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THE Reſurrection of Dead Bones, OR, THE CONVERSION OF THE JEWES. In a Treatiſe, Wherein are clearly demonſtrated the places where, and manner how the Ten ſuppoſed loſt Tribes of Iſrael do at this day ſubſiſt.

With a Deſcription of the future glorious eſtate of the Twelve, at the incomparable Union of Judah and Ephraim; which muſt ſhortly be in reference to its compleating the whole myſterie of mans Redempti­on, and real eſtabliſhing of the Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt, after the Jews Converſion.

Written by J. J. Philo-Judaeus.

2 King. 17 6.

In the ninth year of Hoſhea, the King of Aſſyria took Samaria, and caried Iſrael awainto Aſſyria, & placed them in Halath, and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

Hoſ. 3 4.

For the children of Iſrael ſhall abide many days without a King, and without a Prince, and without a ſacrifice, &c.

Rom. 11.25

〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert. 165


THe holy Scriptures doe often declare how it hath pleaſed the almighty God in former ages, as well as at this day, to caſt off his own peculiar people, be­cauſe of their vile prevarications: But we doe never find (Chriſtian Reader) that the Lord did ever caſt away any of his people. The ten Tribes of Iſrael (which are the chiefeſt ſubject of this Diſcourſe) were caſt off, when the ſer­vice of God became a wearineſs to them, and they choſe rather to follow after Je­roboam the ſon of Nebat that enticed them to ſin, then to go up to Jeruſalem to ſeek the living God. The two Tribes were caſt off for the ſpace of ſeventy years in Babyloniſh ſervitude; but more perſpicuouſly when Titus the Roman Generall carried them away captive, for crucifying their King; by which means they are, according unto that place Deut. 32.26. ſcattered even at this very day throughout the four corners of the earth: And thus caſt off ſhall be, until the ful­neſs of the Gentiles be come in; and at whoſe reception the promiſes made by the Amen, the faithful Witneſs that can­not lye, will be compleated.

Which time and ſeaſon of Iſraels re­ſtauration cannot be far off, by that ſe­curity in which the generality of our age do indulge themſelves, quieting their conſciences with ſome formal and civil converſation, having no reſpect at all to the nature of true grace, which is always going forward towards perfection, and longing for the converſion of others. But alſo many ſcoffers there now are, ſaying, When will the Jewes be called? and, Where is the promſe of his coming? who likewiſe ſhall have their reward.

Now to ſuch as long for the appearing of Chriſt, ſure I need not uſe many ex­preſſions to excite them to uſe their whole ſtrength in helping forward this ſo long expected Converſion of the Jews. Only this: Inherit a kingdom; For I was a ſtranger, and ye took me in. And the Apoſtle ſaith, it ſhall be life from the dead.

This ſhould make believers, with whom Jeſus Chriſt is accounted preci­ous, to gird their loins like men, to put on the whole armor of Chriſt, and to ſtand upon their watch; as that when the Hebrews ſhall by providence come in­to this Nation, they may ſee ſuch a luſtre and beauty in your converſation, and ſuch livelineſs in your affections, as it may allure them to imbrace your faith. And then both Judah and Iſrael will be in­grafted again into that Olive-tree, whoſe root is Christ, the ſame who their fa­thers ignorantly ſlew, and whom they have for above this ſixteen hundred years withſtood, that through their neglect ſal­vation might arrive to us Gentiles.

Now God being able to raiſe up theſe dead and dry bones, hath promiſed them, to uphold them in their greateſt cala­mity, That as they were a terror, ſo they ſhould again be a terror to all the Na­tions of the world.Which I am ſure they have never as yet been ſince the dayes of Solomon; and no Scripture ſhall paſs away, no not one iota without effect. But as it behoved Jeſus Chriſt our Saviour, and their Re­deemer, to ſuffer the things he did, before he entred into glory; even ſo neceſſary is it that Iſrael ſhould be called before his coming to judge the world, as that it muſt bring to paſs the Lords own words, Mat. 23. ult.

For I ſay unto you, ye ſhall not ſee me henceforth, untill you ſhall ſay, Bleſſed is he which cometh in the name of the Lord.

Until their hearts be melted, Jeruſalem muſt be trodden down of the Gentiles. And therefore let not men diſtruſt, be­cauſe they ſeee not a preſent change in them. For this is no more a myſterie to the faithful, then Gods giving of Abra­ham a ſon in his old age, was to him. Concerning which one ſpeaks well, Quod non natura, ſed Dei promiſsio Saram fecit matrem: How that according to nature Sarah could be no more a mother, but it was Gods promiſe that made her one. So according to humane cenſure Iſrael is paſt recovery; but according to the ſupernatural promiſes of God, they were never ſo near their reſtauration as now, becauſe they are fallen into the greateſt deſolation.

I might produce the ſtory of Lazarus, where the Lord ſhewed his almighty power in weakneſs, that no fleſh ſhould glory in his preſence. And therefore when the Lord ſees that there is no man to help, his own arm will raiſe and put life into theſe dead and dry bones of Iſrael. The verity of which (Chriſtian Reader) I hope to have proved in this Diſcourſe. And therefore having underſtood of one Seigneur Gomegius, (by whom I did formerly ſend a Letter Suaſory) of a famous Jew in the Town of Alcaſar de Sal, by name D. Aſcher F. R. Mardochei, who writes to be informed what our be­lief is concerning their brethren the loſt Tribes of Iſrael, (Which thing being deſired by a worthy Gentleman) I have promiſed to ſend ſo much of this Diſcourſe about the ten Tribes, as may tend to humble them (if the Lord will) and to excite their affections to embrace our Meſsiah, beſides whoſe Name there is none under heaven whereby we can be ſaved from the wrath to come.

It is thought that the Apoſtle did win many of the Heathen by an holy guile; and I believe the Jews muſt be won by Love.

So (Chriſtian Reader) I deſire thee to cenſure me modeſtly: For that if any thing in this ſhort Treatiſe ſhall ſeem incongruous to thy riper yeares and better judgment, I doe here promiſe that I ſhall take great delight in being convinced.

And in the mean while I deſire thee to remember deſolate Zion in all thy approaches to God, as thou doeſt ex­pect a continual benediction from God-Farewell.

Thine to ſerve thee as he may, J. J.


OMnibus Hebraeis per totum orbem in diſperſione, ſalutem. Mifratres, bene creditis, quomodo veſtros patres male tractabantur annis quadringentis in Egypto; quoaduscunque Dominus Deus eorum gemitum audiebat. Vos verò eorum filii ſervitutem paſſi fuere ſpiritualem, ter quadringentis annis & inſuper, necdum liberati eritis, tamdiu negli­gitis Dominum vehementer ſupplicare, qui ne procul ſit ab unoquoque invocante. Nonne iſta optatio maledicta veſtra ſatisque ſatis deſcendit in gentem Hebraeorum? Sanguis ejus ſuper nos, & ſuper filios noſtros! Apud nos hodie reſtat quiequam veſtrae gentis [honoratiſſimus propter fidem ejus] qui aſſidue pro vobis orat, ut Do­minus Deus ipſe jam loqueretur ſat eſt, ut vos adhuc credatis in illo qui non vidit corruptionem Jeſus de Nazareth, quem patres veſtri inique tanquam ignare occiderunt; qui cum incarna­tus fuit, (ſecundum illam praedictionem Moyſis Deut. 18.15. ) multis modis tanquam Moyſen veſtrum optimum Prophetam; per cujus legem non poteſtis juſtificari, â caecitate cordum ve­ſtrorum.

Iterum patres veſtri reſiſtiterunt illum, ſicut olim Moyſen, ipſi atque vos miſeri aeſtimantes ejus Impoſtorem. Nonne nunc impleta fuit iſthaec prophetia Iſa. 53. v. 12. Et cum ſceleratis repu­tatus eſt? Paupertas ejus parentum ſcandalum fuit veſtris patribus. Vid. idem caput: Non eſt ſpecies ei, nec decor. Et paulo poſt, Nec reputavimus eum. Eam humilitatem in ejus converſatione ne omnino patres veſtri afficiebant. Vid unum exemplum Zach. 9.9. Jeſus Rex veſter, qui potens fuit in opere & ſermone, coram Deo & omni populo, magnus in benefactis, multos curavit à languoribus, ſpiritibus malis, caecis multis dnavit viſum, & mortuos reſurgit. Vid. Iſa. 42. v. 7. Qui cum moriturus fuit, quaſi agnus coram Todenteſe, obtumeſcet & non aperiet os ſuum. Circa quod tempus omnia oracula Ethnicorum ceſſabant reſponſum dare, & velum Templi ſciſſum eſt in duo, à ſummo uſque deorſum, & tunc illum invenerunt, & crederunt, qui non quaeſierunt.

Omnia haec è contra patres veſtri (O Judaei) viderunt, at non corda habuerunt in illo credere, necdum vos miſeri, ſed in revera erant iſti con­temptores. Vid. Habac. 1. v. 5. Atque vos ſimi­liter uſque in praeſentem diem.

Nos Chriſtiani credimus auroram veſtram evangelicam appropinquare: ſin diligenter Scri­pturas ſcrutamini, perspicuè videbitis veſtram miſerrimamqueconditionem tenebroſam; & tanto prope tempus ſit veſtrae redemptionis, quanto alterutroque converſatis de fide Christiana. Denique vehementer deſidero, ut hoc libellum maxime de decem Tribubus ſignificans, publi­catur & legatur in omnibus veſtris Synagogis; atquenos interdum orabimus noſtrum & veſtrum Elohim corda veſtra obdurata aperire, & oculos veſtros illuminare, ut aſpicietis in illum quem confixistis, & plangatis eum quaſi planctum ſuper unigenitum.

Atque it a precatur humilis Autor, J. J. Philo-Judaeus.

On the Author.

ADamion medany bray Jehuds doozey au­dack kabilai
Na choggea, ke Paderan Guſta lubim colloomes baddas
San gouſte bin Jauſep nike haran ſan ſhoocorey cohoddaw.
Wiſe men do marvel why thou lov'ſt the Jews,
Invalid Nation, ſick through th'worlds abuſe:
Whoſe fathers deem'd th' Egyptian bondage ſore,
But thou believ'ſt their preſent bondage more;
And when thou read'ſt of Joſeph's diligence,
Thou didſt affect ſuch glorious providence.

In Authorem.

Hic juvenis bene ſcit, quae ſunt mihi dicere nova:
Quod petit ex Domino, plura futura ſciet.
Syrii nec Graeci, Perſes, nec Tartari gentes
Quos loquitur, verò ſunt, Hebraei digni pati.
Qui Lebanon ſteterāt, habitāt nunc vallibus imis
Heu! nunc implētum eſt, O ſcelerate nefas,
Haebrei tum vellint, Chriſto dare cuſpide vulnus,
Mox hunc ſpectabunt, magno dolore Regem.
Iſrael, optatus, periturus, propè juvandus,
Dixit; & interea, O! cum precibuſquerogo.

The loſt Sheep return'd.

EXOD. 4.31.

And the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had viſited the children of Iſrael, and that he had looked upon their af­flictions; then they bowed their heads and worſhipped.

JERƲSALEM, once the Metropolis of Ju­daea, where that fa­mous warrior, King David, and after him his moſt prudent ſon King Solomon did re­ſide, called the per­fection of beauty, and the joy of the whole earth; and unto which did reſort the moſt noble families of all the then known world. And above all, ſhe did2 chiefly excell in her pure worſhip; without the which there was no ſoul under heaven ac­counted happy. Which ſaid City is now (after many overturnings) according unto that place, the chief reſidence of a Turkiſh Infidel; called the languiſhing Zion, and the by-word of Na­tions; and to the heart-breaking of the Iſra­elites, hath for its religion erected in it the a­bomination of deſolation ſpoken of by Daniel the Prophet.

