A New and Uſeful CATECHISM.
QUeſtion. What is God?
Anſwer. A Spirit, a King Immortal, only Wiſe, Holy, Merciful, Juſt, All-ſeeing, a Heart-ſearching Jehovah, Joh. 4.24. 1 Tim. 6.15. 1 Pet. 1.15. Epheſ. 2.4. Pſal. 86.5. Prov. 15.3. Iſa. 45.21.
Queſt. How may he be known?
Anſw. By his Works, Attributes, and his Word, Rom. 2.14, 15. Micah 7.18. Iſa. 9.6. Job Chap. 38, 39. Exod. 34.6, 7, 8.
Queſt. What are his Works?
Anſw. He made Heaven, Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, in ſix Days, and reſted the ſeventh Day, and ſaw all things to be exceeding Good.
Queſt. What is wonderful in his Works further?
A. His making all Things of Nothing, his preſerving all things by his Mercy & Power, calleth for the Waters out of the Sea, poureth them out upon the Earth, Amos 5.8. Gives the Sun for a Light by Day, and the Moon and Stars by Night; giveth the Rainbow as a Sign that the World ſhall be no more drowned, placing8 Virtue, and Operation in every Herb, Tree, Plant, for the uſe and benefit of his Creature, Man. And for a further diſcovery, take notice of Job 38 & 39 Chapters, Gen. 9.13. Gen. 1.28, 29, 30.
Queſt. What are his Attributes?
Anſw. His Wiſdom, his Holineſs, his Juſtice, his Mercy, his Faithfulneſs, his Allſeeingneſs, and his Infiniteneſs in them, and Immortality and Immutability, 1 Tim. 6.15. 1 Cor. 10.13. Rev. 15.4. Pſal. 139.2.
Queſt. What is his Word?
Anſw. That which declareth him ſo to be, and proceedeth from himſelf, Pſal. 19.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Queſt. Why did God create all things?
Anſw. For his Pleaſure all things are and were created, Rev. 4.11.
Queſt. Did God create any Man on purpoſe to damn him?
Anſw. No; for he ſaith, As I live, I deſire not the Death of a Sinner, but rather that he may turn and live, Ezek. 18.22, 23, 24. & 33.11.
Q. What was Man made of?
A. Duſt of the Earth, Gen. 2.7.
Q. After what manner was he made?
A. He is ſaid to be created after God's own Image, having Dominion over all the earthly Creatures, Gen. 1.27, 28.
Q. What did God give to Adam at the firſt?
A. He gave him a pleaſant Paradiſe, and a Law; That of every Tree in the Garden he9 might eat; but of the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil he ſhould not eat; for in the Day he eat thereof, he ſhould ſurely die, Gen. 2.17.
Q. How came Adam to break the Law given unto him?
A. By the Woman's yielding to the Serpent, did take and eat of the forbidden Fruit, and ſhe gave to her Husband, and he did eat, Gen. 3.6.
Q. Did Eve being, tempted or provoked to eat by the Serpent, or Adam by the Woman, excuſe their Sin?
A. No; for God paſſeth Sentence upon them both, and alſo upon the Serpent.
Q. What Miſery fell they under as their Puniſhment?
A. To the Woman God ſaith, I will greatly multiply thy Sorrows, and thy Conceptions; in Sorrow ſhalt thou bring forth Children, and thy deſire ſhall be to thy Husband, and he ſhall rule over thee, Gen. 3.16.
Q. What did God ſay to Adam?
A. Becauſe thou haſt hearkened to the Voice of thy Wife, the Ground ſhall be curſed for thy ſake; Thorns and Thiſtles ſhall it bring forth; thou ſhalt in the ſweat of thy Face eat thy Bread, until thou return unto the Duſt; for Duſt thou art, and unto Duſt thou ſhalt return. He was alſo aſhamed of his Nakedneſs, feared to appear before his Maker, turned out of Paradiſe, and Cherubims ſet to keep the Way of the Tree of Life with flaming Swords, that he might not eat thereof, leſt he live for ever, Gen. 3.17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24.
10Q. Here is ſad News of Death, and Mortality, and Pain, and loſing of a pleaſant Paradiſe: How came the happy News of Life immortal, and enjoying of a heavenly Paradiſe?
A. Through a ſecond Adam, Chriſt Jeſus, who hath aboliſhed Death, and hath brought Life and Immortality unto Light, through the Goſpel. 2 Tim. 1.10. Heb. 2.14. 1 Cor. 15.22. Gen. 3.15.
Q. What is Jeſus Chriſt?
A. The Son of God, the Saviour of poor, loſt, worthleſs, ſtraying Sinners.
Q. How may that appear?
A. By the Wonders wrought at his Conception, at his Birth, by himſelf whilſt on Earth perſonally, at his Transfiguration, at his Baptiſm, at his Death, at his Reſurrection.
Q. What was wrought in a miraculous way at his Conception?
A. Mary with Child by the Holy Ghoſt, and not after any ordinary manner, Mat. 1.16. Joſeph being eſpouſed unto her, thought to put her away, not knowing what was done; but an Angel appeared to ſatisfy him, and directed him to call his Name Jeſus, for he ſhould ſave his People from their Sins, Mat. 1.21.
Q. What Wonder was done at his Birth?
A. A Star aroſe out of the Eaſt, which the Wiſe-men followed, till it ſtood ſtill over the Place where the young Child lay, Mat. 2.10.
Q. What elſe was done at his Birth?
A. Their rejoicing and worſhipping of him;11 Herod's cruel Deſign fruſtrated, as relating to the killing of the Babe, by the Lord's appearing unto them in a Dream, and ſending them another way, Mat. 2.12.
