Which Gariſon is taken from the Rebels, that was kept by 120 Officers and Souldiers; 4 Peece of Ordnance taken, 150 Armes, 3 Barrels of Powder, 50 Horſe, and good ſtore of Ammunition and Proviſions.
ALSO, SAD NEWES from DUBLIN: Where the Rebels with Preſton, have taken the ſtrong Caſtle of Caterlagh, 3 Peece of Ordnance, 100 Arms, and 160 Officers and•ouldiers; men, women, and children, forced to Dublin for relief.
With the Votes of the REBELS at their Councell of WARRE, concerning their further deſignes againſt DVBLIN.
⟨may .17. ⟩LONDON, Printed for W. S. 1647.
SInce my laſt, We have had much action; that in theſe parts very ſad. Generall Preſton being ſate down before Caterlagh (a very conſiderable paſſe upon the River of Barrow, to the County of Dublin, and within about 40 miles of the City of Dublin) with a party of ſome 2 or 3000 which quartered about Clogre, Killegore, Quilirian, and ſo towards Laghlyn, and Idogh; in which parts are many of the very rigid party of the Iriſh Rebels. Preſton received Orders from the aſſembly of the Confederate Catholikes at Kilkenny (which is within ſome 10 miles of Caterlagh) to take in that Gariſon to their obedience; firſt, offering quarter, but that if they ſhould refuſe to ſurrender, to put all, (both men, women and children) to to the ſword, after he had taken it.
2Accordingly Gen: Preſton ſent in a Summons to the Governour, commanding the ſaid Garriſon for the uſe of the King, and the Aſſembly of the Lords and Commons of the Supreame Councell at Kilkenny, and that if they would ſurrender the ſame, they ſhould have ſouldiers civilities, if not, then to expect no mercy. Subſcribed PRESTON.
This ſummons being brought in, and delivered to Major Harman, who kept it under the Marqueſſe of Ormond, hee returned anſwer, that he kept it for the King, and had his Commiſſion from his Majeſties Deputy Lievtenant; and deſired to ſend to Dublin to know his Lordſhips pleaſure, and then he would returne anſwer. Subſcribed HARMON.
Preſton not being ſatisfied with this anſwer, ſends again to him, requiring a ſudden anſwer, whether he would ſurrender or not, and threatning him, that if he did force him to ſtorme it, that he would ſpare neither ſex nor age, upbraiding him with the fury of the enraged ſouldiers, in caſe they ſhould be ſo provoked.
Major Harman conſidering, that beſides the Officers and ſouldiers that were there appointed to keepe it (who were too few to manage it) that there were many women and children beſides Inhabirants (Proteſtants of thoſe parts, that came in for protection) whoſe condition was very unfit to beare a ſtorme, beſides the great importunity of the women, and the little expectation he could have of reliefe there, and thoſe parts being wholly poſſeſſed by the Rebels, he condiſcended to capitulate.
The next dayes treaty between them concluded the buſineſſe, Major Harmon being to ſurrender the garriſon, upon condition that himſelfe, with his Officers, and ſouldiers, and the reſt of thoſe perſons that were in the garriſon,3 to have all quarter for their lives, and to have paſſes, and a ſafe Convoy to the City of Dublin.
To this thus agreed, both parties ſigned, and accordingly they marched out on St. Peter ſide, The Officers, ſouldiers, men, women and children, and wita ſad hearts were forced to ſurrender all to the Rebels, who marched in, and then Preſton placed 100 foot to keep it for the Aſſembly at Kilkenny, againſt the Parliament and Ormond both, and Major Harmon with thoſe who were marched out went to Dublin.
I have ſent you here incloſed, a liſt of the particulars of what we loſt, in this garriſon of Caterlaugh, that Major Harmon was forced to leave to the Rebels, and he is now with the Marqueſſe of Ormond here in this City, but ſome of the Inhabitants are with their friends in the adjacent villages, yet moſt of them are come in hither in a moſt ſad and lamentable condition. O that God would ſo put our bleeding eſtate to your hearts, that we might find ſome ſpeedy reliefe from England, without which wee are like to looſe all.
This paſſe was ſo conſiderable a one, that we have not ſuch an other betwixt us and Kilkenny.
In Munſter (God be thanked) is betrer newes, The Lord Inchiqueen marched from Cork with a party of horſe and foot, reſolving (by Gods bleſsing upon his endeavours) to take in ſome Garriſons, and do what he can to divert the Rebels from paſsing out of thoſe parts, to joyn with Oneale, or Preſton, againſt this diſtreſſed City of Dublin, where we cannot repreſent our condition more ſadly then indeed it is.
His Lordſhip firſt ſent out a party of horſe, and fetched in ſome proviſions for his Army, and then marched towards the Rebels Garriſons. And this good newes wee4 heare from thence that he hath taken from the Rebels, a ſtrong hold which they kept in thoſe parts, called Capogh-queen, in which his Lordſhip hath found good ſtore of Ammunition and Proviſions.
I have ſent you here incloſed a liſt of the particulars of what was in that Garriſon, as I am informed by thoſe who have beene lately in the quarters of Generall Preſton, who hath received Letters that the Lord Inchiqueene hath taken it, and that his Lordſhip is ſetting downe before another very conſiderable Garriſon.
Hereupon Generall Preſton, and Owen Roo Neale called a Counſell of Warre, and had a meeting neere Kilkenny, of the Officers of their Army, as alſo acquainting the generall Aſſembly therewith, and receiving their repreſentations:
It was concluded and agreed according to the incloſed paper, which is the heads of the reſolutions of the Councell of VVarre upon an order from the ſaid Aſſembly for them to conſider of a way to divert the Lord Inchiqueen, and goe on with their deſignes in theſe parts, where under a ſad and bleeding condition we cry for helpe from you. The Lord direct you to lay your owne diviſions aſide and joyne to helpe us, leaſt you give advantage to a third, (a bloudy party) to deſtroy both us and you. God direct you to helpe us. So prayes
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