Decennium Luctuoſum. OR, The Remarkables of a long WAR WITH Indian-Salvages.INTRODUCTION.
TWenty Three Years have Rolled away ſince the Nations of Indians within the Confines of New England, generally began a Fierce War, upon the Engliſh Inhabitants of that Country. The Flame of War then Raged thro' a great part of12 the Country, whereby many whole Towns were L•id in Aſhes, and many Lives were Sacrificed. Bu•in li•tle more than one years Time, the United-Colonies of Plymouth, Maſſachuſet, and Conne•ticut, with the•r United Endeavours, bravely C••quered the Salvages. The Evident Hand of Heaven appearing on the Side of a people whoſe Hope and Help was alone in the Almighty Lord of Hosts, Extinguiſhed whole Nations of the Salvages at ſuch a rate, that there can hardly any of them, now be found under any Diſtinction upon the face of the Earth. Onely, the Eare of our Northern and Eaſtern Regions in that War, wa•ve•y different••om that of the reſt. The Deſol••ions of the War had overwhelm•d all the Settlements to the North-Eaſt of Weſts. And when the Time arrived, that all hands were weary of the War, a ſort of a Peace was patched up, which Left a Body of Indians, not only with Horrible Murders Unrevenged, but alſo, in the poſſeſſion of no little part of the Countrey, with circumſtances which the Engliſh might think, not very Honourable. Upon this Peace, the Engliſh returned unto their Plantations; their Number increaſed; they Stock'd their Farms, and Sow'd their Fields; they found the Air as Healthful; as the Earth was Fru•tful; their Lumber and their Fiſhery became a conſiderable Merchandize; continual Acceſſions were made unto them, until Ten or13 a Dozen Towns, in the Province of Main, and the County of Cornwall, were ſuddenly Started up into ſomething of Obſervation.
But in the Year, 1688. the Indians which dwelt after the Indian manner among them, Commenced another War upon theſe Plantations, which hath broke them up, and ſtrangely held us in play for Ten Years together. In theſe Ten Years, there hath been a variety of Remarkable Occurrences; and becauſe I have ſuppoſed that a Relation of thoſe Occurrences may be Acceptable and Profitable to ſome of my Country men, I ſhall now with all Faithfulneſs Endeavour it. With all Faithfulneſs, I ſay; becauſe tho' there ſhould happen any Circumſtantial Mistake in our Story, (for 'tis a rare thing for any Two men, concern'd in the ſame Action, to give the Story of it, without ſome Circumſtantial Difference,) yet even thi•alſo, I ſhall be willing to Retract and Correct, if there be found any juſt occaſion: But for any one Material Error, in the whole Compoſure, I challenge the moſt Sagacious Malica, upon Earth to detect it, while matters are y••ſo freſh, as to allow the Detection of it. I diſdain to make the Apology, once made by the Roman Hiſtorian; Nemo Hiſtoricus non aliquid mentitus, et habiturus ſum mendaciorum Comites, quos Hiſtoriae et eloquentiae miramur Authores. No, I will write with an Irreproachable and Inconteſtable Veracity; and I will write not14 one Thihg, but what I am furniſhed with ſo good Authority for, that any Reaſonable man, who will pleaſe to Examine it, ſhall ſay, I do well to inſert it as I do: And I will hope, that my Reader hath not been Studying of Godefridus de Valle's Book, De Arte nihil Credendi; About, The Art of Believing nothing. Wherefore, having at the very Beginning thus given ſuch a Knock upon thy Head, O malice; that thou canſt never with Reaſon Hiſs at our Hiſtory, we will proceed unto the ſeveral Articles of it.
ARTICLE. I. The Occaſion and Beginning of the WAR.
IF Diodorus Siculus had never given it as a great Rule of Hiſtory, Hiſtoriae primum Studium, primariaqueconſideratio eſſe videtur, inſoliti graviſqueCaſus principio cauſas investigare, Yet my Reader would have expected, that I ſhould Begin the Hiſtory of our War, with an Hiſtory of the Occurrences and Occaſions which did Begin the War. Now, Reader, I am at the very firſt fallen upon a Difficult Point; and I am in danger of pulling a War upon my ſelf, by Endeavouring of thy Satisfaction. In Truth, I had rather be called a Coward, than undertake my ſelf to Determine the Truth in this matter: but having Armed my ſelf with ſome good Authority, for15 it, I will Tranſcribe Two or Three Reports of the matter, now in my Hands, and Leave it unto thy own Determination.
One Account, I have now lying by me, Written by a Gentleman of Dover; in theſe Terms.
The Eaſtern Indians, and eſpecially thoſe of Saco, and Ammonoſcoggin, pretend many Reaſons, for the late Quarrel againſt the Engliſh, which began this long and bloody War.
1. Becauſe the Engliſh refuſed to pay that yearly Tribute of Corn, agreed upon, in the Articles of Peace, formerly concluded with them, by the Engliſh Commiſſioners
2. Becauſe they were Invaded in their Fiſhery, at Saco River, by certain Gentlemen, who ſtop'd the Fiſh, from coming up the River, with their Nets, and Sains. This they were greatly Affronted at; ſaying, They thought (though the Engliſh had got away their Lands as they had, yet) the Fiſhery of the Rivers had been a priviledge Reſerved Entire unto themſelves.
3. Becauſe they were Abuſed by the Engliſh, in Suffering, if not Turning, their Cattel over to a certain Iſland to deſtroy their Corn.
4. But the Fourth, and Main, provocation was, The Granting, or Pattenting of their Lands, to ſome Engliſh; at which they were greatly Enraged; threatning the Surveyor, to knock him on the Head, if he came to lay out any Lands there.
165. To theſe may be added, the Common Abuſes, in Trading; viz. Drunkenneſs, Cheating, &c. which ſuch as Trade much with them, are ſeldom Innocent of.
Doubtleſs, theſe Indian Allegations may be anſwered with many Engliſh Vindications. But I ſhall at preſent Intermeddle no further, than to offer another Account, which alſo I have in my Hands, written by a Gentleman of Caſco.
It runs in ſuch Terms as theſe.
It will be readily Acknowledged, that here was enough done, to render the Indians Inexcuſable, for not coming in, upon the Proclamation, which Sir Edmond Andros, then Governour of New-England, immediately Emitted thereupon, requiring them, to Surrender the Murderers, now among them. A Spaniard, that was a Souldier, would ſay, That if we hav•a Good Cauſe, the ſmell of Gunpowder in the Field is as ſweet as the Incenſe at the Altar. Let the Reader judge after theſe things, what ſcent there was in the Gunpowder ſpent for Nine or Ten years together in our War with the Indian Salvages.
Now, that while we are upon this Head, we20 may at once diſpatch it, I will unto theſe Two Accounts, add certain paſſages of one more; which was publiſhed in September. 1689.
Reader, Having ſo placed theſe Three Accounts as to defend my Teeth, I think, I may ſafely proceed with our Story. But becauſe Tacitus teaches us, to diſtinguiſh between, the meer Occaſions, and the real Cauſes, of a War, it may be ſome will go a little Higher up in their Enquiries: They will Enquire, whether no body Seized a parcel of Wines, that were Landed at a French Plantation to the Eaſt ward? Whether an Order were not obtained from the King of England, at the Inſtance of the French Embaſſador, to Reſtore theſe Wines? Whether upon the Vexation of this Order, we none of us ran a New22 Line for the Bounds of the Province? Whether we did not contrive our New Line, ſo as to take in the Country of Monſieur St. Caſteen? Whether Monſieur St. Caſteen flying from our Encroachments, we did not Seize upon his Arms, and Goods, and bring them away to Pemmaquid? And, Who, were the We, which did theſe things? And whether, the Indians, who were Extremely under the Influence of St. Caſteen, that had Married a Sagamores Daughter among them, did not from this very Moment begin to be obſtreperous? And, whether all the Sober Engliſh in the Country, did not from this very Moment, foretel a War? But for any Anſwer to all theſe Enquiries, I will be my ſelf a Tacitus.
ARTICLE. II. The firſt Acts of Hoſtility, between the Indians, and the Engliſh.
WHen one Capt. Sargeant had Seized ſome of the principal Indians about Saco, by order of Juſtice Blackman, preſently the Indians fell to Seizing as many of the Engliſh, as they could catch. Capt. Rowden, with many more, in one place, and Capt. Gendal, with ſundry more, in another place, particularly fell into the Hands of theſe deſperate Man catchers. Rowden, with many of his Folks, never got out of their23 Cruel Hands: but Gendal with his, got a Releaſe, one can ſcarce tell, How, upon the Return of thoſe which had been detain'd in Boston. Hitherto there was no Spilling of Blood! But ſome Time in September following, this Capt. Gendal, went up, with Souldiers and others, to a place above Caſco, called, North Yarmouth; having Orders to build Stockado's, on both ſides the River, for Defence of the place, in caſe of any Sudden Invaſion. While they were at work, an Engliſh Captive came to 'em, with Information, that Seventy or Eighty of the Enemy were juſt coming upon 'em: and he adviſed 'em, To yeeld quietly, that they might Save their Lives. The Souldiers that went thither from the Southward, being terrifyed at this Report, Ran with an Haſty Terror to get over the River; but with more Haſt, than Good Speed; for they ran directly into the Hands of the Indians. The Indians dragging along theſe their Priſoners with 'em, came up towards the Caſconians; who, having but a very Little Time to Conſult, yet in this Time Reſolved; Firſt, That they would not be Seized by the Salvages; Next, That they would free their Friends out of the Hands of the Salvages, if it were poſſible; Thirdly, That if it were poſſible, they would uſe all other Force upon the Salvages, without coming to down right Fight. Accordingly, They laid hold on their Neighbours, whom the Salvages had Seized, and this with ſo much Dexterity, that24 they cleared them all, Except one or Two; whereof the whole Number was about a Dozen. But in the Scuffle, one Sturdy and Surly Indian, held his prey ſo faſt, that one Benedict Pulcifer, gave the Mastiff a Blow, with the Edge of his Broad Ax upon the Shoulder, upon which they fell to't with a Vengeance, and Fired their Guns, on both ſides, till ſome on both ſides were Slain. Theſe were, as one may call them, The Scower-pit, of a long War to follow. At laſt, the Engliſh, Victoriouſly chaſed away the Salvage•and Returned ſafely unto the other ſide of the River. And Thus was the Vein of New England firſt opened, that afterwards Bled for Ten years together! The Skirmiſh being over, Capt. Gendal, in the Evening, paſſed over the River, in a Canoo, with none but a Servant; but Landing where the Enemy lay hid in the Buſhes, they were both Slain immediately. And the ſame Evening, one Ryal, with another man, fell unawares into the Hands of the Enemy; Ryal was afterwards Ranſomed, by Monſieur St. Caſteen, but the other man, was barbarouſly Butchered. Soon after this, the Enemy went Eaſtward, unto a place call'd, Merry-Meeting, (from the Concourſe of diverſe Rivers there,) where ſeveral Engliſh had a Sad Meeting with them; for they were killed, ſeveral of them even in Cold Blood, after the Indians had Seized upon their Houſes & their Perſons. And about this Time, the Town25 call'd Sheepſcote, was entred by theſe Rapacious Wolves; who burnt all the Houſes of the Town, ſave Two or Three. The People ſaved themſelves by getting into the Fort, all but one Man, who going out of the Fort, for to Treat with 'em, was Treacherouſly Aſſaſſinated. Thus the place, which was counted, The Garden of the East, was infeſted by Serpents; and a Sword Expell'd the poor Inhabitants. Little more Spoil was done by the Salvages before Winter, Except only, that at a place called Kennebunk, near Winter harbour, they cut off Two Families, to wit, Barrows, and Buſſies; but Winter coming on, the Serpents retired into their Holes. When Summer comes, Reader, look for Tornadoes enough to over-ſet a greater Veſſel, than little New-England.
