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Strena Vavaſorienſis, A NEVV-YEARS-GIFT FOR THE WELCH ITINERANTS, Or a HUE and CRY after Mr. VAVASOR POWELL, Metropolitan of the Itinerants, and one of the Executioners of the Goſpel, by colour of the late Act for the Propagation thereof in Wales; AS ALSO A true Relation of his Birth, Courſe of Life, and Doctrines; TOGETHER WITH A Vindication of ſeveral places of Scripture wreſted and abuſed, againſt the preſent Government, and all publick Mini­ſters of this Nation.

His Hymn Sung in Chriſt-Church London; With an Antiphona there­unto; and a lively Deſcription of his Propagation.

Raro antecedentem Sceleſtum
Sequitur pede Poena claudo.
Pro. 16.5.Anſwer a Fool according to his folly; leſt he be wiſe in his own conceit.
Gen. 4.14.I ſhall be a Fugitive and a Vagabond in the Earth, and it ſhall come to paſs, that every one that findeth me, ſhall ſlay me.

LONDON, Printed by F.L. 1654.

To the Reader.


YOu muſt be pleaſed not to wonder that our Cry is ſo loud, for we beat on a ſtrong Queſt, and muſt hunt dry­foot after Mr. V.P. who is the Subject of this Diſcourse; a man that hath paſ­ſed by no Perſon or Profeſsion but hath either vilified the one or traduced the other: His Cruelties have been ſo immane, and his Cheats ſo frequent and obvious, that we ſhould undertake too great a task to purſue them all, having with his Errors and Blaſ­phemies robbed God of his Glory, Chriſt of his Honour, the Scripture of her Truth, the Church of her Miniſtery, and the Chriſtian People of our Nation, of the Comfort of Chriſts bleſſed Ordinances, every way endeavouring to undermine the very Fabrick both of this Church and State, ſo that the Hue and Cry is great. You muſt not expect any Curiouſity in the ſtile, being the Drol­leries only of his own brain, and the reiterating of the paſſages of his own obſcean & violent diſcour­ſes, which may not with verity be Metamorphoſed from their firſt ſhape; here is not a paſſage falſly re­lated, nor malitiouſly aggravated, and though All that is here is True, yet All that is true, is not here told, for we purpoſely pretermit many things, that we may reſerve more in ſtore. We found out the ſent of ſome part of his Doctrin in Wales, and here in London more bitterneſs of his Seditions, for which he was 3 times committed to the cuſtody of the Meſſengers attending His Higneſs Council, and being thence with great clemency releaſed, he became as wild Actaeon (transformed into the ſhape of a Deer) and knew not where to betake himſelf leſt he ſhould be torn by his own dogs.

Ovid met. lib. 3.Quid faciat? Repetatne domum, et Regalia tecta, An lateat Sylvis? timor hoc, pudor impedit illud.

He was afraid to ſtay here, and aſhamed to re­turn home; but being gone he is much lamented by his brethren for betraying their truſt, and more con­demned by all honeſt men for violating his pro­miſe, in continuing (as we underſtand) as buſie and violent in the Country, as ever he was here, a­gainſt this preſent Government: whoſoever plea­ſeth to make ſearch after him, may ſoon know him by his Characteriſtical marks, herein truly ex­preſſed. I am ſure you ſhall not find him idle.

Virg. Ecl.Nam ſi non aliquâ nocuiſſet, mortuus eſſet.

Let us intreat your patience in tracing his foot­ſteps, and the Lord preſerve you from his wayes:


A NEVV-YEARS-GIFT FOR The Welch Itinerants, Or a HUE and CRY after Mr. VAVASOR POWELL.

IF you will have firſt his Pedigree blazed, he was the11His Birth. Grand-child of one William Vavaſor of Newtown in Montgomeryſhire, a man freſh in our memory for his hyperbolical diſcourſes, ſo that by deſcent he hath not much degenerated from his Anceſtors. This old man had a Daughter named Penelope, a Lady not altogether as Chaſt as Ulyſſes his Wife, who gained more by the trade of Tipling than Spinning, And this Goſſip was the Mother of our young Donatus. She was married to one Howel the poor Ale man of Knwcklas in Radnorſhire, and a badger of Oatmeal, but Non genus aut proavos we like Mr. Vavaſor never the worſe for that. They lived long in that houſe of no good re­port, and the young Gentleman was no great probationer in Chriſts School, by his own confeſſion (during his Minority) be­ing willing to approve of all games, were they never ſo wanton or vile, for his Mother or Siſters livelyhood. But tired at length22Educa­tion. with walking their Gueſts horſes, and finding no great gain at ſuch a petty Ale-houſe, he was elevated in his thoughts for higher pre­ferment,2 and ſo became an Hoſtler (I would ſay Groom) to Maſter Iſaack Thomas, an Inn-keeper and Mercer in Biſhop-Caſtle in Shropſhire.

Alas! it was impoſſible that ſo high and generous a ſpirit ſhould be captivated to horſes heels; The hopefull young man continued not long in rubbing on that Trade, but began to be ſo eloquent with Welcome Gentlemen, that at laſt, together with the benefit of his Maſters Notes, he preſumed to open Scriptures, and being then taken up by a great Gamaliel, he was for a good ſpace (you may think) well Educated and Principled at his feet.

33Marri­age.This Gallant Spark lived a while (though not purely chaſt, yet) a ſingle life; but at laſt the ſtrength of his Fleſh prevailed over the weakneſſe of his Spirit, being then Munkie proud, he was ſo ta­ken with ſweet and dear Miſtres Quarrel, ſometimes a walking Pedlar, and ſeller of Hot-waters in Preiſteign in Radnorſhire, wherewith he was often Comforted, that his inflamed ſpirit did revive; and her husband ſhortly deceaſing, though his dead Corps had not lain a fortnight in the Grave, they being ſweetly en­amored the one with the other, ſhe proves to be his Conſort, and ſo he Carries her as a Dear Siſter about, though her little Child, lately deprived of his Father, and now robbed of his Mo­ther, raiſed the Hue and Cry after them; but wantonneſſe admits neither of delays nor intreaties.

Here is ſweet Amity and Conjuntion, a couple well met and joyned together, a Walking Pedler, and an Itinerary Preacher, both very expert in their Trades.

44Courſe of life.His Proficiency grew on, and no ſooner becomes he a School­maſter, but takes upon him the habit of Sir John; and leſt without Ordination (under the Epiſcopal Government) he might incur the danger of ſuſpenſion, borroweth of an old decayed Miniſter (his neer Kinſman) his Letters of Orders, razeth out the other, and inſerts his own name, and under Colour of theſe Counterfeit Let­ters miſſive, he goes unſent, and begins to thunder out of the Pulpits (as though he had been a fiery Spirit raiſed out of Hel:) but by reaſon of his inconformity, and the many Errors which he broached, his Calling was queſtioned, and the Orders being well ſcanned, were found Spurious and Counterfeit, and he bound3 to appear at the next great Seſſions to be held for that County of Radnor, where appearing, and indicated for non-Conformity, forging of Orders, and Seditious Doctrine, was with much adoe reprieved from the Gallowes, and very neer to undergo the danger of a true Suſpenſion.

The Modeſty of the man was ſuch, that with old Vulpone (having55Remo­val to En­gland. eſcaped thus narrowly) he is reſolved thence-after to harras and prey abroad, and ſo, for meer ſhame, his Country is rid of him, and he makes his tranſmigration into England: but I ſhall paſſe over with ſilence his great Cheating and Seducing of poor ſouls in Kent and Eſſex, where he continued, and ſpread his Errors diverſe years, and ſparingly diſcover his return, and trading again among his own Natives and Countrymen.

