folke, then ſerve him folke, conducted by his hand.
For forty, fifty, ſixty dayes and nights they ſafely ſwim,
Preparing oft for fight, at ſight of ſhips that pirats been.
Long looke'd for land at length the eye, unknown, yet owne they will,
To plant therein new Collonies, wide wilderneſſe to fill.

Of the arrivall of our Engliſh Nation at the Mattachuſets Bay, &c.

WIth hearts revived in conceit, new land and trees they eye,
Senting the Caedars and ſweet ferne from heats reflection drye.
Much like the bird from dolſome Romes inclos'd in cage of wyre,
Set forth in fragrant fields, doth skip in hope of her deſire.
So leap the hearts of theſe mixt men by ſtreights o're ſeat inured,
To following hard ſhips wilderneſſe, doth force to be endured.
In clipping armes of ont-ſtretcht Capes, there ſhips now gliding enter,
In bay where many little Iſles doe ſtand in waters Center.
Where Sea-calves with their hairy heads gaze 'bove the waters brim,
Wondring to ſee ſuch unconth ſights their ſporting place to ſwim.
The ſeas vaſt length makes welcome ſhores unto this wandring race,
Who now found footing freely for, Chriſts Church his reſting place.
This people landing, ſoonly ſhewd diverſity of minds,
As various heads, ſo actions did declare their divers kinds.
Now patience, John, give eare a while unto a briefe digreſſion,
The better ſhalt thou underſtand the following progreſſion.
Diverſity of cenſure have paſt on this people, why
Moſt judge the whole by leſſer part, and parts run much awry.
By parts the giver, nor to part, and thou a part ſhalt ſee,
To be partakers with the truth in hearts ſimplicity.
Yet further let me mind thee more from Satans ſullin fits,
Great rancour doth againſt them riſe, enlarg'd by divers wits.
Yea male-contents none well content but diſcontentedly,
They breath out ill, being croſt in will to all lamentingly.
But now let's on my honeſt John, to land this people came,
'Mongſt trees and men that naked been, whom labour did not tame.
Small entrance did they make therein, for why diſeaſes ſtay,
Their long unwonted legs to walke, in wilderneſſe the way.
In booths and huts lamenting lye, both men and women eake,
Some breathing out their lateſt breath, and others faintly ſpeak.
Ʋnto their friends for ſuccour ſoone that ſtrength they might recover,
Which once attain'd, they ſearch the land, tracing the Countrey over.
To raiſing Townes and Churches new, in wilderneſſe they wander,
Firſt Plymouth, and then Salem next, were placed far aſunder.
Charles river where they nextly land, a Towne like name they built
Poore Cottages them populate, with winters wet ſoone ſpilt.
Brave Boſton ſuch beginning had, Dorcheſter ſo began,
Roxbury roſe as mean as they, Cambridge forth from them ran.
Lin likewiſe built, when Watertowne firſt houſes up did reare,
Then large limb'd Ipſwich brought to eye' mongſt woods & waters cleer.
Hartford, New-haven, ſcituate, Sandwich and Dover all,
In wilderneſſe 'mongſt people wilde, there Scituations fall,
Newbery, Weymouth, Hingham, Hall, have their firſt nomination,
Rude Iſland Providence brought forth by baniſhed their ſtation.
Springfield, Hamlton, Concord, eke Deddam and Rowly,〈◊〉
New peopled in this Weſtern world, where lands lye waſt and free.
Salisbury, Sudbury, both began, to bore the Land, and plant,
Braintre, Gloceſter, Exeter, plac'd where the wilde beaſts haunt.
Wooborn, Wickham, Redding built, with little ſilver mettle,
Andover, Haverhill, Berri's-banks, their habitations ſettle.
Southampton, Martins-vineyard, and ſome new nam'd Towns beſide,
All by this brood of travellers, were peopled far and wide.
With what they had ſtord'd up for time of ſcarcity, they live,
Till tubs were empty, and the Land, could them ſmall ſuccour give.
God ne're denyes them freſh ſupplyes, with joy oft ſhips they eye,
That bring in bread & meate for food when in thoſe ſtraights they cry.
Till labour bleſſe the earths encreaſe, and food each Towne doth fill,
The land being ſowne with man and beaſt, great ſtore retaining ſtill.

A briefe deſcription of the Land, Beaſts, Birds, Trees, and Fruits.

