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The Kings Majeſties MESSAGE To His Highneſſe the Prince of VVALES, CONCERNING The Lord Generall Fairfax, and the Army; and His Pro­poſitions and Deſires therein, to be communicated to the Right Honorable the Earl of VVarwick, Lord high Admirall of England.

Dated from Hurſt Caſtle, the 6. of December, 1648.

Alſo, His Majeſties letter to the Parliament, touching the Aruy, and the confinement of his Royal perſon to the ſaid Caſtle; with his deſires to the Citizens of London, touching the ſame.

And Lieutenant Gen. Crumwels Declaration in reference to the King, City, and Kingdom. Signed O. Crumwel.

[C R: royal blazon or coat of arms

Printed for G. VVharton, 1648.


A LETTER From Lieut. Generall CRUMWEL To the Citizens of London. Concerning the Kings Majeſty, the Parliament, the City, Army, and Kingdome.

Right Honorable,

HEre hath lately been called a Generall Coun­cell of Officers, conſiſting of the Northerne Brigade, whoſe reſults acquieſſe and tendhiefly to the ſafety and preſervation of your Honou­rable City, and to the welfare and tranquility of our2 Engliſh Nation; as appeares by the moſt excellent demonſtration of Lieu. Gen. Cromwell, at the Councell table, in preſence of divers Colonels, Lieut. Colonels, Majors, and Captains, who declared, That he was wil­ling to wade through all troubles and difficulties, for pre­ſervation of the peace and tranquility of this bleeding Kingdom, and would ſacrifice his life for the peace and liberty of the ſubject, and for diſſipating the diſmall cloud of Malignancy, which threatens ruine to all the well-affe­cted within the Nation.

And for the better propagating of the ſaid work, the ſaid Lieutenant Generall (our worthy and ever hono­red Patriot) hath declared his ardent and zeafous affe­ction to his Excellency the Lord Generall; proteſting, That he will live and dye with him, for the obtaining and faciliating the juſt Demands and Deſires of the Army, ſpecified in their late Remonſtrance, and that he doth moſt really and freely coucur with them, for the ſpeedy executing of impartiall Juſtice upon all Offenders whatſoever; intimating, that he doth verily believe they are things which God puts into the harts both of Officers and Souldiers, and that the great Je­hovah of Heaven is pleaſed to manifeſt his preſence unto them, in purſuing and proſecuting ſo piouse worke, ſo much tending to the honour of his holy Name and the peace and tranquility of all his people on Earth; which declaratory expreſſions, have pre­fented to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax, and

Signed O. CRUMWEL.

A Meſſage from the King concerning the Army.

Right Honourable,

HIs Majeſty having ſeriouſly peruſed the Re­monſtrance of the Army, findes it to be of ſo high a nature, that Hee cannot but ſtand amaz'd at the ſence, ſcope, and method thereof, and doth de­clare, That He ſhould rather ſacrifice His life, for His People, and a good Couſcience, than be guilty of the En­gagement of modelling and establiſhing a new Govern­men; but withall remonſtrates, That He approves of their Propoſals for rectifying the Law, and purging the a­buſes and errous thereof, for the eaſe and liberty of His peo­ple, deſiring that all their Reſults and Conſultations may redound to the honour of theſe bleeding Nations, &c.

And his Majeſty hath further declared, that (not­withſtanding the preſent diſtractions, and diſſolving of the Treaty, yet) He deſires from His very heart and ſoule that the peace of His Kingdomes may bee ſpeedily eſtabli­ſhed, and the liberty of the Subject preſerved und unvio­lated, whatſoever becomes of Him, &c.

Col. Ewers uſeth his Majeſty with much civility and reſpect, and the deportment of the Soldiery taketh deep impreſſion in his Majeſties heart, which cauſeth a great change and alteration in his Majeſties Royall Breaſt, and it is hoped few dayes will produce a convince­ment from his Majeſty of all his former errours.

Divers ſhipping lye hovering upon this Coaſt, and it is ſuppoſed they would fain attempt a deſigne for reſcuing the King from the power and protection of the Army, but ſtrong Guards are placed, and much vi­gilancy uſed for the defence and ſafety of this Iſland.


A Declaration of the proceedings in Parliament, concerning the KING.

