PRIMS Full-text transcription (HTML)

THE GRAND MEMORANDUM: OR, A true and perfect CATALOGUE of the Secluded Members of the Houſe of Commons, fitting 16. March, 1659. being the day of their Diſſolution. Alſo a perfect Catalogue of the RUMPERS, ſome of them ſitting with the Secluded Members the ſame day: Together with the Names of ſuch as were the KINGS Judges, and condemned Him to death under their Hands and Seals, marked with an

  • * CHarls Rich, now Earl of Warwick
  • Charls Carr now Earl of Ancram.
  • Thomas Viſcount Wenman.
  • Sir John Pelham
  • * Sir Richard Houghton
  • Sir George Booth
  • * Sir John Barrington
  • * Sir Henry Worſley
  • Sir Harbottle Grimſton
  • Sir Robert Napper
  • Sir Gilbert Gerrard
  • Sir Ralph Aſhton
  • Sir William Playters
  • Sir Francis Drake
  • Sir John Holland
  • * Sir Ambroſe Brown
  • * Sir William Fenwick
  • Sir William Lewis
  • Sir Roger Burgoine
  • Sir John Northcot
  • Sir William Drake
  • Sir Norton Knatchbull
  • Sir Thomas Trevour
  • Sir John Curſon
  • * Sir Hugh Owen
  • Sir Humphrey Briggs
  • * Sir Henry Heyman
  • Sir John Palgrave
  • * Sir Robert Benloſs
  • Sir John Potts
  • * Sir Humphrey Tufton
  • Sir Beauchampe St. John
  • Sir Dudley North
  • Sir Samuel Luke
  • Sir Walter Earl
  • * Sir Nicholas Martin
  • * Sir John Corbet
  • * Sir William Litton
  • Sir Thomas Dacres
  • * Sir John Clothworthy
  • Sir Anthony Irby
  • Sir John Leigh
  • Sir Philip Parker
  • * Sir Thomas Parker
  • Sir Thomas Barnardiſton
  • Sir John Temple
  • Sir John Seymour
  • Sir William Waller
  • * Sir Nevil Poole
  • Sir Richard Onſlow
  • Sir Thomas Middleton
  • * Sir Charls Egerton
  • * Sir Martin Liſter
  • Sir Robert Pye the Elder
  • Sir John Evelyn of Wilts
  • Sir Edmund Fowel
  • Sir John Younge
  • Sir John Evelyn of Surrey
  • Sir Robert Needham
  • Sir Edward Partridge
  • Sir Henry Cholmley
  • Sir Thomas Soam
  • Sir William Wheeler
  • Sir Francis Hollys
  • James Herbert
  • Denzil Hollys
  • * William Pierrepont
  • George Mountague
  • James Fenys
  • * Nathaniel Fenys
  • John Fenys
  • Arthur Anneſley
  • Edward Mountague, General at Sea
  • John Crew
  • Richard Knightley
  • Richard Winwood
  • Robert Packer
  • * Hugh Boſcowen
  • * Thomas Gewen
  • Thomas Povey
  • * John Thomas
  • John Thynn
  • * James Cambel
  • * Francis Buller
  • Leonel Copley
  • * Richard Eriſey
  • Thomas Dacres
  • Simon Snow
  • Thomas Moore of Ludlow
  • Richard Tolſon
  • Henry Lucas
  • Nathaniel Bacon
  • Francis Bacon
  • Hugh Potter
  • Edward Leigh
  • * Edmund Fowel
  • Elize Crimes
  • * Thomas Ceeley
  • * Henry Arthington
  • Charls Pymm
  • * John Sayer
  • Richard Jenins
  • Edward Wingate
  • Edward Harley
  • Nathaniel Stevens
  • Edward Stevens
  • John Stevens
  • Bennet Hoskins
  • John Birche
  • John Boys
  • William Wrey
  • Edward Roſſeter
  • * Thomas Hatcher
  • * Henry Pelham
  • Thomas Hunt
  • Robert Clives
  • * John Holcroft
  • * Richard Shutleworth
  • William Bell
  • Samuel Vaſſal
  • John Spilman
  • Robert Scawen
  • John Doyly
  • John Nixon
  • * Francis Drake
  • William Aiſcough
  • Edward Biſhe
  • George Evelyn
  • William Ouldfield
  • John Bowyer
  • John Swynfen
  • Richard Whitehead
  • John Bulkley
  • * John Button
  • George Horner
  • Thomas Grove
  • Edward Exton
  • William Maurice
  • * William Carent
  • Henry Peck
  • * Hall Ravenſcroft
  • * Thomas Middleton
  • Alexander Bence
  • * Maurice Barrow
  • Thomas Hodges
  • * Henry Lawrence
  • Alexander Thiſtlethwaite
  • Thomas Moor
  • Edward Bainton
  • Henry Hungerford
  • Walter Long
  • Edward Poole
  • * Edward Maſſey
  • John Nelthropp
  • Henry Oxenden
  • Samuel Gott
  • Francis Gerrard
  • John Trevour
  • Richard Wynn
  • Richard Brown
  • Arthur Onſlowe
  • William Foxwiſt
  • John Lloyd
  • William Jones
  • Edward Vaughan
  • Robert Harley
  • William Strode of Somerſet
  • William Prynn
  • Robert Shapcott
  • Peregrine Hobby
  • John Glynn Serjeant at Law.
  • John Maynard Serjeant at Law.
  • Thomas Twiſden Serjeant at Law.
  • Thomas Waller Serjeant at Law.
  • John Bond Doctor of Law.
  • Capel Luckin
  • Samuel Gardiner
  • (176.).

All thoſe that are noted with a Star * were abſent, either not having notice of the ſitting of their Fellow Members, or by Sickneſs were diſabled to Travel to London.

