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A MIGHTY VICTORY IN IRELAND: Obtained by the Lord Inchequin, neere Engliſh-mans-Hill.

The Lieutenant Generall Kilkettoth, and 4000 more ſlaine, 40 Colours taken, 8 Wayne load of powder and Ammunition taken, with 6000 Armes, and all their Bagge and Baggage.

AND Taken priſoners 31 Captaines, 19 Lieutenants, 17 Enſignes. And the Lord Taffe totally routed.

WITH The Names of the Chiefe Officers that were ſlaine on the Lord Inchequins party.

And all the particulars of the fight, and a Liſt of the particulars of the Victory.


Gilb. Mabbott.

Printed at London by Robert Ibbitſon, in Smithfield, neer the Queenes-head Tavern, 1647.


A Letter from Munſter in Ireland, of a great Victory obtained by the Lord Inchequin againſt the REBELS.

Right Honourable,

THe Lord Inchequin received a Letter from the Lord Taffe, Generall of the Iriſh Rebels about Munſter, that he was now with an Army in the field; and would fight him, if he durſt draw neere, with as many hundreds as he would.

The Lord Inchequin returned him anſwer, that hee ſhould finde that he was not afraid to meet him in the field, and accordingly his Lordſhip joyned what ſtrength he could make to draw into the field againſt the Rebels (our men at that time were very low, and in much want of proviſions, ſhould they have laid ſtill and let the enemy deſtroy their quarters.

The Lord Taffe marched with his Army neer Mal­lo, and with him was joyned Alexander Magdonell, (commonly called Kilkittoth) who deſtroyed ſo ma­ny4 Proteſtants in Scotland: and with him a conſi­derable party of Redſhankes, and he was Lieutenant generall of the foot.

The whole number of the Rebells Army were 7500. foot, and 1200. horſe well armed, and a good trayne of Ammunition with them in the field, mar­ching on to deſtroy our quarters in Munſter.

The Lord Inchequin on Friday November 12. 1647. had notice where the Rebells Army was, and his Lordſhip having got together 4000. foot, and 1200. horſes (all the ſtrength he could make, beſides thoſe that muſt of neceſſity be left to keep Garriſons) he marched towards the Rebells.

On Saturday November 13. his Lordſhip diſco­vered the Rebells near Mallo, and drew near to him.

The Lord Inchequin ſent a challenge to the Lord Taffe (who was then on the top of a great hill, called Knocknegaoll, in Engliſh it is called the Engliſh-mans hill) to come downe from the hill, and he would, (though with a ſmaller number) fight with his whole Army: But the Lord Taffe returned anſwer, that hee was ſo much a ſouldier, that having gotten the advan­tage he would keep it.

Hereupon the Lord Inchequin moved towards the Rebells, front to front, to invite them to come down, but they would not ſtir.

Then his Lordſhip withdrew parties to the other ſides of the hill, and ſent up ſeverall parties of Muſ­queteers to charge the Rebells, and at laſt got one part of the hill, and the wind ſide, but the Rebells, had routed one of our parties of foot on the other ſide of the hill, whom his Lordſhip with a reſerve (which he had ready) ſoone relieved, but wee loſt at that time ſome 60. men.

5The Lord Taffe ſtill kept the hill, being confident to have deſtroyed all the Engliſh (upon a ſuperſtitious obſervation of an old propheſie that is in Ireland that an Engliſh-mans hill, (for ſo the place was called) Magdoneth ſhall much Engliſh blood ſpill. And this he attributed to himſelfe, becauſe that whereas it did formerly belong to Magdoneth it was now in his own hands, preſuming that himſelfe ſhould be the man that ſhould then deſtroy the Engliſh; Alexander Mag­donel being then his Lieutenant generall, but bleſſed be God, the Lord diſappointed their hopes.

The Lord Inchequin (in this buſineſſe) deported himſelfe gallantly (and indeed we were in great dan­ger that the Rebells would have compaſſed our men round, there being no place of retreat for our men, yet God put ſuch a courage into our men, that there was a very great influence to performe their utmoſt againſt the Rebells.

The deſpute by parties laſted ſome two howres, untill at laſt, the Rebells began by little and little to deſcend from the top of the hill, and then the fight was very fierce, but laſted not long, for in halfe an houre they were touted and broken. And no quarter was given to the Iriſh Rebells, nor to the Red­ſhankes.

