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Lieut: General Jones's LETTER To the Councel of State, Of a Great VICTORY Which it hath pleaſed God to give the Forces in the City of Dublin under his Command, on the Second of this inſtant August, againſt the Earl of Ormond's and the Lord Inchiquin's Forces before that City.

Together with the Liſt of all the Priſoners and Ammunition taken, and the Narrative of Captain Otway, who was in the Fight.

ORdered, That the Letter from Lieutenant General Jones from Dublin of the 6th of this inſtant Auguſt, relating the Victory which it hath pleaſed God to give the Forces of the City of Dublin under his Command, againſt the Army of Ormond before that City; together with the Liſt of Priſoners and Ammunition taken, and the Narrative of Captain Otway, be forthwith printed and publiſhed: And that it be ſent to the Lord Major of London, to be ſent to all the Miniſters within his Iuriſdiction; who are hereby required to publiſh the ſame to morrow, being Lords day, the 12th of Auguſt in their publique Con­gregations, That there may be upon this occaſion, an Acknowledgement of the goodneſs of God to this Commonwealth, in ſo ſeaſonable a Victory; and that it be alſo ſent to the reſt of the Miniſters within the late Lines of Com­munication to be publiſhed as aforeſaid.


London, Printed for Edward Huſband, Printer to the Parliament of England, Auguſt 11. 1649.

Right Honorable,

THe Lord hath bleſſed this your Army with good ſucceſs againſt Ormond and his, for which Gods moſt holy Name be ever glori­fied. The account of that ſervice is thus briefly: On the firſt of this inſtant, the Enemy began his approaches to this place more then formerly, and that night was Ormond, Preſton, and the chiefeſt of that Army, at a Work begun at Baggotſrath, about a quar­ter of a mile hence Eaſtward of the City, upon the Sea, thence they purpoſed to run forward to our Tren­ches on the Land-ſide, and to raiſe their Forts towards the Water, for hindering the landing of thoſe ſupplyes and Forces expected. They had before cut off the wa­ter-running from the higher grounds into the City, whereby our Mills had been driven, and in their preſent work would they have cut us off from all forage for our cattle: To this end was that very night, a Breſt-work by them made croſſe the high-way, neer Baggotſrath, whereabouts was the onely grazing-place left for us. As for the Caſtle of Baggotſrath,, I cauſed it to be be­fore demolliſhed, ſo as it was not capable of a Garri­ſon, foreſeeing what our prejudice might be in their poſſeſſing it.

On thurſday the ſecond, we diſcovered a party of the Enemies, drawn to Baggotsrath, about fifteen hundred foot, beſides horſe. We found a neceſſity for removing them, and that ſpeedily: and ſeeing the nearneſs of the Enemies camp at Rathmynes, (leſs then a mile from Baggotsrath) where they might be readily relieved with greater force as occaſion might require; therefore did I advance with ſo much a greater ſtrength, about twelve hundred horſe, and four thouſand foot.

The Enemies work at Baggotsrath we ſoon entred,4 yet not without ſtrong diſpute: moſt of the Enemies foot there were ſlain and taken, their horſe having de­ſerted them, after the firſt charge.

Our horſe and foot purſuing their advantages, we be­came at laſt wholly engaged with their whole Army, whom after two hours fight, we totally routed.

We ſlew on the place, and in the chaſe, about four thouſand; and have two thouſand five hundred and ſe­venteen priſoners, moſt of them Inchiquines Engliſh, and of our run-aways. We got one whole Cannon, three Demi-Cannons, one long-ſquare gun, carrying a ball of twelve pound, one Saker-drake, and one Mor­ter-piece, (all theſe braſs) and ſome Trayn-carriages, and about two hundred draught Oxen for the Trayn.

The Strength of the Enemy was by themſelves ſince acknowledged Nineteen thouſand; Ormond narrowly eſcaped: Of our men there are not twenty miſſing, many wounded. The greateſt loſs fell on the horſe, wherein my Regiment hath much ſuffered, which I hum­bly deſire may be conſidered, together with my former loſſes in the ſame kinde in former Services, and there­fore that larger Recruits may be given me: To which end I have employed thither this Gentleman Captain Otway, one faithful and forward, whom I make bold to recommend unto your favor.