No ſooner did theſe late troubles, and inteſtine Wars break forth66Return to Wales to Propa­gate. in England, but as ſoon as Wales was reduced under the power of the Parliament, he fled thither, not only of any affection to their Cauſe, but for his own deſigns, ſecurity, and advantage, and was as active and vigorous as the perpetual motion of a tongue, or the invention of a wicked brain could poſſible be, for the rooting out of the Miniſtery, branding the Calling as Anti-Chriſtia and rendring the perſons by all ſcandalous aſperſions, to become o­dious to the people. And for the more ſpeedy effecting thereof he, together with others of the ſame Cut, (who,Tunc tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet Vealegon. - if they become more meek and modeſt, may peradventure prove nameleſſe) promoted the Act for Propagation of the Goſpel in Wales, ſo really intended by the pious Care and Charity of thoſe Members of Parliament; yet by the unworthy managing thereof by theſe men, it proved like another Epheſian Image of Diana (though believed to be deſcen­ded from heaven) for the benefit only of this Demetrius, and his tradeſmen, the Silver Shrines taking up the whole devotion of that Worſhip.

A true deſcription whereof you ſhall (God willing) in the latter end herein find to be lively delineated.

For his incouragement in the work, he had his Stipend and Sala­ry of one hundred pounds a year allowed unto him out of Prebends,77Stipend Dean and Chapters, and other Tithes, beſides the vaſt Emolu­ments of many other Sequeſtred Benefices in North-Wales, which were, and continue dayly paid unto him, and received Tickets4 from the Commiſſioners in South-Wales for the like Sum, beſides the wages of divers of the Itinerants and School-maſters, who are but his Journey-men and Stipendaries.

88Great­neſs and wealth.And yet this man hath the Impudency to Proteſt and Vow be­fore God and men (as his uſual manner is in his Sermons) that he never received a penny for his Pains and Preaching.

Thus the poor Groom is become great and wealthy, having purchaſed ſome of the late Kings, Fee-farm Rents and Lordſhips, though for the moſt part in another mans name: And to perpetu­ate his memory (as wicked Abſalom being Son-leſſe reared up his Pillar in the Kings Dale) hath built for himſelf a very fair and ſumptuous houſe in Kerry within the County of Montgomery. We are ſure that old Howel (his Father) his Inheritance which he ſold in Kuwcklas, could never had made ſuch Purchaſes and Buil­dings.

99Itinera­ry way.Being thus incouraged and warmed to the work, he rides his Itinerary Stages throughout to ſome purpoſe, and what a rout he and his Tunto made of all the Miniſters in Wales (except ſome few, who either fed them, depended upon them, or had ſome Correſpondence with them) we make no queſtion but ſome abler Pens will ſhortly ſet forth to the uttermoſt.

However, becauſe he is now under File, give us leave briefly to Limn forth the manner of their Propagation.

1010And manner of Propa­gation. The great Cabal of the Itinerants inſtruction was to render the Miniſters perſons odious, and their Calling in its very baſis to be Anti-christian, and ſo in it ſelf unlawfull and uſeleſſe, and none to be protected or Countenanced by the Civil Magiſtrate. This without any greater Engin was inſtrumental enough to batter and eject them out of their Freeholds and Being, without any reſpect either to their fidelity and ability in their Teachings, or sobriety in their Converſations. And in what a narrow ſtreight they were, ei­ther to be wholy deprived of all ſubſiſtence for the maintenance of themſelves and Families, or turn Apoſtataes to their Ordination, we leave to that moſt ingenous and modeſt Cenſure of a Noble Mem­ber of the Houſe, in his Anſwer to a Narrative of the Cauſe and manner of the Diſſolution of the laſt Parliament.

2. Though he and the Itinerants cryed down Tithes as Moſaical Ceremonies and Anti-Chriſtian, yet he and they, or ſuch as are5 their Agents, have had the diſpoſing of above Forty Thouſand pounds a year in Tithes, Gleabs, impropriations, Rents reſerved, and other eccleſiaſtical benefices and promotions, for above four years laſt paſt in the thirteen Counties of Wales, far surmounting the ſum of One Hundred and Threeſcore Thousand pounds, and as yet to our knowledge unaccounted for, and what account is given to the State for the Tenths, ſince the Act of Propagation of all eccleſia­ſtical promotions in Wales, we refer to the better knowledge of that worthy Gent. Mr. Baker, Maſter of the firſt fruits Office.

3. That notwithſtanding all this great Revenue by them recei­ved, there are above ſeven hundred Pariſhes in the thirteen Coun­ties unſupplied with any Miniſters, who (we are confident) dare own the charge, and you may ride ten or twenty miles on the Lords day, where there is twenty Churches, and not one door opened, and for moſt of the Itinerants, they are ſuch ignorant perſons, that they can neither read, nor underſtand Engliſh, nay ſome of them more ſcandalous than any of the ejected Miniſters, and all of them in their Principles and Doctrines deſtructive to Government.

But we will not digreſſe from Mr. Vavaſor:1111His Preach­ing. The Asp receives her poyſon from the Viper, and what he ſpits theſe lick up; We ſhall give you an account of ſome of his baſe and ſpurious Doctrines, that by his you may underſtand theirs.

Now his chief work is to preach and advance Chriſts Perſonal Reign here on Earth,1212falſe Doctrines being the Antient Errour and Fopperie of the Chiliasts or Millenaries, hiſſed and exploded out of the Church of Chriſt in the very Infancy thereof. And what is his end and in­tention therein, may be conſpicuous and apparent (as his wild diſ­courſes againſt the preſent Government under his Highneſs Prote­ction, have evidently diſcovered) to be the Deſtruction of the Ma­giſtracy of England, as well as the Miniſtery of Wales.

At Welſh Pool, a Town in Mountgomery-ſhire, he taught. That Christ was to reign a thouſand years here upon the Earth. And that he was to ſit net unto him Behold the intollerable pride of this Creature to extoll himſelf upon the right hand of his Creator. We ſhould think that our Saviours reprof to Zebedees ſons ſhould cor­rect if not ſatisfie this Ambition; Sobriety ſhould have uſhered him to beſeech a place at the Footſtool of his Tribunal, and in Cha­rity to give ſome room for the poor despiſed Miniſters, to appear6 with him, though here as yet they found neither Comfort nor mer­cy at Mr. Vavaſors hands.

At Llandetty in Brecknock ſhire he preached, That Chriſt was already come in the fleſh the ſecond time, and that at London a Girl of twelve years old, told her mother, that ſhe ſaw him in the Cham­ber; and ſaid, that a Godly man related this unto him, and knew it to be true, and they that heard him that day ſhould ſhortly ſee him too.

And one John Davies his Proſelyle and Journey man in Mount­gomery ſhire, having received the ſame by Tradition from him, told very lately to a juſtice of Peace of that Country, That he had ſeen Chriſt, and was to go the next morning to ſee him again: And being demanded by the Justice, what manner of man he was, replyed, that he was a little old man, with a ſmall grey beard.

And ſo Mr. Williams an Itinerant of Mr. Vavaſors approbation, preached in a Sermon in Monmouth-ſhire, That Chriſt Ieſus was ſuch another man as old Rice Williams of Newport, one of the Com­miſſioners for the Propagation, and that he had a large grey beard. Thus it ſeems the Tithes are their God, and the Propagators that pay them their ſalaries out of the Tithes are their Chriſts.

At the ſame Town of Pool Mr. Powel openly delivered before the Bailiff, and the reſt of that Corporation, That let them Repent, or not Repent, both Prieſt and People were all damned, And did then abſolutely declare, That Chriſt had no Church either in England or Wales, but what he and his aſſociats had gathered for him. And in a diſputation with Mr. A.G. in Keington in Herefordſhire, he was driven to that pinch as to maintain, That the Nation of England was a Nation of Unbelievers; And that the words of Chriſt in 13th. Chap. of Matthew, concerning the tares and drag-net were contrary to other Scriptures.

