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A GREAT And Bloody Fight IN SHROPSHIRE: Shrowden ſurprized by a Troop of horſe for the KING. And the Fight with Coll: Mackworth.

THE Number of the Lord Byrons Army, and their Randezvouz at Breeſ-Heath.

Prince Charles his Inſtructions, with Sir Marmaduke Langdales Letter to the Lord Byron: The Lord Byrons Declarati­on to the Kingdom, and his Reſolutions. WITH His Lordſhips Speech in the Head of his Army at Breeſ-Heath.

London Printed for A. H. neer Pye-corner, 1648.


A Great and bloody fight in Shropſhire, Shrowden ſurprized by a Troop of Horſe for the KING.


WHen Poyer was reduced in South-Wales, ſome thought all was ſettled in theſe parts, and that Principallity, but it ſeemes not ſo now, for there is a new breaking out, and the Cavaliers very bold and reſolute, The Lord Byron hath Liſted a compleate Regiament of Horſe, and hath Declared for the King, I have ſent you his Declaration, here incloſed, The particulars of this new riſing are thus.

The Lord Byron received Inſtructions from Sir Marmaduke Langdale, which he ſaith he had Order from His Highneſſe Prince Charles for. The reaſon of them was certified in a letter from Sir Marmaduke Langdale to the Lord Byron, That His Highneſſe Prince Charles wondered that his Lordſhip was ſo backward, and had already loſt ſo many opportu­nities, that he expected formerly that he ſhould have drawn forth his Regiament to have releived Pembroke, or ſeized Cheſter, or ſome other conſiderable hold. But that ſeeing what is paſt cannot bee recalled, he would have the Lord2 Byron to take the advantage of Crumwells going northward and riſe and poſſeſſe himſelfe of what places of ſtrength he can, and uſe his utmoſt power to draw backe the Forces with Crumwell, aſſuring his Lordſhip that there ſhall be aſ­ſiſtance come from the North to joyne with him, by the way of Lancaſhire: And that Inſtructions are given to the Earle of Derby whereby there is aſſurance given, that the Kings party will riſe there under his command upon the firſt opportunity, which he hopes will be ſuddainly, here­upon the Lord Byron had ſeveral meetings with his Officers, and at laſt compleated his Regiament of Horſe, And ap­pointed a Randezvouze at Breeſe-Heath, one Troope of Horſe was appointed by his Lordſhip to march to the City of Shrewsbury, and ſecure it for His Majeſty; And according­ly a very gallant Troope marched thither ward which gave an Alarum to Col. Mackworth the Governour of Salop for the Parliament, who prepared to oppoſe them, but before he could be ready, the Cavaliers were entred Shrewsbury and cryed out. For the King and the Lord Byron.

But they were oppoſed by Captaine Allen, from Colonel Mackworth, and forced out of the Town againe, divers be­ing killed and wounded on both ſides, and ſome taken pri­ſoners:

At this oppoſition which they found, they being forced to diſcert that attempt, They marched to the Lord Byron, who was then at Breeſe-Heath, at his Randezvouze. There were of Col. Mackworthes party ſome ſlaine, and Capt. Allen much wounded, a very honeſt gallant man, for whom there is much ſorrow. The Lord Byron upon the comming of this Troope to him at Breeſe-Heath, hearing what was done, is marched with about 500 Horſe into Wales, what his Lordſhip intends is not knowne at preſent, but it is beleeved hee will march towards Carnarven, though ſome thinke he will attempt the taking of Cheſter, but of that I ſhall give you a further account by the next. The wel-affected to the Parliament (hereabouts) are in a great fear of theſe Cavaliers, not knowing what they may ſuffer. But this Troope that came towards this City hath ſo rouzed3 us, that I beleeve the Inhabitants will be more watchfull, We have taken the Lady Haris, and divers other priſoners, who had an hand in this buſineſſe. This to communicate at preſent, I pray you accept it from

Your Servant, Robert Jones.

The ſubſtance of the Lord Byrons Declaration.