This whole work is the Lords doing, and it is mar­vellous in our eyes: By whoſe eſpecial providence it was that we ſhould thus engage, we our ſelves at firſt not ſo far intending it: Neither did the Enemy ex­pect our ſo doing; nor would they have willingly en­gaged with us, if it might have been by them avoided, they reſerving themſelves for the coming up of Clan­ricard with his Connaght forces about Three thouſand, and the Lord of Ardes with his Seven thouſand Scots,5 all ready for marching; Inchiquine alſo being looked for, who had the week before gone towards Munſter, with two Regiments of horſe, for appeaſing ſome ſtir­rings there by Owen Roe, raiſed in his abſence. Never was any day in Ireland like this, to the confuſion of the Iriſh, and to the raiſing up the ſpirits of the poor Engliſh, and to the reſtoring of the Engliſh Intereſt, which from their firſt footing in Ireland was never in ſo low a con­dition, as at that very inſtant, there not being any one conſiderable landing place left you, but this alone, and this alſo (without this the Lords timely and moſt graci­ous goodneſs and providence to us) almoſt gone.

Yet is not all this any ground of Security, whereby may be kept back or delayed the Supplies deſigned us; for moſt of our Gariſons are yet to be taken in, and the Enemy to be ſpeedily followed, that they recover not (which yet they may do to a conſiderable number) and that they either poſſeſs not themſelves of this Har­veſt, or hinder us of it. For our ſelves as at preſent, we are not in condition to proſecute this great Victory as we ſhould and would, wanting pay for our men, and ne­ceſſary proviſions, which would be now made over to us ſpeedily and plentifully, this being the time, and the occaſion being now offered for a full ending of this War, by its vigorous proſecution, the opportunity whereof is not to be in any caſe omitted; beſides the ſecurity therein rendred to your affairs there, whereun­to all theſe movings might have been dangerouſly car­ried, as they were by Ormond and his Party intended. All which I leave to your moſt wiſe conſideration, and as ever, remain

Your Honors moſt faithful Servant, MIC: JONES.

Priſoners taken the ſecond of Auguſt, 1649.

