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Good Newes from OXFORD (Of the TREATY) For the Surrender thereof: And how they are packing up to march away on Thurſday next, June 18. 1646.

WITH The Surrender of Sherburne-houſe already agreed.

ALSO The particulars of the ſeven Viſions ſeene at Gravenhage the 31. of May laſt; Tranſlated out of the Dutch Copies.

Printed by the Originall Papers, and publiſhed according to Order.

LONDON, Printed by Jane Coe, 1646.


AN Abſtract of the Letters From the leager before OXFORD.

THE wonderfull workes of GOD have and doe ſtill appeare for that godly and valiant Army with Sir Thomas Fairfax, in the ſo farre re­ducing of this Kingdome to peace, in which God hath made his Excellencie a glorious Inſtrument.


And now ſince his Excellency came before Oxford, that work hath been carryed on with very great diſcre­tion; and although we have ſtill gone on with the work in preparing to ſtorme, and approaches made very neere to the enemy in ſeverall places about the City, yet the Treaty hath ſtill gone on, and the Enemy been every day more and more daunted and diſcouraged from reſiſting us, though the moſt pernitious neſt in the Kingdome, and a place the moſt impregnable of any, and the perſons deſperate.

We have now gone through divers of the Articles, and (though with much difficulty) come neere to the end; but to God is all the praiſe to be given for this great work, for it could not be any wayes expected from the arme of fleſh, eſpecially from ſuch a poore deſpiſed Army as that was at the firſt: but to the Lord be the glory of his owne works.

For the buſineſſe of the Treaty for the ſurrender of Oxford, i t is certified thus: viz.

That the Commiſſioners ſate late on Saterday, June 13, and have overcome all difficulties in the Treaty, there being onely circumſtantiall things to be concluded on, which at the next meeting without peradventure will be finiſhed: ſo that by Thurſday next it is conceived they will march out of Oxford; they are already packing up in Oxford in preparation towards their march. His Excellencie upon a ſecond humble Petition from Miſtreſſe Chamberlaine of Sher­burne hath accepted of the ſurrender of Sherburne3 houſe in Oxfordſhire; The Generall upon her firſt Petition adviſed her to addreſſe her ſelfe to the Parlia­ment, which it ſeemes ſhe did; but by reaſon of other great affaires, obtained no poſitive Anſwer.

Although the Houſe hath been a Garriſon, yet nei­ther at our firſt comming to Oxford this time twelve­month, nor all this while we have been here hath any wayes annoyed our Forces, but on the contrary hath contributed in proviſions to the maintenance of thoſe Forces imployed about Wallingford, as other parts have done. This houſe being kept with ſome men and Armes in it by Maſter Chamberlaine, prevented the making of the ſame an active Gartiſon for the King, which would much have annoyed Henly and thoſe parts: And have onely ſtood upon their Guards to defend themſelves from Plunder, and never took any of the Parliaments Soldiers Priſoners, nor offered vi­olence unto them, nor raiſed Contribution of the Countrey. If this be the Gaſe, (as they alledge it to be) it is different from any other in the Kingdome.

The Enemy made a ſally out of Farringdon with Clubs, but were beaten in, two of their Horſes killed, and three men.


About this transcription

TextGood newes from Oxford (of the treaty) for the surrender thereof: and how they are packing up to march away on Thursday next, June 18. 1646. With the surrender of Sherburne-house already agreed. Also the particulars of the seven visions seene at Gravenhage the 31. of May last; translated out of the Dutch copies. Printed by the originall papers and published according to order.
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85357)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 159746)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 55:E340[23])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationGood newes from Oxford (of the treaty) for the surrender thereof: and how they are packing up to march away on Thursday next, June 18. 1646. With the surrender of Sherburne-house already agreed. Also the particulars of the seven visions seene at Gravenhage the 31. of May last; translated out of the Dutch copies. Printed by the originall papers and published according to order. [2], 5, [1] p. : ill. Printed by Jane Coe,London, :1646.. ("An early copy in my possession has 'Gravenadge' in the title--Madan.) (Verso of last leaf has a "rude engraving .. apparently of the siege of York, .. it had been used before for 'Ruperts sumpter' published in July, 1644"--Madan. Illustration has caption: Pack up and away from Oxford.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 16".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Visions -- Early works to 1800.
  • Apparitions -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Treaties -- Early works to 1800.
  • Oxford (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85357
  • STC Wing G1063
  • STC Thomason E340_23
  • STC ESTC R200885
  • EEBO-CITATION 99861510
  • PROQUEST 99861510
  • VID 159746

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