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THE Succeſsfull and victorious Proceed­ings of the noble and faithfull Lord IN­CHIQUIN, Lord Preſident of Mun­ſter, againſt the Rebels there.

Certified IN THREE LETTERS: Two of them under his Lordſhips own hand, directed to the Honourable William Lenthall Eſquire, Speaker to the Honourable Houſe of Commons: The third to an Honourable Member of the ſaid Houſe, from an eminent Officer in the ARMY.

LONDON, Printed for Robert Boſtock at the Kings Head in Paul's Church-yard. 1647.


A Letter from the Lord of Inchiquin Lord Preſident of Munſter, directed to William Lenthall Eſquire, Speaker of the Honourable Houſe of COMMONS.


BEing conſtrained by divers neceſſities of the ſoul­diers to retire about five weeks ſithence out of the field, where I had been in the Rebels quarters of the County of Limerick, before I could look into the County of Tipperary, I did after ſome ſhort refreſhment, and the beſt (though but mean) proviſion wihch I could make for the ſouldier, apply my ſelf and this Army forthwith again into the field; and being for want of Oxen and other carriages unable to draw forth any Ar­tillery, or to carry any larger proportion of bread then what the ſouldiers knapſacks would contain, I marched with the Army into this County, which I entered upon on Saturday the third of this inſtant; and having taken ſeverall Caſtles therein, to the number of ten or twelve, putting to the ſword the warders of ſuch places as ſtood in oppoſition to the Armie, I paſſed over the River Shewer not far from the Caſtle of Cahir, an ancient and eminet hold of the Rebels, environed with two branches of that River, which was obſerved to be, in all appearance, of that ſtrength, as it was both by them, and by the Officers of this Army eſteemed impregnable: notwithſtanding which, the im­portance of the place being ſeriouſly conſidered by us, we were occaſioned to make an attempt upon it by this accident; One2 of our horſemen being plundering neer the Town, was by ſome of the Rebels wounded, and carried a priſoner into the Caſtle, from whence he was admitted to ſend for a Chirurgeon into our Quarters to dreſſe his wounds, of which we made this uſe; One Colonel James Heppeſly, who had formerly ſerved the King, and was (upon ſome aſſurance given me by a friend, of his doing ſervice) admitted to come into our Quarters, being an ingenu­ous perſon skilled in Chirurgery, and in Fortifications, took upon him to go under a diſguiſe into the Caſtle, and to dreſſe the wounded Trooper; which accordingly he did with ſo great caution and circumſpection, as that he diſcovered perfectly the condition of the Caſtle in each reſpect, the weakneſſe of the Ward, and eſpecially ſome defects in the wall of the outward Bawne, which rendered it aſſiultable by our men, the taking whereof would probably induce the ſurrender of the Caſtle, which he collected from the obſerved timorouſneſſe of the War­ders; which ſorted to ſo good purpoſe, as that falling on the place defective with a party led on by Colonel Heppeſly him­ſelf, wee carried that outward Bawne, and ſome out-Turrets by ſtorm, and within a few hours after had the Caſtle ſurren­dered unto us on quarter onely for life, though upon entry of it wee found that the ſame was by no force of ours to be redu­ced, if the defendants had not been by divine providence depri­ved of any courage to oppoſe us.

The place is juſtly looked upon by this Armie as the moſt important in the whole Province, being of that ſtrength as not to be taken from us ſo long as we have victuall to ſupport a Gariſon therein, whereby a paſſe is kept open for us to make daily incurſions into this Country, which hath been a princi­pall contributary to the Rebels Army.

To the performance of which Service the Souldier was en­abled with no other food then the roots under, and corn above the ground (all their cattell being driven away before us out of our reach) of the later whereof wee had great and abundant ſtore, ſo as we have burned in this County above 20000 pounds worth, whereof there could be no uſe-made through want of hand-mils, (for which I have often and earneſtly written) the water-mils being for the moſt part either burned or deſerted.


