Short Remains of a Dead Gentlewoman and Wife: Publiſhed by her Surviving Husband, for the Continuance and Advancement of her Memory, and the good Example of thoſe to whoſe Hands it may come.
IT has Pleaſed Almighty God to call me to the Eſtate of ſuffering great Pain and Sickneſs, thereby to wean my Affections from the things of the World. I do receive his Chaſtiſement with all Humility and Thankfulneſs, as coming from a Merciful and Gracious Father, and do acknowledge he deals with me in great Kindneſs; and that hitherto he has laid no more upon me than he has enabled me to bear. I acknowledge my Sins and Offences are ſo great, that if he ſhould be extream with me, and mark what is amiſs, and Puniſh me accordingly, he might juſtly deſtroy me, and caſt my Soul into eternal Torments. But he is a Merciful God, ſlow to Anger, and of great Pity. And I have a full truſt and confidence in him, and in the Merits and Interceſſion of my Bleſſed Saviour; and that he came into the World to ſave Sinners: That he died for my Sins and roſe again for my Juſtification. That there is no Name under Heaven by which I can be ſaved but by my Bleſſed Saviour JESƲS. I love God with all my Heart, with all my Mind, with all my Soul, with all my Strength. I put my whole Truſt and Confidence in him, and do freely and willingly reſign my ſelf to his Pleaſure to do with me as he pleaſes and do humbly and heartily beg, that he will not leave me nor forſake me; but tha•when I am weakeſt he will be ſtrongeſt, and will inable me to overcome the Temptations of the World, the Fleſh, and the Devil: And that I may prove a Conqueror thr•…Chriſt that Strengthens me. That I may Fight a good Fight, keep a good Faith, and finiſ•, my Courſe with Joy, that I may reſt in JESƲS; and have a Houſe not made wit•hands eternal in the Heavens; where all Tears ſhall be wiped from mine Eyes; whe••there ſhall be no more Sorrow, nor Death, nor Crying, nor Pain; but ſhall be in pe•fect Happineſs without end, and ſhall follow the Lamb whereſoever he goeth; an•this I humbly and earneſtly beg for my dear and ever Bleſſed Saviour's ſake. I〈◊〉freely and willingly reſign my Soul to God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth; and do deſire I may be Buried in Rawden Chappel near the place Mr. L —. deſigns for his own Burying-Place. I am willing to part with Mr. L —. and with all the World; and I heartily pray to Almighty God to forgive me all my Sins; and I do with all my Heart forgive all the World whatever they have done againſt me. I deſire Mr. L —. that he will forgive me in whatever I have at any time offended him in. I confeſs I have been too apt to ſay ſuch things as he hath taken ill, and has imputed them to ill nature. I am ſorry I have at any time done or ſaid any thing that might give him diſturbance. I beg God will forgive me, and that he will do ſo too. But I think I ought to do my ſelf that Juſtice as to affirm, I have been Faithful to Mr. L —. both to his Bed and Fortune, in what he has truſted into my Hands. I hope I have a clear Conſcience to thoſe things, that I ſhall not have any thing to anſwer upon thoſe accounts. There has been many Differences betwixt us, and Mr. L —. has both ſaid and done ſeveral ſevere and hard things to me, which have ſtuck cloſe to me, and I know he has thought me a Fool that I could not tell what to ſay to him; but my computation2 was much otherways; for it was very ſeldom but I could have anſwered with as much Sharpneſs as he: but I knew he would not bear it; and if I had done ſo, I could not have lived with him: Therefore I made it my daily requeſt to Almighty God, that he would enable me to govern my Tongue, that I might always ſet ſuch a watch over that, as that it ſhould be no occaſion of difference betwixt my Husband and me. And I humbly thank him, I have been able to do it, I believe as much as moſt People; and I hope when I am gone to my long home, Mr. L —. will be ſenſible that what I ſay is true. I heartily pray to God to bleſs him, and that when I am gone he may live happy, and enjoy the Bleſſing of Almighty God in as great a meaſure as he ſhall ſee good for him, and that we may have a Joyful Meeting at the Reſurrection. And I humbly beg of Almighty God, that he will forgive us both all our Offences againſt him, and againſt one another. And I make it my Requeſt to Mr. L —. that he will pleaſe to give to my Siſter Conſtable a Suit of Damask Linnen which was my Mother's, and was bought againſt my Chriſtening: It lies in the bottom of the great Trunk in my Cloſet; at one end there is a long Table-cloth, Two leſs Table-cloths, and Two Dozen of Napkins. I alſo deſire ſhe may have a little Scarlet Silk Purſe, and the Gold that is in it, only one Broad Piece taken out of it for a Ring for my Brother Yarbrough. The Purſe is in a private Drawer in the Table in my Cloſet at the Stairs-head. I deſire my Maids may have every one of them ſomething of my Clothes, and Joſeph and Tim, may have each of them Twenty Shillings a piece. I deſire there may be a Sermon at my Funeral, which I would have one I had from Mr. Wood: It may be found in a thin Red Book which lies on the top of other Books, and in it is a little Paper Book of Mr. Wood's Writing. The Text is Matth. 24.44. Therefore be ye alſo ready, for in ſuch an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh. I deſire Mr. Wood may have Two Guinea's from me beſides what Mr. L —. will give him. This is what I deſire may be done if Mr. L —. be willing: But I know I have no power to diſpoſe of any thing without his Conſent: and if he be not willing, I ſhould be ſorry to diſpleaſe him in the laſt Act of my Life: and if he be not willing theſe things ſhould be as I deſire, I am contented all ſhould be as he pleaſes. This is all I ſhall ſay, but as long as I live〈◊〉ſhall continue
•he foregoing Letter was Superſcribed by the dead Perſon's hand in theſe Words:This for Mr. L —. which I deſire may be given to him after my Death, and before I am buried.And this direction was fulfilled and performed accordingly.