Now although I do conceive this to be no news to any one that can but well read Engliſh, yet I was willing in the beginning of my Diſ­courſe to inſert it; becauſe that notwithſtand­ing we have in this latter age ſeen ſo many and ſo great examples of the almighty power of God in the change of our Government, and ſuch unlooked for alterations, yet there are ſome men amongſt us, that (notwithſtanding the teſtimony of holy Writ) do believe that the preſent ſad eſtate of Judah will never change for better; and that our faith con­cerning the return of (ſuppoſed) loſt Iſrael is grounded upon an uncertain and ſandy foun­dation. I ſhall therefore by that help which by almighty God to me is given, and to the furtheſt extent of my own ability,

Firſt, lay down their two grand objections againſt them.

Secondly, I ſhall lay down theſe two Pro­poſitions.

  • 1. That the Jewes ſhall be called and con­verted to the Chriſtian religion.
  • 2. That not only the two Tribes, but in the ſame manner thoſe remaining in the world that are of the other ten Tribes, and whoſe preſent being I doubt not but to make known to all that read this.

And in the next place, (as indeed is the moſt ſure teſtimony) I will make this good and in­fallible,

  • 1. By the Divine oracles.
  • 2. By the conſent of ſome antient Fathers, and modern late writers.
  • 3. I ſhall (to make ſure work) bring ſeveral ſtrong confirmations from the preſent faith and hope of Iſrael, as their Gemara doth at this day hold it forth; as alſo from the good and hopeful expreſſions that I my ſelf have by way of converſe received from ſome able native Hebrews here in London: And then by way of humble ſubmiſſion to more ripe and knowing wits, I ſhall lay down my weak opinion how this Jewiſh converſion muſt be accompliſhed: And laſtly I ſhall uſe all the ſtrong motives that my weak capacity will afford me, by the which I would excite all my native Country­men to uſe much ſtudy in the ſafe-guarding and bringing home this poor ſtraid ſheep of Iſrael.

The firſt objection is by a ſort of men more rationable then the other ſort, ſuch as the Fa­ther terms moralized and well diſpoſed Chri­ſtians,4 which (ut ipſi volunt) do ſpeak and act according to truth; and for my part, I do be­lieve it is only out of dark zeal. But for a more apt and infallible definition, let us but nomi­nate them, as Origen well ſpake; Ii ſunt qui ac­cipiunt iſthaec verba ſecundum literam quae occi­dit, &c. Such they are as do only take the lite­ral part of Scripture for the true ſenſe thereof; who I am ſure would be very unwilling to re­ceive that ſentence in the 3. of John, v. 18. in the ſame manner. But thus they object, That the Lord ſent them this certain ſign of his diſplea­ſure by the mouths of the Prophets, that vio­lence ſhall take hold of you, and I (ſaith the Lord) will conſume you utterly, ſo that none of you ſhall remain. So now where the Lord doth ſeem to give his people bils of divorce, and to root them out from among the reſt of the world; there theſe men take it for a firm conſequence, that thoſe cannot be capable of a Chriſtian converſion, whom the Text ſaith ſhall not have a being.

To this I anſwer: When God doth by his ſervants pronounce his ſentence of judgment againſt a Nation, City or Family, it is not al­ways an act of his abſolute decreeing will; for if ſo, there had been no more hope for Iſrael; and if God had abſolutely and irrevocably de­creed the deſtruction and utter deſolation of Niniveh that great city within forty days time, He would not have repented him of the evil5 which he had determined againſt it. So in Hoſ. 8.11. the Lord ſaith, How ſhall I deliver thee up, Ephraim, &c. My repentings are kindled to­gether. Here now God had threatned to cut Iſrael off from the land, and to make them a ſpoil for the enemy: but he cryeth out, How ſhall I do it? As if ſo be the Lord had no will nor pleaſure in the doing of it. God did al­ways delight in mercy more then in ſacrifice. And therefore on the contrary I anſwer, That theſe expreſſions of God are part of his decla­rative will, wherein I ſee much of divine wiſ­dome, how that God doth oftentimes work mightily upon the ſpirits of his own people by way of terror. So that if a man do ſcan many of the Lords expreſſions, he ſhall perceive them to be no other then conditional; much like unto the bleſſings promiſed for holineſs, and curſes threatned for ſin & diſobedience, Deu. 28. And we often find many good actions produ­ced in men by the Lords diſplaying his banner of juſtice over their heads; and that both in the inward and the outward man: As for proof, this produced much even in Ahab that ungodly King, who before he met with his ene­my the Prophet (as he called him) went on in an arrogant way deviſing miſchief againſt the people of God; but no ſooner came this word to Ahabs eares, Thus ſaith the Lord, but it made his haughty naughty heart to ſtoop; for the Text ſaith, that he walked ſoftly. As alſo6 ſuch was that power which did accompany the preaching of Jonah, that it cauſed the heathen King to call for the moſt ſolemn Faſt that ever we do read of in the Scripture.

But above theſe, we may behold the great wiſdom of God in thoſe great effects which the threats of the Lord have produc'd in the hearts of many men: For it made Manaſſeh that un­godly King to pray earneſtly, and to beg par­don of the Lord for all his grievous tranſgreſ­ſions; And ſuch was the ſtory of Nathan, that it made David to grow more watchful. I will but make mention of one more, and then I hope that all objectors of this ſort will be ſa­tisfied: and that is Hezekiah, to whom the Lord did ſend Iſaiah the Prophet to tell the King, that he ſhould die and not live. Now do but mark the force of theſe words, although de­livered to him by the mouth of a mortal man; it follows immediately, that he turned his face to the wall, and prayed; and upon this the mer­ciful and only wiſe God prolonged his days in the land. B. Augustine writing on this place, affirmeth that novit Dominus mutare ſententi­am, ſi peccator noſcit emendare vitam. So that God, notwithſtanding his firſt meſſage ſent unto the King (Auſtin ſaith) was ready to for­give him, and to alter the ſentence, upon this condition, that he would grow more fervent in holineſs. For as our natural parents are careful to diſcern the temper and conſtitution of their7 children, whereby they become very skilful to educate them after various manners; ſome will take learning of any other art ſooner by way of perſwaſion, whereas ſome will not without oft­en chaſtiſement and reproof: So our ſpiritual Father, that omniſcient and mighty diſcerner of the hearts of all men, doth uſe the moſt wiſe and beſt way of dealing towards his chil­dren; for ſome he doth wooe and draw as with cords of a man, and bands of love; and o­thers he doth threaten, as he did the Iſraelites, only that they might turn to him: For the Lord hath ſworn that he would have no man to periſh, nor no hard heart to be caſt away, but that all might know the truth: This makes a Rebel oftentimes become a truſty humble ſubject under the Lord of mercy.

The ſecond Objection it by a ſort of people that have been very potent amongſt us here in England, until now of late; men of moſt wide fancies, like unto thoſe termed Quakers. They do now object and ſay, That what was pro­miſed is already fulfilled; and that ſome Jews there were which did believe in the name of Chriſt, and were ſaved. And theſe men being, as they imagine, ſuper-humane and ſuper inſti­tutiones, do affirm that the end of the world is uſque ed finem, even at the very doors.

But to anſwer this, I ſhall do it negatively: For, to ſay, that which was promiſed concern­ing Iſrael, is already happened, is falſe. By the8 Scripture in Rev. 14.6. it is written, That an Angel did fly through the midſt of heaven, having the everlaſting Goſpel for to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kind­red, tongue and people. Now the bleſſed Apoſtle S. Paul, to ſhew (as it were in a myſterie) the glorious eſtate of his Countrymen, he ſaith, it ſhall not come until the fulneſs of the Gentiles be come in. Which if I do make clear not as yet to have come to paſs, then I hope there is no man ſo Momus-like, that will deny but the Jewes may as yet be called. But firſt, we may be convinced by that bleſſed and thrice happy converſion of ſo many blind Heathens in A­merica, that did never ſo much as hear of a Jeſus Chriſt nor the Goſpel before; and as I am certified, their number of converted ones daily do increaſe. So that we muſt not clip nor diminiſh the word of God which I mentioned in the Revelations, where the Angel preacheth unto every kindred and tongue, I dare not exempt the very Cannibal-Indians, called〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉or man-devourers. Yea ſurely, before theſe mens day of judgment cometh, the Goſpel will be made known by one means or other; although for the preſent the moſt part, as is ſuppoſed, of this new American world remaineth in total obſcurity. It may be that the inſtruments that the Lord will make uſe of for their converſion, are (ſome of them) yet unborn: And therefore the Prophet Iſaiah9 ſaith, And the Iſles ſhall wait for thy Law. They doe grope in the dark as yet, and God knows when their time is covenient; the Lords wayes are unſearchable. And therefore an old Portuguiſe could take notice of the great wiſ­dom of God, that even againſt wind and ſtream the Lord did carry one of their Carracks being bound for Carthagena to load with bars of ſil­ver, unto a Barbarian Iſland, to which they never deemed to have arrived, who by this means are now become joyful hearers and do­ers of the world of God. So that the Iſles muſt wait Gods time, and he will teach them his ſtatutes.

Now ſome perhaps will ſay, But does not the Apoſtle write, that the Goſpel hath already been preached unto all the world? It is true, that ſo far as men were to be found, I do be­lieve the preaching of the Goſpel did then ex­tend it ſelf. But further to clear this, we doe find this recorded: That although Thomas the Apoſtle choſe Parthia; Matthew, Ethiopia; Bartholomew, India, wherein to preach glad tidings; yet the middle India being inhabited of many rude and barbarous nations, did not receive the leaſt knowledge of the Chriſtian faith, until the good reign of Conſtantine the Great, which was almoſt 300 years after St. Pauls writing: And therefore it is true, and well called the whole known world. But for this part of the world (by ſome called the New-world,10 conſidering its large bounds) was never known unto any Age that we can read of, un­till ſome hundreds of years ſince Chriſt. And therefore our beſt Geographers call a great part of it Terra incognita. But above all theſe things I ſhould think that this joyful newes from neer that moſt excellent Nation of Chi­na, namely from Formoſa, that rich Eaſt-Indian Iſland, of many thouſands of them their forſaking the worſhipping of idols, and their happy converſion to Chriſtian faith, ſhould take men off from thoſe vain words, that the day of conſummation of all things is at hand: If God doe this by the Heathens, do you think that God will not doe much more for his antient people, although for the preſent many of them heathenized? Shall Iſrael de­ſpair, becauſe God bath hidden his face a while in the cloud?

Perhaps ſome curious Momus may repine and ſay, that the converſion of thoſe neer China to the faith, was inſtrumentally accompliſhed by the Popiſh faction; and therefore they are in no better condition then when they did worſhip the Devil and his, ſuggeſtions. To this I ſhall only uſe the Apoſtle S. Pauls mo­derate anſwer in ſuch a caſe; That whether in truth or in pretence, ſo Chriſt be preached, I doe rejoice, yea and I will rejoice. But that this Converſion of the Formoſan Indians was not to the Popiſh, but the Reformed Chriſtian11 religion, it is thus teſtified by Alvarus a Jeſuite himſelf, in his Relation of China, par. 1. chap. 2. (printed at Rome, 1643.) Molto ſent convertin ma alla fede Calviniſtica, &c. that is, Many were converted (ſpeaking of Formoſans,) but (ſaith he) to the Calviniſtical faith, induced by Holland-Miniſters, and lived vertuouſly. Thus affirms Alvarus the Jeſuite. He that is one of the choſen and faithful ſervants of God, although Chriſt be preached to the Infidels by diſſembling Jeſuites, yet will joy and be glad abundantly; and would beg of God that he would in this ſelf-ſeeking age raiſe up the af­fections of his Saints and ſervants, to uſe the whole body and ſoul in the propagating of the Goſpel, and that they may thereby as well of Jews as Gentiles adde unto the number of the Church ſuch as ſhall be ſaved. For, doubtleſs, let all the Devils in hell contribute their whole ſtrength to the impediting of this work alrea­dy begun in the Indies, yet God will never leave it untill he hath performed all his promi­ſes made in the Scripture both to the Jew and Gentile. Oh what great conſolation ſhould this be to thoſe that cry, How long, Lord, ſhall be the deſolations of thy Zion! when they have it confirmed to them, that ſuch ſecure and lofty Idolaters ſhould by the mercy of God be brought ſo humble, as to ſee their own baſeneſs and be aſhamed of their own doings, and now doe begin to worſhip the true God that made12 the heaven, the earth, and the ſea, with all that therein are. This is that Imperial Monarch, who doth account of all the world but as ſlaves in compariſon of them: This is that potent people, that entitle themſelves in their regal denominations, Lord of the world, and ſon of heaven: This is that moſt curious peo­ple, from whom this Weſtern world received their art of Printing, Needle-work, and other rare Sciences; and now doe receive from us that moſt excellent and ſupernatural ſcience to know the onely true God, and Jeſus Chriſt whom he hath ſent. And this is a mercy in­deed, which ſhould make us to cry out with the Apoſtle, Oh the depth of the riches of the love of God, how unſearchable are his wayes, and his judgments paſt finding out. And that the Lord ſhould ſo far prefer mercy before his judgment, that he did not to this people as he did to Tyre and Zidon, and other lofty places and nations; but in ſtead of overthrowing theſe careleſs livers, declared unto them the glad tidings of repentance, and remiſſion of ſins. Therefore whoſoever it is that does de­termine ſeaſons and times, I deſire him to look to it; for although God doe reveal himſelf in great meaſure in theſe our days, yet there were never more deceitful ſuggeſtions in the world then are now; according to the prediction of our bleſſed Saviour, that ſuch dayes would come. But in ſo doing a man doth rob God of13 his prerogative, which to him doth alone be­long to know the times and ſeaſons, and to know the approach of that great and terrible day of the Lord, who ſhall then unmask all falſe Prophets, and ſeparate the ſheep from the goats.