  • COl: Chriſtopher Plun­ket Earl of Fingal.
  • Col: Richard Butler the Lo: of Ormonds brother.
  • Lieut: Col: Michael Searl Adjutant General.
  • Lieut: Col: Aldworth.
  • Lieut: Col: Standley.
  • Lieut: Col: Tho: Forteſcu.
  • Lieut: Col: Jeſper Taaff.
  • Lieut: Col: Gerard, Lieut: to the Fuiſeers.
  • Major Roger Garland.
  • Major Oliver Fitz Simons
  • Major Comin.
  • Major Henry Littell.
  • Major Charls Norwood.
  • Major Riddar, Major to Col: Blunt.
  • Major Fleetwood, Serjeant to the Fuiſeers.
  • Major Shalop.
  • Sir George Bingham Ba­ronet.
  • Daniel.
  • Leſton.
  • James Fleming.
  • Dunn.
  • Geoghegan.
  • Henry Fitz Gerrald.
  • George Cuſacke.
  • Chriſtopher Barnewell.
  • Balthazar Newgent.
  • William Whittly.
  • Harbert Lewis.
  • Petty.
  • Cosby.
  • Jackſon.
  • May.
  • Graynier.
  • Thomas Bourke.
  • Daniel Mac Nemara.
  • Pierce Mac Kee.
  • Fergus Mageins.
  • Thomas Pluncket.
  • Povey.
  • Morris Harbert.
  • Townſen.
  • George Darcy.
  • Milemay.
  • Ofield.
  • Aymes.
  • Roger Flangherty.
  • 7Ben: Pierce.
  • Arthur Aſten.
  • Dun.
  • Fitz Gerrald.
  • Dillon.
  • Cap: Lieut: James Wade.
  • Cap: Lieut: Dawning Barret.
  • Cap: Lieut: Foacks.
  • Cap: Lieut: John Alexander.
  • Barth: Fitz Gerrald.
  • Reformadoes.
    • Holmes
    • Cornee
  • Robert Coyne.
  • Arthur Reynolds.
  • William Dallon.
  • Robert Lack.
  • Nicholas Raw.
  • Francis Coyn.
  • Richard Andrewes.
  • John Criſp.
  • Tho: Whitely.
  • James Giſlyne.
  • Henry Moſs.
  • William Merrill.
  • Paul Symons.
  • Math: Brown.
  • Edward Coates.
  • Rich: Betſworth.
  • Thomas Power.
  • Clement Greene.
  • Francis Hill.
  • Thomas Hill.
  • Foxe.
  • Barret.
  • Hamilton.
  • Searle.
  • Alexander.
  • Illwell.
  • Mevet.
  • Gibs.
  • Harris.
  • Browne.
  • Nevet.
  • Andrewes.
  • Street.
  • Roe.
  • Reynolds.
  • Thomas.
  • Towſen.
  • Lock.
  • Barnes.
  • Gilborn.
  • Fay.
  • Roſs Dempſey.
  • William Bourk.
  • Francis Fox.
  • Dutton.
  • Thomas Darcy.
  • John Pollet.
  • Garret Harbert.
  • John O Teige.
  • Miles Bourk.
  • Walter Huſſey.
  • John Andrews.
  • George Welſh.
  • Richard Pluncket.
  • Carbery Higgin.
  • Thomas Pierce.
  • Edward Dowdal.
  • Garret Reeves.
  • 8
  • Henry Colepeaſe.
  • Southwood.
  • Nicholas Mayl.
  • William Jewel.
  • Simon Pordon.
  • William Sanderſon.
  • William Pope.
  • William Crosby.
  • Peter Bulkley.
  • Harbert Whitefield.
  • Morton Vaughan.
  • Henry Leigh.
  • Robert Dreakin.
  • George Green.
  • Henry Banneſter.
  • George Giles.
  • Samuel Floyd.
  • Robert Fitz-Gerrald.
  • Edward Jans.
  • Palyn.
  • Dickſon.
  • Lillies.
  • Langford.
  • Willonton.
  • Bradley.
  • Rogers.
  • Brisby.
  • James Ennis.
  • Peter Smith.
  • Peter Walſh.
  • James Finis.
  • Richard Mealey.
  • Patr. Bolan.
  • Michael Taaff.
  • Patr. Boy Key.
  • Mortogh Mac Hary.
  • Owen Mahany.
  • Jo: Tirrel.
  • Edm. Mullegan.
  • Daniel Kevanagh.
  • Daniel Wyer:
  • Tho: Street.
  • Williams.
  • Jolliff.
  • George Mettam.
  • George Borray.
  • Jones.
  • King.
  • Smith.
  • James Woods.
  • Edmund Stacy.
  • Blackwal.
  • Troopers:
    • Mr: Lewis Richards.
    • Mr: John Salman.
    • Mr: Henry Wilkinſon.
    • Mr: Griffith Cox.
    • Mr: Edward Heald.
    • Mr: Gore.
    • Mr: Richard Bealing.
    • Mr: Baggot.
    • Francis Witherington.
    • Mr: Miles Gyncks. [Gent:]
    • Robert Hamilton Miniſter.
    • Ten Servants.
    • Six Gunners.
    • 9John Bellew Lieutenant of the Ordinance.
    • The Clerk of the Store.
    • Six Trumpets.
    • Six Chyrurgions.
    • Ten belonging to the Train of Artilery.
    • Sixty nine Sergeants.
    • Twenty Drums.
    • Fifty ſix Corporals.
  • William Pets.
  • William Fitz-Gerald.
  • John Farling.
  • William Dowdal.
  • Rich. Maudſley.
  • Matthew Simple.
  • Bethel Vaughan.
  • William Rowlandſon.
  • Captain Hooker.
  • William Boyce.
  • John Gulſton.
  • Edmund Pooley.
  • Edward Garing.
  • John Bryers.
  • Thomas Tobe.
  • John Jennings.
  • Tho: Barrow.
  • Chriſtopher Sherman.
  • William Blake.
  • William Hopkins.
  • Edw: Jones.
  • John Williams.
  • Peter Cropper.
  • John Jackſon.
  • Robert Calvect.
  • Ralph Goodwin.
  • Robert Pain.
  • Gerard Ruſſel.
  • Richard Ellis.
  • Tho: Elliſon.
  • William Dextet.
  • Stephen Foxwiſt.
  • Henry Finch.
  • Robert Dalvin.
  • Thomas Stanly.
  • Francis Needham.
  • Robert Dalligeed.
  • Mat: Cardy.
  • Mat: Righby.
  • Morris Nangley.
  • Nicho: Allen.
  • Tho: Kemp.
  • Henry Booker.
  • Peter Bogerd.
  • Dennis Lord.
  • Robert Gardner.
  • Edward Gore.
  • Robert Gneens.
  • John Farehurſt.
  • Thomas Farrer.
  • Chriſtopher Perkenſon.
  • William Windeſler.
  • _____Halliwary.
  • _____Braſſe.
  • George Moor.
  • John Murfy.
A Liſt of Artillery, taken from the Iriſh at Ram­nies, the ſecond of Auguſt, 1649.
  • ONe braſs Cannon, weighing ſeven thouſand three hundred twenty one pounds, her length ten foot, her bullet weighing forty four pound.
  • One braſs Demi-Cannon eldeſt, weighing five thou­ſand four hundred twenty eight pound, her length e­leven foot and an half, her bullet weighing thirty two pounds.
  • Two braſs Demi-Cannon of one mould, each weigh­ing forty four hundred, their length nine foot and a half, their bullet weighing twenty ſix pound.
  • One ſquare braſs Demi-Culverin, weighing two thouſand eight hundred pound, her length eleven foot, four inches, her bullet weighing twelve pounds.
  • One ſmall braſs Saker-Drake, weighing ſix hundred pound, her length four foot and a half, her bullet weigh­ing ſix pounds.
  • One braſs Morter-piece, weighing nine hundred and twenty ſeven pounds, her ſhell weighing one hundred pounds.
  • Mr. Gunner.

