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A Liſt of all the Victories, and ſucceſſefull Atchievements of the Parlia­ments Fleet, under the Command of Col. Popham (lately deceaſed) Col. Blake, and Col. Deane, Admiralls and Generalls of the Fleet, from the time they were impowred, which was 28 Feb. 1650. to this preſent.

  • 1 THe Sancta Maria, a Sugar Prize
  • 2 The Crown a fly-boat of Haver­degrace in France, burthen 400. Tuns, 22 Guns, part laden with Corne.
  • 3 A Galiot of Amſterdam laden with Corne at the Terceras.
  • 4 The Saltheap burden 400 Tunnes richly laden from Genoa bound in for Lisbone.
  • 5 The Armes of Amſterdam laden by a French man whom we tooke in her, comming out of Lisbone.
  • 6 The Caeſar of Rotterdam bound for Lisbone, and comming from Ʋilla Roſin laden with corne.
  • 7 The Chriſtopher of Rotterdam.
  • 8 A Ierſey Veſſel of ſome 50 Tuns, having about 50000. of Poor Iohn in her.
  • 9 The King David of Rotterdam, and two other ſmall pinks.
  • 10 A ſmal Carval with ſome decayed Pilchers in her.
  • 11 The Fortune Frigot of Anchuyſen taken be­fore Cales, with French goods in her.
  • 12 The Peter of Amſterdam, with 33 bailes of linnen cloath, and other goods.
  • 13 On the beginning of March, 1650. Richard Thurſtons with the John Adventure, beat off a Jerſie Man of War, and defended three rich Ships richly laden.
  • 14 A Ship laden with goods, and 3300 and odde peeces of eight taken by Captaine Pen, neare Cales.
  • 15 A Veſſel called the Golden Waggon, re-taken on the weſterne coaſts by Captaine Hall.
  • 16 A French Ship with goods taken by Cap­taine Hall.
  • 17 A ſhip taken from the Scots King on the North coaſt of Scotland, with ſome Gentlemen, and divers Commiſſions from their King, and two Cloakes with ſtars, and other baggage.
  • 18 Divers Commiſſions, and Letters, and Pa­pers of diſcovery taken at Boſton, that came in a veſſel from Rotterdam.
  • 19 On 17 March, Mr. Michael Kerry, James Sely and others, brought away the Hope-well from Scilly to Mine-head.
  • 20 The 29 March, 1651. Captaine Brown-buſhel the great ſea Admirall, enemy to the Parliament of England was beheaded.
  • 21 April 1. 1651. A ſhip taken near Haymouth four miles from Barwick, whither ſhe was chaſed, with Proviſions and Armes for the Scots King from Holland.
  • 22 A fleet of Ships ſeized on going to Fortugall, from ſome in Holland.
  • 23 Captaine Fenne beat a French man of War with 32 Guns, on the Coaſts of Spaine, and forced her a ground.
  • 24 A French Man of War with 20 Guns taken by Captaine Penne:
  • 25 Two rich ſhips belonging to Merchants in St. Mallowes taken, with Merchandiſe of great value.
  • 26 A ſhip taken neare Leeth in Scotland by the Preſident Friggot, laden with Wines, Salt, To­bacco, ſtrong Waters, and other lading; ſome con­ſiderable perſons of the Scots Kings party were in her.
  • 27 A Sea Pirate belonging to the Iſle of Man ta­ken, and brought in to Liverpoole.
  • 28 A rich Prize comming from Rotterdam to­wards Scotland, wherein were 20 Officers Engliſh and Dutch, taken the 11th. of April on the borders of Scotland, by the Preſident Friggot.
  • 29 A French Veſſel taken with ten guns:
  • 30 A Veſſel of the Earl of Derbies taken by Cap­taine Seemar neare Doglow by the Iſle of Man, and brought to Bewmorris.
  • 31 A French ſhip of ten Guns, and five Murde­rers taken on the Northern coaſts by Captain Cole­man, and Capt. Cheaney.
  • 32 The Scots Alarmed on Fife ſide, April 17. by a ſmall fleet manned, under command of Captain Reynols from Leeth, by Orders from Generall Deane.
  • 33 Cunie Iſlannds near Scilly taken by Generall Blague.