ARTICLE. III. The Firſt Expedition of the Engliſh, againſt the Indians.
WHen the Keeper of the Wild Beaſts, at Florence, ha's entertain'd the Spectators, with their Encounters on the Stage, he ha's this Device to make 'em Retire into the ſeveral Dens of their Seraglio. He ha's a fearful Machin of Wood, made like a Gre•t Green Dragon, which a man within it roules upon Wheels, and holding out a Couple of Lighted Torches at the Eyes of26 it, frights the fierceſt Beaſt of them all, into the Cell that belongs unto him. Sir Edmond Andros, the Governour of New-England, that he might Expreſs his Reſolutions, to force the Wild Beaſts of the Eaſt into order, in the Winter now comeing on, turned upon them as Effectual a Machin, as the Green Dragon of Florence; that is to ſay, An Army of near a Thouſand men. With this Army, he marched himſelf in Perſon, into the Caucaſaean Regions, where he built a Fort at Pemmaquid, and another Fort at Pechypſcot Falls, beſides the Fort at Sheepſcote. He, and his Army, underwent no little Hard ſhip, thus in the Depth of Winter to Expoſe themſelves unto the Circumſtances of a Campaign, in all the Bleak Winds and Thick Snows of that Northern Country. But it was Hop'd, That Good Forts, being thus Garriſon'd with Stout Hearts, in ſeveral Convenient places,•he Indians might be kept from their uſual Retreats, both for Planting, and for Fiſhing, and lye open alſo to perpetual Incurſions from the Engliſh, in the fitteſt ſeaſons thereof: And it was Thought by the moſt ſenſible, this method would in a little while compel the Enemy to Submit unto any Terms: albeit others conſidering the Vaſt Woods of the Wilderneſs, and the French on the back of theſe Woods, fancied, that this was but a project to Hedge in the Cuckow. However, partly the Army, and partly the Winter, frighted the Salvages, into their Inacceſſible27 Dens: & yet not one of the Indians was killed; but Sickneſs, & Service, kill'd it may be more of our Engliſh, than there were Indians then in Hoſtility againſt them. The News of matters approaching towards a REVOLUTION in England, cauſed the Governour to Return unto Boſton in the Spring; & upon his Return, there fell out ſeveral odd Events, with Rumours, whereof I have now nothing to ſay, but, That I love my Eyes too well, to mention them. Some of the Souldiers, took Advantage, from the Abſence of the Governour, to deſert their Stations in the Army; and tho' this Action, was by Good men generally condemned, as an Evil Action, yet their Friends began to gather together here and there in Little Bodies, to protect them from the Governour, concerning whom, abundance of odd Stories then buzz'd about the Country made 'em to imagine, that he had carried 'em out, only to Sacrifice 'em. Some of the principal Gentlemen in Boſton, conſulting what was to be done, in this Extraordinary Juncture, They Agreed, that altho' New-England had as much to Juſtify a Revolution as old, yet they would, if it were poſſible, extinguiſh all Eſſayes in the people, towards an Inſurrection; in daily hopes of Orders from England for our Safety: but that if the Country people, by any unreſtrainable Violences puſhed the buſineſs on ſo far, as to make a Revolution unavoidable, Then, to prevent the28 Shedding of Blood by an ungoverned Mobile, ſome of the Gentlemen preſent, ſhould appear at the Head of it, with a Declaration accordingly prepared. He that Reads the Narrative of Grievances under the Male Adminiſtrations of the Government then Tyrannizing. Written and Signed by the Chief Gentlemen of the Governours Council, will not wonder at it, that a Revolution was now rendred indeed unavoidable. It was a Government whereof Ned Randolph, a Bird of their own Feather, confeſs'd, as we find in one of his publiſhed Letters, That they were as Arbitrary as the Great Turk. And for ſuch a Government, a better Similitude cannot perhaps be thought on, than that of Monſr Souligne; 'Tis like the Condition of perſons poſſeſſed with Evil Spirits, which will go an Hundred Leagues in leſs time than others can Ten; but at the Journies End find themſelves to be ſo Bruiſed that they never can Recover it. The Revolution, (and, ye Tories, a Juſt one) was accordingly Made, on the Eighteenth of April; which Their Majeſties, then happily Seated on the Britiſh Throne, kindly Accepted and Approved. The Governour and Magiſtrates of the Maſſachuſetts Colony, which were in power Three years and Half before, [a period often obſerved!] did ſome Time after this Reſume their places, and apply themſelves to ſuch Acts of Government, as Emergencies made neceſſary for them, Fortifyed with a Letter from the King,29 to Authorize and Empower them in their Adminiſtrations. Thus they waited for further Directions from the Authority of England, and ſuch a Settlement, as would most Conduce (which were the words of the Kings Letter, bearing Date, Aug. 12 1689.) to the Security and Satisfaction of the Subjects in that Colony.
ARTICLE. IV. A Flame Spreading, upon the best Endeavours to Quench it.
IT was hop'd, the War would now come to an Immediate End; but the Great God, who Creates that Evil, had further Intentions to Chaſtiſe a Sinful People, by thoſe who are not a People. The Government ſent Capt. Greenleaf, to treat with the Indians at Penacook, who anſwered him with fair pretences and Promiſes of Amity. They procured an Interview, with ſome of the more Eaſtern Sagamores, who not only promiſed Friendſhip themſelves, but alſo undertook to make our Enemies become our Friends. They ſent unto the Souldiers, yet remaining at Pemmaquid, for to keep their Poſt, Engaging to them that they ſhould not want their Pay. But all this care, was defeated by Methods of Miſchiefs, too deep for our preſent penetration. The Salvages, began to Renew their Hoſtilities, at Saco Falls, in30 the Beginning of April, on a Lords day morning, ſome while before the Revolution. The Penacook Indians, were all this while peaceably Converſant at Quochecho; and ſo long as that Converſation continued, the Inhabitants were very Secure, of any Danger, not only from thoſe Cut-throats, but alſo from their Brethren. Happy had it been for thoſe Honeſt People, if their Fear, had made ſo much Haſt, as my Pen ha's done, to call 'em Cut throats! For, the Penacookian joining with the Saconian Indians, hovered about Quochecho, where one Meſandowit, a Sagamore, being that Night kindly Entertained by Major Richard Waldein, horribly betray'd his kind Hoſt, with the Neighbours into the hands of Murderers. Above an Hundred, ſome ſay Five Hundred of the Indians, about break of Day, having Surprized the Secure and Silent Engliſh, they particularly ruſhed into the Garriſon of the Generous Major, which was by Sinon Meſandowit (for, beſtowing a Heathen Name upon him, we'l now call him ſo,) opened for them, and having firſt barbarouſly Murdered the Old Gentleman, who was Aequivalent unto Two and Twenty, they then Murdered Two and Twenty more, and Captived Nine and Twenty of the People; burn't four or five of the beſt Houſes, took much Plunder, and ſo drew off: but kill'd Mr. John Broughton in their drawing off: while Mr. John Emmerſon, a worthy Preacher at Barwick, by declining to lodge at the Hoſpitable31 Majors, that Night, when ſtrongly Invited, received a remarkable Deliverance. Hereupon, Forces were diſpatch'd for the Relief of what Remained in Quochecho; Capt. Noyes alſo with more Forces, viſited Penacook, where though the Men eſcaped him, he deſtroy'd the Corn of our New Enemies: but the Skulking Enemies, at the ſame Time Slew ſeveral Perſons at an out-farm, on the North-ſide of Merrimack River. A party of men, were ſoon after ſent out of Piſcataqua, under the Command of Capt. Wincal, who went up to Winnopiſſeag ponds, (upon Advice of one John Church, who ran from them, that the Indians were there:) where they kill'd One or Two of the Monsters they Hunted for, and cut down their Corn. Four young men of Saco, deſirous to joyn with them, went into the woods to Seek their Horſes, and Found their Deaths, by an Ambuſh of Indians. Twenty Four Armed men, going forth from Saco Falls, to bury the Slain, had a brisk Encounter with the Indians, whom they purſued into a Vaſt Swamp, until a Greater Number of Indians pouring in upon them, obliged 'em with the loſs of about Five or Six more, to Retire from any further Action. But before the Dog dayes were out, there was more Bleeding ſtill, that prov'd fatal to us. On Aug. 2. One Starky, going early in the Morning, from the Fort at Pemmaquid, unto New Harbour, fell into the Hands of the Indians, who to obtain32 his own Liberty, informed Them, That the Fort had at that Inſtant, but Few men in it: and that one Mr. Giles, with Fourteen men, was gone up to his Farm, and the reſt Scattered abroad, about their Occaſions The Indians hereupon divided their Army; Part going up to the Falls, kill'd Mr. Giles, and others; Part, upon the Advantage of the Tide, Snapt the reſt, before they could Recover the Fort. From a Rock near the Fort, which inconveniently over look'd it, the Aſſailants now over look'd it, as over Lincoln, and grievouſly galled the Defendents. Capt. Weems, had but few with him, that were able to Fight; and his own Face, was in the Fight by an Accident, horribly Scorched with Gun Powder. Wherefore, the day following, they Surrendred the Fort, upon Capitulations for Life and Liberty; which yet the Indians broke, by Butchering and Captiving many of them. Capt. Skynner & Capt. Farnham, repairing to the Fort, from an Iſland about half a Mile diſtant from it, were both Slain, as they Landed on the Rocks; and Mr. Patiſhal, as he lay with his Sloop in the Barbican, was alſo taken and Slain. This, together with more Spoil done by the Indians on the Engliſh, at Sheepſcote, and Kennebeck, and other places Eaſt-ward, cauſed the Inhabitants to draw off unto Falmouth as faſt as they could: and, Well if they could have made Good their Standing there!
