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A LETTER SENT From the Court of his Royal Maieſty THE KING of FRANCE In the behalf and defence of the King of Scots: WITH His Declararation and Proteſtation thereupon, in the pre­ſence of God, Angels, and Men.

Alſo, The Articles of Peace and Unity agreed upon between the Kings moſt excellent Majeſty, and their Royal Highneſſes, the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde.

Subſcribed, Lovis Rex.

WITH The new riſing of the Scots, their declaring againſt the Par­liament, and the burning of 100 houſes in Glaſcow.

LONDON: Printed for SAM: COTTON, 1652.


A LETTER From his Royal Majeſties Court the King of FRANCE Touching The King of Scots, and the Articles of Union, ſigned be­tween him and the Prince of Conde.


VVHereas his Sacred Majeſty the King of France, having received advertiſements of the uncivil deportments of the Citi­zens of Paris againſt the King of Scots, and being ſenſible of the inevitable diſtractions, that might receive depend­ance thereupon; immediately mediated with his Councel for a timely prevention thereof, in purſuance whereof, he graciouſly vouchſafed to ſend an expreſſe letter to the4 Citizens, conjuring them from any riotous meeting or diſtempers; as alſo from aſſailing or prejudicing the per­ſon of his well beloved Couſin, CHARLS &c. proteſting in the preſence of God, Angels, and Men, that his Advice and Councel ten­ded onely to the healing of the wounds of that bleeding Kingdome; and that his innocency was a ſufficient teſti­mony to the world, deſiring God to bear him record thereof) that all his negotiations tended onely to peace and unity, and a right underſtanding between the Sove­raign power and the body politick, this Letter was ſigned by the Kings Royal Signet, and

Subſcribed, LOVIS REX.

The King is now upon his march towards Paris, and his royal Retinue is come to St. Dennis: The Articles of union are ſigned both by his Majeſty, and their Royal Highneſſes the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Con­de, which are to this effect, to wit.

  • 1. That Cardinal Mazarine, be firſt juſtified of all thoſe things laid to his charge.
  • 2. That ſeeing hee must depart the Kingdome, that he may be put into ſo honourable an employment, as is befit­ting his rank and eminent quality.
  • 3. That his Royal Higneſſe, the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde, ſubſcribe the returnn of the Cardinal, after a certain time.

Thus, are the affaires of France brought to a hap­py concluſion, and the diſtractions of this Kingdome, with great alacrity, and joy compoſed, to the great ho­nour,5 triumph, and felicity of all thoſe that are lovers of Monarchy.

This Letter comming to my hands, I thought it re­quiſite to preſent to publick view, to the end, that all Chriſtians may give their conſtruction thereof, accord­ing to its true ſence; by paraphraſing upon the ſubject according to the particulars enlarged in the enſuing paper. Dated from Paris June 29.

THe 25 inſtant in the Evening, the Lievt. Civil was be­ſet by a great number of people in the Chaſtelet, which is one of the comon priſons of the City, and they ſeeing the Gates made faſt, and thoſe in the houſe to be in a poſture of defence, and in a capacity to oppoſe them, did ſet fire to the Gate, which had it not been ſoon quench­ed, might have proved very ominous to that City, there­upon harſh Language paſſing the one againſt the other, from words they fell to knocking, where ſome few were ſlain on both ſides, and thoſe that were detained there, could not go out till 11 at night. The laſt time the Par­liament ſate, there was but little ſpoken about the Union between the Princes, by reaſon that the Parliament will not meddle too far therein, but keep in a neutrality, that ſo they may be ſtill within the capacity of Mediatours, and becauſe the King by his laſt anſwer to their Remon­ſtrance preſented to him at Melun, his Majeſty doth de­clare that his deſire is, That the Cardinal be firſt juſtified of all thoſe things that are laid to his charge, and next that ſeeing he muſt depart the Kingdome, that he may be6 put into ſo honourable an employment as is beſitting his rank and eminent quality. The Princes having again ſub­ſcribed the former Declaration by them made of laying down their arms ſo ſoon as the Cardinal was gone out of the Land. The Parliament thereupon paſſed 2 Votes, to this effect, That all the Declarations, Decrees, Orders, and Votes which have been made for the baniſhing of the Cardinal Mazarine out of the Land, ſhould be executed in their full tenour, and without any hopes of return. Monſieur du Portai roſe up, and ſaid, He knew no fitter employment for him, then to ſend him to carry their anſwer to the Letter of the Queen of Sweden, which would put him into his firſt trade of a Letter-Carrier, or Meſſenger; in the mean time the general report here is, that the peace is made between the King and the Prin­ces, the Duke of Orleans having ſpoken the ſame two days ſince, which is much doubted by many, by reaſon of the great difficulties which meet in the buſineſs, it be­ing affirmed by many, that the affairs are brought to that period, upon the earneſt inſtance of the Court to have the Princes ſubſcribe the return of the Cardinal after a certain time, which the princes refuſe to do, onely they will make the promiſe verbally, but nothing in writing; but whether the peace be concluded or not, there is no other talk about the City, and ſo I beleeve you will hear the ſame by many Letters. The Court is removed from Melun, and come near St. Denis, and as ſome ſay, is ex­pected here to morrow, being now but three Leagues off this City; The Kings Army is ſtill at Claye, and the Princes Army at S. Clou, and ſo all along to Surenne, The Duke of Lorrain is by this time at his own home, and hath put out a Declaration by way of Apologie to juſtifie himſelf about thoſe imputations laid upon him concerning the late Treaty: Charls Stuart and his confe­derates7 remain ſtill as priſoners in the Louvre not daring to ſhew there heads abroad, they being ſo much hated of all the people about their late actions in the Treaty be­tween the King and the Duke of Lorrain, ſo that it is thought he will not tarry here long, but whether for Den­mark or the Palatinate, is not known.