At Manavon in Mountgomery he taught, That all our Fore-fa­thers were damned, blasphemouſly abuſing that place of Scripture to confirm his uncharitable opinion (I Cor. 15.18.) Then they alſo which are fallen aſleep in Chriſt are periſhed. A wretched and mali­cious Gloſs, to acknowledge our fore-fathers to die in the Faith of Chriſt Ieſus, and the glorious hope of his Reſurrection, and yet that they ſhall eternally periſh: Whereas the Apoſtle in that Chap­ter by convincing Arguments confirms the Doctrine of our Reſur­rection7 by the Reſurrection of Chriſt, which he had fully proved both by forcible Reaſons and alſo by Signs and Wonders, which if not true as he had preached, then the Corinthians vainly believed Pauls Preaching, and dying in the Faith of Chriſt would be ineffe­ctual unto them, If they who died therein Eternally periſhed.

At Baryw in the ſame Countie he taught, That Baptiſm was ne­ver ordained for the remiſſion of ſins,1 Pet. 3 21. Tit. 3 5. Act 22 16. contrary to ſeveral places of Scripture, which affirms, that Baptiſm ſaves us, that it is the La­var or waſhing of Regeneration, which though all this be Analo­gically ſpoken, being the Obſignation of the thing ſignified by the ſign, yet in the true uſe thereof the Exhibition and Perception of the ſign and thing is conjoyned. But this Mr. Vavaſors Ordinary uſe to viliſie that ſacred Ordinance, as he always doth by his Common recital of that place of Scripture,Gal. 5.6, 15. In Chriſt Ieſus neither Circum­ciſion availeth any thing, nor uncircumciſion, but a new Creature, which he and all his followers ſcornfully apply to the Contempt of Baptiſm, In which place is only meant, That the Iewes called to the Faith of Chriſt after their Circumciſion, gain nothing by their former Circumciſion, nor the unbelieving Gentiles being called, loſe any thing by their uncircumſion, for ſeeing in Chriſt the Cir­cumciſion is ſpiritual, there is no need of carnal.

At Guilſfield in the ſame County he preached, That Chriſt was not the Redeemer of the World, and being reprehended for his blaſ­phemie, anſwerd, that they ſhould not always obſerve what he ſaid, for he that ſpeaks much (ſaid he) muſt ſpeak ſome things a­miſs.

And how ridiculous and obſeene diverſe of his paſſages have been,13 His obſceni­ty. Trefeg­lwys, Llanbryn-Main, Machyn­leth. we are very loath to deliver to chaſt Ears, yet we muſt beſeech your Patience to theſe true Relations.

In diverſe pariſh Churches in Mountgomery ſhire he delivered in his Sermon this ſtory, That they were many in Company travelling towards London, and one of them rid on an Ambling gray horſe, and meeting another Company, where there was a Gentleman that rid on the like colour'd pacing horſe, when the one gray Horſe met the other, they stood still, and made much the one of the other, and would not part Company; even ſo the Saints of God know one another by their paces and colours, and will not part Company the one from the other.

8And how modeſt the Gentleman is, may appear by his Ob­ſcene expreſſions in a Sermon preached at Llunddynam in the ſame Country, where being willing to juſtifie a Siſter, that had ſlip­ped, becomes her Compurgator in theſe words, That he called God to witneſſe, He never ſaw a Saint Occupie or F a Saint, which he explained thus in the Welch tongue, Yr ywf yn Galow Duw yn dîſt, ni welais i yr'ioed Sainct yn myned ar Sainctes.

And one Richard Powell Vicar of Llanigon in Brecknock ſhire, one of the Approvers in the Act for the Propagation of the Goſpel, and Itinerant in that County (receiving the ſame by tradition from Mr. Vavaſor) hath uſually delivered in his Sermons both in Hereford­ſhire and Brecknock ſhire, Concerning the manner of Chriſt's Spirit entring into man, that he could not uſe any ſitter Compariſon, than, as the ſeed of Man entred into the body of a Woman, ſo the Spirit of Chriſt entred into his head. And the ſame Richard Powell main­tained, That God was not Creator of the World, as was proved againſt him by ſufficient underſtanding Witneſſes, before a worthy, and godly Juſtice of Peace of the County of Brecon. And often deli­vered in his Sermons, That the Lords Prayer is a rotten Prayer. This man is a moſt ſcandalous, ignorant, covetous, deboyſt fellow; and marched before his Pariſhoners and others againſt Sir William Waller's forces when they were at Abergavenny, reading the Letany out of the Common-prayer, which he carried in his hands; and yet was made an Approver in the Act, and receives Tith in kind from his three neighbouring Pariſhes.

Mr. Vavaſor Powell, to juſtifie another Siſter of his own Congre­gation who had willfully drowned her ſelf in Draw-well near the Welch Pool, delivered publickly in his Sermon there, That ſhe was a Saint in Heaven, and they who thought otherwiſe were wicked perſons, and accurſed; That ſhe came to her end by the Motion of the Holy Spirit, and that it hapned oftentimes when the Saints are filled with the Spirit, they run into great Pools, inſtead of green Meadows, and ſo imbracing their Saviour they make an End of their Lives by divine providence, and there ſoules are Eternally ſaved. Surely this Spirit poſſeſſed Mr. Vavaſor both at Chriſt-Church and Black-friars, which brought him three times into Capt. Cumpton's hands, one of the Meſſengers attending His Highnes Council. And9 brought (as we underſtand) a Gentleman of this City very lately to ſtrech, unleſſe his man (like Naamans ſervants) had been more carefull of his Maſters neck than himſelf. Thus the Circumcellians of old, when they could not ſollicit others, took pains with their own throats.

We muſt not forget his Compaſſion and Charity towards men,14 His Incom­paſſion and eſpecially towards the Ejected Ministers of Wales, and their Children.

In Llanyrvil in Mountgomery ſhire he taught, That it were a good deed to cut the throats of all the Old Ministers: And had it not been for the charity of ſome few of the Saints (as he ter­med them) it had been performed long ago. And to a Gentleman in Red-Caſtle that petitioned him for relief and maintenance for the poor Children of the Ejected Miniſters, he anſwered, That their heads ſhould be daſhed againſt the Walls as Babyloniſh brats, and ſo their portions ſhould be paid.

He preacheth and inveigheth moſt bitterly here in London againſt Tithes, but how vigorouſly he levies his ſalary in Wales, by coun­tenancing his Agents and Farmours to gather Tithes, may truly appear by ſeveral of his falſe paſſages which are too tedious to re­late; He pretended that the Godly party in Wales were in danger of their lives, and that two and forty of them were ſlain at the hea­ring of the Ejected Miniſters Sermons; and ſo ſince the Diſſoluti­on of the former Parliament, by theſe falſe and abominable ſarmiſes, he obtained a Commiſſion for the raiſing of Forces, wherewith he did inſultingly tyrannize over the poor Inhabitants of that Nati­on; witneſſe his inſolent carriage againſt the laſt years High She­riff of the County of Mountgomery; the taking of Mr. Owens of Machynleth out of his houſe, and binding him to the Great Seſſi­ons; his ſeizing upon Mr. Herbert of Dolegrog without any cauſe at all, which ſo affrighted the Gentlewoman his Wife, that ſhe miſ­carried of a Child; beſides the impriſoning of the diverſe of the Ejected Miniſters for diſcharging their duties in preaching and maintaining the truth of the Goſpel of Chriſt Jeſus.

And with theſe new raiſed Troops inforced the people to pay their Tithes, as evidently appeareth in Mr. Ralph Kinnaſtons Caſe, a Gentleman of very good worth and quality in that County, whoſe fields with his armed Troops he forcibly entred into, forced the10 payments of his Tithes, contrary to former Orders, and unleſſe the mildneſſe and wiſdom of the Gentleman had prevented his fury, it might have been the cauſe of great miſchief and effuſion of Blood, but I believe a Bil of indictment hath been preferred in the great Seſſion already againſt his Caeſar Borgias and his Myrmidons for a Riot.

