Grounds and Queries to the Army, &c.
IN the laſt (and overturning) dayes when the Kings and Rulers (thoſe Branches ſprung from the old Draggon their root) of the old Earth ſhall hear the Declaration and Proclamation of the Decree of the Lord of hoſts, to ſet Jeſus of Nazareth hill, King upon the hill of Zion, as Judge, Ruler and Law-giver, not onely of his Church, but in and over the whole Earth, therein to raign and rule by his laws, And to break and daſh in pieces (by and in his Saints, that Stone which is not in the hands of any Power of this earth whatſoever. Dan. 2.34.45. ) the whole Roman Monarchy or Fourth Beaſt as now divided, bearing rule over the whole Earth: Either by Heatheniſh Emperors and Kings, or by refined Rulers; taking in the whol Kingdome of Antichriſt, the laws of his kingdom, the makers of his laws, the pleaders of his laws, and the executors of them high and low, under what name or title ſoever: ſo as to leave no place for them, except the lake of fire and brimſtone; the portion of the Dragon, Beaſt, and Falſe prophet, with their partakers and dependants: when (we ſay) the Beaſts, Kings and Rulers ſhall hear the Proclamation of this Decree; Then ſhall they ſet themſelves with all the might and power the Dragon hath given them, and take Councel, politick, cunning, and crafty-councel (it being the laſt game they have to play) againſt the Lord and his anointed; whom this decree proclaims King: David's now anointed, that's the reaſon Saul perſues him ſo hotly; crying, Let us! Let us! they'r all for acting their curſed deſign of breaking the bands of Chriſts Kingdome, and caſting away (as a thing deſtructive) the cords or laws thereof; all this rage and fury is but to imagine a vain thing. Pſ. 2.1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. This alſo is the thoughts or vain imaginations of the little horn: fain would he change and put far off the times of this kingdom; theſe bands and change the laws or cords thereof, Dan. 7.2 5. He thinks alſo to change the time and laws of thoſe three Nations under his Dominion. And therefore,
Queries 1Whether or no, your Rulers and Heads (who keep dark and hidden councels of wickednes) be not thoſe very Rulers (diſtinguiſhed from the Kings of the earth by that title) that in this day take cunning and crafty councell point black againſt the Lords anointed, his bands and cords againſt the very kingdom and laws of Chriſt Jeſus, in and over the Nations; endeavouring thereby to ſet up, and firmly eſtabliſh the kingdome and laws of Antichriſt in all their uſurped dominions, in oppoſition to the Lords?
Queries 22. Whether the Lord that ſitteth in the heaven doth not laugh at them for ſuch folly and madnes, as for a few worms, to ſet themſelves againſt the great and mighty God? Hath not the Lord them in deriſion? doth not the Lord ſpeak to them in his wrath? By his judgments that meets the deſigns in their very face, doth not the late judgments of deſtruction in Hiſpaniola, and thereabouts ſpeak to them in wrath? Is nor the multitude, forſaken that flees before a ſmal company? doth not the Lord vex and torment them in his ſore diſpleaſure? if ſo.
Queries 3Whether or no it be not dangerous, yea and very dangerous for you to continue any obedience to them; to execute any of their laws, or to receive any hire or wages from them, becauſe 'tis the prize of blood; leaſt thereby you be found under this notion of a people imagining a vain thing (as to think the kingdom of Oliver Cromwel can ſtand againſt Chriſts) and thereby become guilty of High treaſon againſt the great king of kings; and ſo (at his appearance) be daſhed to pieces (with your Rulers) like a potters veſſel by him, or in the mean time be cut off and deſtroyed as your fellows in the late expedition?
