ORDERS FORMERLY Conceived and agreed to be publiſhed by the Lord Major, and the Aldermen of the City of London, and the Juſtices of Peace of the Counties of Middleſex and Surrey: And now Re-printed and publiſhed by Order of the Honourable Houſe of COMMONS.
WHereas in the firſt Year of the Reigne of our late Soveraigne King James of happy memory, over this Realme of England, an Act was made for the charitable reliefe and ordering of Perſons infected with the Plague: whereby authority is given to Juſtices of Peace, Majors, Bayliffes, and other head-Officers to appoint within their ſeverall Limits Examiners, Searchers, Watchmen, Keepers, and Buriers for the Perſons and Places infected, and to miniſter unto them Oaths for the performance of their Offices. And the ſame Statute alſo authoriſeth the giving of other Directions, as unto them for the preſent neceſſity ſhall ſeeme good in their diſcretions. It is therefore upon ſpeciall conſideration thought very expedient for the preventing and avoiding of the Infection of Sickneſſe (if it ſhall pleaſe Almighty God) which is now dangerouſly diſperſed into many places within the City and Suburbs of the ſame: that theſe Officers following bee appointed, and theſe Orders hereafter preſcribed be duly obſerved.
Examiners to be appointed in every Pariſh.
FIrſt, It is thought requiſite and ſo ordered, that in every Pariſh there be one, two, or more perſons of good ſort and credit, choſen and appointed by the Alderman, his Deputy, and Common-Councell of every Ward, and by the Juſtices of Peace in the Counties, by the name of Examiners, to continue in that Office the ſpace of two moneths at leaſt: and if any fit perſon ſo appointed as aforeſaid, ſhall refuſe to undertake the ſame, the ſaid parties ſo refuſing, to bee committed to priſon untill they ſhall conforme themſelves accordingly.
The Examiners Office.
THat theſe Examiners bee ſworne by the Alderman, or by one of the Juſtices of the County, to enquire and learne from time to time what houſes in every Pariſh be viſited, and what perſons be ſick, and of what Diſeaſes, as neere as they can informe themſelves, and upon doubt in that caſe, to command reſtraint of acceſſe, untill it appeare what the Diſeaſe ſhall prove: and if they finde any perſon ſicke of the Infection, to give order to the Conſtable that the houſe be ſhut up: and if the Conſtable ſhall be found remiſſe or negligent, to give preſent notice thereof to the Alderman, or the Iuſtice of Peace reſpectively.
THat to every Infected houſe there be appointed two watchmen, one for the day and the other for the night: And that theſe Watchmen have a ſpeciall care that no perſon goe in or out of ſuch infected houſes, whereof they have the charge, upon paine of ſevere puniſhment. And the ſaid Watchmen to doe ſuch further Offices as the ſick houſe ſhall neede and require: and if the Watchman bee ſent upon any buſineſſe, to lock up the houſe and take the key with him: and the Watchman by day to attend untill ten of the clock at night: and the Watchman by night untill ſix in the morning.
THat there bee a ſpeciall care, to appoint women Searchers in every Pariſh, ſuch as are of honeſt reputation, and of the beſt ſort as can bee got in this kinde: And theſe to be ſworne to make due ſearch and true report, to the utmoſt of their knowledge, whether the Perſons, whoſe bodies they are appointed to Search, doe die of the Infection, or of what other diſeaſes, as neere as they can. And for their better aſſiſtance herein, foraſmuch as there hath beene heretofore great abuſe in miſreporting the diſeaſe, to the further ſpreading of the Infection: It is therefore ordered, that there bee choſen and appointed three able and diſcreet Chirurgions, beſides thoſe three, that doe already belong to the Peſthouſe: amongſt whom, the City and Liberties to be quartered as the places lie moſt apt and convenient: and every of theſe ſix to have one quarter for his Limit: and the ſaid Chirurgions in every of their Limits to joyne with the Searchers for the view of the body, to the end there may bee a true report made of the diſeaſe.
And further, that the ſaid Chirurgions ſhall viſit and ſearch ſuch like perſons as ſhall either ſend for them, or be named and directed unto them, by the examiners of every Pariſh, and informe themſelves of the diſeaſe of the ſaid parties.
And for as much as the ſaid Chirurgions are to ſequeſtred from all other Cures, and kept onely to this diſeaſe of the Infection: It is ordered, that every of the ſaid Chirurgions ſhall have twelve pence a body ſearched by them, to bee paid out of the goods of the party ſearched, if he be able, or otherwiſe by the Pariſh.
