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A Generall note of the priſes for binding all ſortes of bookes

Bibles in follio London or the like.

GIlt over, or double lac'd 0110
Corners, or ſingle lac'd 080
Edges and Fillets 066
Fillets 036
Ovills 026

Bibles in quarto great roman or the like

Small tooles ordinary 080
Gilt over, or double lac'd 056
Chequer 0510
Corners, or ſingle lac'd 038
Gilt edges 030
Fillets 020
Ovills 014

Bibles in quarto ſmale or the like

Smale tooles ordin. 080
Gilt over, or double lac'd 054
Corners or ſingle lac'd 036
Gilt edges 0210
Fillets 0110
Ovills 012

Bibles in 8 Minnion or the like.

Smale tooles ordina. 050
Gilt over, or double lac'd 030
Corners or ſingle lac'd 026
Chequer 032
Gilt edges020
Fillets 013
Ovills 0010

Bibles in Octavo or the like

Smale tooles ordinary 046
Chequer 0210
Gilt over double lac'd 028
Corners or ſingle lac'd 024
Edges gilt 0110
Fillets 012
Ovills 009

Bibles in 12 or all other ſmale Bibles.

Smale tooles ordinary 040
Chequer 028
Gilt over or double lac'd 026
Corners or ſingle lac'd 020
Gilt edges 018
Fillets 012
Ovills 008

Teſtament and Pſalmes in 24 or the like

Gilt over 010
Gilt Edges 009
Fillets 006

Pſalmes in 8 Middleborough or the like.

Gilt over, or lac'd 024
Gilt Edges 016
Fillets 0010
Ovills 008

Pſalmes in 24 or the like

Gilt over, or lac'd 009
Gilt Edges 007
Fillets 005

Pſalmes in 32 or the like

Gilt over 009
GiltEdges 007
Fillets 005

Bookes in Folio lattine.

Atlas major 3 voll. or the like fillets1100
Lyra 6 voll large  
Ariſt. Opera 2 vollFillets a voll.056 
Plutarchi OperaRolls 040
2 voll. or the like.  
Hutteri heb. Biblia  
Buxtorph. heb. Bibliarolles a voll.036
or the like.  
Montanus Biblia Ent.  
Eraſmi Epit. 1 vol.Fillets044
Mendz. in Reg. 1. vol.Roſſes030
Grotius in ver. Teſt.  
or the like.  
Gerrard. Harm. Mathew Paris.  
Scapula Lex. Eſtius in Epiſt.026
or the like.  
Gerrardi Loci Com. 4. vol.  
Grot. in vet Teſt. 3 vol.Rolles020
or the like.  

Bookes in quarto Lattine.

Sculteti Medulla.  
Mellificium Hiſtoricum.Rolles014
Voſſii Gram. Hiſpan:  
Biblia. or the like.  
All Latine bookes 4 if large paper010
If thick at 012
All latine bookes 4 pot paper rolles0010
If thick at 010

Bookes in 8 12 & 24.

Buxtorphi Lexicon  
Paſſoris Lexicon.Rolles 008
Lumbard in Senten.  
or the like.  
All thine latine bookes 8 rolles007
All latine bookes 12 & 16 rolles005
All bookes 24 & 32 Fillets 005

Bookes in follio Engliſh

Atlas 2 voll. or the like in Fillets100
Iſaackſons Chron. or the like. Rolles030
Gerrads HerballFillets 044
Parkinſons Herball  
and the like.Rolles 030
Booke of Martyrs or the like, fil.0120
Rolles. 080
Newmans Con. Turkiſh  
Hiſt. Rawleighs HiſtoryRolles026
Andrews Sermons, or  
the like.  
Annotations. Survey of  
London. Joſephus Hiſt:Rolles020
Perkins Workes 3 vol.  
or the like.  
Sands Ovid. BakersRolles0110
Chron: or the like.  
Hackwells Apol: CotgravesRol.018
Dictionary. Hierons Works  
Boyſes Workes. or the like.  
Canterburies Doome.  
Hookers Policie. PemblesRolles016
Workes. Field of the  
Church. or the like.  
Daltons Juſtice.  
Henry the 7. HolyRolles 014
State. Holy War  
or the like.  

Bookes in 4 Engliſh

Riders Dictionary  
Piſcator in N: Teſt.Rolles 014
or the like.  
Weſts Preſidents  
Thomas Dict.Rolles 012
Diodates NOtes  
or the like.  
Goodwins W: CarylosRolles012
Workes. or the like.  
Weymes workes 4 vol.Rolles010
Critica Sacra.Rolles0110
or the like.  
All ſmale 4 pot paper, Rolles0010

Bokkes in Octavo Engliſh

Souls Conflict. RecordsRolles007
Arethmat: or the like.  

Bookes in 12 Engliſh.

Scudders daily WalkeRolles005
Mirour of Martyrs  
Practice of Piety  
or the like.

Sheeps Leather

All ſmale Follio pot paper00
All thinne Crown, in quarto at007
All thick pot paper in quarto at006
All thinne pot paper in quarto at005
Hunts Arethmaticke8
Records Arethmaticke8 
Large Teſtaments8  
and the like.  
All thinne Crown, one with another003
Teſtaments in 8 and 12 ob
Virgill. 8003
Quarles Poems8 
and the like.  
All other bookes 8 & 12 guttard003
All ſortes of ſmale bookes, asob
Gramers Pſalters & the like002
Pſalter Teſtament pſalmes in8007
Teſtament Pſalmes8 006
Teſtament Pſalmes12 005
All ſortes of thinne bookes  
ſheeps Leather fillets. as004
Grammers, Pſalters, ſmale  
12. 24 and 32  
Primers gilt the Groſſe 100
Primers plaine the Groſſe 0100

Printed at London 1646.


About this transcription

TextA general note of the prises for binding all sortes of bookes.
Extent Approx. 16 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-IV TIFF page image.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85903)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 162598)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 246:669f10[60])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA general note of the prises for binding all sortes of bookes. 1 sheet ([1] p.) [s.n.],Printed at London :1646.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 18th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Bookbinding -- England -- Prices -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85903
  • STC Wing G504
  • STC Thomason 669.f.10[60]
  • STC ESTC R210482
  • EEBO-CITATION 99869278
  • PROQUEST 99869278
  • VID 162598

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