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SIXTEENE QVERES PROPOUNDED By the Parliament of Ireland to the Judges of the ſaid King­dome. AS ALSO, Another SPEECH, made by Captaine Audley Mervin, to the Houſe of Commons, concer­ning their Priviledges, and their exorbitant grievances in that Kingdome.

Printed in the Yeare; 1641.


SIXTEENE QVAERFS, Propounded by the Parlia­ment of Ireland, to the Judges of the ſaid Kingdome.

I. THat the Judges may ſet forth and de­clare, whether the Inhabitants of this kingdome be a free people, or whether they be to bee governed onely by the antient common lawes of England.

II. Whether the Judges of the Land doe take the Oath of Judges, and if ſo, whether under pretext of any Acts of State, Proclamation, Writ, Letter, or direction under the great or privie Seale, or privie Signet, or Letter, or other commandement from the Lord Lieute­nant, Lord Deputie, Juſtice, Juſtices, or other chiefe Governor, or Governors of this King­dome2 they may hinder, ſtay or delay the ſuite of any Subject, or his judgment, or execution thereupon, if ſo, in what caſes, and whether, if they doe hinder, ſtay or delay ſuch ſuite, judge­ment or execution, what puniſhment doe they incurre by the Law for their deviation and tranſgreſſion therein.

III. Whether the Kings Majeſties privie Coun­ſell, either together, or with the chiefe Gover­nor or Governors of this Kingdome, without him or them be a place of Judicature, by the common Lawes, where in caſe betweene party and party for Debts, Treſpaſſes, Accounts, Covenants, poſſeſſions, and title of Land, or a­ny of them, and with them may be heard, and determined, and of what civill Cauſes they have juriſdiction, and by what Law, and of what force is their order or Decree, in ſuch caſes or any of them.

IV. The like of the chiefe Governors alone.

V. Whether Grant of Monopolies be warran­table by the Law, and of what, and in what Ca­ſes, and how, and where, and by whom, are the Tranſgreſſors againſt ſuch Grantees puniſh­able,3 and whether by Fine and mutilation of Members, impriſonment, loſſe, and forfeiture of goods, or otherwiſe, and which of them.

VI. Jn what Caſes the Lord Deputie, or other chiefe Governors of this Kingdome & Coun­ſell, may puniſh by Fine, impriſonment, Mu­tilation of Members, Pillory, or otherwiſe, they may ſentence any to ſuch the ſame, or the like puniſhment, for infringening the com­mands of any Proclamation, or Monopolie, and what puniſhment doe they incurre, that do vote for the ſame.

VII. Of what force is an Act of ſtate or Pro­clamation in this Kingdome to bind the liber­ty, goods, poſſeſſions, or inheritance of the na­tives thereof, whether they or any of them can alter the common Law, or the infringers of them loſe their Goods, Chattels, or Leaſes, or forfeit the ſame by infringing any ſuch Act of State or Proclamation, or both, and what pu­niſhment doe the ſworne Judges of the Law, that are privie Counſellors, incurre that vote for ſuch Act and execution of it.


VIII. Whether the ſubjects of this Kingdome be ſubject to the Marſhall Law, and whether any man in time of peace, no enemy being in the fields, with diſplayed can be ſentēced to Death, if ſo, by whom, and in what caſes, if not, what puniſhment do they incurre that in time of peace, execute Marſhall Law.

IX. Whether voluntary Oathes taken freely before Arbitrators, or others for affirmance, or diſaffirmance of any thing, or for the true performance of any thing, be puniſhable in the Caſtle-Chamber, or in any other Court, and why and wherefore.

X. Why, and by what Law, and upon what Rule of policie is it, that none is admitted to reducement in the Caſtle-chamber, untill hee confeſſe the offence for which hee is cenſured, when as Revera he might be innocent therof, though ſubordined proofes or circumſtances, might induce him to be cenſured.