THE Foregoing Article of our Tragaedies, hath Related the Taking of Quochecho! The Condition of Two perſons, under and after the Fate of Quochecho, may have in it, an Entertainment Aceeptable for ſome ſort of Readers. It ſhall be in this place Reported, from the Communications of Mr. John Pike, the worthy Miniſter of Dover; to whom I have been beholden, for Communicating to me, many other paſſages alſo, which occur in this our Hiſtory.
I. Mrs. Elizabeth Heard, a Widow of a Good Eſtate, a Mother of many Children, and a Daughter of Mr. Hull, a Reverend Miniſter formerly Living at Piſcataqua, now Lived at Quochecho. Happening to be at Portſmouth, on the Day before Quochecho was cut off, She Returned thither in the Night, with one Daughter, and Three Sons all maſters of Families. When they came near Quochecho, they were aſtoniſhed, with a prodigious Noiſe of Indians, Howling, Shooting, Shouting, and Roaring, according to their manner in making an Aſſault. Their Diſtreſs for their Families carried them ſtill further up the River, till they Secretly and Silently paſſed by ſome Numbers of the Raging Salvages. They Landed about an Hundred Rods from Major34 Walderns Garriſon; and running up the Hill, they ſaw many Lights in the Windows of the Garriſon, which they concluded, the Engliſh within had ſet up, for the Direction of thoſe who might ſeek a Refuge there. Coming to the Gate, they deſired entrance; which not being readily granted, they called Earneſtly and bounced, and knocked, and cryed out of their unkindneſs within, that they would not open to them in this Extremity. No Anſwer being yet made, they began to doubt, whether all was well; and one of the young men then climbing up the Wall, ſaw a horrible Tawny in the Entry, with a Gun in his Hand. A grievous Conſternation Siez'd now upon them; and Mrs. Heard, ſitting down without the Gate, through Diſpair and Faintneſs, unable to Stir any further, charg'd her Children to Shift for themſelves, for She muſt unavoidably There End her Dayes. They finding it impoſſible to carry her with them, with heavy hearts forſook her; but then coming better to her ſelf, ſhe fled and hid among the Barberry-Buſhes in the Garden: and then haſtning from thence, becauſe the Day-Light advanced, She ſheltned her ſelf (though ſeen by Two of the Indians,) in a Thicket of other Buſhes, about Thirty Rods from the Houſe. Here ſhe had not been long, before an Indian came towards her, with a Piſtol in his Hand: The Fellow came up to her, and Stared35 her in the Face, but ſaid nothing to her, nor ſhe to him. He went a little way back, and came again, and Stared upon her as before, but ſaid nothing; whereupon ſhe asked him, What he would have? He ſtill ſaid nothing, but went away to the Houſe, Co hooping, and Returned unto her no more. Being thus unaccountably preſerved, She made ſeveral Eſſays to paſs the River; but ſound her ſelf unable to do it; and finding all places on that ſide the River, fill'd with Blood and Fire, and hideous Out cryes, thereupon ſhe Returned to her old Buſh, and there poured out her ardent Prayers to God, for help in this Diſtreſs. She continued in the Buſh, until the Garriſon was Burnt, and the Enemy was gone; and then ſhe Stole along by the River ſide, until ſhe came to a Boom, where ſhe paſſed over. Many ſad Effects of Cruelty, ſhe Saw left by the Indians, in her way; until arriving at Captain Gerriſhes Garriſon, ſhe there found a Refuge from the Storm; and here ſhe ſoon had the Satisfaction, to underſtand, that her own Garriſon, though one of the firſt that was aſſaulted, had been bravely Defended and mentained, againſt the Adverſary. This Gentlewomans Garriſon, was the moſt Etxreme Frontier of the Province, and more Obnoxious than any other, and more uncapable of Relief; nevertheleſs, by her preſence and courage, it held out all the War, even for Ten Years together;36 and the Perſons in it, have Enjoy'd very Eminent preſervations. The Garriſon had been deſerted, if She had accepted Offers that were made her b•her Friends, or Living in more ſafety at Portſmouth; which would have been a Damage to the Town and Land: but by her Encouragement this Poſt was thus kept; and She is yet Living in much Eſteem among her Neighbours.
II. Mrs. Sarah Geriſh, Daughter to Captain John Geriſh of Quochecho, a very Beautiful and Ingenious Damſel about Seven years of Age, lodg'd at the Garriſon of her affectionate Grand-father, Major Waldern, when the Indians brought an horrible Deſtruction upon it. She was alwayes very Fearful of the Indians; but what Fear may we think now Surpriſed her, when they fiercely bid her go into ſuch a Chamber, and call the People out? Finding only a little Child in the Chamber, ſhe got into the Bed unto the Child, and hid her ſelf in the Cloathes, as well as ſhe could. The Fell Salvages quickly pull'd her out, and made her Dreſs for a March, but led her away with no more than one Stockin upon her, a terrible March, through the Thick Woods, and a thouſand other Miſeries, till they came to the Norway Plains. From thence they made her go to the end of Winnopiſſeag Lake, and from thence to the Eaſtward, through horrid Swamps, where ſometimes they muſt Scramble over huge Trees37 fallen by Storm or Age, for a vaſt way together, and ſome times they muſt Climb up long, ſteep, tireſome, and almoſt Inacceſſible Mountains. Her Firſt Maſter was one Sebundowit, a Dull ſort of a Fellow, and not ſuch a Devil as many of 'em were; but he Sold her, to a Fellow that was a more harſh, and mad, ſort of a Dragon; and he carried her away to Canada.
A long and a ſad Journey ſhe had of it, thro' the midſt of an hideous Deſart, in the midſt of a dreadful Winter: And who can enumerate the Frights, that ſhe endured, before the End of her Journey? Once her Maſter commanded her to looſen ſome of her upper-Garments, and ſtand againſt a Tree, while he charged his Gun; whereat the poor Child Shrieked out, He's going to kill me! God knows what he was going to do; but the Villian having charged his Gun, he call'd her from the Tree, and forbore doing her any Damage. Another Time, her Maſter ordered her to run along the Shore with ſome Indian Girls, while he paddled up the River in his Canoo. As they were upon a praecipice, a Tawny Wench violently puſh'd her Head long into the River: But it ſo fell out, that in that very place, the Buſhes hung over the Water; ſo that getting Hold of them, ſhe Recovered her ſelf. The Indians ask'd her. How ſhe became ſo wet? but ſhe durſt not ſay, How; through Dread of the young Indians, who were alwayes38 very Abuſive to her, when they had her alone. Moreover, once being ſpent with Travelling all Day, and lying down Spent and Wet at Night, She fell into into ſo profound a Sleep, that in the Morning ſhe waked not. The Barbarous Indians left her Aſleep, and covered with Snow; but at length waking, what Agonies may you imagine ſhe was in, to find her ſelf left a prey for Bears and Wolves, and without any Suſtenance, in an howling Wilderneſs many Scores of Leagues, from any Plantation? She Ran crying after them; and Providence having ordered a Snow to fall, by means thereof, ſhe Track'd them until ſhe overtook them. Now the young Indians began to Terrify her, with daily Intimations, That ſhe was quickly to be Roaſted unto Death; and one Evening, much Fuel was prepared, between Two Logs, which they told her, was for her. A mighty Fire being made, her Maſter call'd her to him, and told her, that ſhe ſhould preſently be Burnt alive. At firſt, ſhe ſtood Amazed; afterwards ſhe burſt into Tears; and then ſhe hung about the Tygre, and begg'd of him, with an inexpreſſible Anguiſh, that he would Save her from the Fire. Hereupon the Monſter ſo Relented, as to tell her, That if ſhe would be a Good Girl, ſhe ſhould not be Burnt.
At laſt, they arrived at Canada, and ſhe was carried unto the Lord Intendants Houſe, where many Perſons of Quality took much notice of her. 39It was a Week after this, that ſhe remained in the Indian Hands, before the price of her Ranſome could be agreed on. But then the Lady Intendant ſent her to the Nunnery, where ſhe was comfortably provided for; and it was the Deſign, as was ſaid, for to have brought her up, in the Romiſh Religion, and then have Married her unto the Son of the Lord Intendant. She was kindly uſed there, until Sir William Phipps lying before Quebeck, did upon Exchange of Priſoners, obtain her Liberty. After Sixteen Months Captivity, ſhe was Reſtored unto her Friends; who had the Conſolation of having this their Deſireable Daughter again with them, Returned from the Dead; But coming to be Sixteen years old, in the Month of July 1697. Death, by a malignant Feavour, more Irrecoverably took her from them.
ARTICLE. V. New Forces Rais'd, and New Actions done.
