HIS HIGHNESSE PRJNCE RƲPERTS Raiſing of the Siege at Newarke upon TRENT,March 21. 1643.
HIs Highneſſe Prince Rupert being at Weſt-Cheſter upon Tueſday night, March the 12. received firſt of all his Majeſties Commands to march with all ſpeed to the relief of Newark, as then beſieged by Sir Iohn Meldrum. The Rebels Forces were ſuppoſed to be about foure thouſand Foot, under five Regiments and foure Colours, with well towards two thouſand Horſe and Dragooners. Vpon theſe ſummons his Highneſſe next morning made haſt to Shrewsbury, ſpeeding away Major Legge (our Generall of the Ordinance) before, to chuſe out ſo many commanded Muſquetiers of the Engliſh of late come out of Ireland, as might well be ſpared out of that Garriſon: theſe were 1000 Musquetiers of Colonel Broughtons and Colonel Tilliers Regiments, with 120 of Colonell Sir Fulke Hunkes; all theſe ſent down the Severne met the Prince at Bridgenorth on Friday: of Horſe his Highneſſe took along his own Troope and Regiment, with 150 of Major Generall Sir Iohn Hurries; with theſe Forces we drew along three ſmall field Pieces. At Woolverhampton next day was our little Army recruited by 100 Horſe, and 200 Foot of Colonell Leveſons. On Munday night had we notice at Aſhbey de la Zouch, of 2200 Rebels under Sir Edward Hartop, ſent out by Meldrum to2 paſſe and bridge over the Sore, a mile from Loughborough in Leiceſter-ſhire: their purpoſe was either to intercept Generall Major George Porter, or to prevent his joyning with my Lord of Loughborough; for thither with foure Regiments of Horſe, and a thouſand commanded Muſquetiers of my Lord of Newcaſtles men was M. Porter now come from about Newark, to hinder the Rebels further inrodes into Leiceſterſhire; daily ſlight skirmiſhes here paſſed; and had the Major Generals people been as valiant as himſelfe, Meldrum had had occaſion to chide his party for doing nothing. For not able to force the Paſſe, and hearing of my Lord of Loughboroughs drawing out, they ſtole away by moon-light. Maſter Porter thus diſingaged, was the next day (being Tueſday, March the 19, together with my Lord Loughboroughs Forces,) conjoyned with the Princes; that night we all quartered in a Cloſe by Bingham, ſome eight miles ſhort of Newarke: about two of the clocke (the Moone then well up) our Drummes beat, and we marched: hitherto had our Marches beene ſo ſpeedy, as ſame it ſelfe was prevented; for by Meldrums owne Letters, which (together with theſe two) the Prince intercepted the night before, your Lordſhip may perceive the Rebels had no more but an uncredited rumour of Prince Ruperts comming: on this dayes march, his Highneſſe had notice by his Eſpials, how the Rebells were buſied all the morning in ſending away their Cannons, which proved no other then their drawing them off their Batteries into their chiefe Worke at the Spittle, or Exceſter houſe, a little more then Muſquet ſhot from the Towne for into that one quarter had they that morning drawne all their Regiments and Ammunition. His Highneſſe, having intelligence of their amaſſing themſelves into one Body, which he ſuppoſed a preparation to march off ſuddenly, advanced his Van of Horſe upon the ſpurre, to overtake them: the reſt of our Horſe had order to keep along with the Foot, Cannon and Ammunition: coming neare the Beacon hill, a mile ſhort of Newarke, we perceived ſome Horſe of the Enemies, who upon our approach drew downe the other ſide to their owne3 groſſe; ours thus eaſie gaining the Hill increaſed his Highneſſe naturall courage, upon his apprehenſion beſides of having many advantages upon a retreating Enemy; whereupon, Courage, ſayes he, Let's charge on Gods name with the Horſe we have, and ingage them till our Reare and Foot be marcht up to us; trooping thus to the edge of the Hill, we perceived the moſt of the Enemies in Battalia (Horſe and Foot) neare the Spittle; all, I meane, except foure great Bodies of Horſe, who expected us at the deſcent of the Hill: the Prince thus ordered his owne few Forces; firſt himſelfe and his own Troope of Life-guard, undertook to attaque that Body on the left hand, appointing my Lord Loughboroughs Troop to ſecond him, and Colonell Charles Gerards Troop to be as a Reſerve: a little on my Lords right hand the Prince his Regiment was caſt out into five Diviſions, two Troopes to each Diviſion: in the firſt and very right hand of all were Captain Gardiner and Captain Richardſon, and next them Captain Cob and Captain Martyn, then my Lord Grandiſon and Sir Thomas Dalliſon, next them the Troops of Sir Lewis Dives and my Lord Dillon, Major Legges and Lievtenant-colonell O-nelles Troopes being next unto the Life-guards: this Regiment was ſeconded by Major General Porters Regiment. Our Field word was King and Queen, theirs Religion. The fight began about nine of the clock; and after a while grew ſturdy, eſpecially on our right Wing; the Rebels doubling their Files from three to ſix deep, and charged our two utmoſt Troops upon the Flanks ſo hard, that Captain Martine came timely in to help to beat off the Rebels. The Prince himſelf having pierced deep into the Enemies, and being obſerved for his valour, was dangerouſly at once aſſaulted by three ſturdy Rebels, wherof one fell by his Highneſſes own ſword, a ſecond being piſtolled by M. Mortaine one of his own Gentlemen: the third now ready to lay hand on the Princes collar, had it almoſt chopt off by Sir William Neale: his Highneſſe thus diſingaged, with a ſhot onely in his Gantlet, with Sir Richard Crane and his own Troop, charged quite thorough that Body of Rebels; purſuing them in Rout home to their very workes at4 the Spittle. Preſently after this, his Highneſſes Regiment with their ſeconds, likewiſe routed the three other Bodies; foure of the Troops charging even into the work, and bringing away a Captain priſoner: my Lord Loughborough alſo deported himſelfe honourably, and when ſome of his ſhrunk, at the ſecond charge himſelfe rode back to Rally and bring them up again: Major Generall Porter charg'd with bravery enough in his own perſon, though ſome of his retired up the Hill in ſome haſt and diſorder. Colonell Charles Gerard (who never carried himſelfe but gallantly) did here like himſelfe: but by the fall of his horſe, was bruiſed, ſhot in the arm, and taken priſoner.