15 His Cruelty.If we ſhould relate unto you his Pride, appreſſions and Cruelty, it would take up too large a volume.

He preached at Welch Pool publiquely (where finding that few took notes of his Sermons) That they were proud fellows, and de­ſpiſers of Gods word, affirming that if King David were then pre­ſent the holy Prophet would write his Sermon: And yet contrary to this Doctrine, at Chriſt Church and Blackfriers in London he fell roughly upon an ejected Welch Miniſter, whom he ſuppoſed to have taken notes of his Sermons, being jealous of his own Errors, and a­fraid to have his ſeditious ſpeeches and falſhood truly diſplayed.

At Guilsfield aforeſaid he publiquely delivered theſe words, (viz.) That in reſpect they had not ſubmtted themſelves to the Saints (meaning himſelf and his Congregation) they ſhould be in a ſhort time all deſtroyed with the Sword, and that the War horſes ſhould wade up to their rains of their bridles in the blood of the ſaid Pariſhioners, and of the other Enemies of the Saints, and doub­ted not but he ſhould live to ſee the ſame performed.

16 His Oppreſ­ſionHis proceedings againſt Mr. Hugh Lloyd in Brecknock is an evi­dent teſtimony of his unspeakable oppreſſion, whom (being a Gen­tleman of good eſtate and quality, and ſometimes a Iuſtice of Peace of his Countie) he arreſted in that Corporation, impriſoned, and kept in, without bail or mainpriſe, until he paid him One Hundred pounds, and this upon a bare Arreſt, and none durſt bail him.

17 His faithleſſe dealing.And his treacherous dealings with Mr. Humphrey Iones, late Bailiff of the Town of Welch Pool (which I often mentioned) who is a very diſcreet Gentleman, and of good parts and abilities, are well worth your Obſervation; He being a conſtant hearer of the word, a godly man, and frequently taking both the notes of his Sermons, and of other reverend Divines who were afterwards ejected, denying Mr. Powell the Copies which he requeſted, that he might the better frame moſt deſtructive Articles againſt them; the Gentleman (perhaps) not ſo much out of any tenderneſſe to­ward11 them, as out of his reſpects towards him, being unwilling to make manifeſt ſuch ſad ſtories and Blaſphemies as were there re­corded out of his own Sermons, did (as that renowned Conſtantine the great dealt with the Articles againſt the Nicene Biſhops) com­mit them to the fire, which Mr. Vavaſor took in ſuch high con­tempt, that he maliciouſly framed threeſcore Articles to be exhibited the next great Seſſions againſt him, But Mr. Jones be­ing as provident as himſelf had compiled the like, to countermine and repel his; Mr. Powell being certified therewith, did by the mediation of Friends agree with the Gent. and that neither of them ſhould exhibite Articles againſt the other; but when Satur­day the laſt day of the Seſſions came, and the Jury being diſchar­ged, Mr. Vavaſor contrary to his promiſe and agreement, being maliciouſly bent to render the Gent. more ſcandalous, and defa­med, before the honourable Bench and Country, produced (though ineffectually) ſeveral witneſſes againſt him, and amongſt the reſt one of his own Congregation, a poor man of Guilſfield, living upon the Alms of the ſaid Pariſh, whom he had kept the whole week in Town, and fed with Veniſon: the fellow being thus inſtructed and fitted for his purpoſe, ſwore ſome matters of Fact againſt Mr. Iones, whereof he ſaid he was Eye-witneſſe, and afterwards (upon the Gentlemans requeſt) being demanded by the Iudge, whether he knew the man, he confeſſed, he did not, though the Gentleman was preſent at the Bench: The Honourable Iudge checked Mr. Powell, for countenancing ſuch wicked and unworthy proceedings, whereby Mr. Jones was vindicated in the face of the Country, and what a faithleſſe and malicious man Mr. Powell is, we leave to the conſideration of all honest men.

Mr. Powells Proſecution againſt a poor Dyer of New Town is moſt freſh and notorious: This Dyer having (it is confeſſed li­ved wickedly with a lewd woman in that Town, but at laſt repen­ting his former courſes, was married to an honeſt woman, with whom be cohabited very lovingly; This Whore becomes one of Mr. Powell Congregation, and then challengeth a former marriage with the man: and Mr. Powell did ſo proſecute the Cauſe, that upon the bare evidence of the wicked woman the Dyer was convi­cted, burnt in the hand, and divorced from his honeſt wife, though it had been formerly proved before a Justice of the Peace that this12 lewd Woman lay that night (in which ſhe ſwore that ſhe was mar­ried to the Dyer,) with another Knave. The Judge did not well reliſh Mr. Powells earneſtneſſe for the Dyers execution, but repro­ved him for his incivility, and buſying himſelf with ſuch things as were excentrical to his profeſſion, and diſſonant to his Calling: But the truth is, he was herein, as he is in all other things ſo fragmati­cal and buſie, that not one Sute in Law, or any other difference in thoſe parts where he itinerates, paſſeth his Cognizance, ſiding with the one party or other.

I could tell you, How he would have undermined a poor Wid­dow in New Town (called Widdow Roſe) from her houſe, and dwelling, that he might be commodiouſly ſituated as Lord in the heart of the County, but that the goodneſſe of her Landlord, who would not conſent to his wicked motions, prevented his de­ſignes.

18 His Malig­nancy & ſedition.Laſtly, for his Malignancy, and ſeditious inciting of the people againſt all ſubordinate Magiſtracy here on Earth under the King of Kings Chriſt Jeſus, his inſufferable expreſſions for the ſupplanting and undermining thereof, is a cleer de­monſtration that he is the firebrand, and incendiary of the Whole Nation.

At Llandynam he publickly delivered, That he knew not who were the Keepers of the Liberties of England, more than who were the Church of England, but that he conceived they were neither the Parliament, nor the Council of State, but rather the people; and it is his profeſſed opinion, That Magiſtrates, and ſpecially Commanders and Officers, have nothing to do, or intermeddle with Church government. As Ienkyn Iohn Howel (alias, Capt. Ienk: Iones) that great Clero-Mastix, or perſecutor of the Clergy, who is an Approver in the Act for the Propagation, and an Itinerant in the County of Brecknock, and hath at preſent ſixſcore Horſe, with Men, Arms, and Ammunition, liſted, and ready at his Command, preaching at the pariſh of Llandetty where he lives, upon a day ſet apart by the Parliament to thank God for the great victory obtai­ned againſt the Scots at Dunbar, told his hearers, That ſucceſsfull Warriers were not fit to reform, nor to medle with Religion, becauſe they were men of bloud; and this his doctrine he proved by the choice which God made of Solomon to build the Temple, and by his refuſal of13 David. This was his doctrine, but not a word of the Victory, nor any of the Victors.

What the aim of the holy man was, the declared Opinion of his friends (who I am ſure are men of the ſame Principles) concerning the preſent Government, hath now ſufficiently unfolded, by their numerous Congregatings and meetings in Wales, which requires ſpeedy prevention.

But Mr. Vavaſors unparallelled Raptures at Chriſt-Church and Black fryars in London,At Chriſt-Church, 18 Dec. 19 at Black-Fry­ars, 26 Dec. at Chriſt-Church are evident and plain teſtimonies hereof: truly, no good Chriſtian could chuſe but be aſtoniſhed to hear ſo many ſacred places of Scripture miſerably wreſted upon his braſen Anvil, for to frame his Engine to level all Magiſtracy and Govern­ment down to the ground.

We will not rake up his whole Dunghil, but onely lightly touch what we have received by faithfull Information.

He ſpared not His Highneſs the Lord Protectors Perſon, or Go­vernment.]

