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Approved, Good, and happy Newes From IRELAND:

Relating how the Caſtle of Artaine was taken from the Rebels, two of their Captaines kild, and one taken priſoners by the proteſtants.

With the arrivall of 2000 foot, and 300 horſe from England.

Alſo a great skirmiſh betweene the Proteſtants and the Rebels at a place neere Feleſton, wherein the Engliſh obtaned great renowe and victory.

Whereunto is added, A true relation of the great overthrow which the Engliſh gave the Rebels before Drogheda ſent in a Letter bearing date the 27 of February. to Sir Robert King Knight at Cecill houſe in the Strand.

Printed by Order of Parliament.


LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright, 1641.

The laſt newes from IRELAND, 7 March, 1641.

THe 10. of February our men went to Artain, againſt a caſtle ſo called, which had be­fore done ſome miſchiefe, to ſome of our men, the enemy being in it, But the ene­my fled before our ſecond comming, and left the Caſtle; and a garriſon was left in it by us.

Upon the 11th. wee had newes, that the enemy was intrenching at a place called Soughing Towne, ſome 6. Miles ſouth of our City, and ſome 2000. Foot, and 200. Horſe went out againſt them; The Lord Lambart commanding in chiefe; A ſmall battell they had, but the Enemy ſtood not, on the Enemies ſide ſome 70 or more was killed, and but one hurt on our ſide, and ſo came home that night, and brought home one of the Rebells Captaines and two more of the enemies Cap­taines ſlaine, many Letters of treaſon were found a­bout him that was taken.

On the 13. a man was brought to our City being taken by ſome of our ſcattering men ſcouting about our City, who confeſt without conſtraint, that he had killed an Engliſhwoman at a place called Leſlipeſom, 6. Miles Weſt of our City, and waſhed his hands in her bloud, being ſet on by the popiſh Prieſts ſo to doe, hee was preſently hanged, but dyed with much repen­tance and a proteſtant, which few do.

Upon the 19. and 20. Arrived heere from you 2000 Foot and 300 horſe but little or no money, which made us poore of the City fare harder then before; which was to hard.

Upon the 21. Wee had knowledge that our Ships ſent with vittaile to relieve Tredath had got ſafely in, and in ſpight of the enemy, who had chayned up the harbour, but our men brake the Chaine, and got in, notwithſtanding. And publike thankes was with us for that happineſſe, for in ſuch a great ſtrait was that City, as to eat Horſe fleſh, as letters from my friends from the City to mee teſtified; Alſo Captaine Bartlet who was the Sea Captaine, in his comming home met with ſome fore ſmall Boats or Barkes of the Wexford men, going toward the enemy in the North to carry Lenten proviſion, but hee ſpoyled their deſigne in ſinking moſt or all of them, About the ſame time we had alſo Letters out of Munſter, that all that part of the Countrey was roſe in Rebellion being carried out by the Lord Muſcry, and Lord Roch, who had profeſ­ſed much fidellity, and many deceitfull promiſes had paſt to the preſident of that Province, till they ſaw their owne advantage, And it is reported they are not leſſe then 20000 ſtrong, beſt appointed of all the Rebels, for indeed this Lord Muſcry is the moſt mo­nied man, of all the Iriſh Lords, So that now not one place in Ireland, but is in Rebellion, for the Lord of Clanrickard, ſtands as ſome thinke Neuter, does no­thing at all, or cannot do any thing, or will not, But wee heare that our Preſident of Munſter was forced to betake himſelfe to the ſtrong hold of Corke, and the Lord of Corke betooke himſelfe to Yoyhall, which are reported both to be beſiged by the enemy.

Upon the 23. of this moneth, newes was that at a place neere Feleſton ſix miles from us, a great multi­tude of the enemies had ſtrongly fortifide themſelves, and it is well fortifide by nature, having alſo a ſtrong Caſtle in it; Some 3000 of our men went againſt it, horſe and foote, Our Lord generall the Earle of Or­mond himſelfe went, as did Sir Charles Coot, Sir Symond Hacourt, and many more, Iohn Moore being one of the Soldiers, and upon the forelorne hope. had both his left and right hand man killed, he told me that our generall himſelfe, led up the forlorne hope, with ma­ny words of Comfort to them, able to make any man fight to ſee ſuch a man as he goe in ſuch danger: For the enemy had a great wood to ſhelter them beſide tren­ches, but our men after 2 houres Battell, beat them from their Trench, and from the wood, killing ſome 80 of them, For all that advantage but 7 of our men was killed, but that we loſt one Captaine Rochford, a man of ſuch note, that never more was any man be­wayled; For all the good and valliant parts of a Soldi­er was in him, in this bout Sir Symond Harcourts Regi­ment, behaved themſelves valliantly but for the Caſtle our men were forced to returne home without taking it, having nothing but field peeces with them, the way being to rotten to beare greater as yet; many more of the enemies had bin ſlaine but that the wood defended them, ſo that the Trees tooke off all that was ſent to them in this Caſtle is thought to be much wealth beſides all that have bin great men of the Re­bels. But our men will not ſo leave it, but will againe try their forces againſt it ſhortly.