But to the main buſineſs in hand, it now ſtands me in ſtead to prove the calling of the Jews to be a ſound truth, and no fancie. And firſt for Scripture, in Dent. 32.26: I ſaid I would ſcatter them into corners; and make their remembrance to ceaſe from among men, &c. Now here by this men will generally grant, that Iſrael is diſperſed and driven into far countries: Now for their return, I will firſt cite that place in Jer. 16. Behold, I will ſend for many fiſhers, ſaith the Lord, and they ſhall fiſh for them; and afterwards I will ſexd for many hunters, and they ſhall hunt for them, from every mountain and from every hill, and out of the boles of the rocks. Now if this had been ſpoken of the captivity under Nebuza­radan, they needed not this ſeeking and hunt­ing, living peaceably under the King of Baby­lon's yoke that he put upon them; but with­out doubt it is meant by that laſt and cruel captivity under Veſpaſian and Titus, of which Joſephus ſo writes, that it makes me to tremble. Then indeed they were fain to fly to the moun­tains; and in ſo doing they did receive the counſel of our Saviour, and their Saviour,14 where he ſaith, Then let them that are in Ju­dea flee into the Mountains. So that I do con­feſs how that ſince that time they have ſeen in what holes they might put their heads, but now they ſhall know that their Redeemer liveth; how Jeſus Chriſt whom their Fathers crucified; was ſo full of pitty, that the did ad­viſe them (knowing what ſad days would come upon them) to take the ſafeſt courſe in ſuch an evil time, whereby doubtleſs many did e­ſcape, whoſe ſucceſſors remain in ſome un­known (as to the eys of the world) places, where the Lords fiſhers and hunters will find them out. And then it follows in the 30. of Je­remiah and the 17. For I will reſtore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, ſaith the Lord, becauſe they called thee an out­caſt, ſaying, this is Sion whom no man ſeeketh after

Here is a gracious promiſe for them; and oh that it might work upon us here in England! for we, above all the barbarous Nations, do not regard them, but are indeed ſuum cuique, every man for his own private ends, the Lord grant that this be not one reaſon of our pre­ſent diviſions, as alſo of our former miſeries. It had fared better with the Arabians, thoſe ſubtle inhabitants of Kedar, if they had done that which was their duty, and as the Lord commanded them, which was to hide the Jews, and to be a covert unto them in the15 day of ſlaughter, and not to have delivered and betrayed the outcaſts into the hands of the ſpoyler; but oh miſerable, that we that pretend to have the greateſt knowledge of God in Chriſt, and to follow the actions of Chriſt which he did upon Earth, that we I ſay ſhould rather add to their affliction, and mocking at their tribulation, ſhould paſs by, ſaying, This is Sion whom no man re­gardeth! and if we do not here uſe the ſelf­ſame expreſſions, we tolerate and countenance the ſame actions, like the proud Levite, who though he knew and ſaw the ſad eſtate of the wounded man, yet paſſed by, that is, he would not uſe any poſſible means to help him out of his miſery, nor we the Jews out of theirs: we do exceed the Turk in his inſtant cruelty, he will, I am afraid, as concerning this matter, ariſe up in judgement againſt us, and although he hate all Nations himſelf excepted, and is termed by the School-men, flagellum humani generis, and that the Scri­ptre in the ſeventh of Ezekiel, and twenty fourth verſe, is now, and not until now come to paſs, while the Turk poſſeſſeth their houſes, which indeed are thoſe worſt of the Hea­then there ſpoken of, ſuch as Alexander cal­led a bruit-like Nation, becauſe that men were never able to conquer nor civilize them, by reaſon of that unpaſſable ſan­dy Deſart of Zim, now Arabia. Deſerta,16 Yet, I ſay, this people ſhew them more mercy and favour then we do, and ſuffer them not only as ſojourners to live peaceably amongſt them, but have given them one whole Town in the Iſland of S. Maura within the Helleſpont and a great part of Salonica: So that I am fully perſwaded, that if it were not for ſuch good natured Catamites and Pagans, our Chri­ſtian charity is ſo baſe and horrid, that we would ſcarce leave a Jew upon the face of the earth. But in Jer. 31.17. There is hope in thine end, ſaith the Lord, and thy children ſhall come again to their own border. Exitus acta probat: This is that Scripture which is ſo often in their mouths; and this is that time which they long to ſee, even to dwell again in their own border. Which thing I might fafely conſult about, for that I have good Scripture for it; as in Zach. 12.6. But I will reſign up my judgment in that buſineſs to the preſent Jewiſh faith, who for very grief, becauſe many of them live not to ſee thoſe dayes, they will, although decrepit with old age, both men and women even at this day, carry their parents and friends bones with them, and there they will wait in their own country untill death do begin to ſeize on them, and then they will die with ſuch exceed­ing alacrity, that it cauſeth admiration. But as in another place, ſo the end is not yet; God hath not as yet finiſhed his whole work upon Mount Zion; it is but yet a little while, and17 He that will come, ſhall come, and will not tarry. Czek. 11.17, 19. Then, ſaith the Lord, I will gather you from among the heathen, and then none ſhall make you afraid.

Here in Europe, the Jewes lie like the grape-gleanings of the Vintage: for there the Lord findeth one in that Town abaſed and ſcoffed at by all that meet him; another in this place, it may be weary of his life, for that he ſeeth not the expectation of his years as yet to be reveal'd unto him. So in one part of Aſia, here a city or place, the inhabitants of which perhaps for the moſt part are all Jewes; and then in an­other place you ſhall have them prohibited, as in Pera, Seſtos, and in other places amongſt the heathen. Now this being conſidered, I be­lieve how that all men will ſay, that theſe had need of an all-ſeeing eye to gather them out of the ſecret places of the earth, and out of the holes of the rock, there where the vultures eye hath not perceived. Ezek. 34.16. I, ſaith the Lord, will ſeek that which was loſt, and bind up that which was broken, and ſtrengthen that which was ſick.

Indeed, let us enquire after the Jewiſh pre­ſent condition; for if ever Iſrael was loſt, it is now, eſpecially when we remember how great a people they were, and how ſmall they now are in the view of thoſe people who do deem the world to be of little more compaſs then they know; but if they were fled to the utter­moſt18 moſt parts of the ſea, thither can and will the Lords arm help them and releaſe them. There is not ſo vaſt a difference by far between the heavens and the earth, as there is between Gods knowledg and mans weak underſtanding. And it is true, that men muſt ſeek and ſearch for many things before they can poſſeſs them: but where we read in the Scripture of the Lords ſeeking any man or thing, it is meant that God will find or bring that back which in mans capacity was loſt. Now Bernard writing of Gods omniſcience, ſaith, Scrutari hoc teme­ritas, credere verô pietas, &c. And therefore it follows, that the Lord having found this ſcat­tered and loſt ſheep of Iſrael, he will in the next place take it up and bring it home in his arms, and that with great glory to his holy name; like the Prodigal that was loft, but is now found, that was dead, but is now alive; which is the great cauſe of much joy amongſt the Angels in heaven. It had been better for us, if our predeceſſors had not driven them out of England; doubtleſs the Lord will not leave puniſhing of us, untill we do leave remembring of their faults, freely to forgive them and to forget, even by receiving of them again to in­habit amongſt us: For is it not the Proverb, Humanum eſt errare?

But perhaps ſome may ſay, Let them come where they will, they grow richer then you can do, although you taxe them highly. For19 this, I do confeſs that I find one place where it is ſaid in Ezek. 11.18. how that let Iſrael ſo­journ where they will, being thither diſperſed by the providence of God, and notwithſtanding the Lord was exceeding wroth with them, yet he promiſeth for to be a little ſanctuary to them: but it is not here meant of an Italian fabrick built of wood and ſtone, only made for to ſhelter manſlayers from the vertue and righteouſneſs of the law of God, which is, that he that ſheds mans blood, by man ſhall his blood be ſhed. But it is in ſhort, that their God will be a covert to them, and a hiding place for them, until his indignation be overpaſt: He will pro­vide either an outward Heſter to help them in time of trouble, or elſe his own arm will ſave them. And ſo the Father ſaith well,At favor in magno ſaepe dolore later:

So that if God had no more mercy nor re­ſpect to them then man, I do believe where they would be driven away, by reaſon of that preſent incredulity and God-miſtruſting thoughts which are in the hearts of Engliſh Proteſtants. I wonder what is become of our Publike Faith, whereby our Nation did once ſubmit unto the providence and various diſpen­ſations that happened-amongſt us. Now I ſay, that if we are the people of God, and if we do love God, ſurely all things (yea even the in­creaſe20 of Jewiſh riches) will work together for our good. But were our Saviour upon earth again here preaching amongſt us, cer­tainly he would call us a faithleſs generation; for our actions as concerning this do teſtifie that we live in moſt flaviſh fear of the worlds inconſtancie and mutability, and are ſo per­plexed at any outward croſs far more then the degenerate Turks are at this day. By this we may ſee, for all the ſpecious and gloſſie pre­tence of Chriſtians now adayes, the paucity of Job-like, or Micah-like ſpirits that will truſt God with their lives as well as their eſtates. This is now a great ſign of an hypocrite, when he dares truſt in God no longer then he is ſhowring down earthly bleſſings on his head: but if the Lord do but hide himſelf in a cloud a while, preſently he diſtruſts God, and it is in vain to ſerve him, &c.

But, 3, ſaith the Lord, I will ſtrengthen that which was ſick. Truly, was ever any people ſicker, is any ſorrow like unto their ſorrow? The whole head was ſick, and the heart alſo waxed feeble. The remembrance of former dayes is enough even to deject them into an utter eſtate of mourning and lamentation: What, we that once at whoſe making mention of the Nations trembled and ſhook, and now to be ſervile and ſubject to the proud and ſcof­fing wills of uncircumciſed infidels! Oh this is that which ſtrikes deep into their affections:21 She that was great among the Nations, and Princeſs among the people, is now become tributary. Ah poor Iſrael, that now where-ever thou art, thou beholdeſt not any of the ſons of men to ſmile; there is none that will appear to comfort thee: And therefore with thy Countryman Jeremiah we may cry out, Ʋnto whom ſhall we liken thee? But be of good cheer; this is teſtified of thee, that he which did wound thee will alſo cure thee; He only is able to bind the broken-hearted, and he will ſtrengthen the feeble knees. But for England, I ſhall ſay nothing but hard-hearted, for I cannot otherwiſe call her: when although our Saviour ſpeaking of the good downright Sa­maritan, which being only for our example in this caſe, left this precept behind him, ſaying, Do ye likewiſe. As if ſo be he ſhould have ſaid, You that think to have a ſhare in my glory, you will in your converſe and in your comerce whilſt you are in this world, often meet with many of my poor ſick deſpiſed (ountrymen; and therefore be ſure that you let no oppor­tunity ſlip, but doe as this man did, as ſoon as you ſee them, have compaſſion on them. And as God ſhall ſhew men mercy in the day of blackneſs, even ſo let Chriſtians ſhew mercy to the poor ignorant Jews. I am ſure there never was more need then now, even when they are ready to deſpair, their habitation is become de­ſolate; ſo that ſhe is called by the Prophet but22 as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, and that all men know to be but very diſconſolate. But in Amos 9.9. Thus ſaith the Lord, for lo I will ſift the houſe of Iſrael with a ſive, but the leaſt grain ſhall not be loſt.