XI. Whether the Judges of the Kings Bench, and by what law, doe or can deny, the copies of Indictments, of Fellony, or Treaſon to the par­ties5 accuſed of Treaſon, contrary to the ſtatute of 42. Edw. 3.

XII. Whether the ſtatute of Baltinglaſe take from the Subjects, out-lawed for Treaſon, though erroniouſly, the benefit of his Writ of Er­ror, and how, and by what meanes, that blind clauſe not warranted, by the body of that Act came to be inſerted, and by what Law is it countenanced to the diminution of the liberty of the ſubject.

XIII. What power have the Barons and the Court of Exchequer, to raiſe the reſpite of homage Arbitrarily to what value they pleaſe, and to what value they may raiſe it, and by what Law they may diſtinguiſh betweene reſpite of ho­mage, upon the diverſities of the true value of the Fees, when as all Eſcuage is the ſame for great and ſmall Fees, and the apportionable by Parliament.

XIIII. Whether it's cenſurable in the ſubjects of this Kingdome, to repaire into England to ap­peale to his Majeſty for Redreſſe of Jnjuries, or for others their accuſers, if ſo, why, and in what condition of perſons, and by what Law.


XV. Whether Deanes and other Dignitaries of Cathedrall Churches, be properly de mero jure donative, by this King, or not elective or colla­tive, if ſo, why, and by what Law, and whether the confirmation of a Deane de facto of the Biſhops Grantee be good, and valid in the Law, or no, if not, by what Law.

XVI. Whether the iſſuing of Quo Warranto's a­gainſt Burroughes, that antiently, and recently ſent Burgeſſes to the Parliament, to ſhew cauſe why they ſent Burgeſſes to the Parliament be legall.


CAPTAINE AVDLEY MERVINS SPEECH to the Houſe of Commons in Ireland.

Mr Speaker,

IT was equall care and policy in our Prede­ceſſours. Firſt to lay a foundation, and then by a continued induſtry to build and per­fect ſo glorious a fabrique as the houſe of Cō­mons lawfull ſummoned by the Kings writ re­preſents it ſelfe unto us at this day. In which ſo elaborate and exquiſite a ſtructure being fi­niſhed and crowned with thoſe fruitfull and peace-ſpeaking events, may challenge by right the title of a Jubile.

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To ſo great a modell with neate and pro­vident husbandry they intend no leſſe then ſu­table furniture (which allowed pride) diſdaine to cloath it with any other, but with what by his Majeſties favour they had procured out of his owne ſtore; J meane thoſe great and large priviledges, which by ſeverall acts of royall fa­vor have bin diſpenſed, annexed, nay hypoſtati­cally united, to the ſame Priviledges are the ſoule, by which we move the Sinues and Ne­rues, by which we are compacted, they are thē, by which we breath Priviledges for their birth allyed to the Kings Prerogative, for their anti­quity ſacred, for their ſtrength ſo re-intrench­ed by cōmon law, fortified by ſtatutes, inſcon­ſed by precedents of all times, that no man ever attempted their violation with impunity, ſo that now and then it may be truly ſaid, The Kings houſe is all glorious within. If we which are Heires to their lawes, is unto their lands, will ſtrive to make no addition to the rich invent••ie of thoſe priviledges they have bequeathed ••to us, yet with united ſpirits, let us all leaſt prevent the dilapidation; nay the diminution of the leaſt of them.

