The moſt Excellent and Famous HISTORY of the Moſt Renowned KNIGHT, Amadis of Greece, Surnam'd, The Knight of the Burning Sword, Son to Lifvart of Greece, and the Fair Onoloria of Trebiſond.
How certain Pirates of the Moors preſented to Magadan, King of Saba, the Gentleman of the Burning Sword.
IN the Kingdom of Saba, there ſometime Reign'd a Moor, call'd Magadan, who; contrary to the uſual Nature of Blacks, was affable, courteou•, and debonair, loving, above all people, ſuch as were White, whom he much more willingly employ'd, than any others. This Magadan took to Wife a noble Lady, nam'd Buruca, black like himſelf: And of theſe two, was born the valiant Fulurtin, of whom our Hiſtory will ſometimes make mention. This Fulurtin, who, for good conditions, reſembled his Father, was in his younger years inſtructed in all forreign Languages, by Mandaiar, a white Slave, a Man of wonderful Learning. Now it was well known, thro' all the Realm of Saba, how great Pleaſure the King took in getting Priſoners from forreign Parts, eſpecially from the North, becauſe of their whiteneſs: Inſomuch, that he often pardoned even Crimes of High-Treaſon, provided the Criminals preſented him with ſuch Perſonages.
Hence it happened, that one day, as he roſe from Table, there entred into the Hall four Moors, leading by the Hand, a LITTLE GENTLEMAN, about2 THREE Years old, of a ſingular Perfection in Beauty. Having acco•ding to their manner done their Reverence to Magadan, one of them ſpake thus: Sir, the two Brethren, that ſlew Your Coſen, proſtrate themſelves in all humility at Your Majeſty's Feet, beſeeching You to accept of this Child, who, beſid•s•he excellency of his Perſon, has brought from his Mothers Womb a marvellous〈◊〉This ſaid, ſlipping off a little yellow Taffery Coat, he had on, they ſhew'd before•ll that were preſent, a Sword, as red as Fire, the Pommel proceeding from his left Knée, and the Point terminating near his Nipple; It had on it certain white Characters, which were then unknown to any, even to Mandaiar himſelf, tho' there were in that Age few who equall'd him in Learning. The King, extreamly pleas'd with ſo Fair a Preſent, and much more wondering at the Natural Sword the Child had on his Body, would have him call'd the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, giving him at that very moment to his Son Fulurtin, who thenceforward ſo greatly affected him, that he made him his ſecond ſelf, ſo that one of them could not live without the other, ordinarily exerciſing themſelves in all Virtuous Paſtimes.
Now before I paſs any farther, 'tis fit you underſtand, that this Gentleman was that very Child, whom (as you find it Recorded in the ſixth Book of Amadis of Gaul Garinda, one of Onoloria's Women left on the bank of the River, as ſhe was carrying him to the Port of Filina to Nurſe, whence being taken away by theſe Corſairs into their Veſſel, he was brought up by them, till they preſented him to King Magadan, who on this occaſion not only forgave them his Coſens death, for which they were fled, but alſo beſtow'd on them many great Benefits; ſo agreeable to him was the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, who, growing up, became ſo fair and goodly of Stature, that at Eight Years of Age he was taken to be above Twelve, ſo conforming himſelf withal to the Humour of Prince Fulurtin, that he could not be without him. They were both Inſtructed in all good Literature, as alſo in Wreſtling, Managing the great Horſe, Caſting the Bar, Fencing, and〈◊〉other Exerciſes fitting for Gentlemen of their high Qualities. And tho' the Gentleman of the Burning Sword became ſo expert in all theſe things, that he had not his Equal; yet ſo great was the Honour and Reverence, he bare his Prince Fulurtin, that he would never contend with him; by which he ſo highly gain•d Magadans Affection, that he ordinarily took him to all places of Pleaſure, whether it were to Hunt the Stag, or other Diverſion whatever.
How King Magadan, being a Hunting, was Aſſaulted by a great Bear, and deliver'd from Death by the Gentleman of the Burning Sword.
SOme Years after, the King of Saba having caus'd the Toils to be ſpread in the next Forreſt, as he ſtood watching for a ſtout Bore in the midſt of a great Path, having a ſharp Bore-Spear in his hand, there ruſht out of a Thicket a Bear, who,3 frighted with the barking of the Hounds, and ſound of the Trumpets, ſought which way to ſave himſelf) Now Magadan was at that time accompany'd only by the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, who held in a ſlip a Greyhound, w•ich, ſpying the Bear, got his head out of the Collar, and ran to aſſault him; but the Bear ſtruck him ſo furiouſly with one of his Fore-feet, that he brake his Iaws, and immediately turn'd againſt the King, who defended himſelf with his Bore-Spear. But the Bear ſo fiercely charg'd the King, that having got the Spear out of his hands, he clos'd with him, and threw him on the ground. The Gentleman ſeeing this ran ſpeedily to help the King and drawing out a Wood-Knife, w•ich hung at his Girdle, gave the Beaſt ſo great a blow, that he almoſt cut off•is Leg. The Bear finding himſelf wounded, let go his hold, and with open mouth ran upon the Gentleman, who, undauntedly lifting up his Arm, ſtruck him with ſo great fo•ce between the Ears, that he ſplit his Head aſunder.
This done, as he return'd to help up the King, he perceiv'd coming towards him a great Lion, crown'd, and bearing between his Teeth a Child about two Years old, who cry'd with a loud voice: Alas, Gentleman of the Burning Sword, pray help me; which your Father would not refuſe to do, were he here in your place.