Q. What elſe was wonderful?
A. An Angel appearing unto two Shepherds in great Glory, ſaying, Fear not, for I bring you glad Tidings, which ſhall be to all People; for unto you is born this Day, in the City of David, a Saviour, Chriſt the Lord.
Q. What elſe was wrought wonderfully at his Birth?
A. A heavenly Hoſt immediately appearing, praiſing God, and ſaying, Glory to God in the Higheſt, on Earth Peace, Good-will towards Men, Luke 2.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Q. What Wonders were wrought in his Life-time?
A. Diſputing with the Doctors at twelve Years of Age; rebuking violent Diſeaſes, and they departed by the Word of his Mouth, Joh. 4.10. turned Water into Wine, John 2.9. raiſed the Dead, cleanſed the Lepers; the Lame walk, the Blind ſee, the Deaf hear, the Dumb ſpeak, Mat. 11.5. Rather than he will give Offence, cauſeth Money to be taken out of a Fiſh's Mouth, Mat. 17.27.
Q. What elſe was wrought by Chriſt in his Life-time?
A. The Wind and the Sea obey him, and are calm at his Command, Mat. 8.26, 27. Five thouſand fed with five Loaves, and two little Fiſhes, Mat. 14.19, 20, 21.
12Q. What was wonderful at his Baptiſm?
A. The Spirit of God lighting upon him as a Dove, as he came out of the Water, teſtifying that he was the Son of God, in whom he was well-pleaſed, Mat. 3.16. Alſo at his being transfigured upon the Mount, his Face did ſhine as the Sun, and his Raiment white as the Light, a bright Cloud over-ſhadowed them, and a Voice out of the Cloud, ſaying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleaſed, hear ye him, Mat. 17.2.
Q. What was done at his Death?
A. The Vail of the Temple rent, to ſignify the End of thoſe Types, he being the Subſtance, Heb. 9.11. and Darkneſs over all the Earth, from the 6th Hour to the 9th Hour, Luke 23.44. the Earth did quake, and the Rocks rent, and the Graves were opened; and many of the dead Bodies of the Saints which ſlept, aroſe after his Reſurrection, and went into the holy City, Mat. 27.51, 52, 53.
Q. What Wonders were wrought at his Reſurrection?
A. A great Earthquake; an Angel deſcending from Heaven, and came and rolled the Stone from the Door, and ſat upon it; his Countenance like Lightning, and his Raiment white as Snow: and for fear of him the Keepers did ſhake, and became as dead Men, telling the Women that Chriſt was riſen, ſhewing them the Place where the Lord lay; and ſaid unto them, Go quickly and tell his Diſciples, he is riſen13 from the Dead. Matth. 28.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Q. How long was it from his Death to his Aſcenſion?
A. Forty Days, ſpeaking to them of the things concerning the Kingdom of God, Act. 1.3.
Q. What was done at his Aſcenſion?
A. Two Men ſtanding by the Diſciples in white Apparel, teſtifying that the ſame Jeſus whom they had ſeen aſcend into Heaven, ſhould ſo come in like manner as ye have ſeen him go into Heaven, Acts 1.11.
Q. What was done after his Aſcenſion?
A. The Diſciples being together, and praying upon the Day of Pentecoſt, they received the Promiſe of the Spirit, and were filled with the Holy Ghoſt, ſo as that they were able to ſpeak to the underſtanding of all Nations; and Gifts beſtowed upon them and others, for the Edification of the Church, perfecting of the Saints for the Work of the Miniſtry: this appears from theſe Scriptures, Acts 2.3. Eph. 4.8. 1 Cor. 12.7.
Q. VVhat did the Lord Jeſus come into the VVorld to do?
A. He came to ſeek and ſave them that were loſt, to give the knowledg of Salvation and Remiſſion of Sins; to give Light to them that ſat in Darkneſs, and the ſhadow of Death; to guide our Feet in the Path of Peace, Luk. 19.10. & 1.77, 78, 79. & 24.47. and to deſtroy the Works of the Devil, 1 John 3.8.
Q. How came Man into his loſt miſerable Eſtate?
14A. By Sin.
Q. VVhat is Sin?
A. It is the Tranſgreſſion of the Law, Rom. 7.7. 1 Joh. 3.4.
Q. VVhat Means hath Chriſt uſed to ſeek and ſave them that are loſt?
A. He hath, by the means of Death, redeemed us from him that had the Power of Death, even the Devil; and deliver'd them who thrô fear of Death, were all their Life-time ſubject to Bondage. He was wounded for our Iniquities, broken for our Tranſgreſſions; the Chaſtiſement of our Peace was upon him, and thrô his Stripes we are healed: He poured out his Soul unto Death, and made Interceſſion for Tranſgreſſors.
Q. Did he do this for all Men?
A. Yea, all have, like Sheep, gone aſtray; and the Lord hath laid upon him the Iniquity of us all.
Q. How doth it appear that Chriſt died for all Men?
A. From the Types under the Law; from the Teſtimony of all the Prophets; from the Teſtimony of an Angel, and of the Heavenly Hoſt; from the Teſtimony of Chriſt and his Holy Apoſtles.
Q. How from Types doth it appear that Chriſt died for all Men?
A. As the Paſchal Lamb being ſlain, was a Sign of Safety and Deliverance to Iſrael; ſo Jeſus Chriſt is called the Lamb ſlain from the15 Foundation of the World; and is called the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World; and that ſaveth all that believe from Wrath to come. Rev. 13.8. Joh. 1.29. 1 Theſſ. 1.10.
Q. How elſe?
A. By the brazen Serpent, that as truly as it was lifted up by Moſes, for the healing of all that were ſtung or bitten; ſo Chriſt is held forth and lifted up, for the comfort of every poor diſtreſſed Sinner; that whoſoever believeth, might not periſh, but have eternal Life. John 3.14, 15, 16.