A True and Perfect Catalogue of the RUMPERS, ſome of them ſitting with the Secluded Members, on the Sixteenth of March, 1659. The day of the Diſſolving of the PARLIAMENT.

  • PHilip Herbert Earl of Pem­broke.
  • * Philip Viſcount Liſle
  • William Viſcount Mounſon
  • Sir Arthur Heſilrigge
  • Sir William Brereton
  • Sir Richard Lucy
  • * Sir Francis Ruſſel
  • * Sir Michael Leveſey
  • * Sir William Strickland
  • * Sir James Harrington
  • Sir Gilbert Pickering
  • Sir William Ellis
  • Sir John Lenthal
  • Sir Thomas Wroth
  • * Sir Thomas Walſingham
  • Sir Henry Mildmay
  • Sir John Trevour
  • Sir John Bourcher
  • Sir Peter Wentworth
  • Sir George Fleetwood
  • Sir Thomas Atkins Alderman of London.
  • Sir Robert Goodwin
  • Sir Thomas Widerington
  • * Sir Bolſtrode Whitlock
  • Oliver St. John Serjeant at Law.
  • Roger Hill Serjeant at Law
  • John Wilde Serjeant at Law
  • * Robert Nicholas Serjeant at Law.
  • Francis Thorpe Serjeant at Law
  • Eraſmus Earle Serjeant at Law
  • * Charls Fleetwood
  • * Edmund Ludlow
  • Philip Skippon
  • John Liſle of the High Court of Juſtice.
  • * John Jones
  • * Thomas Crompton
  • * Chriſtopher Martin
  • Henry Smith
  • Michael Oldſworth
  • * John Gourdon
  • Brampton Gourdon
  • John Fielder
  • John Hutchenſon
  • Thomas Pury ſenior
  • Thomas Pury junior
  • Thomas Chaloner
  • William Lemman
  • * Edmund Harvey
  • Edward Hareby
  • Henry Martin
  • James Temple
  • Peter Temple
  • Benjamine Weſton
  • * William Heveningham
  • John Barker
  • George Thompſon
  • Luke Robinſon
  • Gilbert Millington
  • * John Anlaby
  • Auguſtine Garland
  • Robert Andrews
  • Thomas Liſter
  • John Trenchard
  • Daniel Blagrave
  • Nathaniel Rich
  • * Nicholas Gould
  • * John Carew
  • Francis Laſſels
  • Miles Corbet
  • Edmund Dunch
  • * Algernon Sidney
  • John Lowry
  • William Say
  • * Henry Darley
  • Richard Darley
  • Nicholas Letchmore
  • John Dormer
  • * William Cawley
  • John Nut
  • * Cornelius Holland
  • Richard Ingoldsby
  • Edmund Wilde
  • John Corbet
  • James Aſhe
  • * John Goodwin
  • Simon Mayne
  • Thomas Scot
  • Thomas Boone
  • Edmund Weſt
  • Robert Reynolds
  • William White
  • Auguſtine Skinner
  • John Dove
  • Nicholas Love
  • Philip Smith
  • Valentine Wanton
  • Robert Cecil
  • Iſaac Pennington, another Al­derman of London.
  • John Fagg
  • William Hay
  • * Nathaniel Hallowes
  • Thomas Waite
  • * Walter Strickland
  • * John Pyne
  • * Gervas Pigott
  • Robert Bennet
  • * Robert Wallop
  • John Weaver
  • Herbert Morley
  • * John Bingham
  • John Dixwel
  • James Nelthropp
  • John Downes
  • Robert Brewſter
  • * James Chaloner

Beſides on the Commonwealths account there ſate theſe following Perſons, who had as much right to ſit in the Con­clave of Rome, as in the Parlia­ment of England, being Elected after the death of the King, viz.

  • * William Earl of Salisbury
  • * Henry Nevil
  • Carew Rawleigh
  • William Eyres
  • Philip Jones
  • Thomas Birch.

All thoſe that are marked with the Hand, were the Kings Judges, and condemned him to Death under their Hands and Seales; All thoſe that are marked with the Star, are ſuch Members as did not ſit after the Secluded Members admiſsion into the Houſe.

THis is publiſhed by Command of a Member of the Long Parliament, to prevent miſtakes, and that the people of this Nation may ſee and know who have been their Oppreſſors, and the fatal Betrayers of their Liberties, by erecting High Courts of Juſtice, and acting many other Enormities &c. And that they may be the better guided in their FUTURE ELECTIONS.

London, Printed for EDWARD HUSBANDS, formerly Printer to the Honorable Houſe of Commons, and ſold at the Golden-Dragon in Fleetſtreet, 1660.

About this transcription

TextThe Grand memorandum, or, A True and perfect catalogue of the secluded members of the House of Commons, sitting 16. March, 1659, being the day of their dissolution also a perfect catalogue of the Rumpers, some of them sitting with the secluded members the same day : together with the names of such as were the kings judges, and condemned him to death under their hands and seals ...
Extent Approx. 13 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-IV TIFF page image.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85524)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 152273)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2289:10)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe Grand memorandum, or, A True and perfect catalogue of the secluded members of the House of Commons, sitting 16. March, 1659, being the day of their dissolution also a perfect catalogue of the Rumpers, some of them sitting with the secluded members the same day : together with the names of such as were the kings judges, and condemned him to death under their hands and seals ... 1 sheet ([1] p.). Printed for Edward Husbands, formerly printer to the honorable House of Commons ...,London :1660.. (Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries (London, England).)
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament. -- House of Commons.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660.
  • Broadsides -- London (England) -- 17th century.

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  • DLPS A85524
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