  • 34 Brice Iſland taken by him alſo.
  • 35 Treſco Iſland with the Fort taken by ſtorme, and 25 peece of Ordnance, and 166 Priſoners, 20 flaine, and 40 drowned
  • 36 Grimſly the Harbour at Scilly taken by Gen. Blague, with two ſhips therein, and 9 Guns.
  • 37 A London ſhip of 70 Tuns reſcued from a Jerſie man of War, on the Weſtern coaſts,
  • 38 A Veſſel of Scilly comming from France: was chaſed and taken by Capt. Pack, commander of the Amity Friggot, with 20 tun of wine.
  • 39 Captaine Coleman took a French man with 15 Guns, 48 Priſoners, loaden with proviſions, and 40 Tun of Cask with water going for Green-land, brought in to New-caſtle.
  • 40 A Veſſel of 20 Tuns burden laden with Salt and Coales taken by Capt. Seaman, who commands the Fox Friggot, trading between Scotland, Ireland, and the Iſle of Man.
  • 41 Capt. Michael Peck with the Amity Frigot tooke a veſſel, and ſome priſoners of quality ſailing from Scilly to fly to France.
  • 42 A ſhip with 26 guns taken near Scilly.
  • 43 A ſhip with 16 guns taken near Scilly.
  • 44 A veſſel belonging to Scilly taken going to France, by Capt. Pack.
  • 45 On the firſt of May, two tun of Beere, ſome quantity of Beefe, two caskes of Bread, and one barrel of Peaſe, taken in a veſſel at Humber.
  • 46 Twelve Packets, qts. 20 Kers. 18 ſingle do­zens, 3 baggs of horns, 50 Ferkins of Butter, 25 duds of Iron, 200l. of dreſt Flax, three quarters of an hundred weight of Sugar, two Hogſ-heads of Sack, and three Pipes of red Wine taken in ſome veſſels at Humber:
  • 47 Two packs of cloth, qts, 24 Kerdeyes, and ten Dozen, and one, alſo 20 peeces of Lead taken in a veſſel of Hull.
  • 48 On the third of May a Prize was brought in­to Leeth in Scotland, with 100 tunnes of Wheat be­longing to the Scots King.
  • 49 May 5. Capt. Anthony Young re-tooke near Barwick an Hoy of Rocheſter from a Scots man of War of 12 Guns, in which was Mr. Theodore Jen­nings, meſſenger to the Lords Embaſſadour then in Holland, and Col. Waſhburne.
  • 50 The Aſſiſtance Frigot brought in a Prize to Leeth, with 100 tuns of wheat, that the Scots Kings ſhips had taken from the Dutch, and were ſending it to Aberdeen.
  • 51 Two Frigots belonging to Scilly were in purſuit caſt away, and divers of the Sea-men that got aſhore came in to Gen. Blague.
  • 52 Two Veſſels taken near Long-rode.
  • 53 A Veſſel with ſix notable Moſſe Troopers that had been in Ireland, was brought into Liver­poole.
  • 54 Capt. Bradſhaw a notorious Pirate taken by Capt. Sherwin neare the Iſle of Man, who with his men were brought priſoners to Liverpoole.
  • 55 Capt. Beck with the Merchant Adventure, with 54 men, beat two great ſhips, the one with 24 Guns, the other 34 Guns near the Downes, with 500 men in them.
  • 56 Capt. Reeves with the Elizabeth Frigot took a French Veſſel near the Iſle of St. Nichelas Iſland.
  • 57 A Veſſel taken with 60 good Horſe on the Weſterne coaſts going to Barbadoes, ſent to Plim­moth by Gen. Blake.
  • 58 Two ſhips taken in the Straights, one laden with Silk, the other with Sugar.
  • 59 A French man of War taken with ſix peece of Ordnance belonging to Deep.
  • 60. Capt. Coleman commander of the Fortune, fought with three of the Scots Kings Veſſels, and tooke one of them, and brought it into New-caſtle.
  • 61 An Iriſh Veſſel called St. Patrick taken prize with 20 baggs of pockets, of 2900 l. weight, and Iriſh Wooll, 6000 Hides, and other commodities, taken by the Swift-ſure.
  • 62 Another Iriſh ſhip taken by the Swift-ſure.
  • 63 A French Veſſel taken by the Swift-ſure alſo with 21 men, two ſmall guns and ſome Muskets aboard her,