The Gentleman was no leſs aſtoniſht to hear theſe Words, than to ſee him that ſpake them, towards whom he diligently haſtned to free him from the Danger he was in. The Lion no ſooner ſaw him approach, but letting go the Child, he went to de•our the Gentleman, who, ſtepping aſide, gave the Lion ſo great a ſtroke with his Knife, that he ſeparated his leg from his Body: Yet the chafed Beaſt, lifting up his other Paw, with his ſharp claws tare part of the Gentlemans Garment, pulling him alſo to him with ſo much violence, that he threw him on the grounds. The Gentleman notwithſtanding got quickly up again, and recharging the Lion, wounded him with a back-blow ſo deep into the Reins, that one might have ſeen his Entrals, the Beaſt immediately falling dead on the Graſs. The Gentleman then lookt about to ſee what was become of the Child he had ſuccour'd, and ſpying him run away along a Path, made after him, that he might get him to declare what knowledge he had of him. Having then overtaken the Child, he very affectionately askt him, how he fell into that danger, and whether he had heretofore ſeen him: For you ere while affirm'd, ſaid the Gentleman, that had my Father been preſent, he would no more have fail'd to aſſiſt you, than I have done.
The young Child, hearing him ſpeak thus, ſmilingly return'd him this Anſwer: Indeed, Gentleman, you are Son to ſuch a Father, that it will coſt you no ſmall pa ns to reſemble him, tho you are Born to receive greater Honour for your H•gh•roweſs and Chivalry, than any one, who has Preceded you; for the reſt trouble not your ſelf to make any father Enquiry, ſince you will but loſe your labour. This ſaid, he immediately vaniſht out of ſight, leav•ng the Gentleman no leſs amaz'd than if he had newly riſen out of a dream; yet withal not a little rejo•cing at what h•had heard.
Being now mo•e deſirous, than before, to know of whom he was Deſcended,•he4 turn'd back to the King, whom finding ſorely bruis'd, and wounded in his Thigh, and other Parts of his Body, by the Outrage of the Bear, he (with Tears in his Eyes) askt him, how he did? Magadan, who had curiouſly obſerv'd what befel the Gentleman, as well in his Combat with the Bear, as with the Lion, graciouſly anſwer'd him: Indeed, my Friend, I am much better than I lately expected, Thanks to our Gods and You: So that never was Education better beſtow'd, than that I have given you, ſeeing the Hazard you have put your ſelf in to preſerve me; which makes me throughly ſenſible, that Virtue, once firmly planted, is never loſt.
Sir, ſaid the Gentleman, there is no doubt, but that Virtue is underſtood only by Virtue; and yet I well know, that I can never all my life ſatisfy the Benefits, I have already receiv'd of your Majeſty. Nevertheleſs, I humbly pray our great God Iupiter, to grant me the Favour, that my Power may one day correſpond with my Will, and then ſhall be clearly manifeſted the Deſire I have to obey and ſerve your Majeſty. But Sir, I think it convenient, to look for ſome of your Huntſmen, or ſome others, that may carry you into the Town; for as far as I can perceive, the Bear has dealt very roughly with you.
I deſire you ſo to do, reply'd the King. Then the Gentleman croſt thro' the Foreſt, till he met Fulurtin, and many other Gentlemen, who, being Advertis'd of th•Misfortune befaln their Prince, were very much diſcontented, and ſetting Spurs to their Horſes, Poſted immediately to him, whom they found in a very weak condition, by reaſon of the Blood, he had loſt. However, he exactly related to them, what had happened, telling 'em, that had it not been for the aſſiſtance, given him by the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, he was in greater danger of loſing his life, than ever he had been from the firſt hour of his Birth. Then making him a Litter, they convey'd him to the City of Saba, where he was with all imaginable care lookt after by the Queen, who from that very Moment no leſs eſteem'd the Gentleman, than if he had been her own Son.
How Fulurtin and the Gentleman of the Burning Sword were made Knights by King Magadan, and how Maudan, ſtimulated by Envy, falſly accus'd the Queen Buruca.
MAgadan having béen in this manner preſerv'd by the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, had from that time as great an Affection for him, as if he had been his near Relation, eſpecially after he had recounted to him the diſcourſe, he had with the Child of the Lion; whence the King Imprinted in his Fancy, that he muſt be Deſcended from Perſons of the higheſt Quality: He therefore made him ordinarily fit at his own Table, next to his Son Fulurtin, giving him alſo a young White Gentleman, nam'd Yneril, to wait upon him, and be always near his Perſon. Thus paſſed away fome Years, till the Gentleman, belov'd both by Great and Little, was5 come to the Age of Fourteen, being ſo well ſhap'd and manly, that he ſeem'd to be above Sixteen.
Now it happened, that Fulurtin, who was a little Elder than he, being an Accompliſht and Good-natur'd Prince, requeſted the King to give him the Order of Knighthood, to which he eaſily condeſcended. The Gentleman of the Burning Sword, being Advertis'd of it, and deſiring this Honour above any thing in the World, addreſt himſelf alſo to Magadan for this purpoſe, who knowing the Greatneſs of his courage, with the love he bare him, did not ſo much conſider the greenneſs of his years, as the Vertue of his Perſon, and was therefore content, that Fulurtin and he ſhould become Companions in Arms, ſo that he gave them both the Order, with white Harneſs.
Now according to the Cuſtom of keeping the Ceremonies, the Feaſt continu'd the ſpace of Fifteen days, during which, Maudan, Son to one of the gr•ateſt Lo•ds of Saba, came to Court, to be bred up with Fulurtin. He had not been long there, ere he became ſo jealous, and envious of the Honour, the King did the Knight of the Burning Sword, that falling into a deep Melancholly, he was generally thought to be ſick. And the more this Poiſon gnaw'd his heart, the more did he ſeek to bring the Knight of the Burning Sword into the Kings Disfavour, which when he could not find occaſion to do, he was ſeen hourly to waſt away like Snow before the heat of the Sun.