Queries 4Whether or no your head Ruler, with his government•, that ſtands up over the three Kingdomes pluckt up by him, be not that ſame little horn, that ariſes after and among the ten horns or kingdoms, ſubject to Antichriſt, who is to reign for three years and a half, and therein to perſecute the Saints; ſeeing he (above all his fellows, with more eagerneſſe, greater ſtratagems, and ſubtiller devices then any of his fellow horns) indeavours to change the times, and laws of Chriſts kingdom, now ready to break forth in power and great glory, Dan., 21.24, 25. and not only ſo, but hath changed the times of theſe Nations deliverance, an•made them the••imes of his exaltation; and hath made null and void thoſe laws, which pvided for the ſafety and welfare of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
4Ground. 2When the time of Babylons deſtruction is ready to come upon her from the Lord, the Lord will cauſe his people, thoſe that ſhall not partake of her plagues (which are ſo dreadfull to make a moſt full, abſolute, and totall ſeparation from her, by coming out of her; by ſeparating from all Powers, Perſons and things, that are any ways Babylon ſh, unclean, or Antichriſtian; Gods people muſt come out of, and depart from Babylon Civill, and Babylon-Eccleſiaſtical, Rev. 14.14. Jer. 51.6.45. c. 50.8. Iſa. 52.11. 2 Cor. 6.17.
Que. 1Que. Whether or no you are not in Babylon, yea deeply in Babylon? in the very midſt of her; liſted under her banner, in oppoſition to thoſe liſted under the Banner of Jeſus Chriſt the Lamb, whileſt you daily obey the commands of her Powers, daily (almoſt) going about robbing and diſpoiling your brethren of their goods and eſtates, becauſe they will not pay taxes, nor contribute to the upholding of the kingdom of Antichriſt; pu•ting the yoak of bondage upon the neck of a free people, incouraging Prieſts and Lawyers to preſſe the ſouls and bodies of the Lords people, whilſt you are ready at hand to uphold them in thoſe cruelties? If ſo,
Que. 2Whether or no you do not hereby endanger your very ſouls; ſeeing to depart out of Babylon is to ſave the ſoul; then whether or not to ſtay in her, be not to deſtroy the ſoul, Jer. 51 6.45. And if ſo? 3. Whether or no it ſhould not now be your chiefeſt, greateſt, and only care, to make a ſpeedy and an effectuall ſeparation from and out of her, in obedience to that voice of the Lord, which ſounds ſo loud in your ears now, by reaſon of the deſtruction comming forth; and ſpeedily come forth of, and leave your curſed imployments of acting for mony in the Army, and ſo as faſt as may be ſeparate from her in all other points? Is it better (O ſouldiers! to keep the mark of this Beaſt in your foreheads openly, then to liſt your ſelves under the Banner of Jeſus Chriſt?
Ground 3When the Lord hath drawn his people out of Babylon, its not for nought, but it is that they may act for him and his kingdom againſt his enemies, and the kingdome and power of the Beaſt: they muſt then wait on the Lord in the way of his judgments, Iſa. 26. •. as ſoon as the voice come out is accompliſhed, out comes the command, reward her even as ſhe rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which ſhe hath filled, fill to her double, &c. Rev. 18.6. So that as ſoon as the Sts. are come out of Babylon, they muſt begin to deſtroy her; then her plagues of death, murmuring and famine comes upon her: and ſhe ſhall be utterly burnt with fire. The everlaſting goſpel is preached, and the ſword follows, and down gos Babylon, Rev. 14 7, 8.
Quer. 1Whether or no when once theſe judgments begins (if till then you continue your ſtandings in Babylon) there will be any time of repentance either to you, or any in your dangerous condition, ſeeing you neglect to kiſs the ſon before his anger is kindled? If ſo.
Quer. 2Whether or no you ought not with all readineſs of mind and humblenes of ſpirit, acknowledge and confeſſe before the Lord the evill of your way, and inſtead of following man, and doing his works and commands, follow Chriſt the Lamb whether ſo ever he goeth, doing his works and commands, though in oppoſition to the powers of the Beaſt, for ſo it muſt be?