Mr. Vavaſor, Had you been a true Miniſter of Chriſt, and Pro­pagator of his Gospel, you would have learnt Chriſt far better. He teacheth you,John 19.11. Act. 23.5. Ro. 13.1.5 That All Power is given from above; And the Apo­ſtle out of Moſes, That you ſhould not ſpeak evil of the Ruler of Gods people, But be ſubject unto the higher Powers, not only for wrath, but alſo for Conſcience ſake. You ſhould not have Curſed, but follow­ed St. Pauls Rule,Tim. 3. Powred out ſupplications, and prayers, and have given thanks for him, That under him you might lead a quiet & peace­able life, in all godlineſſe and honeſty. For I muſt tell you, if you had been but in Babylon, the Prophet Ieremiah would have taught you another Leſſon,Jer, 29 7. To pray for the peace of that City, for in the peace thereof ſhall ye have Peace.

But you are the Diviner ſpoken of by that Prophet in the 8 ver. v. 8.9.

Who prophecy falſly to the people in the Lords name, whom he hath not ſent:

He ſaid, That many reigned now as Kings, without the adviſe of the Saints, but the Lord would bring them down again. And that this Power was not of God, and ſhould ſhortly and ſuddenly be deſtroyed; to prove this, he abuſed that place of Scripture, 1 Cor. 4.8. You reigned as Kings without us.

Had you but truly weighed the Apoſtles drift, and meaning, in14 thoſe words, you would not have ſo wreſted the words of Gods Spirit.

But ſee the Iustice of God (dum vis eſſe praedo, fies praeda) while you would ſmite another, you ſtab your ſelf with your own weapon to the very heart. Let us both examine the Text. The Apoſtle in the 10th v. of the preceding Chapter ſpeaks to ſome Teachers,1 Cor. 3.10. that Arrogated to themſelves to be Paſtors of Congregations, and ſeemed to ſucceed him, planting where others laboured: yet they ſhould not preſume after their own fancy, upon gold to ſuperſtruct hay, as you do, in your own Inventions, Prophetical raptures, and vain Re­velations.

Obſerve moreover, how that in the Chapter which you cited, ver. 4. you are wiſhed not to be wiſe above that which is written; that is none ſhould by his own vain diſcourſes, as you do, adulterate the ſenſe of the Scriptures: For what Gifts you have, they are re­ceived,v. 7. and it is God that makes you to differ. Then the Apoſtle doth indeed ſpeak Ironically concerning ſuch as you are, as though he had ſaid,v. 8. Though you Perſwade your ſelves, that you are in a happy condition, and want nothing of spiritual gifts, extolling your ſelves above the Miniſters of Chriſt, as Kings, they being impriſo­ned, despiſed, and ignominiouſly expoſed to Miſery and Scorn; yet what doth he in this, but tacitly and modeſtly reprove you? as the ſubſequent words will evince, I would to God ye did reign; that is, You think you reign, but it is only in outward ſhew, not truly and re­ally.

Good Mr. Vavaſor, what Application can you make of this Text to this preſent Government?

It is a Text that hints, and touches you to the quick. It is you that Reign as Kings, being full and rich, but the Hand-writing on the plaſter of the wall, hath now (we believe) changed your counte­nance, and troubled your thoughts. Let us intreat you to read that Scripture, Dan. 5.25, 26, 27. You have applyed this part of Gods word, as you did another place out of the prophecy of Iſaiah as un­happily framed and fitted for your own throat as the other was,Iſa. 14.12. How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer Son of the Morning? &c. for thou haſt ſaid in thine heart, &c. I will aſcend above the height of the Clouds, I will be like the most high, &c.

We will be more modeſt, than to apply the Scripture according to your expoſition in the Pulpit.

15But good Mr. Vavaſor, we ſhall apply the following verſe to your ſelf, Thou ſhalt be brought down to the ſides of the pit of your own miſtakes.

The word Lucifer doth not (as you ſuppoſe, and as you explained to your Congregation there in Chriſt-Church) ſignifie the Devill, Though it be true of you according to the Proverb, Thou art as proud as Lucifer. Venus one of the Planets is called Lucifer or the Morning-ſtar, that brings on the daylight, we beſeech you to confer in the Original (becauſe you often boaſt of your ſeveral Languages) the 13th of this Prophet v. 10 with Iob 31, 26. And Chriſt our Saviour is alſo called the Morning-star, the Day-spring, Luc. 2.78. 2 Pet. 1.19. Rev. 2.28.

But we ſuppoſe ſcarce any of your Neoterick Expoſitors comment as you do, and few of the Fathers unleſſe by way of al­luſion.

The true meaning is to repreſent the Conſpicuous eſtate of the Caldean King and Empire ſhining as bright as the day-ſtar in the skie. See Diodati, and the late Englih obſervation of your reading. But you ſaid then you would confirm that place with the like in Ti­mothy. I muſt tell you the Hue and Cry is almost ceaſed, and now we muſt take it up again. You are caught, you are caught, (Virus dum vomis ipſe vores) your place in Timothy is, 1 Tim. 3.6. We muſt have the Patience to read the words as you delivered them, with crying Victoria. Not a Novice, leſt being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the Devill. Your Comment was,1 Tim. 3.6 that leſt he being lifted up with Pride, fall into the condemnation of the Devil. There you ſaid, the Effect is taken for the Cauſe, Con­demnation for Sin.

So a Novice, and who is he? 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, one newly come to the Faith, not as yet well grounded, perhaps one Newly Baptized or newly entred into the firſt Elements and Principles of Divinity.

What muſt ſuch a one not do? v. 1.He muſt not deſire the Office of a Biſhop.

Then your Application of Lucifer in the words of Iſaiah muſt be this, That you who appeared as Lucifers, ſhining as bright as Day Stars in the Skies (ſeeing you are but Novices (not Milites Emeriti) neither well grounded (ſome of you not as yet Bapti­zed) nor going on to Perfection,Heb. 6.1. having not as yet attained the16 Principles of the Doctrine of Chriſt, being advanced to that high degree that you have waxed proud, having obtained the office of Biſhops, and with Diotrephes treading under foot the Miniſters of Jeſus Chriſt, and being fallen into the ſame Condemnation of the Devil whereinto he was fallen, which was (as one very well ob­ſerves) the Calumniating of his Brethren, you and your Brethren worthily deſerve the name of Lucifers in your own ſenſe, being ſuch Novices by your own confirmation, and fallen into your Cu­ſtomary ſins the Calumniating and traducing of the true Miniſters of Chriſt Jeſus.

Eſa. 14.15That there is no queſtion but you ſhall be brought down to the ſide of the pit.

GideonYour Example of Gideon for the diſcovery of Pride by the deſire of Rule and Dominion over others,Jud. 8.22. is altogether as impertinent as the former Texts were, whether you aymed at Perſons or Govern­ments.

You ſaid, Gideon was a good man, a great Commander, and ob­tained many victories agaiſnt the Enemies of God, he had many brave Sons, and much honored by the people, but they came not to be Colonels in a year. That the people of God would by all means make Gide­on King, Come rule thou over us, both thou and thy Son, and thy Sons Son alſo, for thou haſt delivered us from the hand of Midian.

But Gideon would not accept of the Government, he would notv. 23 Rule over them, neither ſhould his Son Rule over them.

Your Example herein cannot hold, becauſe he would not Rule, therefore others ſhould not.

Gideon did not refuſe the Government becauſe they deſired him, but because their deſire was not regulated by Gods Rule; they pre­ferred the Sword of Gideon before the Sword of the Lord, but the Sword of the Lord and the Sword of Gideon delivered them from the hands of Midian. Gideon refuſed their Election and Choice, be­cauſe it trenched upon the Prerogative Royall of the Lord, and the Choice of Gideon in their ſenſe was the Rejecting of the Lord.

