A SECOND SPEECH MADE BY THE LORD LOWDEN, In the Parliament of Scotland the 24. of Septemb. 1641.
Being in Anſwer to ſome Objections made againſt the honourable Deſigne of the Palatinate.
LONDON Printed by A. N. for I. M. at the George in FLEETSTREET, Anno 1641.
HIs Majeſties gracious manifeſt, and propoſition touching the Electorall Familie, having been ſo generally approved, and concluded to be, both a pious, honourable, and equitable enterprize, ſhould not, as I humbly conceive, be either procraſtinated, or fruſtrated by that worſe then weake Objection, that the Country is ſo ruined and depopulated, that being wonne, it will not (in all probability) countervaile the charge, loſſe, and hazard, that muſt firſt be undergone.
This Objection I deny not to bee, both fit2 and neceſſary of a State to bee conſidered, when as their undertakings are for particular wrongs and injuries ſuſtained: But when as an Enemie (as in this caſe) hath forceaby thruſt a lawfull Prince out of the whole Inheritance of his Royall Anceſtors, and refuſeth to reſtore him upon honourable Conditions, I humbly conceive quitting of coſt ought not to overballance the Right and honour of a Prince ſo injured.
The Prince Elector is not onely forceably kept forth of his lawfull Inheritance to his great Loſſe and damage, but his Honour is thereby deeply wounded, and through him his Majeſtie our Native Soveraigne his Royal Vncle, and indeed all the Princes of the Reformed religion beare a ſhare in his diſhonour.
Let not then the unvaluable honour of God, and ſo many pious Princes who are (I ſay) intereſſed in this cauſe, lye any longer in the duſt: But let us ſchew our forwardneſſe, and as much as in us lyes ſpeed this moſt pious and honourable enterprize: And3 for our Brethren of England, they queſtionleſſe will ſhew the like readineſſe; And to ſay my opinion, I hold the deſigne not onely pious in it ſelfe, and honourable in the undertaking, but alſo expedient (as the caſe now ſtandeth) for both Nations: For we and they having lately had Armies in the field (which now through the goodneſſe of the God of peace are united and diſ-banded) in which were many ſtout and valiant Commanders and Officers of both Nations, who out of the warres are Extra ſphaeram activitatis, and left their preferments beyond the Seas to ſerve their King and Countrey, unto which to returne now cannot be expected (by reaſon of their diſcontinuance) others having poſſeſt their places: Many others no doubt there are of both Nations, that by reaſon of the late, and too long Commotions amongſt us are (being diſ-banded) altogether to ſeeke for ſettled wayes of ſubſiſtence; Theſe things (for many reſpects) ought to be conſidered, and ſuch proviſion made, that not any deſperately expoſe themſelves into Forreigne parts, or in6 their owne Countries for want and penury deſpaire of themſelves, or oppreſſe others; either of which muſt conſequently be diſhonourable and prejudiciall to their Native Nations.
Now this deſigne (my Lords) E Contra, probably will render his Majeſtie formidable, his Kingdomes honourable, make proviſion for all ſuch of his Subjects as cannot conveniently, or contentedly ſubſiſt in theſe kingdomes, and muſt certainly give great contentment to the Sonnes of Mars, thoſe valiant and Heroicke ſpirits, who as I have ſaid out of warres move not in their proper Orbe: And who knoweth but the almighty providence, who lately ſuffered our Armyes to meet in the Field one againſt the other; and when that their ſwords were unſheathed, would not ſuffer them to offend each other, but miraculouſly united them; who knoweth•I ſay) that he did it not even for this very end (his appointed time being come) to reſtore the Princely Family of the Electorall houſe, to their ancient and rightfull Inheritance7 and Renowne, And by that meanes advance his owne glory and true religion.
Vp then, let us bee doing, and ſurely the Lord of Hoſts will goe before the Army (that ſhall fight for ſuch a cauſe) and make plaine all Mountaines that ſhall occurre in the way, and give a bleſſed and ſucceſfull iſſue to ſuch an honourable Enterpriſe.
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