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Glow-worm. Cicindula.
  • P. They live about hedges, in April, May, and June.
  • M. Their meat is not much obſerved.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Noctiluca. Nitedula. Noctuvigila.

Glow worm. Card. Schrod. T. They have an anodyne vertue. Some uſe them againſt the ſtone, ſo Rod. Caſt. made into troches with gumm dragant and a little oile of almonds. The D. is ſcrup. 2. Aldrov. Some uſe the juyce thereof to wright in the night, with the gall of a Dogg, and rotten wood of a willow. Weck. Their wa­ter ſerveth to catch fiſh with. Reiſch. They ſhine by reaſon of their innate light; for being cold, their igneous parts gather about the parts of digeſtion. Jonſt. They are generated of dew. And ſhine under the wing.

Gnat. Culex.
  • P. They live in fenny, and moiſt places, almoſt every where.
  • M. They live upon wine, things acid, and ſweet.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Gall. Mouſcheron. It. Zanzara.

Gnat. Aldrov. T. V. They ſerve as meat for the Crocodile, Spider, birds and fiſhes. They may be driven away by anointing with wormwood and oile, or juyce, of cumin ſeed, manna thuris, vineger, or the fume of fleabane. St. Katharines flower, cypreſſe; calamint, rue, juniper wood, ſulphur, or bdellium. Jonſt. They are generated of putrified matter. They ſmell well and love light.

Graſ-hopper. Cicada.
  • P. They live almoſt every where in hot countries.
  • M. Of dew, and leaves of trees.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Gall. Cigale. Ital. Cicala.

Graſ-hopper. Aldrov. T. Is of a very hot temper. V. Boter. Thoſe of the occidental Indies eate them. V. Athen. The Ancients did eate them to open the veines. Rond. They are to be eaten whole toſted, to help the bladder, and difficulty of urin. Gal. Uſed dry they help the collick with pepper. So Schrod. The aſhes help the ſtone. They are begotten of putrefaction, love men, and live not long. Their deſcription is needleſſe.


Hornet. Crabro.
  • P. They live in hollow trees, and holes, &c.
  • M. Of great flies. Grapes, fleſh, and fruit.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Craber. Gall. Froilon. Ital. Calauron.

HOrnet. Aldrov. T. V. The water of their decoction or di­ſtillation, if touched on the ſkinn, makes the place ſo ſwell, that there ſeemeth to be the dropſy or ſome great poyſon medled with; yet without paine. The remedy is triacle drunke, ſo Mizald. the ſame is uſed by ſome whores to counterfeit a great belly; and by beggers to gaine mony by; ſo of that of Waſps. Their stingings are to be cured by taking triacle inwardly, and mithri­date, applying outwardly Cows dung and ſavory, and faſting ſpittle. Plin. Or rue, bayes, watermint, ſalt with vineger, & ſealed and armenian earth. Their deſcription is needleſſe. Jonſt. They ariſe out of the harder part of Horſe fleſh, as Waſps out of the ſofter, and as Bees. They love Waſps, hate Flies, and follow their leader, which is biggeſt. They ſting worſt about the dogge dayes, and ſignify foule weather, when flying often into their holes in the evening.



Kind. Gryllus.
  • P. They live in old chimney corners, where they make a noiſe.
  • M. Of panick, ripe corne, and appels, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Acheta. Gall. Crignon. It. H. Grillo. Cricket.

KInd. Scalig. T. They are of the ſame nature as Cantharides, V. rubbed on, they help the roughneſſe of the jaws, and tonſills; their excrements with oile help purrid ulcers and the holy fire alone. Schrod. Their powder is ſaid to provoke urine, & ſtrengthen the ſight, & the juyce helps the tonſills. Jonſt. Some uſe them to cauſe ſleep. They may be driven away by water in which vitriol hath been. They help purulent eares. Applied They help the parotides. In water they help the ſtone and dyſury. Hung about the neck they help quartans. They fly abrode in July and Auguſt and the female is the greateſt.


Leech. Hirudo.
  • P. They live chiefely in muddy places, in ditches and lakes.
  • M. Of bloud, and putrid matter.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Heb. Aluka. Sanguiſuga. It. Sanguettola.

LEech. Gadald. T. V. Before they are uſed, they are to be kept in water, and the place is to be rubbed with nitre, clay, or to be ſcarrified, and anointed with bloud. They being firſt put into warm and clean water, and then cleanſed, uſing tepid oile, that the parts may not be cold, and if they are to be faſtened to the hands, or feet, they are to be thruſt into the water in which they are; and if there are but few to be uſed, their tailes are to be cut off with a paire of ciſers, for then they draw bloud, till ſalt, nitre, or aſhes to be caſt upon their mouthes, afterwards a cupping glaſſe is to be applied to draw out the poyſon, elſe the part is to be fomēted276 with ſponges: And if the parts ſhall water after, manna, cumin, or meale may be ſprinkled on them, applying wool afterwards with a little oile; and if the bloud ſhall continue ſtill to iſſue out, apply lint or ſpiders webbs with vineger: Or burnt galls, or a new ſpung with tarre, binding on a paper moiſtened in vineger; but in the long parts, ligature may ſerve. Here note that leeches draw not from deepe parts, but the uppermoſt: And they are to be uſed in ſuch bodies that feare the inciſions of ſcarrifications, or in ſuch parts, in which cup­ping glaſſes cannot be uſed, by reaſon of their ſmalneſſe, gibboſity, or inequality: And leeches are to be taken away, when we think they have drawne half the quantity that is to be taken away, & the reſt is to be let paſs, and the part after is to be fomented and warm­ed, and the flux to be ſtopped by things aſtringent and emplaſtick. They may be applied by a reed alſo, & removed by hot oile put upon their mouths, they are uſeful againſt ſubcuraneous diſeaſes, as ring­worms, &c. And in the remiſſion of diſeaſes, ſymptoms, paine, griefe, ſwellings and heat, that the matter may not be more attra­cted, ſometimes they may be applied to ſuch parts as will not beare bloud-letting. Albuc. The beſt are thoſe in ſweet waters, not redd, the great headded, black, green; ſuch cauſing apoſtumes, faintings, fluxes of bloud, feavers, laxity, and evil ulcers: Thoſe alſo are bad, that live in ill waters, black, dirty, or ſtinking; but the beſt live where Froggs doe, having two lines of the colour of arſnick, round, liver coloured, and like the Mouſe taile, red bellied, & green backt, if from running waters: In Germany they preferre the greater, gree­niſh, and black ſpotted, Avic. They are to be kept a day before uſe, having what was in thē ſqueezed out, & having a little bloud then given to thē; then they are to be taken in a ſponge to wipe off their viſcoſity, and to be put into clear water, being ſtung with a nettle, to cauſe them to vomit. They may be made to faſten, by milk, and to fall off by aloes, or vineger: and by vineger and ſalt, they may be made to vomit their bloud, and then the parts are to be fomented with warme water: And after the place may be ſtopped by lime, aſhes, bole armoniack or aloes. They may be applied to moſt veines, as in venimous bitings, gangreens, ringworms, vices of the ſkinn, to the foremoſt and hinder part of the head in lethargies, in the me­lancholick epilepſy to the ſpleen, influxions and paines of the head to the parts behind the eares, and coronal future, in madneſſe behind the eares, in rhewms of the eyes to the forehead, Alex. Ben. and to the gums in the toothach, Trot. to red places in the face. Cael. Aurel. To the neck and throat in the quinſey, to the277 liver, in the hardneſſe thereof, and dropſy: To the ſpleen for its griefes, to the loines for the ſatyriaſis, to the hemorrhoids in the melancholy, putrid feavers, head-griefes, dyſpepſy, tranſpiration hindred, in continual feavers; & they then may be ſtopped with the white of an egge and hares furre, to the ankles for the menſes and inflammation, ſo for the gout. Marcel. Aet. Their aſhes are a pſi­lothron, and if putrified in black wine they make the haire black. Their powder given cauſeth mutation of feathers. If ſwallowed they cauſe a rejection of thin bloud. Dioſc. If they ſtick to the mouth of the ventricle they may be removed by drinking of brine, the leaves of laſerwort, or beets, with vineger, or ſnow water with oxy­crate, nitre gargled with water, or ſhoomakers black with vine­ger: Or cold water held in the mouth with meale of lupines, with purges, alſo ſalt, and Sea water. Gal. Or garlick, onions, leekes, dittander, greene nep, vineger with butter; birth-wort with ſalt, and the ſuffumigation of the wall Louſe, ſo Florent. glaſ­ſes of water applied to the mouth, the meale of gum dragant aſhes, or wormwood blowed in, or with inſtruments. If in the noſtrils uſe errhines and purgers, the ſame ſerve for brutes, eſpecially rue with vineger. Abſyrtus uſed hot oile with wine. The Crocodile uſeth the bird Trochilus. Rond. The leech of the Sea boiled in old oile helps the paines of the eares, with that of almonds or chamo­mile it helps the paine of the hemorrhoids, in wine it helps wounds of the nerves, it helps convulſions, and the alopecia burnt with vineger: Jonſt. They are generated of putrid matter, & they ap­peare in May; when they faſten on the body they leave not off, till they are full, except pulled to pieces. They move by the taile and mouth. If put into a cane they goe out backwards, and through a very narrow paſſage.

Locuſt. Locuſta.
  • P. They live in Ruſſia, Syria, and Italy.
  • M. Of herbs, corne, and flowers.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Arab. Gierat. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Dioſc.

Locuſt. Aldrov. T. Many did uſe them for food. V. Dioſc. Their ſuffumigation helps the difficulty of urine, eſpecially in Women, ſo278 Plin. and Avic. The ſame helps the hemorrhoids, their dung helps the panus and morphew, their feet help warts, Plin. and the le­proſy with Goats dung, and expell the ſtone. Avic. Twelve graines of their eggs, with a little dry myrtle, drunk, help the dropſy. Rhaſ. Given without leggs in wine they help againſt all venimous bitings. Dioſc. That without wings drunk in wine, helps the bitings of Scorpions; ſome ſay, that worne about the neck, they help quartans. Gaudent. Mer. And if they ſwimme in wine they ſhew its not adulterated, ſo Graſ-hoppers. Jonſt. They ware eaten formerly, by the Ethiopians, Africans, Syrians, Perſi­ans, Arabians, and Lybians, and now in the Eaſt and Weſt Indies, as alſo by John the Baptiſt. Albert. As for the deſcription, their head is like a horſes, and they have ſix feet, they are generated of putre­faction in a dry time, and by coiture. Their fume is an amulet.

Louſe. Pediculus.
  • P. Their place is ſufficiently known, to every one.
  • M. They live of fleſh and bloud, and the like.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Pedunculus. Gall. Poulx. Hiſp. Peojo.

Louſe. Schrod. T. V. They are eaten by ruſticks to help the jaundiſe, and atrophy; put into the meatus they provoke urine, provoking the expulſive faculty. Some put them into the eyes, to eate off wefts. Jonſt. If breeding in the heads of thoſe that have been long ſick, they prognoſticate health. They are begotten of hot and moiſt matter, eſpecially pituitous bloud; for the bilious and melancholick killeth them, ſo gall applied; and chiefely about the emunctories they are produced. They often ariſe from the ea­ting of baſil, cheſtnuts, figgs, radiſhes, parſley, dates, and fume of the wood of aloes. The remedies againſt them, Dioſc. are garlick boiled with organy, or coriander, Plin. So the ſeeds of ſtaphic agria, muſtard, garlick with vineger and nitre, and radiſh oile, uſing them outwardly: So the ſlough of Serpents, ſeed of tamariſks, and water of radiſh leaves, inwardly. Alſo barbery leaves, and quickſilver and oile of roſes, worn on a girdly about the belly.



Moth. Blatta.
  • P. They live almoſt every where, chiefely in mills.
  • M. Of cloth, and bookes, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Ital. Platella. Tinea. Hiſp. Polilla. Gall. Teigne.