But Mr. Vavaſor you muſt obſerve that Judges were then raiſed by God in Commiſeration of the Affliction of his People, in an Ex­traordinary way, by the ſpecial motion of his Spirit, fitting them for ſome Particular ſervice, and that immediately, and in an in­ſtant to be put in Execution, but not for any ſetled Courſe of Go­vernment17 to be continued by Succeſſion, but as the State and Condi­tion of his people did require it, ſtill reſerving the Prerogative in himſelf, which was not to be intrenched upon, untill according to his promiſes a Choiſe and Succeſſion ſhould be Revealed unto them, which in its due time was accompliſhed.

The aim of your Example is, That as Gideon refuſed to Rule, ſo you would have none others, but that All ſhould Reign as Kings, and Rule the Nation as Saints, whoſe inheritance the Earth is; but how far herein you diſhonour God, abuſe the Saints, debaſe and vilifie Chriſts Kingdom, and adulterate his bleſſed truth, God in his due time may reveal unto you, and inlighten your perverſe judgement. We are aſſured the Lord hath, and (doubt not) doth reign, where Kings or Protectors do rule and govern, the one be­ing not inconſiſtent (becauſe ſubordinate) to the other. Nay we know the Lord did promiſe the Iſraelites a King;Deut. 17 17 18 Gen. 17 6. Pro. 8.15 16. Rev. 6 15. And to Abraham that Kings ſhould comes out of his loyns. And it is his Ordinance, that by him they ſhall reign, and Princes decree Juſtice.

And his bleſſed Truth, contrary to your vain thoughts confirms, That Kings of the Earth, and great men, and rich men, and chief Captains, and mighty men, and bondmen, and freemen, ſhall con­tinue till the great day of the wrath of the Lord, which is the end of the World.

Your Expreſſions concerning Gideons Sons ſavour more of your wonted virulency than of truth. Gideons Son

You ſaid that he had many brave Sons, and were much honoured by the People] How brave they were the Scripture doth not re­late; but we read that he had ſeventie by divers wives, and Abi­melech, (who ſlew them all but the youngeſt) by his Concubine. They could not be as yet very valiant, as plainly appears in the diſ­comfiture of rhe Midianites,Jud. 8, 20. when Iether his firſt-born (being a very youth) was fearfull to draw his ſword to ſlay Zeba and Zalman­na. If Gideon had made any ſuch to be Collonels and Commanders, we ſhould not have commended his judgement: But that men of age, valour, and diſcretion (having hazarded their Lives and For­tunes both by Sea and Land in the Common ſervice) ſhould receive ſuch Military Titles and Commands as befits their Atchievments, is far leſſe honour than they deſerve, let them be whoſe Sons you pleaſe; and we will aſſure you far more congruous, than for Peter to draw18 his ſword, and Miniſters for the Propagation, to preſume to be Collo­nels, Captains, and Commanders, whoſe valiant ſervice was none o­ther, but the rooting out of their deadly and profeſſed enemies (the formidable forlorn hope of the black coats) and gathering Tithes, ne­ver daring to look any other kind of enemy in the face.

But we acknowledge our ſelves far unworthy to vindicate any mans honour and reputation.

When you left Gideon, you fell upon his Sons parable (Judg. 9.9. ) which ſpeaks of the Trees going forth to anoint a King over them,Jotham's parable, Judg. 9. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. the Olive-Tree, the Fig Tree, and the Vine-Tree found their con­dition to be ſo good, that they would not Reign.

But you ſaid you would not meddle with the Bramble.]

We commend you very much therein; for then you would have diſcovered your own nature and diſpoſition: But we will ſpare you that labour, and ſupply where you left.

The Bramble is a moſt fruitleſs, tearing ſhrub; fit for nothing, but the ſtopping of Gaps, and afterwards to be burned: And by the Para­ble of this Bramble, Jotham meant, proud and ambitious men, baſe in birth, wicked in life, barren in goodneſs, and cruel in nature; If you examine your heart, you will find the true Mythologie and moral of this Parable couched in your own breaſt.

Concerning that place of Amos 6.13. Have we not taken to us Horns by our own ſtrenght? Certainly, either your Concordance fay­led you, or your quotations were falſe. For the Horns you meant, were in the 1 King. 22.11. you are the man, that with Zedekiah the ſon of Chenaanah have made you Horns of Iron, perſwading Ahab and Jehoſhaphat to war againſt Ramoth Gilead, that the valiant Soul­diers may conſume one another. Good Sir, let me intreat you to draw in your Horns, and when you puſh with them again, to think of your old friends, and acquaintance.

Having only touched theſe places of Scriptures, which together with infinite others, he wreſted, and miſ-applyed, we ſhall proceed up­on his ſeditious and invective Accuſations.

He abuſed the Honourable Council, and called their Proclamation A Libel.

He baſely traduced, and vilified the Commanders, Officers, and Souldiers of the Army; nay, their wives and families eſcaped not the laſh of his Tongue. And told the Sword-men in general, That the19 Spirit of God was departed from them; that heretofore they had been precious and excellent men, but that their Parks, and new houſes, and gallant Wives, had choaked them up.]

VVell done, (Mr. Vavaſor) you plead well for them who ſpent ſo much bloud for your Liberties and Protection: I am ſure they de­ſerved a better Character at your hands, if they had not fought with more Courage than you did at Worceſter, you had ere this time loſt your life, aſwell as your man did then your money, by your baſe and Cowardly running away. If the Spirit of the Lord had forſaken them, the Cenſure was too uncharitable; but without doubt he went not from them to ſpeak unto you: And we believe you had wiſhed that your Fee'farm Rents, Propagation-moneyes, New houſe at Kerry,1 Kings 22, 24. and a pint of Mrs. Quarrels hot waters had firſt choaked up your Rai­ling, before you had thus traduced their worth.

That they had All revolted, and fallen from the Lord, and forſa­ken his people, who were left Fatherleſs; wiſhing them to repent of their perjury, againſt their former Declarations, Proteſtations, Re­monstrances, Promiſes, and Vowes, ſpecially at Tripolie Heath: And to return.]

But Mr. Vavaſor, You muſt conſider that all their Promiſes and Vowes included Conditions, and therefore might be diſobligated. Have you never learnt that Rule?

That the Obligation ceaſeth when you have the Requeſt or Conſent of the moſt part of thoſe, for whoſe benefit you have obliged your ſelf.

If you had underſtood to whom their Promiſes had References, and for whoſe benefit they were undertaken, then you had acknowledged, that by Requeſt or Conſent, they might be (as they are) diſobligated without perjury. But you have vented here the ſeed of Sedition to the height, by endeavouring to convince their Conſciences as guilty of perjury, and ſo to ingage the Souldiers to imbrue their hands in their own bloud, by renting their unity, and denying their Obedience to their ſuperiour Officers and Commanders under the preſent Government and Protection.

Could Abſolom have dealt more treacherouſly with David his Fa­ther? Or Nero more inhumanely, either in burning Rome, and tran­ſlating his wickedneſs upon the innocent Chriſtians? or in renting the bowels of his own dear Mother?