The Lord Inchequine charged many of quallity of the enemies party, amongſt the reſt, one his Lord­ſhip purſued to a wood, and there ſlew him, a con­federate Officer; And his Lordſhip did ſo cut the Rogues that he brake his Sword into three peeces.

We loſt Collonell Gray and Major Browne, and o­ther who fought gallantly, Sir Robert Trever, Judge Martiall was ſlaine neere our Carriages, (for the Re­bels6 had come up ſo cloſe upon us that they had ſeaſed ſome of our Ordinances and Waggons) but were beaten off againe, Sir William Bridges was ſlaine in the left wing of Horſe.

The whole number of the Rebels ſlaine were about 4000. many of which were killed in the purſuite; and of our men were ſlaine about 120 in all, that is the moſt we have loſt.

We have not taken many of the Common Souldi­ers priſoners, for that would have hindred the victo­ry much, and beſides the Officers (according to the in cloſed liſt) were divers that eſcaped after they were taken, but thoſe which are expreſt in the Liſt are all ſecured priſoners in cuſtody.

The Lord Taffe himſelfe hardly eſcaped with ſome few others, and all thoſe who fled are diſperſed ſeve­rall wayes, ſo that it is beleived they will hardly e­ſcape.

There are ſome of the Nobillity of Ireland, and others of the Generall Aſſembly (Knights and others) of Kilkenny that were ſlaine, but I cannot (as yet) give you a liſt of their names.

This is a great bleſſing, the Lord grant that we may improve it to his glory. So prayes

Your Honours humble Servant, WILL. MORE.
A LIST of the particulars of the great Victory obtained by the Lord Inche­quin the 13. of Novem. 1647. at Knock­negaoll in Munſter in Ireland.
  • Slaine of the Rebels,
    • Alexander Magdonell (Kilkittoth) Lieu­tenant Generall of the Foote,
    • 4000 and odde ſlain, whereof divers conſiderable Officers.
  • Taken priſoners
    • 1 Collonell,
    • 1 Lieutenant Colonell,
    • 1 Major,
    • 31 Captaines, beſides 9 that after­wards eſcaped,
    • 19 Leiutenants,
    • 17 En­ſignes,
    • divers inferiour Officers, and ſome few Common Souldiers.
  • Taken beſides,
    • 38 Colours of Foote,
    • 2 Colours of Horſe
    • 6000 Armes,
    • 4 Waine loade of Powder,
    • 4 Waine loade of other Ammunition,
    • All their Carriages, bag and baggage.
  • 8
    Slaine on the Lord Inchequeenes party
    • Sir Robert Trevers,
    • Judge Marſhall
    • Collonell Sir William Bridges,
    • Collonell Gray,
    • Major Browne,
    • 120. Souldiers and other Officers,

About this transcription

TextA mighty victory in Ireland: obtained by the Lord Inchequin, neere English-mans-Hill. The Lieutenant Generall Kilkettoth, and 4000 more slaine, 40 colours taken, 8 wayne load of powder and ammunition taken, with 6000 armes, and all their bagge and baggage. And taken prisoners 31 captaines, 19 lieutenants, 17 ensignes. And the Lord Taffe totally routed. With the names of the chiefe officers that were slaine on the Lord Inchequins party. And all the particulars of the fight, and a list of the particulars of the victory. Novemb. 29. 1647. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbott.
AuthorMore, William, 17th cent..
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161322)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA mighty victory in Ireland: obtained by the Lord Inchequin, neere English-mans-Hill. The Lieutenant Generall Kilkettoth, and 4000 more slaine, 40 colours taken, 8 wayne load of powder and ammunition taken, with 6000 armes, and all their bagge and baggage. And taken prisoners 31 captaines, 19 lieutenants, 17 ensignes. And the Lord Taffe totally routed. With the names of the chiefe officers that were slaine on the Lord Inchequins party. And all the particulars of the fight, and a list of the particulars of the victory. Novemb. 29. 1647. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbott. More, William, 17th cent.. 8 p. by Robert Ibbitson, at Smithfield, neer the Queenes-head Tavern,Printed at London :1647.. (Signed on A3v: Will. More.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, -- Earl of, 1614-1674 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ireland -- History -- 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Ireland -- Early works to 1800.

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