Orders concerning infected Houſes, and Perſons ſick of the Plague.
Notice to bee given of the Sickneſſe.
THe Maſter of every Houſe, aſſoone as any one in his houſe complaineth, either of Botch, or Purple, or Swelling in any part of his body, or falleth otherwiſe dangerouſly ſick, without apparent cauſe of ſome other diſeaſe, ſhall give knowledge thereof to the Examiner of health within two houres after the ſaid ſigne ſhall appeare.
Sequeſtration of the ſick.
AS ſoon as any man ſhall bee found by this Examiner, Chirurgion or Searcher to be ſick of the Plague, he ſhall the ſame night bee ſequeſtred in the ſame houſe. And in caſe hee bee ſo ſequeſtred, then though he afterwards die not, the houſe wherein hee ſickned ſhall bee ſhut up for a moneth, after the uſe of due Preſervatives taken by the reſt.
Ayring the Stuffe.
FOr ſequeſtration of the goods and ſtuffe of the infected, their Bedding, and Apparell, and hangings of Chambers, muſt be well ayred with fire, and ſuch perfumes, as are requiſite within the Infected houſe, before they bee taken again to uſe: this to be done by the appointment of the Examiner.
Shutting up of the Houſe.
IF any perſon ſhall have viſited any man, known to bee Infected of the Plague, or entred willingly into any knowne Infected houſe, being not allowed: the houſe wherein hee inhabiteth, ſhall be ſhut up for certain dayes by the Examiners direction.
None to bee removed out of infected houſes, but &c.
ITem, that none be removed out of the houſe where he falleth ſick of the infection, into any other houſe in the City, Borough, or County (except it bee to the Peſt-houſe or a Tent, or unto ſome ſuch houſe, which the owners of the ſaid Viſited houſe holdeth in his owne hands, and occupieth by his owne ſervants) and ſo as ſecurity bee given to the Pariſh whither ſuch remove is made, that the attendance and charge about the ſaid viſited perſons ſhall be obſerved and charged in all the particularities before expreſſed, without any coſt of that Pariſh, to which any ſuch remove ſhall happen to be made, and this remove to be done by night: And it ſhall be lawfull to any perſon that hath two houſes, to remove either his ſound or his infected people to his ſpare houſe at his choice, ſo as if hee ſend away firſt his ſound, hee may not after ſend thither the ſick, nor againe unto the ſick the••und; And that the ſame which hee ſendeth, be for one week at the leaſt ſhut up and ſecluded from company for fear of ſome infection, at the firſt not appearing.
Buriall of the dead.
THat the buriall of the dead by this Viſitation be at moſt convenient hours, alwayes either before Sun riſing, or after Sun ſetting, with the privity of the Churchwardens or Conſtables, and not otherwiſe; and that no neighbours nor friends be ſuffered to accompany the Coarſe to Church, or to enter the houſe viſited, upon pain of having his houſe ſhut up, or bee impriſoned.
No infected Stuffe to be uttered.
THat no Clothes, Stuffe, bedding or garments bee ſuffered to be carryed or conveyed out of any Infected Houſes, and that the Criers and Caries abroad of Beddding or old Apparell to bee ſold or pawned, be utterly prohibited and reſtrained, and no Brokers of Bedding or old Apparell be permitted to make any outward Shew, or hang forth on their Stalls, Shopboards or Windows toward any Street, Lane, common Way or Paſſage, any old Bedding or Apparell to be ſold, upon pain of Impriſonment: And if any Broker or other perſon ſhall buy any Bedding, Apparell, or other Stuffe out of any Infected houſe, within two months after the Infection hath been there, his houſe ſhall be ſhut up as Infected, and ſo ſhal continue ſhut up twenty dayes at the leaſt.
No perſon to be conveyed out of any infected houſe.
IF any perſon viſited doe fortune, by negligent looking unto, or by any other meanes, to come, or bee conveyed from a place infected, to any other place, the Pariſh from whence ſuch Party hath come or been conveyed, upon notice thereof given, ſhall at their charge cauſe the ſaid party ſo viſited and eſcaped, to be carryed and brought back again by night, and the parties in this caſe offending, to be puniſhed at the direction of the Alderman of the Ward, and the Juſtices of the Peace reſpectively: and the houſe of the receiver of ſuch viſited perſon to bee ſhut up for twenty dayes.
Every viſited houſe to be marked.
THat every houſe viſited, bee marked with a Red Croſſe of a foot long, in the middle of the doore, evident to be ſeen, and with theſe uſual Printed words, that is to ſay, Lord have mercy upon us, to bee ſet cloſe over the ſame Croſſe, there to continue untill lawfull opening of the ſame houſe.