After a while both ſides began to rallie, and make ready for a ſecond charge; ours to make the Impreſſion, and theirs to receive it: and though for a good while they diſputed it toughly, yet by fine force were they and all the reſt driven quite out of the Field; not halfe of our Horſe charging: for our Reare was not yet come up. Now fled the Enemy quite beyond their own Worke, Foot and cannon, at the Spittle, divers of them haſting by a Bridge of Boats over that branch of the Trent, into the Iſland: foure other Troopes. with as many Foot Captains, haſted up to Muskam Bridge upon the other ſide the Iſland, and main ſtream of the River about three quarters of a mile, both from Newarke and the Spittle, here being out of Gun-ſhot, they ſtaid till towards Evening, when breaking the Bridge behind them, & throwing one piece of Cannon into the Trent, they then runne home to Nottingham. In both theſe ſtiffe bouts, took we five Cornets, and about 90. Priſoners, whereof three Captains, ſome Gentlemen, three Cornets, beſides other Officers, and two Cannoneers, one Cornet was taken by Sir Richar Byron.
And now, as if an univerſall Truce had bin agreed upon, there was ſome half houres ſilence; excepting that the Enemies Canonadoes (though with very little effect) diſturbd it; for the Rebells Foot had not yet advanced; and their Horſe, by this time had enough of it. As for the Prince he now ſtaid for his Foot, and Rear of Horſe, both left full two Miles behind, when our Van began to double their5 March to overtake the Enemy. Anon came up our Foot, all that day commanded by Colonell Tillier: theſe reſting themſelves a while upon the Hill, the firſt Diviſion, being part of thoſe that came from Shrewesbury, were led onely by the Colonell. Theſe marcht down bravely in the face of the Enemy, hooting at their Cannon. Theſe flancked with ſome Horſe, were wheeled to the right, by and by, into a Medow. At their comming, the Rebels drew all their Horſe and Foot within their Spittle work; whom when our men came againſt, both ſides ſaluted one another at too far a diſtance, with a ſhort Vollye. But Colonell Tillier was not to ſtay here; as being, by his Orders to March up to the very River ſide, to recover the Boat-bridge from the Enemy: But this being too well guarded, ours drew off quietly, making a ſtand without reach of Canon. In this time were divers more Bodies of Foot brought down into the Field, who charged up to the Enemies Works, and killed many, my Lord Loughboroughs being left upon the Hill for a Reſerve.
Thus was the Valley beſpread with our Battaglions: and in this poſture ſtood the Princes Army. Sir Richard Byron Governour of Newarke, likewiſe before this, had ſent part of his Garriſon (both Horſe and Foot) into another ground on the Southeaſt ſide of the Towne. And by this time had the Prince notice given him by a Priſoner, and by one of theirs that came over to us, how the Rebels were ſo diſtreſſed for want of Victualls, that they were not able to live there two daies: Whereupon His Highneſſe began to reſolve upon other counſailes; eſteeming it cheaper to block up their Trenches, then to ſtorm them. And blockt up they were already, as being coopt up in a very narrow roome, no more then the backſide of the Spittle, towards the River, beſides which they were on all ſides ſurrounded by our Forces: On the Southſide by the Town, on the Eaſt by the Prince, and on the North by Colonell Tilliar: Into the Iſland on the Weſt had the Prince ſent 500 Horſe, beſides 200 of the Newarke Troopers. Thus the late Blockers found themſelves now beſieged, yea without much hope of ſuddaine relief, or ſafe meanes to ſalley:4〈1 page duplicate〉5〈1 page duplicate〉6for ſo well had the Prince ordered them, that had they ſallied forwards, we had then fallen upon their firſt iſſuing out, both in From and Flanks with our Army, and the Towne had charged them upon their Reer: Had they offered to eſcape over their Boat-Bridge, ours in the Iſle had diſturbed their paſſing, and we entertaind their comming over, yea which part ſoever had firſt divided, we had bin able to beat the other. By this time too had the Prince commanded Sir Richard Byron with his own, and Sir Gervaſe Eyres Horſe Regiments, with 800 of Sir Iohn Digbies Foot to advance ſo high into the Iſland as to put in betwixt the Rebells two Bridges, by which interpoſition was all intercourſe cut off, betwixt the Rebells their great body at the Spittle, and thoſe at Muskam Bridge: Upon this, thoſe eight Colours at the Bridge retreated, as is aforeſaid. Under favour of theſe Town-forces too, was His Highneſſe reſolved to caſt up a Redoubt that night betwixt the Bridges. But going now to view the Ground, the Rebells ſent out a Trumpet to deſire a Parlee. To make way for this, and the more to ſweeten and oblige the Prince, had Sir Iohn Meldrum, ſome houres before, ſent home Colonell Gerard, yet upon the parole of a Souldier and a Gentleman, to return himſelf a Priſoner, when ever he ſhould be called. The Rebells having ſent out to Parlee, quit their Bridge; which his Highneſſe preſently poſſeſſed by a hundred Muſqueteers.