ON Aug. 28. 1689. Major Swayn with Seven or Eight Companies raiſed by the Maſſachuſett Colony, marched Eaſtward; and ſoon after, Major Church with a party of Engliſh, and Christian-Indians, raiſed in Plymouth Colony, follow'd them. While theſe were on their March, the Indians, that lay Skulking after the Indian-faſhion in the Thick Woods, took notice how40 many men, belong'd unto Lieut. Huckins's Garriſon: and ſeeing 'em all go out unto their daily work, nimbly ran ſo between them and the Garriſon, as to kill 'em all (about Eighteen) but one, who being accidentally gone over the River, eſcaped them. They then Attacqued the Garriſon, in which there now were only Two Boyes, (and one of them Lame) with ſome Women and Children; but theſe Two Boyes, very Manfully held 'em in play a Conſiderable while, and wounded ſeveral of them, and kept 'em off, till the Aſſailants had found a way to ſet the Houſe on a Light Fire over their Heads. They then urging 'em to Surrender, for the ſake of the Goods, the Boyes, [Brave Boyes, truly!] would not, until they had Solemnly promiſed 'em their Lives: but the perfidious Wretches broke their promiſe, for they preſently kill'd Three or Four of the Children: however one of theſe Minutius's, the Day after, very happily got out of thei•Clutches. It was by a particular Accident, that theſe Indians, were delivered from falling into the Hands of Capt. Garner, who purſued 'em Vigorouſly. But while the Forces now gone into the Eaſt, were Settling of Garriſons in convenient places, a huge Body of Indians, fell upon Caſco, where one of their firſt Exploits, was their killing of Capt. Bracket. Nevertheleſs, Capt. Hall, (a valiant Souldier in the Former War, and a valiant Commander in This)41 with his Vigorous Lieutenant Dawes, juſt then arriving with his Company, the Engliſh hotly Engaged them for ſeveral Hours; and after a deal of true Engliſh Valour diſcovered in this Engagement, and the loſs of Ten or a Dozen men, the Indians Ran for it, with What loſs on their part, we do not know: that with Some we Do. Preſently after this, Major Swayn, paſsing through Extreme Difficulties to get at it, gave ſome Relief to a Garriſon at Blue point, which was beſet by the Indians; who ſtill Fled into their Inacceſſible Swamps, when our Bullets began to be Hail'd upon them. It was judg'd, That here one or Two Opportunities, of bringing the War unto an End, were ſtrangely miſt, and loſt: but where the miſmanagement lay, I cannot Remember: nor what were the Faux Pas of the Actors. Our Honeſt Major will clear himſelf, who Returning then to his Head Quarters at Berwick, ſent abroad Scouts, to Learn, if it were poſſible, where they might have the beſt Game, at the Chaſſe a La Bete noire, then to be followed. Capt. Wiſwel having with him, a party of Indian Auxiliaries, they were ſent out, under the Conduct of Lieu. Flag: but coming to Winnopiſſeag, theſe Indians, had a Conſult in their own Language, and Sending back their Lieutenant, with Two Indians, Nineteen of them Stai'd in that Countrey Eleven Dayes, not having any Engliſh with them: at which the Major was juſtly, and42 greatly offended. It was then Suſpected, and afterwards (by Eſcap'd Captives) Aſſerted, that theſe Wretches, found the Enemy, and Lodg'd with 'em Two Nights, and told 'em what they knew of the Engliſh Numbers and Motions. The Enemy then Retired into the howling Deſarts, where there was no Coming at them: & no Endeavours being able to reach them, the Army, in the Month of November following was Diſmiſſed: only ſome Souldiers were left in Garriſon at Wells, at York, at Barwick, and at Quechecho, for the Aſſiſtence of the poor Inhabitants, againſt any more Invaſions. There ha's been little Doubt, That our Northern Indians are Originally Scythians, and it is become leſs a Doubt, ſince it appears from later Diſcoveries, That the pretended Straits of Anian are a Sham; for Aſia and America, it ſeems, are there Contiguous. Now of theſe our Scythians in America, we have ſtill found, what Julius Caeſar does report concerning Them of Aſia;Difficilius Invenire quam Interficere:
It is harder to Find them, than to Foil them.
A Digreſſion, Relating ſome Wonderful Judgments of God.
BEfore we paſs to another year, Stand ſtill, Reader, and Behold ſome Wonderful Events, proper here to be Introduced. The Relation thereof ſhall be given, as I have Received it.
Portſmouth Feb. 27. 1698, 9.
43MOnſieur Vincelotte of Quebeck, arrived here, the 25th. of the laſt Month, and ſince Embarked for France, by way of Bilboa, as Agent to Repreſent the Affairs of Canada.
He ſayes, That about Nine or Ten years ſince, the Earl of Frontenac, Governour of that place (who dyed laſt November,) did perſonally Attempt to Subdue, the Maquas, &c. having no leſs than Fifteen Hundred Souldiers in his Army.
After a few Dayes March, they (being much Wearied and very Thirſty) came unto a certain ſmall Well, of which they drank very plentifully. But in a few Hours after, ſundry complained of much Illneſs, and according to their various Conſtitutions fell Sick (as it ſeem'd) of different Distempers; which occaſioned ſo great Diſorder and Confuſion in the Army, that no leſs than Four well men, for a while, were Engaged in taking care of every one that was Sick. About Three Dayes after, the Maqua Scout, narrowly obſerving the Motions of the French, rallyed together, as many as poſſible, to give a Check unto their Undertaking; which they ſoon accompliſhed, with very conſiderable Advantage. But the French appearing ſo Numerous, forced them to Retreat, and in purſuit of them, took and ranſackt a Small Town.
The Sickneſs by this Time increaſed unto ſo great an Height, as to occaſion a Council of War, which ordered their ſpeedy Return; and in a44 ſhort Time, no Leſs than Eight Hundred perſons Dyed out of the Army.
Now about Three Years ago, a certain Souldier, who belong'd at that Time to the Army, went into France. In a ſhort Time after his Arrival, he Robb'd one of the Churches, of a conſiderable value of Plate; but being ſoon diſcovered, he was Sentenced to be Burnt: He then ſent unto ſundry Father-Confeſſors, unto whom he acknowledged his many Sins; particularly, that Fact for which he was Condemned. But he therewithal ſaid, That he had ſomething elſe of more conſiderable moment to Impart, which did much afflict his Conſcience; Namely, an Action of his, about Seven Years before committed, when Liſted under the Conduct of the Earl of Frontenac, in an Enterprize againſt the Sennakers and Maquas '; For, ſaid he) I was the only perſon at that Time Inſtrumental to the Death of near Eight Hundred Souls. Having Received ſome Affront, from ſome of the Officers, I was prompted to ſeek ſome ſpeedy Revenge, which my own corrupt Nature with the Instigation of Satan, did inſtantly accompliſh; for being plentifully ſtored with ſome Rank poiſon upon another account, I threw it all into a Well, of which the Thirſty Army drank freely, and in the Event it proved ſo fatal unto them.
For the further Confirmation of this Report Monſieur Vincelotte at the ſame Time told me,45 That he was himſelf Wounded in the Engagment, and ſhould continue Lame to his Dying Day.
ARTICLE. VI. New Aſſaults from the Indians, with ſome Remarkables of Captives taken in thoſe Aſſaults.
THE Sun, and the War, be again Returning! The year 1690. muſt begin, very Inauſpiciouſly. In February, the French, with Indians, made a Deſcent from Canada, upon a Dutch Town called Schenectada, Twenty Miles above Albany under the Government of New York; and in that Surprizing Incurſion, they killed about Sixty Perſons, whereof one was their Miniſter, and carried about Half as many into Captivity; but the People there, aſſiſted by the Maqua's, purſued them, and Recovered ſome of their Captives from them. Upon the Advice of this Miſchief in the Weſt, order was diſpatch'd unto Major Froſt, in the East, that the Towns there ſhould ſtand upon their Guard. The Major did his Duty; but they did not Theirs: They Dream't that while the Deep Snow of the Winter continued, they were Safe enough; but this prov'd as Vain as a Dream of a Dry Summer. 46On March 18th. the French, with Indians, being Half one, Half t'other, Half Indianized French, and Half Frenchified Indians, commanded by Monſieur Artel, and Hope-hood, fell Suddenly upon Salmon Falls, deſtroying the beſt part of the Town, with Fire and Sword. Near Thirty Perſons were Slain, and more than Fifty were led into what the Reader will by'nd by call, The worſt Captivity in the World. It would be a Long Story to tell, what a particular Share in this Calamity, fell to the Family of One Clement Short; This Honeſt Man, with his Pious Wife, and Three Children, were kill'd; and Six or Seven of their Children, were made Priſoners: the moſt of which arrived Safe to Canada, through a thouſand Hardſhips; and the moſt of theſe were with more than a Thouſand Mercies afterwards Redeemed from Canada, unto their Engliſh Friends again. But my Readers, will be ſo Reaſonable, as to Excuſe me, if I do not mention the Fate of every Family, that hath Suffered a Share in the Calamity of this grievous War; for 'tis impoſſible that I ſhould Know All that hath happened; and it would be improper for me to Write All that I know: And very little is the Advantage of having a Name Standing upon Record, only among unhappy Sufferers. About Seven Score Engliſh went out after 'em, and came up with 'em: nevertheleſs, through the Diſadvantages of their Feet by the Snow, they47 could make no Hand on it. Four or Five of ours were kill'd, and as many of the Enemy; but the Night put an End unto the Action. Ours took one Priſoner, a French man, who Confeſſed, that they came from Canada, where both French and Indians, were in Pay, at Ten Livers Per Month, and he particularly Declared the State of Canada. This Priſoner met with ſuch kind uſage from us, that he became a Freeman of Chriſt, and Embraced and Profeſſed the Protestant Religion. But of the Priſoners, which the Enemy took from us, there were Two which immediately met with a very Different Fate. Three Indians hotly purſued one Thomas Toogood, and One of them overtaking him, while the reſt perceiving it, ſtaid behind the Hill, he yielded himſelf a Priſoner. While the Salvage was getting Strings to bind him, he held his Gun under his Arm; which Toogood Obſerving, Suddenly pluck't it from his Friend Stark Naught, Threatening and Proteſting, that he would Shoot him down, if he made any Noiſe; and ſo, A•ay he ran with it, unto Quochecho. If my Reader be inclined now to Smile, when he thinks, how Simply poor Isgrim look'd, returning to his Mates behind the Hill, without either Gun, or Prey, or any thing but Strings, to Remember him of his own Deſerts; the Smiles will all be preſently turn'd into Tears. The Indians had now made a Priſoner of one Robert Rogers, and being48 on their Journey, they came to an Hill, where this man, being through his Corpulency, (for which•he was uſually Nicknamed, Robin Pork) and an Inſupportable and Intolerable Burden laid upon his Back, not ſo able to Travel as the reſt, he Abſconded. The Wretches miſſing him, immediately went in purſuit of him; and it was not long before they found his Burden caſt in the way, and the Track of his going out of the way, which they follow'd, until they found him hidden in an Hollow Tree. They Took him out, they Stript him, they beat him, and prickt him, and puſh'd him forward with their Swords, until they were got back to the Hill; and it being almoſt Night, they faſtned him to a Tree, with his Hands behind him, and made themſelves a Supper, Singing, Dancing, Roaring, and Urtering many Signs of Joy, but with Joy little enough to the poor Creature, who foreſaw, what all this Tended unto. They then cut a parcel of Wood, and bringing it into a plain place, they cut off the Top of a ſmall Red Oak Tree, Leaving the Trunk for a Stake, whereto they bound their Sacrifice. They firſt made a Great Fire near this Tree of Death, and bringing him unto it, they bid him take his Leave of his Friends; which he did in a doleful manner; no Pen, though made of an Harpies Quill, were able to deſcribe the Dolour of it! They then allow'd him a little Time, to make his Prayers, unto Heaven;49 which he did with an Extreme Fervency and Agony: Where-upon they bound him to the Stake, and brought the reſt of the Priſoners, with their Arms tyed each to other, ſo ſetting them round the Fire. This being done, they went behind the Fire, and thruſt it forwards upon the man, with much Laughter and Shouting; and when the Fire had burnt ſome while upon him, even till he was near Stiffled, they pull'd it again from him. They Danced about him, and at every Turn, they did with their knives, cut collops of his Fleſh, from his Naked Limbs, & throw them with his Blood into his Face. When he was Dead, they ſet his Body down upon the Glowing Coals, and left him Tyed with his Back to the Stake; where the Engliſh Army ſoon after found him. He was left for Us, to put out the Fire with our Tears!
