GLorious is the day of our Sion's deliverance, in which the Sun hath broken through the clouds, Soveraignty dispell'd the miſts and ſtorms too of Diſloyalty. Now, after our Hallelujah's to the King of Glory for the wonders of his Providence; Fit it is, that we make oblations of Gratitude, for your prudent Councels and exemplary Allegiance.
4Whereby, whatever have been our turnings and rollings, all as Excentrick to Righteouſneſſe as to Peace; we are now fixt upon our right Centre, a Loyall Subjection to our lawfull Soveraign.
And O what joy is it! to ſee in the High Court of Parliament, Aristides and Themistocles forget all injuries and animoſities; changeing their private Contention into this publick Emulation,Herod. Hiſt. Vter melius de Patria mereri poſsit, whether may deſerve beſt of his Countrey.
This is that (VVorthy Heroes) which gives confidence to this Addreſſe, by way of Apology, ſo to repreſent the Sequeſtred Clergie's cauſe and condition, that, in the common Ioy, and publick Exultation, they may not be the onely Mourners at**If yet they have any Homes, ſince they were thruſt out of their houſes. Home, in their deep diſtreſſe of private affliction; which yet muſt needs be, if when their Perſecution is ceas'd, their Sufferings continue; if when their Oppreſſours are removed, they remain ſtill under their Oppreſſions. They have had their part in the Faſtings, and Prayers, and Tears, for obtaining the bleſſing of Reſtauration; O let them have their Portion in the Comfort, and Peace and Ioy of the Church and State reſtor'd. They have, though ſequeſtred, threatned, and impriſoned, they have, very many of them (if not moſt of them) from Preſſe and Pulpit, Pray'd and Preach't, and5 earneſtly contended for that Liberty, wherein theſe Nations now ſtand; and O let them have at leaſt this Reward of their ſervices, a Releaſe from their ſufferings.
Many of us have been Sequeſtred, before the late King of bleſſed memory was murder'd, and many of us ſince that black and diſmall Treaſon; and for no other Crime, but acting in our Callings, according to the Dictate of our Conſciences, diſcharging our Miniſtry according to the Rule of our Eſtabliſh't Laws. (If ignorance or ſcandall be truly and legally objected againſt any man's Miniſtry or Perſon, Let them that will plead for Baal.) Not being conſcious then of violating either the Law of God or Man; If our Accuſers, and their Accuſations be produc't in Iudgement, we are ready either clearly to juſtify our Innocence, or humbly to ſubmit unto our ſentence. Beſides, impoſſible it is, that all notes of Diſcord and Parties (as his Majeſty in his Declaration graciouſly deſires, and poſitively ordains) ſhould be utterly aboliſhed; whilſt our Sequeſtrations continue, and which is worſe, if the unlawfull Poſſeſſion of Intruders be confirmed.
We humbly conceive, that the Occaſion of our Sequeſtrations is now remov'd, and this not by any pretence of power or Party pleading conqueſt (a thing to be for ever ſilenc't) but, by a6 wonderfull work of God, upon the very hearts of men; He and He alone hath overcome us all, in his kindneſſe and love; to teach us to overcome one another, by all loving kindneſſe.
Now, the occaſion (I ſay) of our Sequeſtrations being thus, even thus removed, ſhall a worſe evil come upon us, (not only all loving kindneſſe, but all common Iuſtice being forgotten) the unjuſt Poſſeſsion of our Livings-confirm'd? What could our greateſt Enemies doe more? Nay, they would have done much leſſe, had we ſubmitted to their Uſurpation and Tyranny. We doubt not but the Honourable Court of Parliament, taking this one particular into their judicious and Chriſtian conſideration, it will perſwade a ſpeedy removing, whatſoever may obſtruct our ſo juſt, ſo reaſonable, ſo neceſſary readmiſſion.