VNlevel'd lies this land new found with hills and vallies low,
With many mixtures of ſuch mold where fruits do firtile grow.
Well watered with the pleaſant ſprings that from the hills ariſe,
The waters run with warbling tunes, with ſtones that in them lies.
To welcome weary travellers, reſting unneath the ſhade,
Of lofty banks, where lowly boughs, for them freſh harbour made.
The leſſer Rivelets rent themſelves into a wider way,
Where ſcouring torrents furious fall, through rocks their ſtreames doe ſtray.
AT end of March begins the Spring, by Sols new elivation,
Sealing away the earths white robe, dropping with ſweats vexation.
The Codfiſh, Holybut, & Baſſe, do ſport the rivers in,
And Alle wiſes with their crowding ſholes, in every creek do ſwim.
Leaving their ſpawn in ponds to thrive 'mongſt Pikes devouring jawes.
That ſwallow Trowts, Tench, Roach and Breme into their greedy mawes.
Pirch, Shad, and Eeles, there plenty full the panyard and the pan,
Smelts, Lobſters, Crab-fiſh, pranes and ſhrimps, with cockles muſſels clams.
Plenty of oyſters overgrow the flowed lands ſo thick,
That thouſand loads to lime are turn'd, to lay faſt ſtone and brick.
The Cormorants with greedy gut full faſt the fiſhes follow,
And Eagles with their piercing ſight look through the waters ſhal­low.
Ducks, Hens, and Pheaſants often row upon the waters brim,
With plenty of their fellow fowles to welcome in the Spring.
Devouring fires burning black the earths old ruſty hew,
Like torch-bearers in gloomy night, their flames with wind ſore flew.
Like Phoenix rare, from aſhes old, of graſſe, doth graſſe ariſe,
The earth caſts off her mourning coate, gay clad like bride to eyes.
With herbs and divers precious plants for phyſicks operation,
Diverſity of fragrant flowers for ſences recreation.
BEſpread with Roſes Sommer 'gins take place with haſty ſpeed,
Whoſe parching beate Strawberries coole doth moderation breed.
Ayre darkening ſholes of pigeons picke their berries ſweet and good,
The lovely Cherries birds entice, to feaſt themſelves in woods.
The Turkies, Partridge, Heath-hens and their young ones tracing paſſe,
The woods and medowes, Achorn eat, and hoppers in the graſſe.
Like Virgils knat musketo flies with buzzy humming dare
Aſſault the ſtouteſt with long trunke, both blood and bliſters reare.
When little lineaments the Sun, or winde doth feeble make
Yea cooling dewes their ſwarms allay, and ſtrength of ſtinging ſlake.
The little hum birds ſucking ſweet, from flowers draw their food,
Humilities in ſommer-time only find livelihood.
GOod wholſome and delightfull food, variety & ſtore,
The Husband-man rejoycing keeps, with fruit the earths wombe boare.
Peas plenty, Barley, Oats and wheat, Rye richly ſtocking ſtands,
Such ſtore the plough-man late hath found, that they feed forreign lands.
Cucumbers, mellons, apples, peares, and plums do flouriſh faire,
Yea what delight and profit would, they ſtill are adding there.
Sixe ſorts of Oakes the land affords, Walnuts doe differ ſo,
That divers ſhapes their fruit retains, and food that in them grow.
Roots are not wanting, wild and tame, in gardens they encreaſe,
Ground nuts, ground beans, not gathered till, warmth doth the earth releaſe.
Grapes wanting vintage, common grow, fit for the travellers hand,
With food from berries multitude, that grow throughout the land.
SHarpe, ſudden, yet with lightſome looks doth winters cold come in,
With thicke, large Coat doth cloath the earth, both ſoft, ſmooth, white and trim.
The large tempeſtuous ſurges are bound in with frozen band,
Where ſhip did anker, men doe walke, and carts as on the land.
The Geeſe flye prating night and day, to tell the approaching ſeaſon,
Brought downe by gun ſhot from their flight unto the Indians geſon.
The tumbling beares intrapped are, mongſt houſes ſudden enter,
O'rethrowne by eager hunters, who purſue them in this venter.
The tripping Deer with length of leaps, do burſt through frozen ſnow,
Hunters purſue with bracket ſhooes, at length they weary grow.
Then down the dogs them ſudden draw, expos'd to hunters pleaſure,
Their flſh well welcome, and their skins, are chiefe of Indian treaſure.
Whole kennels of devouring wolves both Deer and Swine deſtroy,
Yet ſcar'd by weakeſt children, they them the leſſe annoy.
The Suns bright preſence moſt dayes doth cheere man and beaſt with joy,
With hope of pleaſant ſprings approach to free from colds annoy.
With mineralls the earth is fraught, though Alcumiſts are wanting,
Which makes current mettle priz'd 'mongſt Merchants daily ſcanting.