MOth. Gal. T. They may be the ſubſtitutes of the Bupreſtis. V. In oile they help the eares. The ſoft boiled in oile help warts. Thoſe living about mills, having their heads pulled off, help the leproſy. Dioſc. Thoſe in bake houſes, ſtamped with oile help the paines of the eares. The ſtinking ſort with piſſelaeum, help uncurable ulcers, botches, alſo eating ulcers, ſcabs and whit­lows: Diod. Alſo the jaundiſe, and orthopnoea with roſin, and ho­ney; applyed they draw things out that are fixed in the body. They may be gathered together by moth-mullen. They may be kept from bee-hives by ſharp ſumes, and ſetting a candle neere them in the evening: they may be kept from bookes, they being irrigated with ſharp alum, or nitre. garments are defended from them by lavender flowers, or roſemary, mints, wormwoood, ſtaechas, and watergermander, Jonst. alſo by oile of ſpike. They help againſt deafeneſs and paine of the eares: With old wine, honey, pome­granat pills, apples, tarre, and onion juyce.


Oxeflie. Tabanus.
  • P. About waters, in the Indies, &c. and high ways.
  • M. Of humours in the water, and bloud.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Muſca caballina. Aſilus.

OXeflie. T. V. Pliny ſaith that the worms of which they are ge­nerated worn help againſt feavers, and they were uſed for the ſame purpoſe by the Magitians. Jonſt. As for their280 deſcription, their body is long, divided chiefely into three parts, they are of a blackiſh colour, with ſix black feet, in other things they are like the Cynomyia.


Piſmire. Formica.
  • P. Almoſt every where, in England and other places.
  • M. Of fruits, ſeedes, and Serpents.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Murmos. Frugilegae. Gall. Formie. Hiſp. Hormiga.

PIſmire. Aldrov. T. In ſome places in the Indies they eate them with pepper; but they are rather to be abominated in this reſpect. V. Plin. The greater and winged ſtamped with a little ſalt, help the pſora, leproſy, and red pimples. Some ſay that five drunk help all bitings of field Spiders. Thoſe that have wings taken in oile of elder, and applied to the genital, cauſe ſtrength in venery; the ſame are uſed in the Booke of ſecrets attributed to Gallen. Plin. Beares eate them againſt the hurts of Mandrakes, and nauſeouſneſſe. Plin. Their eggs help dulneſſe of hearing: Stamped with flies they make black the eyebrows. Rubbed on the cheekes of Boyes, they keepe them from roughneſſe. Arnold. Vil. unc. 2. of their eggs, with the juyce of henbane, and batt's bloud cradi­cate haire, if uſed twice or thrice in a day. Nightingals uſe them as phyſick, when they are ſick. Plin. The ant-hils applied help botches, and gouts, &c. Schrod. The beſt are thoſe that live under reſiniferous trees. T. They are hot, dry and cauſe venery. V. Their acid ſmell doth much cheriſh the vital ſpirits. Their hills heate and dry, and ſtrengthen the nerves: therefore they help the palſey, hyſterical paſſions, and the cachexy. The oile of their infuſion cauſeth coiture: the liquour made of them in an oven, is a good ophthalmick remedy, helping the ſuffuſion of the eyes. They generate puſtuls by biting, and their eggs drunk cauſe flatulency and paine of the belly. They may be driven away by bitumen, ſulphur, and tithymal; ſo Jonſt. The deſtilled water of them cauſeth vomi­ting, Geſn. and helpeth fevers. A bath made of them expels the ſtone. Brunfelſ. applied with ſalt, eggs, and axunge, laying a cloth281 betwixt they help the ſciatica, Marcel. they help the itch; Albert. and diſſipate flatulencies. Non. They helpe cornes and tumours. Their deſcription is needleſſe. They generate in the winter, bringing forth little worms, which turne inte egges, which then bring forth in ſpring; when old they grow winged, and live not long after it. they live like a common wealth, & get corne, which they dry, and bite at both ends, that it grow not. They ware ſtones by their aſ­ſiduity, and make beaten paths; and bury their dead, damm out water, and help one an other in the drawing of their burdens, Aet. The greater lead, and the leſſer evaginate the corne, if dirty they cleanſe themſelves before they enter into their places. They teach the young to labour, the idle they expel, & when they carry in their graine it's a ſigne of ſoule weather. They caſt up the earth over their dores, that the water may not enter in. They have three cells, in one they live, breed in the ſecond and bury there, and keepe corn in the third.


Scolopender. Scolopendra.
  • P. Their habitation is, in the bodies of trees.
  • M. They live about the trunks of trees.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Porcus lutoſus. Multipeda.

SColopender. Aldrov. T. V. Their poyſon cauſeth putrefaction. Dioſc. The ſymptoms after their biting is blueneſſe about the wound, putrefaction, and there's an itch over all the body. The remedy is ſalt finely powdered, with vineger, or wild rue applied. The place is to be fomented with brine, drinking birth­wort in wine, wild time, or wild rue; alſo the ſeed and flowers of aſphodil drunk in wine, Plin. Alſo the leaves of horſmint drach. 2. being drunk in wine, and mints, maiden haire, wild penny­royall with ſalt, wild cumin, vineger drunk, childrens urine, ſalt drunk in vineger, the aſhes of the Sea Crabb, and barley meale; but ſome of the Ancients preferre aſhes kneaded with vineger, and penny royal, rue, and mints, drunk in wine. Jonſt. Boiled282 in oile they take away haire. Their bitings are to be ſcarified. Muff. They differ as to their deſcription, from the Gally-worm; as the Lobſter from the Creviſe.

Scorpion. Scorpio.
  • P. In Germany, Helvetia, Italy, and the Canary Iſlands.
  • M. Of earth, herbs, lizards, aſpes, and moths.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Scorpius. Satocollos Pandect. Hepa.

Scorpion. T. V. Gal. Being roſted and eaten with bread they break the ſtone in the bladder. Plin. So the aſhes, gr. 6. being ta­ken with the ſyrup of rootes, ſo the water injected by a Catheter, with the ſeed of Macedonian ſtoneparſly, with the tecolite, or ſtones of Crabs, ſo Card. Meſ. So the oile uſed to the reines & privy parts, ſome adde the oile of bitter almonds, or round birthwort, gentian, galingal, and bark of the roots of capers. Sylv. It's uſed in remedies againſt poyſon; and with ſpices it opens, incideth, maketh thin, cleanſeth, and breaketh open, and breaketh the ſtone ſpeci­fically. Varig. Some by the unction of the oile have been freed from quotidian feavers. That of Matthiolus, uſed to the pulſatile veines, as in the temples, hands, feet, and region of the heart, re­peted thrice in an houre, frees from all poyſons, within the body, that corrode not, alſo from the bitings of Vipers, aſpes, or any ve­nimous beaſts, alſo it cureth and preſerveth from the plague: It killeth all inward worms, and helpeth all paines of flatulency, or cold, eſpecially of the ventricle, the confection of Damaſcen, alſo breaketh the ſtone. Gal. The Scorpion helps thoſe that are bitten by the Viper. Plin. Stamped they help the poyſon of the Stellion. Stamped and taken with mulſe, they help the jaundice, alſo often applied with roſe vineger they help the gout, and inflammations. Aldrovand reporteth alſo other uſes hereof, which are ſuperſti­tious. Schrod. They provoke urine; their infuſion in oile of bitter almonds, drunk, helps the collick and ſtone: The compounded of Meſue, helps the paines of the reines alſo, venimous bitings, paro­xyſmes in feavers uſed to the back, and helps paines of the eares. Pon. Their ſanguine oile, mightily helps nephritick paines uſed283 outwardly. So, Kief. Jonst. As for their deſcription, they are of a ſou­tiſh colour, oval forme, with little eyes, eight feet, & two arms. They touch only the pilous parts. Whē they goe they goe trāſverſly. They love the ſhade, they ſting not if not trod on, they ſeeme friends by their head, whē they ſtrike with their taile; & in Aethiopia thoſe that tread on their excrements, have exulcerated feet. Their poyſon is very troubleſome, and is worſt at midde day & in ſummer, and its coun­ted incurable after the eating of baſil. The ſymptomes are inflamma­tion, hardneſſe, redneſſe, and paine of the part, inequal temper, ſweat, trembling, ſwellings in the groin, flatulency of the belly, and diſtorſion of the face, &c. The remedies are worm-wood, ſowthernwood drunk in wine, amomum, biſhopſweed, aniſeed, garlick, birth wort, aſphodil, aſſa foetida, atriplex, blites, mari­gold, calamint, centaury, ground ivy, coloquintida, cyperus, galba­num, barley and flowerdeluce: Balſam, myrtle, roſe, bramble, bayes, frankincenſe & vine. Mans ſpittle and urine, mummy, river-froggs, and themſelves ſtamped and applied with ſalt, line-ſeed, and marſh mallows. Alſo Bezoar, their oile, triacle, Diaphantus, 's antidote, and Scorpiaca, and Ardoinus his remedies. They are dri­ven away by brimſtone.

Seepadde. Stella marina.
  • P. They live in the ſhore of Aquitania, and Italy, &c.
  • M. Their meat is ſhell-fiſhes.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Sidus marinum.

Seepadde. Bell. T. Thoſe of foure, ſix, and twelve rades are edible, having a red or luteous fleſh in their armes. V. Hipp. The black drunk with cabbage in odorate wine, helps the ſtrangling of the womb. Applied they help the wounds of the Sea-Dragon, and Scorpions, alſo againſt all poyſons, drunk, by byting, or blow, being drunk in broth. Veget. The fume helps againſt peſtilent diſeaſes, ſo Myrepſus uſeth them284 with other things. Turnebus uſeth them as a pſilothron with ſco­lopenders, nettles, and nitre. Rond. With reſtharrow it helps the rupture of the peritonaeum, ſo Jonſt. As for the deſcription, they voide their excrements by their mouth, and have a hard skinne: they wander about the Sea as the polypus, and they preſently digeſt their meat, being of a fiery nature.

Silk-worme. Bombax.
  • P. They are in the Indies, and other places.
  • M. Of mylberry and elme leaves.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Vermis laniferus, Schrod. Ser.

Silk-worme. Aldrov. T. They feed birds fatt, and make fields fertile: the German ſouldiers did ſometimes frie and eate them. The ſilk is temperate, and ſtrengthneth the heart, therefore it's uſed in the diamoſchum, confection of alchermes, and cordial pow­ders when crude: Serap. It's to be cutt into ſmall parts with a paire of ſcizers, then toſted at the fire. Hal. Or its to be baked in an oven. Vincent. If burnt it mundifieth wounds, ſtrengthneth, and and cleanſeth the teeth with ſalt; in wounds of the head applied to the dura mater, it ſtrengthens the braine, and preventeth pu­trefaction, eſpecialy the dyed. Schrod. Silk-wormes, dried, pow­dered, and put on the crown of the head help the vertigo and con­vulſion: in garments its hot and dry in the firſt degree, and ſtreng­thens all the ſpirits. That died with Kermes, ſtopps bleeding, dryeth wounds, and is uſed to the eryſipelas.

Snaile. Cochlea.
  • P. They are to be had, almoſt every where.
  • M. They feed upon fruits and herbs, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Gall. Limacon. It. Limago. Limax.

Snailes. Schrod. T. Coole, incraſſate, conſolidate, lenify, and agree to the nerves and lungs. V. Therefore they are often uſed285 inwardly againſt the cough, phthiſick, ſpitting of bloud, and other affections of the lungs, alſo againſt heate of the liver, and collick paines. Uſed outwardly they ripen and break the anthrax. Appli­ed alone or with the gall of a Bull, they conſolidate wounds, eſpe­cially of the nerves; & they cure ulcers, chiefely of the leggs. They eaſe podagrick inflammations, & the belly of the hydropical, & they make the hernious hydrocele to fall; applied to the forehead they help the hemorrhage. Their ſpume helps fiſtula's. Their ſhells powdered help the ſtone, and dry and conſolidate clefts in the hands. Their fatt ſwimming on broth when cold, helps redneſſe of the eyes, and paines; and applied to the forehead with the white of an egge, it ſtopps defluxions to the eyes. Their ſalivous mucus which they vomit out when pricked, is emplaſtick, there­fore it gleweth, and intercepts defluxions to the eyes in frontalls. Their water diſtilled in May or October, helps ſuch as are atrophick, it ſtrengthning the liver: uſed outwardly it ſerves as a fucus for the face. Their aſhes dry, incraſſat, and help chaps and rough­neſſe. S. Cloſſ. Their liquour with ſalt helps paines of the gout, and helps warts after ſcarrification. The beſt are thoſe that live in open places.