From Cahir we marched this inſtant to the City of Caſhell, formerly the Metropolitan Sea of this Province, where the Ci­tizens and Inhabitants amazed at the reducing of Cahir, left o­pen the gates, and fled to the Cathedrall, a large and ſpacious Pile ſeated upon a Rock neer the walls of the Town, and of late very much fortified, and at preſent fully manned with di­vers Companies of the Rebels, which will render any attempts wee ſhall make upon it very difficult; not withſtanding which, we determine, by Gods aſſiſtance, to leave no meant unaſſayed for the reducing thereof: after which we deſigne〈◊〉upon the Town of Fethard, an eminent walled Town; and from thence to march unto Clonmel, to reduce which wee have yet no great hopes, in regard wee underſtand that place to be very regularly fortified, and ſtrongly manned, ſo as without Artillery there can be no ſeizable attempt made upon it. But if it ſhall pleaſe God to bleſſe us with ſucceſſe on that place, wee may confidently aſſert the Parliaments intereſts in this Province to be high, and the Rebels mean and inconſiderable. Sir, The Gentry of this County by the reducing of theſe places, and the burning of their corn, begin to make ſure that they may be admitted to a Contribution; which ſhall be imbraced, ſo far as may conduce to the better carrying on of the War, and ſup­porting this Armie, and advancing (as my zeal and duty obliges me) of the Parliament Service, for which I have no other means then this of keeping the Field; from whence if I ſhall be driven to our Gariſons by the violence of the weather, or by an over­powerfull Armie, I am utterly ignorant how the Armie now a­broad, or the ſick men and others in Gariſon may be preſerved from ſtarving, without ſeaſonable ſupplyes from the Honou­rable Houſes, to whoſe Service I have faithfully devoted my ſelf, remaining

Your humble Servant INCHIQUIN.

Another Letter of his Lordſhips, of the ſame date.


THe Occurrences here are ſeldom worthy to be a trouble to you: And though you perceive by thoſe that accompany this Letter, that the Lord hath been pleaſed to go along with our proceedings in an extraordinary manner this Summer, yet certainly if our want of means and Carriages were conſidered, there would in reaſon have been but a ſlender expectation of our endeavours; and now the nakedneſſe of the Souldiers grows ſo powerful and aſſiſtance to our other wants, that we ſhall ſud­denly be diſabled to contend with them, if clothes be not ſpee­dily ſent thence for our relief: And therefore I am to requeſt your favour in the behalf of this Army (that have undergone much hardſhip, and are moſt willing to ſacrifice their lives in the Parliaments ſervice) now deſtitute of Clothes and Shoes, in­ſomuch as within theſe few nights of cold weather ſome of the Souldiers have died of cold, which muſt needs be a great diſ­couragement to the reſt. And as I take it to be my part humbly to repreſent it to that honourable Houſe, ſo I am confident that by your good means the ſame may the more ſeaſonably be remo­ved; wherein your aſſiſtance may contribute much to the ſer­vice of the State, and ſhall much oblige

Your very humble ſervant, INCHIQUIN.

A Letter from an Officer of quality in the Parliaments Army in Munſter, to a worthy Member of the Houſe of Commons.


