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A Liſt of his Majeſties Navie Royall, and Merchants Ships, their Names, Captains, Men, Ordnance, in every Ship, now ſet forth for the Guard of the narrow Seas, and for the Coaſt of Ireland in this preſent expedition, 1643. Vnder the command of the Right Honourable ROBERT Earle of VVarwick, Admirall and Commander in Chiefe of the ſaid Fleet.

His Majeſties Ships.
  • 1. PRince Royall, Robert Earle of War­wick Admirall, Richard Blyth Capt. 500 men, 70 ordnance.
  • 2. St. Andrew, William Batten Capt. Vice-Admirall, 260 men, 45 ordinance.
  • 3. St. George, Richard Owen Capt. Rere-Admirall, 260. men, 46. ordinance.
  • 4. Swift-ſure, Robert Moulton, Capt. 260 men, 48. ordnance.
  • 5. James, H. Bethell, Capt. 260 men, 50 ordn.
  • 6. Raine-bow, Peter Andrewes, Capt. 240 men, 42. ordnance.
  • 7. Victory, Nathanael Goodlad, Capt. 260 men, 46. ordnance.
  • 8. Charles, Treſtram Steuens of Dover Capt. 350 men, 46. ordnance.
  • 9. Converteine, Iohn Stanesby, Capt. 200 men, 42 ordnance.
  • 10. Anthelop, Haddock, Capt. 160 men, 36 ordnance.
  • 11. Entrance, I. Bowen, Capt. 160 men, 40 ord.
  • 12. Leopard, Ben. Cranley Capt. 160 men, 44 ordnance.
  • 13. Swallow, Thom. Rainborow Capt. 150 men, 34 ordnance.
  • 14. Dreadnought, Soamaſter, Capt. 140 men, 40 ordnance.
  • 15. Mary Roſe, Rich. Blyth jun. Capt. 100 men, 38 ordnance.
  • 16. 8 Whelp, Will. Thomas, Capt. 60 men, 18 ordnance.
  • 17. 10 Whelp, R. Hill, Capt. 60 men, 14 ord.
  • 18. Greyhound, Abraham Wheeler, Capt. 50 men, 18 ordnance.
  • 19. Nichodemus, I. Wood Com. & Maſter, 45 men, 10 ordnance.
  • 20. Hart, Batts Co. & Mr. 40 men, 12 ord.
  • 21 Hinde, Robert Bramble, Com. and Mr. 70 men, 10 ordnance.
  • 22. Fortune Pynk, Rich. Billard Com. and Mr. 14 men, 8 ordnance.
  • Theſe two ſmall Veſſels, and the foure Ketches are to attend the Fleet.
  • 23. Nottordam, Peter White Com. & Maſter, 20 men, 6 ordnance.
  • 24. Revenge, I. Mildmay C. & Mr. 12 men, 4 or.
  • 25. Proſperous, Rich. Thomſon Maſter.
  • 26. Anne, Math. Berry Maſter.
  • 27. Hopewell, Chriſtoph. Berry Maſter.
  • 28. Loads boat at Dover.
Merchants Ships.
  • 1. Martin, Geo. Martin Capt. 532 tonre, 159 men, 36 ordnance.
  • 2. Hopefull Luke, Robert Lea, Capt. 355 tonne, 106 men, 26 ordnance.
  • 3. Maydenhead, Iames Lutton, Capt. 285 tonne, 85 men, 20 ordnance.
  • 4 Anne and Joyce, Tho. Ioans, Capt. 300 tonne, 90 men, 22 ordnance.
  • 5. Hercules, Lawrence Moyer, Capt. 468 tonne, 135 men, 28 ordnance.
  • 6. May flower, Io. Piggot, Capt. 405 tonne 121 men, 28 ordnance.
  • 7. Scipio, Tho. Evane, Capt. 425 tonne, 127 men, 28 ordnance.
  • 8. Leopard, Tho. Clark, Capt. 362 tonne, 108 men, 22 ordnance.
  • 9. Friendſhip, Io. Blake, Capt. 366 tonne, 109 men, 24 ordnance.
  • 10. Speedwell, Ben. Peeters, Capt. 383 tonne 115 men, 26 ordnance.
  • 11. Providence, Wil. Swanley, Capt. 270 tonne, 81 men, 20 ordnance.
  • 12. John and Barbary, 10. Barker Capt. 283 tonne, 84 men, 20 ordnance.
  • 13. Golden Lion of Leech, Lodwick Dick, Capt. 450 tonne, 135 men, 30 ordnance.
  • 14. Exchange, Iohn Rocheſter, Capt. 326 tonne, 97 men, 24 ordnance.
  • 15. Golden Angel, Richard Lucas, Capt. 341 tonne, 102 men, 26 ordnance.
  • 16. Bleſſing, Tho. Shaftoe, Capt. 200 tonne, 60 men, 18 ordnance.
  • 17. Proſperous, Wil. Driver, Capt. 435 ton, 130 men, 28 ordnance.
  • 18. Elizabeth and Anne, Wil. Coppin Capt. 88 tonne, 28 men, 18 ordnance.
  • 29. Bleſſing, Aſhmore Capt., 350 tonne, 105 men, 26 ordnance.
  • 20. George of Dover, Geo. Bowden, Capt. 121 tonne, 36 men, 12 ordnance.
  • 21. James Youghall, Tho. Morgan, Capt. 100 tonne, 40 men, 8 ordnance.
  • 22. Charity, Ralph Dansk Capt. 120 tonne, 36 men, 6 ordnance.
  • 23. Joſlyn, Stansby Capt. 196 tonne, 59 men, 12 ordnance.
Colliers ſhips
  • Recovery, Iohn North Command. 360 ton, 70 men 11 ordnance.
  • Edward and Eliſabeth, Edw. Leigh Com. 350 tonne, 80 men, 14 ordnance.
  • Dragon, Iam. Peacocke Com. 260 tonne, 60 men, 6 ordnance.
  • Hector, Iam. Beddall Com. 360 tonne, 70 men, 20 ordnance.
Fire Ships.
  • Swan, Rob. Hudſon, Com. 200 tonne, 12 men.
  • Sarah, Lambert Pitches Com. 250 tonne, 14 men.
  • Andrew and Iohn, Thom. Craft Com. 220 tonne, 13 men.
  • Lyon of London, Iames Flawes, Com. 220 tonne, 12 men.
His Majeſties Ships for the Iriſh Coaſts.
  • 1. Bonadventure, Richard Swanley Capt. Admirall, 170 men, 36 ordnance.
  • 2. Lyon, Wil. Smith Cap. Vice Admirall, 170 men, 42 ordnance.
  • 3. Expedition, Ioſeph Iorden Capt. Rere Admirall, 100 men, 15 ordnance.
  • 4. Providence, William Brook Captaine, 100 men, 16 ordnance.
  • 5. Creſſent, Tho. Pluncket Com. & Mr. 50 men, 12 ordnance.
  • 6. Lilly, Iohn Lambert Com. & Mr. 35 men, 10 ordnance.
  • 7. Starre, Tho. Cook Com. & Mr. 60 men, 12 ordnance.
  • 8. Signet, I. Weild Co. & Mr. 70 men, 10 ordn.
Merchants Ships.
  • 1. Employment, Tho. Aſhley, Capt. 440 tonne, 132 men, 30 ordnance.
  • 2. Ruth, Robert Conſtable, Capt. 400 tonne 120 men, 24 ordnance.
  • 3. Peter, Peter Strong, Capt. 170 tonne, 81 men, 14 ordnance.
Ten Merchantſhips on the coaſt of Ireland, to be paid the fraight, victuall, and wages unto the Ow­ners and company, out of ſuch moneys as have been or ſhall be paid in by the Adventurers upon the Act of ſubſcription for Ireland, within one year after the date of the Order.
  • 1. Zant merchant, 390 tonne, 117 men.
  • 2. Good hope, 390 tonne, 117 men.
  • 3. Achilles, 260 tonne, 78 men.
  • 4. Geo. Bonad. 242 tonne, 72 men.
  • 5. Mary Bonad. 240 tonne, 72 men.
  • 6. Hopewell, 220 tonne, 66 men.
  • 7. Katherine, 200 tonne, 60 men.
  • 8. Pennington, 135 tonne, 40 men.
  • 9. Dolphin, 100 tonne, 30. men.
  • 10. Peter 150, tonne, 45. men.