Of their building, planting, and giving out of LANDS.

DElightfull to the eye did lye the woods and medowes greene,
The paths untrod by man and beaſt, both ſmooth and clenly ſeene.
Moſt men unlanded till this time, for large lands Eages ſue,
Had not reſtraint knockt of their bands, too big their fermes had grew.
Give eare I pray unto the praiſe ſet on a new Plantation,
Firſt for the medow ſirs ſays one, I have found ſuch a ſtation.
Where graſſe doth grow as high as I, round ſtalkes and very thicke,
No haſſocks but a bottom plain, Carts cannot therein ſtick.
Salt bay and freſh there thouſands are of acres I do deeme,
A gallant barbour there's for ſhips the beſt that yet is ſeene.
Boates may come up unto our doors, the Creeks convenient lye,
Fiſh plenty taken in them are, plains plowable hard by.
No buſh nor roots to hinder them, yet ſtately timber is,
In every ſwamp, yea uplands too, moſt clobberd trees I wis.
Clay there for bricke and tile, pot-earth with eaſe, and ſtore,
Some men ſuppoſe black lead is there, ſilver and copper o're.
Carry but guns, and wild fowle will be brought unto our diſhes,
Veniſon and Mooſe you there may catch according to your wiſhes.
All creatures thrive exceeding well, Goats, Swine, and ſheep for meat,
Horſe, Cows, and Calves encreaſe as well, ther's ſtore of Engliſh wheat.
Five, ſeven, or nine old Planters doe take up their ſtation firſt,
Whoſe property is not to ſhare unto themſelves the worſt.
Their Cottages like Crows neſts built, new commers goods attain,
For mens accommodation ſake, they truck their ſeats for gaine.
Come buy my houſe, here may you have, much medow at your dore,
'Twill dearer be if you ſtay till, the land be planted o're.
See you that garden plat inclos'd, Pumkins there hundreds are,
Parſnips and Roots, with Cabiges, grow in great plenty there.
Lay out an hundred pound or two, you ſhall have ſuch a ſeat,
When you have planted but one crop, you cannot want for meate.
This praiſe doth make the purchaſer his gold and ſilver throw,
Into his hand for houſe and land that yet he did not know.
Ʋnſeen, and yet ſudden bought, when once the ſale was ended,
His purchaſe makes him miſſe of more, with gifts he's not befriended.
One he hath friends to praiſe his parts, his lot ſhall larger be,
For uſefull men are highly priz'd, ſuch ſhall ſell two or three.
Sure much miſtaken, towns have been, for many have made prize,
Get all they can, ſell often, than, and thus old Planters riſe.
They build to ſell, and ſell to build, where they find towns are planting,
Till men no more the Sea paſſe o're, and Cuſtomers are wanting.
Then thoſe that boaſt their townes were full for company are longing,
Who lately fear'd land would fall ſhort, when men to them came thronging.
Inſatiate minds for medow, and beſt land they could attain,
Hath cauſed Townes, land lay by lot, I wiſh it were not vaine.
TO populate this howling deſart Land,
The only worke is of Jehovah's band.
Contemn no weakeſt meanes in hand of him:
See here his worke by meanes that weakeſt been.
In thrice five yeares a Common-wealth compleat,
For peace, for war, for actions ſmall and great.
Five hundred Lawes for peoples plaine direction,
Englands addition as naturall Connection.
Preſt to oppoſe haters of peace: with guide
Of Officers, three Regiments abide.
In Middleſex ſeven Enſigns are diſplaid,
There diſciplin'd by Major Sedgwick's aide.
In Suffolk nine, by Major Gibbons led,
Eſſex and Norfolk in one are marſhalled,
By Deniſon, their Major in the field,
Their Generall a yearly choiſe doth yeild.
Eight times a yeare each band inſtructed is,
And once to meet in one they may not miſſe.
Both Horſe & Foot, force, forts and Caſtles are,
Prepar'd in peace for peace, yet fit for War.
To awe bruit men, Juſtice impartially,
Hath hitherto with pale ſuſpitious eye,
Diſperſt the crimes common in many Lands,
Diſgrace for vice, honour for vertue ſtands.
Now notice take, this is the grand complaint,
That Engliſh here from priviledg'd reſtraint,
Have: why I pray, you'l priviledg confound,
If common they with lawrell all not crown'd.
For trades, commerce, Merchants, Sea-affaires,
Great freedoms bad, large gaines their loſſe repaires.
Monopolies is by their lawes forbid,
Ʋnleſſe invention rare from others hid.
All handy-crafts have choiſe of worke at will,
And ordered are, leſt working praiſe they ſpill.
As ſhipping great, built up by timbers ſtrength,
But iron mills their chains of greater length.
Salt, ſope and glaſſe, Tiles, lime and bricke are made,
With orders for well-ordering each Trade.