Reader, Who ſhould be the Father of theſe Myrmidons?
ARTICLE. VII. The Condition of the Captives, that from time to time fell into the Hands of the Indians: with ſome very Remarkable Accidents.
WE have had Some Occaſion, and ſhall have More, to mention Captives, falling into the Hands of the Indians. We will here, without50 any thing worthy to be call'd A Digreſſion, a little Stand Still, and with mournful Hearts, look upon the Condition of the Captives in thoſe cruel Hands. Their Condition truly might be Expreſs'd in the Terms of the ancient Lamentations, (thus by ſome Tranſlated,) Lam 4 3. The Daughter of my People, is in the Hands of the Cruel, that are like the Oſtrich in the Wilderneſs. Truly, the Dark places of New England, where the Indians had their Unapproacheable Kennels, were Habitations of Cruelty: and no words can Sufficiently deſcribe the Cruelty undergone by our Captives in thoſe Habitations. The Cold, and Heat, and Hunger, & Wearineſs, and Mockings, and Scourgings, and Inſolencies, Endured by the Captives, would enough deſerve the Name of Cruelty; but there was this alſo added unto the reſt, that they muſt ever now and then have their Friends made a Sacrifice of Devils before their Eyes, but be afraid of dropping a Tear from thoſe Eyes, leſt it ſhould, upon that provocation, be next their own Turn, to be ſo Barbarouſly Sacrificed. Indeed ſome few of the Captives, did very happily Eſcape from their Barbarous Oppreſſors, by a Flight wiſely managed: and many more of them, were Bought by the French, who treated them with a Civility ever to be acknowledged, until care was taken to fetch 'em home. Nevertheleſs, many Scores of them Dyed among the Indians; and what uſage they had, may be gathered from the following51 Relations, which I have obtained from Credible Witneſſes.
JAmes Key, Son to John Key of Quochecho, was a Child of about Five years of Age, taken Captive, by the Indians at Salmon Falls; and that Helliſh Fellow, Hope-Hood, once a Servant of a Chriſtian Master in Boston, was become the Maſter of this Little Chriſtian. This Child, Lamenting with Tears the want of his Parents, his•aſter Threatened him with Death, if he did no Refrain his Tears; but theſe Threatenings could not Extinguiſh the Natural Affections of a Child. Wherefore, upon his Next Lamentations, this Monſter Stript him Stark Naked, and laſh'd both his Hands round a Tree, and Scourg'd him, ſo that from the Crown of his Head unto the Sole of his Foot, he was all over Bloody and Swollen: and when he was Tired with laying on his Blows, on the Forlorn Infant, he would lay him on the Ground, with Taunts remembring him of his Parents. In this miſery, the poor Creature lay horribly Roaring for diverſe Dayes together, while his Maſter, gratifyed with the Muſick, lay contriving of New Torments, wherewith to Martyr him. It was not long, before the Child had a Sore Eye, which his Maſter ſaid, proceeded from his Weeping on the Forbidden Accounts: Whereupon, laying Hold on the Head of the Child52 with his Left Hand with the Thumb of his Right, he forced the ball of his Eye quite out; therewithal telling him; That when he heard him Cry ag•••he would Serve t•othe•ſo too, and leave him〈◊〉an Eye to•eep witha••About Nine or Ten Day•after, his Wretch had Occaſion to Remove, with his Family, about Thirty Miles further: and when they had gone about Six Miles of the Thi•ty, the Child being Tir'd and Faint, ſat him down to reſt, at which, this Horrid Fellow, being provoked, he Buried the Blade of his Hatchet, in the Brains of the Child, and then chopt the Breathleſs Body to pieces before the reſt of the Company, & threw it into the River. But for the ſ•ke of theſe and other ſuch Truculent Things done by Hope Hood, I am Reſolved, that in the courſe of our Story, I will watch to ſee what becomes of that hideous Loup garou, if he come to his End, as I am apt to think he will, before the Story.
MEhetabel Goodwin, being a Captive among the Indians, had with her a Child about Months old; which thro' Hunger & Hardſhip, ſhe being unable to nouriſh, it often made moſt grievous Ejulations. Her Indian Maſter told her, that if the Child were not quiet, he would ſoon diſpoſe of it; which cauſed her to uſe all poſſible means, that his Netop-ſhip might53 not be offended; and ſometimes carry it from the Fire, out of his Hearing, where ſhe ſat up to the waſt, in Snow and Froſt, for ſeveral Hours, until it was Lull'd aſleep. She thus for ſeveral dayes preſerved the Life of her Babe, until he ſaw cauſe to Travel with his own Cabs farther afield; and then leſt he ſhould be Retarded in his Travel. He violently Snatcht the Babe out of it's Mothers Arms, and before her Face knock out its Brains, and ſtript it of the Few Rag it had hitherto Enjoy'd, and ordered her the Task, to go waſh the B•oody Cloaths. Returning from this Melancholy Task, She found the Infant hanging by the Neck, in a Forked Bough of a Tree. She deſired leave to lay it in the Earth; but he ſaid, It was better as it was, for now the Wild Beaſts would not come at it, [I am ſure, they had been at it!] and ſhe might have the Comfort of ſeeing it again, if ever they came that way. The Journey now before them, was like to be very long, even as far as Canada, where his purpoſe was to make Merchandiſe of his Captive, and glad was the Captive of ſuch happy Tidings. But the Deſperate length of the way, and want of Food, and grief of Mind, wherewith ſhe now encountred, cauſed her within a few Dayes to faint under her Difficulties. When at length, ſhe far down for ſome Repoſe, with many Prayers, and Tears unto God, for the Salvation of her Soul, ſhe found her ſelf unable to Riſe, until ſhe eſpied her Furious Executioner54 coming towards her, with Fire in his Eyes, the Devil in his Heart, and his Hatchet in his Hand, ready to beſtow a Mercy-Stroke of Death upon her. But then, this miſerable Creature, got on her Knees, and with Weeping and Wailing & all Expreſſions of Agony and Entreaty, prevailed on him, to ſpare her Life a little, and ſhe did not queſtion but God would enable her to Walk a little faſter. The mercileſs Tyrant was prevailed withal, to ſpare her this Time; nevertheleſs her former Weakneſs quickly Returning upon her, he was juſt going to Murder her; but a Couple of Indians, juſt at that Inſtant, coming in, ſuddenly call'd upon him to Hold his Hand; whereat ſuch an Horror Surpriſed his Guilty Soul, that he ran away. But hearing them call his Name, he Returned, and then permitted theſe his Friends, to Ranſome his priſoner from him. After this, being Seated by a River ſide, they heard ſeveral Guns go off, on the other ſide; which they concluded, was from a party of Albany Indians, who were Enemies unto theſe: whereupon this Bold Blade, would needs go in a Canoo, to diſcover what they were. They Fired upon him, and ſhot through him, and ſeveral of his Friends, before the Diſcovery could be made unto Satisfaction. But ſome Dayes after this, diverſe of his Friends, gathered a party to Revenge his Death, on their Suppoſed Enemies; with whom they joined Battel, and fought ſeveral Hours,55 until their Suppoſed Enemies, did Really put 'em to the Rout. Among the Captives, which they left in their Fight, one was this poor Goodwin, who was Over joyed in ſeeing her ſelf thus at Liberty; but the Joy did not laſt long, for theſe Indians were of the Same Sort with the other, and had been by their own Friends, thus through a ſtrange Miſtake ſet upon. However, this crue, proved more Favourable to her, than the former, and went away Silently with their Booty, being loth to have any Noiſe made of their foul Miſtake. And yet, a few Dayes after, ſuch an other Miſtake happened; for, meeting with another party of Indians, which they imagined in the Engliſh Interests, they furiouſly engaged each other, and many were killed and wounded on either ſide: but they proved a party of the French Indians, who took this poor Goodwin, and preſented her to the French Captain, by whom ſhe was carried unto Canada; where ſhe continued Five years, & then was brought ſafe Back into New-England.