Q. How elſe by the Manna?
A. That as the Manna fell for all Iſrael to gather, and be nouriſhed in the eating of it; ſo Jeſus Chriſt came, the true Bread from Heaven, to give his Fleſh for the Life of the World, that all thoſe that believe on Jeſus Chriſt, and feed on him by Faith, might be nouriſhed up to eternal Life, John 6.51.
Q. How elſe doth it appear?
A. By the Teſtimony of an Angel, ſaying, Fear not, I bring you glad Tidings, which ſhall be to all People; for unto you is born this Day, in the City of David, a Saviour, Chriſt the Lord, Luke 2.10, 11, 12.
Q. How elſe?
A. Immediately a Heavenly Hoſt praiſing God, and ſaying, Glory to God in the higheſt, Peace, good Will towards Men, Luk. 2.13, 14.
Q. How elſe doth it appear?
A. By the Teſtimony of all the Prophets,16 Acts 10.47. To him give all the Prophets witneſs, that whoſoever believeth in him, ſhould have remiſſion of Sins.
Q. How elſe doth it appear?
A. From the Teſtimony of Chriſt, who ſaith, The Bread which I give, is my Fleſh; which I give for the Life of the World, John 6.51. By the Teſtimony of his Apoſtles, who thus judg, that if one died for all, then they which live, ſhould not live to themſelves, but unto him that died for them, and roſe again, 2 Cor. 5.14. Who ſay, that he by the Grace of God, taſted Death for every Man, Heb. 2.9. Who gave himſelf a Ranſom for all, to be teſtified in due Time. And this Truth, Paul was ordained a Preacher of among the Gentiles, 1 Tim. 2.6, 7. Who ſay, that he is not only a Propitiation for our Sins, but for the Sins of the whole World, 1 John 2.2.
Q. What farther Means doth he uſe to ſeek and ſave them that are loſt, or are by reaſon of Sin in a damnable Condition, if dying therein?
A. He roſe again for the Juſtification of poor ſinful Man, in which he hath given aſſurance unto Man of his Reſurrection, and that there is a Day that he muſt come to Judgment, Acts 17.31. Alſo appointing, that the Goſpel ſhould be preached to every Creature, Mark 16.13, 16. Alſo affording his Spirit to convince Men of Sin, if they believe not, John 16.8, 9. Alſo by the glorious Benefits of his Aſcenſion, did and doth furniſh Men with Gifts for the Work of the Miniſtry, to be Ambaſſadors for Chriſt, to17 beſeech Souls to be reconciled, Epheſ. 4.11, 12 2 Cor. 5.19, 20.
Q. What farther Means doth he uſe to bring Men to Happineſs?
A. By virtue of his Interceſſion, Vengeance is ſtaid from coming ſpeedily and ſuddenly upon Men, Luke 13.8. Iſa. 53.12. Alſo his patient waiting upon Men from time to time; Warnings given by his Severity upon ſome, promiſing Happineſs and Eternal Life, if they believe and obey; threatning Eternal Death and Damnation, if they believe not, and are diſobedient, Prov. 1.20. Jer. 13.27. Mat. 11.21. John 3.36. 1 Cor. 10.12.
Q. Did Jeſus Chriſt die for all Men, that they might be ſaved?
A. Yea; for he complaineth, ſaying, Ye will not come unto me, that you might have Life; and he came not to condemn the World, but that the World through him might be ſaved: And John came to bear witneſs of that Light, that all Men through him might believe, John 5.40. & 3.17. & 1.7.
Q. Are Men ſaved only by the Death of Chriſt?
A. They are ſaid to be reconciled by his Death, but ſaved by his Life, Rom. 5.10.
Q. What is that which renders Men Enemies unto God, and under his Wrath?
A. Evil wicked Works, Col. 1.21. Epheſ. 2.2, 11.
Q. What are the Works of the Fleſh?
A. Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanneſs, Laſciviouſneſs,18 Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulation, Wrath, Strife, Sedition, Hereſies, Envying, Drunkenneſs, Murders, Reviling.
Q. Shall any ſuch inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
A. No. Gal. 5 19, 20. 1 Cor. 6.9. Epheſ. 5.6.
Q. Will not Omiſſions of Good hinder from Eternal Life, as well as Commiſſions of Evil?
A. Yea; for Chriſt ſaith, the not giving to him when he was an hungry; the not clothing of him when he was naked; the not viſiting of him when he was ſick; the not coming unto him when he was in Priſon; he will take this want of Mercy to his little Ones that believe, as done to himſelf; and theſe ſhall go away into everlaſting Deſtruction, Mat. 25.41, 42, 43.
Q. What is required of all Men guilty of committing Evil, or omitting Good?
A. Confeſſing their Sins before the Lord, and being humbled for them, with a Reſolution to forſake them, through a conſtant watchfulneſs againſt them. Prov. 28.13. Luk. 24.27. Acts 17.30. 2 Cor. 7.10.
Q. VVhat Rule hath God left us to guide and direct, what to avoid, what to believe, and what to do?
A. The Holy Scriptures, which are able to make the Man of God wiſe unto Salvation, and to furniſh him to every good Work; and are profitable for Inſtruction, Correction, Comfort. Acts 24.14. & 17.11. 2 Tim. 3.16, 17.
19Q. How may it appear that they are the Mind of God, for us to walk by?
A. 1. By the wonderful Miracles wrought to confirm the Words ſpoken by Chriſt, and his Apoſtles and Prophets, recorded therein. 2. By the conſtant fulfilling of the Prophecies and Promiſes therein contained. 3. By the entire Purity of the teaching of God contained in them, leading from Sin to Holineſs, from Earth to Heaven, from Death to Life, from a carnal State to a Spiritual, from Darkneſs to Light. 4. From the wonderful preſervation of them, that neither Time nor Tyranny could extinguiſh. 5. By the ſweet Harmony and Agreement againſt thoſe Evils that Men are moſt inclined to commit. 6. By the powerful Operation of them, in converting Thouſands.