God will not caſt away the very poor of his flock. It may be they ſhall have anguiſh of ſoul for a time in all nations, and be toſſed and ſhaken to and fro, as ſometimes it would trou­ble any Chriſtian heart but to know of their troubles, how that on a ſudden you ſhall have (by the inſtigation of ſome malicious ſpirits) a decree come forth by one Prince or other, that within 2 or 3 days time all Hebrews ſhalbe baniſhed ſuch a town or place; and then, oh miſerable! what wringing of hands, what ſighs and ſobs will come from theſe poor creatures? what ſupplicating of Princes, giving all to the very clothes of their backs, that they may have but a poor village to ſhelter them in? As now the King of Poland will have them prohibited from coming or dweling any longer in Ʋkrain. The Lord knows how ill gotten theſe riches are, meerly for no other end then to extort mony or goods from them; which although many times they ſcarce have, yet if not, they muſt expect baniſhment.

And next unto this will I adjoin that helliſh ſarcaſm of a German Chriſtian, who ſome years ago boaſted, That as the Heathens did act their tragedies in the Theatre with Chriſtians23 and beaſts; ſo the Nobles in ſome parts of Ger­many made up their ſports and paſtimes by the abuſing ſome Jews or other.

And thus let men brag over them, and uſe them as they will, yet their God hath ſaid it, that he will not loſe one of them; though a ſmall grain, a microcoſm indeed, ſo little that proud looks take no notice of him. Like unto ſome expreſſions of a Blade in the late wars, that when he hath been ſhewn a poor High­lander to run towards a dike to ſave his life from out of the battel, he would ſay that he was ſuch a poor rogue not worth murdering, that he would forbear to run him through. Even ſo are the Jews become deſpicable in the eyes of many prophane Chriſtians; but the living God hath ſworn by himſelf, that he will renew his covenant with them, and give them a heart of fleſh ready to receive any impreſſion that may pleaſe him the Searcher of all hearts to put upon it, although for the preſent igno­rance and blindneſs hath ſo overſhadowed their underſtanding, as that they are inſenſible of their condition, and of their unbelief. This is that time which all good Chriſtians ſhould long to behold; for then when God ſhal1 change their vile ſpirits, (though for the moſt part ignorantly vile) then, and not till then it will be, that Iſrael will loath himſelf for all his abominations, ſo that God will accept them for a ſweet ſmelling ſavor, and give ſuch plea­ſant24 reſt in their borders, ſo that they ſhall be afraid of the nations no longer; but God will be a wall of fire round about them, a God that never ſleeps nor ſlumbers, but is the living God; and now becauſe he lives, he is able to know and to hear the groanings of his people; and becauſe he is the Lord, he changeth not, and therefore both they and we are not con­ſumed nor cut off from the earth: for as Zan­chy ſaith, In Deo nihil eſt quod non ſit ipſe Deus.

Now the Lord doth and hath promiſed, ſpeaking of the idle Shepherds of his flock, which did lead his people aſtray both before, in, and after the captivity under the Chaldeans, that in that day (meaning their day of reſtau­ration) he would ſet over them but one Shep­herd, even my ſervant David. This is that much deſired time; for here by David we do underſtand Chriſt, as it is often in Scripture-ſenſe rehearſed. So that now when they ſhall accept their Saviour for their King, God pro­miſeth that they ſhall never more be a prey to the heathen.

Indeed to day, not only Turks and Infidels, but alſo many hypocritical Chriſtians do ſerve themſelves of them, and prey upon them. But becauſe of theſe things, let not men affirm them to be utterly rejected, untill they have well and cautiouſly underſtood that bleſſed Apoſtle of our Lord S. Paul, who cries out in Rom. 11.25 after a ſtrange manner, What then? hath God caſt away his people? As if he ſhould have ſaid, (taking the Context immediately pre­ceding) What? becauſe my Country-men were a rebellious and ſtiffnecked people, and did withſtand and turn the deaf ear unto the former Prophets, hath God therefore utterly forſaken them? is there no more ſacrifice for ſin belonging to Iſrael? He doth thus anſwer himſelf,〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉; as if he had ſaid, No, it is impoſſible, or it cannot be. For he ſhews the reaſon of it, becauſe their ſtumbling was not ſuch as could cauſe a total falling a­way.

There are indeed ſome men, though but few here amongſt us in England, who by pinning their unuſual charity upon old Father Origen's authority, do believe that the redemption pur­chaſed by our Saviour will at the laſt extend it ſelf even unto the damned: but the truth of this I will not diſpute. But however, if the Origeniſts do account of it as a ſin to leave the Devils without hope, I am ſure it is a far great­er ſin for any to leave the Jewes in a ſtate of deſpairing. No, they have indeed fallen with a great diſcent from their original condition: but yet do but ſee in the ſecond chap. of Luke, and there old Simeon propheſieth, that Behold this Child is ſet for the fall and riſing up of many in Iſrael.


Here the juſt man foreſaw that Jeſus Chriſt would be a ſtone of ſtumbling unto many of them; but yet he ſhould be laid a chief corner­ſtone tryed and precious, for the riſing of many again in Iſrael; and though they fall, they ſhall ariſe. And doubtleſs Jeſus Chriſt is a ſtumbling block not only to many Jewes, but alſo to the curious ſophiſters of the world, whoſe wiſdom the Apoſtle S. Paul, writing to the Grecians, and not to the Jewes at that time, ſaid, God would confound,〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉; and there­fore asks them by way of exprobration, What does become of you ſmooth-tongued Corin­thians? is not your wiſdom meer fooliſhneſs with God?

So that for all their preſent reproaches, God will at the laſt exalt his people Iſrael above other Nations; He will (the Text ſaith) yet chuſe the fooliſh and deſpicable things of Ja­cob, and have mercy on the things that are not; which are ſuch, as mortal men, juſt wordlings and no more, dare not ſay that they have a being. And of this ſort are the ten Tribes, who in ſome ſenſe, nay carnal reaſon affirmeth not to be: Yet theſe nothings (as you ſay) God will prefer before the worldly-wiſe, before the mighty and noble things of this ſinful age; and then will that promiſe be fulfilled in Jer. 19.22. how that from that time forward they ſhall know, and that of a truth, that the Lord their God is with them, and ſo to abide for27 ever. It may be now they know that. God is with them, although it be but darkly or behind the vail: For though they did in the wilder­neſs perceive only in the daytime a thick cloud, yet they did believe that their God was there as well as in the pillar of fire by night: Iſrael hath yet a little faith, though I fear England hath leſs; and they have ſo great aſſurance by what former mercies they have received from the Lord, that ſhortly they ſhall not ſee as through a lattice, but as Job ſayes, cum his meis oculis, ſo with their very eyes they ſhall ſee the deſires of their ſouls accompliſhed. So in Jer. 30.11. For I am with thee, ſaith the Lord, to ſave thee; yea though I make a full end of all nations, yet will I not make a full end of thee. Now here is a gracious promiſe, that God will be unto them as the ſaving Angel that did ha­ſten and pull Gods people out of the midſt of fire and brimſtone which fell upon that wicked City. This is a faithful ſaying, That although the Lord ſhould ſcatter us with the reſt of the Nations, and ſhould give us the fruits of our doings in fury, yet he will not deſtroy them: alluding to the plagues of Egypt, that although they converſed one amongſt another, yet not one plague would ſeize upon them. It will be the ſame caſe once more; and then what a ter­ror will it be for all Jew contemners to behold Iſrael in ſuch felicity, and themſelves in ſo great miſery. Then will Zion uſe this proverb28 again, How is the mighty man fallen, and the ſtrong man become feeble? Thoſe which ſpoiled us, but were not ſpoiled: but now our Ema­nuel will render them the deſerts of their acti­ons, even their cruel and bloody perſecution of us.

Oh that men would not be ſo wittingly guilty, as knowing and ſeeing the Lord is for them, dare notwithſtanding reſiſt and ob­ſtruct them in their way to happineſs. Doth not the Lord ſay, that although a woman poſſibly may forget her ſucking child, yet he will not forget them. Now this motherly re­membrance here ſpoken of, extends it ſelf fur­ther then a bare memory, (becauſe it is com­monly ſpoken of an inveterate malicious ſpirit, never to forget his enemy) but this is of a contrary nature, ſo as to remember with tears and affections, with bowels yearning and ready to forgive what is paſt, and to renew, yea many times doth increaſe the original love. And ſo the Jewes (God ſaith) are engraven on the palms of his his hands; whereby we do note, that God is always to them a preſent help in time of trouble; they are faſtened as a nail in a ſure place, and as concerning their election, they cannot be moved.

But by the way I muſt give this caution, That no man from what I have already written ſhould ſuppoſe the Jewes to be even now con­verted; and that becauſe as the good Prophet29 Moſes knowing what great miracles there had been wrought before them, ſaid, Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to ſee, and eares to hear, unto this day. Which miracles as Moſes then thought to have been ſufficient to perſwade them to obedience, ſo now it may be ſome think that all thoſe ſtrange miracles which were done by our Sa­viour, and have for many years together ſince been done by his Apoſtles in the eyes of the Jewes, might have been motives extraordina­ry to produce faith in him who came to ſave them.

But as Moſes well ſaid then, ſo I may ſafely ſay now, that for all thoſe wonders that they have ſeen, yet God hath not given them a heart to perceive. And I will ſhew you the chief reaſon of this preſent hardneſs; it is as yet, becauſe God hath not through his ſon Jeſus Chriſt convinced the Jewes of their righteouſneſs; for I conceive that God hath convinced moſt of them of ſin already: But when our Saviours words begin to take effect, that is, when he comes, He will convince the world of righteouſneſs; then let any man con­clude, that their converſion is even at the door.

Now for to unfold what I find nowhere re­vealed, I muſt uſe the Fathers excuſe, Nemo obligatur ad impoſſibilia. So that the manner of our Saviours convincing Iſrael of their right­eouſneſs, we dare not meddle.


But we that have taſted of Gods mercy and goodneſs, can declare, and that with admira­tion, after what an eaſie and ſweet manner of arguing God by his ſpirit hath convinced us of the fooliſhneſs and vanity that is in our own righteouſneſs; and then ſecondly preſented us us with the lovelineſs of the righteouſneſs of Chriſt, and thereby doth enable dark ſouls to ſee the neceſſity that there is of putting on, or in being clothed with his righteouſneſs, for that without it there can be no hopes of ſal­vation. Now this being as I ſuppoſe (by my own experience) the way which God uſeth to­wards us, I will humbly ſubmit to the will of God in his way (to us unknown) of dealing with the Jews; but ſhall only beg to haſten it.