Now ſome time after, Magadan, leaving the Queen at Saba, went to viſit a Town of his, call'd Terryna, during whoſe Abſence, the good Lady diverting her ſelf one day at Cheſs with the Knight of the Burning Sword, Fulurtin and Maudan, who were looking on, weary'd with the length of the Game, went fo•th, and left them alone. In fine, after ſome Mates, in which the Queen had the Victory, ſhe, who (as you have heard) lov'd him, againſt whom ſhe play'd, as her own Son, as well for his Vertues, as for the Succour he had given the King, when he deliver'd him from the Peril that befel him as he was hunting, made him ſit down by her on the Beds-Feet, where diſcourſing together without the leaſt thought of prejudicing her Honour, ſhe tenderly kiſt and embrac'd him. But Maudan, whoſe Envy made him pry after Opportunities to ruine the Knight of the Burning Sword; having quitted Fulurtin to watch them, and ſeeing their Careſſes, perſwaded himſelf more than was true, reſolving in his w•cked mind, to acquaint the King with their love at his Return: which was not long after, He having advice, that the Kings of Arab•a and Tharſus were coming dwon into his Country to make War upon him. This made him return the ſooner to Saba, that ſending out on every ſide to raiſe Men, he might go fo•th to meet his Enemies. But ſcarce was he riſen from Supper, when Maudan, finding him alone, leaning on a Window in the Preſence; after a ſhort Preamble to Palliate his Treaſon, began to diſcourſe him in this manner: Sir I moſt humbly beg your Majeſty's Pardon, if with the greateſt Regret imaginable I diſcover to you a thing, which, I wiſh, my Death could have prevented, as well for the Diſcontent, it will give your Majeſty, as for the Amity I bear the Knight of the Burning Sword, whom I take all our Gods to witneſs, I have ever lov'd; honour'd,6 and eſteem'd above any other of my Acquaintance. But the matter ſo neerly concerning You, ſhould I, who am your Vaſſal, conceal it, I ſh•uld be guilty of the Higheſt Treaſon, and the Education You have beſtow'd on me, would be very ill employed, ſo that Reaſon conſtrains me to lay aſide all reſpect of Perſons, tho' it were of my own Father, for to preſerve the Fidelity I owe You, my Natural Prince, and Soveraign Lord. Then he declar'd, how he had ſeen the Queen playing at Cheſs with the Knight of the Burning Sword, telling the King the Familiarities, that had paſs'd between them, which he ſo amplifi'd and enlarg'd, as to aver, that the Queen, abandoning all Modeſty, had violated her Marriage Bed. The King was (not without cauſe) ſo aſtoniſht at hearing this, that being ready to drop down to the ground, that he was a long time unable to utter the leaſt word, by reaſon of the conteſt, there was in his Inte•ior between the Love he bare the Accus'd, and the diſhonour had been done him, ſo that he could not forbear weeping. Having therefore his Face cover'd with tears, he ask'd Maudan, whether it were poſſible that the Knight of the Burning Swo•d had ſo diſhonour'd him as he had related. Yes Sir, anſwer'd he, and I will ſwear it by the living Gods; for I ſaw it with my own eyes.
Ah, Ah! ſaid the King, fetching a deep ſigh: Since the Traytor has ſo far forgotten himſelf, as I heretofore prefer'd him before all that were in this Kingdom, ſo will I now cauſe him, and the Strumpet his Companion, to be put to the cruelſt Death, that ever wretched Creatures ſuffer'd.
Then the King, commanding Maudan to keep ſecret what he had told him, retir'd to his Chamber as full of diſcontent, as the Villian was of joy, for having ſo well accompliſht his deſign. As the Love of a Father to his Son is incomparably greater than common Amities, ſo the hate of the one to the other, when it grows vigorous is undoubtedly more extream than can be expreſt. In like manner the King, who was ſo affectionated to the Knight of the burning ſword, that he had almoſt equall'd him with Fulurtin, having heard the diſcourſe of this Whiſperer, grew ſo diſturb'd, that he had much ado ſo to govern his Paſſion, as to forbear ſending him at that very moment to receive his laſt Puniſhment, which yet, tho' not without putting a g•eat conſtraint upon himſelf, he for a while ſuſpended, hoping to ſurprize him in the Fact.
Now ſuch is commonly the Nature of Sin, that 'tis no ſooner brought into the Wo•ld, but 'tis attended by Repentance, which was the cauſe, that Maudan, mixing water with his wine, began immediately to know his offence, inſomuch that, conſidering the many Pleaſures and Courteſies he had receiv'd from the Knight, he had accus'd, he wiſht he had never ſpoken ill of him; but when the Steed is ſtoln, 'tis too late to ſhut the Stable door. Yet did remorſe of Conſcience, conducted by Reaſon, gain ſo much upon him, that he purpos'd at leaſt to ſave his life, by giving him notice t•at the King ſ•ake of doing him a diſpleaſure, and adviſing him therefore to abſent himſelf from his Fury. This thought he put in Execution; A thing probably proceeding from GOD, not for the ſake of ſo wretehed a Perſon, as Maudan, but for the preſervation of the Innocent, for which cauſe we7 ſometimes ſee the Wicked, contrary to his Nature, to leave Evil, and give way to Good.
The Sun was already retir'd behind the Mountains, and the Night approacht, when the Traytor found out the Knight of the Burn•ng Sword, to whom, concealing from him the Poiſon which lay hid in his heart, he thus ſpake: My dear Friend ſo much do I deſire your Good, that there cannot any inconvenience befall you, at which I ſhould not be as much troubled as if it hapned to my ſelf. 'Tis therefore neceſſary, you retire with all poſſible ſpeed; for I certainly know, that the King is reſolv'd to put you to death, for which purpoſe you will be Arreſted at your Entrance into the Palace. The particular cauſe indeed I cannot learn, but ſome ſtory has been told him, for which he hates you to extremity.