Two thouſand one hundred private Soldiers, where­of ſix hundred Iriſh, the reſt being of Inchequines par­ty, and have taken up arms for the Parliament, promi­ſing faithfulneſs. Theſe had quarter on the ſurrender of the Caſtles of Rathgar and Ramaynes, whither for gaining conditions, they had betaken themſelves.

More Priſoners taken.
  • VVIlliam Cunningham, a noted Rebel.
  • Mr. Buggot, Deputy Pay-maſter.
  • Mr. John Harbert, Servant to the pretended King, who landed at Galway about ſix days ſince with the Kings Houſhold-goods.
  • SIr William Vaughan,
  • Sir Edward Verney,
  • Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Brother in Law to the Lord Taaff,
  • Colonel Gerrard,
  • Lieutenant Colonel Matthews, Bro­ther in Law to the Earl of Ormond,
  • Major Bretain,
  • Lieutenant Colonel Beverly, Uſher.

Captain Otway, The Meſſenger that brought this diſpatch who was an Actor in that Service, further re­lates, That the Enemy marched away with ſuch haſte, as they left their whole Camp which was very well fur­niſhed of all proviſions of Victual, ſtore of Wine, Silks and Velvet, Scarlet and other cloth, both woollen and linen, and ſome money, all the Cattle left in the Quar­ters about Dublin as they found them there.

The Enemy hath quit ſeveral Gariſons upon their marching off; viZ. Manouth, Naas, Donahadee, and Richardſtown.

Wedneſday the Eighth was appointed to be a day of Thankſgiving in Dublin for this great Victory.

Thurſday, Lieut: General Jones intended to march out again with his Army towards Drogheda.


About this transcription

TextLieut: General Jones's letter to the Councel of State, of a great victory which it hath pleased God to give the forces in the city of Dublin under his command, on the second of this instant August, against the Earl of Ormond's and the Lord Inchiquin's forces before that city. Together with the list of all the prisoners and ammunition taken, and the narrative of Captain Otway, who was in the fight. Die Saturni, 11⁰ Augusti, 1649. At the Councel of State at White-Hall; ordered, that the letter from Lieutenant General Jones ... be forthwith printed and published: ... Gualter Frost Secr'
AuthorJones, Michael, d. 1649..
Extent Approx. 19 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 6 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 165319)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 87:E569[1])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationLieut: General Jones's letter to the Councel of State, of a great victory which it hath pleased God to give the forces in the city of Dublin under his command, on the second of this instant August, against the Earl of Ormond's and the Lord Inchiquin's forces before that city. Together with the list of all the prisoners and ammunition taken, and the narrative of Captain Otway, who was in the fight. Die Saturni, 11⁰ Augusti, 1649. At the Councel of State at White-Hall; ordered, that the letter from Lieutenant General Jones ... be forthwith printed and published: ... Gualter Frost Secr' Jones, Michael, d. 1649., Otway, Captain.. 11, [1] p. Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Parliament of England,London :August 11. 1649.. (Otway's narrative is given as an abstract.) (An expanded reprint. P. 1-5 are the same setting; the list of prisoners on p. 6 has been expanded to p. 6-9; original p. 7-8 are reimposed to p. 10-11.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Dublin (Ireland) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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