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THE DECLARATION AND PROTESTATION OF THE LORD JNCHIQUIN, And all The Officers under his Command, voluntarily taken and ſubſcribed by his Councill of VVarre, That they will maintaine the honour of the King, and the Priviledge and Freedome of Parliament, according to his ſolemne Ingage­ment, againſt all oppoſers, and other his great diſcouragements.

Printed in the Yeare 1648.


The Lord Inchiquins Proteſtati­onSexto Maii a Council of VVarre.

ORdered this day (nemine contradi­cente) that the enſuing Proteſtation be tendred to all the Officers of this Army, for their conſents thereunto; and for the further ſatisfaction of the people therin, That the ſame, with the Preface thereto, be read in all ſeverall Churches of the ſeverall Proteſtant Garriſons in this Pro­vince, by the reſpective Miniſters thereof, on the next Sabbath day after the recint of a Copie hereof.

WHereas certaine Officers of this Army, of a long time filled with prejudica­cy and diſaffection of the publike ſervice,2 in Complyance with ſuch of our private adverſaries in the Kingdome of England, as laboured the obſtructing of all reliefe to this miſerable Province, have taken occaſion up­on a publike Declaration, made in the head of this Army at Mallo, of our reall intentions and reſolutions, to adde here unto thoſe obli­gations, which are upon us to the King, and Parliament of England, by our Nationall oath, and to oppoſe and decline all perſons acting contrary to our publike and ſolemne engagement; to miſrepreſent the Cordiall paſſages and expreſſions of that Declaration, in ſuch a falſe and ſcandalous recitall thereof, as to thoſe that underſtand not the Candor of our reſolutions, may ſeeme to carry off our contriving ſome deſigne inconſiſtent with our former principles and profeſſions, labouring thereby to beget a diſ-opinion of our proceedings, as ſavouring of defection from the Parliament of England, or of pro­penſion to the Iriſh action; For the vindi­cating of our integrity from which foule a­ſperſion, and for the undeceiving of altheſe3 good and well affected perſons, who deſire a right underſtanding of all tranſactions, wee doe make this enſuing. Proteſtation, without compulſion or mentall reſerva­on, That

WEe ſhall acoording to our Covenant, to the utmoſt of our power, endeavour the eſtabliſhment of the Proteſtant Religion, according to the beſt reformed Churches, and to reſtore his Majeſty to his juſt Rights, Power and prerogative, the Parliament of England to their freedome, and Subjects to their Liberty. And becauſe wee finde the power of England (or rather the Independent party in England now too prevalent) private­ly and publikely endeavour to take off all the Presbiterian party, both in that and this Kingdome, from their Commands, as men not fit to be truſted, becauſe faithfull not fa­ctious, and for no other reaſon; Wee profeſſe to oppoſe the ſaid party, and to adhere in all things to our Declaration: And to admit of no fores either from England, or elſewhere,4 without conſent of the Generall, or major part of the ſuperiour Officers of this Army. And if any perſon ſhall be found amongſt us who ſhall endeavour to ſeduce our ſoul­diers, or refuſe to joyne with us in this bu­ſineſſe, to proceed againſt him as an enemie to the Proteſtant party in this Kingdome. We are further reſolved to uſe all means poſ­ſible, to preſerve the Intereſt of England in this Province. And although the deſignes of the Independents have obtruded a neceſſity upon us (by refuſing to ſend us neceſſary ſupplies) to get our maintenance in this Kingdome; yet wee ſhall never condiſcend to any thing which ſhall not be conſonant to a good con­ſcience, our honour, and former Ingage­ments.

Ordered likewiſe, that VVHereas the Army in this Province, ac­cording to their duty, Oathes, and for­mer profeſſions, have unanimouſly reſolved to maintaine the Proteſtant Religion, his Majeſties5 Rights, the freedome of the Parliament, and Li­berty of ſubject; It is Ordered, that if any Offi­cers ſhall raiſe any diſpute or diſcourſe about the difference which hath been betwixt his Majeſty and the Presbyterian party, the ſaid Officers ſhall be uncapable of any Office or command in the Ar­my. And if any Officers ſhall fight about any ſuch diſpute, they and every of them ſhall for the ſame offence ſuffer death without mercy. And if any private ſouldier ſhall offend in this kinde, he ſhall for the firſt offence paſſe the courtlope, and for the ſecond ſuffer death. And if any perſon ſhall offend therein, he ſhall for the firſt offence pay five pounds, and for the ſecond have his eſtate ſeque­ſtred, and ſuffer Impriſonment during the Lord Preſidents pleaſure; and that this Order be pub­liſhed in the head of every Regiment, and a Copy thereof fixed on the gates of the City.


About this transcription

TextThe declaration and protestation of the Lord Inchiquin, and all the officers under his command, voluntarily taken and subscribed by his councill of vvarre, that they will maintaine the honour of the King, and the priviledge and freedome of Parliament, according to his solemne ingagement, against all opposers, and other his great discouragements.
AuthorInchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A87237)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 111441)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 71:E447[13])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration and protestation of the Lord Inchiquin, and all the officers under his command, voluntarily taken and subscribed by his councill of vvarre, that they will maintaine the honour of the King, and the priviledge and freedome of Parliament, according to his solemne ingagement, against all opposers, and other his great discouragements. Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674.. [2], 5, [1] p. s.n.],[London? :Printed in the yeare 1648.. (Effectively a declaration of revolt by Inchiquin and the English forces under his command against Parliamentary control.) (Place of publication from Wing.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 14th".) (Reproductions of the originals in the British Library (Thomason Tracts) and the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (Early English books).)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Sources.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-04 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A87237
  • STC Wing I129
  • STC Thomason E447_13
  • STC ESTC R12908
  • EEBO-CITATION 99859367
  • PROQUEST 99859367
  • VID 111441

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