But, 2. that I may not be〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, or as it it uſed, beyond my buſineſs; I am now about to prove the calling of the ten Tribes. In Deut. 28. it is ſaid, that if they would not obey the voice of the Lord, they ſhould be caſt forth in­to all the kingdoms of the earth, and amongſt a people which neither they nor their fathers knew. Now to unfold this, you will all grant that they did forſake and reſiſt the voice of their Saviour; and then I prove that this Scripture was not fulfilled in their captivity under the Chaldeans, becauſe that Country was well known unto them and to their predeceſſors: And therefore (notwithſtanding a book of the31 improbability hereof already put forth) I do believe with ſome Jews in Portugal, that many of their brethren are in that part of America called Cochinchino; and my reaſon is this, be­cauſe that except this place of the Weſt world, none could be exempted from the knowledge of their Fathers; whenas in Solomons, dayes people of all Nations (that is, known nations) were made known unto him either by converſe or by way of commerce, both by ſea and land. Now this place doubtleſs is not as yet known unto the Jews, no nor the Chriſtians, but ſince Columbus time.

And then the Lord threatens them further, that inſtead of worſhipping of him, they ſhould worſhip wood and ſtone, a matter then the which nothing more riſe amongſt the Indians, as alſo their Moſaical rites and cuſtoms in part ſtill retained by that unknown people of their deſcent. But this, as being a matter in contro­verſie, I dare not as yet affirm: however there are many of thoſe people ſweet Chriſtians, as I have often underſtood by godly people that have been there; as alſo by ſome Leters of that worthy man in the Goſpel, Mr. Elliet, a man more to be commended then many in Old England, to whom God hath given gifts and graces, who will rather turn dumb dogs (as the Scripture cals them) or elſe will creep into houſes, being aſhamed of publike light; or elſe like our painted Ladies, for fear will not endure32 a fiery trial, left men ſhould ſee their ſhame. And ſo by that meanes they draw many after them (ſilly people) to follow their pernicious devices, although it conduce to the deſtruction of them both. I ſay, this many now adays will do, before they will go either to the Eaſt or Weſt Indies to preach Chriſt either unto Jewes or Barbarians; mightily forgetting, or at leaſt ſmothering that wofull pronunciation ſpoken of by the Apoſtle for the neglect of Goſpel-diſpenſation. But to the main matter.

In Zeph. 3.10. From beyond the rivers of E­thiopia, my ſuppliants, even the daughter of my diſperſed ſhall bring mine offering.

Now out of this and from the next Scripture which I ſhall cite, I dare undertake (if need re­quire) to make good both my propoſitions, al­though I doe lay aſide all thoſe other proofs which I either have or ſhall put down for the ſame intent. But being that I ſhall uſe many other, I will only run over theſe two Scriptures; and firſt, From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, (that is) all ſuch places beyond them, or rather on this ſide that vaſt river Bracina, and alſo the river of Abagni, both of them ſpringing forth out of that great downfal of waters the Lake Colvez, from whoſe top to Gibralters Strait is computed above 1700 miles Engliſh. So that from this I gather, that the Lords, ſuppliants, diſperſed ones here ſpoken of, are all thoſe Jewes which the Lord ſhall at this day find in33 all the parts of Europe, and alſo in that part of Aſia which is on this ſide the Rivers aforementioned. Then what muſt all theſe peo­ple do? Why now the words do plainly ſhew it; they ſhall bring mine offering. Now here for the verity of this matter, we have a ſure and ſtedfaſt foundation whereon to build our faith, even upon the promiſe of an Almighty God, who ſpeaketh not here indifferently of in a permiſſive manner, as in another place he bids the Prophet preach to them whether or no they will hear, or whether they will forbear. But the Lord, as he is the abſolute Soveraign over all the world, ſo he doth here determine and decree with himſelf that they ſhall do his will, though he uſe much power with them; and that is to bring his offering. He doth not here mean one of their antient Levitical offer­ings, neither muſt it be underſtood of that kind of offering which they do uſe at this pre­ſent day: but it ſhall be that ſame which the Apoſtle St. Paul calls〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, a rational or living ſacrifice, acceptable unto God; which the Text ſaith muſt be ſuch bro­ken and contrite ſpirits as their poor brethren then will be. And now ſhall that Scripture be fulfilled in Mal. 3.4. And then the ſacrifice of Judah and Jeruſalem ſhall be pleaſant to the Lord as in the dayes of old; ſuch as was the ſacrifice of Abel, which was offered up in right couſneſs, and therefore it was ſo well pleaſing34 unto God, as that the Lord is ſaid to take great pleaſure in the ſcent thereof. They ſhall now be convinced that God abominates and deteſts all others, though it were whole rivers of oil, or the fruit of the body; no, all muſt be now acted by a principle of faith in Chriſt, all ſelf-righteouſneſs ſhall now be done away.

But where this holy and evangelical offer­ing at this day is, I muſt ſtrive to ſhew you, and that is from this following Scripture in the laſt of Iſaiah and the laſt ver. The Lord ſaith, that thoſe which eſcaped of them (which I do aver to be the laſt captivity and bondage under the Romans) will I ſend to Tarſhis, to Pull and Lud that draw the bow, to Tubal and Jaran, and to the Iſles afar off, and they ſhall bring all their Brethren for an offering unto the Lord.

Now here is a plain contradiction to that Non eſt inventus, which is brought into the Court of worldly Sophiſts by the multitude, That Iſrael are all loſt which were of thoſe ten Tribes. For firſt I ſhall prove my affirmation, that in theſe places do as yet remain ſome of Iſrael, or ſuch as I am ſure are truly deſcended from the very ſame Hebrews, by that proximi­ty, or (as I may ſay in ſome ſenſe) that identity of places that is given by various denominati­ons: As before you read they were planted by the river of Gozan and the cities of the Medes, which doubtleſs are of ſo near affinity, as that35 Halath lies but on one ſide the River, and Lud then ſo called on the other, bending more to­wards that which our Geographers do now call the Mare Caſpium. And if Alexander did tranſport ſo great an Army over this river in two or three dayes time, then no man ſurely will queſtion whether they may not be carried over in ſo great a ſpace of time, being then at the Chaldean Monarchs pleaſure, and ever ſince under one or other unto whom they have (for ought I can underſtand) yielded them­ſelves, though perhaps againſt their wills, in the ſelf-ſame ſubjection as the Moors do in Bar­bados unto their fearleſs Maſters.

But ſecondly, and that more clearly, the pre­cedent Countries are now made known unto us by our beſt and experienced Orthographers in hiſtory, thus. Iberia, Sheirvan, part of Ar­menia major, and Natolia. But we who doe much honour that language, doe ſpeak thus: Tarſiſtan, Zubbaw, Mozendram, Bagdatan, &c. in which latter place ſave one, there ever were the beſt (and as we do ſtill believe, are) the moſt curious handlers of the Bow, by ſome called Hircania, who did (if you read in that famous Antiquary of the war between the Per­ſians and the Greeks) ſo bravely behave them­ſelves, that they cauſed the old ſouldiers of Alexander Magnus to fear the happy event of that war, ſo that for ſome time the fight was dubious.


And hence it is that Gods offering muſt be brought. Which places the Holy Ghoſt was pleaſed by the Prophet, in thoſe dayes, to ſtile Tubal and Jaran. But then it is ſaid, and from the Iſles afar off. Now whether or no there may not be ſome of them ſcattered amongſt thoſe ſeveral Iſlands, with the which neither our Nation nor others for the preſent have any commerce, I ſhall not meddle: But this I am aſſured of, that all along the Coaſt from the other ſide of the Cape De bone Esperance, as in St. Laurence, Joanna, John de novo, Mohelia, Cumro Iſlands, &c. here you ſhall find Hebrews enough, by the vulgar termed Jews, although the moſt of them are of the other Tribes.

Now that any man may (having occaſion thitherward) learn of them the verity of my ſayings, let him get the Perſian tongue, which by the Hebrews as well as by others is the moſt fluent tongue on that ſide the Cape; ſo that in the maritime towns of the forementioned main land and iſlands, you ſhall meet with ſuch of that Nation as live in a more civilized faſhion, and do ſtill uphold part of the Jewiſh cuſtoms; and in the villages and inland Country thoſe more barbarous; which I conceive by a long unaccuſtomed ſlavery among theſe people are become heathenized, and almoſt meer ſtrangers to the Covenant of their fathers. So that we Chriſtians may ſee how the Lord is pleaſed to give them a ſlumbring potion for their ſins, and37 almoſt hath caſt them into a total lethargie; only becauſe he is a jealous God, and will not have his honour given to any other, nor his name blaſphemed any longer, as alſo having reſpect unto the Covenant which he made with Abraham his friend, his bowels do now yearn towards them, as you ſhall plainly ſee in the 33 of Jeremiah: I will cauſe (ſaith the Lord) the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Iſrael to return, and build them as at the firſt. Here is aurea ſententia plena charitatis. This is as cleer as the ſun; that although God ſuffered them both to be carried away captive, the one long before the other: which firſt we do all grant did never as yet return, and he did ſuffer them to be driven many degrees diſtant one from the other, yea ſo far, as the Writers do affirm the ten Tribes to have no ſhare in that return of the Captivity from Babylon. And above all, notwithſtanding they are for the preſent at great variance one with the other in the matter of their religion, as in the forms of their wor­ſhip, yet the Lord makes this diſtinction, that they ſhall both return; the Lord will blow his trumpet, and then the North ſhall deliver up the ſlain.

Concerning which place I find Authors to vary; and therefore being willing to honour one of our modern Writers, who relates of a ſort of people that do border neer the Chinoiſe country, and are in ſubjection unto the Chri38Tartar; which ſpeak a baſtard Hebrew or Sa­maritan language, and do ſtill uphold the Cir­cumciſion, and ſpeak of the Tribes from whence they came. So that I do humbly think they are people to whom this place relates,

1. Becauſe it is ſaid, the North ſhall deliver them up; which place is the moſt Northern part of that great Empire of Tartary. As alſo they being called the ſlain of the Lord: which may well be cited, by reaſon that moſt men in the world, I am confident, think them ſo to be. And the South ſhall deliver up thoſe that were ready to periſh. This I conceive does relate unto Presbyter Jehans country, in the Seaport-towns of which, and ſo along that coaſt of Africk, which the Lord doth call the rivers of Ethio­pia, are many poor Hebrews, whom though the Abiſſines do reſpect, becauſe of their cir­cumciſion, above others, yet in regard of their ſouls health they are ready to periſh, being they are not left to themſelves in that matter to be excuſed, that when the Emperor doth ſhew himſelf to the people, they muſt all adore him as God himſelf.

But by the way the Reader may take notice that it hath pleaſed God to ordain the houſe of Judah to have the firſt return of grace and mercy; and when the Lord ſhall in his doe time open the eyes of our Weſtern Jews, we ſhall not need to excite them to ſeek Iſrael; for at this day they do harp much upon that39 place in the laſt of Iſaiah, ſo that they believe then they ſhall immediately find their brethren even there where their God ſhall direct them; and ſo they ſhall, as the Text ſaith, both return. Certainly God that knows all things, knows into what corner every one of them is driven. And when we do read in another paralel place, that they ſhall be ſought, and here they ſhall be brought: let us but ſeriouſly conſider how the Aſſyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Perſi­ans, (Cyrus only excepted) thirſted and uſed all their art to extirpate them, the Grecians hated them (Ptolomaeus only excepted) and did them what miſchief they could; and the Romans were ſo far from pittying them, (Titus and Veſpaſian only excepted) that they would not ſuffer their remembrance. Here were Jobs three Comforters, although but miſerable ones.

Cyrus indeed to Iſrael was a friend;
But like the reſt, his friendſhip had an end.
Ptolomaeus, like Agripps, almoſt could
Releaſe the Jewes, but did not when he ſhould.
Titus the Roman nothing did but weep'd,
Nor ever ſpar'd the Jewes until he ſleep'd.

And laſtly, that England might make the ſe­venth brother in cruelty, it forbad any manner of fellowſhip with them, ſo as not to give them a being for their mony, and that is worſt of all, becauſe we ſuffer any runagates to inhabite a­mongſt40 us, either of French, Dutch, Spaniſh, or other, provided they do nothing contrary to the law of the Land, which the Jews do in all places quietly ſubmit themſelvs unto. I ſay, let us but think on theſe overturnings and ca­lamities which have befaln them, and I believe we ſhall all confeſs theſe will want and ſtand in need of the Lord to be their friend: And though men either will not, or cannot ſeek them, ſo as to find them, yet the allſeeing God will command the four quarters of the earth to give them up.