The Knight of the burning ſword, as you will eaſily believe, was not a little aſtoniſht at this Advertiſement, the truth of which, as not having any way offended, he would ſoon have queſtion'd, had not Maudan always pretended a particular kindneſs for him. He gave therefore ſo much credit to this Traytor's words, that he immediately commanded Yneril his Eſquire to bring his Arms, and taking Horſe, went ſecretly forth of the Town, without any other Attendance, Riding all Night in marvellous diſcontent.
Thus Maudan wove the Web, which afterward coſt him his life, as ſhall be declared to you. In the mean time the better ſtill to cover his deſign, he went very late in the Evening to the King, to whom he ſaid: Sir, I doubt Yneril may have over heard ſome part of the diſcourſe, I had with Your Majeſty, about his Maſter; for I am certainly inform'd he was liſtning under the window: Which may be the more eaſily credited, for that I have not ſince ſeen the Knight of the burning ſword, whom I believe you will find to be fled.
That would be ill, reply'd the King, therefore, pray, know the certainty of it, and that without delay.
At theſe words Maudan went ſtrait out of the Palace, to the Knight's Lodgings, returning ſoon after, as in amaze, to tell the King, he was gone. Magadan, hearing this ſent haſtily to apprehend the Queen Buruca, ſwearing, he would have her burnt alive; at which the poor Lady, who knew not for what occaſion, was very much troubled, and caſting her ſelf at the Kings feet, beſought him with hands held up to tell her the cauſe of his diſpleaſure. Wicked woman, anſwer'd he, you ſhall know too ſoon to your coſt.
Then commanding her to be lock'd up, he ſet Guards upon her, charging them on peril of their lives to keep her ſafe. After this he ſent forth men on all ſides to look for the Knight of the burning ſword, and bring him either alive or dead, For, ſaid the King, he has acted againſt me the greateſt Treaſon in the world.
Fulurtin, wondering at this ſo ſuddain change, found means to know the cauſe•f it, which the King would not conceal from him, that he might irritate him the more againſt the Knight, who had done him ſo many Services, not letting him however know from whom he had receiv'd his Information. But the Young Prince, being8 well advis'd, endeavour'd, what he could to pacify all, and diſſwade Magadan from believing any ſuch thing, which 'twas impoſſible for him to do.
Not long after thoſe, who had been in queſt of the Knight of the Burning Sword, return'd without hearing any news of him; at which the King was ſo enrag'd, that he wanted l•ttle of putting the Queen to death. But by the Advice of his moſt intimate Counſellors he delay'd it till ſuch time as he recover'd the Knight.
At that very inſtant there Arriv'd a Courier, bringing him News of the Spoil, the Enemies made in his Realm, into which they were entred. This made Magadan, whoſe Army was now ready, march forth to meet them, and give them Battle, the Man being led by Fulurtin, and the reſt of his Forces by the King himſelf, whoſe Army was divided only into two Squadrons.
The Kings of Tharſus and Arabia, advertis'd of Magadans approach, drew up their men in a P•ſture to receive him. After a long and fierce Fight, Magadan and his Son were in fine taken Priſoners, and their whole Army diſcomfited, the greateſt part e caping to the Neighbouring Towns, and the reſt being put to the Sword. Theſe Kings, having thus gotten the victory, conſulted betwixt themſelves to ſend Magadan and Fulurtin where they might be ſafely kept. Of this the King of Tharſus would take the Charge, attended only by ten choſen Knights, not being willing to truſt ſuch a Prey with any other Perſon but himſelf, and in the mean time the King of Arabia advanc'd to Beſiege Saba.
How the Knight of the Burning Sword found a Mooriſh Hermit, and of the diſcourſe they had together.
SO long travell'd the Knight of the Burning Sword, with his Eſquire Yneril, that having Travers'd many Leagues without knowing whether, or which way they went, they came at laſt into a great Forreſt, in which they Rode two whole days before they could find any way out. Now towards the end of the ſecond day, as the Sun had finiſht his Diurnal courſe, they approacht the little Hermitage of a Pagan Moor, who, for the Auſterity of his life, was by thoſe of his Law reputed an Holy Man. He was then ſitting before his door; wherefore the Knight of the Burning Sword, who had formerly heard of him, aſſoon as he ſaw him, immediately ſat Foot to ground, and with great humility ſaluted him, offering to kiſs his Feet. The Good Man, wondering at his Behaviour, and ſeeing him to be ſo fair, young, and luſty a Knight, graciouſly lifted him up, and hav•ng deſir'd him to ſit down, and repoſe himſelf a little, askt him whence he was, and what Adventure had brought him to that unhabitable Deſert: For, Son, ſaid he, I believe, 'tis now above ten Years, ſince any reaſonable Creature, beſides you and I, has paſſed by the Place, where I now ſee you.
9Father, anſwer'd the Knight, my Unhappineſs being greater, than ever befel any other, that was born of woman, 'tis no wonder, if you ſee in me, what you would think ſtrange in many: ſince Fortune within theſe few days has made me certainly know the entire effects of her Inconſtancy. But were ſhe other, the Name, ſhe bears, would be no way ſuitable to her, ſeeing ſhe ſometimes Elevates one to the top of her Wheel, without his having in the leaſt merited it, and preſently tumbles another under her Feet againſt all Right and Reaſon. Wh•ch is clearly manifeſted in me, whom ſhe had for ſeveral years plac'd in the Throne of all Proſperity, and in the twinkling of an Eye, not three days ſince has ſo ruin'd, and debas'd me, that, when I conſider the State, in which I am, ſeeing my ſelf in ſo great Infel•city, methinks I am in a dream, not being able to comprehend, how, why, or in what manner this has befaln me, having never done any thing, to deſerve the Evil, I endure.