So ſuted hath his providence, that none.
Can contradict: envy of any one
Shall not prevaile, Juſtice and peace ſhall ſtill,
Perfect this worke, govern for God they will.
For hutbandry, Corne, Cattell, wood and bay,
Good lawes are made for all men to obey.
Liſten a while, I muſt ſpend one word more,
Some rubs remaine, are hardlier gotten o're.
Bipartior in many Court and Cauſe,
Doth dull the edge of Juſtice, Sword and Lawes.
Diſcloſeth Counſels, opens Breaches wide,
That adverſe part ſteps in without a guide.
Makes cauſes good or bad, as men affect it,
Doth what's oppos'd, and what is lik't neglect it.
Tells liberty, authority will ſtop,
And clip her wings, quoth ſhe, I'le ſit on top.
Tells men their cauſe is good, but wanting
Lawes: or Judges are in learn'd, in ſight ſeanting.
More yet remaines, ſwift ſpeakers ſhow but backe,
So counſels loſt words will not fill a ſack.
And now ſay truth doth not great skill appear,
Through ſuch tempeſtuous ſeas and ſtormes to ſteere.
So ſwiftly one grapling with Pirats oft,
For England fain'd, bearing their flag aloft.
To England yet, ungratefull they'l not be,
That governe here, yet little help they ſee.
The more's to come, experience teaches ſure,
You'l pitty more, when you the like endure.
More yet you'l find our enemies are yours,
You'l hurt your ſelves if you encreaſe their powers.
Forgive, that they ſo much your good forget,
Lighter to truth, thoſe they ſhould harder hit.
If England one as truths but one embrace,
Theſe tooke your name, and you will take their eaſe.
If England ſay more wayes then one they wilt
Allow no more then helps reforming ſtill.
Thoſe that are skild in ſtructures modell, make,
A little moddel here is for you, take
What may ſerve turne for oppoſites to awe,
For Kings may rule without a Biſhops law.
Could Biſhops keepe downe all their Lordſhips ſpoile,
And can't higheſt Court awe thoſe Gods word defile.
With blaſphemous horrid interpretation,
As only they knowing Gods explanation.
Ruine now men ſtrive, with words contentious ſtrength,
New-Englands acts ſhall ſpeak, not words at length.
While fogs ariſe from errour breaching braines,
Their juſtice clouded is, and what remaines.
But unto God that they commit their way,
And judgment ſhall burſt forth as ſunny day.
Let England wait with patience for the ſame,
Not drawing backe for coſt, finiſh for ſhame.
Iaſt Prelates proud tollerating deride,
Ye know not truth without their guide.

About this transcription

TextGood news from Nevv-England: with an exact relation of the first planting that countrey : a description of the profits accruing by the worke. Together with a briefe, but true discovery of their order both in church and common-wealth, and maintenance allowed the painfull labourers in that vineyard of the Lord. With the names of the severall towns, and who be preachers to them.
AuthorWinslow, Edward, 1595-1655..
Extent Approx. 65 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 15 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85356)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 125896)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 68:E431[21])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationGood news from Nevv-England: with an exact relation of the first planting that countrey : a description of the profits accruing by the worke. Together with a briefe, but true discovery of their order both in church and common-wealth, and maintenance allowed the painfull labourers in that vineyard of the Lord. With the names of the severall towns, and who be preachers to them. Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655.. [2], 25, [1] p. Printed by Matthew Simmons,London :1648.. (Mainly in verse.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "March 10th"; the 8 in the imprint date is crossed out and replaced with "7".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony) -- Early works to 1800.
  • Massachusetts -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

About the encoding

Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

Editorial principles

EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

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Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

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Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85356
  • STC Wing G1062
  • STC Thomason E431_21
  • STC ESTC R8856
  • EEBO-CITATION 99873425
  • PROQUEST 99873425
  • VID 125896

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