Q. VVherein doth their Profitableneſs farther appear?
A. By hiding them in the Heart, they keep from Sin, and the Path of the Deſtroyer, and are a Means to bring to believe, Pſal. 119.9. Joh. 20.31. Rom. 15.4. 1 Joh. 3.9.
Q. VVhen there is Faith and Repentance manifeſted, what doth the Scripture require ſuch Men to do in the next place?
A. They are, after the manifeſtation of Faith and Repentance, to be baptized with Water, into the Name of Father, Son, and holy Spirit, Mat. 28.19. Mar. 16.16. Act. 2.41. & 10.48. & 18.8.
Q. In what manner is this Ordinance to be adminiſtred?
20A. We find no mention made in Scripture of Sprinkling being the manner; but Chriſt, our glorious Pattern, came up out of the Water, and the Spirit of God lighted on him as a Dove. Philip and the Eunuch are ſaid to go down into the Water; and when Philip had baptized him, they came both up out of the Water, Acts 8.39. The Apoſtle Paul telleth the Saints, ſpeaking of the ſignification of Baptiſm, as alſo the manner, ſaith, Therefore we are buried with him in Baptiſm; and burying is a covering the whole Man, putting the Party baptized under the Water, Rom. 6.2. Joh. 3.23.
Q. VVhat doth Baptiſm ſignify?
A. A death unto Sin, a riſing unto newneſs of Life; that which the believing Subject ought to have in his mind then, and to appear reckoning himſelf dead to Sin, and one minding a new Life afterward, Rom. 6.2, 7. Col. 2.12.
Q. What Privilege or Benefit hath the Believer, by being•aptized with Water into the Lord's Name?
A. He is in the way to receive the precious Comfort of the Holy Spirit, and Remiſſion of his Sins, and to have fellowſhip with the Church in all other good Duties, as being a viſible Member thereof, added by Faith, Repentance and Baptiſm; as appears by theſe Scriptures, Acts 2.38, 39. & 2.41. & 22.16.
Q. How many Baptiſms be there?
A. Three.
Q. Which be they?
A. Baptiſm of Water, and of the Spirit, and of Afflictions.
21Q. VVho are the Adminiſtrators of VVater-Baptiſm?
A. Faithful preaching Diſciples may adminiſter it to Men and Women, Mat. 28.19. Acts 8.37, 38. & 8.12. & 22.16.
Q. Why may not Infants be baptized, ſeeing it is no where forbidden?
A. Revealed things belong to us and our Children; but we find not that revealed as any part of the Will of God: alſo in doing that in Worſhip to God, which we have neither Precept from God, nor Example from Chriſt, is Will-worſhip; and that is forbidden, Levit. 10.2. Col. 4.23.
Q. VVho are the Adminiſtrators of the Baptiſm of Affliction?
A. The World and the Devil, Rev. 2.10.
Q. VVho are the Adminiſtrators of the Spirit's Baptiſm?
A. God and Jeſus Chriſt only are the Adminiſtrators of that, Mat. 3.11. Joel 2.18.
Q. VVhat is the Spirit's Baptiſm?
A. It is the extraordinary Meaſures of the Spirit given from God, whereby Perſons are enabled to work Miracles, ſpeak with Tongues, Mat. 3.11. Acts 1.5. compared with Acts 3.4. & 11.16, 17.
Q. VVhat are we to look for after this ſhort Life is ended?
A. Reſurrection from the Dead, by the wonderful Power of God, and made incorruptible, and come to Judgment, and receive20〈1 page duplicate〉21〈1 page duplicate〉22according to the Works done in the Body, either eternal Happineſs, as the End of the Faith of the Lord's People, or elſe eternal Damnation as the juſt Reward of all thoſe that know not God, and obey not the Goſpel, 1 Pet. 1.9. 2 Theſſ. 1.8.
Q. VVhat muſt Men expect in this World in following Chriſt, leaving their vain Converſation, and witneſſing againſt the Evil of the Times and Days wherein they live?
A. They muſt, in living Godly, ſuffer Perſecution, and expect to have Men lay their Hands on them, and put them into Priſon; ſcourge them, and put them to Death; deſpiſe their pure holy Profeſſion with names of Blaſphemy, Hereſy, Deluſion; ſaying all manner of Evil falſly for his Name ſake, Luke 6.22, 24. Acts 24.
Q. VVhat is needful then for Men to learn that intend to follow Chriſt in this Vail of Miſery?
A. Self-denial and Contentation, to labour to increaſe in Faith and Patience, to ſee more in reproach for Chriſt's ſake, than in a Kingdom of carnal ſinful Delights, Heb. 11.24, 25. Wiſely to ſit down and count the Coſt, Luke 14.27, 28.
Q. What is, or will be the Danger of drawing back from Truth, when a Man once profeſſeth it?
A. They had better they had never known the holy Commandment, than after to turn from it; they are ſuch in ſo doing, that God's Soul will have no pleaſure in; they ſhall alſo23 be filled with their own Ways, lie open to ſtrong Deluſions, becauſe they received not the Truth in the love of it; ſuch as are unfit for the Kingdom of Heaven, and are compared to Dogs returning to their own Vomit; and wandring Stars, to whom is reſerved the Blackneſs of Darkneſs for ever. Luke 9.42. Pſal. 125.5. 2 Pet. 2.20. 2 Theſſ. 2. ch. Prov. 14.14.
Q. VVhat Duties are the Church of Chriſt to obſerve, after they are gathered by Faith, Repentance, Baptiſm, and intend to profeſs Chriſt?