Sure we are, the**Poſſeſsio jure conſiſtens eſt civilis poſſeſsio, Cod. l. 7. tit. 32. Civil Law does not (nor any other) juſtify Poſſeſſion without right; ſo that**Injuſta poſſeſsio non eſt Titulus, & ſine Titulo non eſt locus praeſcriptioni, Ibid. unjuſt Poſſeſſion, though long, cannot give Title; and without Title, there is no plea for Preſcription; but the Law obliges to reſtitution. We are right in the State of**Reverſus de Captivitate, &c. Cod. l. 7. t. 35. Captives returned, to whom, by all rules of Equity, plenary Reſtitution is to be made; which yet we remit of in our deſires, as to the Summum Ius of a plenary Reſtitution, referring our ſelves (Honour'd Patriots) to your Candour and Moderation.
7This Precedent we can Produce, (we will not take the Confidence to propoſe) that when the Thirty Tyrants under Gallienus and Valerianus, had brought the Roman Empire into much diſorder and confuſions; and that by**Evagr. Hiſt. l. 2. Baſiliſcus Tyrannizing in the Eaſt, that venerable Council of Chalcedon was condemned, and the Holy Fathers of the Church, the Biſhops, and other Paſtours were diſplac't and expulſt; Zeno the Emperour ſubduing this uſurpation and Tyranny, with the advice of the Senate, makes a Decree for a reſtitution to the Church, with a**Cod. l. 1. Tit. 2. Decernimus, in Integrum restituantur Vniverſa, & ad ſuum ordinem revocentur, We decree that all things be reſtored wholly, and reduc't into their own Order.
And not onely the Civil Law aſſerts our Cauſe, but alſo the Common Law hath done it's utmoſt to ſecure our Eſtates. For, beſides the Articuli Cleri — ſo full and particularly expreſſe, we have our Intereſt in Magna Charta, as to Priviledge and Propriety, as clear and as full, as any whatſoever. It is ordain'd in that Royal Charter, ſo often confirm'd in Parliaments, that * if any thing be procured by any Perſon, contrary to our Priviledge and Propriety (the Premiſes intended) it ſhall be holden of no force or effect. So that,Mag. Chart. cap. 37. without an open breach made to the Violation of all Men's Property,8 we cannot be deny'd the aſſerting Ours.
Many Objections are ſtrongly made, which here, (I humbly conceive) are fully Anſwer'd.
1. Object.Many learned and Godly men will be unprovided, if the ſequeſtred Clergy be reſtored.
Anſ.We give their learning it's juſt Eſteem; but let me ſay (and 'tis beyond any mans gainſaying) The Learnedst Clergy that ever England had, was that ſequeſtred; their works doe witneſſe it to the whole World. And as for their Godlyneſſe,Matth. 12.33. if the Tree may be known by it's fruits, theſe, here pleaded for, have given teſtimony beyond exception. Yet theſe ſo eminently Learned and Godly Miniſters have been (without all tenderneſſe of compaſſion towards them) unprovided for, almoſt twenty yeares; which (if the Objection have any Weight) may juſtly require, & urge their ſpeedy Readmiſſion, having been out too long, to be kept out any longer, when God himſelf hath opened the way for their Return. And Indeed, it is Gods Providence which Miraculouſly hath opened the way; and ſhall any Humane Power adventure to obſtruct it? We deſire no more but the benefit of the Known Law, and ſhould not have need of any Plea, Petition, or Apology to recover our own, did not ſome endeavour9 to prevail with this Honourable Court, to Interpoſe their Authority, to intercept our claim.
How then are they Godly? who will knowingly (and ſo, their Learning doe's encreaſe their Guilt) adde ſinne unto ſinne, by uſurping anothers right after ſo many years unlawfull Poſſeſſion; and taking upon them the guiding of thoſe Flocks, the Chief ſhepheard never committed to them, as notaaIoh. 10.1.2. entring by the right Door. Beſides, if this Parliament ſhould enact (which God forbid) that ſuch Intruders ſhould be confirm'd in other men's Livings as to Eſtate; and other men's charges, as to the Miniſtry; how great a Share would it be to men's Conſciences? (if at all Godly) which certainly would not hereby be quieted, if truly Awaken'd.
