The Worlds Wonder,
I Hope I may crave pardon, and as eaſily obtain it, for beginning my Prognoſticks, conſidering that they compriſe, (and are amplified, with) very remarkable Obſervations, and rational Predictions; wherein you may apparently diſcern & foreſee, the great things that will happen in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Denmark, Sweden, and other parts of Europe; as alſo the event and ſucceſs of the Engliſh Armies, in their ſeveral deſigns and motions, either by Sea or Land, againſt Scot, Iriſh, French, Deane, and Portingal; and to the end, that theſe Prognoſticks may appear the more eaſie and facile, (to each reſpective capacity and underſtanding) I have in reference thereunto, drawn up and compoſed theſe enſuing annexals, in order to their due ſtinction & courſe of each moneths Progreſs and actions; but by reaſon January hath produced little of concernment, I ſhall therefore more fully and particularly, inſiſt upon the reſt of the enſuing moneths, for this preſent year,2 1651; and firſt, give me leave to preſent you, February viz.
February, 1651.
HOw pleaſently doth this moneth begin with my brother Commoner? The Nation ſmiles, every one is merry with his Miſtriſſe, and think the worſt is paſt; I wiſh it were ſo; Great plots are contriving between our ſouldery, and the Scots, when we poor Commoners know it not; neither is it fit we ſhould; it is not our places; and if every one had kept the place God ſet him in, this Nation had not been in the pickle tis now in; let the Clergy-man minde his Bible, and the Plow-man his Plow: We know not, neither was any man able to tell us, what ſin it was the Devil firſt committed, onely, Jude 6. God ſpared not the Angels that left their firſt ſtation: Let not us leave ours to turn Stateſ-men, &c. Mars ſets Retrogade; Treaties break off; tis the ſword muſt end the difference when all's done: Our neighbor Kingdoms are afraid of us they have cauſe enough; therefore, good Presbyter, let me adviſe thee to be wiſe, why ſhouldeſt thou bring thy ſelf into a premunery, and fall before thy time? Be wiſe, or elſe thy Motto ſhall be miſerum eſt fuiſſe.
This moneth threatens great diſſention in Scotland; between the Nations; the Nobility divide; the Clergy break in pieces, and the Commonalty falls by hundreds; and great is the breach through the Scotiſh Territories. Do, fall out, and fight to, it ſhall never trouble mee.
But give me leave to give a timely admonition to their young King; Oh that he would be ſo wiſe to hear, I queſtion not, but ſome will bear the honeſty to tell him, or the malice againſt mee, to tell him of it. 3It is onely, Ier. 45. 4. 5. ſomwhat applyed to his Perſon; The great Jehovah of Heaven and earth, the Redeemer of the world, the Savior of Saints, hath ſaid thus, That which I have built will I deſtroy, and that which I have planted will I pluck up, even thy whole family; and ſeeketh tbou great things to thy ſelf, ſeek them not. If I ſpeak to wiſe men, this is enough; yet I cannot but conclude ſome, nay much good to the Commonwealth this year, viz. Proſperity and happineſſe; ſurely juſtice will this year come down from heaven to viſit the earth; peace, Plenty, and proſperity ſeems to attend the Engliſh Nation.
The ſeaſon of this moneth being ſutable, produceth great action in the field; and I expect more wonders this moneth to be either agitated or tranſacted, then either the eyes of our fathers, grandfathers, or great grandfathers, ever ſaw or dreamt of; Now expect another rout in Scotland, and that near the County of Fife, where a gallant army of horſe & foot lye bleeding, great guns and little guns, together with all their baggage, oatmeal, and ſalt loſt, and taken, their yong King attempts a fight beyond the Seas; the States of Holland begin to ſmell a Rat, but are not wiſe enough to make a ſnare, &c. Bitter weather abroad, and ſtormy at Sea, Pyrats grow numerous, and the London Marchant loſeth much, who can help it? But the States prudence and providence, who employing Gen. Blake and ſending an additional fleet unto him, enſnares theſe Rovers; who after a ſhort fight, ſink, burns, and takes them all; and with his Navie, adorned with theſe Trophies, the white flag and the red croſſe, the blue flag, and tbe golden harpe, failes to and fro upon the Brittiſh Iriſh, French, and Daniſh ſeas, clearing the ſeveral Channels of all Englands Enemies.