FRom Caſtlegrace I gave you an account of the proceedings of the Army ſince my Lord of Inchiquin's laſt march abroad into the Field, where he hath been very active and ſuc­ceſſeful, bleſſed be God. He burnt the Country round a­bout, and afterwards fell on the out-wall or Bawne of the Ca­ſtle of Cahir, upon ſome intelligence that his Lordſhip gained of a defect in ſome part of it: in the gaining whereof, Colonel Courteney, Colonel Heppeſley, and divers others, behaved them­ſelves gallantly, ſo as with the loſſe of one Captain Baſſe, and three or four Souldiers, we got the Bawne, and made our ap­proaches under the Caſtle-gates, and within a few hours after, got the Caſtle upon quarter for life onely, upon a Parley by them deſired. This Caſtle was heretofore beſieged twelve weeks by the old Earl of Eſſex, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with the Queens Army in thoſe Wars, and is conceived to be one of the ſtrongeſt Holds in all Munſter, being alſo ſeated on an Iſland on the River Shewer, upon which River the ſtrong walled town of Clo••el, and many other ſtrong Caſtles are ſituated; and it opens a paſſage to the County of Kilkenny and thoſe parts. My Lord hath placed in Gariſon the Regiment of Colonel Francis Roe, which was ſent over by the Parliament with the Lord Liſle, at Cahir. From hence my Lord commanded us to march im­mediately to the City of Caſhel, ſix large miles diſtant, where the ſupreme Councel of the Rebels lately held their meetings; and found that the ſudden and unexpected taking of Gahir Ca­ſtle, and the burning of the Country, had ſo affrighted the ſoul­diers and inhabitants, that the ſouldiers had quitted the City, left open the gates, and were gotten into the Cathedral Church ſtan­ding on a high Rock next the City, which they had fortified for­merly;6 in all, ſix entire Companies, and about two hundred Towns-men, and ſome women; who being ſummoned by my Lord the firſt night, ſtood upon high terms: the next day his Lordſhip offered them to march with their Arms, which they refuſed, but afterwards would have accepted of it; but my Lord having drawn out the men ready, and conceiving the work to feaſible, commanded the men to fall on, which they did reſo­lutely and bravely, and in little more then an hours time the Church was taken, and all the men put to the ſword, except the Governour (Lieutenant. Col. Butler) who is dangerouſly woun­ded; Major Butler, who was Maior of the Town, his ſon, and ſome few others who were taken priſoners. Thoſe ſlain were above four hundred: and ſuch was the goodneſſe of God to us, that we loſt but one Captain and eight men in this ſervice; but indeed we have neer an hundred hurt. The Rebels are in a cruel fright, whereof my Lord intends to make the beſt uſe he can, and is now ſending to ſummon Fitherd, a ſtrong walled Town five or ſix miles hence, and within fourteen miles of the City of Kil­kenny, which hath been the neſt and magazine of the chiefeſt of the Rebels. Bleſſed be the Lord for this good ſucceſſe on this noble Lord and this Army, who are very entire, and very ready to do as much as men in their caſe can do for the ſervice of the Parliament.

I thought good hereby to give you notice of what hath paſt ſince my Lord made his diſpatch, being now three days ago, and withal to let you know that we have now received notice that the Lord Taaff with about five thouſand Rebels (who dare not give us battel) have done us ſome miſchief about Cork in our ab­ſence, in burning the houſes and corn about Garrigroghan, from whence they went to Awneboy. ſix miles weſtward, and burnt alſo there, and got ſome money to ſpare other parts; and now they lie about Bandon, and threaten it. What my Lord and the Councel will do hereupon, is not yet known to us; but without doubt they will do what they conceive beſt for the Service, as far forth as God ſhall enable them: And if we be ſo happie as to overtake them, I truſt I ſhall ſend you a further Relation by the next, which you will have cauſe to bleſſe God for. And ſo I reſt,

Your humble ſervant, R.C.

About this transcription

TextMore victories lately obtained in Ireland. The successfull and victorious proceedings of the noble and faithfull Lord Inchiquin, Lord President of Munster, against the rebels there. Certified in three letters : two of them under his Lordships own hand, directed to the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker to the honourable House of Commons : the third to an honourable member of the said House, from an eminent officer in the army.
AuthorInchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674..
Extent Approx. 13 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A87241)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161184)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 65:E409[2])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationMore victories lately obtained in Ireland. The successfull and victorious proceedings of the noble and faithfull Lord Inchiquin, Lord President of Munster, against the rebels there. Certified in three letters : two of them under his Lordships own hand, directed to the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker to the honourable House of Commons : the third to an honourable member of the said House, from an eminent officer in the army. Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674.. [2], 6 p. Printed for Robert Bostock at the Kings Head in Paul's Church-yard,London :1647.. (A different work than: More victoryes obtained in Ireland by the Right Honourable the Lord Inchiquine, Lord President of Munster.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "7ber [i.e. September] 28".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, -- Earl of, 1614-1674.
  • Ireland -- History -- 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Ireland -- Early works to 1800.

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