A. They are to aſſemble together at their appointed Times, to edify and build up each other in their moſt holy Faith; to provoke to Love and good Works, and not to forſake the aſſembling of themſelves together, as the manner of ſome is, Heb. 3.13. & 10.24, 25.
Q. What are they to do firſt of all when they come together?
A. To agree to make Supplication unto the Lord by Prayer, Interceſſion, giving of Thanks for all Men, Kings, and all that are in Authority, that under them we may lead a godly and peaceable Life, in all Godlineſs and Honeſty, 1 Tim. 2.1, 2, 3.
Q. VVhat is Prayer?
A. It is a reverend Asking of thoſe Things we need, agreeable to the Lord's holy Will, Jam. 5.13. Pſal. 69.13.
Q. VVhat is Interceſſion?
A. It is a ſuing earneſtly for Mercy for others unto the Lord, Jer. 7.16.
24Q. VVhat is Thanksgiving?
A. It is a being ſeriouſly ſenſible of the Mercies of God, either Temporal or Spiritual, and glorifying of him by praiſing or giving Thanks unto God for them, Luke 2.38. Acts 27.35.
Q. In what manner muſt we pray?
A. In Faith and Love, lifting up pure Hands without Wrath or Doubting, 1 Tim. 1.8. Jam. 1.6. Mark 11.25.
Q. Is this Duty privately to be obſerved?
A. Yea, much by every Chriſtian Man, to watch unto Prayer, to go often about the Work, and not to be weary of it; ſolemnly ſetting apart Time every Day for the Work, that he may be kept from Evil, and enabled to do his Duty, Luke 18.1. 1 Theſſ. 5.21. Mat. 6.6.
Q. VVhat other Duties are required of Church-members?
A. Loving meek Admonitions given to thoſe that tranſgreſs; condemning what is good, with the moſt gaining winning Terms that may be, for the preventing of Evil, and bringing to a godly Sorrow. Gal. 6.1. Rev. 2.1, 2. 2 Cor. 2.11.
Q. VVhat ought the Reprover of Evil to do farther?
A. Examine himſelf, and caſt out the Beam out of his own Eye, then will he clearly ſee the Mote that is in his Brother's; not upbraiding with former Evils, lifting up his Heart to God for a Bleſſing and Direction how to give it to the Party offending, Mat. 7.3, 4. Luke 19.3.
25Q. VVhat farther?
A. If a private Offence, to tell the Offender between thee and him alone, avoiding Talebearing: if he hear not, take another or two, that in the Mouth of two or three Witneſſes every Word may be eſtabliſhed: if he hear not then, tell the Church. Mat. 18.15, 16, 17.
Q. VVhat then is the Church to do?
A. They are publickly to enquire into the Evil, and the guiltineſs of the Party ſinning; and to manifeſt the Danger of Sin, with the vileneſs and odiouſneſs thereof; lovingly to beſeech the Party offending, to turn from it: And in caſe they ſee Stubbornneſs, plainly and ſharply to reprove, and afterwards to account him as a Heathen Man & Publican, Mat. 18.17.
Q. VVhat is the Duty of the Reproved?
A. To love them that do it; to eſteem the Wounds of a Friend, better than the Kiſſes of an Enemy; to account the Smitings of the Righteous, as a Balm to help a Soul when wounded by Sin; to ſuſpect and ſearch their own Hearts, and find out their own Iniquity; to confeſs to God, and to them, that they have offended, and not to hide their Evils under any Pretence or Excuſe whatſoever; and then there is a Promiſe of Mercy, Prov. 28.13. Jam. 5.15. Prov. 9.8.
Q. VVhat is the Man that hath ſinned, farther to do that he may have comfort?
A. He is to apply the Promiſe of Mercy; to remember that he hath an Advocate with the26 Father; to walk humbly and watchfully, both towards God and Man, 1 Joh. 2.1. 2 Cor. 7.10.
Q. VVhat then is the offended Brother to do?
A. Freely to forgive, paſs by, and not remember nor upbraid the Perſon afterwards with his Evils; to deſire the forgiveneſs of his Treſpaſſes, as he forgives his Brother his; and to pray that his Brother may be healed. Mat. 18.35. & 6.12. Jam. 5.16.
Q. What further is the Church of God to do?
A. To break Bread in remembrance of Chriſt's Body being broken; to drink of the Fruit of the Grape, in remembrance of his Blood being ſhed for them, Matth. 26.28. Luke 22.20. 1 Cor. 11.24, 25, 26.
Q. VVhat is ſet forth to the believing Soul in this Ordinance?
A. The great Love of the Lord Jeſus in dying for them, in redeeming them by his Blood, 1 Pet. 1.18. in being broken for their Tranſgreſſions, wounded for their Iniquities; becoming Sin, that knew no Sin, that they might be made the Righteouſneſs of God in him, 2 Cor. 5.21. Iſa. 53.2, 3.
Q. VVhat elſe is to be minded in this Ordinance by the Believer?
A. A conſtant feeding upon the Benefits of Chriſt's Death by Faith, whereby a Soul may diſcern Chriſt's Body broken to be Bread indeed, and his Blood being ſhed to be Drink indeed, nouriſhing of the believing Soul to Eternal Life, John 6.51, 54.
27Q. VVhat farther is to be minded?
A. A New Teſtament dedicated in his Blood, and an end put to all the ſhadowing Sacrifices in the Time of the Law, the middle-Wall of Partition being broken down; and in the ſlighting of his Will and Teſtament, it is a ſlighting of his Blood; according to Scripture, Heb. 10.28, 29. & 9.15, 16, 17. & 12.25.
Q. VVhat is the Receiver of this Ordinance to do by way of Preparation?
A. To examine himſelf, to lay aſide every Sin, and to keep the Feaſt with unleavened Bread of Sincerity & Truth, 1 Cor. 5.8. & 11.28.