Quer. 3Whether or no you can ſerve Chriſt the King of Zion, and men the Kings of Babylon both at a time? Can you have the mark of the Beaſt, and worſhip him and his Image; and at the time have the Fathers name written in your foreheads, ſtanding with Chriſt upon the Mount, ſinging unto him a new ſing of Zions praiſes? If not,
Quer. 4Whether or no you ought not to become an inquiſitive people, enquiring earneſtly by Faith for the true wayes and paths of the Lamb, that you might become part of his company and followers? Ought you not to run too and fro for increaſe of your knowledge, Dan. 12.4. that ſo you might have a lot in the Kingdom of Jeſus; that ſo ye may inherit all things and be the ſons of God, Rev. 21.7.
Quer. 5Whether or no (if you take not this courſe) you will not be found in that miſerable condemned number of ſlaughter, who ſhall hide themſelves in the Dens and rocks of the mountains, calling for the mountains to fall on them (when alas th•ir breaking to pieces) and hide them from the face of him that ſits on the throne? if in that number, what will become on you5 when Chriſt ſits on the throne alone, and all men thrown down and laid in the duſt? who'l hide you from the wrath of the Lamb? Rev. 6.15, 16.
Ground 4All thoſe that wilbe ſubjects of, and in the kingdom of the Beaſt, and trade within his domini•ns, whether they are ſmal or great, rich or poore, free or bond, muſt receive a mark in their right hands (more cloſe and private) or in their fo•eheads (openly and publikely, in the ſight of all men, as not being aſhamed of their profeſſed obedience to the B•aſt;) none being ſuffered to buy or ſell, ſave thoſe that receives this mark or the number of the Beaſts name, which number is the number of a man, and is 666. Rev. 13.15, 16, 17, 18.
Quer. 1Whether or no you be prohibited trade under this Government of the Beaſt? Is there any lets or moleſtations offered unto you in your way by the Beaſt, or the Image of the Beaſt? Is there any breach of any of the Beaſts principall laws on your parts, by words or actions? If not. Quer. 2Whether or no in the very higheſt degree you have not the mark of the Beaſt in y•ur foreheads, in an open ſhow? Is not your obedience publike to the view of all men; ſeeing you are freemen and no ſubjects in the dominion of Antichriſt? If ſo.
Quer. 3Whether or no the Cup of the wrath of God will not be your portion? VVill not this ſcripture be fulfilled in you; If any man worſhip the Beaſt and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the ſame ſhall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is powred out without mixture in to the cup of his Indignation, and he ſhalbe tormented with fire and brimſtone, in the preſence of the holy Angels, and in the preſence of the Lamb, and the ſmoak of their torment aſcends for ever and ever, and they have no reſt day nor night, that received the mark of the Beaſts name? Rev. 14 9, 10, 11. chap. 19.20, 21.
Quer. 4Whether or no thoſe now impriſoned under the notion of Raylers, diſturbers, ſeducers, giddy headed, &c. who are prohibited trade with the Beaſt, both in civils and ſpirituals, becauſe conſcientious of their upholding and maintaining any power of his; be not the Saints and people of God contending for Chriſt and his kingdome, againſt the Beaſt and his kingdome? are they not in this particular part of the VVitneſſes of Jeſus Chriſt, which the beaſt hath warred againſt and killed (ſo as to liberty and a publike teſtimony) having diſabled them from proceeding in the open bearing thereof? If ſo.
Quer. 5Whether or no you will not be found at their Riſe and Aſcention (which will be in a ſhort time) among that rabble crue, upon whom great fear fals (their valour having left them) in regard of thoſe judgments that then will unavoidably come upon them; will you not be ſwallowed up in that great earthquake in and by which ſuch a perfect and compleat number of the Antichriſtian party is devoured, Rev. 11.11.13.
Quer. 6VVhether or no you do not, by retaining the mark of the Beaſt in your foreheads, put a ſtop to the work of the Lord in the world, as the Deſtruction of the Kings of the Earth, that wars with the Lamb, the overthrow of the Germain Empire, the fall and final overthrow of Rome, the conſummation of the Turkiſh power, and the preparation of the way of the Iews and Iſraelites to their own land? Do not you abſolutly ſtand in the way of this work by ſitting down and taking up your poſſeſſions here in Babilon, on this ſide Jordon: yea far before you come to Canaan, before you have a ſight of the good land? If ſo.