This preſent occaſion of debating Mr. Fitz-Gerralds petition exhibited to this honorable houſe, ſets before us bleſſings and curſings, and is the firſt leafe (as we may terme it) of the houſe of commons Almanack, not made to9 ſerve for one, but for many yeares, and calcu­lated to ſerve indifferently for all latitudes, in which, our carriage makes this and all ſuccee­ding dayes but ſevill and working dayes, or o­therwiſe imprints this day and our priviledges in a conſpicuous, plauſive rubrique to poſteri­ty; whileſt the Palladium was in Troy, neither the power nor the long ſiege of the Grecians, could prevaile againſt it, whileſt Minoes pur­ple lockes curled from their native roots, Cree­te was unvanquiſhed. The Morall of theſe (af­fictions) emphatically preach and teach us this Doctrine, that the ſafety, pregnancy, glory, and ſtrength of this houſe, is but only ſent us upon this condition, whileſt we keepe, preſerve, and defend our liberties, our rights, our priviledges unbetrayed, unſuppreſſed, and uncontrolled: if any more allyed to the corruptiōs of our own diſtempers, then challenging an intereſt in us by a legitimate birth, could involve this grave and great aſſembly, in ſuch epidemicall litur­gie, as directly to ſnore, or at leſt to wink whileſt our priviledges cloathed in a purple robe of glory (like a word never to be recalled) eſcape from among us, I ſay if ungratefull, I ſhould cut off the inheritance of theſe immunities entailed vpon us, and confirmed is a monumentall portion vpon this younger brother of ſtate, this Houſe of Cōmons what can we expect, but that our Fathers Ghoſts apparetted with indignation, ſhould〈◊〉unto10 us with this or the liking branding phraſe. Moſt vngratefull and vnfortunate poſterity. O aetas parentum pejor Avis; better had it bin for you not to live then to out-live your owne infamie. If there had beene a neceſſity, you ſhould involve your ſelves in a general-guilt, the election ought to have beene of ſuch a one as might have dyed with your ſelves; but this like originall ſinne, binds your poſterity to ſigh for a redemption. Did we bequeath un­to you thoſe faire ornaments to be ſtolne or ſnatched from you? Oh, where, where was your vigilancy and boldneſſe to preſent ſo diſ­aſterous and fatall a conſequence. Did wee with no better ſucceſſe of imitation by your labour, and even unto hoarſeneſſe contend in the Parliament held 39. Hen. 6. as Prophe­cying your weakeneſſe, leave you a record to build upon? Where we admitted and pri­viledged one Walter Clarke a Burgeſſe of Ch­pengham, though at that time in execution ad ſect. Reg. Did we for this purpoſe recommend unto you Ferrars caſe and our proceedings a­gainſt the diſturbers of his right? Did wee for this purpoſe recommend unto you Belgraves caſe 43. of the Queene. Who notwithſtanding he procured his election in Wincheſter by col­luſion, yet Mangre the great oppoſi­tion raiſed by the Earle of Huntington upon the ſight of the Sheriffes returne (a11 ſufficient amerment to ſatisfie vs) we admitted and confirmed him in the protection of our houſe, did we for this purpoſe exemplifie unto you the caſe of Richard Chidder, 5. Henry 4. who being arreſted in his journey towards the Parliaments (where note that the date of the election is the date of the priviledge.) They are twins of one birth, wee ingraft him as a twig to be writh'd by our common roote, and quickly