❧ A Proclamation, Publiſhed by the Lords Iuſtices and Councell of Ireland, to annull and make void all Protections unduly granted to the Rebels by certaine Commiſſioners in divers Counties in Vlſter &c. contrary to their Inſtructions, and the intention of the State.
- W. Parſons,
- Jo. Borlaſe.
WHereas in the beginning of this hideous and deteſtable Rebellion, We the Lords Iuſtices and Councell, deſirous, if it might be, to give ſome ſudden ſtop thereunto, ſo to prevent the ſpreading thereof, and the growth of it to that heigth to which it hath ſithence riſen, and conceiving that at that time the multitude was by evill Councell or falſe rumours, ſeduced to partake in that Rebellion, who not knowing the truth and depth of the combination, We did think, could not ſo wretchedly faile in their duty and loyalty to their moſt gracious King and Soveraign, as ſo univerſally to perſiſt in their courſe of diſobedience to His Maieſties authority, but would with treatable and faire admonitions, laying before them their great danger and the iniquity of their enterpriſe, have returned to their obedience; Wee therefore on the 27 of Oetober laſt authoriſed divers perſons ot quality and truſt for the ſeveral Counties of Down, Antrim, Armagh, Monaghan, Cavan, Tirone, and Fermanagh (amongſt other powers then entruſted with them) to parly with the Rebels, or any of them, and by Proclamation, or otherwiſe, to proffer his Maieſties grace and mercy to them, or any of them, and to receive ſuch of them into his Maieſties grace and mercy as ſhould ſubmit themſelves and deſire the ſame. Yet We held it fit then to accompany the ſaid Commiſſion with our letters to the ſaid Commiſſioners, wherein we ſignified to them, that although by the ſaid Commiſſion we gave them that power, yet wee did then let them know, that for thoſe who were chiefe amongſt the Rebels, and Ring-leaders of the reſt to diſobedience, that we adiudged them leſſe worthy of favour than the others, whom they had miſ guided. And therefore for thoſe principal perſons we required them to take care not to be too forward (without firſt conſulting this Board) in profering or promiſing mercy to thoſe, unleſſe they the ſaid Commiſſioners ſaw it of great and unavoidable neceſſity: which power entruſted by Vs with the ſaid Commiſſioners was then granted, in reſpect of the comuncture of affairs at that tune, and to anſwer the then ſudden extremities in the publike ſervice. And wheras we have now received information that a long time after the ſaid power entruſted with them, and when the ſtate〈◊〉the Countrey was far different from〈◊〉Condition wherein it ſtood, at the iſſuing of the ſaid Commiſſion, and after the generall Conſpiracy was fully diſcovered; and that the Rebels of all degrees and conditions had with hatefull and bloody obſtinacy declared their purpoſe to extirp the Britiſh throughout the whole kingdom, without hope of reconcilement, other then by ye ſtrength of his Maieſties forces; ſome of the ſaid Commiſſioners (notwithſtanding the premonition given them by our ſaid Letters, & without conſulting this Board therein) have given Protections of late to many of ye ſaid Rebels, being principal perſons & Freeholders, which protections are (in ſundry reſpects) found to be a mighty hindrance to his Maieſties ſervice in thoſe parts, and tending to his Maieſties loſſe and diſadvantage. And albeit we are informed that thoſe perſons ſo protected, have by their miſ-behaviours ſince the protections granted to them, violated the expreſſe, or implyed conditions of all protections, which beſides the unſeaſonableneſſe of the granting of them, contrary to the intent of our d•rection in our ſaid Letters, might iuſtly give cauſe to have thoſe Rebels immediately faln upon and cut off. Yet in regard we who are entruſted here by his Maieſty for the government of this his Kingdom and People, are ſo tender of his Maieſties honour, as we neither have done, nor will do any thing, that by any conſtruction, can be interpreted a breach of any word given by Vs, or any other authoriſed by Vs.
We think fit before we proceed to the iuſt correction of thoſe Rebels, hereby to publiſh & declare, that all the ſaid Protections granted ſince the firſt of March laſt to any perſon or perſons whatſoever, in the County of Downe, or other Counties above named, ſhall at the end of ten dayes next after the publiſhing of this Proclamation at Down-Patrick or Strangford in the ſaid County of Down, or at any other publike place in any of the ſaid Counties reſpectively ſtand vo•d and be annulled, repealed and revoked. And we doe hereby accordingly from and after the ſaid ten dayes revoke, repeale, make void and annull them, and every of them, to all intents and purpoſes, as if they had never been granted, and do order that from and after the ſaid ten daies, they be of no force, nor derive any benefit, protection or ſecurity to any of the parties to whom they were ſo granted. And this Proclamation Wee require the Sheriff of the County of Down, and the ſeverall Sheriffs of the ſaid ſeverall Counties reſpectively, to cauſe to be proclaimed and publiſhed at Down-Patrick and Strangford aforeſaid, and at ſome publike places in the ſaid ſeverall Counties reſpectively, that ſo all perſons whom it may concern may take notice therof, and that hereafter when by the power and Strength of His Maieſties Army the ſaid Offenders receive due puniſhment for their high tranſgreſſions, they may not have any colour to pretend the leaſt breach of word in this Seate or any the Miniſters thereof:
- La. Dublin.
- Ormond Oſſory.
- Cha. Lambert.
- Ad. Loftus.
- I. Temple.
- Tho. Lucas.
- Ia. Ware.
- Rob. Meredith.