A LETTER Really written by a MODERATE CAVALLIER TO AN Intelligent and Moderate Independent of Truſt and Credit IN THE Now Marching Army.
Occaſioned by a Diſcourſe between them entertained at London, June 16th concerning the preſent Grand Affaire.
⟨June 26⟩LONDON, Printed Ann. Dom. 1647.
VVHen I looke back upon ray promiſe, I am at a doubt whether I ſhould be ſtill your debtor, or make payment with Coyne leſſe current by clipping, or allay; of which there is an unavoydable neceſſitie, the ſhortneſſe of time not ſorting with a liberty to write much, and the greatneſſe of the ſubject requiring to write nothing but what may abide the Teſt: But4 having a confidence that your goodneſſe will bury my errours by a kind ſuppreſſion, I can the better adventure upon your judgement, which will communicate nothing that may be of no farther uſe then the reproofe of the Writer.
It is a Chryſis of time wherein each man labours of expectation, and before the maine Birth (which we hope will be ſpecious) be produced, there is a production of Monſters, according as the various ſize of mens underſtandings, the condition, and intereſt of many, and the feares and guilt of not a few doe frame ſuggeſtions. It is and muſt be nevertheleſſe the glory of that Army, (which now makes buſineſſe for every thought) to be pious in, and conſtant to prepenſed Principles, that accident (which will be encountred) make no viſible Mutation in the maine Deſigne, of the contexure of which your yeſterday Diſcourſe ſeconding his Excellencies Declaration, begot in me a very wealthy Opinion; And to the progreſſe, and value of which, I hope the ſcandals and pretences ſcattered will be neither a Remora, nor an Allay.
The cure of every Malady is then moſt eaſie when the Diſeaſe it ſelfe is throughlieſt; knowne. This Common-wealth was ſix yeares fithence pretended to be ſicke, and was committed into the hands of Phyſicians, who have practiſed upon the body by Purgings, and Phlebotomie, till if before it abounded with ill humours, it is now deficient in good bloud and ſpirits, and rather put into a condition to be ſtill wrought upon untill deſtroyed, then in5 any way of health, or renewed ſtrength after ſo long a languiſhing. Certainly it is now high time to change its Doctors, and finde out ſuch who will apply ſome cordials and reſtauratives to a worne-out body, and recover it by degrees; towards which they may make advantage of the paſt Errours committed by ſuch who have pretended to operate for its health, viz. an Eradication of the Kings Prerorogative, while they pretended onely a circumſcription, or modeſt limitation; A Monopoliſing of power by pretence of Law, againſt Law, and confounding all freedome in Notionall and Phantaſtick, at leaſt unaſcertained, Priviledges; An unbounded Liberty given at firſt to the Plebs, while it conduced to ends, and at laſt a ſhortning of Liberty, and Property into a Vaſſalage and ſlavery; And in all a totall defection wrought in the Government and Countenance both of Church and State, and a ſhufling of order, and Diſcipline, into rudeneſſe and Indiſtinction.
The Publique-Faith (the Kingdomes reputation) hackneyed upon all occaſions, and forfeited at laſt, and the Souldiers (after having ſerved a purpoſe ſo farre as that it was able to walke alone without ſo coſtly ſupporters) neglected, and affronted in pay, and credit; In ſo farre, that if the Land were, or invaded by a Forraine, or embroyled with an inteſtine Enemy, thoſe Mannagers could neither finde Coine nor Hands to officiate to its preſervation, or defence; And albeit we have not Lawes to the Letter of which theſe miſdemeanors are applyable by the names of Treaſons, yet taking their own liberty6 of ſuppoſing conſtructive Treaſons, their reduction of this diſtempered Kingdome in theſe years paſt to its preſent condition will carry a ſence of a complicate crime, not leſſe then for what they have ſought, and taken the blouds of ſome, and thoſe no obſcure perſons.
No man will therefore reprove your Armies Demand of thoſe Members, who are conceived guilty of theſe heights of Impiety, but each moderate man will hope that they ſhall not be denied (though it were juſt to them if they were) the Liberties of a legall triall, though themſelves and partie give out, that a triall by the Law Martiall is onely intended for them; yet, the Common Lawes will bee found ſharpe enough to correct them, and doubtleſſe God will bee better pleaſed with the ſacrificing of ſuch men by the hand of Iuſtice, then with their familiar Solemnities, and Celebrations of Faſts, by which they have upheld a reverence in opinion to their godleſſe actions.
You have a great Worke to doe, to reſtore Religion and Law, upon which depends the Kings re-enthronement, and re-inveſture with his juſt rights, the Parliaments aſcertainment of their juſt power and equall Priviledges, and the peoples reſtorement to their known Liberties and Properties, as to their limitted and fitting obedience and ſubjection, which all are ſo concatenate, as that an omiſſion of either makes the whole worke ineffectuall, and leaves the Common-wealth in a condition prepared for new and bad impreſſions, and ſubjected to changes as occaſion which will not be long unoffered ſhal7 be adminiſtred to its innovation. What influence, honor or comfort can be derivable from a King meerly nominall? what converſe can there be with a people impoveriſht and embaſed? and what Peace with a people uncircumſcribed and irregulate? what expectation of Iuſtice from an aggregate number of men entruſted with a Kingdomes concernment, who will pretend to have no boundaries for their Priviledges but an involution of all diſpoſitory power of the peoples lives and fortunes, which the free condition I meane the antient freedome of this Nation (not yet extinct in the Engliſh breaſts) will no more relliſh, then Kings will Rebellion, or then Subjects Tyranny?
If you come therefore (as I will untill otherwiſe convinced believe) prepared to ſtate the caſe of the Kingdom, and to ſtand by as Protectors to Juſtice, while it diſpenceth equally to King, Parl. and People, your ſwords will be the honour'd propagators, & the whole Kingdom the happy partakers of a laſting Peaces; but if a defection be in advancing any of thoſe great concernes we ſhall have but a ſeeming quiet or Ceſſation, meerly to take breath for a new Embroilment; and have found away by a ſlight skinning of a ſore to fit it for exulceration, and by pretermitting a part of the remedy preſcribed, to render the diſeaſe incurable.
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