THat whereas his Highneſſe Prince Charles, de­clared unto Coll. Poyer, Coll. Powel, and others, by Letters under his highneſſe hand and ſeale: Thus, Viz. We have ſeen your Declaration, and received your letter, and are extreamly ſatisfied with the many expreſſions we finde in them, of your great zeale and affection to the King our Royall Father, and to us: We have much reaſon to be aſſured of the loyalty and integrity of your intentions, when we conſider the proſent conjunctures and ſeaſonable­neſſe of your appearing in Armes, and declaring your ſelves for his Ma­jeſty at this time, when the concurrence of others with you in the ſame good deſigne, may give us more then an ordinary hope of good ſucceſſe, and that you and they may be a mutuall ſupport and aſſiſtance to each o­ther. The Anſwers we have herewith ſent to your Propoſitions will we hope let you ſee how ready we are to imbrace all things, that may give you encouragement to proceed cheerfully and conſtantly in this cauſe, and the modeſty you have uſed therein ſhall invite us to lay hold of all occaſions, to oblige perſons that ingage themſelves in ſo great an undertaking, with ſuch reaſonable demands for themſelves. And we aſſure you, that we ſhall be carefull, to ſupply and aſſiſt you in all things to the uttermoſt of our power. And if it pleaſe God to bleſſe us with ſucceſſe, we ſhall endevour by all reall effects of kindneſſe to let you ſee how truly ſenſible we are of your merit, and of the obligation we ac­knowledge to have to you.

4And notwithſtanding their endeavours herein, yet by a party of the Sectaries Army, they have been di­verted, and their Forces overpowred; That all ſuch who will come and joyn with him, ſhall be received, and liſted for the reſcuing of his Majeſty, from im­priſonment under the Sectaries, and that his Majeſty may be brought to London, and enjoy his juſt honours, freedoms, and Rights, the Parliament be free, and the Kingdoms ſetled in peace; And that for this purpoſe the Scots forces are come into England, under com­mand of Duke Hambleton, with whom he will joyn for the ends aforeſaid.



THat his Lordſhip compleat his Re­giament of Horſe with all ſpeed, to be full in every Troop.

That his Lordſhip have ſpeedily a ran­dezvous of his horſe, & ſettle the Troops

5That his Lordſhip uſe his endevour for the ſurpriſall of the City of Salop, for the Kings Majeſty.

That his Lordſhip put in a ſufficient ſtrength of Foot into Shrewsbury, to keep it for his Majeſty, and make the works ſubſtantiall, and good.

That his Lordſhip take advice here­in with the Gentlemen appointed for ma­nagement of the buſineſſe of the foure Aſ­ſotiated Counties,

That his Lordſhip keepe correſpon­dency with Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and uſe all means to make a conjunction ſo ſoon as may bee.

That his Lordſhip order the monies according to his Lordſhips former inſtru­ctions, and make faire and ſpecious pre­tences to the Country.


The Lord Byrons Speech in the Head of his Forces at Breeſe-heath in Shropſhire.

Gentlemen and Fellow Souldiers.

I Thanke you for your ſo chearefull and ready comming to mee, and I deſire you be couragious, the cauſe wee have in hand, and are to maintain, is for God, and King Charles, a free Parliament, and the peace of his Majeſties three Kingdomes, you have the Scots on your ſide, and the City of London, with all the wel-affected in England; yea, and the Iriſh alſo joyn with you in oppoſing his Majeſties Enemies, who have nothing left them but an Army of Sectaries for their ſup­port; And I ſhall not only lead you on, but ſtay by you to bring you off, upon any in­agement againſt our and the Kings Ene­mies.


About this transcription

TextA great and boody fight in Shropshire: Shrowden suprized by a troop of horse for the King. And the fight with Coll: Mackworth. The number of the Lord Byrons army, and their randezvouz at Brees-Heath. Prince Charles his instructions, with Sir Marmaduke Langdales letter to the Lord Byron: the Lord Byrons declaration to the kingdom, and his resolutions. With his lordships speech in the head of his army at Brees-Heath.
AuthorJones, Robert..
Extent Approx. 10 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A87644)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 116668)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 73:E457[18])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA great and boody fight in Shropshire: Shrowden suprized by a troop of horse for the King. And the fight with Coll: Mackworth. The number of the Lord Byrons army, and their randezvouz at Brees-Heath. Prince Charles his instructions, with Sir Marmaduke Langdales letter to the Lord Byron: the Lord Byrons declaration to the kingdom, and his resolutions. With his lordships speech in the head of his army at Brees-Heath. Jones, Robert.. [2], 6 p. Printed for A.H. neer Pye-corner,London :1648.. (Dated and signed on p.3: Shrewsbury this 6th of August 1648. Robert Jones.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Aug: 8th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E457_18
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