A LETTER FROM Captain Jones, To a worthy friend of his dwelling in Bartholmew Lane.
Being a more full and an exacter Relation of the particular proceedings of Sir William VVallers Armie, then any that hath yet been publiſhed.
With Liſt of the chiefe Commanders that were ſlain and taken priſoners
VVith a true relation of the taking of VVincheſter by the Parlioments Forces.
LONDON, Printed by A. Coe and publiſhed according to Order, Anno Domini. 1644.
I Am ſory that my time is ſo ſhort, that I cannot give a particular account of this days ſervice, the Lord hath extraordinarily delivered, I may ſay miraculouſly, ſaved us this day, and delivered our enemies into our hands, the fight began from eight and continued till paſt five a clock, at the firſt a party of Musketiers, about 1000 were ſent into a Wood, where they were beaten by the enemies bodie, the place being not tenable, which place being ſo quitted gave them great advantage: afterwards they came downe with furie on the right wing along the hedges, which wee had lined, but could hardly keep it; they fell on with ſo much courage and reſolution, till the Kentiſh horſe took a troope or two of them at one charge, and our horſe fell of their foot, and drove them from the hedges then they fell downe with a great bodie o•horſe and foot in thoſe fields, and our foot ſeconded with 400 Musketiers, ſent to them, who with three houres fight drove them from the hedges, wonne the ground, and beat their maine bodie: Truly, Sir, J think never was a field fought with more advantage and valour on their parts, and with more courage on ours: both horſe and foot playd their parts ſo well, but it pleaſed our God to force them to a ſhamefull retreat, and purſued them, beating them at leaſt ſix miles, their foot and horſe totally routed, upon their purſuit towards Wincheſter and other places, for Sir WILLIAM WALLER, and Sir WILLIAM BELFORD, with many of our horſe and foot are not yet r••urned to us: only we have heard from them we being left to convey the cariage to Aleſſord, I ſhall be able to give you antore exact account of it. Our LONDON Regiments, but above any, our Major Generall BROWN hath bin a prime means for our preſent welfare. Captain Lievtenant Milton is wounded, and carried away priſoner, but we hope to morrow to redeeme him by a ſtrong hand: wee have ſlaine the Lord Iohn Brother to the Duke of Lenox, and Ruthen cannot be found: his Lievtenant Generall is ſlain, with many others of note, taken 150 priſoners, and have not loſt 30 men.
I have ſent you a Liſt of ſome of the chiefe priſoners.
Since the beginning of this Letter I have extraordinary good news from ours in their purſuit of the enemies, by the next I hope J ſhal give you a pleaſing account, the Cavaliers ſaid as they ran away by Alesford that the Kingdome was loſt, but they gave great vapouring brags what they had done, but believe me who ſaw, and was an actor, and ſince have communicated intelligence, thot our loſſe was ſmall our gain incredible. Truly Sir the manner of my relating of Gods wonderous bringing about this ſalvation, doth fall infinitely ſhort of what it really was, for all we deſire praiſe bee giaen to God through all congregations, and that Maior general Brown be always honoured as a principall inſtrument.
Both the Armies have lain in the fields ſeveral nights and dayes paſt, the Enemie lay in Sutton down, we lay in Lumbourne field, we fought in Eaſt down between Cheriton and Alesford, the enemies laſt field-word was GOD AND THE CAUSE, and our laſt field word was IESUS BLESEE VS. VVe have taken Colours, Ordnance, &c. in the purſuit and a boundhnce of Armes, both there and in the field. Let this intelligence be communicated to all my friends as that which is certain, J reſt yours
Col. Tompſon hath loſt his leg, glory to God alone
THis day a Meſſenger came from Sir Wil: Balf•••to my Lord Generall, informing him of the proceedings ſince the late Victorie againſt the Lord Hopton, who by Letters certifieth that Sir VVilli••Waller comming to Wincheſter on Saturday, the Major of the Towne met him with the Keyes, and gave him free entrance into the Citie, the ene•ie keeping the Caſtle; but underſtanding that the enemies ſtrength was not fled thither, they refre••themſelves, and marcht away for Salisbury, and miſſing of them there, they are gone thence alſo, and now are diſperſed all the Countrey over, to make ſearch for the enemie, the ſame Letter ſaith, they have taken priſoners as many for number as they can deſire, fetching them out of Woods and by houſes every day, ſometimes taking a Troop at a time; the iſſue I hope by Gods bleſſing (if the Victorie be w•••followed with freſh men) will be the regaining of the Weſt.
Publiſhed according to Order.
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