MAry Plaisted, the Wife of Mr. James Plaiſted, was made a Captive by the Indians, about Three Weeks, after her Delivery of a Male Child. They then Took her, with her Infant, off her Bed, and forced her to Travel in this her Weakneſs, the beſt part of a Day, without56 any Reſpect or Pitty. At Night, the Cold Ground, in the Open Air, was her Lodging; and for many a Day, ſhe had no Nouriſhment, but a little Water, with a little Bears-fleſh: which rendred her ſo feeble, that ſhe, with her Infant, were not far from totally Starved. Upon her Cries to God, there was at length, ſome Supply ſent in, by her Maſters taking a Mooſe, the Broath whereof Recovered her. But ſhe muſt now Travel, many Dayes, thro' Woods, and Swamps, and Rocks, and over Mountains, and Froſt and Snow, until ſhe could ſtir no farther. Sitting down to Reſt, ſhe was not able to Riſe, until her Diabolical Maſter help'd her up; which when he did, he took her Child from her, and carried it unto a River, where ſtripping it of the few Rags it had, he took it by the Heels, and againſt a Tree daſh'd out its Brains, and then flang it into the River. So he Returned unto the miſerable Mother, telling her, She was now eaſed of her Burden, and must walk faſter than ſhe did before!
MAry Ferguſon, taken Captive by the Indians at Sa•mon Falls, declares, that another Maid, of about Fifteen or Sixteen years of Age, taken at the ſame Time, had a Great Burden Impoſed on her. Being over born with her Burden, ſhe burſt out into Tears telling her Indian Maſter,57 That ſhe could go no further. Whereupon he immediately took off her Burden, and leading her aſide into the Buſhes, he cut off her Head, and Scalping it, he ran about Laughing and B•agging, what an Act he had now done and ſhowing the Scalp unto the reſt, he told them, They ſhould all be Served ſo; if they were not patient.
In fine; when the Children of the Engliſh Captives Cryed at any Time, ſo that the were not preſently quieted, the manner of the Indians was, to daſh out their Brains againſt a Tree.
And very often, when the Indians were on, or near the Water, they took the Small Childre•, and held 'em under Water, till they had near Drowned them; and then gave 'em unto their Diſtreſſed Mothers to quiet 'em.
And the Indians in their•rolicks, would Whip and Beat the Small Children, until they ſet 'em into grievous out cryes, and then throw 'em to their Amazed Mothers, for them to quiet 'em again, as well as they could.
This was Indian Captivity!
Reader, A Modern Traveller aſſures us, that at the Villa Ludoviſia, not far from Rome, t•e•e is to be ſeen the Body of a Petrified Man; and that he himſelf ſaw, by a piece of the mans Leg, Broken for Sati••action both the Bone, and the Stone Cruſted over it. All that I will ſay, is, That if thou canſt Read theſe paſſages without58 Relenting Bowels, thou thy ſelf art as really Petrified, as the man at Villa Ludoviſia.
ARTICLE VIII. A Little Account of the Greateſt Action, that ever New England Attempted.
I have Read or Heard, That when the Inſufferable Abuſes, which the Engliſh Nation ſuffered from the Abbeys, were in the Parliament complained of, the Total Diſſolution of thoſe Abbeys, was much forwarded, by a Speech of a Gentleman in the Houſe of Commons, to this purpoſe; That his own Houſe had been much annoy'd by Rooks building in a Tree, near unto it, and that he had uſed many ineffectual ways to diſturb, and diſrooſt theſe miſchievous Rooks: until at Laſt, he found out an infallible way to be delivered from the Rooks, and that was to cut down the Tree that Lodged 'em. The Diſtreſſes into which New-Eng•and was now fallen, made this very compariſon to be thought of. The Indian Rooks grievouſly infeſted the Countrey; and while the Country was only on the Defenſive Part, their Men were Thinned, their Towns were Broken, and their Treaſures conſumed,59 without any Hope of ſeeing an End of theſe Troubleſome Tragedies. The French Colonies to the Northward, were the Tree, in which thoſe Rooks had their Neſts; and the French having in perſon firſt fallen upon the Engliſh of New-England, it was thought that the New-Englanders might very juſtly take this Occaſion, to Reduce thoſe French Colonies under the Engliſh Government, and ſo at once take away from all the Rooks for ever, all that gave 'em any Advantage to Infeſt us. Accordingly, a Naval Force, with about Seven Hundred men, under the Conduct of Sr. William Phips, was diſpatch'd away to L'accady, and Nova Scotia. This Fleet, ſetting Sail from New-England, April 28. 1690. in a Fortnight Arrived at Port-Royal, and Sir William having the Fort Surrendred unto him, took Poſſeſſion of that Province, for the Crown of England. But this was only a ſtep towards a far greater Action! There was no Speech about the Methods of Safety made, which did not conclude, with, a, Delenda eſt Carthago. It was become the concurring Reſolution, of all New-England, with New-York, that a vigorous Attack ſhould be made upon Canada, at once, both by Sea, and Land. A Fleet of Thirty Two Sail, under the Command of Sr. William Phips, was Equipp'd at Boston, and began their Voyage, Aug. 9. and the whole Matter was put into Form, with ſo much Contrivance and Caution, and60 Courage, that nothing but an Evident Hand of Heaven, was likely to have given ſuch a Defeat unto it, as ha's been indeed generally and Remarkably given unto all the Colonies of America, when they have Invaded one another. If this Expedition did miſcarry, and if Canada proved unto New England, what it prov'd unto the Spaniards, when at their Deſerting it, they call'd it, Il Capo de Nada or, The Cape of Nothing (whence the Name Canada) there is no New Englander, but what will mentain, that it was with a leſs Diſgraceful miſcarriage, than what baffled, every one of thoſe, that were made in this War, againſt the French Iſlands, by more powerful Fleets of thoſe, who were forward Enough to Reproach New-England. I am ſure, he that Reads the Account of what was done at Martineco, in the Relation of the Voyage of M. de Gennes, lately publiſhed, muſt be very eaſy in his Reflections upon what was done at Canada. And I will add, That if the New-England men return'd re infecta from Canada, yet they did not leave Two Hundred men behind them to the mercy of the French, as they who moſt Reproached New England, ſoon after did at Guadalupa.
The fuller Narrative of theſe memorable Things, the Reader may find written, in, The Life of Sir William Phipps, lately publiſhed; of wh•ch I muſt here give this Atteſtation, That as my Acquaintance with the Author, gives me61 Aſſurance, of his being as Willing to Retract a Miſtake, as unwilling to Commit one, and of his Care in whatever he writes, to be able to make the profeſſion of Oecolampadius, Nolui aliquid Scribere, quod improbaturum putem Christum: So I have Compared this Narrative with the Journals of the Expedition, and I find the moſt Conteſted paſſages of the Story (nor did I ever hear of any more than one or two little circumſtantial paſſages conteſted, as carrying a ſound a little too Rhetorical; but, I ſay, I find them) to be the very Expreſs Words thereof, contained in thoſe Journals; and more than ſo, that very credible Perſons, concerned therein, have readily offered their Depoſitions upon Oath, to the Truth of what is Written. So I take my leave of that Hiſtory, and of Sir William Phipps, the Memorable Subject of that Hiſtory, whom I leave under this
EPITAPH. Bonus non est, qui non ad Invidiam uſque Bonus eſt. [A Digreſſion.]
REader, ſince we can give no better an Account, of the Laſt Engliſh Expedition to Canada, why may we not for a Minute or Two, Refreſh our ſelves, with a Story of an Old one.
62In the very year, when the Maſſachuſett-Colony began, the Engliſh Attempted the Conqueſt of Canada, and though the Firſt Attempt miſcarried, the Second proſpered. The Story of it, makes a Chapter, in Father Hennepins Account of the Vaſt Country lately diſcovered, betwixt Canada, and Mexico: and this is the Sum of it.
While a Colony was forming it ſelf at Canada, an Engliſh Fleet was Equipp'd, in the year, 1628. under the Command of Admiral Kirk, with a Deſign to take Poſſeſſion of that Country. In their Vogage, having taken a French Ship, at the Iſle Percee, they Sailed up the River, as far as Tadouſac, where they found a Bark, in which they ſet aſhore ſome Souldiers, to Seize on Cape Tourment. And here a Couple of Salvages diſcovering them, ran away to adviſe the people of Quebeck, that the Engliſh were approaching. When the Fleet arrived, the Admiral Summoned the Town to Surrender by a Letter to Monſieur Champelin, the Governour; But the Governour notwithſtanding his being ſo Surpriſed with the Invaſion, made ſuch a Reſolute Anſwer, that the Engliſh, (though as the Hiſtorian ſays, they are a People that will ſooner Dy than quit what they once undertake) did conclude the Fort Quebeck, was in a much better Condition for Defence than it really was; and therefore deſiſting from any further Attempt at this Time, they returned into England, with Reſolution further63 to purſue their Deſign at a more favourable Opportunity.