  • 64 Two ſhips taken with Horſe and other ſup­plies going for Scotland brought into Yarmouth by Capt. Wadſworth the 23 May.
  • 65 Mary Iſland, and the Iſland of Agads: and all the remainders of Scilly Iſlands, and Forts ſur­rendred to Gen. Blake with 50 Barrels of Powder, Match proportionable, aboundance of great ſhot, and all their Ordnance.
  • 66 A ſhip taken by Cap. Hall of 300 Tuns and 22 guns, laden with Wheat and Ryce.
  • 67 A ſhip taken by Cap. Hall of 140 Tuns, with 16 Guns, laden with ſilke, Grogarums, Skins, Wool, and other commodities.
  • 68 Severall ſhips preſerved on the coaſts of Spaine.
  • 69 A French Veſſel taken on the Northern coaſts by Cap. Redgate.
  • 70 June 1. the veſſell of a rich Prize retaken by Cap. Redgate, from an Iriſh man of War, who hard­ly eſcaped, and the veſſell taken was of 350 Tuns, laden with wheat, Sturgion, Pitch, Tarre, Bacon, Spaniſh-Wool, feathers, Canvaſſe, and other com­modities.
  • 71 Cap. Reynolds, by ſhips fetched away ſome booty from the Scots on Fife ſide, divers ſheep and ſome barrels of Butter.
  • 72 The Yarmouth Fiſhermen releived by Capt. King, and the Enemys man of War beaten off.
  • 73 Cap. Vacy took a Scots veſſel paſſing towards Ireland, and brought it to Liverpoole.
  • 74 A Veſſel retaken, and brought into Briſtol. Al­ſo a French veſſell taken with ſheep, Porke, Bisket, and mony intending to have releived Scilly.
  • 75 A Veſſel taken by Cap. Celeman, bound for France,
  • 76 Two Prizes taken by Capt. Tackwell on the coaſts of France, laden with Sugar, Brazil, Tobacco, and other merchandizes.
  • 77 A prize taken on the beginning of July on the coaſts of France, brought in by Cap. Green.
  • 78 Three French Fiſher-mens Veſſells taken near Jerſey.
  • 79 A veſſell taken prize by Capt Hurly, and brought into Portſmouth of 100 Tuns burden, laden with Roſin, Pitch, and other commodities,
  • 80 A veſſell taken by Cap. Hurley, brought into Portſmouth of 300 Tuns, laden with Wool, Skins, and other commodities.
  • 81 A veſſell taken by Cap. Green, laden with Ro­ſin and other wares, taken on the Weſtern coaſts.
  • 82 A veſſel taken by Cap. Green, laden with pots and other iron ware.
  • 83 A ſhip of 400 Tun laden with oyle, and o­ther Merchandizes, taken and ſent into Portſ­mouth.
  • 84 Col. Overton tranſported over to Fife ſide in Scotland, with 1400 Foot, and ſome Horſe and Dragoons, took the North-Ferry.
  • 85 Maj. Gen, Lambert tranſported over to Fife ſide, defeated Sir John Brown, which was the foun­dation of all thoſe ſucceeding Victories, which utterly deſtroyed all the Scots Kings Forces in both Nations.
  • 86 In the beginning of Auguſt a Veſſell taken on the coaſts of Ireland.
  • 87 A Veſſell taken on the Northerne coaſts by Cap. Coppin, brought into Yarmouth.
  • 88 A rich ſhip reſcued from the enemy on the Northern coaſts by Cap, Coppin.
  • 89 The Seamen of the Paradox Frigot got off from neer Flamburgh Head, after their Captain and Purſer were both killed by the enemy.
  • 90 In Septemb. 532 li. of Scots yarn &c. was taken with the Thomas Veſſell at Yarmouth.
  • 91 A Veſſel taken belonging to the Iſle of Man by Cap. Young.
  • 92 An Iriſh veſſel taken on the coaſts of Ireland.
  • 93 A French man of Warre beaten.
  • 94 In Octob. 3 French ſhips beaten on the We­ſtern coaſts.
  • 95 A glorious Victory obtained by Gen. Blake in ſurprizall of the Iſle of Jerſey.
  • 96 The Fort at Sentwon Bay taken
  • 97 St. Owens Mannor taken
  • 98 Groneſſe Caſtle taken
  • 99 Caſtle de Leke taken
  • 100 The Fort at Bowley taken
  • 101 St. Albans taken
  • 102 St. Jermans taken
  • 103 St. Hillary being the chief Town, taken.
  • 104 Brelades Bay taken.

