Declaring the great and manifold Grievances of this Kingdome, both in Church and Common-wealth.
Occaſioned by the wicked practiſes and Arbitrary power of the diſturbers and ſubverters of our Peace, our Liberties, and our Lawes.
Publiſhed by a true Copie.
LONDON, Printed for John Thomas, 1641.
TImes of Action, are not for Rethorick and Elocution, which emboldens me to riſe, and although I cannot but know and acknowledge my ſelfe, to be one of the youngeſt Schollers, & meaneſt Proficients, in this great Schoole of wiſdome; yet I cannot but thinke it part of my duty at this time, to deliver both my ſenſe, and Conſcience; which I ſhall doe (under the favour of this Honorable Aſſembly) with all ſincerity.
We are called hither (Mr. Speaker) by the Kings Regall power, We ſit here by his Majeſties Grace and favour, And ſince his Majeſty have beene ſo graciouſly pleaſed, to entruſt the government of all in our hands, I doubt not, but we ſhall lay ſuch a foundation, in the beginning of this Parliament, that wee ſhall make it a happy and long lived one; Since the Eminent dangers of theſe times; the preſent diſtempers2 of this State, and herein, both his Majeſties and our owne neceſſities, yea, and the Kingdomes ſafety too, requires it.
Sir, it appeares by the Report you have ſo faithfully made of his Majeſties gracious Declaration, that we are now called hither for theſe foure principall Cauſes.
That his Majeſties wants are great and many Sir, I thinke there is no man doubts it, and it is as certain, our Grievances are ſo too;
They are great and many; as well in the Church as the Common-wealth; I ſhall but touch them in either, in regard they have already been remonſtrated in both.
In the Church; By the Uſurped power and practiſe, of ſome Prelates and their Adherents.
By which meanes, many great, many dangerous Innovations, of Doctrine, of Diſcipline, of Government have beene thruſt upon us.
In the Church; By the publique ſufferance of Prieſts and Jeſuites, not onely to come, but to abide in the Land.
By which meanes, the Number of Romiſh Catholiques are dangerouſly multiplyed.
Idolatry increaſed and Gods heavie Judgements, highly provoked.
In the Common-wealth; By the late and great inundations3 of the Prerogative Royall, which hath broke out and almoſt overturned all our liberties, even thoſe that were, beſt and ſtronglieſt fortified. The Grand-Charter it ſelfe (Sir) That, which hath been ſo often, ſo ſolemnly confirmed, in the ſucceſſion of ſo many Princes, ratified in the beginning of his Majeſties Raigne, Founded by the wiſdome of former ages, purpoſely to keepe the Beame even and right between Soveraignty and Subjection; Even this (Mr. Speaker) the choyce and deareſt part of our Inheritance, have been infringed, broken, and ſet at nought.
In the Common-wealth. By the over-potency of ſome few Great-ones, ſecreat Councellours of State, from whoſe adviſes ('tis thought) the greateſt part of thoſe diſtempers, vnder which the body of this Common-wealth at this time labours derives their originalls.
In the Common-wealth. By the miſchievous practiſes and policies of many and ſubtile Projectours, who under the title of the Kings profite, and the publique good, have raiſ'd to themſelves large revenues, and that by the dammage of the whole Kingdome.
They are (Sir) the very Mothes and Cankers that have fretted and eaten our all Trade, all Commerce, the very Beauty, ſtrength, health and life of this famous Iland.
In the Common-wealth, By the long and large entertainment of Forrainers and ſtrangers, and that at his Majeſties exceſſive charges; By which meanes. His Majeſties Coffers are emptied, his Revenues ſhortned and the Kingdome many other wayes oppreſſed.
But (Sir) J ſhall travaile my ſelfe no further in this4 ſo large, ſo wide a field, but ſhall now onely crave favour to preſent you with mine owne weake apprehenſions for our progreſſion in thoſe particulars for which we have beene called, and in all humility ſubmit them.
And, Firſt in the ſupply of his Majeſties Wants.
J doe humbly deſire we may proceed therewith, in its due time, and then, with as much loyalty, duty, and liberality, as ever people expreſt towards ſo good a Prince. And truly Sir, J thinke I may with confidence ſay the preſent affaires of the Kingdome requires it.
In the Reliefe of our Brethren in the Northerne parts; With a ſenſe of Charity and fellow-feeling of their miſeries, afflictions and loſſes.
Jn the remove of the Scotch Forces.
With a ſoft and tender hand, of Mediation, Pacification, and Reconciliation, if poſſibly it may bee wrought, with his Majeſties Honour and this Kingdomes ſafety; If not? And that they ſhall ſtill refuſe to depart in Peace. Then (Mr. Speaker) to repell and expulſe them, with ſtout and reſolute Spirits, with valiant and united Hearts and Hands, ſuch; as ſhall beſt ſuite with our duty to God, our King, our Country, ſuch, as ſhall beſt become the Honour and ancient Renowne of the Engliſh Nation.
In the Redreſse of our Grievances.
Jn thoſe of the Church, which ought to have priority in our Conſultations, as well in reſpect of neceſſity, as dignity; A love Principuum, In theſe I deſire Sir, and J doubt not but wee ſhall proceed, with all true Piety, well tempered and right guyded zeale, towards God, his Houſe, his Truth.
5In thoſe of the Common-wealth; With a Religious care of our Countries freedome, in the faithfull performance of that truſt repoſed in us, by thoſe that ſent us, in the preſervation of our Rights, our ancient Rights, the Rights of our Inheritances.
Our Liberties, our Priviledges, our Proprieties. Yet in all Sir, J doe humbly deſire we may proceed, as beſt ſuiting with the Nature, and condition of theſe troubleſome times; as beſt becomming the Honour, Dignity, and Wiſedome of this ſo great a Court, ſo great a Counſell, with all Temper, Modeſty, and due Moderation.
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