Q. What is the Adminiſtrator to do?
A. He is to take the Bread, and bleſs the Lord, and to ſeek a Bleſſing from the Lord upon his Appointment; and to ſpeak ſuch words that may affect the Hearts of the Receivers with the unſpeakable Gift of God, even Chriſt; and after to deliver it as that which is broken, and to be eaten in remembrance of the Body of Chriſt being broken for them; and after the ſame manner to take the Cup, delivering of it as that which doth ſhew forth the Blood of Chriſt, and the New Teſtament in his Blood, which was ſhed for them, and many, for the Remiſſion of their Sins. 1 Cor. 11.24, 25, 26. Luke 22.19, 20.
Q. After the Ordinance is thus Adminiſtred, what is then to be done farther?
A. A ſolemn hearty praiſing, bleſſing, ſinging unto God, for his unſearchable Riches28 of his Grace in Chriſt unto them, 1 Cor. 14.15: Mat. 26 30.
Q. What is the Danger of eating and drinking Ʋnworthily?
A. They eat and drink Damnation to themſelves, in not diſcerning the Lord's Body, 1 Cor. 11.27.
Q. What is farther to be done by the Church?
A. If any ſpeak or have received Underſtanding, Utterance, Boldneſs from the Spirit; as they have received, every one to miniſter the manifold Graces of God: If any ſpeak, to ſpeak as the Oracles of God, 1 Pet. 4.11. 1 Cor. 14.1, 29.
Q. May any gifted Brother in the Church preach?
A. Yea, for they may all propheſy one by one, that all may learn and be comforted: And Chriſt ſaith, No Man lighteth a Candle to put under a Bed, or a Buſhel, but on a Candleſtick, that the Houſhold may have Light. Mind his Counſel in the next words, 1 Cor. 14.30. Mat. 6.15, 16.
Q. What farther is to be done by the Church of God in aſſembling together?
A. Contributing to the Neceſſity of the poor Saints, as God hath proſpered them, 1 Cor. 16.2. Acts 6.1.
Q. In what manner ought this to be done?
A. He is to give chearfully, willingly, avoiding grudging and vain Glory, 2 Cor. 9.7. Rom. 12.13.
29Q. What Encouragement have charitable Chriſtians in this Work?
A. They may aſſure themſelves, that in doing of it ſincerely, Chriſt will take what is beſtowed upon his Members in their Neceſſities, as done to himſelf, Mat. 25.36. as being the Bleſſed of the Lord; as lending to the Lord, and he will pay again; as thoſe that ſow Liberally, ſhall reap Bountifully; for God is able to make all Grace abound. Pſal. 41.1. Prov. 19.17. Mat. 25.36. 2 Cor. 9.6, 7.
Q. Who is the Church of God to do good unto in this reſpect?
A. To all, but eſpecially to the Houſhold of Faith, Gal. 6.10.
Q. What farther is to be done by the Church of Chriſt?
A. They are to look out from among themſelves faithful Men, Men of Wiſdom, full of the Holy Spirit, qualified according to the Directions given by Paul to Timothy, 1 Epiſt. 3.1. for the Work of Biſhops and Deacons, Titus 1.6.
Q In what manner are they to be choſen, that are to be Elders or Biſhops?
Q. They ſolemnly are to apply themſelves by Prayer and Faſting unto the Lord, for direction whom to chuſe, and as near as they can appoint ſuch Men in the Work, that are qualified for it, and ſutably gifted to feed the Flock with wholſome ſound Doctrine; then to ordain them by the laying on of the Hands of the30 Elderſhip, Acts 14.23. & 13.2, 3. 1 Tim. 4.14. 1 Tim. 3.
Q. VVhat is the Work chiefly of the Elders?
A. To feed the Flock of God, over which the Holy Ghoſt hath made them Overſeers; to watch for their Souls, as one that muſt give an Account for them, Heb. 13.17. to provide ſeaſonable Matter for them, both for Inſtruction, Correction and Comfort; and to labour to hold forth ſound Doctrine by a due Study, and premeditating upon the Will of God, 1 Tim. 4.15. 2 Tim. 2.15. Mat. 24.45. And ſo giving every one their Portion in due Seaſon, being Patterns or Enſamples to the Flock, 1 Pet. 5.1, 2, 3.
Q. Are the Deacons to be ordained by laying on of Hands?
A. Yea, ſo was the Example, Acts 6.6.
Q. What is to be done in order to chuſe them?
A. Their Qualifications are to be minded on the Churches part, and as near as they can to chuſe Men according to the Pattern, 1 Tim. 3.8.
Q. VVhat is their Work?
A. To over ſee the Poor faithfully, and carefully to diſtribute the Church's Contribution, that the Poor may not juſtly complain, Act. 6.1, 2.
Q. What Care ought the Church to take of them that labour in the Word and Doctrine?
A. To account them worthy of double Honour, not to receive evil Thoughts of them without juſt Cauſe; nor any Accuſation againſt an Elder, without two Witneſſes; and31 to obey them in their ruling, according to Chriſt's own Word, 1 Tim. 5.17, 19. Heb. 13.17.
Q. What further are they to do?
A. They that are taught in the Word, are to communicate to him that teacheth in all good Things, according as they ſhall be made free by the Power of the Goſpel, Gal. 6.6. Phil. 4.17.
Q. Are they thus to be contented to Labour?
A. Yea, and when the chief Shepherd ſhall appear, they ſhall receive a Crown of Life, if Faithful, Free, Ready, Conſtant, Humble in the doing of their Work, 1 Pet. 6.2, 3, 4. So was Paul's Charge to the Elders, Acts 20. as alſo his own Example, Acts 20.33, 34.
