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General MONCKS RESOLVTION To make good His DECLARATION VVith the loſs of his Blood. In a Letter from New-Caſtle November twenty nine, 1659. To a Worthy Perſon in London.


YOur laſt I received with ſafety, and according to your deſire have ſent you a true Account of the moſt material intelligence touching the preſent tranſactions in theſe Northern parts, viz. The General Aſſembly do ſtill continue, and have three conſiderable Caſtles granted them by General Monck, to be at their diſpoſing as an aſſurance of his fidelity toward them. And for ought I can perceive, there is very little or no hopes of Agreement, becauſe General Monck hath ſet down his Reſoluti­on to make good his former Declaration with the loſſe of his Bloud; for he will not agree to any thing againſt what is therein ex­preſſed. And as we hear General Monck is much offended at the Lord Lambert, who hath intercepred his Letters to General Fleetwood and opened them, and Letters to his own Commiſſioners.

Yeſterday came an expreſs from him, and the Meſſenger accidentally having got a fall, could go no further then this place, That the Lord Lambert opened the Letters, and ſent them by a Meſſenger of his own to the City of London. General Monck writes to General Fleetwood, that he perceived his Commiſſioners had agreed to ſome things contrary to his Order and Declaration, the which Agreement he would not own; and he therein deſired that 5 Commiſſioners might be ſent to this Town, and that he would add two more to his three to Treat with thoſe five Commiſſioners about an Agreement; But it much diſpleaſed the Lord Lam­bert, ſo that he was fully reſolved to march againſt him with as much expedition as poſſible he could, but this day calling a Council of the Officers of his Army, hath a little ſtayed his March. We are much oppreſſed in theſe parts with the continuance of the Arm here, The Lord ſupport us, and carry on all for his Glory, for the Good of the Church and People. General Monck is a Reſolved General. The Lord ſtand by them that ſtand by his Truth and Goſpel. One of the Letters ſent by General Monck to the Lord Fleetwood was as followeth, viz. My Lord, I have received a Letter from your Lordſhip, and by the ſame Pacquet an Agreement, ſigned by your Lordſhips hand, together with an intimation, that the ſame was ſigned by thoſe Gentlemen that were appointed by the General council of Officers here, to treat with your Lordſhip. I am exceedingly rejoyced to find in your Lordſhip, and the Officers with you, a ſpirit ſo complying, and ſo tender of the Publick peace, and ſhall upon intimation had from my Lord Lambert, of what method he uſeth, in drawing off the Forces which he hath drawn towards us, obſerve the ſame here; but becauſe I am deſirous that this Agreement of yours may be full and firm, and becauſe I perceive that there are ſome things remain here untreated of, and unagreed upon, it is the reſolution of my ſelf and Officers here, to adde two more to their number, that they may confer with the like number of ſuch as ſhall be appointed by your Lordſhip, for the putting a final end to this unhappy buſineſs; onely deſiring, that it may be as ſoon as poſſible; and if your Lordſhip would permit it to be at Newcaſtle, it would very much expedite the buſineſs, of which I ſuppoſe your Lordſhip can be no leſs deſirous than I am, be­cauſe you cannot but be ſenſible, that the whole three Nations are in expectation of this iſſue; till which, all publick buſines muſt needs be at a ſtand, unleſs it be that of the publick enemy, who cannot but apprehend his own advantages, and will very boldly let them ſlip. My Lord, As in this time of our greateſt miſunderſtandings and miſapprehenſions, there is nothing of perſonal relation to your ſelfe, or any Officer with You; ſo it will be very eaſie to return to that mutual confidence and Friend­ſhip, which on my part was never loſt; and I can as really and heartily as ever, ſubſribe myſelf,

Your most humle and faithful ſervant GEORGE MONCK.

LONDON. Printed for John Johnſon, 1659.

About this transcription

TextGeneral Moncks resolvtion to make good his declaration VVith the loss of his blood In a letter from New-Castle November twenty nine, 1659. To a worthy person in London.
Extent Approx. 5 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 2 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85902)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 153958)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2391:17)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationGeneral Moncks resolvtion to make good his declaration VVith the loss of his blood In a letter from New-Castle November twenty nine, 1659. To a worthy person in London. 1 sheet ([1] p.) printed for John Johnson,London :1659.. (Not, in fact, by Monck.) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • Albemarle, George Monck, -- Duke of, 1608-1670 -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Broadsides -- England -- London

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85902
  • STC Wing G503
  • STC ESTC R229766
  • EEBO-CITATION 99896169
  • PROQUEST 99896169
  • VID 153958

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