Spaniſh-flies. Cantharides
  • P. They live in Italy, Germany, and other places.
  • M. Of aſhes, roſes, wild olives, corne, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Muſca Hiſpanica. Gall. Cantharide. Hiſp Cubillo.

Spaniſh-flies. Aldrov. T. They have a cauſtick and burning fa­culty, hot and dry in the fourth degree. V. Uſed inwardly to pro­voke urine, gr. 3. or 4. may ſuffice with ſuch remedies as may cor­rect their poyſon, and outwardly with ſuch things as may mitigate their acrimony. H. They are not to be given to thoſe that have in­curable diſeaſes; or a ſcirrhus of the bowels. Thoſe that are hot beare the uſe of them worſe, than thoſe that are cold: and the weake than the ſtrong. Some caſt away the feet, and head, others the head and body. Hippocrates rejected the head, feet, and wings, uſing them in a potion againſt the dropſy, ſc. 3. in water; but Galen uſed them whole, ſome count their wings alexitery. If ta­ken286 whole they draw out heate, ulcerate and corrode. They are uſed to maturate and open ulcers. Their powder with Goats bloud, or maſtick taken in wine helps ſwellings of the body, uſed faſting; Dioſc. And the dropſy, ſo applied alſo. Their powder made by aduſtion, with the gumme of cherry trees, to make it more wholſome, is uſed in diuretick electuaries, and apozems. Applied to the arme and ſhoulders, they ſtrongly provoke urine. Plin. Applied to tetters with the juyce of grapes of the wild vine, and fatt of a ſheep or Goat, they cure the ſame: Applied with tarre they help the alopecia, the ſkinn being prepared with nitre, and they not being ſuffered to ulcerate deepe, applying the heads of Mice with their galls, and dung, with hellebore and pepper. Galen alſo uſeth them in his fifth booke de comp. med. ſecundum loc. for the ſame purpoſe, and the leproſy. Plin. Uſed with the wild vine they help warts, and draw out things fixed in the body with barley meale. Gal. Uſed in cerots and plaiſters they draw off ſcabbed nailes, Plin. They help the gout. They are now uſed in phoenigms in like diſeaſes and paines of the joynts, and humours ſticking in parts, which cannot be reſolved by emol­lients, attenuants, diſcutients, or attrahents: being finely beaten and applied, or made into a cerot: Or one part thereof, with three of ſtamped muſtard-ſeed, and ſix of the pulp of figgs, and ſharp leven: Bliſters alſo may be drawn, with black ſope, and common ſalt. an. made into a plaiſter, which being opened, and ſome fart or lenient remedy applied, the exulceration will not be dryed, till all the humour is drawn out of the part af­fected; thus may humours be drawn out, that are deeply ſetled in the body, and great paines eaſed. They alſo helpe white puſtuls of the face applied with vineger, the itch, wild ſcabb, and running ſores, alſo cancers boiled with oile to the thick­neſſe of honey, it then mollifying, ripening and opening ul­cers. Hippocrates uſed them to eate fleſh in ulcers. They pro­voke urine and the menſes, therefore he uſed them in many di­ſeaſes of Women that ariſed from obſtructions, as to open the womb, cauſe conception, in the ſtrangling of the womb, paines, mother, ſecundine, and other inward griefes, as the jaundice, &c. l. de nat. Mul. de ſteril. de morb. mul. de intern. aff. Gal. Stam­ped and drunk with the root of the white vine, they kill worms, Matth. Taken they help bitings of a mad Dogg. Mi­zaldus ſaith that wrapped up in ſpiders webbs and worne, they help quartans. Ruel. They cauſe venery, and drunk they help287 againſt the Salamander. Bapt. Port. Three or foure drunk help thoſe that are bitten by the Phalangium. They help cornes in the feet. Their harmes may be ſeen in Parey, l. 20. c. 28. C. The beſt are thoſe that have luteous lines in their wings: Fatt, little, broad, and pilous: Found amongſt corne. They may be killed by drowning in vineger, and then kept in a pot. They ſerve as meate to Vipers. Schrod. They are corroſive, and therefore they are uſed in veſicatory plaiſters. They are very hurtfull to the bladder, in ſo much that uſed outwardly they exulcerate it. They are uſed by ſome to deſtroy the foetus and as a phil­tron. Galen uſed their wings and feet as an antidote againſt their poyſon; but now the wings; feet, and heads are throwne away, and the body only uſed. Their oile drawn by the ſpirit of wine is lithontriptick. Jonſt. They are to be uſed very wa­rily in phyſick; they are poyſonſome if taken in a great quan­tity, and cauſe paine in the bowells from the mouth to the privities; they exulcerate the bladder, and inflame the next parts: they cauſe piſſing of bloud and fleſh, often the diarrhaea, dyſentery, ſyncope, and alienation of minde, and in the mouth the taſte of pitch is perceived. The remedy is milk of Women, Goats, or Cows, taken every houre, and clyſters with fatt broth, and emollient oiles, oile of lillies, and almonds freſh, taken in a ſorbile egge, oile of dropwort, and purſlain. Alſo oile of quinces, vineger of ſquills, earth of Samos and the Arme­nian, triacle and mithridate with things that refrigerate, reſiſt eroſion, and eaſe paine, with vomiting. Aldrov. They alſo cauſe nauſeouſneſſe, and the vertigo, and ill taſte in the mouth, by reaſon of vaporous humours in the ſtomach and liver aduſt by intenſe heate, and ſo the right ſide is moſt troubled. The re­medy after vomiting is oile, or the decoction of the head of a Goat, Hogg, or Lamb, boiled with line ſeed; alſo fatt broths largly taken, uſing the proritation of the finger after it: And cly­ſters of milk: Alſo crude and freſh butter. Dioſc. Clyſters of rice, barley, mallows, lineſeed, fenigreek, or roots of marſh mallows, taking nitre with hydromel: Wine with pine kernels, ſeeds of cu­cumbers, mulſe, or Gooſe fatt. Celſ. Alheale with milk, or galbanum Matth. The ſeed of fleabane, quinces, and mallows. The ſyrrupe of water lilly-flowers, and violets: Alſo of poppies, lettuce, pur­ſlain, the juyce of cucumbers, the cremor of the ſeed of lettuce, pop­pies, cucumbers and citruls, with the water of violets, and winter288 cherries, purſlain, oile of white poppies. Baths of marſh-mallows and gourds. And for the dyſentery fatt broths, oile omphacine, roſes, with plantain water in clyſters. For inflamed parts, barly meale with mulſe at laſt: Eating the fleſh of Hens, Kids, Pigs, that are fatt, with lineſeed, & drinking muſte: And uſing the Electuary of Matthiolus and Dioſcorides, Merul. They may be driven away by the fume of Cows dung and galbanum. Their deſcription is need­leſſe, they are bred of humidity by exſiccation on leaves, of aſhes, or the white roſe, &c. They generate worms, and ſmell like tarre.

Spider. Araneus.
  • P. They live, almoſt every where, in corners, &c.
  • M. Of flies, waſps, horſeflies, and oxflies, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Audax.

Spider. Dioſc. The leaſt kind called Lycos, applied with linnen to the temples or forehead helps tertian feavers. So Aeg. Some uſe it with leather againſt quartains. Boiled in oile of roſes and put into the eares it helps quartans. So Plin. The long and white ha­ving ſlender feet, if ſtamped in old oile olive, help white ſpots in the eyes; ſo with oile, or uſed alone in wool, or with ſaffron. Plin. That called Lycos helps ſpitting of bloud. Some count that thoſe carried in a box cauſe foecundity. Pliny uſeth the cobwebs of the flie ſpiders to cure the epiphora. Gal. Their webbs help cuta­neous wounds and ulcers, as upon cutts by knives; but the white and pure doth conſtipate and coole: put upon freſh wounds it kee­peth them from ſaies and cleanſeth freſh ſpotts. Dioſc. Plin. It helps inflammation, mixt with certain unguents and applied to the temples it helps feavers. Avic. Dropt into the eare with oile, it helps its paine. Remedies wrapt up therein and applied to the region of the heart and ſtomach, help tertians and tremblings of the heart. Being put upon a broken head with oile and vineger it goeth not off till the wound be healed, ſo Seren. Some ſay that cantharides wrapt up in their webbs and worn by one that hath a quartain help it. Aetius makes a Cerot thereof. Some of the In­dians eate ſpiders to cauſe vomiting. Schrod. Spiders uſed to the pulſes and temples help febrile paroxyſmes and quartans. The webb289 bindeth, conglutinats, is vulnerary, ſtopps bleeding, prevents in­flammation and helps febrile motions, uſed inwardly and outward­ly. Their oile both ſimple, and compound is uſed in the antifebritick plaiſter. Jonſt. A cerot made of them uſed to the navil helps the ſuffocation of the womb, rubbed on without the head and feet they help the Condylomata. The webb helps hemorrhages and flu­xes. Its uſed in ointments againſt creeping ulcers. Their deſcription is needleſſe. Theophraſt. They are hurtful to vines: their bitings cauſe an erection of the genital, ſo Ponzet. the poyſon eaſily penetrating though terrene, and ſo moving flatulent humours, which carried to the inferiour parts cauſe the ſame. The field Spiders eaten or drunk doe inequally affect the whole body by heate, cold, horror, and itching, inflaming it, cauſing it to ſwell, diſturbing it, and much troubling the braine, whence followeth a diſtention of the nerves, trembling, and diabetes, Arab. Their poyſon is cold and dry. Thoſe that are hurt by the Aſterius, preſently rage, the head is heavy with ſleepe, and there is a relaxation of the nerves and ligaments. The Caeruleous cauſeth a paine of heart, deep ſleep and vomiting of a webby matter. The Dyſdery cauſe ſwelling in the wound by paine, ſo the Myrmecion: Alſo ſtammering and want of breath. The Tarantula, cauſeth ſinging, laughing, talking, ſleeping, wa­king, vomiting, dauncing, ſweating, trembling, feares, and phren­ſies, &c. according to various tempers. Aet. All bitings of field ſpi­ders are to be cured by conſtant baths, the decoction of the bitu­minous trefoile and oile, fomentation with ſponges in vineger, and the remedies of Dioſcorides: And Pliny againſt ſpiders. The ſeed of tamariſk, ſc. drach. 1. with black berries drunk with honey, or­gany ſtamped in white wine, and ſmallage: bay-berries taken in wine, chaſte tree applied, rue, ſaffron with poſca, flowerdeluce, vervain, Sen-green, Spider-wort, caſtoreum with mulſe, the Mullet fiſh eaten or applied. Lees of wine applied. The juyce of ivy roots drunk in vineger, and bawm, ſo Lul. ſc. its wine. Celſ. Gar­lick, rue and oile applied, or a plaiſter of flies. Alſo triacle andmithridate. Againſt the Phalangia, or Tarantula, ſome uſe muſick; o­thers take round birth-wort, mithridate an. unc. 2. of ſealed erth, unc. ſem. of the flies that feed upon helmet-flower 22, and of the juyce of citrons q. ſ. M. Jonſt. The deſcription is needleſſe, they are engendred of aereal ſeeds, corrupted and putrified. They hate the Stellion, Lizard, and Serpents, and ſpin in foule weather, out of their excrements: and feele eaſily.



Tike. Ricinus.
  • P. They are almost every where, upon cattle.
  • M. Of the bloud of Cows, ſheep, and goats, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Reduvius. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

TIke. Schrod. Plin. T. Thoſe of doggs are a pſilothron, and help the holy fire, Amat. Luſ. and their bloud helps ring­worms. Seren. It helpeth inveterate wounds. So Aldrov. Jonſt. Uſed to the loines of a Woman, it hindereth venery. Doggs may be preſerved from them, their eares being anointed with the oile of walnuts, or bitter almonds, or they being waſhed with wine, vineger, cumin, and ſalt water. So Aldrov. Some uſe the roſin of cedar, or the decoction of the roots of mandrakes. Alſo tarre and Hoggs liquour, or the black chamaeleon. As for their de­ſcription it is needleſſe.