lopt off that ſo perilous authority wch would prunne our branches. Nay Mr. Speaker, our fellows labouring Parliament in England, with their hearty cōmendation have tranſmit­ted unto us a precedent from each houſe. The houſe of the Lords opening the gates of the Tower to prepare an entry to the cenſured Bi­ſhop of Lincolne, and the houſe of Commons with like imitation & likeſucceſſe having per­formed the ſame in Sir Iohn Elliot and innume­rable others. But now I will endeavour to al­lay the diſtempered ſpirits of our Fathers, whileſt with more patience and duty we at­tend the modeſt corrections of our indulgent King. And ſo exeunt Patres; and Intr. H. 8. in his owne perſon commending the reſo­lution and zeale of the houſe of Com­mons in preſerving the luſtre of their ownē Priviledges from being Eclipſed, al­ledging himſelfe to be intereſſed in them, ſince that hee and they, knit together, com­pleated12 one body, who in this out deſerved ca­lamities, would not rather imitate us by ſcoſs, then qualifie our untimely repentance by ab­ſence of our owne murdering wrongs. What may not E. 4. exprobrate unto us, who in the 3. yeare of his raigne, records his regall pleaſure to poſterity? That all Acts, Suites, judgments, cenſures & qui dicit omne excludit nullum, a­warded againſt any Member of Parliament, ſhould be utterly void and fruſtrate, crowning the Act with an Emphaticall epiphonema and this act to endure for ever. And ſurely com­mon reaſon is pregnant in the juſtification thereof. That where the publique ſervice and good is primarily intended, a ſuperſedeas muſt iſſue to private reſpects, ſince they cannot ſtād in competition, & inhabit our ſpheare: If their judgments are not yet calmed and ſetled, be­hold his Majeſty, that now is, cloathed in his royall Robes, and thus ſpeaking unto you from underneath his ſtate, Gentlemen, why ſtagger you thus, that are your ſelves the pillars of the commonweale, you are not upon breaking the Ice, nor bound upon the diſcovery of the un­knowne world, each leafe reports your prece­dents that are like Maps that ſecure and expe­dite your fortunate Navigation. From mee you can expect no more ſatisfactiō, then what J have declared in the 3. yeare of my Raigne, in anſwer to the Petition of Right in Parlia­ment,13 that J am intereſted in the maintai­ning of the Priviledges of this Houſe, being a maine pillar of the liberty of my Subject, the goods of one_____being ſeiſed in my name, and for my uſe, for denying. Tonnage and pondage, they re-aſſumed, hee being at the time of that ſeiſure a Member of the Houſe, and whether J diſtaſted, ſure J am, J had no redreſſe. As for the tender care of my intereſt in the Fine of 10000 l. and that you admit­ted my Attorny generall to a favourable hea­ring in my behalfe, though againſt your ſelves (a Parliamentary cuſtome not to be written in ſmall Print) I thanke you Gentlemen, yet I thinke you know, as well as I, that theſe great ſounding Fines to me, have in their effects, but ſhort and little accounts, if there be 3. bags, the little one is mine: The 5000. l. dammages to the party (a ſumme equall) or more to the defendants eſtate) is as much as Magna Charta, by thoſe words of falvo contenemnto, would warrant. Therefore my Judges, by dividing it, might have conſidered me ſomewhat, whereas now the old proverbe binds me, where there is nothing left, the King loſes his right.