Q. VVhat is the Duty of Saints in Affliction?
A. To pray for Mercy, to exerciſe Patience, to examine themſelves, to loath their Sin, with a Reſolution to turn from it. Jam. 5.14. Lam. 3.40. Job 24.31. Joh. 5.14.
Q. VVhat are they to do further?
A. They are to ſend for the Elders of the Church, and they are to pray over them, anointing them with Oil in the Name of the Lord. And there is a two-fold Promiſe: Firſt, That the Prayer of Faith ſhall ſave the Sick. Secondly, That if he have committed Sin, it ſhall be forgiven him, Jam. 5.14, 15, 16. This Promiſe of Recovery muſt be conſidered, if God have not otherwiſe determined; for it is appointed for Men once to die: and if Recovery ſhould always be of ſick Members,32 then none in the Church ſhould die.
Q. VVas this ever practiſed by Chriſt's Diſciples? &c.
A. Yea; they anointed with Oil, in the Name of the Lord, many that were Sick, and healed them, Mark 6.13. Although there be no more in the Oil, than there was in the brazen Serpent, yet being commanded by the Lord, there is Virtue in it, and God's Promiſe is to his own Way: Therefore let none deſpiſe and run out of God's Way, as Aſa did, 2 Chron. 16.12, 13.
Q. VVhat are Perſons to do when merry?
A. They are to ſing Pſalms, and Spiritual Songs, according to their ſenſibleneſs of the Lord's Mercy to themſelves, or the Church of God, and to ſpeak forth their Experiences of God's Goodneſs, Mercy, either Spiritually or Temporally enjoyed; for the Praiſe of God, for the raiſing up each others Hearts, Exod. 15.12. Iſa. 26.1. Jude 5. Luke 2.29.
Q. Is Singing, giving of Thanks, Praiſing, Bleſſing God, all one?
A. Yea; the Apoſtle's words make it ſo appear, 1 Cor. 14.15, 16, 17.
Q. What are Chriſtians Duty to all Men?
A. To do to all Men as they would be done by, Mat. 7.12. Luk. 6.31.
Q. VVhat is their Duty to Enemies?
A. To pray for them that perſecute them; to do good to them that hate them; to bleſs them that curſe them; to feed, if hungry;33 if thirſty, to give them Drink, Rom. 12.20. Mat. 5.44.
Q. How muſt they learn this Duty?
A. By conſidering that Chriſt laid down his Life for them, while Enemies, Rom. 5.8. by a ſerious conſideration, that God would have Love and Mercy ſhewed to them that are Evil, that Saints might be like God; that Men might that way be provoked to turn unto the Lord; and if not provoked by the Lord's Patience and Mercy, nor his Peoples, it will juſtly make their Torments inſupportable, Mat. 5.45. Rom. 12.20. even as ſad as Coles of Fire upon the Head.
Q. What are Chriſtians Duty to Magiſtrates?
A. To obey them in all things commanded by them, that are not contrary to the Law of the Almighty God; not for Wrath, but for Conſcience, ſake.
Q. VVhat muſt we do when we cannot actually obey?
A. Patiently ſuffering, as did the three Children, Daniel, Paul and Silas, Peter and John, when Governours required that to be done which God forbad, or commanded that to be avoided that God enjoined. Rom. 13.5. Acts 4.19. & 16.21, 23. Dan. 3.16, 17, 18. & 6.10.
Q. How are Men elected, or choſen by the Lord?
A. They are ſaid to be choſen in Chriſt before34 the Foundation of the World, Epheſ. 1.4. 1 Pet. 1.2.
Q. How are Men in Chriſt?
A. By Faith, Rom. 11.20, 23.
Q. How then cometh Faith?
A. By hearing the Word preached, Rom. 10.17.
Q. How comes the Word of Remiſſion of Sins and eternal Life to be preached?
A. By the Death and Reſurrection of Jeſus Chriſt.
Q. How came Jeſus Chriſt to die for our Sins?
A. It was the Lord's free Love, in ſending him into the World, John 3.16. Luke 24.47. 1 Cor. 15.13, 14, 15.
Q. But ſeeing Men are choſen through the ſanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the Truth, as 2 Theſſ. 2.13. How then are they choſen in him before the Foundation of the World?
A. In the Purpoſe of God, they that believe are his Choſen.
Q. How make you that appear?
A. God calleth things that are not, as tho they were, Rom. 4.17. And ſo he ſaid to Abraham, I have made thee a Father of many Nations, yet not the Father of one Child at that time, but Iſhmael, Gen. 17.5. but not of Iſaac, in whom his Seed ſhould be called, Rom. 9.7.
Q. How doth it farther appear that Men are35 Elect, according to the foreknowledg of God, thrô Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience, 1 Pet. 1.2. and yet are ſaid to be choſen before the Foundation of the World, in Chriſt?
A. Chriſt is called a Lamb, ſlain from the Foundation of the World; yet not ſlain many thouſand Years after, till he was a Man in the Fleſh: ſo Men are ſaid to be choſen in Chriſt before the Foundation of the World; yet not choſen till they have the Sanctification of the Spirit, and believe the Truth, 2 Theſſ. 2.13. He hath ſet apart the Godly for himſelf, Pſal. 4.3.
Q. How are Men ſaid to be ordained of old to Condemnation?
A. Not as Men, but as wicked ungodly Men, who turn the Grace of God into Wantonneſs, denying our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and the only Lord God, Jude 4.