The Moor, ſeeing his Youth, and hearing him ſpeak ſo appoſitly, and with ſo much reaſon, was wholly amaz'd, and exceedingly pity'd his condition: for as he utter'd theſe Words, the Tears in very great abundance trickled down his Cheeks. Wherefore he ſaid to him: Son, the Gods, to try thoſe, whom they love, and who are deareſt to them, often permit many Adverſities to come upon them, for ſatisfaction of the Sins, they commit, as men, giving them afterward (inſtead of this tranſitory life) Permanent and ever Bleſſed Glory. It is therefore neceſſary, you conform your will to their good pleaſure, rendring them glory and thanks for all they ſend you, were it only for the Beauty and good Wit, with which they have endu'd you: which makes me think, that many great things muſt paſs in you, as they have done in ſeveral, who ſhall ſerve you for an Example, as that King of great Brittain, nam'd Amadis of Gaul, and his Son Eſplandian, Emperor of Conſtantinople, on whom the Divine Bounty heretofore beſtow'd ſuch Perfections as yours, altho' they ever were, and ſtill are Infidels, maintaining the Law of their CHRIST. But as the Sun affords his Light as well to the Wicked, as the Good: ſo our Gods indifferently extend their Graces and Mercies upon all Perſons, hoping by that means to bring them to the true knowledge of their Salvation. And tho' it be true, that Amadis and Eſplandian, ſeeking ſtrange Adventures, as all Knights errant are wont to do, very often fell into ſuch Dangers, that they many times deſpair'd of their own lives and ſafety, and other whiles of ever having Joy, or Pleaſure, as you do now; yet after an infinity of Miſeries and Perils, which they eſcap'd, Fortune, or to ſay better, the divine Pleaſure has rais'd them to that height, that the one is become a great King, and the other a Potent Emperor, neither the one, nor the other having by their Birth any Right, or Pretence to the Countreys, they enjoy, but having obtain'd them by the Magnanimity of their Courages, accompany'd with Prudence, Fortitude, and Virtue. Wherefore, my Son, endeavour to imitate them: for you have Ability and Diſcretion enough to reſemble them: and our Gods are as powerful as ever, to convert this your great Sorrow into Joy, ſurpaſſing your extream Diſpleaſure, and the Evil, that afflicts you, into far greater Contentment, and Good.
10So many other Remonſtrances made the Pagan Hermit to the Knight of the Burning Sword, that he was very much comforted, deſiring the Good Man to remember him in his de•out Prayers, promiſing him, that he would thenceforward do all poſſible dammage to the Chriſtians Religion, ſince by them the Coeliſtial Court was offended. Then, without omitting any thing, he acquainted the Hermit with the occaſion of his Flight and Diſcontent; but the poor Sancto aſſur'd him, that the Event would be very good. Then taking the Knight by the hand, he led him to his Cell, where he and Yneril abode eight whole days, during which, the Hermit fed them with ſuch mean Proviſions as he had, giving them alſo for their Horſes ſome Straw, he kept for a Bull, on which he ſometimes rode, when he went far from his Hermitage. And it was commonly reported through all the Country, that this Good Man by his exceeding great Sanctity often tam'd, and rendred tractable the cruelleſt and fierceſt Beaſts.
How Magadan, King of Saba, and his Son Fulurtin, were Reſcu'd out of the hands of the King of Tharſus by the Knight of the Burning Sword.
THe Knight of the Burning Sword, after a Weeks Abode in that place, taking leave of the Hermit, entred with Yneril his Eſquire into a Path, which led11 ſtrait to a Sea-Port Town, belonging to the King of Tharſus, where they determin'd to embark. They Travell'd all that day, without finding any Adventure till the morrow morning, when they met an Horſeman, Arm'd Cap-a-pie, whom the Knight of the Burning Sword ſaluted, asking him, what News, and whether he was going.
The King of Tharſus my Prince, anſwer'd the other, is entred into the Countrey of Saba with his Army, and they ſay, King Magadan is marching with his Forces to give him Battle, at which I will not fail to be.
This ſaid, he paſs'd on, and, without making any farther ſtay, left the Knight of the Burning Sword ſo melancholly, that he began to ſay to Yneril: I would have you, good Sir, go to the Sea-Port, not far from hence, which, I hear, is a Trading Town, carry thither my Arms, and change them for others, that are black: for I will not henceforward be known, and in the mean time I will ſtay on the edge of the Wood, expecting your return: but pray, Yneril, make haſt.
I ſhall willingly do it, anſwer'd Yneril; but your Harneſs being very good, I know not, what ſhould make you deſire to change it for a worſe.
Go, ſaid the Knight, thou ſhalt know when thou com'ſt back.
Then they withdrew into the privat'ſt part of the Forreſt, where the Knight, diſarming himſelf, gave his Armor to Yneril, who rode ſtrait with it to the Town, where having found at an Armorers, what he deſir'd, he return'd to his Maſter, who having Arm'd himſelf, and mounted his Steed, ſaid to Yneril: Pray ſtay for me at the Town, and come every Evening to this place, to ſee whether I am returned or not: For I muſt help the King and Fulurtin; elſe the Nouriſhment, they have given me, would be very ill beſtow'd, if in a time of ſuch neceſſity I ſhould not hazard my Perſon to preſerve them.
How Sir, anſwer'd the Eſquire, will you put your ſelf in ſuch danger, to preſerve his life, who ſeeks to deprive you of yours?
He ſhall not know me, reply'd the Knight, and beſides I have always heard it Averr'd, to do Good for Evil is double Merit. And therefore ſince the Gods give me this good will, I will employ it, and my Perſon alſo, in doing Service to the King, to whom I am oblig'd.
Yneril, ſeeing him ſo reſolv'd, durſt not contradict him, wherefore recommending him to the Protection of his Gods, he took one way and the Knight another, following the courſe he had ſeen kept by the Horſeman, he met the day before: Now he had not rid far, ere he met a Courier coming full ſpeed, whom he askt what News he brought.
Sir Knight, anſwer'd he, rejoice, our Prince, the King of Tharſus, has defeated the Army of King Magadan, and taken him and his Son Priſoners, bringing them along himſelf, with a Guard only of ten Knights, which are not far behind me, and for this cauſe, I am going to Advertiſe thoſe of the Town, that they may come forth to receive them.