I am certified by an honeſt Chriſtian Jel­phylin, who by credible teſtimony hath been a man of good faſhion, (and that by my having a little skill in one of the Eaſtern tongues) of one whole Town in Perſia, that the Inhabi­tants are all Iſraelites; who by their own re­port, and by the judicious opinion of worthy men that have travelled that way, are part of the ten Tribes carried away by Salmanazzer, and there by him ſeated; and I do the rather believe it, for that in external worſhip of the true God they come far ſhort of the two tribes and live more profanely in their converſation, having loſt all their old lawes and cuſtomes which were left their fathers by Moſes the ſervant of the Lord, and indeed much cor­rupted in ſpeaking and pronouncing of the Hebrew tongue; and at this day they do live under the Perſian Monarch in the moſt barren41 and ſcorching place of that ſandy Country. Which makes me uſe that expreſſion of a wor­thy Gentleman, who when he came into this place, writes thus upon it:

He that in this place thinks to find good cheer,
Camelion-like may fill his mouth with air.

But to make my affirmation more ſerious, I ſhall enlarge upon this place, becauſe the afore­mentioned places for the moſt part lie on the one ſide of the River Gozan; but this Town, formerly Halath, with other remarkable places, lie on the other ſide, as I ſhall make appear by the meaning of the Prophet in the latter part of the verſe following, Iſa. 11.11. And it ſhall come to paſs in that day, that the Lord ſhall ſet his hand again the ſecond time to recover the rem­nant of his people which ſhall be left from Aſſyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and frem Cuſh, and from Elam, and from Shinaar, and from Hamath, and from the iſlands of the ſea. And it ſhall come to paſs, that is, it ſhall un­doubtedly be accompliſhed, or I will in no wiſe revoke my promiſe; a note in Scripture-phraſe pointing out, as it were, ſome extraordinary matter: In that day, that is, when the adver­ſaries of Iſrael ſhall have their mouths ſtopp'd, when the enſign of him whom they ignorantly now call Rooth-noor-ally, ſhall be lifted up in their ſight; whoſe Motto ſhall then be ſo lovely, and his perſon ſo precious to them, that42 ſo ſoon as the trumpet begins but to ſound in their opened areas, the outcaſts of Iſrael will ſlock together with their whole ſoul & affecti­ons to obey their holy King. [That the Lord ſhall ſet his] that is, Jehovah or everlaſting ſtrength; by which name he was not known to Abraham, Iſaac or Jacob, not yet until the time of Moſes, unto whom the Lord appeared in this manner, and by which powerful name Moſes was encouraged (though a man of a ſtammering tongue and ſlow of ſpeech; in Jeroms tranſlation, altogether uneloquent) to do the Lords meſſage unto Pharoah.

So that here we may take notice, that God who is no reſpecter of perſons, doth ſometimes make uſe of unlearned and ignoble perſons to carry on very glorious enterpriſes: By which powerful Name the Children of Iſrael were brought out of their Egyptian bondage with an outſtretched arm through the midſt of the Red-ſea; and by which powerful name the Lord ſtirred up the ſpirit of Cyrus King of Perſia to releaſe the Jewes from their Babylo­niſh captivity, from which to the Captivity under Veſpaſian & Titus is ſuppoſed neer 600 years. And laſtly, by which powerful Name the Lord will ſet his hand again the ſecond time. So that you ſee when the Lord, and by what inſtrument he was pleaſed to cauſe the Capti­vity of his people to return once before, who were then but a remnant of the houſe of Judah. 43And though I am perſwaded that this ſecond return mentioned in this place, ſhall be benefi­cial to both houſes, yet I ſhall endeavour to make clear that it doth chiefly and primarily relate to the ten Tribes; and that from the vaſt incongruity that there is between the places where this remnant of Iſrael ſhall be found, and the Countries where theſe two Tribes are diſperſed at this day.

To recover the remnant] So that this word remnant doth preſuppoſe, that there were of them once a far greater number, as alſo that there hath been ſince a grievous devaſtation and ſpoil amongſt them, the certain effects of war, which is the unwelcom fruit of mens pride and luſt, and which in our age hath almoſt fil­led the whole earth with thoſe Ilias malorum; and which hath ſo lighted on the head of Iſra­el, and there remained for above two thouſand years, being before the Jewiſh captivity 133 years. So that we may well ſay of him as the Orator ſaid of Nero, Nominis poſtremus habe­tur. For the Hebrews, who are leaſt in ſight, according to that propheſie in Hoſ. 8. Iſrael ſhall be among the Gentiles as a veſſel wherein is no pleaſure; are alſo at this day by moſt of us Gentiles looked upon and accounted of as the vileſt and loweſt people of the world, and therefore ſcarce worth the diſcuſſion of our times, nor the preheminence of Muſſelmen, or rather Dooz oglanraz-Kerry, Sodomitical Ca­tamites. 44Yet however the world eſteems of multitudes, and with the mighty ſay a confe­deracie; the great God, as it doth evidently appear, hath from age to age, and at this day doth reſpect the moſt deſpicable and low eſtate of men, though but a remnant, agreeing with the Text, that are the remnant of his people. Unto which truth I believe all men will aſſent, becauſe the Lord is ſaid in one place, onely to have known the Iſraelites among all the fami­lies of the earth, that is, with ſuch a pecu­liar love, or with ſuch a meaſure of bene­diction.

And from this we may clearly demonſtrate, That in the moſt horrid wars and moſt ſlaviſh bondage, which are both called by the School­men, mortiferum & ſtagnans ſanguine; God will have his remnant whereon to beſtow his mercy, and whereby (though a remnant) to magnifie his almighty power: As may be well noted out of that Excidio horribili, the laſt ſiege of Jeruſalem; that notwithſtanding the deſtruction of ſo many 100000 of Jews, and yet mote, that there might remain but ſo ſmall a handful, it is reported, that after this grievous deſtruction, to make quick diſpatch, the Ro­man ſouldiers ſold unto the Greeks twenty Jews for, a penny. But the time will ſhortly come, when this penny-worth of Iews, and this other handfull of Iſraelites (to whom I will bend my diſcourſe) ſhall ſprout up into a45 great tree, yea ſo great, as all the Nations of the world will flie to it for ſhelter and advice.

But again, The remnant which ſhall be left] Which being in the future tenſe, learns us thus much; That for all thoſe annual homicides and ſlaughters that have been made of the miſ­carrying Iſraelites ſince their captivity, and their preſent ſufferings in the aforementioned places, the Iſraelites being at this day in Perſia as uſual an object for the baſtinadoes of the Cowelhaſha's, as the Jews are in Turky amongſt the Ianizaries; yet theſe words (ſhall be left) do imply that there is yet a ſucceſſion of them, and that in the ſame place.

Alike nature with the Phaenix, of whom the Writers ſay, that out of its aſhes in the ſame place ariſeth another: So, when the Lord doth but breathe upon bones wherein is no marrow, there will not only be added ſinewes and fleſh, but to the admiration of the Nations, from theſe helpleſs rem­nant there ſhall ariſe an exceeding great Army.

Which ſhall be left from Aſſyria] At this day called Arzyrum; into which Empire the ten Tribes were brought, ſome by Tig­lithpelezer, and the reſt by his ſon Shalma­naaſſer.


But ſince which time, Rabbi Benjamin Ben-Jonas in his diſcourſe of this Captivity ſaith, that ſome of theſe Iſraelites did after time aſ­ſociate with ſome of their neighbours of Tur­queſtan, and with them went into Egypt where to this day many of their ſucceeding generati­on may be found; as in Pathros, in the upper Thebais, and in many other places. Which cannot be truly ſaid to be a remainder of any of thoſe Jews, which Johanan againſt the com­mand of God carried with him into Egypt; becauſe it is in Jer. 44.7. expreſly ſaid, [it be­ing ſuch a peremptory tranſgreſſion,] that every man, woman, child and ſuckling ſhould be cut off, except thoſe which did eſcape, which could not be but by flying the kingdom of E­gypt; wheras alſo theſe here ſpoken of were led into Egypt out of this Province of Perſia many years ſince that time, by them whoſe brood we Chriſtians call Turks.

From Cuſh and Elam] Which Cuſh ſome hold to be meant of a City on the Gulf of A­rabia, now by the Turks called Zeman; but of old, Cuſh, from Cuſh the ſon of Cham. But I do rather ſuppoſe it to be that in Perſia, which to day is called Chuſiſtan, as yet ſo from Cuſh who was the father of Nimrod, of whom it is ſaid in Gen. 10.10. that he made the beginning of his kingdom in the land of Shinaar, wherein are ſeated theſe two Provinces of Cuſh and Elam. [And from the land of Shinaar] whence47 we muſt expect good ſtore of our Hebrew ca­ptives return. [And from Hamath] which Hamath, though it be often taken for Antioch in Syria, once belonging to Iſrael, until Rezin the King of Syria, not Aſſyria, took it from them; yet I believe it may be that Town in Perſia which to day is called Hamadan, famous for the ſepulchre of Queen Eſther; and that from theſe two reaſons. Firſt, becauſe of its imediate coherence with the precedent places, where I ſhall produce many hundreds of Iſra­elites: For how can it be probable that Shal­manaaſſer ſhould place any of his Captives in ſuch a City, the inhabitants of which were all his life time implacable enemies to him? And ſecondly, becauſe I underſtand that until the year of the world 5245. the Princes of this Town were ſtiled by the names of Hameth-Cawn, or Prince and Lord of Hameth.

But [from the Iſlands of the Sea] Of which intended Iſlands I dare no otherwiſe ſpeak then before; for except the Cannibal iſlands, I think there are few or none in the Indies, but there are to be found this forlorne people. Only as in relation to the aforenamed land of Shinaar, and other adjacent places, I do thus ſeemingly verſifie.

Jaroun, a Town well known in Chuſiſtan,
But better known of old in Suſian
By the name of Halath, when the Aſſyrian King
The Iſraelites his captives there did bring:
And there he made a general Rendevouze
Conſulting policie the way to uſe
His armleſs, helpleſs ſlaves, where to beſtow
Moſt for his profit, leaſt his overthrow.
At laſt reſolves a remnant here ſhould lye
Of Zebulon, Dan, Aſhur, Nepthaly:
And notwithſtanding many conqueſts made
Of this great Monarch, every where decay'd;
Though Rachel of her children was bereft,
Yet ſo far as there is a remnant left,
And ſuch a remant as may now be told
A thouſand houſholds, well I may be bold,
Having ſo many vertuous witneſſes,
And more to me my Authors preſence is,
Who is an Armenee of the ſame land,
Nigh Ararat, where Noahs Ark did ſtand:
Who is a Christian of the Eaſtern Church,
And doth the Nicene-Council Creed avouch,
Againſt all Popiſh couſenage, wit and art,
Who to that Church in no ways will convert;
Who once a man of worth and dignity,
But now made ſubject unto miſery;
Who ſees in this the providence of God,
For whom he loves, on them he lays his rod.
Who ſpeaks of Damoan on the great hill ſide,
Tais rus.
Where many hundred Hebrews now reſide;
Which town of old the writers deem to be
That ſame call'd Habor, nigh Arax, ſaith he:
Once named Gozan River, by whoſe ſtream
The Lord of Hoſts will many captives glean;
For that the reſt of Iſraels ten Tribes
Near this place are in Cities of the Medes;
They now are there, I ſpeak in Scripture-ſenſe,
The words are written in the preſent tenſe.
Theſe are the people that were ſo admired.
Whoſe ſtrength and wiſdom was by all deſired
Who yet do grope as in the darkest night,
Ʋntil the ſun ariſe and give them light;
For all the candles of the world are vain,
When he begins all glory for to ſtain.
Theſe are the branhes of that Olive tree,
Which broken were and ſcattered as you ſee:
Whoſe antient ſplendor in Religion ſtood,
But now obſcued by that infectious flood
Of Mahometry, which ſurely will aſſwage
Before the birth of our long-look'd for Age,
In which the ſound of war ſhall not be heard,
When bloody ſpears are broken into ſheards.
In which the Jews obey their holy King,
And all their brethren for an offering bring:
In which the Iews and Gentiles ſhall agree,
Between the wolf and lamb no enmity:
In which the moſt ingenious Annotation
Muſt be reviſed by the Hebrew nation:
In which their glory will ſo bright appear,
As to aſtoniſh many hearts with fear:
In which the Chriſtians like eſteem will have
Of Iews Converſion, as the life from grave.

