PRIMS Full-text transcription (HTML)

A Generall Bill of all the Chriſtnings and Burials, from the 16. of December, 1684. to the 15. of December, 1685. According to the Report made to the KINGS Moſt Excellent MAJESTY: By the Company of Pariſh-Clerks of London, &c.

St ALban Woodſtreet36 
Alhallows, Barkin76
Alhallows Breadſtreet 23
Alhallows Great 58
Alhallows Honilane   
Alhallows Leſs 12
Alhallows Lumbardſtreet35
Alhallows Straining 34
Allhallows the Wall 64
St Alphage 39
St Andrew Hubbard 16
St Andrew Underſhaſt 48
St Andrew Wardrobe 74
St Ann Alderſgate 59
St Ann Blackfiers 133
St Antholins Pariſh 20
St Auſtins Pariſh 27
St Bartholom. Exchange14
St Bennet Fynck 33
St Bennet Gracechurch 10
St Bennet Paulſwharf 56
St Bennet Sherehog 2
St Botolph Billingſgate 8
Chriſts Church 126
St Chriſtophers 21
St Clement Eaſtcheap 14
St Dionis Backchurch 33
St Dunſtans Eaſt 101
St Edmund Lumbardſtr.34
St Faiths 44
St Gabriel Fenchruch 12
St George Botolphlane 11
St Gregories by St Pauls 85
St Hellen 30
St James Dukes place 43
St James Garlickhithe 66
St John Baptiſt 27
St John Evangeliſt 8
St John Zachary 23
St Katharine Coleman 45
St Katharine Creechurch73
St Laurene Jewry 56
St Laurence Pountney 24
St Leonard Eaſtcheap 13
St Leonard Foſterlane 53
St Magnus Pariſh 56
St Margaret Lothbury 42
St Margaret Moſes 4
Chriſtned in the97
St Margaret Newfiſhſtr. 
St Margaret Pattons 18
St Mary Abchurch 24
St Mary Aldermanbury 35
St Mary Aldermary 58
St Mary le Bow 33
St Mary Bothaw 9
St Mary Colechurch 1
St Mary Hill 34
St Mary Magd. Milkſtreet 
St Mary Mounthaw 11
St Mary Summerſet 36
St Mary Stainings 20
St Mary Woolchurch  
St Mary Woolnoth 34
St Martins Ironmongerl.5
St Martins Ludgate 72
St Martins Orgars 24
St Martins Vintrey 45
St Matthew Fridayſtreet 23
St Michael Baſſiſhaw 31
St Michael Cornhil 32
Pariſhes within the walls 2312
St Michael Crookedlane 31
St Michael Queenhith 51
St Michael Quern 18
St Michael Royal 17
St Michael Woodſtreet 18
St Mildred Broadſtreet 19
St Mildred Poultrey 51
St Nicholas Acons 1
St Nicholas Coleabby 24
St Nicholas Olaves 16
St Olave Hartſtreet 67
St Olave Jewry 20
St Olave Silverſtreet 43
St Pancras Soperlane 17
St Petor Cheap 5
St Peter Cornhil 35
St Peter Paulſwharf 17
St Peter Poor 30
St Steven Colemanſtreet155
St Steven Walbrook 23
St Swithin 30
St Thomas Apoſtle 9
Trinity Pariſh 13
St Vedaſt alias Foſters 46
St Andrew Holborn 1004
St Bartholomew Great 79
St Bartholomew Leſs 33
St Bridget 400
Bridewel Precinct 47
St Botolph Alderſgate 253
St Botolph Aldgate 896
St Botolph Biſhopſgate 620
St Dunſtan Weſt 290
Chriſtned in the16
St George Southwark 354
St Giles Cripplegate 1482
St Olave Southwark 903
St Saviour Southwark 635
Pariſhes without the walls 4878
St Paul Shadwel 468
St Thomas Southwark 87
Trinity Minories 28
At the Peſthouſe  
Buried 7898
Plague 0
Chriſt Church 171
St John at Hackney 115
St Giles in the Fields 1350
St James Clerkenwel 385
Chriſtned in the14
St Kathar near the Tower222
Lambet Pariſh254
St Leonard Shoreditch 549
St Magdalen Bermondſey507
Out-Pariſhes in Middleſex and Surrey 4551
St Mary Iſlington 108
St Mary Newington 215
St Mary Whitechappel 923
Buried 7391
St Paul Shadwel 468
Rotherhith Pariſh 140
Stepney Pariſh 1984
Plague 0
St Clements Danes 528
St James Weſtminſter 429
Chriſtned in the6
St Paul Covent Garden 194
St Martins in the Fields 2317
Pariſhes in the City and Liberties of Weſtminſter 2989
St Mary Savoy 143
St Margaret Weſtminſter 1013
Buried 4634
Plague 0

The Diſeaſes and Caſualties this Year.

ABortive and Stilborn 759
Aged and Bedridden 1163
Ague and Feaver 3832
Apoplexyand Suddenly 112
Bleeding, Bloody flux & Flux47
Burnt and Scalded 14
Calenture 3
Cancer and Canker 66
Childbed 315
Chriſomes and Infants 254
Cough and Chine-Cough 9
Colick and Wind 51
Conſumption and Tiſſick 3502
Convulſion 3420
Diabetes 2
Diſtracted and Lunatick 30
Dropſie and Tympany 703
Drowned 66
Evil 103
Executed 19
Falling-Sicknels 1
Flox and Small Pox 2496
Found dead in the ſtreets, &c.10
French Pox 82
Frighted 1
Gangrene and Fiſtula 50
Gout 7
Grief 9
Gripping in the Guts 2203
Hang'd and made away them­ſelves 22
Headmoldſhot 6
Jaundies 84
Impoſthume 106
Kild by ſeveral accidents 76
Leproſie 2
Lethargy 8
Livergrown 4
Meaſles 197
Megrim 3
Murthered 22
Overlaid 101
Palſie 19
Pluriſie 16
Poiſoned 3
Quinſie and Thruſh 126
Rickets 349
Riſing of the Lights & Mother137
Rupture 31
St. Anthony's Fire 19
Sciatica 2
Scurvy 90
Shot and Blown up 6
Smothered 2
Sores, Ulcers, Broken & Bruis'd Limbs 109
Spleen 3
Spotted Feaver and Purples 333
Stone and Cut of the Stone 50
Stopping in the Stomach 403
Strangury 5
Surfeit 399
Teeth 1138
Vomiting 4
Wen 1
Worms. 17
  • Males 7484
  • Females 7246
  • In all 14730
  • Males 11891
  • Females 11331
  • In all 23222
  • PLAGUE 0
  • Increaſed in the Burials this year 20

About this transcription

TextA general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 16. of December, 1684. to the 15. of December, 1685. According to the report made to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty: by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c.
AuthorWorshipful Company of Parish Clerks..
Extent Approx. 15 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-IV TIFF page image.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85899)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 134668)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2429:8)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 16. of December, 1684. to the 15. of December, 1685. According to the report made to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty: by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c. Bills of mortality. 1684-12-16 to 1685-12-15 Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks.. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n.,[London :1685]. (Place and date of publication from Wing (CD-ROM edition).) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • Mortality -- England -- London -- Tables -- Early works to 1800.
  • London (England) -- Statistics, Vital -- Early works to 1800.
  • London (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Broadsides -- England

Editorial statement

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
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  • DLPS A85899
  • STC Wing G494B
  • STC ESTC R230999
  • EEBO-CITATION 99899711
  • PROQUEST 99899711
  • VID 134668

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