20They have more cauſe to Cry unto you for to Repent and Return. His Highneſs Chaplains, and great Vniverſity-men, who have (as he ſaid) had Thouſands a year to ſet up this New Government, ſhall not eſcape him.] Gentlemen, we know you not; but if you had any hand therein, we wiſh that your Thouſands were Millions unto you. Our Pen hath been too much dawbed in his filth, for to preſume either to vindicate your innocency, or ſet forth your goodneſs, (for certainly, if Mr. Vavaſor and his party had been ſuffered to go on in their evil Deſigns, they had ſoon deſtroyed both Magiſtracy and Mi­niſtery, who falſly pretending (as Saints triumphant on Earth) to Rule infallibly by a Divine and extraordinary right, would conſe­quently under that Notion claim right to pſſeſſe all mens Properties, as well as Govern them, and judge none meet to publiſh the Goſpel, but ſuch as were principled in their wayes.) We underſtand you are ingenuous, and truly Godly Men, bred up in the Schools of the Prophets; God bleſſe your Endeavours in advancing Chriſt's spi­ritual Kingdom here on Earth, in reviving the dying ſtatutes of your Vniverſities to their former vigour, that the Arts and Scien­ces may flouriſh again in your Schools; And that both your Eyes may ſo Recover their former Perſpicuity to Continue ſuch Seminaries of Learning and Religion, as to furniſh this diſtreſſed Nation with golden Plants, that

Uno avulſo non deficit alter
Aureus & Ramus

Eſay 34.14, 15.One may ſtill bud out of the ſtem of the other; That theſe Sa­tyres may not cry to their fellows, nor the Scritch-Owls find a place of Reſt with us; That this great Owl may not make her neſt, and lay, and hatch, and gather her ſhadow among us any more: Bat that your bright Suns may deſcrie theſe Glow-Worms, and diſpel theſe. Bats, that they may gather into their Caves again.

He cannot forget the Lawyers his ancient friends, ſaying, That the Iudges (thoſe Carnal Crue) were brought in by the Souldiers to ſet up this Government] will nothing ſerve your turn but ſtill to under­mine theſe Marble pillars of the Nation, they have been the Common mark of your Paſquils, and invectives ſince the Ejection of your Countrey Miniſters, that you may level the Law as well as the Goſ­pel. How often have you termed them Theeves and Pick-purſes, And that there was not paſt two honeſt Lawyers in the whole Nation,21 as you publiquely delivered in your Sermon at Llanſanfred in Radnor­ſhire? And do you not remember how in your Sermon, at the laſt great Seſſions held for the ſame County, when you had ſufficiently vilified their Perſons and Profeſſion, you deſired them not to imitate the Devil their Maſter who always at his departing made clean work and ſwept all away? certainly you think, that they are troubled with the ſame Devil, that haunted you about the Welch Pool, whereby distracted you were for a good while Mewed up in your Chambe. We could wiſh you to be as charitable towards them, as they have been favourable towards you in your former indictments, and be­ſeech you to conſider with your ſelf, if you be left once again to the Mercy of the Law, as (we believe) you will, Up goes Mr. Vava­ſor. To conclude, He would pawn and hazard his life and his Mi­niſtery, That this Power ſhall ſuddenly be deſtroyed: And that this was revealed unto him, as the Diſſolution of the former Parliament. ] for the pawning of your life, we think, as you have already forfeited it, ſo you are now weary enough of it, and believing that God hath numbred your Kingdom and finiſhed it: you mould gladly become one of Petilians Martyrs who canonized Iudas for a Saint,Dan. 5 26 We know very well, you would rather have died gloriouſly in this City of Lon­don, than to be ignominiouſly picked into your own Country as you were. Parliament Ioan handled you more roughly in White-hall yard at your departure, Laying hold upon your skirts with termes befitting your ſpirit, That you may humbly ſupplicated to be reſcued from her Clawes.

For the pawning of your Miniſtery, you may well expoſe that to the Broaker, which was never your own, unleſſe with the Aegypti­an whore (Potiphers Wife) you pawn poor Ioſephs garment, which he left in her hand to preſerve his own chaſtity, and fidelity to his Maſter.

But you ſay, That it was revealed unto you, That this Power ſhall ſuddenly be deſtroyed. ] for that, We leave it to Gods gracious Providence and determination, For it is he that putteth down one, and ſetteth up another: But what manner of Prophet, and Diviner you are, may ſoon appear by theſe ſtrange predictions: You Prophe­ſied above two years paſt in your Sermons in Wales, That Tithes ſhould no more be paid, and above three years ago, That there ſhould never appear any Enemie more in the Land, And here in22 White-hall chapel you Propheſied with great confidence, That all the Statues in that Garden ſhould be ſhortly drawn down by publique Authority; And in all theſe (you muſt confeſſe) your Spi­rit hath fowly deceived you: but to ſatisfie all unbiaſed Iudges, I ſhall end with a ſtory of your own invention.

When you were in ſome part of Worceſterſhire where ſome of the late Kings party lay in the field, You ſent a Meſſenger, over night, to give you intelligence of the event of the battle, and being informed before you went to bed, that they were diſcomſited, you wrote a Letter directed to your ſelf, diſcovering the truth, and manner of the fight, and delivered this Letter to your man, commanding him to take horſe the next morning, & ride three or four miles from the place you quartered, and to return with ſpeed, and deliver the Letter unto you, as you came out of your Pulpit, being to preach there the next morning: In your Sermon you encouraged the People, aſſuring them, that it was revealed unto you that night, that the Enemie ſhould be deſtroyed: And wiſhed them never to believe that you were a Pro­phet ſent from the Lord, unleſſe they ſhould be very ſhortly certified thereof, nay you hoped, before you parted from that place; And true it was, Your Man met you at the Church-door, and delivered to you the Letter, being well inſtructed for the particulars thereof: I hope this wonderful prediction confirms that you have an illuminated Spirit: but herein was the Miſchance; Your man mistaking your own, took another Gentlemans Horſe, who being much abuſed (by the wretched Rider) diſcovered your cheat. Thus you are a fooliſh Prophet, like a Fox in a Deſert, you have ſeen a vain viſion, you have ſpoken lying Divinations, becauſe you have ſedused my people. Ezech. 13.3, 4, 7, 10.

And now, leſt that according to your wonted boaſtings (being re­turned to your Congregated, and Listed Troops in Wales) you ſhould triumph that you have gloriouſly paſt throughout all your troubles before his Highneſſe and his Council; As you thanked God in Chriſt-Church, That you eſcaped the bands of the Court Catch­poles (Terms little befitting The Councils Meſſengers, who deſer­ved far better at your hands, for your Civil and Free entertainment) We beſeech them to believe your own expreſſions, delivered after your firſt enlargement in the ſame Pulpit, That you were accounted by them but a frantick, fanatick, and mad man, poſſeſſed with an evil23 Spirit, and under the power of darkneſſe: We muſt confeſſe you were not taken for any other kind of man among the ingenuous ſort of peo­ple in your own Nation: And it was the great Providence of God that he hath been pleaſed by your Carriage here in London, to diſco­ver to his Highneſſe the Lord Protector, and the Honourable Council, the Truth of your mad and malicious Spirit, whereby they may tru­ly underſtand the ſad condition of thoſe Miniſters, who have been ejected and perſecuted by your means, and of the ſeduced people who are over-ſwayed and miſ-guided by your turbulent and cruel dispoſiti­on, having ſuch influence upon all thoſe places of Wales, where you had any power, that there is not any one in Military, Civil, or Eccleſiaſtick Authority, or office, but ſuch as condeſcended to your principles.

But we know that we have long wearied you, with tracing the filth of this ſent: There is neither Pariſh nor place in Wales, nor in this ho­nourable City of London, but may be a Remembrancer either of his Er­rors, or Blaſphemies, or Obſcaenities, or Cruelties, or Oppreſſions, or Seditions, That we dare boldly ſay, He may be a true Parallel to the groſeſt Hereticks of old, And future Sharks ſhall be but as Apes to imitate his Villanies.

And that you may have ſome intermixture of his Sweet mirth with his Sour paſſions, we ſhall endeavour to recompenſe your patience with a taſt of this Harmonious Hymn ſung in his Congregation at Chriſt-Church, together with an Antiphona anſwering thereunto, And ſo cloſe up all with a true diſcription of his Propagation in Wales.


