A LETTER Sent from the STATES of HOLLAND TO THE KING of SCOTS, Imploring his Perſonal Reſidence and Aſſiſtance: With their Deſires, Propoſitions, Engagement, and Promiſe; agreed upon at a General Councel held at the Hague, the 23 of this inſtant July; and preſented by the Lord BORETZ. Signed, A. Beauchurst. ALSO, His titular Majeſties Anſwer thereunto; and the great Preparations at the Hague for his Royal Entertainment. With the Declaration of Lieut. Col. John Lilburn touching the ſame. Publiſhed throughout the United Provinces.
London, Printed for George Horton, 1652.
BY an Expreſs from the Hague it is certified, That the Eſtates of the United Provinces, at a General4 Councel, taking into ferious debate and conſultation the great and weighty Affaires of their Commonwealth, and how the ground-work thereof, might be carryed on with the beſt advantage, in this Juncture of time againſt England, after mature deliberation, it was terminated, That a Meſſage ſhould be ſent to the King of Scots, imploring his Reſidence at the Hague; to the end, that by a mutual condeſcenſion, all poſſible meanes might be uſed for the preſervation of their Religion, Liberty, Freedom, and Intereſt.
This Meſſage being ſent by the Lord Boretz, & preſented, a Councel was thereupon called at Saint Germans, where was preſent divers of the Engliſh Nobility, and after ſerious conſultation, mutually aſſented to leave his titular Majeſty, to the fortune of his Reſolutions, by reaſon of his ardent affection to be ſo far importuning, that he choſe rather to communicate a ſatisfactory Anſwer to the States, then any wayes to decline or wave ſo cordial an invitation.
In purſuance whereof, great are the preparations at the Hague for ſolemnizing of his Reception, in tryumph and honour.
There is dayly Action between our Scouts, and Trumps; and this morning captain Peacock, with the Tyger, going to relieve the Guard, was ſet upon5 by three Dutch-men, who maintained a gallant diſpute, for the ſpace of half an hour; which our Admiral hearing of, diſpatched captain Watſon and captain Taylor to his aſſiſtance, who bearing up ſo drown the Countrey. The allarum whereof hath ſo exaſperated the ſpirits of many, that they are exceedingly inraged, and vowes revenge.
We hear that there is a general Riſing from 16 to 60; and thoſe that do refuſe to to engage, are to die without mercy. They are ſetting forth another great Fleet of 100 ſail, and the Zealanders have choſen a new Admiral.
Lieut. Col. John Lilburn hath cauſed a Declaration to be publiſhed at Amſterdam; wherein he ſtates the Caſe between England, and the United Provinces, in this preſent Juncture, whereby all true Engliſh-men may apparently diſcern, how much it concerneth them to be unanimous and vigilant upon the motion and deſign of the Netherlanders, who are aſpir'd to ſuch a height of Ingratitude, that they would willingly forget what was their condition when England firſt undertook their protection and eſpouſed their quarrel with the loſs of many thouſands Engliſh-men, and the expence of eleven hundred thouſand pounds ſterling. Amongſt the reſt, there hath been a paper of great concernment diſperſed throughout the ſeveral Provinces; a Copy whereof followeth:
6It is no wholeſom counſel to truſt another with the death of one deſcended of Royal bloud: he ſuffers him to live either through pity or policy: If he be compaſſionate, he knows not how to be cruel; if politick, he thinks the preſent times will not laſt long; his thoughts are buſied on times to come; and he endeavours more to ſave himſelf, then to ſecure others: And whereas ſome there are, who ſay, That to take away a Kingdom, and ſuffer the King to live, is a cruel piece of charity, wherewith all Tyrants whileſt they go about to deceive the World, they oft-times deceive themſelves. The whole will eaſily meet together, the parts whereof are left alive. To ſet the Statue of Vertue upon a deſpicable foundation is as much as to build a Coloſſus of Gold upon feet of dirt: Piety becomes a State, for that his Government is free: Cruelty, a Tyrant, for that he is violent; courteſie befits7 the one, force is requiſite to the other: neither yet doth that ſecure him; he is not unlike a belly-god, who if he perſiſt to eat, a ſurfeit kils him; if he deſiſt, a diet; if the Tyrant bloudy his hands without reſpect, he dies for being cruel; if otherwiſe, for ſeeming to be pious.
In a word, that hand wil not proſper, that fights under the Banner of Tyranny; and the force and might of all thoſe wilbe maugred that fights for the intereſt of Uſurpation. Therefore, who are ye, O ye Netherlanders, that dare to ſet your ſelves againſt the Lord, againſt what he hath done, and is done in England, Scotland, and Ireland; to endeavor to ſtrike out all the glorious Characters of his foot-ſteps and preſence, what his Arm hath brought to paſs for him, and his mighty Power eſtabliſhed in theſe Dominions? Who are you that dare to think, that you can root out this Cauſe, and give8 the Lye to all the appearances of God, the Prayer, the Faith, the Praiſes of the Saints in thoſe Nations? Who are you that ſay their Gods, are Gods of the Hills, therefore we will fight with them in the Valleys: they ſtood againſt their own forces, but they ſhall not againſt ours: The Land is given them in poſſeſſion, but the Deep is ours, and we will ſwallow them up as in the belly of Hell? Our God is the ſame, and ſo is Our Cauſe on the Sea, as well as the Land: Spain found it ſo in the year 1588. and all others have ſince our late Wars and Troubles.
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