By Letters from Venice, thus. We hear there arri­ved lately from Conſtantinople, in that City an Expreſs with Letters, wherein the Great Turk and his Councel ſeem very much inclined to the peace; and thereupon the Senatour Giovanni Capello is choſen to goe as Embaſſadour Extraordinary for the States, who is to be gone with all ſpeed to make the firſt Overtures, and ſo try whether it may be brought to ſome concluſion. In Dalmatia the Turks being together in great bodies, there entred the country one Telepowick a renegado, ha­ving with him about 5000. who came near Spallatto, and did much ſpoil and waſt the Country, carrying a­way great ſtore of people to make ſlaves, great ſtore of cattle and other rich booty, which the Morlacks hearing, did forthwith draw together in a very conſiderable num­ber, and being gone in purſuit, overtook them, and char­ged them ſo gallantly, that after ſome ſmall diſpute, put them to a rout in the Plain of Cracovy, two days jour­ny beyond Cliſſa: there was ſlain of the Turks about 400. a great number wounded, above 300 priſoners, and gai­ned upon the Turks, beſides what they had taken 450 horſes, and ſome Oxen, which were for the Train and carriage, beſides, being entred a days journey into Boſnia the enemies country, they burned ſome Villages, and car­ried away many priſoners, and ſo returned homewards. From Candia we hear, that the Turks having made a ſtrong attempt againſt that city, which they have cloſe8 ſieged for theſe three years, which they thought to have ſurprized, but it being known to the Governour, the e­nemy was ſo well received that he retreated in a diſor­derly manner, leaving many of their men behind them. The Governour of Milan ſince his taking of Trin, hath again taken another caſtle in Piedmont, and his forces do make many inroads in Piedmont, they give out that they will block up Caſal, but that ſeemeth not probable. The ſiege of Barcelona goeth on ſtill, but nothing is done late­ly there, that is any way conſiderable.

From Scotland thus: There hath been lately a great riſing, and many declare for the Scots King, againſt the union with England, they are very imperious againſt the Parliaments ſouldiers, and ſome affronts hath been given; but that which is moſt diſmal is, the firing of about 100 houſes in Glaſcow.


About this transcription

TextA letter sent from the court of his Royal Maiesty the King of France in the behalf and defence of the King of Scots: with his declaration and protestation thereupon, in the presence of God, angels, and men. Also, the articles of peace and unity agreed upon between the Kings most excellent Majesty, and their Royal Highnesses, the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde. / Subscribed, Lovis Rex. With the new rising of the Scots, their declaring against the Parliament, and the burning of 100 houses in Glascow.
AuthorFrance. Sovereign (1643-1715 : Louis XIV).
Extent Approx. 10 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA letter sent from the court of his Royal Maiesty the King of France in the behalf and defence of the King of Scots: with his declaration and protestation thereupon, in the presence of God, angels, and men. Also, the articles of peace and unity agreed upon between the Kings most excellent Majesty, and their Royal Highnesses, the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde. / Subscribed, Lovis Rex. With the new rising of the Scots, their declaring against the Parliament, and the burning of 100 houses in Glascow. France. Sovereign (1643-1715 : Louis XIV), Louis XIV, King of France, 1638-1715.. 8 p. Printed for Sam: Cotton,London :1652.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June. 29".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- II, -- King of England, 1630-1685.
  • Fronde -- Early works to 1800.
  • France -- History -- Louis XIV, 1643-1715 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Scotland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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