Here follows a Confeſſion of her Sins found after her Death, and written in and by•er own Hand.An Humble Confeſſion to Almighty God of the Grievous Sins I am too guilty of.
O Lord, I confeſs I offend and Sin in preferring and loving many Worldly Vanities and Pleaſures before the Service of God.
I confeſs I ſometimes neglect to read the Holy Scriptures, and when I do read them, I do not mark them as I ought, nor do I fear God ſo much as to keep from Offending him.
I do not call my ſelf to a daily account for my Sins, nor am I ſo careful as I ought to be in examining what my eſtate is towards God, nor do I repent of my Sins, and forſake them as I ſhould do.
I confeſs I am often diſcontented with my own eſtate and condition, and too much troubled when any Worldly things croſs me.
3I am too forward to credit things which I hear to the diſadvantage of other People, and to relate them again, tho' I do not know the truth of them; and my Thoughts and Phantaſies are often ſuch as they ought not to be.
I am not ſo careful of my Neighbours Credit as I ſhould be; but do ſometime talk more of them than I ſhould do: I have not ſo ſincere a Charity, nor do I forgive my Enemies as I deſire God would forgive me; but am too apt to remember Injuries, and am not ſorry enough when any misfortunes come upon thoſe that have done me unkindneſs or diſpleaſure.
I confeſs I am ſubject to be angry at a ſmall occaſion, and Impatient if any be angry with me.
My Affection is too much ſet upon my Husband, and I am too deſirous to have his eſteem, and I cannot bear his Ʋnkindneſs with that Patience which I ought: I am too apt to provoke him to Anger and Ʋnkindneſs, by ſaying ill-natured and croſs things: I am too Suſpicious and Miſtruſtful of him, and too Fretful and Grieving at any thing that makes differences betwixt us: I am more afraid of loſing his Favour and Kindneſs, than I am of ſinning againſt God.
I confeſs I am too ſlack in my Devotion; that when I ſhould be the moſt Intent in God's ſervice, then the Devil is the buſieſt, and puts vain and wandring Thoughts into my Head: I am not ſo thankful to God as I ſhould be, for all the Benefits and Bleſſings he daily and hourly beſtows upon me: All which I am heartily ſorry for, and do beg of thee, Good Lord, to deliver me from all theſe Sins.
It is my full purpoſe to do my utmoſt endeavour to forſake all theſe Sins; and I humbly and earneſtly beg of God for his Grace and Aſſiſtance: and if he will pleaſe to grant me that, I do not fear but I ſhall be a Conqueror.
Next follows the Purport of a Dream, which was found ſet down by Her own Hand, amongſt the laſt Leaves of one of Her Manuſcript Books; expreſs'd diſtinctly in the following Words.
THE 24 November 1689. In the Night, towards the Morning of the 25th Day, I dreamed that I was ſaying my Prayers, at Night by Candle-light in my Cloſet, and ſomething touched me upon the forepart of my Head like a Hand; at which I was frighted, and looked up, and ſaw a bright ſhining Thing with glittering Wings, but could not ſee any Face: It hung in the Air and touched nothing. It ſeemed to be about the bigneſs of an ordinary Hawk; It ſpoke to me and ſaid, Thy Prayers are heard, and thy Afflictions are ſanctified to thee: If thou doſt continue to do thy Duty unto the end, God will not forget his Promiſes; but thou ſhalt go to the Grave in Peace, and with a reſigned and quiet Mind, and ſhall receive a Crown of Righteouſneſs. Then it ſtay'd a while. I was very much frighted, and would fain have ſpoke but could not. Then it ſaid be not frighted, but make an end of thy Prayers, and with ſtriving to ſpeak I awoke. I thought it was in conſtant Motion with the Wings, and ſpoke ſlowly, and not very high, but very plain to be underſtood.