For our Right being Indubitable by the Law of God and Man; a Law Poſt fact, ſuch as this deſir'd from the Parliament, can no wayes acquit thoſe pretended Godly Miniſters, of Palpable Injuſtice; but in foro Conſcientiae, they lye under the known and wilfull guilt of Injury and Wrong, which cannot, without reſtitution, admit of repentance to receive Pardon; that Maxim among the Caſuiſts from S. Auguſtine being clear and certain,**Auguſt. Epiſt. 54. non dimittitur Peccatum, niſi reſtituatur ablatum, there can be no remiſſion (becauſe no true Repentance) without reſtitution, in repair of Injuries. I beſeech thoſe10 Godly Miniſters to conſider, if they cannot anſwer this now, how they will anſwer it at the dreadfull day of Iudgement.
2. Object.This of reſtoring Sequeſtred Miniſters to their Livings will diſturbe the calme of State.
Anſ.Sure I am, the contrary will cloud the face of Heaven, and turn the calm into a ſtorm; and leave the Nation under a curſe. The greateſt**1 Kin. 18.17. Troubler of Iſrael, is certainly oppreſſion & injuſtice; & if the unjuſt poſſeſſion ſhould be confirmed by the Parliament, (as ſome men would have it) what were this but**Pſal. 94.20. to eſtabliſh iniquity by a Law? For if we have right to poſſeſſe, it is unjuſt to keep us out of our Poſſeſſion; unjuſt in them that uſurp our right, but more unjuſt in thoſe who confirm that uſurpation; eſpecially when they have the Power in their Hands, and Law on their ſides, & are appeal'd to by us, as a Court, and the higheſt Court of Iuſtice, to have our Right aſſerted, and our injury redreſt.
Under favour; we may, and muſt plead, the Parliament will not (for it is a Court of Iustice) & it is an audacious boldneſſe to think they will, or petition they would, againſt**Who yet are willing to ſacrifice what is moſt dear, to the peace of the Church; upon a Brotherly accord, for making up all breaches. our wills, give away our rights. If the Law take our Livings from us, we ſtand to our Tryal, and ſubmit; if the Law does not, the Parliament ſure will not: I had lmoſt ſaid, cannot; this I am ſure, though they11 may confirm Men's preſent Poſſeſſion, yet they cannot make our Right to have been no Right, it implyes a contradiction; be it ſo then, that the Parliament ſhould think fit to make their poſſeſſion firm, can they make it juſt? Iuſt in foro Poli, whatſoever it is in foro Soli? And what Conveniency ſhould prompt the Parliament to confirm an unjuſt poſſeſſion, I cannot imagine, nor dare to enquire. Reaſon of State is a ſecret, which duty forbids my curioſity to pry into. I doubt not, but this good ſervice I ſhall doe the Parliament by this Apology, to clear their Iuſtice and Honour againſt thoſe mens inſolence and clamour, who would engage them to violate Magna Charta, the chiefeſt of Laws, and the Subjects property, the chiefeſt of Rights.
3. Object.If the Miniſters muſt reſtore their Livings, then the Purchaſers their Lands; and if ſo, the conſequences will be, a new diſturbance and diſtraction.
Anſ.As the Miniſters invading other mens livings, became too much a Preſident for the Purchaſers to poſſeſſe other mens Lands; ſo, it were to be wiſh't, that a juſt Reſignation in the Miniſters might become (as in Godly Men and Miniſters it ſhould become) Exemplary for a juſt Reſtitution in the Purchaſers. But to ſay truth, the Purchaſers are generally far more the ingenuous; who have very many of them been12 ſatisfied with this Propoſal, that, upon their diſburſments being repayed, with conſideration of improvement for the time, the Lands ſhould be reſtored
Now, if the Miniſters had purchas't our Livings, as others did the Church-Lands, there might be**Notwithſtanding the ſure Rule in Civil Law, that, iniquis comparatoribus pretium repoſcere non liceat, cod. l. 7. tit. 38. ſome appearance of equity for ſatiſfaction of charge; but yet ſtill, no Plea for Property.