As yeſterday our men came home, yet tis to be feard that a famine is like to be in our City, in that ſtill men come to us and proviſion is ſhort, and none of yours that come to us bring any vittailes, great taxes are upon us, more then can be borne, He that had Butter, and Cheeſe, and Cloath at between 6 and 14 Shillings a yard here ſent by any out of London,, might make a good trade of it; Cheſhire cheeſe is ſould here for ſix pence a pound already; Some of your Londoners are come hither (acquaintance of mine) that will ſend for ſuch things, for great profit may be made by them, and quicke returne.

A letter ſent from Droheda, to Sir Robert King, dated Febr. 27.

Noble Sir,

IN my laſt Letter, I ſignified to you the difficul­ties which were like to befall us by the relee­ving of Droheda, but God by his infinite mercy hath freed us (I may ſay miraculouſly) from that hazzard: for when our men there were driven to that extremity to eat horſe-fleſh, Sir Henry Tichbourne ſallied out of the Towne with only fourty Musketiers, and fourty Horſe, and beat off foure hun­dred of the enemies, killed above threeſcore of them, recovered fourſcore Cowes and Oxen, and two hun­dred Sheep; burned foure Townes, and brought home two of their Colours: Beſides, I muſt relate unto you Gods aboundant goodneſſe unto us, in that the night before the reliefe and ſuccours which we ſent by Sea from Dublin to them, ſhould have entred into the Harbour of Droheda, which was ſtrongly fen­ced over with a Chaine and ſeverall boates, there happened a ſtorm which broke their chainer, and gave our men ſo great a paſſage, as with little diffi­culty they came ſafely to the Towne. The Rebels were gathered at Kilſhalgham within ſeven miles of Dublin, above two thouſand men, where they were ſetled in a very ſtrong wood. My Lord of Ormond carried out part of our Army, and beat them out of that great ſtrength (for they would not come into the Champaine) and killed above a hundred of them, without any conſiderable loſſe of our ſide, only Cap­taine Iames Rochfort, a moſt gallant and couragious Gentleman. This was an act of great bravery, where­in Sir Charles Coote did, (as he doth alwaies) beyond expectation, expoſing his perſon to as much danger as any man living could; and in truth he is a gallant man, full of courage and good affections, and de­ſerves great encouragement from that ſide. Our ſoul­diours are in great want of money, which cauſes a ge­nerall want of all other neceſſaries, yet notwithſtan­ding God hath infuſed ſuch courage into them (for undoubtedly it is his worke) that they thinke there is no danger ſo great, but they may attempt it.

Colonell Munke is arrived here with my Lord Lieutenants Regiment of fifteen hundred foot, and Sir Richard Greevill with neere foure hundred Horſe, which puts much heart into us, and makes us looke big upon our neighbours, yet we grieve we cannot be able to releeve our friends in other parts, but I hope when our full ſuccours ſhall come, we ſhall not only defend this place, but adde comfort to our poore diſtreſſed friends abroad.

The enemy though their numbers be very great, even beyond beliefe, yet their hearts begin to faint and I believe they repent their furious madneſſe.

If my brother be in London, I pray you impart this Letter to him, I would hae written to him, but that I thought he was at Cheſter, or on his way thither: By the next he ſhall heare from me at large, and I ſhall likewiſe trouble you.

I muſt now only tell you, that I thank you for your care of thoſe things which concerne me, and I am, Sir,

Your moſt affectionate ſervant, Ed. Loftus,

'Tis this day Ordered forthwith, that this Letter be publiſhed in print.

H. Elſing. Cler. P. D. Com.

About this transcription

TextApproved, good, and happy newes from Ireland: relating how the castle of Artaine was taken from the rebels, two of their captaines kild, and one taken prisoners by the protestants. With the arrivall of 2000 foot, and 300 horse from England. Also a great skirmish betweene the Protestants and the rebels at a place neere Feleston, wherein the English obtained great renowne and victory. Whereunto is added, a true relation of the great overthrow which the English gave the rebels before Drogheda sent in a letter bearing date the 27 of February. to Sir Robert King Knight at Cecill house in the Strand. Printed by order of Parliament.
AuthorLoftus, Edward, 17th cent..
Extent Approx. 10 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A88429)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156536)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 25:E140[9])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationApproved, good, and happy newes from Ireland: relating how the castle of Artaine was taken from the rebels, two of their captaines kild, and one taken prisoners by the protestants. With the arrivall of 2000 foot, and 300 horse from England. Also a great skirmish betweene the Protestants and the rebels at a place neere Feleston, wherein the English obtained great renowne and victory. Whereunto is added, a true relation of the great overthrow which the English gave the rebels before Drogheda sent in a letter bearing date the 27 of February. to Sir Robert King Knight at Cecill house in the Strand. Printed by order of Parliament. Loftus, Edward, 17th cent., England and Wales. Parliament.. [8] p. : ill. Printed for Iohn Wright,London :1641. [i.e. 1642]. (With title page woodcut.) ("A letter sent from Drogheda, to Sir Robert King, dated Febr. 27." is signed: Ed. Loftus ..) (Signatures: A⁴.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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