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The humble PETITION OF THE OFFICERS Now Engaged for IRELAND: TO THE Supreme Authority OF ENGLAND, The Commons aſſembled in Parliament.

WITH The ORDERS of Parliament in Anſwer thereunto.

ORdered by the Commons aſſembled in Parliament, That this Petition and Orders thereupon be forthwith printed and pub­liſhed:

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed for Edward Huſband, Printer to the Parliament of England. July 10. 1649.


To the Supreme Authority of England, The Commons aſſembled in Parliament:The humble Petition of the Officers now engaged for Ireland,

Humbly ſheweth,

THat we do in all faithfulneſs and truth of heart, ſeal to thoſe acknow­ledgements made by many others of your great travels in behalf of this Com­monwealth; perſwading our ſelves your In­tegrity will be owned by God, in the ma­nagement of what remains, which doth encourage us, being now upon our march, to communicate unto you our ſence of our dear Native Countreys preſent condition, which we offer unto you, as the longing of our ſouls, in theſe enſuing particulars: which being granted, may prove a Monument or Stone of Remembrance of your reſpects unto us, who deſire to approve our ſelves faithful to all your juſt Intereſts, as well abroad as at home, although attended with great difficulties.


That the great Authority the Lord hath clothed you withal, may be laid out for its proper ends (viz.) A terror to all wicked­neſs, in the encouragement of all good; that neither Prophane Swearing, Drunken­neſs, Uncleanneſs, open abuſe of the Lords day, &c. may be tolerated under your power.

That all Proceedings in Law may be in Engliſh, that Juſtice may be ſpeedy, cheap and certain; to which purpoſe, that no Suit or Action may be commenced againſt any man, till three honeſt men of the Diviſion or Hundred in the County where the De­fendant lives, have a hearing of the Difference without Fees; which three Peacemakers we humbly deſire may be choſen yearly to end Controverſies as aforeſaid; and in caſe agree­ment cannot be made by them, they then to certifie the ſtate of the caſe to the Court, to which the Plaintiff applieth himſelf.

That all mens Lands and Houſes may be Regiſtred in every Pariſh, with all their In­cumbrances and Alienations, and a Copy of the ſaid Regiſter kept in every County town, which we humbly conceive will be of great eaſe in matters of Commutative5 Juſtice; for how ſadly doth this Nation groan under Law quarrels?

We deſire that Tythes, which occaſions ſo much trouble and contention, may be taken away; and in ſtead thereof, Two ſhillings per pound upon Land, and One ſhilling ſix pence upon Houſes, may be or­derly raiſed in all Counties, and that to make a County Treaſury, whence may iſſue convenient Maintenance for Preachers, and ſufficient for Poor, and many other uſes, of which we ſuppoſe you have a Model al­ready.

That Publique Debts may be paid to thoſe that are neceſsitous, before Gratuities to particular Friends beſtowed.

That all Publique Treaſurers and Recei­vers be effectually and ſpeedily accounted with, and Delinquents in that kinde made exemplary.

That the caſe of Priſoners for Debt, ſo often committed, may be ſpeedily conſidered and diſpatched.

Thus you have before you the earneſt breathings of our ſouls for England,6 which we love, though leave; beſeeching you, as ever you would ſtrengthen our hands in this preſent difficult work, theſe Petitions may not dye at your doors, they may be our laſt: which if granted, we ſhall depart with joy; reſolving, in the ſtrength of God, to own and ſtand by you in all juſt things, againſt any op­poſition whatſoever.

And we ſhall ever pray, &c.
  • Geo: Cook
  • Richard Lebund.
  • R. Laurence.
  • Daniel Axtill.
  • Iſaac Ewer.
  • J. Hewſon.
  • Peter Stubbers.
  • Tho: Goddard.
  • Peter Wallis.
  • Robert Phaier.
  • Th: Beecher.
  • Will: Throgmorton.
  • Io: Hurdman.

Die Sabbathi, 7 Julii, 1649.THe humble Petition of the Officers now engaged for Ireland, was this day read:

ORdered, That this Petition be referred to the Committee who are to conſider what things are fit to he done before Adjournment, who are to conſider thereof, and to ſ••ddie in diem, and to Report their opinions therein to this Houſe, what therein is thought neceſſary to be done, in order to the things contained in this Petition before Adjournment, and all that come to have Voyces.

Ordered, That this Houſe taking notice of the good affections of the Petitioners, ſhewed in this Petition, and in their undertakings for Ireland, do give the Petitioners the very hearty thanks of this Houſe; And that the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland be deſired to return the hearty thanks of this Houſe to them accordingly.

Ordered, That this Petition and Orders there­upon be forthwith printed and publiſhed.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

About this transcription

TextThe humble petition of the officers now engaged for Ireland: to the supreme authority of England, the Commons assembled in Parliament. With the orders of Parliament in answer thereunto. / Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this petition and orders thereupon be forthwith printed and published: Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
AuthorCook, George, Colonel., ; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe humble petition of the officers now engaged for Ireland: to the supreme authority of England, the Commons assembled in Parliament. With the orders of Parliament in answer thereunto. / Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this petition and orders thereupon be forthwith printed and published: Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. Cook, George, Colonel., England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.. 7, [1] p. Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Parliament of England,London :July 10. 1649.. (Signed on A3v: Geo: Cook [and 12 others].) (The Commons' reply is dated 7 July 1649.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ireland -- History -- 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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