ME thinks this moneth begins merrily as it ſhould do, and it being Cookoo-time, Citizens Servants will be ready to ſalute their Miſtreſſes, &c. Well! be it ſo, they will find a very untoward time of it; for it is a ſcurvy Trade to be a Pyrate. This year will be a far more plentiful then healthful, mens bodies will be vexed exceedingly with Coughs and Catarchs, and other Diſeaſes proceeding of cold and moiſture will be enidemical, and of no long continuance, which ſignifies death of women; and in all probability, there may die three women for one man: much about this time, the little Queen in France drawes to a period of her dayes. The latter end of this March produceth a great Sea-fight, look to it France, for thou wilt-ſuffer: Beware Portugal, there's not a Nation under the Moon ſhall offend us, and eſcape unpuniſhed.
THis Moneth begins with fair weather, and bringeth ſmiles to the Country Farmer for his Harveſt: But ſurely the Devil or Robin-goodfellow is in the Scots; Scotland! Scotland! Doſt not thou ſee how thy Clergy cheats thee: if ever mortal men were mad to be undone, you are of that number: The actions of the latter end of this moneth, and the beginning of the next, amaze all Europe, I had almoſt ſaid the World; for an unparalleld Victory is obtained in Ireland, another near the Mountains in Scotland, and about 15. Marqueſſes, Earls, and Lords taken, and ſafly committed: If any happen to be headleſs about this time, they will fall the lighter.
IF any aske how this moneth will begin, the anſwer is ready, to wit, juſt as the laſt ended, finding out5 knaves, ſuch as ſet the Nation together by the eares, ſuch as ſowed the ſeed of ſedition in ſtead of the truth, ſuch as Widdows and Fatherleſs Children daily pray againſt, ſuch as one day ſhall dearly anſwer, for the bloud that hath been ſpilt in this civil VVar, ſuch as have endeavoured to make themſelves by maring others; but now juſtice ſeizeth on them, and payes them their wages. About the 14. or 20. day produceth tydings of another great Battel Northward, which will again crown both our friends and Armies with laurel; and it will alſo continue and end in execution of juſtice upon Malefactors. Let the Army ſcore their valor upon the heads of their enemies in the name of God, but let peace and quietneſs be amongſt themſelves; for though diſcord make a harmony in muſick, yet it doth not ſo in an Army. About this time we gather from the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, that the Sun will be eclipſed, during a great part of the fight; but upon the Scots flight, it appears in its glorious ſplendor again, which proves as fatal to the Scots, as the great blow given to the Emperor of Jermany, by the late great blowe given to the Emperour of Jermany, by the late renowned King of Sweden, who upon a pitcht field with 15000. men, totally ſubdued that potent Army of Jermans, conſiſting of 45000 l. and with his ſword in one hand and his Piſtol in the other, a little before the fight began, rode to each Regiment, uttering theſe words, Gentlemen and fellow Souldiers, I hope you are all willing to venter your lives with me this day, for the advancement of the Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt, and for the eſtabliſhing of his truth, &c. but the Souldiery being overjoyed at his affable expreſſions, ſounded forth great acclamations, that they would live and die with him. Then replyed the King, in the name of God, let us fall on, I your Soveraign, and Cap. Gen.6 wil be the firſt man that ſhall charge in the van, which accordingly he did in his Buff-coat, without Armour, where after 6 hours fight, this gallant Prince was ſlain: At which time the Sun was darkened for the ſpace of half an hour.
ON the very beginning of this moneth, the Sun cuts the aſſendent of the year, and the mid-heaven of the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, and ſure the honeſt Commoner begins to love the Parliament, apparently diſcerning now who hath done them good, and preſerved them and theirs from Egiptian bondage.
Septemb, & Octob.
THeſe two Moneths produce little action, either by Sea or Land, looking with a pretty quiet face, and ſeems to promiſe ſome fair accord amongſt our ſelves, which the Lord grant us, and then let men; Devil, and Pope be our oppoſers.
THis moneth begins ſeverely, tis pitty tis not likely to hold, I hope my brother Commoner will like the Law a little better then he was wont to do; if not, let but Neighbours live quietly, and there will be the leſſe need of it. This moneth cannot nor will not leave us till it hath ſet Saturn and Mars together by the eares.
THe Sun begins to ſhine on the beginning of this moneth, affording us ſeaſonable weather, temperate actions, but ſuddenly the wind riſeth high, and mens brains are entoxicated, they ſit by the fire, and ponder in the winter what they will do next Spring; but in the mean time women cannot agree with their Husbands, who can help it? if the ſheetes cannot make them friends, I cannot,
So farewel ▪