Then he paſs'd on, and the Knight of the Burning Sword, ſtill keeping his way,12 ſaid within himſelf, God never proſper me, if I don't deliver them, or dye in the attempt. And that he might not tire his Horſe, he rode leiſurely on till he came to the top of an Hill, whence he might eaſily ſee thoſe, that conducted the King and his Son, who were ſet upon two little Nags, having each of them an Eſquire behind him, which for greater ſecurity held them about the middle. The Knight was ſo mov'd at this ſpectacle, that without any farther delay he let down the Viſor of his Helmet, and ſeeing his opportunity, ruſht in amongſt them, crying with a loud voice, Stay, Traytors, ſtay, the Injury, you do ſuch Noble Princes, ſhall coſt you dear.
The King of Tharſus and his Brother, who rode foremoſt, ſeeing themſelves aſſail'd thus on the ſudden, put themſelves in a poſture of Defence, breaking their ſtaves on him, that ran againſt them; but with ſo much force did the Knight hit the King, that piercing with his Launce both his Shield and Breaſt-plate, he threw him out of the Saddle, his Arm in the fall breaking ſhort in two. Then paſſing farther, he entred pell mell amongſt the ſeven others, who environ'd him on every ſide: For of the ten two were retir'd aſide with Magadan and Fulurtin. Now the Knight of the Burning Sword was not at all diſmay'd, but ſtriking on the right hand, and the left, gave not any home blow, but what Death follow'd. Which when the King of Saba, and his Son ſaw, they greatly wondred, not being able to imagine who it ſhould be, that perform'd ſo high an Enterpr•ze, but ſaying within themſelves, that they had never ſeen ſo much Proweſs, acted by one ſole man. And with good reaſon might they ſay it: for this Diſpute continued above the ſpace of four hours, during which the ſeven aſſaulted Knights were ſo ill treated, that the King of Tharſus's Brother loſt his life there, and three others with him. The reſt, turning their backs, fled through the Wood, whether the Knight of the Burning Sword car'd not much to follow them, but turn'd his Bridle, doubting, leſt thoſe, who guarded Magadan and Fulurtin, might kill them, but they had ſeen their Fellows ſo well rubb'd, that, to avoid falling into the ſame danger, they made uſe of their Horſes heels. Thus were the Priſoners left without any Guard, to whom the Knight of the Burning Sword turning himſelf, cut the Cords, with which they were bound, ſaying to the King: Sir, may it pleaſe you now to give me leave: for as far as I can ſee, you have no longer need of my aſſiſtance.
Ah! good Knight, anſwer'd the King, I beſeech you, tell us, who you are: to the end we may bear you good Will all our lives for the favour, and ſuccour, we have receiv'd of you.
Sir, reply'd the Knight, I am one, that ow you far greater ſervice than this, and I hope, the time will come, when you will by experience know the great Reſpect, I have for you and yours. In the mean time be pleas'd not to trouble your ſelf any farther with enquiring what I am; but cauſe the King of Tharſus, who lies wounded, to be ſet on Horſeback, and ſent into one of your neareſt Towns: for, as for me, I muſt get my wou•ds lookt after.
The King, perceiving he would not reveal himſelf, importun'd him no farther; but very affectionately thanking him, committed him to the Protection of his Gods,13 as the Knight alſo did him, haſting without any ſtay through the Woods. Then the King and Fulurtin made a ſ•ift to catch two of the Stee•s, which were looſe, and having arm'd themſelves w•th the beſt Arms, the•could find, t•ey went to the King of Tharſus, and ſeeing, that he was not dead, bound up his wou ds, and ha ing ſet him upon one of their little Nags, conducted him thence to the Town of Te•rina, where being arriv'd, and underſtanding, that the King of Arabia had planted h s Camp near Saba, Magadan ſent him word by a Trumpet, that if he did not retreat he would ſtrike off the Head of his Priſoner, the King of Tharſ•s. The King of Arabia hearing this, and being inform'd how all had paſs d, rais'd his Siege, and without any longer ſtay return'd into Arabia, as Magadan did to Saba, attended by a great Troop of Knights, and taking along with him the King, his Priſoner, of whom he had afterwards not only Peace, but alſo a great Tribute and Ranſome.
How after the Knight of the Burning Sword had Reſ•u'd the King of Saba, and his Son, he entered into the thickeſt of the Forreſt, where he met with an Old Man, and of the Diſcourſe they had together.
THe Knight of the Burning Sword, having, as you were told, deliver'd Magadan and Fulurtin, turn'd back the way, he came: and tho' he was cruelly wounded, yet did not this ſo much trouble him, as that he did not know the place, where he was, and leſs, how to find any help: for the Neighbouring Country appertain'd to the King of Tharſus, whom he had defeated, which made him greatly fear being known by them, that fled: wherefore he kept himſelf as cloſe within the Forreſt, as he poſſibly could, not ceaſing to Travel till night, when the Dew, falling into his wounds, much encreas'd their ſmart.
Being in this pain and trouble, he ſaw by Moon-ſhine a Man coming towards him, who at firſt ſeem'd to have his Face cover'd with a Linnen Cloth; which nevertheleſs was not ſo, that Apprehenſion being caus'd by the Whiteneſs of•is Hair, and his great Beard. Then the Knight of the Burning Sword ſuſpected him to be ſome Slave, that was ſtoln away from his Maſter, and therefore ſaluted him according to the Cuſtom of the Country, but the Old Man return'd his Salutation in Greek, which the Knight underſtood, as alſo all other Languages, having learned them of his Maſter Mandaiar. Wherefore he began to ſay to him in the ſame Language: Honourable Father, can you inform me of any Place near, where I may find a Remedy for ſome Wounds, I have on my Body?