BOth Houſes having received a Letter from the Lord Generall Fairfax, for the gaining to ſuch ends as have been propoſed in the Armies late Remonſtrance, and preſſing them to the preſent appre­henſion of the dangerous Juncture of affaires; the Commons began to conſult upon the ſame, whoſe de­bates ſor'd up, and flew exceeding high; ſome moving that his Excellencies Commiſſion might be made null and taken from him; Others, that the Army might be required to retreat 40 miles from London, and others moved, that the City might be put into a poſture of War; but Sheriff Brown ſtood up, and made an excel­lent Speech, declaring, That there was nothing to be ex­pected from the City, and that for his part he would indea­vour the preſervation of the peace thereof, and to keepe a right understanding between his Excellency, the City, and Army. And Mr Pryn declared his ſenſe and reſolution touching the Army, cyting many preſidents, that many have been voted traytors for diſobeying authrity of Parliament, but for his part he would not ſay that any were ſuch. After ſome diſputation and debate thereon, the Houſe voted that a Declaratory Letter ſhould be preſented to the Generall, a coyy whereof followeth,

May it pleaſe your Excellency,

THe Houſe taking notice by your Letter of the 30. of Novem. touching the preſent motion and deſigne of the army,ae commanded me to let you know, that upon mature deliberate judging, that it may be dange­rous both to the City and army; it is their pleaſure that youmove not the army near London; and to the end the country may not be burthened with free quarter, nor the army want their due ſupport, they have com­manded me to acquaint you, that they have ſignified their pleaſure to the Lord Major, Aldermen, and com­mon councell, that they forthwith provide the ſum of 40000. l. or ſo much thereof as they can poſſibly raiſe at preſent, and pay the ſame to the Treaſurers at wars, to be forthwith ſent unto you for our army, which be­ing all have in command, I remain

Your humble ſervant, VVil. Lenthal Speaker.

His Maieſties Declaration upon his coming into Wiltſhire.

MY Lords, You are come to take your leave of me, and I believe we ſhall ſcarce ever ſee each other again: but Gods will be done, I thank God I have made my peace with him, and ſhall without fear undergoe what he ſhall be pleaſed to ſuffer men to do unto me. My Lords, you cannot but know, that in my fall and ru­ine, you ſee your own, and that alſo neer to you; I pray God ſend you better friends then I have found. I am fully infoamed of the whole cariage of the plot againſt me and mine; and nothing ſo much afflicts me, as the ſence and feeling I have of the ſufferings of my Sub­jects, and the miſerice that hang over my three King­domr, drawn upon them by thoſe who (upon pretences of good) violently purſue their own intereſts and ends. His Maj having thus declared himſelf, the Commſſio­ners kiſſed his Maj. hand, and took their leave. And on Friday morning laſt, his Mai. was guarded by a troope of horſe from the Iſle of VVight, to Hurſt Caſtle in VVilt­ſhire, where he is now ſecured, Cap. Milday, cap. Ioy­ner, cap. VVeston, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Cutchſide, Mr. Reding and Mr. Lewen, being appointed Attendants for his Maiesties perſon.


SIR, Since his Majeſties comming to this Caſtle, he hath been uſed with much civility and reſpect, and (according to our information from one of his Maje­ſties attendants) hath ſent a letter to his Son the Prince of Wales, to advertize him of the Armies removing his perſon from the Iſle of Wight, to Hurſt Caſtle upon the conſines of Wiltſhire, requiring him to uſe his utmoſt endeavours for a good accommodation and correſpon­dency between the two Navies, and to mediate with his Lordſhip for a mutuall reconciliation between his Ma­ieſty, the Parliament, and the Army. And by the ſame intelligencer, it is further intimated, That the King hath likewiſe ſent a letter to both houſes of Parliament, ad­vertizing them of his preſent condition ſince his pre­ſent confinement to the ſaid Caſtle, deſiring them to proceed in a Parliamentary way, in reference to their rights and priviledges, and to indeavour a right under­ſtanding between his Excellency, the Parliament, City, and Army. Which letters are ſaid to be tranſmitted from his Maieſty.


About this transcription

TextThe Kings Majesties message to His Highnesse the Prince of VVales. Concerning the Lord Generall Fairfax, and the Army; and his propositions and desires therein, to be communicated to the Right Honorable the Earl of VVarwick, Lord high Admirall of England. Dated from Hurst Castle, the 6. of December, 1648. Also, His Majesties letter to the Parliament, touching the Army, and the confinement of his royal person to the said castle; with his desires to the citizens of London, touching the saame. And Lieutenant Gen. Crumwels declaration in reference to the King, city, and kingdom: signed O. Crumwel.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I).
Extent Approx. 10 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 76:E475[31])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe Kings Majesties message to His Highnesse the Prince of VVales. Concerning the Lord Generall Fairfax, and the Army; and his propositions and desires therein, to be communicated to the Right Honorable the Earl of VVarwick, Lord high Admirall of England. Dated from Hurst Castle, the 6. of December, 1648. Also, His Majesties letter to the Parliament, touching the Army, and the confinement of his royal person to the said castle; with his desires to the citizens of London, touching the saame. And Lieutenant Gen. Crumwels declaration in reference to the King, city, and kingdom: signed O. Crumwel. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I), Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685., Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658., Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.. [2], 6 p. Printed for G. VVharton,[London] :1648.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Dec: 8th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)

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