Wall-louſe. Cimex.
  • P. They live in beds, walls, and bookes, and the like.
  • M. They feed upon putrified humours.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Gall. Punaiſe. Ital. Cimice.

WAll-louſe. Plin. T. V. They are good againſt the bitings of Serpents, eſpecially aſps, alſo againſt all poyſons, and ſtrokes. Dioſcorides uſeth them ridiculouſly againſt quartans. Their ſmell helps the womb. Drunk with wine and vi­neger they drive away horſleeches, they provoke urine applied, with ſalt and Womans milk they help the eyes, and the eares with honey and oile of roſes. Given in water they are ſaid to help the291 lethargy. Some put them alive into the genital to provoke vene­ry. Marcel. Their powder helps all ſeavers, Seren. and the hemor­rhage. Schrod 3. ſtamped & drunk expel the foetus and ſecundine. Jonſt. Taken with the bloud of a Tortiſe they help bitings of Ser­pents, & their ſuffumigation helps the epilepſy frō the womb Geſn. Taken with garlick, or an egg for three dayes, they help tertians: and their aſhes injected breake the ſtone, Geſn. twelve taken, by foure at once each day in the morning with wine help the col­lick. They may be expeld by tarre and gall, and kild by ſulphur.

Waſp. Veſpa.
  • P. They live in rough places, and buſhes, and the like.
  • M. They live upon fleſh, apples, pares, plums, and honey.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Gall. Veſpe. Hiſp. Abiſpa.

Waſp. Ʋrſin. T. V. They help againſt quartans. Their deſtilled water cauſeth tumours without paine, Mizald. ſo that of hornets, but the remedy is triacle drunk or applied, therefore it's uſed by bauds to counterfeit impregnation, ſo Aldrov. their poyſon is hotter than that of Bees, therefore their puncture is worſe, and hath worſe yet like Symptomes. The anointing with oile preſerveth from them. Their ſting if in, is to bee drawn out, as with aſhes, oile, and leven, uſing garden mallows, bay-leaves applied, ſavory, watermint, ſalt with Calves fat, bawme, marſhmallows, rue With honey, ſalt, vi­neger, and pitch, And Cows dung applied, the leaves of mandrake with barly meale, water lentils with butter, bole armoniack, ſnow, camphire with roſewater, iron, and triacle. Jonſt. As for the deſcription it's needleſſe, they live one yeare, and fly circularly. They are eaten by Swallows, Oules, and Foxes, which kill them ſtriking their tailes againſt trees.

Wood-worme. Teredo.
  • P. They live chiefely in the oake, and breed there.
  • M. They feed upon wood.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Heb. Haſch. Gall. Teigne.

Wood-worme. Aldrov. T. V. All tree-worms help all ulcers, and noma's burnt, with an equal weight of aniſe-ſeed, and applied with oile. Marcel. Uſed with a cloath they kill worms in the head, as alſo cankers burnt. The red worms help exulcerated and broken eares.

Worme. Lumbricus.
  • P. They live almoſt every where, in England, &c.
  • M. Of the fatt juyce of the earth, &c.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. the inteſtine.

Worme. Plin. T. The aſhes of earth worms with oile preſerve haire from hoarineſſe, being in a meane. They help the jaundiſe, ſc. the terrene drunk in vineger mulſe with myrrhe, ſo Plin. Avic. Roſ. Anglic. ſo drach. 1. of the powder taken dry, with claryfied whey, or endivy water. If drunk they help fluxes in wounds of the ſtomach, ſtamped with oile they help corns, with vineger they help the holy fire, ſo Mizald. Apollon. Boiled in oile they help paines of the eares. Serenus mixeth Gooſe greaſe therewith to help obtuſe hearing. With old oile and wax they cicatrize putrid ulcers. Stamped & applied they help all wounds, eſpecially of the nerves, Holler alſo mixeth thē with things for the ſame purpoſe. Their aſhes glew broken bones, Plin. and draw out bones. Dioſc. With Gooſe greaſe they help grieved eares, and boiled with oile they may be drop­ped into the contrary eare with honey, againſt the tooth-ach; they are good alſo againſt the bitings of Serpents and Scorpions. Plin. The terrene drunk with ſod wine breake the ſtone. The aſhes in three dayes helpe the gout, others uſe them with the cerot & oile of roſes, or with vineger & honey, they helping inflammations and293 paines. Plin. Uſed to the neck and ſhoulders, they hinder the paine of the nerves. Drunk in ſod wine they expel the ſecundine: The ſame applied alone concoct the ſuppuration of the duggs. They alſo open and cicatrize. Anointed they cauſe milk in nurſes breaſts. Mercurialis maketh them into a confection for the ſame purpoſe. Drunk they are diuretick. Their oile helps the paines of the joynts and nerves, the ſame gleweth the nerves of the inte­ſtines. The Indians uſe them in unguents againſt burnings. They ſerve as food for ſome fourefooted beaſts, birds and fiſhes. Schrod. Thoſe of the earth are very diuretick, and diaphoretick, anodyne, diſcutient, emollient, reſerant, galactogenetick, traumatick, & neu­rotick. They are uſed in the apoplexy, ſpaſme, and other affections of the nerves and muſcles, in the jaundiſe, dropſy, worms of chil­dren, and the collick, ſpecifically in the ſcorbutick arthritis uſed both inwardly and outwardly: The firſt way percolated, &c. the other alive or dead. The aſhes put into the teeth help their paine, applied with meale they help the gout. The water helps the dropſy: the oile provokes urine, and ſweat with radiſh water. The worms of the bowels are generated of crudities, and powdered kill worms. They are killed by bitter waters, &c. ſo Jonſt. As alſo by aloes, diaſcordium, Bearſ-foot, Mercurius dulcis, Mac. garlick, wormwood, coralline, rue, agarick, turbith, bezoar, ivory, Harts horne, coral, brimſtone, vitriol, limmons, mintwater, ſpirit of Harts horn, ſulphur and vitriol, ſyrup of wormwood, barberries, rhubarb, oil of wormwood, unguentum de artanita, &c.


ANTHROPOLOGIA, &c. Of Man. &c.

  • P. The place is needleſſe to be mentioned, &c.
  • M. So the meat or diet, it alſo being known.
  • N. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Heb. Adam. Vir.