And doubtleſs, this time which I here ſpeak of cannot be many ages hence; otherwiſe I dare not, (yet as an honored Gentleman of this nation did adviſe herein I do reſpect him) what I might more ſay, I will not ſay, leſt ſome ſeeking pates, might find an occaſion. But we read, that in the Apoſtles time the Lord was at hand, and their times were the laſt of times; ſurely then theſe muſt be thoſe noviſſimorum noviſſima, in which the Lord will be a ſwift witneſs againſt all thoſe that oppreſs. And did we but duly conſider that place in Hoſ. 3.4. we might clearly behold the truth of God in his promiſes, which ſhould be a ſpecial help to our faith concerning future times.

For the children of Iſrael ſhould abide many days without a King, and without a Prince, and without a ſacrifice, &c. Which truth is at this day confirmed by the language of the whole earth, in that upbraiding ſarcaſm, [Beloved or protected as a Jew] intimating thus much, that when abuſed, wronged or proſecuted, they have no King nor Governor to relieve them, no, nor ſo much as an unjuſt Judge, who for impor­tunities ſake will lend an ear to their complaint. And thus according to the Scripture it hath been many dayes with them, that is, many yeares, or dayes without number. Yet becauſe Gods faithfulneſs is great, and his mercies ſure•••cies, therefore he would not leave Iſrael in•••pair, as that the houſe of Jacob ſhould ex­pect51 in vain. But in the verſe following, after they are prepared by affliction and humiliation, there Elohim promiſeth them a gracious return after ſuch a term of days is expired, beſt known to the Lord; only the Text ſaith it will be in the latter days, when they ſhall ſeek the Lord and David their king; which doubtleſs cannot be now far off.

So that if we do believe the words of our Saviour, that not one tittle of the word of God ſhall fall to the ground; we ought as ſtedfaſtly to believe their future eſtate promiſed in the 5. verſe, as we now do in a perſpicuous manner behold their preſent doleful condition predict­ed in the 4. verſe; or elſe our faith appears to be very weak (if a true faith) becauſe for the moſt part a Chriſtians faith ſhould be the evi­dence of that which may in ſome ſenſe be in­viſible. So that they are bleſſed which have ſeen, and then believe: but the Lord ſpeaks in a ſuperlative degree when he ſaith, Bleſſed are they which ſee not, and yet do believe. And that we may not content our ſelves with a bare belief of this truth, (which I am perſwaded many that are gon down to the pit did believe) let us take notice of the begining of their con­verſion, ſo as to help them how and where to ſeek their King, who is not far from every one, though a blind Jew that ſeeks him; which makes us believe that he cannot be far from Iſrael: becauſe ſince the crucifixion of their52 Lord and our Lord, it was ſcarce known untill of lace year, that any of the Rabbins would deſire the leaſt conference in matter of religi­on with a Chriſtian; but ſome ſmall time ſince they have to my knowledg ſent ſome letters to ſome of our Nation, wherein they have in­treated and implored the aſſiſtance of our Teachers on this behalf. But chiefly, as I ſup­poſe, from the counſel of a dying Rabbin, whoſe eyes the Lord had opened to diſcloſe unto his brethren the hardneſs of their hearts: which, as I hear, the Lord did ſet home upon the hearts of four or five of them, whereof one hath ſince made a book, and it is the Vindica­tion of our Chriſtian religion. And I hope there are ſome now living that do behold that great Champion of Iſrael already to have taken in hand their noble and excellently tranſcendent deliverance, and his breaking forth through the clouds as a moſt mighty man of war, to break open the iron-gates, and to knock in pieces the ſtrong fetters of ſlavery, and to let the oppreſſed Iſraelites go free. Which their Sun and Shield we may be confident will not ſtay his courſe in one or two victories: but as our natural Sun that great luminary of heaven is never at reſt untill it hath refreſhed all the dark corners of the earth, it muſt run over Eu­rope and America as well, as Africa and Aſia; ſo this glorious Son of God will never ceaſe nor ſlack his arm untill he hath effected that53 Chriſtian freedom ſpoken of in the 8. of John, not only for Judah and Benjamin, not only for the Jews in Europe, but alſo for all the families or tribes of Iſrael; when this proverb ſhall be out of date, The Lord liveth which brought the Iſraelites out of Egypt: But now, The Lord liveth which brought the children of Iſrael from the land of the North, &c.

But when the Lord comes to be the God of all the families, that is, all the Tribes of Iſrael, he faith, he will be their God, and they ſhall be his people. Here is Gods omnipotencie ſeen in taming the proudeſt hearts on earth: This will break a way in the deſart not only of ſandy Perſia, but of the ſton̄y and ſolitary place of unbelief; for in Ezek. 37. ſaith the Lord, I will make the houſe of Judah and the children of Iſ­rael his fellows one nation, and they ſhall no more be divided. Now here is a double promiſe, firſt a return of their captivity, and then of their ſcepter; they ſhal now be a nation, which lately were not a nation, and ſhall no more hear the voice of a ſtranger: the time is at hand, when neither the might of the Chaldeans, nor wiſdom of the Grecians their mortal enemies, nor fox­like policie of the Romans, nor cruelty of the Engliſh ſhal terrifie them, but they ſhall have one King to rule over them all, even Jeſus Chriſt; and then Ephraim will ſay, what have I to do anymore with idols? though as yet they do much defile themſelves therewith in Perſia and in the Indies.


Now, I ſay, we may ſhrewdly conjecture of American Iſraelites: but of a certain, for Merchants in the former Countries, there are none more numerous then Hebrew merchants reſiding and trading continually in divers Port-towns in Aſia, as alſo in divers other Countries in the South by Lybia, and other remote parts of Africk. And in the 39 of Ezekiel the Lord ſaith, I will bring back again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole houſe of Iſ­rael. Take notice I will do it, but when? why even then when they have born their ſhame. Ah Lord, when will it once be? ſhall ſhame take hold on them for ever? They have been many generations without a King, true Prieſt or Prophet: ſurely Shiloh ſhal come and rejoice in their hearts, as wel as he doth already in ours, & that in the adminiſtration of all his 3 offices. 1. as a King, when the Lord ſhal reign over them in mount Zion henceforth and for evermore. Then David my ſervant ſhall rule over them. Here is the Kings certain government: I will rule in righteouſneſs and in truth. And here is the peoples willing and delectable ſubjection and obedience; not like the Grecians, who at this day when need requireth ſerve the Grand Signior, more out of ſlaviſh fear, then with any love they bear to him or his people. But thus the Iewes ſay, we will call on the name of the Lord our God; is it not the day of Gods power wherein they ſhall be a willing people, like ſoft55 wax, or like the ſervants of the Centurion ready to obey the Lord, and receive any impreſſions which God ſhal put on the ſouls of his people.

2. As a Prieſt, he will ſhew them after what manner he did offer up himſelf once upon the Croſs for all men, and he will intercede with the Lord for them, and ſo by his own merits he will blot out all their offences and remember their ſins no more, but will make them a ſweet ſmelling favour in the preſence of the Lord, by ſprinkling their hearts with his own moſt pre­cious blood, and in ſtead of puniſhing them for their fathers cruelty towards him, he will ſave them for his names ſake.

3. As a Prophet, he will cauſe the law to go out of Zion, and his ſtatutes out of Iudah; he will preach to them the glad tidings of repent­ance, He will inſtruct them in all manner of Goſpel and Chriſtian (not Phariſaical) right­eouſneſs; and point unto them, ſaying, This (my people) is the way that leadeth unto life, walk in it. He will by this means convince them, though dead in unbelief, when he ſhall make them to hear the voice of the Son of God, that ſo by awaking from that deadly ſleep of incredulity, they may, having eares, hearken unto that powerful call of Jeſus Chriſt, by which he raiſed Lazarus from the grave; that ſo by their hearing, and doing of that whch they hear, they may attain unto eternal life; and therefore doubtleſs God will have56 mercy on the whole houſe of Iſrael. But I do deſire that I may not be miſtaken; for I dare not affirm that meaning of the Apoſtles in the Romans, how that all Iſrael ſhall be ſaved; nor this preſident to be of ſo large extent, as that the whole twelve Tribes ſhall be ſaved, no, nor yet one whole Tribe; but thus I do believe, that all Iſrael, the true Iſrael according to the ſpirit ſhall be ſaved eternally: And thus far confident I am, the whole houſe of Iſrael, that is, all the twelve Tribes as many as are then in the world remaining, ſhall ſee the ſal­vation of the Lord, and have the Chriſtian faith amongſt them as plentiful as we have it. So that as amongſt our ſelves we are none of us able to diſtingniſh who is a true child of God, who an hypocrite; even ſo God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy over all. For as Chryſoſtome faith of underſtanding of the Word of God, Nil opus eſt ſyllogiſmis; ſo the Apoſtle James, if he had thought that only two Tribes would be called to the faith, why then did he write unto the other ten in this manner, James to the twelve Tribes ſcat­tered abroad greeting? Certainly no man dares deny but they are of Adam as well awe, and therefore they may ſafely expect to have as much benefit (for ought I know) by the death of Chriſt who is the true ſecond Adam, as we: for we know, and that by woful experience, how that many times the name of a Chriſtian pro­fits57 a man nothing. So that if you ask any man here in England, as he paſſeth by, Are you a Chriſtian? do you believe on the name of Jeſus Chriſt? his anſwer will be immediately, Why, do you take me to be a Jew? Though it may be he is one of the prophaneſt wretches living.

But let me tell ſuch a man, that he comes far ſhort of a Jew, although he makes him far in­ferior to himſelf: No, the Jewes do abhomi­nate to do wickedly, and to commit his crimes. Their chiefeſt ſins are either of ignorance, or of omiſſion: but he is a meer Atheiſt in his practice, and lives without God in the world, if knowing of God (as he pretends) yet not­withſtanding does not ſtudy to glorifie him as God, but in his works does deny him.

But in Zech. 12.10. In that day I will pour upon the houſe of David and upon the inha­bitants of Ieruſalem the ſpirit of prayer and ſupplication, and they ſhall look on him whom they have pierced, and mourn over him &c.

In that day, that is, when Ieruſalem ſhall be a cup of trembling to all the Nations round about, and ſhall be like a torch of fire in a ſheaf.

Now it is well known unto moſt men, who are at all skilfull in the Scriptures, that they never were as yet a terror unto any people ſince they were led away captive by Nebu­zaradan into Chaldaea.


But ever ſince that time they have been tri­butaries unto one or other; or elſe by the good providence of God it may be they have had reſt for a time, as they have in ſome places at this day. But it was and is an unquiet and doubtful reſt; and at this time they are in bon­dage with their children under people and na­tions which neither they nor their fathers have known; and therefore this time is ſtill for to come.

But ſecondly, God will pour out upon them the ſpirit of prayer; and this will be as mira­culous in their eyes, as it was amongſt thoſe in the Acts, which had not ſo much as heard of the Holy Ghoſt; but yet it ſhall be ſo power­full a ſpirit, that when the Lord hath breathed it on their ſouls, it will make all rough places plain, and the parched ground ſhall then bring forth pleaſant fruit. Indeed ſo long as the heart is rocky and ſtubborn, the aquaduct or conduit-pipe thereof will be ſtopped, whereby grace ſhould be conveighed to the ſouls of poor ſin­ners: but when the word of the Lord which is ſharper then a two-edged ſword, ſhall beat upon this ſame that is harder then the neather milſtone, it doth preſently change its nature milſtone, it doth preſently change its nature even contrary to nature; like unto Moſes his cauſing of water to proceed out of the barren rock. This is part of thoſe effects which the terrible voice of a holy God produceth in an unholy people; ſo as to think the time paſt of59 formality too too much for to ſpend ſo vainly. And now all old things will be done away, and all things will become new in their hearts; and this will be the initial of the Hebrews regene­ration. I am perſwaded that thoſe which live to ſee theſe days of Iſraels glorious defence, will cry out, and that with the ſame amazement as the Jewes ſaid of Paul; Was not this he! ſo, Were not theſe they which did ſo hate Chriſt, and now they do preach Chriſt! and as the primitive Chriſtians were exceeding joy-full to hear that the Gentiles had received the Goſpel and were baptized, even ſo I doubt not but all good Chriſtians will rejoice to hear and to ſee what great ſalvation Iſrael hath ob­tained.