Quer. 7Whether or no you ſhall not be trampled down, and run over, by the lyon of Judah's Tribe, who is comming roaring for his prey, as mountains of oppoſition, in the way to his tak•ng poſſeſſion of the throns and kingdomes of the whole world, ſeeing he ſhall be as a Roe or young Hart (•n ſwift motions) upon the mountains of Bether or diviſion, Cant. 2.17. that would divide between him and h•s kingdome? If ſo.
Quer. 8VVhether or no you ought not to conſult together, with the word of God, and conſider what might be the moſt ſpeedy and effectualleſt way for you to be found worthy of eſcaping ſo great puniſhments? O•ght ye not to kiſſe the Son, leaſt he be angry and ye periſh and to fear God, and that becauſe th•houre of his judgment is come, giving glory to him and not to man, that ſo you might rejoyce in his Highn•ſſe. Pſal. 2.12. Iſa. 13.3. Rev. 14.7.
Ground 530. January 1648. The Commons aſſembled in Parliament Ordered the Printing of an Act, which accordingly was printed, wherein was Enacted and Ordained6 that no perſon or perſons whatſoever, do preſume to proclaim, declare, publiſh, or any wayes promote Charls Stuart (heretofore commonly called the Prince of VVales) or any other perſon to be King or cheif Magiſtrate of England, or of Ireland, or of any the Dominions belonging to them, or either of them without the free conſent of the People in Parliament, firſt had and ſignified, by a particular Act, or Ordinance for that purpoſe. It alſo was Enacted and Ordained that whoſoever ſhould contrary to that Act, Proclaime, Declare, Publiſh, or any wayes promote Charls Stuart the ſon, or any other perſon to the King, o•chief Magiſtrate of England or of Ireland, &c. ſhould be deemed and adjudged a Traitor to be Common-wealth, and ſuffer pains of death and ſuch other puniſhments as belong to the crime of High-treaſon. Authority alſo was given by that Act to all Officers as well Civill as Military, and•o all other well-affected perſons to apprehend all ſuch offenders, that they might be proceeded againſt accordingly. Now this act was never repealed, nor made null or void, but ſtill remains in full force power, or vertue.
Quer. 1VVhether or no thoſe perſons that did openly proclaim or gave adviſe or conſent to proclaim O. C. chief Magiſtrate of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and all the Dominions thereto belonging, be not guilty of high treaſon as conſpirers againſt the good of all the People of this Nation, (except their partakers, upholders, abettors and adherents) and alſo as breakers of thoſe wholſome and good laws, made by the conſent of all the People of the three Nations met, and aſſembled together in their Repreſentatives, for their good and ſafety againſt Tyrants, Oppreſſors, proud Ʋſurpers, Crown-wearers, Parliament-breakers? &c. Quer. 2VVhether or no you (the whole Army) whom the People in Parliament raiſed for their own defence againſt the Invaders of their Liberties be not all traitors to the Nations, in regard you uphold and maintain by force and violence, thoſe that exalt themſelves in a tyrannizing way over the people, and in regard you have and do ſtill protect and defend him by the power of your ſword, thoſe that proclaimed, and thoſe that gave councel and adviſe••n the very act, and have ever ſince ſtood by them keeping them from being apprehended by the well-affected people (ſeeing none elſe hath hearts ſo to do) according to law, to the end they might ſuffer the pains of death, deſerved by them for ſuch villanies? are not you (as it were) the legs of this Lyon, upon which he runs among the people, hunting for the prey, which he devours ſo greedily, and ſo furiouſly? If ſo. Quer. 3VVhether or no it doth not behove the well-affected people of all the three Nations, or of any part thereof, to joyn and unite themſelves together, and ſo to ſtand up for their Liberties; ſeeing they are authorized, and required ſo to do by that act; ſo that they (in ſuch an enterprize) ſhall not only have the laws of God (which is ſtrongeſt of all) but alſo the laws of men on their ſide? Ought they not to apprehend, and cauſe to be proceeded againſt, ſuch perſons as proclaimed O. Cromwel as aforeſaid, as traytors to them and the reſt of their brethren in the higheſt degree? Nay further (in caſe you the Army) ſhall yet defend thoſe known Rebels, and in caſe you yet continue as legs and ſupporters of the preſent Beaſt? Ought they not to proceed againſt you•o ſuppreſſe you, ſeeing you are turned to be their oppreſſors? Ought they not to cut off the legs of the Beaſt, and then pray what will become of the Beaſt?