Now Mr. Speaker, in a Parliamentary way, wee muſt withdraw and enter into our owne Spheare. Enter into a diſcuſſe of thoſe ob­jections, that impugne Mr. Fitz-Gerralds e­lection, admittance and priviledge of this Houſe.

The firſt that uſhers in the traine, is a ſen­tence cloathed in ſable, ſtanding on tip-toe, and with a ruſtie dagger thruſting at a ſtarre, I meane a ſentence ſpeaking error, a ſentence vi­ſiting the third and fourth generation, a ſen­tence ſtriving to leap over the bounds of mag­na charta, thirty times confirmed, a ſentence a­warded againſt a Judge of a higher Court, then from which it iſſued. The cauſe in queſtion is to nullifie this ſentence, which if hee appeare a perſon capable of his priviledge, mote ſua vi­vit, and then neither it, nor any thing deriva­tory, or collater all to it, may bee admitted a­gainſt him by the rules of common, civill, or cannon Law, it being a maxime conſonant to them all. Non potes edduci ejuſdam rei excepie cujus petitur diſſolutio. Now to prove this ſen­tence void (Mr. Speaker) I being no profeſſour of the Law, yet a Diſciple of reaſon, and the body of the audient Subject to the like13 guilt: I will couch myſelſe in argumēts, quae pro­bat & non probantur, leaving precedents and Booke-caſes to the learned long Robe: Then thus I argue. By the Stat. 3. E. 4. All judgemēts, cenſures, ſentences, &c. awarded againſt a mem­ber of Parliament are void, ſo was this govern­ment: ſome may ſay, the King is not here in­cluded, I ſay (qui dicit omne, excludit nullum) And experience, the mother of know ledge, tea­cheth the ſame in precedents afore rehearſed, and one J will adde for all, which is Trewman, 38. Hen. 8. who was in execution upon a writ of exigent after a Capias adſatis faciend. at the Kings ſuite, and yet priviledged, beſides, this is not at the Kings ſuite, for the King is intereſſed here but ſecondarily both in name and profit. Now I muſt make good my minor, that he is a member of this houſe: hee that was duly e­lected and truely returned, is a member of this houſe, ſo was he. Ergo, &c. My minor will be queſtioned, J confirme it thus, where the Kings writ for election is duely purſued, ac­cording to the moſt vſed and received forme, there ſuch an election is good, ſo was this. Ergo. Here (Mr. Speaker) falls the weight of their objection, which we will maſter, and anſwer with equall ſpeede, and firſt vellicat mihi aureum neſcio quis, and14 ſayes the writ is Burgenſide Burgo, but he is not Burgenſis de Burgo. Firſt I ſay quomodo conſtat, here is none to offer in proofe he is not ſo, be­ſide I offer it in Quaere, whether the election doth not ipſo facto make him a Burgeſſe, & in omni inſtanti, againe I ſay the writ is directive not poſitive. v.g. in a venire facias, the Sheriffe commanded to returne 12. yet if hee returne not 24. he ſhall be fined, in reſpect ex­perience and practice proves, ſome of the 12. may be queſtioned and challenged: beſides the writ explains it ſelfe, the Knights muſt be Comi­tatus tui, but the Burgeſſes and Citizens dequa­libit Civitate & Burgo, which can admit of no other cōſtruction, but theſe two Burgeſſes out of every Burrough (& not as Comitattus tui, is, which were then of every Burrough, and cer­tainly the Law provided this with great reaſon as not doubting every Sheere could afford Knights, reſident, yet jealous, whether every bur­rough could provide 2. reſident Burgeſſes qua­lified with theſe neceſſary adjūcts, as could be­fit a member of ſo noble a place; Againe the writ commands duos milites, and yet excepti­on was never takē upon retorning of Eſquires, ſo that the writ expounds it ſelfe, it is not li­terally to be taken. Next there is Thunder and Lightning ſhot out of the Statute, 33. H. 8 be­ing a Stat. to regulate election, and abſolutely commanding every Knight and Burgeſſe to be15 reſident and have a certaine Fee-ſimple in e­very burrough and County, our of which they are elected; Here they ſuppoſe our Priviledge will cry quarter as ready to be murtherd by the Statute, but it is ominous ante victoriā cane­re. For firſt, we anſwer, that the diſuſe of a Statute antiquates a Statute, as is obſerved up­on the Statute of Merton, and cuſtome applau­ded by fortunate experience hath in all Parlia­ments ever prevailed; a houſe of Commons would rather preſent Babell in it's confuſion, if the Tincker would ſpeake his Dialect, the Cob­ler his, and the Butcher conclude a greaſie E­pilogue, then the writ were well purſued, theſe were J donei homines to take & give counſell de rebus arduis; but even to cut off the head of their owne argument by a Sword of their own, this Stat. of 33. H. 8. ſee mes by the pream­ble to be made in repeale of all former Statuts, by which, election not qualified with reſiden­cie, was made void, and ſo became a greevance to the Common-wealth, & therefore this Sta­tute makes the election not obſerved ut ſupra, onely penall, ſo that there is nothing offered in objection, either from the writ or Statute to avoid this election. Now I have placed him & daily elected him, and then his priviledge growes by conſequence, but yet we have other objections minoris magnitudinis, & to repeate them is to confute them; Firſt ſay they eve­ry16 Libelleris, de jure, excōmunicated; J anſwer, every Libeller muſt be