But thirdly, another ſweet effect of this good ſpirit of God, is by cauſing them to look upon him whom they and we have pierced. And though they ſhall do this with an eye of faith, yet intimating as if they now beheld their King and their daily expected Jeſus ſuſpending on the Croſs, and their fathers nailing of him, and themſelves piercing and thruſting his ſides through with the ſpears of ſin. And here is faith going out from them before repentance; for they are perſwaded and doe believe that which they now deny; and then they begin to look up Chriſtward with teares in their eyes, reſipiſcentiam agentes, and mourn over him with a bitter weeping and mourning, like unto60 the mourning of Hadradrimmon, every family apart. It will be more then a tear-ſhedding lamentation, yea rather it will be a heart-affecting and an-inexpreſſible ſorrow, too un­conceivable for any but thoſe who have taſted how gracious the Lord is: It will be, as I con­ceive, that ſame ſorrow which the holy Apoſtle deemed unlawful to be repented of, becauſe it is only a quick paſſage out of a barren Kedar into a fruitful Canaan: No man can come to the Manziel of Goa, before he paſs the dan­gerous ſhoals of Quiloa.

And then they ſhall turn to the Lord with their whole heart; and then God will make good that promiſe, I will, and you ſhall, and none ſhall then dare to diſquiet Iſrael any more. But the true worſhip of God in Chriſt will be eſtabliſhed amongſt them, and then they ſhall be called the faithful and choſen people, the true worſhippers of the Father in ſpirit and in truth. And in Jer. 31. what ſweet expreſſions do we find concerning their future eſtate; as in the 9 verſe, ſaith the Lord, With weeping and with ſupplications will I lead them in the wilderneſs. God did not thus lead them, nay they were then for the moſt part ſo far from entreating the Lord for any mercy, as that they did demand for this thing and that vanity, and that in a murmuring manner; ſo that the Lord did make a great ſlaughter amongſt them for their many prevarications wherewith they61 provok'd the eys of his jealoſie to anger againſt them. And the Lord promiſeth further, that he will cauſe them to walk in a ſtreight way wherein they ſhall not ſtumble. Indeed for­merly, ſo long as they did, or as any man doth walk loftily and proudly, they were, and any man is more apt to fall and ſtumble then he which with the Publican uſeth to look low, and carry his heart humble before the Lord; but it ſhall be otherwiſe. Now God having promiſed to be their guide, and that in a ſtreight way, ſurely there needs not the leaſt diſtruſt for Iſrael to have concerning their Elohim and Adonai; and this is great matter of hope and comfort to Iſrael, that when as in the dayes of old God calling them the feweſt in number amongſt all the Nati­ons, did yet love them above all Nations with a peculiar diſtinct love. So though they themſelves doe at this preſent day conceive that there is no people ſo ſcarce, (the Ara­maſpi except) yet God doth ſtill own them, and doth acknowledge Ephraim to be his firſt-born, and therefore he promiſeth to be a Father to him.

But, 2. I ſhall clear it a little by ſhewing you the conſent of the Fathers in believing of this truth.


And firſt, Auguſtine writeth; Quomodo ad­huc mors chriſti apud Judaeos maledicta eſt, ſed proculdubio Deus illuminabit oculos eorum, & ſalvos fierent in die ſalutis. That is, that al­though the death of Chriſt unto this day is held accurſed amongſt the Jews, yet doubt­leſs in the fulneſs of time God will open their eyes and bring them home to himſelf, even then when he ſhall take away their ſins, and put his law in their inward parts, then, and not till then is their hour of ſalvation.

2. John Chryſoſtome ſaith in his book which he wrote againſt the Jews in reſpect of their cruelty unto Chriſt, and only in an affectio­nate way, about pa. 73. That notwithſtanding all thoſe curſes with which he had already out of the word of God threatned them, yet ſaith he, Tanquam talis eſt calamitoſa deſolatio in domo Judaica Dei, nos Chriſtiani expectamus eorum converſionem & certam acceptionem. For the preſent, ſaith he, there is great deſolation made amongſt Gods antient holy people, ſo that moſt men do for their blind and ignorant (but horrid) offence committed againſt the Son of the everliving God, deſpitefully handle them, yet ſaith he, we Chriſtians do believe that they ſhall be converted and received again into the favor of God in Chriſt, and therefore do we longingly expect and wait for it.

I might here ſhew the great difference be­tween the Chriſt-like and heavenly affections63 of the Primitive Fathers, and the cold world-like affections of the men of our dayes. But that ſhall be brought in its proper place.

3. Effrem Syrus, whom Jerom doth ſo much extoll in his Catalogue of the Fathers, for ſo merciful a man to all ſuch as he did not ſee in as proſperous a condition as himſelf; ſo that Jerom terms him in one place〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, a man full of Divine actions: Effrem the Divine, writing on the ſmall continuance of the perſecution, in compariſon of that ever­laſting crown of joy which all Gods Saints and ſervants ſhould poſſeſs after this miſerable and frail life; did in one of his Epiſtles to the Chri­ſtians in Phaenicia, entreat them not like others of the world but according to their profeſſion to uſe all poſſible means to relieve and ſuccour the outcaſts of Iſrael; ſaying, that notwith­ſtanding their hardneſs of heart, (〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉) they have the ſame hope as we have, although for the preſent they poſſeſs not the ſame Chriſtian faith; for how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard, with ſuch opened ears and hearts as the Lord ere it be long will give unto them? Ambroſe ſaith, Quid pet is, O Judaee? & Deus tribuet tibi panem aeternam; qui dat omnibus illum rogantibus, quotidie dat, & ſemper dat. O Jew (ſaith he) what is it thou wouldſt beg of God; do but ask him, and he will give thee bread everlaſting, who giveth64 daily, and always giveth. Obſerve now when this Father had reckoned up thoſe Nations which had the leaſt hope in, or knowledge of God, then he bringeth in the Jews at the latter end of the barbarous Nations; and they lived not, neither do live without God, yet he thought, and that judiciouſly, how that they were furtheſt off Chriſt, becauſe of the full calling of the Gentiles to be firſt accom­pliſhed: and therefore ſaith, Would the for­ſaken Jew but beg of God, and the Lord would give unto him of that bread of life, which who­ſoever eats of ſhall never hunger more.

Indeed this Father comes far ſhort of Ef­frem in his charity towards Iſrael, and writes as if ſo be the Jews had the leaſt reaſon of all Nations to expect any favor from the hands of the merciful God.

Jerom ſaith in his book de Temp. Quod nec Ju­daei nec Chriſtiani repentè benefaciunt nec conver­tuntur; ideo Judaei nondum Chriſtiani ſunt in no­mine, vero in re ipſa erunt: That is, how neither Jew nor Chriſtian onely by his profeſſion are ſuddenly (for the moſt) made new creaturesi and therefore becauſe the Jews as yet have not attained the names of Chriſtians, yet let no man doubt but that they will be converted and brought back into that true and good old way in the which Enoch, Shem, Noah, Abraham, Iſaac, Jacob, Moſes, and Job with the reſt of the Patriarchs walked, even according to65 the mind of God, who though they lived ſo long before Chriſt came in the fleſh, yet by Faith they ſaw his day and were glad: even ſo although Iſrael will not ſee Chriſt in the fleſh, being he hath already offered up himſelf upon Croſs one Sacrifice to ſerve for ever, yet as ſure as the Lord liveth who did once in their fa­thers remembrance cauſe the Sun to ſtand ſtill over Gibeon, and the Moon over Aialon, which unto this day is a matter of great experience a­mongſt the Jews, I ſay ſo ſure will the Lord perſwade them, nay he will conſtrain them to believe that he which for the preſent they call Ben-Ioſeph, was that true Emmanuel Ben-David who came and went up and down in the world doing good, being meek and lowly, riding on an Aſſe through the ſtreets of their old City Ie­ruſalem. Theſe things they do now deny, but ere long they ſhall believe with joy unexpreſſible, and cry Hoſanna to the Son of David, as if he now were riding before them, bearing palms in their hands, or rather grace in their hearts: ſaying with the Samaritans, We have not only heard by the report and ſound of the Gentile Chriſtians, but now our own eyes have beheld the ſalvation of our God. And as we may find at this day written in great letters at Rome one of the notable ſtatutes of Lu. Aemilius, how that Omnes Dii peregrini è civitate ejiciantur; ſo at this great reſtauration, they will throw away and deteſt not only out of their preſent66 habitations, but alſo out of their hearts all ſtrange and contrary opinions, which for the preſent they do after various manners poſſeſs. As in Perſia they rely for the moſt part upon the belief and religion of the Bramin Mer­chants, and ſo in the Eaſt-Indies; but here in Europe they do give far more earneſt heed unto their preſent book which they call the Gemara, in which are written thoſe [ſecreta ac fines temporum] ſpoken of in the book of Eſdras, whom they now have in ſpecial requeſt above others of the Prophets. A name and matter (as they believe) which doth ſurpaſs their old Talmud; and yet they ſay, at the preſence of their King it ſhall vaniſh and decay, expecting a third edition which will be delivered unto them by the hands of Elias: Alluding, as I ſuppoſe, unto that third part which the Lord ſaith he will bring through the fire pure and burniſht without the leaſt droſs amongſt them. So that in our dayes, to ſhew and teſtifie how that they are of thoſe true Jews indeed, and not of the ſect ſpoken of in the Revelations, as we read in the holy oracles, viz. in Haggai, that when ſuch as had formerly ſeen the glory of the firſt Temple, did now behold the glory of the ſecond, they wept; and was it not be­cauſe God had ecclipſed their old ſplendor, ſeeing they would not hearken unto the word of his power, they would none of his counſel, but deſpiſed all his reproof, by ſtriving to put67 the evll day far from them? I would that Engliſh-men had but ſuch Jewiſh eyes to per­ceive, and hearts to underſtand how far ſhort we come of our former nick-named Puritanical glory, notwithſtanding all our talk of ſo many years reformation.

Truly it would be praiſe-worthy, that any ingenious hand would but take the pains to ſhew the world as it were in a glaſs, how far Chriſtians in theſe times do degenerate from that good old way in which the Primitive Churches did go; how far ſhort we come of them in our holy converſation, in our love unto Chriſt, as alſo towards the brethren, in our ſelf denial, in our zeal to do and ſuffer for God, and in our longing after the Jewiſh con­verſion. Or rather, are we not in theſe dayes become fooliſh in our vain converſation, un­dervaluing of Chriſt, and haters of our bre­thren? Are we not to day the greateſt ſelf-ſeekers throughout the Univerſe? Do we not ſhrink, if we only hear a whiſpering of a perſe­cution? And whom ſcarce amongſt us do we find to have any bowels towards this poor loſt ſheep of Iſrael? They could weep to behold the leaſt deformity either in or upon the out­ward Temple; but we have not a few tears to ſhed becauſe of thoſe ugly monſters of ſin which do inhabit in our ſouls, that ought to be the temples of the Holy Ghoſt. Surely God will hear their mourning; and as the voice of68 their cry did come up to heaven in the time of their Egyptian ſlavery, ſo doubtleſs God will yet cauſe this voice to be heard as of old, I have ſeen, I have ſeen the affliction of my people, &c. I ſay, the time when this will be I dare not juſtly affirm, but the certainty of it I will af­firm: And therefore