Accordingly, on July 19. 1629. in the Morning, the Engliſh Fleet appear'd again, over againſt the Great Bay of Quebeck, at the point of the Iſle of Orleans; which Fleet Conſiſted of Three men of War, and Six other Veſſels. Admiral Kirk ſending a Summons form'd in very Civil Expreſſions, for the Surrender of the Place, the miſerable State of the Country, which had been by the Engliſh Interceptions, hindred of Supplies from France, for Two years together, oblig'd the Sieur Champelin to make a ſofter Anſwer, than he did before. He ſent Father Joſeph Le Caron, aboard the Admiral to treat about the Surrender, and none of his Demands for Fifteen Dayes, and then for Five Dayes, Time to Conſider on't, could obtain any longer Time, than till the Evening, to prepare their Articles. Upon the Delivery of this Meſſage, a Council was held, wherein ſome urged, that the Engliſh had no more than Two Hundred men, of Regular Troops aboard, and ſome others which had not much of the Air of Souldiers; and that the Courage of the Inhabitants was much to be relied upon, and therefore it was beſt for to run the risk of a Siege: But Monſieur Champelin, apprehending the Bravery of the Engliſh, remonſtrated unto the Council, that it was better to make a Surrender on Good Terms, than be64 all out in pieces by an unreaſonable Endeavour to Defend themſelves. Upon this, the Articles regulating all matters, were got ready, and Father Joſeph had his Commiſſion, to carry them aboard the Engliſh Admiral, where the Signing of them was defe•r'd until To Morrow. On July 20. the Articles of Capitulation were Signed, on both ſides, and the Engliſh being Landed, were put in poſſeſſion of Canada, by the Governour of it. The French Inhabitants, who were then in the Country, had twenty Crowns a piece given them, the reſt of their Effects remained unto the Conquerers, but thoſe who were willing to ſtay, were favoured by the Engliſh with great Advantages. The Fleet ſet Sail again for England, Sept. 14. and arrived at Plymouth, Octo. 18. in that year.
ARTICLE. IX. Caſco Loſt.
WHen the Indians at laſt perceived that the New Englanders were upon a Likely Deſign to Swallow up the French Territories, the Proſpect of it began to have the ſame Operation upon them, that the Succeſs of the Deſign, would have made Perpetual; that is, to Diſpirit them, for giving the New Englanders any further Moleſtations. Nevertheleſs, Before and Until,65 they were thoroughly Adviſed of what was a doing, and likely to be done, they did moleſt the Country with ſome Tragical Efforts of their Fury. Captain James Convers was Marching through the vaſt Wilderneſs, to Albany, with ſome Forces, which the Maſſachuſets Colony were willing to ſend by Land (beſides what they did ſend by Sea unto Quebeck,) for the Aſſiſtence of the Army, in the West, that was to go from thence over the Lake, and there fall upon Mount Real: but unhappy Tidings out of the Eaſt required the Diverſion of thoſe Forces thither. About the Beginning of May, the French and Indians, between Four and Five Hundred, were ſeen at Caſco, in a great Fleet of Canoo's paſſing over the Bay: but not Seeing or Hearing any more of them, for Two or Three Weeks together, the Caſconians flattered themſelves with Hopes, That they were gone another way. But about May 16 thoſe Hopes were over; For one Greſſon, a Scotchman, then going out Early, ſell into the mouths of theſe Hungry Salvages. It proved no kindneſs to Caſco, tho' it proved a great one to himſelf, that a Commander ſo qualified, as Captain Willard, was called off, Two or Three Dayes before. But, The Officers of the place, now concluding, that the whole Army of the Enemy, were watching for an Advantage to Surprize the Town, Reſolved that they would keep a Strict watch, for Two or Three dayes, to make ſome further66 Diſcovery, before they Salley'd forth. Notwithſtanding this, one Lieut. Clark, with near Thirty of their Stouteſt young men, would venture out, as far as the Top of an Hill, in the Entrance of the Wood, half a mile diſtant from the Town. The out-let from the Town to the Wood, was thro' a Lane, that had a Fence on each ſide, which had a certain Block-houſe at one End of it: and the Engliſh were Suſpicious, when they came to Enter the Lane, that the Indians were lying behind the Fence, becauſe the Cattel ſtood ſtaring that way, and would not paſs into the Wood as they uſe to do. This mettleſome Company, then ran up to the Fence, with an, Huzzab! thinking thereby to diſcourage the Enemy, if they ſhould be lurking there: but the Enemy were ſo well prepared for them, that they anſwered them with an horrible Vengeance, which kill'd the Lieutenant, with Thirteen more upon the Spot, and the reſt eſcaped with much ado unto one of the Garriſons. The Enemy then coming into Town, beſet all the Garriſons at once, Except the Fort; which were manfully Defended, ſo long as their Ammunition laſted; but That being ſpent, without a proſpect of a Recruit, they quitted all the Four Garriſons, and by the Advantage of the Night, got into the Fort. Upon this, the Enemy Setting the Town on Fire, bent their whole Force againſt the Fort, which had hard by it, a deep Gully, that contributed not a little unto the Ruin67 of it: For, the Beſiegers getting into that Gully, lay below the Danger of our Guns. Here the Enemy began their Mine, which was carried ſo near the Walls, that the Engliſh, who by Fighting Five Dayes and Four Nights, had the greateſt part of their men killed and wounded, (Captain Lawrence mortally, among the reſt,) began a parley with them. Articles were Agreed, That they ſhould have liberty to March unto the Next Engliſh Town, and have a Guard for their Safety in their March; and the French Commander, lifting up his Hand, Swore by the Everlaſting God, for the performance of theſe Articles. But the Agreement was kept, as thoſe that are made with Hugonots uſe to be: The Engliſh being firſt Admoniſhed, by the French, that they were all Rebels, for proclaming the Prince of Orange their King, were Captived, and many of them cruelly Murdered by the Indians: Only ſome of them (and particularly, Major Davis,) were Carried unto Canada, where the Gentry, very civilly Treated them. The Garriſons at Papoodack, Spurwink, Black Point, and Blue Point, were ſo diſanimated at theſe Diſaſters, that, without Orders they drew off immediately, to Saco, Twenty miles, within Caſco, and from Saco in a few Dayes alſo they drew off to Wells, Twenty miles within the ſaid Saco; and about Half Wells drew off as far as Lieut. Storers. But the Arrival of Orders and Souldiers from the Government, ſtopt68 them from Retiring any further, and Hope Hood, with a party that ſtaid for further miſchief, meeting with ſome Reſiſtence here, turn'd about, and having firſt had a skirmiſh with Captain Sherborn, they appear'd the Next Lords day at Newichawannick, or, Barwick, where they Burnt ſome Houſes, and Slew a man. Three Dayes alter, they came upon a Small Hamlet, on the South ſide of Piſcataqua River, called, Fox Point, and beſides the Burning of ſeveral Houſes, they Took Half a Dozen, and kill'd more than a Dozen, of the too Securely Ungar•iſoned People: which it was as eaſy to do, as to have Spoiled an ordinary Hen Rooſt. But Captain Floyd, and Capt. Greenleaf, coming upon thoſe Indians, made ſome Slaugh•er among them, Recovered ſome Captives, with much Plunder, and beſtow'd a Good wound upon Hope-Hood, who left his Gun,[Villian! Thou ſhalt not eſcape ſo: There muſt quickly be another ſtroke upon thee!] (which was next his Life) in this Action.
All that ſhall further belong to this Paragraph of our Story, is, That when the Indians were got into the Woods, they made one Goody Stockford their meſſenger, to her Neighbours, whoſe Charity ſhe ſo well Sollicited, that ſhe got a Shalop full of it unto Caſco, where the Indians permitted us to Redeem ſeveral of the Priſoners.
ARTICLE. X. Harm Watch'd, and Catch'd by the Indians, and ſeveral Rare Inſtances of Mortal wounds upon the Engliſh, not proving Mortal.
THat memorable Tygre, Hope-Hood, (called alſo, Wohawa,) finding the Coaſt hereabouts too hot for him, went away with his Crue, a great way to the West-ward, with a Deſign to Bewitch another Crue at Aquadocta into his Aſſiſtence. Here a party of French Indians, by a ſtrange Miſtake, ſuppoſing Hope Hood, & his Wretches, to have been the Indians, who had lately done ſome Spoil upon them at Canada, furiouſly fell upon them, and in their Blind Fury ſlew him, and a conſiderable part of his Company. So, we have now done with him! •n the mean Time, ſome other Indians came upon an Helpleſs place, called, Spruce Creek, and kill'd an old man, and carried a Woman into Captivity; but tho' Captain Convers purſued 'em Three Dayes, they were too Nimble for him. On July, 4 Eight or Nine perſons working in a Field, at a place call'd, Lampereel River, the Scythe of Death, unhappily mow'd them down, in that Field of Blood: The Indians by Surprize, kill'd 'em all, and carried a Lad Captive. About this Time, a Council of War, was called, at Portſmouth, by which t'was thought adviſeable, to70 ſend out Captain Wiſwel, with a conſiderable Scout for to Scour the Woods, as far as Caſco: and it being Reſolved, That one of the other Captains with about Fourſcore Stout men ſhould accompany Captain Wiſwal in this Action, they All with ſuch a Generous Emulation offered it, that it was neceſſary to determine it by a Lot, which fell upon Captain Floyd. On July 4. aſſiſted with Lieut. Andrews, and a Detachment of Twenty Two men from Wells, they took their March from Quochecho, into the Woods. But the Day following, the Enemy ſet upon Captain Hiltons Garriſon in Exeter, which Lieut. Bancroft, then poſted at Exeter, with the loſs of a few of his men, Relieved. At this Time, there happened a Remarkable Thing. I know not whether the Story told by Plato be true, That one Herus Armenius (whom Clemens will have to be Zoroaster) being Slain in War, lay Ten Days among the Dead, and then being brought away, and on the Twelfth Day laid on the Funeral Pile, he came to Life again. But it is true, that one Simon Stone being here wounded with Shot, in Nine ſeveral places, lay for Dead, (as it was Time!) among the Dead. The Indians coming to Strip him, attempted, with Two ſeveral Blows of an Hatchet at his Neck, to cut off his Head, which Blows added, you may be ſure, more Enormous wounds unto thoſe Port-holes of Death, at which the Life of the poor man, was already running out, as faſt71 as it could. Being charged hard by Lieut. Bancroft, they left the man, without Scalping him; and the Engliſh now coming to Bury the Dead, one of the Souldiers perceived this poor man to fetch a gaſp: whereupon an Iriſh Fellow then preſent, adviſed 'em, to give him another Dab with an Hatchet, and ſo Bury him with the reſt. The Engliſh deteſting this Barbarous Advice, lifted up the wounded man, and poured a little Fair Water into his Mouth, at which he Coughed; then they poured a little Strong Water alter it, at which he opened his Eyes. The Iriſh Fellow was ordered now to hale a Canoo aſhore, to carry the wounded men up the River, unto a Cheirurgeon; and as Teague was fooliſhly pulling the Canoo aſhore, with the Cock of his Gun, while he held the Muzzle in his Hand, his Gun went off, and broke his Arm, whereof he remains a Creeple to this Day: But Simon Stone was thoroughly cured, and is at this Day a very luſty man, and as he was Born with Two Thumbs on one Hand, his Neighbours have thought him to have at leaſt as many Hearts as Thumbs!