MAn. Schrod. T. Is hot and moiſt: V. The liquour diſtilled from the haires, ap­plied with honey, cauſeth the haire to grow. The powder drunk helps the jaun­diſe, applied with ſheeps fatt it helps lu­xate members, alſo it ſtops the hemor­rhage in wounds. Some uſe the haire againſt quartans with an egg. The nailes cauſe vomiting, the powder or infuſion being taken. Bound to the navil they help dropſies, there are divers other ri­diculous uſes thereof. The ſpittle of a faſting Man helps the poy­ſon ſome bitings of Serpents, and madd Doggs, &c. The filth of the eares taken in drink helps the collick: outwardly it helps the wounds of Scorpions, gleweth wounds, and helps the fiſſures, and chaps of the ſkinn. The ſweat helps ſchrophula's, if it be mixed with the herb and root of mullen, and wrapt up in a leaſe, and warmed in the aſhes. Womens milk cooleth, lenifieth, maturateth, and helps redneſſe of the eyes: So the diſtilled water vitriolated, and helps inflammations. The butter is a very good ophthalmick remedy. The menſtruall bloud, zenith juvenculae dried and taken inwardly, helps the ſtone, and epilepſy: outwardly it helps the paines of the gout, applied with Cows fatt. It is alſo counted good in the plague, ſc. a linnen cloth moiſtened in vine­ger, or roſe-water, and impregnated therewith being applied to295 the apoſtumes, or carbuncles: It quencheth the eryſipelas, and cleanſeth puſtules of the face. The ſecundine, or navil of the Infant, much helpeth the ſwellings of the throat, being calcined and taken in the water of ſowthernwood daily, in quantity unc. 3. and that the moone decreaſing: it helps the epilepſy, hinders philtron's, driveth out the mola and foetus, and killeth living creatures, in man, though not naturally engendred. Hartm. It helps maternal moles, and the collick uſed as an amulet. The urine, heateth, dry­eth, reſolveth, cleanſeth, diſcuſſeth, mundifieth, and reſiſteth pu­trefaction: Therefore it is of chiefe uſe inwardly, in the obſtruction of the liver, ſpleen, gall, dropſy, jaundiſe, and to preſerve from the plague; alſo the urine of the Huſband is ſaid to facilitate, the difficult birth of the Wife, it being drunk: Uſed outwardly it dryeth the itch, reſolveth tumours, mundifyeth wounds, though poyſon­ſome, prevents gangreens, looſeneth the belly in clyſters, mixt with nitre helps dandriffe in the head, and uſed to the pulſes helps feavers; that of a boy dropped into the eares helps their exulcera­tions, dropped in it helps the redneſſe of the eyes, uſed in lotions it helps tremblings of the joynts, in gargariſmes it helps the tu­mours of the uvula. Applied with aſhes it helps the pains of the ſpleen. The volatile ſpirit or ſalt of boyes urine is excellent againſt the ſtone, being drunk in a convenient liquour, but it ſtinketh mightily. It's very good for the ceruleous tincture of the Emerald; it being a menſtruum for the ſame with the phlegme. Libavius re­ctifieth it, and uſeth it in the gout, aſthma, and ſtone, being inje­cted into the bladder with a ſyringe, it being firſt impregnated by lithontripticks. The fiery ſpirit, or ſalt, ſerves to draw vitriols out of mettals, and chiefely out of Luna, and gold, if further prepared. The ſpirit thereof by putrefaction is an excellent anodyne in paines, being applyed with a convenient liquour: it opens alſo tartareous obſtructions of the bowels and meſentere, ſo it is of great uſe in the ſcurvy, hypochondriack melancholy, cachexie, and yellow and black jaundiſe. it breaketh the ſtone of the reines and blad­der, and eaſeth pains ariſing thence. The ſame ſalt if diſſolved in the ſpirit of vitriol, and againe deſtilled in ſand yeeldeth a li­quour excellent againſt the epilepſy, the ſame well purified ſer­veth as a chryſolyticon. Quercetan de ſig. rer. doth at the ſame time draw forth an ophthalmick phlegma, ſecondly an antipodagrick re­medy: And thirdly a glacial ſpirit by the Retort, which he much commendeth for the opening of obſtructions of the liver & ſpleen, to provoke urine, and diſſolve the ſtone, as alſo to extinguiſh in­flammations296 and gangreens. The magiſtery of urine, is more ſtrong, & incideth the tartar of the body, expelling it by ſweate, urine, and the belly: it cureth many diſeaſes thence ariſing; or however eaſeth them, ſc. the atrophy, &c. alſo it preſerveth from the paines of the ſtone, being taken every moneth before the new of the moone, the D. is gr. 7. to 10. in a convenient liquour. The dayly uſe thereof may be continued for ſome time togeather. The oleum ludi, or of the tartareous matter that ſticketh to the chamber-pot, is ex­cellent againſt the ſtone: The D. is ſcrup. 1. Mans dung, mollifi­eth, maturats, and is anodyne, therefore it is of great uſe to miti­gate pains being applied, to maturate peſtilential biles, againſt the phlegmon of the throat, or quinſy, ſc. being dryed, ſtamped, and applied with honey, as alſo to help inflammations in wounds: Alſo ſome uſe it inwardly in the quinſey being burnt and drunk, and in feavers to drive away the paroxiſmes taken in the ſame way. The D. is drach. 2. The powder of that of an Infant taken divers dayes doth eradicate the epilepſy. The deſtilled water helps the haw in the eye and other paſſions of the annate tunicle ſc. 1. or 2. dropps being dropped in, it cauſeth a good colour in the face, lengthens the haire, cureth corroſive ulcers, and fiſtula's, and remooveth cicatrizes of the hands: Uſed inwardly it helps the epilepſy, and dropſy, driveth out the ſtone of the reines and bladder, and helps the bitings of a mad Dogge and poyſonſome beaſts. Poter. The oile helps the tinea of the head, exulcerated eryſipelas, tetters, and ringworms applied, it eaſeth the gout, and mortifyeth the cancer. Libav. inwardly it helps the jaundiſe. Agric. The occidental civet is nothing elſe but mans dung, made ſweete by the mediation of digeſtion. The ſperme is uſed by ſome to make magnetick mummy of, to ſerve as a philtron: And by Paracelſus to make his homun­culus of. The bloud drunk freſh and hot helps the epilepſy, uſing motion after it, and ſwift running, till there be an eruption of ſweat: drunk freſh or powdered it ſtops hemorrhages, and uſed outwardly it helps eruptions of the bloud, and chiefely of the no­ſtrils, ſc. the aſhes being put in, or applied freſh to the fore-head; but if ſome drink it, it cauſeth fierceneſſe, and ſometimes the epi­lepſy. Hartm. The bloud of Childbirth helps the volatick ſcabb being applied often with the ſecundine. The deſtilled water is made with the oile, it helps in the phthiſis and dryneſſe unc. 1. being drunk, or if rubbed on the parts. It cleanſeth and healeth fiſtula's, and cooleth burnings: That deſtilled with Womans milk alſo helpeth ſports in the ſkinn. The deſtilled oile is good to eradicate the epi­lepſy,297 ſcrup. ſem. being taken every day for a moneth together, bee­ginning from the new moone, and afterwards in each new moon, once, ſcrup. 1. through the year: it helps the palſey, apoplexy, exulceration of the lungs and pleureſy, ſo Beg. Libav. Syntag. The rectified oile is excellent to ſtrengthen ſick perſons. The anti­podagrick balſame is excellent in the gout, being uſed every day twice or thrice for ſix dayes together; alſo it ſtops ſwellings, and helps paines & redneſſe, ſo alſo that of the bloud of a Goat or Stag. The antepileptick ſpirit helps the epilepſy, palſey, and aſthma, &c. The alexitery mummy of life is excellent to cure carbuncles, the D. is drach. ſem. in the water of cinnamon, drunk faſting in the morning, ſo Fab. in chirurg. he alſo uſeth the arcanum of mans bloud in his Myrothecium. The ſtone diſſolveth the tartar or ſtone in all parts, and expels it, ſo it helps all obſtructions. The D. of the powder is drach. 1. the D. of the liquour of the ſalt is gr. 6. to 10. of the eſſence or elyxir gr. 5. to 10. The membranye which girdeth the head of ſome children when young, is good againſt the collick. Mummy reſolveth coagulated bloud drach 2. being taken, purgeth the head, helps prickings of the ſpleen, the cough, inflation of the body, obſtructions of the menſes, and other uterine affections, uſed outwardly it conſolidateth wounds. The Arabian is a thick ſubſtance ſweating out of dead bodies, embalmed with aloes, myrrhe, and balſame, & the Aegyptian with piſaſphalt, the factitious kind of which is made of bitumen mixed with pitch, which ſome ſell in ſteed of mummy. Some make it of dead bodies, torrified by the ſun under ſand. That of the later uſe is made of the dead body of a red man, (having thinner bloud & better fleſh) whole, freſh, unſpotted, of 24. yeares old, dying by a violent death, and not by a diſeaſe, the muſculous parts being cut in pieces, and ſtrewed with myrrhe, and a little aloes, afterwards macerating it in the ſpirit of wine, after hanging it up 6. or 10. houres, and doing the like againe, leaving the pieces at length to dry in a dry aire and ſhadowy place, then will it be like fleſh hardned in the ſmoke without ſtinking, ſo Crol. but the best is the firſt and laſt. The tincture or extract of mummy of Quercetane, is alexipharmick, and much reſiſteth putrefaction, alſo it helps diſeaſes of the breaſts, the aſthma, and phthiſis, &c. The remaining feces are anodyne. The tincture or extract of Crollius helps poyſons and contagions, it helps the peſtilence, as a prophylactick ſcrup. 1. and drach. 1. or 1. ſem. for curation, againſt poyſons it may be taken with the oile of ſweet al­monds to cauſe vomiting. Tentz. in med. diaſtat. The alcoliſate298 tincture or elyxir of mumy, is excellent againſt the plague, &c. Querc. Spagir. mumiated oile olive hath all the properties of natu­ral balſame, and helps poyſonſom and peſtilential affections. Querc. The tincture or exalted oile of mumy is counted of ſuch a vivifiek quality, that there is no particle into which it doth not penetrate, no ulcer, nor corruption, which it doth not cure. gr. 4. or 5. being taken with a convenient decoction twice in a day, for a cer­taine time. The aqua divina is of a very magnetick vertue. The skinn worn about the belly helps difficult parturition, and hyſte­rical affections, alſo blaſtings, and contractions of the joynts, gloves thereof being worne. The fatt ſtrengthens, diſcuſſeth, ea­ſeth paine, helps contractions, and the hardneſſe of cicatrices, and fills holes after the ſmall pox. Uſed with ſpirit of vitriol it's very penetrating. Mans bones dry, diſcuſſe, bind, and ſtop all fluxes, therefore they are profitable in catarrhs, fluxes of the menſes, dy­ſenteries, lienteries, and eaſe paines of the joynts; ſome uſe them with purgers. Hartman ſaith that the teeth of dead men pulled out and often applied bring out rotten teeth of the truth of which may be ſuſpected.) The oile of the bones by diſtillation diſcuſſeth, and is anodyne, ſo an excellent antipodagrick remedy. The marrow of the bones helps contracted members. The ſcull helps diſeaſes of the head, ſc. the epilepſy, and is uſed in many antepileptick com­poſitions: Eſpecially the os triquetrum of the temples. The D. of the magiſtery of the cranium is ſcrup. 1. or drach. ſem. Brendel. The compounded magiſtery, or eſſentificated ſpirit thereof is antepi­leptick, and exceedeth ordinary remedies therein. The D. of the oile is gr. 4. to 6. The extract or tincture of the cranium, being di­geſted and perfectly depurated, is excellent againſt the epilepſy. The D. is ſcrup. ſem. to ſcrup. 1. with its own diſtilled water. So Querc. Pharm. Reſt. The extract or Galreda of Theophrastus is uſed in the quantity of g. 5. or 6. every day. The Moſs growing upon the ſcull that is expoſed to the aire is very aſtringent, and of great uſe in hemorrhages, ſc. of the noſtrils, being put in; ſome ſay it doth the like held in the hand, that alſo is very binding that groweth upon other bones: It's uſed in the weapon ſalve. The ſpirit of mans braine called aqua aurea, is an excellent antepileptick, the D. is ſcrup. 1. to ſcrup. 4. ſo Hartm. in Pract, or that of the Elke, ſo the oile, and mightily comforts the braine. The extract of Mans gall, with the ſpirit of wine, dropped into the eare mightily helps dea­ſeneſſe. The heart dried and taken helps the epilepſy. Thus of the medicinal uſe of the ſeveral parts of man's body: As for his de­ſcription,299 it may be ſeen in the ſeveral Bookes of Anatomy, the Summe of which is as followeth.

I. Herein may be conſidered, the general external diviſion of the whole body. ſc. into venters & limbs.

The ven­ters are the inferiour, or abdomen; the midle, or thorax; or the ſu­preame, which is the head, and

1. This is externaly divided into that part which is hairy, called the ſcull, the parts of which are the crown, hinderpart, forepart, and the temples: Or that which is without haire, which is the face, the parts of which are the fore­head with its wrinkles; the eyebrows, with their glabella; the noſe, with its ridg, noſtrils, pillar, wings, globe, and vibriſſi; the eyes with their lids, greater and leſſer angles, cavity and ſubcavity, hall, iris with its colours black, gray, yellow, and white; cheekes with the upper jaw; lipps; mouth; teeth inciſors canine or molar with their gumms and alveols; chin with its haire; eares, with their au­rickle its ſuperiour and inferiour part, helix and anthelix, cavity, two eminencies, and auditory paſſage; together with the neck, with its anterior part, containing the node and throat, and hinder part, with the ſhoulders and armpits.

2. The external parts of the thorax, which is the midle venter, with its anterior part the breaſt, ſternon, duggs, niples, areol; and poſterior, which is the back, ſhoulderblades, and ſpine; and the ſides with their intercoſtals.

3. The External parts of the lower venter or belly, with its ante­riour part, containing the ſupreme region, midle or umbilical, and inferiour, with the ilia and pues, with the ſite of the pares; and po­ſteriour with the loines, buttocks and fiſſure.

4. The external parts ſerving to generation, ſc. in Man, the ſcrotum, fiſtulary nerve, glans, prepuce, frenum, and urethra; in woman, the lips of the matrice, great fiſſure, nymphs, clitoris, external bone of the womb, myrtle-like caruncles, and hymen. As for the limbs, may be conſidered:

5. The parts contained in the hand, with the ſhoul­ders, elbow, lines, eminences, carpus, metacarpus, fingers ſc. the thumb, little finger, index, midle, and anulary with their nodes and nailes.

6. The parts contained in the foot, with the thigh, fe­men, hip, perinaeum, ſhank, calf, knee, rotule, hamme, ankles, heele, fleſhy parts, and toes.

7. The figure and bigneſſe of the body, with the difference according to age, ſex, countries of which the Danes and Germans are great, but the Engliſh, Scotts, French, and Spaniards are ſhort for the moſt part, the Italians and Grecians of a midle ſtature, and the Venetians tall; and laſtly according to diſeaſes.

8. The figure and bigneſſe of the head, which ought to be ſpherical, but longiſh, with a little depreſſion about the temples,300 and having foure equal lines: The firſt of which is the line of the face, reaching from the bottome of the chin to the top of the forehead; the ſecond is that of the hinder part of the head, from the crown to the firſt vertebra of the neck; the third is that of the forehead, going from one of the temples to the other; the fourth is from the bottome of the eare (in which place are the ma­millary proceſſes,) reaching to the higher part of the ſinciput: Which lines if not equal, there is not a juſt and natural conſtitu­tion, the head otherwiſe being long, ſhort, broad, acuminate or round; for if of theſe lines, that which belongeth to the face, be longeſt, the head is ſaid to be long; if ſhorter, it's ſaid to be ſo alſo. If the line of the forehead be longer, the head will be broad: If that of the hinder part, it will be acuminate: But if all are equal it will be round and natural; if all are unequal or ſome of them and moſt, there will ariſe thence that forme of the head which is called phoxos, and theſe formes are cauſed by reaſon of the countries, diet, or other accidents, ſc. by binding, compreſſi­on, and many other wayes by the nurſe, in infancy, and therefore they are carefully to be made choice of, ſc. thoſe of underſtanding; that know what deformities may be occaſioned by ligature and ſwathing, as alſo ſuch as are robuſt and healthy, their milk other­wiſe communicating a morboſe quality to the infant. And they differ according to countries, the Muſcovites are flat, theirs of Antwerp round, and of Bruſſels. The Genuenſe and Belgick high and acuminated, by reaſon of tying, and the Germans broad lying upon the back, as alſo according to diet, which if thin makes it longer; The neck ought to be of anſwerable longitude, latitude and circumference if proportionable: ſc. In longitude, in the anteriour part from the chin to the jugu­lum foure inches: In the poſteriour part from the bottome of the occiput to the firſt vertebra of the breaſt, three, but the lateral parts from the bottome of the eare to the top of the ſhoulder ſeven inches; the diameter foure inches, and the circumference a foot: And thoſe that have a ſtrong neck are alſo robuſt; and as are the vertebra's of the neck, ſo are thoſe of the thorax, loines and os ſacrum; ſo that if they are great, all the reſt of the bones are ſo alſo, except there be ſomewhat monſtroſe, ſo that the reſt of the parts follow the proportion of the head and neck, if pro­portionable.

9. The figure and magnitude of the thorax, which ſhould be oval, and not too much ſtraightned in children, it occaſioning conſumptions and diſtillations &c. As for the duggs they ſhould be301 meane, (but thoſe that have little are uſually ſterile,) & niples red, for if pale the womb is amiſſe.