4. Object.All muſt be content to be Looſers.
Anſ.We think, after almoſt 20. years excluſion from our Livings, to the utter undoing of ſo many numerous families,**I ſpeak not this as to my ſelf, though I have ſometime taſted the bittereſt of ſufferings; for I acknowledge with thankfulneſſe, through a bleſſing of providence upon my unwearied Labours, I have maintained my ſelf and family in ſome plentifull ſubſiſtence. forc't too too many to beg their bread, and very often want bread, when they have been begging of it; We think, after this, to tell us of being further Looſers, when for ſo many years we have loſt all, is but the part of miſerable Comforters.
Alas, many of us are ſo aged, that if not ſpeedily reſtor'd, they ſhall not probably live, to enjoy any part of what's their own, which in this ſo miraculous a deliverance, is given unto them again of God. And indeed, this addes a further difference from the caſe of the Purchaſers; that as the Poſſeſſours of our rights, never were at charge for our Livings; ſo nor are their Heirs or Executours cut off from any after benefit, by their reſtoring of them. Our Tenure is but for life, that, the Purchaſers have paid for, is perpetuity;13 ſo that, all the advantage we have by Reſtitution, is only to our ſelves, for that Pittance of life which remains; whereas in the Reſtitution from the Purchaſers, there is a profit to Poſterity.
5. Object.You of the Sequeſtred Clergy ſhall not be left without Proviſion; the Fanatick, and not ordain'd Preachers being remov'd, and Livings as they fall vacant reſerv'd, there will be found Livings enough, equal in number and value, to admit You all to your Miniſterial employment, and a plentifull Subſiſtence.
Anſ.A good way, if rightly ordered, to preſerve the Parliaments Honour, in adminiſtring us Iuſtice; and this, without the leaſt of clamour, in not providing for Learned and Godly Miniſters. And 'tis thus; The ſequeſtred Clergy according to Law and Reaſon, Equity and Conſcience, being reſtor'd; Thoſe vacated Livings mentioned, will be a preſent ſupply for the Godly Miniſters removed; and this, Honourable to the Parliament, and Iuſt to us. But, that we ſhould be debarr'd our right againſt Law, and thus diſpoſed of to other Livings; However it might ſeem a way of relief to us, yet can it not (as we conceive) be an act of Iuſtice in the Parliament; and ſo, though it does ſuſtain our lives, yet it will not ſupport their Honours.
14For, if we are judg'd capable of other Livings, why not of our own? If we are not criminous, how comes it to paſſe, that having Property we are kept out of our old? and if we are criminous, how come we to have the Capacity of being admitted into new? Beſides, we know many, put into our Livings, have deſerted their firſt Principles, and have taken the late Engagement, and done (according to that) what was dangerous and deſtructive to King and Parliament. Now, we ſuppoſe, ſuch perſons without diſpute, ſhall no•be ſheltered by any Parliamentary Authority, from the Laws of the Land, by which they (and all others too) are required to make Reſtitution.
Theſe then being remov'd, (whether pretended Heads of Houſes in the Univerſities, or Miniſters of ſeverall Churches, or the like) there will not be found (conſidering how very many ſince their Sequeſtration have died in their Loyalty) there will not be found ſo conſiderable a number of the Sequeſtred Clergy, to return to their reſpective charges, as to make any apparent diſturbance in the State; and ſo, not ſo conſiderable a number of the foreſaid Godly Ministers, for whoſe ſakes, the Parliament ſhould be put upon ſo great an act of diſhonour, as that of injuſtice.
6. Obejct.The Miniſters are now ſo well acquainted15 with their People, and the People with their Miniſters, that it will be a diſtraction to the ſeverall Pariſhes to receive new Preachers.
Anſ.How the ſeverall Pariſhes are affected towards their antient Paſtours, is very evident; Many of them (I am ſure) much deſiring, and earneſtly longing, yea inviting their Return. Indeed, (I believe) if the Colledges were to Petition for their Governours, and the Pariſhes for their Miniſters, it would ſoon appear, whether is moſt diſſatisfactory and diſtracting to the Colledges and Pariſhes, the Abſence or Return of their Lawfull Heads and Miniſters.
