A GREAT VICTORY Obtained by the ROYALISTS NEAR Huntington ſhire, againſt the Parliaments Forces, and the manner of the Cavaliers ingaging them; with the particulars of the bloudy Fight, and the number killed, wounded, and taken priſoners.
ALSO, Their diſmounting of the Lord Cenerals Troopers, their ſlaſhing and cutting of them, and taking of divers horſes and arms, and the name of the Commanders in chief of the Kings Forces.
LIKEWISE, Joyfull Newes from the Royall Navy, the Deſires of his Highneſs the Prince of VVales, the Propoſitions of Prince Maurice, concerning the Engliſh Ships, and a great Victory obtained near Carliſle.
London, Printed for R, VV. 1648.
THE Kings Forces in theſe parts, (being but a ſmall party) range the Countries round, and are become maſters of more then they are able to carry away, having plundered divers well affected in theſe parts, they are exceeding well mounted,2 conſiſting of about twenty in number, one Captaine VVharton commanding in chiefe, a man of deſperate fortunes, and the reſt all Dammee Blades, who have declared, That they are reſolved to fight it out to the laſt man, rather then to ſubmit to the mercy either of parliament or army, or be taken by any Independent Rebell (as they are pleaſed to call them.)
On Tueſday laſt, the ſaid party marched towards the Confines of Cambridge ſhire, where they diſcovered a party of horſe, inſomuch that Capt. VVharton immediatly advanced up to them, asked them what they were, and from whence they came; they anſwered, they belonged to the Lord General Fairfax: then VVharton replyed, you are all my priſoners: a Gentleman at the head of the Parliaments party, made anſwer, Not ſo long as we are able to hold a ſword in one hand, and a piſtoll in the other; whereupon capt. VVharton fired, his forces came up, and both parties ingaged, the encounter was very hot, and the ground diſputed with much gallantry, VVharton charged like a Lion, and at laſt gained the day, being far more in number then the other, yet fought ſo long as they were able to make oppoſition, inſomuch that ſome of them are mortally wounded, the reſt all ſlaſht & cut, their horſe and arms taken from them, their pockets plundered; which done, they bid them go to their Generall, and recruit. In this conflict two were ſlain, and four of the Cavalry wounded. We hear that the ſaid party intends Weſtward, to joyn with Byron, if it bee poſſible.
VVare22. Sept. 1648.
THere is like to be no engagement between the prince and the Earl of VVarwick, the firſt declining an ingagement, & not willing to fight; but much preſſed to weigh anchor, and reſolve for ſome other forraign Country.
Here hath lately happened ſome diſputations between his Highneſſe the Prince of VVales, and the Royall party with him, in relation how to diſpoſe of the Navy, and the Grandees have had ſome conſultation thereupon, in order thereunto for diſpoſing of the ſaid Fleet, not thinking themſelves or ſhips in ſo good a poſture, or uſefull a way where they are, becauſe, they conceive, if they ſhould plunder the London Marchants, they ſhould incur the diſpleaſure of the Metropolis, and for the future receive no ſuccour or relief from thence, but receive gratification by a power of oppoſition.
Beſides, the Lord high Admirall at Sea may be upon the back of them before they be aware, the wind ſerving now to carry them from the Downs.
This buſineſſe took up ſome time in debate thereof and at laſt came to theſe reſults.
Divers of the Councell, as Prince Maurice. and others, declared at the Councell table, That they conceiv'd it moſt neceſſary and requiſite, to weigh anchor, and ſteer towards the kingdom of France, delivering ſeverall reaſons, wherein it tended moſt for the ſafety of the Navy, and the advancement of their Soveraigns Cauſe, if the Treaty took not effect.
4The Lord VVilloughby, and others, moved for the North.
But Capt. Batten preſſeth much for Ireland, and its conceived his Propoſition will be aſſented to; which indeed, is the place of greateſt danger for England, and the moſt eminent place to advance the Cauſe of the Royall party.
The Lord Inchiquin being maſter of the field with a very conſiderable power, and (in all probability) will be ready to comply and joyn with the Prince; for it is generally reported here, that the Navy is invited thither by ſome great Ones, and that they have a deſign to joyn with them againſt England; Their chiefeſt aym were firſt at the United Provinces, to levy forces, being promiſed great matters; but finding ſuch an unwillingneſſe amongſt the Netherlanders to ingage againſt England, they have changed their reſolution, and within few days will ſayle from Gorce.
Hague19. Sept. 1648.
On Friday laſt they ſallied out of the City with a conſiderable party of Horſe and Dragoons, marched ſome few miles up into the Country, fell to their old trade of plundering, and had gathered great ſtore of cattell in a heard together; who even in the nicke of time as they were driving them away, a party of the Gen. Lanberts Horſe, came in to the Countries aſſiſtance, fell upon the Scots and Engliſh Cavalry, reſcued the cattell, and put divers of the enemy to the ſword, killing above 30 upon the place, and took neer upon as many priſoners, with the loſſe of eleven men, 5 ſlain, and 6 wounded.
The reſt of their Body retreated, and the night approached, which much eclipſed the ſplendor of our Victory, and our horſes being tired, and the wayes difficult, could not maintain the purſuit no further, ſo that they are now marching up to the head-quarters of Lieu. Gen. Crumwell, their Major Generall being likewiſe marching towards the Borders of Scotland with 3000 horſe, as alſo col. Whites and col. Hackers going after him with all ſpeed from the ſiege of Pontefract.
The Lieul. Gen. is likewiſe marching towards the Borders, and hath ſent the Biſhoprick horſe commanded by Major Sanderſon, and another of his own Regiments by the way of Anwick, to diſſipate the Engliſh Enemy about Barwick, commanded by Sir Thomas Tildſley, and to fight them, or force them to a retreat; and we hear that they have lately fallen upon ſome of their out-quarters five miles on this ſide Chillingham, killed ſome, and took divers priſoners, and have allarm'd the reſt, who (we hear) are uſing all means poſſible to eſcape their mercy, and deſire to move Weſtward, but it is believed, col. Lamberts Forces will interpoſe between them and Carliſle, and fruſtrate their deſign of joyning with the Lord Byron in VVales.
Monro is retreated into Scotland with all the Scots both Horſe and Foot, the Lord Lanerick is joyned with him with the additionall Forces, conſiſting of about 3000. who upon their march towards Edenburgh to the committee of Eſtates, received intelligence, that the ſaid committee were all forced from thence, the caſtle ſurprized by old Gen. Leven, and that the Marq. of Argyle with a great Army were entred the city; whereupon they changed their motion,6 and is now marching towards the Weſt of Scotland; but Lieut. Gen. David Leſley having notice thereof advanced with a conſiderable party of horſe, fell upon the Lord Lanericks Briggade, and diſperſed moſt of them.
Lieu. Gen. Crumwell is reſolved to ſend ſummons to Scotland for ſurrender of the Engliſh Garriſons to the obedience of the Parliament of England, and to have a mutuall correſpondency between both Nations.
By an Expreſſe from Holland Sept. 22. it is advertized, that the Seamen and Mariners in the revolted ſhips begin to mutiny, occaſioned by the late propoſals of ſome of his Highneſſes Councell of VVar, to weigh anchor, and ſayl for Ireland; this will cauſe a great breach in the Royall party.
The Prince having notice of the ſaid Inſurrection, declared very ſad expreſſions thereupon, and ſhak't his head, ſaying, That he hoped the Treaty would take good effect, and then he feared no revolt, deſiring that both Navies might joyn in mutuall love and amity, as formerly.
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