10. The proportion of the lower belly, which ſhould have the navil for its cēter, with the cauſe of mutatiō of proportion, note if great, its bad in Women, hindring conception, if little it ſheweth wiſdome, if hollow envy, if round ſobriety, if long voracity & ſloth, if prominent ſleepe and ſtupidity, and if the navil ſticketh out ſalacity: The pudends alſo are to be obſerved in their proportion, that the probability of ſterility and foecundity may appeare, therefore in men that are adult when diſtended it is 6. inches in longitude and 4. in periphery, if of greateſt proportion, it doth more diſtend and is leaſt apt for venery, & if leſſer, its more foecund & ſtrong, drawing forth the feminine ſperme by titillation, the longeſt cauſeth ſuffocation by relaxing the ligaments, and ſo is not ſo fit where prolification is intended except the correlate ſex be anſwerable: In women, the proportion may be conjectured from the mouth, lips, eyes, duggs, and chinn, which if leſſer pro­miſe greater delectation, (therefore bands uſe art and aſtringent peſſaries for that purpoſe) but parturition then is difficult & more dangerous: But if the Wemen are thick and fatt, having great duggs and large bellies, their pudends alſo are large, but otherwiſe if the duggs, mouth, and lipps are little, and chin ſharp.

11. The natural proportion of the joynts, as the hands and feet, which ought to be equal, and thoſe that have them long, have uſually a laxe body, and therefore purging phyſick is carefully to be adminiſted unto them.

II. The bones are to be conſidered.

1. As to their nature uſe and differences, according to temperament, figure, meatus, ſuper­ficies, magnitude, number, ſite, ſenſe, and time of generation: and as to its definition, it is a ſimple part of the body, the moſt hard and dry of all, made for the ſtrength of other parts.

2. The parts of bones: As the epiphyſis or appendix, apophyſis or proceſſe, acute or ſpherical, with their cavities profund or ſuperficial.

3. Their ſtructure & conjunction, by coaleſcency; as by ſymphyſis; without a medium or with it by ſynchondroſis ſyſſarcoſis ſyndeſmoſis ſynte­noſis and ſynymenſis; or by articulation, as by diarthroſis, with en­arthroſis arthrodia and ginglimus; ſynarthroſis by future harmony & gomphoſis; or neither by enarthroſis arthrodia & ginglimus, to­gether with the ligament and articular humour.

4. Their nou­riſhment by bloud.

5. The principle and original, ſc. the back bone.

6. Their diviſion and number, ſc. of the ſcull, 24. in thoſe that are adult, of which ſome are proper, as that of the forehead, two of the forepart, one in the hinderpart, and three in each care, ſc. mallius incus and ſtapes; the common are the cuneiforme & ſpon­gious:302 The jaws, ſc. the upper beſides theſe two, hath ſix that are propper on each ſide, the lower hath but one, but teeth in both ſc. ſixteen, of which foure are inciſory, two canine, and ten molar in the adult: The breaſt as to its anterior part hath two cla­vicles and the os pectoris, the lateral have twelve ribbs on each ſide, the poſterior part hath two ſhoulders and twelve verte­bra's; to which the neck is joyned having ſeven, and the os hyoi­des, which for the moſt part hath eleven bones: The lower belly, in the forepart hath the two oſſa pubis, at the ſides oſſa ilium and coxendicis, behind towards the reines five vertebra's, ſix bones of the os ſacrum, and foure of the coccyx: The limbs are divided into the hands and feet, and the hand into the ſhoulder, cubit, and extremity; the ſhoulder hath but one bone, the cubit two ſc. the radius and ulna; and the hand it ſelfe the carpus metacarpus and fingers, the firſt of which hath eight bones in double order, the 2d foure, the fingers three, ſo 15. in all: The foot is divided into foe­mur having one bone; the tibia having two ſc. tibia and fibula; and the foot extreme, which hath tarſus having ſeven, metatarſus five, and toes 14. hereto belong the twelve ſeſamoids & patella: In briefe the head hath 59. The thorax 61. The lower venter 21. The hand 42. So the foot. ſc. each, and the whole body 309.

7. The cranium and futures of the head, and as to the firſt note its ſubſtance, thick­neſſe, figure, ſuperficies, and lamina's: and futures common and pro­per, thoſe are five; theſe are either true, as the coronal, lambdi­form, or ſagittal; or mendoſe of which there are five paire.

8. The proper bones of the head, as the os frontis with its figure, conne­xion, ſubſtance, number, cavern, holes and proceſſes: The oſſa ver­ticis, with their number ſc. two, connexion and ſuperficies: The os occipitis, with its figure, number, ſubſtance and ſuperficies, and five foramina: The oſsa temporum, with their figure, connexion, ſubſtance, two ſinus, five foramina, and foure proceſſes.

9. The three little bones ſerving for hearing, as the malleus, with its two proceſſes; the incus with its head and two leggs; and ſtapes with its little head and baſis.

10. The cuneiform bone, with its conne­xion, ſubſtance, two internal and external proceſſes, foure ſinus, and ſeven foramina: As alſo the cribriforme bone, with its foure parts, and fourefold uſe.

11. The os jugale, with its two parts, ſi­tuation, and uſe.

12. The bones of the face, or two jaws: As the ſubſtance of the uppermoſt, connexion and nine proper futures; with its ſix paire of bones: In the lower, note its mobility, hard­neſſe, thickneſſe, figure, two proceſſes, and foramina, three aſpe­rities,303 and cavities or holes for teeth.

13. The teeth, with their articulation, ſubſtance, figure, cavities, veſſels, ſuperficies, magni­tude, number ſc. 32. of the inciſors, canine and molars as above, with their uſe.

14. The os hyoides, with 11. parts, with its con­nexion and uſe.

15. The clavicles, with their figure, number two, connexion, ſubſtance and uſe.

16. The ſternon or os pectoris, with its three bones, ſubſtance, figure, enſiforme cartilage, and uſe.

17. The ſcapulae, with their figure, back, cavity, three ſides, baſis and coſtae, three angles, connexion, ſubſtance, 3 proceſſes cervix ſpina and ancoriformis, and threefold uſe.

18. The ſpina dorſi, with its vertebra's, and their head, three kinds of proceſſe, propper and common foramen, and connexion.

19. The vertebra's of the neck, with their number ſeven, five communities, and what is propper, ſc. of the firſt, a taberculum, and ſinus, proceſſes, ſpina and fora­mina; of the ſecond, the body, and preceſſes, the foure next are almoſt like, and the ſeventh the biggeſt.

20. The twelve vertebrae of the thorax, with their five communi••s and two proprieties: Alſo the five vertebra's of the loines with their three communities.

21. The os ſacrum, with its five parts, foramina and proceſſes.

22. The os coccygis, with its 5. parts, ſubſtance, & connexion.

23. The ribbs with their number, ſc. 12. diviſion, the ſeven firſt being legiti­mate, the five loweſt ſpurious, & ſubſtance, cartilages, connexion, figure, magnitude & two uſes.

24. The os innominatū conſiſting of os ilium, coxendicis and pubis, & note in the firſt, the ſpina, coſta, gibboſity, and connexion; in the ſecond, the acetable, appendix, and two tuberculum's; in the third the foramen, pelvis (which is greater in Women, and laxed in parturition. ) and uſe.

25. The os humeri, with its ſubſtance, figure, ſuperior appendix and its ſuperinternal and ſuperexternal head; alſo the inferior appendix with the trochlea, ſinus, capitulum, tubercula, and foramina.

26. The cubitus, with the ulna and its communities & what is proper, ſc. its gibboſity, and ſigniforme and lateral ſinus, and ſtyliforme proceſſe: As alſo the radius, with its ſuperiour capitulum and in­feriour tuberculum, lateral ſinus, connexion, and long ligament.

27. The bones of the hand it ſelfe, with its parts, ſc. the carpus and the figure and connexion; the metacarpus, with its ſubſtance, figure and appendices; the fingers with their three bones, ſub­ſtance, figure, magnitude, and appendices; as alſo the ſeſamoids, in the internodes, the ſubſtance, figure, number twelve, connexion and uſe.

28. The os foemoris, with its ſubſtance, figure, connexion; ſuperiour appendix with the two rotators; ſinus, foure impreſſi­ons,304 and rough line; and the inferiour appendix, with its two heads and ſinus, and foramina: As alſo the patella, with its uſe, ſubſtance, and connexion.

29. The two bones of the tibia, with its ſuperiour appendix, two ſinus, tuberculum, cartilage, lateral ca­pitulum, anterior tuberculum, three lines, ſc. the ſpina internal and external and three ſides; alſo the inferiour appendix, with its double ſinus: And the fibula, with its ſuperiour and inferiour ap­pendix, exteriour ankle, and three lines.

30. The bones of the foot it ſelfe, as the talus with its figure and ſix ſides, the os calcis, os naviculare with its convexity and ſituation, with the foure bones of the tarſus, their forme and connexion, ſc. the cubiforme, and cunciforme greater leſſer, and meane; alſo the metatarſus with it's ſubſtance, magnitude, appendices, and connexion: And the toes with their ſubſtance, three internodes in each, and ſeſamoid bones, in number and ſituation as in the hands.

31. The nailes, with their nature, as betwixt a cartilage & bone, and augmented in longitude, profundity, latitude, and〈◊〉haveing veines, arteries, nerves, ſenſe, ſubſtance, magnitude, figure, number, connexion, colour, and uſe, as is manifeſt.

III. The cartilages and ligaments are to be obſerved,

1. As to their nature, uſe, and differences, by temperament, age, ſexe, figure, magnitude, ſuperficies, number, ſituation, ſeate, con­nexion, and mode: and as for its definition, it's a part of our body, ſimple, hard, and dry, but flexible, for the ſecure ſtability of the ſofter parts, and avoiding of the violence of harder things extrin­ſically accident.

2. The cartilages of the upper venter, or head, ſc. of the eye lids, noſe, and auricle.

3. Thoſe of the midle venter; of the larynx, the thiroide with its figure fiſſure and proceſſes, the cricoide with its ſituation uſe figure and ſpina, the arytaenoides with their connexion number and proceſſes, with the figure and uſe of the epiglottis and fiſtula; and enfiforme cartilage: And that of the lower belly, being only one.

4. The ligaments, with their nature, threfold uſe; and differences, from temperament, age, ſexe, figure, magnitude, number, and ſituation.

5. The ligaments of the head, with thoſe of the vertebrae, nether chapp, hyoide bone and tongue. Alſo of the thorax and loines, with the vertebra's, ribbs, and ſternon: And of the lower venter, ſc. of the os ilium, ſacrum, co­xendicis and pubis.

6. The ligaments of the hand, ſc. of the ſca­pulae with their uſe: And of the humerus, cubitus, carpus, radius, metacarpus, & the anulary.

7. The ligaments of the legg, ſc. of the foemur 2. knee 6. of the tibia and fibula two, with the talus 3. of the talus & bones of the foot 5. of the lower foot as in the hands, &305 foure annulary.

IV. The muſcles are to be conſidered.

And 1. Their nature and action, or fourefold motion, and as for its definition, it is an organick part of the body, deſtinated to voluntary contra­ction towards its beginning, for the motion of the part, into which it is inſerted, and to which it doth belong.

2. The parts thereof, ſc. diſſimilar three, the head venter & taile; or ſimilar 7. ſc. a veine artery nerve fleſh rendon membran and fatt.

3. The differences of muſcles, ſc. of the firſt claſſis from the whole body, in ſubſtance figure magnitude number & ſituatiō; of the ſecond claſſis from diſſi­milar parts in the ſubſtance of the head figure magnitude & ſituati­on; in the ſubſtance of the belly figure magnitude & nūber; in the ſubſtance of the end figure magnitude number and ſite; of the third claſſis from ſimilar parts, frō the tendons figure magnitude & num­ber alſo from the fleſh, nerves, arteries, veines & fatt.

4. Their uſe & action, as flectents or extendents, adducent or abducent, levators or depreſſors, and alſo as circumagents.