Scriptis; Pictis, or Can­tilenis, our member is guilty of none of them, no, he is not termed, ſo neither in the cenſure, nor in any preſent proceeding. Another flouriſh is, that hee pleaded not his pri­viledge in the Caſtle-Chamber, in which very objection, they confeſſe him priviled­ged, and make themſelves guilty, that they would proceed againſt a knowne member of our Houſe. But ſee the Roman Spirit of Mr. Fitz-Gerald, who would rather undergoe the hazard of being a Starre-chamber Martyr, then to ſubmit our Priviledge to an extraju­diciall debate. It was in our honour hee did this, and for his eternall applauſe: ſome body ſayes the caſtle chamber will thinke it ſelfe in­jured, there being Lords of the houſe of parli­ament at & in the cenſure. As for the Lords, hu­manum eſt errare, but the Iudges are rather involved in theſe words Prameditata militia, for his election was the 11. of November ſit­ting the in Parliament; and his cenſure the 13. of December, ſo they had 22. or 23. dayes to repent of their ill-grounded reſolution, a grea­ter affront never offered to the houſe of Com­mons, being comparative, as if the Recorder of the Tolſell ſhould ſentence the Lord chiefe Juſtice of Ireland a member of our houſe is a walking Record: & needs not to melt the Kings17 picture in his pocket. Others alledge, it was an election purchaſed by colluſion, but de non exiſtentibus & non apparentib. eadem eſt ratio. And ſince the end of his election is in it ſelfe and per-ſe, for the advancing of the publicke ſervice, as well as to prove a ſentence not then in rerum natura, both Law and charity in a benigne cōſtruction of theſe 2. ends will al­low the more favourable. Another objection is whiſpered, that the entrance is not found in the Clerke of the Parliaments Role; This is no matter to the validity of his election, for his Priviledge commenced 40. dayes before the Parliament, therefore this and the like are to be judged of as accidentia quae poſsunt abeſſe & adeſſe ſine ſubjecti interitu. Truely (Mr. Speaker) my memory and lungs begin to prove Traitors to me; Another objection, if omit­ted, may be judged by theſe of what ſtrength and maturity they, even as by the coynage of a penny, one may judge of a ſhilling; What hinders then, ſince here is water but, that hee may be baptized? Here are no non obſtant's to be admitted in his new Pattent of Denization, the common law, the Statute law, the Canon, the Civill Law plead for his admittance, the writ of election, the exēplification of the She­riffes returne, all preſidents of all ages, all re­ports plead for his admittance, our fore-Fa­thers Ghoſts, the preſent practice of Parlia­ments in England plead for his admittance,18 the Kings ſucceſſive commands, command and confirme his admittance; Away then Serjeant and with the hazarding power of our Mace touch the Marſhals gates, and (as if there were Divinity in it) they will open and bring us our Olive branch of peace wreſted from our ſtock, that with welcome Art we may ingraft him to be nouriſhed by a common roote. Thus the King ſhall receive the benefit of an able Sub­ject, who is otherwiſe, Civiliter mortuus, we enjoy the participation of his la­bour, and poſterity both ours and this.


About this transcription

TextSixteene queres propounded by the Parliament of Ireland to the judges of the said kingdome. As also, another speech, made by Captaine Audley Mervin, to the House of Commons, concerning their priviledges, and their exorbitant grievances in that kingdome.
AuthorIreland. Parliament..
Extent Approx. 26 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 14 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 130512)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 37:E208[11], 37:E208[12])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationSixteene queres propounded by the Parliament of Ireland to the judges of the said kingdome. As also, another speech, made by Captaine Audley Mervin, to the House of Commons, concerning their priviledges, and their exorbitant grievances in that kingdome. Ireland. Parliament., Mervyn, Audley, Sir, d. 1675.. [2], 14, 13-18, [2] p. s.n.],[London :Printed in the yeare, 1641.. (Text continuous despite pagination.) ("Captaine Audley Mervins speech to the House of Commons" is identified as Thomason E.208[12].) (The final leaf is blank.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ireland -- Politics and government -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.

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EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative (

The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source.

Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data.

Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so.

Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines.

Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements).

Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site.

Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2012-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A87331
  • STC Wing I652
  • STC Thomason E208_11
  • STC Thomason E208_12
  • STC ESTC R17541
  • EEBO-CITATION 99860214
  • PROQUEST 99860214
  • VID 130512

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.