Reader, Let us Leave it now unto the Sons of Aeſculapius, to Diſpute out the Problem, What Wounds are to be Judged Mortal? The Sovereign Arbiter of Life and Death, ſeems to have determined it, That no Wounds are Mortal, but ſuch as He ſhall in His Holy Providence Actually make ſo. On the one ſide, Let it be Remembred,72 That a Scratch of a Comb has proved Mortal; That the Incomparable Anatomiſt Spigelius, at the Wedding of his Daughter, gathering up the Reliques of a Broken Glaſs, a Fragment of it ſcratched one of his Fingers; and all his Exquiſite Skill in Anatomy, could not prevent its producing an Empyema, that Killed him: That Colonel Roſſiter, cracking a Plumbſtone with his Teeth, broke his Tooth, and Loſt his Life; That the Lord Fairfax, cutting a Corn, in his Foot, Cut aſunder the Threed of his Life; That Mr. Fowler, a Vintner, playing with his Child, received a little ſcratch of a Pin, which turn'd unto a Gangrene, that Coſt him his Life. And, Reader, Let the Remembrance of ſuch Things, cauſe thee to Live, preparing for Death continually. But then, on the other ſide, That nothing may be Deſpaired of, Remember Simon Stone. And beſides him, I call to Remembrance, That the Indians making an Aſſault upon Deerfield in this Preſent War, they ſtruck an Hatchet ſome Inches into the Skull of a Boy there, even ſo deep, that the Boy felt the Force of a Wre•ch uſed by 'em to get it out. There he lay a long while Weltring in his Blood; they found him, they Dreſs'd him, conſiderable Quantities of his Brain came out from time to time, when they opened the Wound; yet the Lad Recovered, and is now a Living Monument of the Power and Goodneſs of God. And in our Former73 War, there was one Jabez Muſgrove, who tho' he were Shot by the Indians, with a Bullet, that went in at his Ear, and went out at his Eye, on the other ſide of his head; and a Brace of Bullets, that went in to his Right Side, a little above his Hip, and paſſing thro' his Body within the Back Bone, went out at his Left Side; yet he Recovered, and Lived many years after it.
ARTICLE XI. A Worthy Captain Dying in the Bed of Honour.
ON July 6. Lords Day, Captain Floyd, and Captain Wiſwell, ſent out their Scouts, before their Breakfast, who immediately returned, with Tidings of Breakfaſt enough provided for thoſe, who had their Stomach ſharp ſet for Fighting: Tidings of a conſiderable Track of the Enemy, going to the Weſtward. Our Forces vigorouſly followed the Track, till they came up with the Enemy, at a place call'd Wheelrights Pond; where they Engaged 'em in a Bloody Action for ſeveral Hours. The manner of the Fight here, was as it is at all times, with Indians; namely what your Artiſts at Fighting do call, A la disbandad: And here, the Worthy Captain Wiſwel, a man worthy to have been Shot (if he muſt have been Shot,) with no Gun interior to that at Florence, the Barrel whereof is74 all pure Gold, behaving himſelf with much Bravery, Sold his Life, as dear as he could; and his Lieutenant Flag, and Sergeant Walker, who were Valiant in their Lives, in their Death were not divided. Fifteen of ours were Slain, and more Wounded; but how many of the Enemy, 'twas not exactly known, becauſe of a ſingular care uſed by them in all their Battels, to carry off their Dead, tho' they were forced now to Leave a good Number of them on the Spot. Captain Floyd maintained the Fight, after the Death of Captain Wiſwal, ſeveral Hours, until ſo many of his Tired and Wounded men Drew off, that it was Time for him to Draw off alſo; for which he was blamed perhaps, by ſome that would not have continued at it ſo long as he. Hereupon Captain Convers repaired, with about a ſcore Hands to look after the Wounded men, and finding ſeven yet Alive, he brought 'em to the Hoſpital, by Sun-riſe the next morning. He then Returned with more Hands, to Bury the Dead, which was done immediately; and Plunder left by the Enemy at their going off, was then alſo taken by them. But the ſame Week, theſe Rovers made their Deſcent as far as Ameſbury, where Captain Foot being Enſnared by them, they Tortured him to Death; which Diſaſter of the Captain, was an Alarum to the Town, and an Effectual Word of Command, cauſing 'em to Fly out of their Beds into their Garriſons; otherwiſe75 they had all undoubtedly before the next morning Slept their laſt: their Beds would have been their Graves. However, the Enemy Kill'd Three Perſons, Burnt Three Houſes, Butchered many Cattel; and ſo, that Scene of the Tragedy being over, away they went.
In fine; From the First Miſchief done, at Lampereel River, to the Laſt at Amesbury, all belong'd unto one Indian Expedition, in which, though no Engliſh Places were taken, yet Forty Engliſh People were cut off.
ARTICLE XII. An Indian Fort or Two, taken, and ſome other Actions.
REader, I remember the prolixity of Guicciardine, the Hiſtorian, gave ſuch Offence, that Boccalini, brings in an Offender at Verboſity, Ordered for his puniſhment by the Judges at Pernaſſus, to Read that punctual Hiſtorian; but the poor Fellow begg'd rather to be Flay'd alive, than to be Tortured with Reading an Hiſtorian, who in relating the War between the Florentines and Piſans, made longer Narrations, about the Taking of a Pigeon Houſe, than there needed of the moſt Fortified Caſtle in the World. For this cauſe, let me be excuſed, Reader, if I make ſhort Work; in our Story, and Leave the Honeſt76 Actors themſelves to Run over Circumſtances more at large, with their Friends by the Fire-ſide.
The Enemy appearing a Little Numerous and Vexatious, the Government ſent more Forces to break up the Enemies Quarters; and Auxiliaries both of Engliſh and Indians, under the Command of Major Church, aſſiſted the Enterprize. About Three Hundred Men, were diſpatched away upon this Deſign, in the Beginning of September, who Landed by Night in Caſco Bay, at a place called, Macquoit, and by Night Marched up to Pechypſcot Fort; where, from the Information of ſome Eſcaped Captives, they had an Expectation to meet with the Enemy; but found that the Wretches were gone farther a field. They then marched away for Amonoſcoggin Fort, which was about Forty Miles up the River, and Wading through many Difficulties, whereof one was a Branch of the River it ſelf, they met with Four or Five Salvages, going to their Fort, with two Engliſh Priſoners. They Sav'd the Priſoners, but could not catch the Salvages; however, on the Lords-Day they got up to the Fort undiſcovered, where to their Sorrowful Diſappointment, they found no more than one and Twenty of the Enemy, whereof they Took and Slew Twenty. They found ſome Conſiderable Store of Plunder, and Reſcued Five Engliſh Captives, and laid the Fort in Aſhes: but one77 Diſaſter they much Complained of; That the Captain of the Fort, whoſe Name was Agamcus, alias, Great Tom, ſlipt away from the Hands of his too Careleſs keepers. But if this piece of Careleſsneſs did any Harm, there was another which did ſome Good: For, Great Tom having terribly Scared a party of his Country-men, with the Tidings of what had happened; and an Engliſh Lad in their Hands alſo telling ſome Truth unto them, they betook themſelves to ſuch a Flight, in their Fright, as gave one Mr. Anthony Bracket, then a Priſoner with 'em, an Opportunity to Flie Fourſcore miles another way. Our Forces returning to Mackquoit, one of our Veſſels was there Careleſly run a ground, and compelled thereby to ſtay for the next Tide: and Mr. Bracket, had been miſerably a ground, if it had not ſo fell out; for he thereby got thither before ſhe was afloat; otherwiſe he might have periſhed, who was afterwards much Improved in Service againſt the Murderers of his Father. Arriving at Winter Harbour, a party of men were ſent up the River, who coming upon a parcel of the Mankeen Wolves, then hunted for, killed ſome of them, and Siezed moſt of their Arms, and Stores, and Recovered from them an Engliſh man, who told them, that the Enemy were intending to Rendezvouze on Pechypſcot Plain, in order to an Attempt upon the Town of Wells. Upon this, they Re imbark'd for Macquoit, and repaired as faſt78 as they could unto Pechypſcot Plain, and being Divided into Three parties, they there waited for the Approach of the Enemy. But being tyred with one of the Three Italian miſeries, Waiting for thoſe who did not come, they only poſſeſſed themſelves of more Plunder there hid by the Enemy, and returned unto Caſco-Harbor. The Enemy it ſeems dogg'd their Motions; and in the Night they made a miſchievous Aſſault upon ſuch of the Engliſh Army, as were too Remiſs, in providing for their own Safety, in their going aſhore; Killing, Five of our Plymouth-Friends, who had Lodg'd themſelves in an Houſe, without Commanders or Centinels. The Engliſh as ſoon as the Light of the Day, (which was the Lords-Day, Sept. 21.) gave 'em leave, quickly Ran upon the Enemy, and Eaſed the world of ſome of them, and made the reſt Scamper from that part of the world, and got many of their Canoo's, and not a little of their Ammunition, and their beſt Furniture for the Winter. The Army was after this Diſmiſs'd; only an Hundred men, were left, with Captain Convers, and Lieutenant Plaisted, who ſpent their Time, as profitably as they could, in Scouting about the Frontiers, to prevent Surprizals, from an Enemy which rarely did Annoy, but when they could Surprize.
ARTICLE. XIII. A Flag of Truce.
NEw-England was now quite out of Breath!