Every Viſited houſe to be watched.
THat the Conſtables ſee every houſe ſhut up, and to be attended with Watchmen, which may keep them in, and miniſter neceſſaries unto them at their owne charges (if they be able,) or at the common charge if they be unable: the ſhutting up to be for the ſpace of foure weeks after all be whole.
That preciſe order bee taken that the Searchers, Chirurgions, Keepers and Buriers are not to paſſe the ſtreets without holding a red Rod or Wand of three foot in length in their hands, open and evident to bee ſeen, and are not to goe into any other houſe then into their own, or into that whereunto they are directed or ſent for, but to forbeare and abſtaine from company, eſpecially when they have bin lately uſed in any ſuch buſineſſe or attendance.
And to this end it is ordered, that a weekly Tax bee made in every Pariſh viſited: If in the City or Borough, then under the hand of the Alderman of the Ward where the place is viſited: If in either of the Counties, then under the hands of ſome of the Juſtices next to the place viſited, who, if there be cauſe, may extend the Tax into other Pariſhes alſo, and may give warrant of Diſtreſſe againſt them which ſhall refuſe to pay; and for want of Diſtreſſe, or for aſſiſtance, to commit the offendors to Priſon, according to the Statute in that behalf.
Orders for cleanſing and keeping of the Streets ſweet.
The Streets to be kept cleane ▪
FIrſt, it is thought very neceſſary and ſo ordered, that every Houſholder do cauſe the ſtreet to be daily pared before his doore, and ſo to keep it cleane ſwept all the week long.
That Rakers take it from out the Houſes.
THat the ſweeping and filth of houſes be daily carryed away by the Rakers, and that the Raker ſhall give notice of his comming by the blowing of a Horn as heretofore hath been done.
Layſtalls to be made far off from the City.
THat the Layſtals be removed as farre as may bee out of the City, and common paſſages, and that no Nightman or other bee ſuffered to empty a Vault into any Garden near about the City.
Care to be had of unwholſome Fiſh or Fleſh, and of muſty Corne.
THat ſpeciall care be taken, that no ſtinking Fiſh, or unwholſome Fleſh, or muſtie Corne, or other corrupt fruits of what ſort ſoever, be ſuffered to bee ſold about the City or any part of the ſame.
That the Brewers and Tipling houſes be looked unto, for muſtie and unwholſome Cask.
That order be taken, that no Hogs, Dogs, or Cats, or tame Pigeons, or Conies bee ſuffered to bee kept within any part of the City, or any Swine to bee, or ſtray in the Streets or Lanes, but that ſuch Swine bee impounded by the Beadle or any other Officer, and the Owner puniſhed according to the Act of Common-councell, and that the Dogs bee killed by the Dog-killers appointed for that purpoſe.
Orders concerning looſe Perſons and idle Aſſemblies.
FOraſmuch as nothing is more complained on, then the multitude of Rogues and wandering Beggers that ſwarm in every place about the City, being a great cauſe of the ſpreading of the Infection, and will not be avoided, notwithſtanding any Order that hath been given to the contrary: It is therefore now ordered, that ſuch Conſtables, and others whom this matter may any way concerne, doe take ſpeciall care, that no wandering Begger be ſuffered in the Streets of this City, in any faſhion or manner whatſoever upon pain of the penalty provided by the Law to be duely and ſeverely executed upon them.
THat all Playes, Beare-batings, Games, Singing of Ballads, Buckler-play, or ſuch like cauſes of Aſſemblies of people, bee utterly prohibited, and the parties offending, ſeverely puniſhed, by any Alderman, or Juſtice of the peace.
Tipling houſes.
THat diſorderly Tipling in Tavernes Ale-houſes and Cellers, be ſeverely looked unto, as the common ſinne of this time, and greateſt occaſion of diſperſing the Plague: and where any ſhall be found to offend, the penalty of the Statute to be laid upon them with all ſeverity.
And for the better execution of theſe Orders, as alſo for ſuch other directions as ſhall be needfull, It is agreed that the Juſtices of the City and Counties adjoyning doe meete together once in ten dayes either at the Seſſions houſe without Newgate, or ſome other convenient, place to conferre of things as ſhall be needfull in this behal•.
And every perſon neglecting the duty required, or willingly offending againſt any Article or clauſe contained in theſe Orders, he to be ſeverely puniſhed by impriſonment, or otherwiſe, as by the law he ought.
God ſave the King.