Q. How doth this farther appear?
A. Becauſe that God manifeſteth upon Oath, that he deſireth not the Death of a Sinner, but that he may turn and live.
Q. How doth it appear that God doth not ordain any to Deſtruction, but as they are wicked and abuſe his Grace?
A. By his lamenting the Ruin of them that have periſhed, and had the things hid from their Eyes that pertain to their everlaſting Peace, Matth. 23.37. Luke 19.41, 42. Alſo by the Lord, minding, that Man's Deſtruction36 is of himſelf, Hoſ. 13.9. Acts 13.46. Alſo for this Cauſe God ſhall ſend them ſtrong Deluſions; and for this Cauſe he gave them up to vile Affections; ſo that there was a Cauſe of their Ruin when they had a being, and not before they had a being. 2 Theſſ. 2.10, 11. Rom. 1.14. Pſal. 81.10, 11.
Q. What are Childrens Duty towards their Parents?
A. Children obey your Parents in all things, for this is well-pleaſing unto the Lord, Col. 3.20. compared with Epheſ. 6.1, 2. Exod. 20.12.
Q. What is the Danger of diſobeying, ſlighting, or making light of Parents?
A. Some eminent Judgments have taken hold of thoſe that have ſo done, and it doth much provoke the Lord.
Q. What Judgments have fallen upon Children, for making light of their Parents?
A. Ham, the Father of Canaan, for his Contempt of his Father Noah, was curſed, and was Servant to the reſt of his Brethren, Gen. 9.22, 23, 27.
Q. What elſe befel diſobedient Children?
A. He that ſmote his Father, or he that curſed or reviled his Father, was, according to the Law of God, to be put to Death, Exod. 21.15, 17. His Lamp to be put out in obſcure Darkneſs, that curſeth Father or Mother, Prov. 20.20.
37Q. How doth it appear that ſome eminent Judgment is likely to fall on them?
A. The Eye that mocketh at his Father, and deſpiſeth to obey his Mother, the Ravens of the Valley ſhall pick it out, and the young Eagles ſhall eat it, Prov. 30.17. Diſobedience to Parents is reckoned up among the Sins that God hath puniſhed, Ezek. 22.7, 14. among the Sins that God will puniſh; and that which makes the Days with other Evils perilous, 2 Tim. 3.2.
Q. Are Parents to be obeyed in any thing actually, that contradicts the Mind of the Father of Spirits?
A. In this reſpect we muſt honour God more than Father or Mother, or Governours; as Chriſt ſaith, Call no Man Father, for one is your Father, which is in Heaven, Mat. 23.9.
Q. What Privilege have thoſe Children that are obedient to their Parents in the Lord?
A. It is called the firſt Commandment with Promiſe, Epheſ. 6.3. God bleſſed the Rekabites, the Sons of Jonadah, and honoured them highly, becauſe they did not violate their Father's Command, but obſerved it, Jer. 35.5, 6, 7, 8, 9: compared with the 18 & 19 verſes.
Q. What was done to the Children that mocked the Prophet becauſe of his bald Head?
A. They were curſed; and two Bears came forth out of the Wood, and ſlew38 forty two Children, 2 Kings 2.23, 24.
Q. What may this Judgment of God teach Parents?
A. Much; to caution and inſtruct their Children to take heed of deſpiſing, reproaching or mocking any, though wanting any thing in Perſon or Subſtance that others enjoy.
Q. What was done to Gehazi for Covetouſneſs and Lying?
A. The Leproſy of Naaman the Syrian clave to him and his Seed for ever, and he went out white as a Leper, 2 King. 5.25, 27.
Q. What was done to Ananias and Saphira for lying?
A. They fell down both dead at the Apoſtles Feet, Acts 5.1, 2, 3.
Q. What muſt be the Portion of Liars?
A. They ſhall have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimſtone, that tormenteth for ever and ever, Rev. 21.8.
Q. What did Moſes ſay to the Brethren that ſtrove with each other?
A. Rebuked them, ſaying, Wherefore ſmiteſt thou thy Fellow? And Abraham ſaid to Lot, when their Herdſmen were at ſtrife, Let there be no Strife between me and thee, for we be Brethren; Exod. 2.13. Gen. 13.8. It was the Charge of Joſeph to his Brethren, ſaying, See that you fall not out by the way, Gen. 49.24.
39Q. VVhat is the Duty of Servants to their Maſters?
A. Servants be ſubject to your Maſters with all fear; not only to the Good and Gentle, but alſo to the Froward, 1 Pet. 2.18, 19, 20, 21.
Q. But what Service ought a Perſon to perform to thoſe whom he engageth to ſerve?
A. Diligently, faithfully, humbly behaving himſelf in his outward Buſineſs; avoiding Eye-ſervice, purloyning, or taking little Matters without Conſent or Knowledg of his Maſter, or ſtubbornly anſwering again; or deſpiſing or ſlighting of them, becauſe they are Brethren. Epheſ. 6.6, 7, 8. 1 Tim. 6.1. Titus 2.9, 10.
Q VVhat Encouragement hath a Servant to be ſubject to the Froward, to be Faithful, to be Humble, Diligent, avoiding Eye-ſervice, not anſwering again?
A. The Grace of God in ſending his Son to die, teacheth thoſe Leſſons, Titus 2.11. alſo knowing, that whatſoever good Thing any Man doth, the ſame he ſhall receive of the Lord, whether Bond or Free. Alſo the Law of Equity, which the Law of God gives a being unto, would have Servants do as they would be done by; and ſo Maſters to deal by their Servants, as they would have their own Children, when they come to be Servants, dealt by; conſidering thoſe words,40 Mat. 7.2. Mark 4.24. What meaſure you meet, ſhall be meaſured to you again: Therefore let Maſter and Servant, Father and Child, all prepare according to the Meaſures of Knowledg received, doing the Will of God from the Heart.
And this ſhall be the Concluſion of the Matter, Fear God, and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole Duty of Man, Eccleſ. 12.13. Remember thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth: ſay daily, What am I, what do I, whither go I? Thy laſt Hour, and Eternal Judgment, do not forget.