Wherefore, it may be confidently averr'd, that it would be, not onely a great Contentment and Comfort, to the Aged Heads and Religious hearts, of many truly Reverend for learning and Godlyneſſe, to be re-admitted to the Exerciſe of their Miniſtry in their reſpective Cures; but it would be alſo an abundant ſatisfaction to their ſeveral Charges, who earneſtly Pray and long for their returns; being conſcientiouſly ſenſible, how they have, like ſheep, erred and ſtrayed, ſince they loſt their Lawfull Shepheards.
Now, if notwithſtanding this Apology, and Plea, fortify'd with arguments of Law and Equity, reaſon and Religion; if notwithſtanding all this, the Iudgement of this ſo Honourable16 Parliament thinks fit (for cauſes beſt known unto themſelves) to wave our right, and determine againſt our Re-admiſſion; we have diſcharg'd our Conſciences, as to that††1 Tim. 5.8. Natural Obligation of providing for our Families; that Political, of aſſerting our juſt Titles; and that Religious, of attending our Miniſterial Charges; all which will acquit us in our Account at the laſt day. And having done this, we will not Impatiently repine, nor uncharitably cenſure much leſſe undutifully reſiſt, but, in our accuſtomed ſilence, ſit down in ſubmiſſion to this High Courts prudential Decree, and final Determination.
At preſent then, in the Face of the World, we plead for that, which ſo Honourable a Parliament will not deny us; To our Cauſe, Iuſtice; to our Condition, Mercy; Mercy, for, we may not doubt, but at Weſtminſter as well as at Athens, amidſt ſo many Noble Hearts, we ſhall find an††Parca ſuperſtitio non thurea flamma nec Alius - Accipitur ſanguis, lachrymis Altaria ſudant, &c. Stat. lib. 12. Altar dedicated to Mercy; whoſe Sacrifices are ſighs and tears, of which we can give a plentifull offering, from Parents and Children oppreſt with neceſſities and wants.
We know indeed, Compaſsion is pleaded, as to the Families of the preſent Poſſeſſors; But what! may it not be more equally pleaded, as to thoſe, the ſo long diſpoſſeſt? The Sequeſtred Clergy have, generally, from plentifull Eſtates been reduc't to the deepeſt of neceſſities; but17 they who entred upon the Sequeſtrations, were advanc't from neceſſitous Eſtates to a plentifull maintenance; and ſo are provided even with our Incomes, to bear the want of profits (if it muſt be) better, then thoſe of the Suffering Brethren quite exhauſted, and fainting under their Afflictions.
Whether indeed is more equal? that they be expoſed to want, who have Right, but no Poſſeſsion; or they, who have Poſſeſsion, but no Right.
Suppoſing, that many, very many poſſeſt of our Livings, not being Ordained Miniſters (or but lately ordained in deſign to hold their Livings) ſhould not continue, but muſt give place to the lawfull incumbents; ſuppoſing this, conſider I beſeech you (Noble Worthies) how it clearly evinceth right of poſſeſſion to be on our ſide; but a reſpect of Party (a thing his Majeſty would have buried, and this Parliament hath diſclaimed) is made the grand ſtop to our free return; for, that all others do not recede, to give us poſſeſſion, cannot be juſtified by Law, therefore do they ſeek to be countenanc't by favour.
If in this Apology, any errour of Iudgement, any heat of Zeal, any unfitneſſe of expreſſion, imprudence of Addreſſe, or the like, be liable to Iust Cenſure; I humbly crave, that it may be wholly laid upon my ſelf, acquitting the Reverend18 Fathers, and the Miniſteriall Brethren, as not in the leaſt culpable. The haſt of this Addreſſe (leſt it ſhould be prevented by the Parliaments proceeding to the Bill) not permitting a deliberate conſultation with them, or a particular approbation from them.
Now, the God of all Wiſdome direct your Conſultations (Moſt Noble Lords and Honoured Heroes) to the glory of his Name, the honour of the King, and the Peace of our Sion, through Ieſus Chriſt our Lord, Amen, Amen.