A Letter from aboard the Entrance, riding off Mount Orgueil Caſtle in Jerſey, 27 Octob. 1651.

THE Lord hath been pleaſed to deliver into our hands, the Iſle of Ierſey on the 22 inſtant between 11 & 12 of the clock in the night by ftorm.

Tueſday the 22 about two in the morning the Com­miſſion-Officers met aboard this ſhip, riding in St. Bre­lades Bay, and having ſought God for a bleſſing upon theirundertakings, it was upon conſultation agreed, that by their Boats and ſtrength an attempt ſhould be made upon the Enemy in Sentwons Bay, as the moſt con­venient place to land in. Accordingly Gen: Blake or­dered the open boats and Veſſels that carryed the Foot and Horſe to bee manned out of our owne ſhips, thoſe from England refuſing to run their Veſſels aground, The weather admitting no delay, the Foot were embarqued and forthwith ſtood for Sentwons, but before we could hale cloſe to ſhore, the Tide was ſo far ſpent, that it was conceived not rationall to fall on then, whereupon the boats lay by; and the ſhips, viz. the Elizabeth, Phae­nix, Battery ſhip, and Eagle, began to play upon the Forts with great guns, and ſo continued near four hours, continually pelting, inſomuch that they did execution both on horſe and foot, and prevented their getting in­to bodies. The Evening proving fair, and the wind freſh from off the Sea, all the Captains of the Fleet took their boats, we manned and headed the Forlorn which was led by Cap. Dover, which gave them ſome incou­ragement more than ordinary. A party of the Enemies horſe charged to the very heads of our boats, and for neer an hour there was a fierce encounter on both ſides, till Col. Hayne and the reſt could get in to their aſſiſt­ance, who for to give them all poſſible and ſpeedy re­lief leapt into the water up to the waſte, and ſome high­er: Whereupon the Enemy began to retreat, our for­ces thereby gaining ground, till after 3 or 4 volleys of ſhot the enemy ran, inſomuch that we became maſters of their Forts, all along the Bay.

What the enemies loſſe might be, we are not cer­tain, but there were wounded on our ſide about 16. and 4 kild: The Lieutenant of the Forlorn, and one more, are ſince dead of their wounds. Cap. Dover was ſtruck down with a bullet, but recovered himſelf again. One thing I forgot to acquaint you with, that when wee weighed from Brellades Bay, the Generall to amuſe and diſtract the enemy, left a part of the Fleet there, which by their Guns and ſhooting in their boats did ſo alarm them, that the Paſtor of a Village in that Bay with his flock and the Forces ran away to Elizbeth caſtle, wher their Governour Carteret is. Some priſoners report that Carteret was himſelf in the action, but fled as ſoon as any. The next morning Col. Hayne ſummoned the Tower and Caſtle of St. Albans, where were 20 Guns, much Ammunition, Proviſion, &c. and on a ſudden it was quitted unexpectedly, thoſe in it betaking them­ſelves to the main Caſtle, where (it is reported) all the chief Iſlanders and goods are lodged; whereof we doubt not in a ſhort time to give a very ſatisfactory account. Wee are now before the Caſtle called Mount Orgueil, and ſo ſoon as we have done, it is poſſible the General will make a trip to Guernſey, and ſummon Cornt-Ca­ſtle, of which wee have the more hope, they having ſmall hope of relief.


LONDON Printed by Robert Ibbitſon. 1651.

About this transcription

TextA list of all the victories, and successefull atchievements of the Parliaments fleet under the command of Col. Popham (lately deceased) Col. Blake, and Col. Deane, admiralls and generalls of the fleet, from the time they were impowred, which was 28 Feb. 1650. to this present.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA list of all the victories, and successefull atchievements of the Parliaments fleet under the command of Col. Popham (lately deceased) Col. Blake, and Col. Deane, admiralls and generalls of the fleet, from the time they were impowred, which was 28 Feb. 1650. to this present. 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) Printed by Robert Ibbitson,London :1651.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Nouemb. 3.".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Blake, Robert, 1599-1657 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Popham, Edward, 1610?-1651 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Deane, Richard, 1610-1653 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History, Naval -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.

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