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JULY 18. 1642.

A perfect Diurnall OF All the proceedings of the Engliſh and Scotch Armies IN IRELAND, From the 14 of June to this preſent.

Sent over from Maſter Godwin, Maſter of the Ordnance in the Engliſh Army, TO A Merchant now dwelling in LONDON.

London, Printed for Jo. Raworth. 1642.


A perfect Diurnall of all the pro­ceedings of the Engliſh and Scotch Armies in IRELAND, From the Fourteenth of June, to this preſent.

TUeſday the Armie marched forth, be­ing about 5500 horſe and foot, and 8 Field Peices, under the conduct of the Lord Lieutenant Generall, with a deſigne of ſupply to relieve the Lord Preſident of Connaught, the firſt night we quartered at Pierstowne, where we had notice that Sir Richard Greenfield had beſett certaine Rebells in a ſtrong Caſtle, having loſt many men before it, but for want of Ordnance could not take it, whereupon was ſent him 3 of our beſt Field-peices for his aſſiſtance.

On Wedenſday the 15, we came within 2 miles of Trym, in theſe two dayes march we paſſed through an even Champion and rich ſoile, by many pleaſant ſeates, too good for ſo barbarons and wretched a people as in­habited it. June the 16. our men having made a breach in the Caſtle, aſſaulted it, but found the Enemie deſ­perately reſolute, reviling and calling them Engliſh doggs, Parliament Rebells, Puritan rogues, and holding up ſome of their beſt apparell and linnen at their ſword points, and topps of Pikes, and ſetting fire unto them burnt them in our ſight, ſaying, look you here you pil­laging Raſcals there is pillage for you, and when our Gunners ſhot, they cryed ſhoot home you rogues, Cap­tain4〈1 line〉granadoes, part of the houſe took fire, which ſome of them ſeeing, reſolutely burnt their armes goods, and and faſtly themſelves therein, others cryed for quarter, but none being granted but to the women and children, they reſolutely defended themſelves, and kept our men almoſt two houres at the breach at puſh of pike, throw­ing ſtones, ſlates, and hot liquor, in great abundance on them, ſpoyling many, yet our men encouraged by the example of Captain Statu•…, ſeconded him and•…ſt­antly forced an entrance, killing many in the〈◊〉, and found many that had bin killed by our ſhot, drawn into ſeverall corners, the reſt crying out, and begging for quarter, were brought out and ſtripped by our men and immediatly ſlain, being gueſſed in the totall at 140 perſons, beſides the women and children who had their liberty, we loſt about 30 men, and many wounded, a­mong whom Lieutenant Colonell Kirk is chief, of whoſe recovery there is great doubt; laſtly, having burnt the Caſtle, we leſt it, and on Thurſday marched through Trym a walled Town, ſtanding preaſantly on the Boyn, now fortified by Sir Richard Greenfield the Governour; thence we marched five miles to a ſtrong and pleaſant Town called Athboy, burnt, and forſaken by the enemy, that might we lay about Delin Caſtle, likewiſe forſa­ken by the enemy: about this part of the country wee recovered good ſtore of cattle, and other booties. On Saturday the 18 day, we marched to Rathconnell twelve miles; on Sunday the 19 day we marched through Mol­lingar, burnt and forſaken by the enemie, in it we found beer, corn, and wooll, hid under ground; this day a foot­man met us with a Letter from the Lord Preſident, that5 night wee came to Ballimere 12 miles, 9 miles from Athlone, we found the Town and Church newly burnt, and a very ſtrong Fort which the enemy had made, for­ſaken, to our no ſmall wonder at their cowardiſe; the next day our Generall went to Athlone, accompanied with divers Commanders, taking with him a Convoy and the ſuccours for the Lord Preſident, being 18 com­panies of foot, and one troop of horſe, with two Field­pieces, and ſtore of Ammunition: there met him yong Sir Church Coot, whoſe wiſdom and courage, by Gods mercifull bleſſing, had been the preſervation of the En­gliſh in that part of the country, as his deceaſed Fathers induſtry and valour had bin in this; great was the joy the Townſmen were in upon the arrivall of our ſuccour. In our return another way, we found two dangerous paſſa­ges fortified and forſaken, the enemy ſuppoſing that we would have come that way from Dublin; for though they ſeemed to have Intelligence of our deſign and for­ces, as they often have had, yet they knew not but we would march the uſuall and direct rode way, which if we had done, it had coſt us the lives of many of our beſt men, they having placed their forts and redoubts accor­dingly, ſometimes they came out of the Bogs, and ſlew the ſtraglers in the Reare, and many of our men were in this journey loſt by marching diſorderly, and ſtragling to pillage, the enemie ſtill watching his advantages. The 24. being Friday, we came to Kilcock; 12 miles from Dublin, from which place a troop being ſent with ſome carriage to quarter at Menooth, a mile from the army, paſſing through the narrow pace in the wood, cer­tain companies of the enemie ſet upon them, ſlew one or two men, wounded divers horſe, put the reſt to flight6 and took the carriage, which they conveyed to Welſhes Caſtle their place of retreat, where we hope ſhortly to find them to their coſt. The 25. we paſſed through Me­nooth, in which ſtood a moſt ſtately houſe of the Earl of Kildares lately burnt, the Garriſon placed therein, ha­ving their Sentinell ſtabb'd, the houſe betrayed by the Earls Bailiff an Iriſh man, who ſuddenly ſet fire on it and let in the Enemy, but Lieutenant Boughton with the Garriſon of 34. Muſquetiers beat them out, and ſeeing the roof falling over his head, made a deſperate ſally, and valiantly retreated, maugre their continuall aſ­ſaults and skirmiſhes; to the next Garriſon 4 miles off at Leſlipp, on Saturday night we arrived ſafely (bleſſed be God) at Dublin, though the Papiſts there had raiſed reports back'd with particulars, that we were all cutt off and defeated, we are preparing for another Journey for the performance of ſome great deſigne, (if want of mo­ney here and Union in England hinder not) on which I doubt not you will pray with us, that God will pleaſe to continue his gratious bleſſings, and proſper it. Amen.