If you were a Chriſtian, as I am, anſwer'd the Old Man, I ſhould certainly ſatisfy you.
In good ſaith, ſaid the Knight, this ought not to hinder you: for Vertue is never loſt, in what place ſoever it is exercis d, ſince it ſtill continues Vertue. If then14 it be in you, I beſeech you to tell me, what I ask, and ſince you are more oblig'd to your ſelf, than to any other, delay not ſo good a work, if you can do it for the Gods are reverenc'd only for the Good, we hope to receive from them, and which is in them. And therefore, tho' you are not of their Law, ceaſe not to imitate them, in what is good, ſince I my ſelf, who am not a Chriſtian, but a Pagan, would follow your GOD, in what ſhould ſeem to me•juſt, and equitable: ſe•••g the Vertue, of which I ſpeak, in what place ſoever it be lodg'd, is always vertuous, making thoſe, in whom it is, reſemble the Divinity.
You ſpeak ſo well, reply'd the Old Man, that you ſhall find in me, what you deſire: alight then, and I will ſuccour you: for it would go ill with you, ſhould you be known in this Countrey, whence you would not afterward get eaſily out.
The Knight incontinently obey'd this Counſel, wondering nevertheleſs to hear the Good Man's diſcourſe, of whom he demanded, how he could tell it, would be dangerous for him to be known.
Do not, ſaid he, Enquire ſo far; but let it ſuffice you, that I know more of your Affairs, than you do your ſelf: but at preſent I will ſay no more.
Then having apply'd ſuch Remedies to the Places, where he was wounded, that the Knight found himſelf without pain, the Old Man gave him ſome Victuals, he had in a Pannier, of which the Knight having eaten, fell into ſo ſound a Sleep, that it was brode day, when he awoke, finding himſelf Arm'd, not with the black Arms, which Yneril had brought him in exchange for his own, but with other white ones, much richer and ſtronger, with a Shield, ſuitable to them, in the midſt of which was painted a Sword, reſembling that, he Naturally had on his Body.
The Knight, then exceedingly wondering, how this had befaln him was ſo perplext that he much doubted, whether he were not in a Dream, eſpecially when he no longer ſaw the Old Man, that had cur'd him. Being thus in a muſe, he ſpy'd coming along the Way a Damſel, mounted on a Palfrey, accompany'd by an Eſquire, whom he knew: for it was Yneril. This Woman, as ſhe came near him, appear'd ſo Old and Feeble, that ſhe could ſcarce keep her ſelf on her Horſe: He nevertheleſs g aciouſly ſaluted her, who askt him, If he could tell her any News of a very Ancient Man, that went before her.
Indeed, anſwer'd he, I ſhould be glad to hear ſome of him, for the great deſire, I have to find him.
And greater you would have, ſaid the Old Woman, did you know him as well, as I do.
This ſaid, ſhe ſmote her Palfrey, and paſs'd on, leaving him, to whom ſhe ſpake, very Anxious, yet well pleas'd at Yneril's Arrival, whom he askt, who brought him thither.
On my Faith Sir, ſaid he, I ſhall willingly tell you. As I was going out of the Forreſt, where I left you, the Old Woman, which ſpake to you, addreſt her ſelf to me, bidding me in your name follow her, and ſhe would bring me wh•re we ſhould find15 you at this very hour. Thus we came together, ſhe telling me by the way, that her Old Husband was with you, diſcourſing you about things, which were of great importance to you, and, as far as I can underſtand, ſhe is n•m'd Ʋrganda, and he Alquif.
Now the Knight of the Burning Sword had often heard them and their knowledge highly eſteem'd in the houſe of King Magadan, wherefore, as if ſome new Accident had happen'd to him, he cry'd out; O Jupiter! Is it poſſible, that the Sage Ʋrganda, and the Prudent Alquif ſhould come to viſit me? As I live, I know not any Inconvenience, that can hinder me from following them, wherever•hey are: and they ſhall tell me, before I part with them, whoſe Son I am.
Then taking Horſe, he gallopt after Urganda and Alquif, whom he perceiv'd on the top of an h•gh Hill, where he loſt ſight of them, diſcovering them again afterwards on the Sea-ſhore, as they were entring into a little Bark, wh•ch four Men began to Row. He call'd after them as loud, as he could, thinking to make them ſtay; but 'twas in vain: for the Veſſel in leſs than a moment put off from Land, ſteering towards an Iſle, a pretty diſtance off, which fo diſpleas'd our Knight as nothing more: yet he went on as far as the Shore, where he found a little Boat, with two Oars, and ſome Victuals in it, which certain Fiſher-men had left there. Then he askt Yneril, whether he could guide him into the Iſle, he ſhew'd him.
Yes very well, anſwer'd he: but I doubt, the Air of the Sea may prejudice your Wounds. And this he ſaid, becauſe the Knight had told him, what had befaln him upon the deliverance of Magadan.
Trouble not thy ſelf, ſaid the Knight: I have no hurt, that ſhould hinder my Enterprize.
Since it is ſo, anſwer'd Yneril, let us alight, and leave our Horſes to feed till our return.
They did ſo, and entred into the Skiff, which Yneril began to Sail, ſo t•at they Arri• 'd at the Iſle about Sun-ſet. They Landed, looking high and low for Urganda and Alquif; but found not there any living Creature: wherefore they return'd into their Veſſel, hoping by the light of the Moon to get back, where they had left their Horſes; but ſcarce had they weigh'd Anchor, when the Weather began to be Tempeſtuous, and the Sea to ſwell ſo deſperately, that they abandon'd their Boat to the mercy of the Wind and Waves, and not knowing, which way they went, they loſt all ſight of Land, expecting every moment an unhappy End.
How t•e Knight of the Burning Sword came to the Defended Mountain, where he fought with Frandalo, Frandalon, and Belleris, whom he vanquiſht.