18 Decemb. 1653. His Hymn at Chriſt-Church.

TO Chriſt our King, let us praiſe ſing,
who is our Saviour dear,
Who is our Protector, and our Rock,
who will come, and ſoon appear
To humble his, and try their hearts,
And make them clean and pure,
To ſet his Kingdom upon Earth,
Which ever ſhall endure:
His Saints ſhall reign with him on Earth,
And great ones then ſhall bow,
The Battle, and the Battle-ax,
And men of War ſhall know
That he will ariſe, and he will rule,
And their power will fall,
And Chriſt our great Commander, He
Shall be our General.
Haſt Lord, come quickly down,
Thy Saints, do wait, and pray,
And men would ſaign, if they knew how,
Thy Prophets kill and ſlay:
But they ſhall live, and eke ſtand up,
And give their Teſtimony
Againſt the Monarchs of the Earth,
That ſit, and reign on high.
THe Antiphona thereunto.
THe Devil's your King, his praiſe you ſing,
His Spirit leads you here,
Who is your Protector, and your Rock,
And in You doth appear.
'Tis he exalts, and lifts your hearts,
To make you his moſt ſure,
To ſet his Kingdom upon Earth,
Which ſhall not long endure:
His Saints ſhall reign with him in Hell,
And to him they ſhall bow,
The Battle, and the Battle-ax,
And men of war do know,
Though he be up, and his doth rule,
Yet his Power will fall,
Since Sathan your good Maſter, He
Is your great General.
The Lord will come in his due time,
His Saints for to preſerve,
And all your lying Prophets ſlay,
Who from his Word do ſwerve.
His Word shall ſtand, his Saints ſhall live
To give their Teſtimony
Againſt falſe Teachers of the Earth,
Who ſtrive to Reign on high.

A true Deſcription of Mr. Vavaſor Pow­ells, and his Itinerants Propagati­on in Wales.

WHat? Propagation, and root out all,
Then if you pleaſe, her Extirpation call,
Like Lucifer, that's ſtil'd a Morning ſtar,
And yet in Hel's the blackeſt Fiend by far;
If then of her you'l have a true Relation,
She's the Abaddon in the Revelation,
That Apollyon, that all thing deſtroyes,
That Epidemick Plague that Church annoyes;
That flaming Dragon, that did latel'aſſail,
To ſweep the Stars down with his fiery tail;
That Worm-wood that imbitters Sea and Springs,
And from the pit great Swarms of Locuſts brings:
She was the Church-Granado, tore, and rents,
Religion, Faith, Works, and the Sacraments;
That Indian Herican that fiercely tears
The Spouſes ſhip, while that to Heaven ſhe ſtears:
She talks of Chriſt, like Cheaters in a throng
To pick mens purſes ſings a Godly Song;
And Herod-like feigning t'adore the Babe,
Through Church-mens ſides gives him a deadly ſtab:
Thus Religion prov'd to behe Cloak
Vnder whoſe ſhrowd thouſands of Frogs did croak,
26 With Jeroboams Prieſts they fill'd their hand,
And then like Pharaohs plagues infect the land:
Jeruſalem and Sions glory razes,
Mounts Calves at Dan, and Bethels higher places,
Which bellow'd like an Amſterdamian Bull
Nonſence and Blaſphemy whole Pulpis full.
Perhaps you'l itch to know the ſtock and root
From whence theſe Branches of Propagation ſhoot:
Th'are hatcht in Hel, Be'lzebub is their Sire,
Atheiſm their Mother, Nurſe infernal fire:
Their Offſprings are Schiſms, Sects, and Hereſie,
Deſtruction, Sacrilege, and Symony;
Their Maid Hypocriſie, her daily dreſſes,
Shews of Godlineſs, and ſuch like treſſes,
Which ſhe from Sathans Wardrope ſtole by night,
While they do Act good Angels parts of light:
Theſe Frogs and Locuſts wait upon her train,
By ſacred Ruines thinking all to gain;
And hoping when Chriſts-Doves were diſpoſſeſt,
Scritch-Owles, and Zim, and Jim might build their neſt:
They Cry'd down learned Athens, and that light,
That did deſtroy their Gloe-worms in the night,
While her bright Suns did gliſter in the Sky
Their Bats and Owls abroad durſt never fly:
The Devil at Delphos was ſtruck dumb for fear,
Til Babilas his bones away they bear.
Great is Diana, 'tis the Silver ſhrines,
That made them dig ſo deep in Churches Mines,
The firſt fool Wales, telling them a ſtory,
That plundring God, makes moſt for his Glory:
No tithes, no gleabs, no offrings needeth he,
Without a Prieſt, All taught of him ſhall be.
27Thus many were ſeduc'd with this falſe glaſſe,
And made to couch like Iſſachars Aſſe
To any burthen: that ſpake libertie,
Though in effect Souls-murthering ſlavery.
Former Monopolies went by retale,
The Church and Church men ſhe vends by whole ſale.
Empſon and Dudleys projects were but toys,
Cranfield and Ingram only made a noiſe,
Micha'l Mumpeſſon ſoar'd and had a fall,
But Propagation robs our God of all.
And thus by colour of this Act of Grace,
All Rights of Church and State they did deface.
But ſhe's expir'd; a boon me thinks you crave,
To grant her decent burial, and a grave.
HEre Propagation lies, that did aſpire,
Like Phaeton to ſet the World on fire,
Cry'd down Order, and Miniſterial Call,
And thought to give this Government a fall:
She would have cauſ'd the Gentry flock in Swarms;
To beg relief like Cripples without Armes;
And would have made the learned Lawyers plead,
From door to door (poor Souls) for Cruſts of Bread.
Lament Itinerants! this Trade is gone,
Take up your Tools, and Occupation;
Silence in Churches; you have long forgot
Your firſt callings, inheritance and lot.

28And (Gentle Reader) becauſe you ſhall not think that ſome Itinerants who lately dyed wanted Epitaphs, we ſhall intreat you to peruſe one, which a dear friend be­ſtowed upon Mr. L. who lately dyed, and was interred in the City of Hereford.

In Perpetuam Magiſtri L: Itinerantis Memoriam
QVi Sermonavit vivus**i. e. ex tempore. ſine think, ſine thanko,
Mortuus in foveam jacitur**i. e. ſine tintinnabulis., ſine clink, ſine clanko
2. Sam 17.23. And when Ahithophel ſaw that his coun­ſel was not followed, he ſadled his aſſe, and aroſe, andgat him home to his houſe, to his City, and put his houſhold in order, and hanged himſelf, and died, and was buried in the Sepulchre of his Father.

About this transcription

TextStrena Vavasoriensis, a Nevv-Years-gift for the Welch itinerants, or a hue and cry after Mr. Vavasor Powell, metropolitan of the itinerants, and one of the executioners of the Gospel, by colour of the late Act for the propagation thereof in Wales; as also a true relation of his birth, course of life, and doctrines; together with a vindication of several places of Scripture wrested and abused, against the present government, and all publick ministers of this nation. His hymn sung in Christ-Church London; with an antiphona there unto; and a lively description of his propagation.
AuthorGriffith, Alexander, d. 1690..
Extent Approx. 81 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 17 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationStrena Vavasoriensis, a Nevv-Years-gift for the Welch itinerants, or a hue and cry after Mr. Vavasor Powell, metropolitan of the itinerants, and one of the executioners of the Gospel, by colour of the late Act for the propagation thereof in Wales; as also a true relation of his birth, course of life, and doctrines; together with a vindication of several places of Scripture wrested and abused, against the present government, and all publick ministers of this nation. His hymn sung in Christ-Church London; with an antiphona there unto; and a lively description of his propagation. Griffith, Alexander, d. 1690.. [4], 28 p. Printed by F.L.,[S.l.] :1654.. (Attributed to Alexander Griffith.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan. 30 1653"; the 4 in the imprint date has been crossed out.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Powell, Vavasor, 1617-1670 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Wales -- Church history -- Early works to 1800.

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