For other Intelligence there is little at preſent, onely that Sir Francis Hambleton and the Ladie Craig having kept their caſtles as long as they were able, through want of victualls and Ammunition were compelled to take quarter of Phel. O Relly, all that were with them being about 800. Perſons, being according to the agreement ſafely conveyed to the next Engliſh Garriſon, ſome of them being arrived here.

We are ſending ſome Culverin and other neceſſaries for war as is ſaid for Munster, but I ſuppoſe to meet our Armie at Wexford; we have a report that the Iriſh in7 the North have had a great defeat by our forces, and al­ſo in Munster, and that the Lord of Ikerins is ſlaine, the firſt is confirmed that S. Robert Steward fought with 600 two houres and defeated them, ſlaying 5000. at the leaſt: this is now written for certaine.

A Partie of 1500. went hence, took in 3 Caſtles, ſlew 400. men, brought 70. priſoners, this done chief­ly by meanes of the Ordnance, not without the loſſe of ſome 30. of our men. This we eſteme very good ſer­vice.


About this transcription

TextJuly 18. 1642. A perfect diurnall of all the proceedings of the English and Scotch armies in Ireland, from the 14 of June to this present. Sent over from Master Godwin, Master of the Ordnance in the English army, to a merchant now dwelling in London.
AuthorGodwin, Master..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationJuly 18. 1642. A perfect diurnall of all the proceedings of the English and Scotch armies in Ireland, from the 14 of June to this present. Sent over from Master Godwin, Master of the Ordnance in the English army, to a merchant now dwelling in London. Godwin, Master.. 7, [1] p. ; Printed for Jo. Raworth,London :1642.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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