Ground 6VVhen the Army that was ſent by O Cromwell came to Hiſpaniola, they landed eight thouſand men, and in marching twenty miles many of them fell down dead, and the reſt when they came to engage, fled when none purſued. The Army of eight thouſand men did never ſee one hundred Spanyards in a body, and yet ſuch a ſpirit of fear poſſeſſed your fellows that they fled, and theſe few Spanyards purſued and killed them till they were a weary; The Lord did exceedingly appear againſt them ſuitable to that in Judges the 5. and 20. For on the 24th day of April at night the Moon being four dayes old did ſhine (an impoſſible thing according to reaſon) till two of the clock in the Morning, to their great admiration; For that night the Spaniard killed diverſe of your fellows (the Moon gave them light to do it.) Theſe paſſages are verified by Letters from the Fleet.
Quer. 1Whether or no that great and unheard of ſpirit of fear among thoſe of your fellows, engaged in that deſigne (blaſted and curſed from heaven) which hath brought home7 (inſtead of golden-wedges, and pretious things of the Earth) ſo many and great wedges of diſgrace to every Engl•ſh ſouldier; Whether this was not on purpoſe to forwarn you of greater miſcheif and deſtruction to come upon you, for your mercenary behaviours, among your Bretheren at home? Did not the Lord give this as a warning to you, and ought it not ſo to be taken? Doth he not ſpeak to you with a••o•d and mighty voyce by his Judgments from heaven? If ſo. Quer. 2Whether or now you ought not with a willing and thankfull minde harken to his voyce, and according to the will of the Lord therein not be found acting or imployed in any ſuch, the like, or the ſame deſigne afreſh? Ought you to be hurried as a company of Dumbe, and ignorant ſheepe to the ſlaughter? Ought you not rather to be found acting in ſome more noble, and good deſigne, wherein you may finde the preſence of the Lord (as heretofore you uſed to doe) which may make your Enemies fly and tremble before you, as you, or ſome of yours have done; Two Thouſands (or neareupon) of whome hath loſt their lives by ſword, and ſicknes as a plague? Quer. 3Whether or now O. C. bee not guilty of all this Blood of your Bretheren ſhed by his meanes beyond the ſeas in the late undertaking ſeeing hee drove them into the Net of the Fowler, and into the ſnare of the hunter? The Scribes and Phariſes was gui•ty of all the Bloodſheed from Abell to their dayes, though not actually ſpilt by them; Is not O. C. guilty therefore of all this Bloodſhed by his means and deviſes to the diſhonor of Engliſhmen? If ſo. Quer. 4Whether or no you or any the good and well-affected people of the Nation have not ſufficient call and warranty, by the Laws of God and men to proceed againſt him as a murderer and accompt him no otherwiſe; Leaſt you partaking with him in his ſins, partake with him in his plagues, and puniſhments alſo; For it is lawfull for you to defend a Murderer? If you think it is, defend him? till you and he be ſwallowed up with Gods vengance, when you would give all the gold (if you had it) that Hiſpaniola and the Indi•'s afford for a little of your vain paſt-time to repent? Therefore Oh Army remember from whence thou art faln, and repent, or I come quickly, ſaith Chriſt, the onely lawfull King and Protector, Rev. 2.5. which comming will be with fire to Apoſtates.