5. The muſcles of the forehead, or rather eye brows, ſc. the frontale attollent: Of the eye lids, ſc. in the upper the attollent aperient, and depreſſing ſuperior claudent; in the inferiour the attollent inferiour claudent: Of the eye, moveing it directly, ſc. the attollent, depriment, adducent, abducent, or o­bliquely, ſc. the exteriour & interiour circumagent: Of the noſtrils, the two aperient abducent, and two adducent conſtringent: Of the cheekes, the quadrate detrahent and contrahent: Of the lipps, the firſt paire attollent, the ſecond abducent, the third depriment, the fourth conſtringent: Of the nether jaw, the firſt pair attollent temporal, the ſecond depriment biventer, the third drawing to the ſides, the fourth abducent prerygoide, the fifth adducent: Of the eares, in ſome the firſt pair attollent, the ſecond depriment, the third adducent, the fourth abducent, moving the inward part; and the outward and inward moving the inward:

6. Of the ton­gue, the firſt paire, ſtringent and dilatant linguale; the ſecond exerent, geneogloſs; the third retrahent hypſilogloſs; the fourth attollent, mylogloſs; the fifth depriment, ceratogloſs; the ſixth obliquely trahent on each ſide, called ſtylogloſs: Of the os hyoides, moveing it directly, the firſt paire, attollent, geniohyoide; the ſecond depriment, ſternohyoide; or obliquely, the third obliquely attollent; ſtyloceratohyoide, the fourth obliquely detrahent, cal­led coracohyoide: Of the fances, the firſt paire dilatant, ſphaeno­pharyngaeum; and ſecond, dilatant; the conſtringent are the firſt paire cald oeſophagiaeum, the ſecond cephalopharyngaeum, the third ſtylopharyngaeum: Of the larynx, which is dilated, when its thyroide cartilage is extended by the firſt paire thereof, called306 ſternothyroide, the ſecond cricothyroide antic; and bended by the hyothyroides, and ſo is compreſſed: It's ſhut and opened, when the arytaenoide is bended directly by the firſt paire, called thyroa­rytaenoide, and obliquely by the ſecond, arytaenoide; or extended by the firſt paire crycoarytaenoide poſtic directly, or obliquely by the ſecond crycoarytaen oide lateral:

7. Of the head, which is ben­ded by the flectent maſtoide paire, directly; or lateraly if one be contracted; it's extended by the extenders, the firſt paire of which is called the triangular or ſplenium, the ſecond trigeminated or complex, the third the recti majores, the fourth recti minores; and it's turned about, by the firſt paire of the circumagents, cal­led the ſuperiour oblique, and ſecond called the inferiour: Of the neck, which is bended by the firſt paire of the flectents, called the long; or the ſecond triangular; and is extended by the firſt paire of the extendent, or tranſverſe, and ſecond ſpinate.

8. Of the thorax, which is moved primarily, by its proper muſcles, of which ſome doe dilate it in reſpiration, as if free, the diaphragma only contra­cting it ſelfe; if coact, the diaphragma & external intercoſtals; others contract it in reſpiration, as if free, the diaphragma only relaxed; if coact, the diaphragma & internal intercoſtals; it's extended by the firſt paire of the extenders, called dorſi longiſſimi, the ſecōd ſemiſ­pinate, the third ſacrolumbū; it's bēded directly by the direct muſ­cles of the abdomen, & obliquely by the oblique aſcendents; & it's turned about by the two tranſverſe muſcles of the abdomen; it's moved ſecondarily, by the motion of the loines, & ſo it is bended by the bender of the loines, called the quadrate, and extended by the extenſor, called ſacer:

9. The ſubclave:

10. Thoſe of the lower belly, and firſt of the abdomen, compreſſing it in the lateral part, ſc. the oblique deſcendents, oblique aſcendents, and tranſverſe; in the anteriour part, the direct; in the inferiour part, the pyramidale:

11. Of the loines, which are bended by the quadrate flexor, and extended by the tenſor ſacer:

12. Of the testicles, which are ele­vated by the two cremaſters; of the bladder, which is ſhut by the ſphincter; of the anus, which is ſhut by the ſphincter, and elevated by the two levatores; of the genital, of which, ſome erect it, ſc. the collateral, called erectors; others draw the urethra, called the interiour muſcles: Thus of the muſcles of the three venters. Now follow thoſe of the limbs:

13. Of the ſcapula, which is vari­ouſly mooved by the firſt paire, called cucullare, the ſecond is attollent, the third draws backwards called the rhomboide, the fourth forewards and upwards, ſc. the leſſer ſerrate, the fifth fore­wards and downwards, and is called the greater ſerrate paire of307 muſcles:

14. Of the humerus, the adducent or pectoral, the attol­lent or deltoide, the abducent or broadeſt, and the depriment or round by which it is moved; it's turned about, towards the ex­ternal parts, by the firſt of the circumagents, or ſuperiour ſuper­ſcapulary, and the ſecond called the inferiour; and towards the inward parts by the third of the circumagents or ſubſcapulary muſcle:

15 Of the cubitus, which is bended by the firſt of the flectents or biceps, and ſecond or brachiaeus; and extended by the firſt of the extendents gemellus or greater, and the ſecond or leſſer:

16. Of the radius, which is pronated by the firſt of the pronators or quadrare, and ſecond or teres; and ſupinated by the firſt of the ſupinators, or long, or ſecond and ſhort:

17. Of the carpus, which is bended by the interiour flectent, cubiteus, and exteriour radieus; and extended by the interiour extendent, cu­biteus, and exteriour, radieus:

18. Of the skin of the hand, ſc. the palmar muſcle, and quadrate muſculous fleſh:

19. Of the benders of the fingers, ſc. one flexor of the third and ſecond internodi­um; and foure of the firſt, called lumbricales; and of the thumb, ſc. two flexors of the firſt internodum, three of the ſecond, and one of the third:

20. Of the extenders of the fingers, ſc. of the ſe­cond and third internodium the firſt and ſecond extender, of the firſt the eight interoſs muſcles; of the thumb, the firſt and ſecond extenders:

21. Of the oblique moovers of the fingers, towards the ſides, ſc. of the foure fingers the interoſs muſcles, of the index the abductor, ſo of the leaſt finger; of the thumb, the adducent and abducent. Thus of the firſt of the limbs called manus, now follow­eth that called crus, with its parts:

22. Of the foemur which is obliquely extended by the firſt extender called glutaeus major; and ſecond called glutaeus medius; and directly by the third ex­tender called glutaeus minor; it is bended directly by the firſt fle­ctent pſoas, and ſecond internal Iliac; and obliquely by the third flectent triceps, and fourth called livid; its turned about, upwards, by the firſt circumagent, called the pyriforme, inwards by the ex­ternal obturator or 2d. circumagent, outwards by the 3d. circuma­gent or internal obturator, & backwards by the fourth circumagent called qaudrigeminus:

23. Of the tibia, which is bended by the firſt called the faſciale or fartorius, the 2d. gracile, the 3d. ſeminervous, the 4th. ſemimembrauous, the fifth biceps; it's extended by the firſt called the membranous, the ſecond rectus, the third the vaſte external, the fourth the vaſte internal; and it's moved obliquely by the ſuppopliteus.

24. Of the tarſus, or foot, which is extended by the firſt extenſor called the external gaſterocnemius, and ſe­cond308 or internal; it's bended by the firſt flectent called tibiaeus anti­cus, & ſecond peronaeus ſecundus; & it's obliquely moved towards the ſides, to the inward by the firſt or adducent called tibiaeus po­ſticus, to the outward by the ſecond or abducent called peronaeus primus.

25. Of the skinn of the ſole of the foot, ſc. the plantare muſcle:

26. Of the benders of the toes, ſc. of the third internodium the perfo­rant, of the ſecond the perforate, of the firſt the foure lumbricales; of the great toe the flexor.

27. Of the extenders of the toes, ſc. of the third internodium, its tenſor, ſo of the ſecond, and of the firſt the interoſs muſcles; and of the great toe, the tenſor:

28. Of the oblique movers of the toes, ſidewards, as the interoſſe muſcles, and abducent of the little toe; of the great toe, the abducent.

V. The veines are to be obſerved,

1. As to their nature action and uſe, and they are membra­noſe veſſels, ſimple, having three kinds of fibers, fibroſe and thick bloud, which they concoct & carry for the nutrition of the whole body and its parts (as ſome ſay) & are without ſenſe; their figure, magnitude, number, ſite, valves and glandules alſo are to be taken notice of: And the chiefe veines are the umbilical, arterioſe, vena portae and cava:

2. The differences of veines, from ſubſtance, magnitude, figure, ſite, connexion and uſe.

3. Their principle of original, which they have not from any part, they being firſt.

4. The vena partae and cava, with their differences, in ſubſtance, mag­nitude, connexion and anaſtomoſes:

5. The diviſion of the vena portae into its radix, trunk with the cyſtick and gaſtrick ſurculus, and two rami, firſt the ſplenick, from the upper part of which ariſeth the coronary and gaſtrick; from the lower the epiplois dextra and poſtica, with the vas breve gaſtroepiplois ſiniſtra, and internal hemorrhoidal, 2dly the meſenterick with its right and left part, and propagines the gaſtroepiplois ſiniſtra, and inteſtinal, with the fourefold uſe of the vena portae:

6. The aſcendent trunk of the vena cava, the propagines of which are the phrenick, coronarie, and azygos; as alſo its diviſion into two ſubclavii, the propagines of whoſe inferiour part are the ſuperiour intercoſtal, mammarie, mediaſtin, and cervical, of the ſuperiour part the internal jugularie, and external with its ramus profundus having three others en­tring the head, and the cutaneus going to the face, and the muſ­cula ſuperior or cervical; alſo the diviſion of the axillary into the cephalick and baſilick, being divided before entrance into the arm into the internal and external ſcapulary, and the baſilick into the thoracick ſuperiour and inferiour:

7. The axillary veine di­ſtributed through the arme, it being divided into the cephalick with309 its midle interiour and exteriour ramus, and the baſilick, with its profund and ſubcutanious ramus, and this interiour or exteriour; yet in moſt perſons there is not the ſame diſtribution of veines:

8. The deſcendent trunk of the vena cava, or inferiour, with its foure propagines before diviſion, ſc. the adipoſe, emulgents, ſper­matick and lumbars; and its diviſion into the iliack, with the muſ­cula lumbalis and ſacra propago; and the propagines of the interi­our iliack before its egreſſe from the peritonaeum; ſc. the glutaea, and hypogaſtrick from which is the external hemorrhoidal and cy­ſtick veine; as alſo the propagines of the exteriour iliack before it, ſc. the epigaſtrick, pudend and inferiour muſcula:

9. The propa­gines of the exteriour ramus of the iliack diſſeminated through the crus, ſc. the foure propagines of the crural trunk before diviſion, ſc. the ſaphaena with its foure propagines, and the iſchia, muſcula and poplitea; as alſo the diviſion of the trunk into the interiour and exteriour ramus; the umbilical and arterioſe veine alſo are to be obſerved:

10. The definition of the bloud, which according to ſome is a red humour, homogenious in aſpect, begotten of meat and drink, and elaborated by the bowels and veſſels, and flowing through the veines and arteries of ſanguineous animals, for the ul­timate aliment, and preſervation of life in all parts.