IT is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That there be allowed ten ſhillings per man, rigging, wages unto the Merchant Ships, and 19 ſhillings per Moneth a man, to all common Sea-men, when they are at Sea. And it is further ordered, for the better encouragement of the Officers and Sea-men, who ſhal be employed in the Fleet; there ſhall bee allowed unto thoſe in the Kings Ships, beſides their pay, one full third part of all Prizes that they ſhall take in this their employment: The other two thirds to bee reſerved to the State, and to thoſe in the Merchant Ships, one full third part for the Officers and Sea-men, and another third part to the Owners, and the third part reſerved to the State as aforeſaid; which diviſions are to bee according to the cuſtome of men of warre.

Printed for Lawrence Blaiklock, 1643.

About this transcription

TextA list of his Majesties navie royall, and merchant ships, their names, captains, men, ordnance, in every ship, now set forth for the guard of the narrow seas, and for the coast of Ireland in this present expedition, 1643 Vnder the command of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of VVarwick, admirall and commander in chiefe of the said fleet.
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-IV TIFF page image.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160989)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA list of his Majesties navie royall, and merchant ships, their names, captains, men, ordnance, in every ship, now set forth for the guard of the narrow seas, and for the coast of Ireland in this present expedition, 1643 Vnder the command of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of VVarwick, admirall and commander in chiefe of the said fleet. 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. Printed for Lawrence Blaiklock,[London] :1643.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (With an engraved portrait of the Earl of Warwick.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Aprill. 12".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Warwick, Robert Rich, -- Earl of, 1587-1658 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ships -- Great Britain -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History, Naval -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A88317
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