For the Parlee, His Highneſſe appointed Sir Richard Crane, Captaine of his Life-guards, with Sir William Neale Scout-Maſter Generall: the Rebels ſending Sir Miles Hobard, and Sir Iohn Palgrave, into the Town. Now true though it be that the Enemies were diſtreſſed, yet very wiſe Generalls have not thought it ſafe to make ſuch men deſperate: beſides which being now in the midſt of their owne Garriſons, they might poſſibly be relieved. And to confeſſe the truth, our Horſes were ſo over-matcht, and our foot ſo beaten off Leggs, that we found our ſelves leſſe able for the preſent for them. In very truth too, the Rebells were more then we believed: for theſe reaſons, and for that (as by theſe intercepted Letters it appeares) My Lord7 Fairfax, and his Sonne Sir Thomas, being both commanded by the Cloſe Committee to march, other places might ere long have need of His preſence. His Highneſſe (at length) condeſcended to theſe Articles, which beſides they be both honourable and ſafe, were the ſame (for the generall) as our ſide had before gone out upon, when the Rebells tooke Lincolne. Of the Articles this (My Lord) is the Originall Copy.
Articles agreed upon 22. Martii by Sir RICHARD CRANE and Sir WILLIAM NEALE, Knights, on the part of His Highneſſe Prince RVPERY: And Sir Miles Hobert, and Sir Iohn Palgrave, on the part of Sir Iohn Meldrum, as followeth.
- 1 That all Match, Bullet, Powder, Canon, and all other fire Armes belong-to the Artillery be delivered.
- 2 That all Souldiers march away with their Swords by their ſides, and Colours, and Drums.
- 3 That all Officers March out without moleſtation, with their Armes and Horſes for themſelves and Servants, and Bag and Baggage, Money, and whatſoever elſe doth truly belong to themſelves.
- 4 That all Troopers and Dragooners March away with their Swords, Horſe, and Colours.
- 5 That His Highneſſe ſend a Convoy to protect us from any Injury two Miles from His utmoſt Quarters towards Lincolne.
- Richard Crane.
- William Neale.
- Miles Hobart.
- Io. Palgrave.
But Beſides theſe Conditions, His Highneſſe, gave by Inſtructions to His Commiſſioners, to inſiſt upon a demand of ſome Priſoners before taken; which was alſo granted. Hereupon next morning the Rebells marched out: but for the Horſemens carrying away their Arms, and others their Pikes, with more then was conditioned, our8 unruly Souldiers (eſpecially thoſe that had been ſo before uſed〈◊〉Lincolne by the Parliamentiers) taking this occaſion to quarrel with the Rebells, took more from them then by the Articles they ſhould have done. But for this were divers of them ſlaſhed by the Prince, and the Rebells Colours ſent back unto them.
The Rebells thus gone, we had leaſure to carry off their Arms and Ammunition, conſiſting of betwixt three and foure thouſand Muſquets, and a great quantity of Pikes and Piſtolls, with the Cannon they left behind them: of theſe we found Eleven fair Braſſe Pieces: one a Baſiliske of Hull, foure yards long, ſhooting 32. Ball: one of their Ordnance was found at Muskam Bridge, and the Carriage of t'other. Two goodly Mortar-pieces were alſo left us, the leaſt ſhooting 80. pound Granado, and the other twelve ſtone and eight pound, and all their Ammunition. The number of the ſlaine we know not; but we thinke they loſt towards nineſcore or two hundred, and we about half ſo many ſlaine and wounded. Thus after juſt three weeks Siege, was Newarke happily relieved. Your Honour knowes the high conſequence of this Service. Severall particulars more, I leave to this bearer, who very commendably ſuſtained his part in it. His Highneſſe hath appointed a Thankſ-giving for this on Sunday; by which the World may ſee Him to be as Devout as Valiant.