11. The reaſon why Man hath ſo much bloud, ſc. it conducing much to prudence.

12. The heterogeniouſneſse of the bloud and its parts, ſc. in thoſe that are well, the ſerum, red liquour, and ſanguineous fibers; but more in the ſick, ſo for ſuch intemperate contrary meats are beſt:

13. The differences of the bloud, from quantity, quality, conſiſtence, place, and mixtures:

VI. The arteries are to be conſidered, and their di­ſtribution,

1. As to their nature action and uſe, and they are hollow veſſels, conſiſting of a double membrane, and endued with diſten­ſion and contraction, that the thinner and more ſpirituous bloud may be carried from the heart, to preſerve life in all parts; as alſo their differences from magnitude, progreſſe; ſite, and connexion:

2. The aſcendent trunk of the great artery, or ſuperiour to the head, with its diviſion into the ſubclaves, frō the inferiour part of which ariſeth the ſuperiour intercoſtale; and from the ſuperiour the verte brale mammarie, and muſcula; with the axillary artery, frō the infe­riour part of which before it paſſeth to the arme, ariſe the internal ſcapulary, ſuperiour thoracick and inferiour; and from the higher part, the external ſcapulary; and the carotides, with the exte­riour ramus, or of the face; and interiour or encephalick, with its greater and leſſer ramus:

3. The diviſion of the axillary artery in310 the arme, into the exteriour or radieus, and interiour or cubiteus:

4. The deſcendent trunk of the great artery, and its propagation through the midle and lower venter, ſc. the eight intercoſtals, two phrenicae, one caeliack, with its right ramus, and its propagines from the higher part, ſc. the pylorick and two cyſtick gemellae, and from the lower the epiplois dextra, inteſtinal, and gaſtroepi­plois dextra; and the left ramus, called the ſplenick artery, with its propagines from the upper part the gaſtrick, and epiplois ſini­ſtra in the inferiour, with the uſe of the right ramus, and ſix fold uſe of the left; alſo the meſenterica ſuperior, two emulgents with their uſe, two ſpermaticks, meſenterica inferior & its two uſes, the lumbares, with the arteriae ſacrae, and propagi­nes of the iliack arteries, ſc. of the interiour or leſſer, the muſcula and hypogaſtrica, and arteria umbilicalis; of the exteriour or greater, the epigaſtrica and pudenda:

5. The propagines of the exteriour iliack ramus in the crus, ſc. the propagines of the crural trunk before divided, the exteriour crural muſcula and internal, poplitea and ſural; yet there is not alwayes the ſame propagation of arteries, but differ as the veines:

6. Theena arterialis and ar­teria venalis, with the original, inſertion, diſtribution and uſe.

VII. The nerves are to be obſerved,

1. As to their nature and acti­on, and they are white veſſels, conſiſting of a double membrane, fit for all intenſion, in which a certaine white and medullary ſub­ſtance is contained, and they carry from the braine, from which they ariſe, an animal ſpirit, ſerving for the ſenſe, and voluntary motion of each part; with their differences, from ſubſtance, figure, cavity, magnitude, and original ſo ſome ariſe immediately from the brain: Of which there are ſeven conjugations or paire, and as to their uſe, Optica prima; oculos movet altera; tertia guſtat; Quar­taque, quinta audit; vaga ſexta eſt; ſeptima linguae; others are pro­fluent, from the ſpinal marrow, ſc. 30. paire, ſeven of the cervical marrow, twelve of the dorſal, five of the loines, and ſix of the marrow of the os ſacrum:

2. The nerves of the brain, ſc. the firſt paire, called optick, with their original, progreſſe, inſertion, uſe and foramina, they ariſe from the beginning of the marrow; the ſecond paire from the inward part thereof with its foure rami and uſe; the third paire from the lower and poſteriour part, with its uſe, & foure rami; the fourth paire from the poſteriour marrow through the foramen of the cuneiform bone, with its three rami; the fifth from the oblongate marrow of the braine, neere the con­junction of the cerebellum, with the harder and ſofter portion;311 the ſixth a little more towards the inferiour and poſteriour part, with its leſſer nerve, and greater with its propagines, and thoſe of the exteriour ramus of the right nerve, ſc. five and three of the interiour; or the exteriour ramus of the left nerve, ſc. ſix, and of the interiour three; the ſeaventh in the loweſt part of the crani­um; and ſome adde an eighth paire conſtituting the olfacto­ry nerves:

3. The proper nerves of the ſpinall marrow, and firſt of the vertebra's of the neck, ſc. the firſt paire, with its firſt and ſecond beginning betwixt the os oc­cipitis and firſt vertebra of the neck; the ſecond paire be­twixt the firſt and ſecond vertebra with its priour and poſteri­our beginning; the third paire, betwixt the ſecond and third vertebra, with its anteriour ramus having foure propagines, and the poſteriour; the fourth, betwixt the third and fourth verte­bra, with its anteriour ramus having three propagines, and po­ſteriour; the fifth betwixt the fourth and fifth vertebra, with its anterior ramus having four propagines, and the poſteriour; the ſixth under the fifth vertebra, with its anterior ramus and propagines and the poſteriour; the ſeaventh betwixt the ſixth and ſeaventh vertebra with its anteriour and poſteriour ramus:

4. The nerves of the marrow of the vertebra's of the thorax, all which are bifid, and the greater ramus is forewards, the firſt paire of which is from the common foramen of the ſeaventh ver­tebra of the neck, and firſt of the thorax, with its anteriour ra­mus, and poſteriour or leſſer; the ſecond paire is betwixt the firſt and ſecond vertebra of the thorax with its anteriour and poſteriour ramus, the ten other paires whereof have the like ori­ginall and diſtribution:

5. The nerves of the marrow of the vertebra's of the loines, the firſt paire of which is betwixt the laſt vertebra of the thorax and firſt of the Loines, with its anteriour and poſteriour ramus, and the other foure as before, with their anteriour and poſteriour ramus:

6. The nerves of the marrow of the os ſacrum, as the firſt paire, betwixt the laſt lumbar vertebra, and firſt of the os ſacrum with its anteriour and poſteriour ramus, ſo of the other five paire:

7. The nerves di­ſtributed throughout the armes, ſc. the firſt, and ſecond with its three propagines, and externall and internall ramus, the third and fourth with its three propagines, and internall and externall ra­mus; as alſo the fifth and ſixth nerve ariſing from the retiforme plexus; and fifth, ſixth, and ſeaventh paire of nerves comming from the marrow of the neck, and firſt and ſecond from the tho­rax:312

8. The nerves of the crura, which are foure paire, ariſing from the three inferiour conjugia of the loines, and foure ſuperi­our of the os ſacrum, and paſſing through the common foramina of the vertebra's, make a greater retiforme plexus, than in the armes; and the firſt and third is thin going to the foemour, the ſe­cond thicker to the tibia, the fourth thickeſt, and reacheth to the toes.

VIII. The lower belly is to be conſidered.

1. The skinne with its figure and ſubſtance, and its cuticle, with its ſubſtance, cauſe, ſc. viſcous vapours, and connexion, with its three fold uſe, next to it is the true skin, which differeth from thickneſſe, colour, by temperament, country, ſex, age, and diſeaſe, and from tempera­ment, ſuperficies, pores, motion, connexion, haires, arteries and nerves, with its private and publick action, and uſe, and haires a­riſing from the fuliginous vapours of the third concoction.

2. The fatt, which is an oleous humour of the body, elevated by mode­rate heate, and concrete about the colder and thicker parts, to the generation whereof are neceſſary large veſſells, thick membrans, and moderate heate; its uſe is generall or particular:

3. The carnoſe membrane under the fat, with its uſe, ſc. by its frigidity to condenſe the vapours elevated from the bloud and ſo cheriſh the heate of the inward parts.

4. The peritonaeum, or inner rimme of the belly, with its figure, ſuperficies, ſubſtance, connexion, rice, duplication, foramina, two proceſſes, veſſells, and uſe, ſc. to hin­der the diſſipation of heate, and keep the bowells in their places.

5. The ſituation both naturall and preternaturall of all the intralls in the lower belly; ſc. of the liver, if naturall, in the right hypochon­drium; if not naturall it is by lying down, ſitting, walking, or breathing; and preternaturall when too great; of the ſpleen, if naturall, in the left hypochondrium; if not natu­rall, by ſitting, breathing, or lying downe; if preternaturall by laxation of the ligaments, or tumours; of the ventricle, if natu­rall in the middle, with its orifice called the ſtomach towards the left hypochondrium, and the inferiour or pilorus towards the right, and its fundus in the middle, the ſite of which if not natu­rall is by lying, ſtanding and ſitting, and repletion; if preternatu­rall, by wounds; of the pancreas, or ſweet bread, which changeth not its naturall place, but is adnate to the fundus of the ventricle, duodenum inteſtinum and vena portae, and if ſwollen, it preſſeth the ſide of the ventricle and hindereth concoction; of the duode­num, which ever alſo keepes its place, and ariſeth from the pylo­rus; of the jejunum inteſtinum, umbilical, and ilium in the ilia, if not natural; by repletion, retention of the breath and noiſe, ple­nitude313 of the womb, by ſitting or ſtanding, running, leaping, ri­ding, and ſupine decubiture; if preternaturall, by flatulent diſten­ſions, laxation of the meſentery, the dropſie, hernia, and volvulus; of the caecum in the right ilium, and ſcarce naturally changeth its place; and preternaturall by falling down; of the colon, in the right ilium, lying upon the right kidney; if not naturall, by fulneſſe of the ſtomach, emptineſſe, walking and ſitting, and gravidity; if preternaturall, in the collick; of the omentum, under the perito­naeum, immediately in the forepart; if not naturall by repletion, inanition, ſitting, running, riding, lying, and fatneſſe, and ſo in women it preſſing the womb hindereth conception; if preterna­turall, by flatulency and wounds; of the bladder, in the cavity of the hypogaſtrium; if not naturall, by repletion; of the womb, in the ſame cavity of the hypogaſtrium, betwixt the bladder and re­ctum inteſtinum; if not naturall, in gravidity; if preternaturall, by obſtructions, and laxation of the ligaments.

6. The omentum or kell as to its ſubſtance, magnitude, connexion, two membranes originall, and veſſells, ſc. veines, arteries and nerves, and three u­ſes.

7. The oeſophagus, or gullet, with its originall and progreſſe, ſubſtance, veines, arteries, nerves, glandules, uſe and action.

8. The ventricle, with its figure, ſituation, magnitude, connexion, ſub­ſtance, two orifices, veines, arteries, nerves, progreſſe of the veſ­ſells, and action, ſc. chyloſis.

9. The inteſtines, as to their ſitua­tion, connexion, beginning, figure, magnitude, ſubſtance, veines, arteries, nerves, fat, mucous ſubſtance, number, and differences, by ſite, magnitude, veſſells, office and ſubſtance; ſo ſome are ſlen­der, ſc. the firſt called duodenum ariſing from the pylorus of 12. inches; the ſecond, or jejunum under the colon, with its veines & arteries meatus biliarius and longitude, ſc. twelve hands and three fingers; the third or ilium under the navill, and is twenty one hands in length; others are thicker, joyned to the ilium inteſti­num, of which the firſt is called caecum, and is ever empty in thoſe that are well its end being ſhut, the ſecond is called the colon, retarding the excrements, and ariſeth from the ilium and caecum, with its longitude ſc. nine hands, and cells, ligament, veines, arte­ries, nerves from the ſixth conjugation, ſo its of exact ſenſe, and valve; the third is called rectum, or the ſtraight gutt ariſing from the colon, with its magnitude leſſer than the colon, in longitude one ſpann, and its ſubſtance, tunicles, and veines; alſo the action of the inteſtines ſc. coction, digeſtion, and expulſion.

10. The meſentery, joyning together the inteſtines, with its diviſion, mag­nitude,314 ſubſtance, two membrans, meſeraick veines, two arteries, nerves, glandules, connexion, riſe, ſc. from the ligaments of the vertebra's of the loins, fatt, and uſe, ſc. to keep them from rup­ture:

11. The pancreas, which is the greateſt glandule of three or foure fingers-long ſituated in the left part, nigh the ſpleen, having the ſtomach above and membranes of the peritoneum be­low, in the midle the ſplenick veine, left ramus of the caeliack artery, nerves of the ſixth paire tending to the ventricle and duodenum, & meatus biliarius which it holds up, it hath alſo a thin membrane ariſing from the peritoneum, in which it is ſuſpended & inveſted, its uſe is, to keepe the ſtomach when diſtended that it be not hurt by the hardneſſe of the vertebra's, and hinder rupture of the veſſels, as the other glandules, and as ſome, it's excretory:

12. The liver with its ſituation in the right hypochondriū, connexion to the diaphragma with its convex part, and to the meſentery with the other, figure, protuberances, two ſinus, fiſſure, magnitude, number, ſubſtance, veines, ſc. the propagines of the cava in the convex part, and porta in the other, arteries, two nerves, action, ſc. to help the concoction of chyle attracted by the meſaraick veines from the inteſtines, and brought to the roots of the porta into the hollow part:

13. The gall, ſituated in the hollow part of the liver with its connexion, magnitude, figure, ſubſtance, two veines, two arteries, nerve, and diſſimilar parts; ſc. the bottome, neck, and meatus biliarii, ſc. the cyſtick and hepatick and its uſe ſc. to attract choller, cauſe inciſion, ſtimulate, and hinder putrefacti­on:

14. The ſpleen, ſituated in the left hypochondrium, over a­gainſt the liver; but ſomewhat lower under the ſpurious ribbs, with its number, connexion, ſc. in its upper part to the diaphrag­ma, in the lower to the external membrane of the left kidny, in the flat part to the upper part of the omentum, in the convex to the back, alſo its magnitude, figure, ſuperficies exteriour towards