TEn Days and Ten Nights were the Knight of the Burning Sword and Yneril, in the Condition, you have heard putting all their hope of Life in the Good Pleaſure16 of their God Neptune, and others, whom they inceſſantly invok'd, till that one morning the Sun began to get the Maſtery, and the Sea to become calm. Then they diſcover'd an high Coaſt, to the Foot of which it pleas'd Fortune to drive them. The Country ſeem'd to them ſo Pleaſant ▪ and well adorn'd with tall Trees. that to Refreſh themſelves, they determin'd there to enter into harbour, and know, whether the place were Inhabited. For this reaſon they went aſhore, where they ſound a little path, that led them to a Monaſtery, before which there was erected an high Wooden Croſs. Now the Knight of the Burning Sword had never ſeen ſuch a Sign, wherefo•e he askt Y•e•il, if he knew what it meant.
Aſſure your ſelf, Sir, anſwer'd he, that we are on Chriſtian Ground: for to ſuch a Tree was their GOD heretofore faſtned.
This News greatly pleas'd the Knight of the Burning Sword, who hop'd to find ſome Adventure, and prove himſelf in ſuch ſort, as to do ſome glorious Act of Chivalry to the Augmentation of his Religion. Wherefore paſſing farther, they found the door of a Church open, in the front of which were three fair Altars, adorn'd with Sacerdotal Ornaments, together with ſome Repreſentations of Saints, accordi•g to the Cuſtom of the Faithful, and preſently they heard ſeveral Voices of Men, ſinging, tho' they ſaw not any one, at which being wholly amaz'd, they came as far as the Quire of the Church, where they ſaw a Sepulchre of Alabaſter, cover'd with a very clear Cryſtial, under which was the Effigies of a Knight, compleatly Arm'd, and round about were engraven theſe following Words.
Here lies the Valiant and Magnanimous Matroco, who before his death had (thro' the Grace of GOD) knowledge of the Eternal Life, and as a Champion of JESƲS CHRIST, made himſelf with his own Blood the ſign of the Croſs, which he ador'd, dying very happily in the Faith of the Elect.
The Knight of the Burning Sword knew well by the Contents of this Epitaph, that Yneril had told him the Truth, and that this was indeed a Chriſtian Countrey, when at the very inſtant came forth a Religious Man, prepar'd to ſay Maſs, who, ſeeing this Stranger ſo fair, young, and well proportion'd, knew not well, what to think of him; however, without long amuſing himſelf, he began the Divine Service, in which the Knight took ſo much Pleaſure, that he had the Patience to ſtay, till the Ceremonies were ended, the good Father eaſily perceiving by his Behaviour, and the little Reverence, he ſhew'd, that he was indeed no Chriſtian.
Having therefore put off h•s Alb, and finiſht his Oriſons, he Addreſt himſelf to the Knight, ſaying: Sir Knight, I deſire you not to conceal from me, of what Country you are, who, without any regard to ſo holy a Place, have made no accout of Divine Service, whilſt I was celebrating Maſs. In truth, if you are a Pagan, I wonder, how you durſt enter into this Countrey, ſo contrary to your Law.
Father, anſwer'd the Knight, I am a Pagan both by Religion and Nation,•o leſs admiring at my Arrival here, than you do to ſee me. Nevertheleſs, I earneſtly deſire you to tell me, what Countrey this is, and under what Prince or Lord you live.
17Son, reply'd the Good Man, the Pity, I have of your ignorant Youth, makes me willing to ſatisfie you. This Land is p rt of the Realm of Natol•a, call'd the D•fended Mountain, but now held by the Emperor of Conſtantinopl•, who conquer'd it by force of Arms.
Then he particularly related to him, in what manner Eſplandian got poſſeſſion of it, as it is recorded in the fifth Book of Amadis of Gaul. The Knight gladly hearkened to him: for he had often heard of this Emperor and his great Feats of Arms. Nevertheleſs he thought ſoon to eſſay by all means the Reduction of the place to its former Obedience, and of the People thereabout to the Religion, under which they had heretofore liv'd: for the attaining of which deſign, he askt the Religious man by whom the Place was Guarded.
By a Knight, anſwer'd he, nam'd Frandalo, who, having been a Pagan, as you are, ſubmitted himſelf to the Knowledge of GOD, having ſince ſhewn himſelf ſo Valorous, eſpecially in the keeping of this Iſle, that the Emperor has made him a Count, as alſo Admiral, and Governour of the Fortreſs, into which as being impregnable, the King of Ieruſalem was not long ſince brought Priſoner, the Garriſon being reinforc'd by one only Knight, nam'd Frandalon, whom Frandalo, whoſe Kinſman he is, lately ſent for, as we are aſſur'd by one of our Convent, who was there within this few days, and theſe two together, would (as 'tis ſaid) well undertake to keep the Place, not only againſt the Neighbouring Kings, but alſo againſt all thoſe of Aſia, ſhould they attempt to force it.
And are they alone? ſaid the Knight.
No, anſwer'd the Religious, Belleris keeps them company, and they have with them their Servants, and Eſquires, with ſome Serjeants and Laborours. But ſhould they have need, King Norandel, who is at Teſifanto, would be here in a days time with his Army, which is very great, as alſo the Emperor of Conſtantinople, ſhould it be neceſſary: for it is not far by Sea from hence thither: therefore I adviſe you to retire; elſe you will fall into danger of Death, or Captivity.
I will firſt, reply'd the Knight, view a little nigher the ſtrong Place, of which you tell me ſo many things.
And what will you get by it, ſaid the Good Father, except it be the Priſon, of which I have given you warning?
That's more than I know, anſwer'd the Knight, I will try at leaſt, whether the Gods are as much diſpleas'd with me, as they were with thoſe, who heretofore loſt it. Which, as you may judge, could never have been effected by the effort of one ſingle man, had not the Divine Goodneſs conſented to this Infelicity for the offences of the Wicked, who at that time poſſeſt it. And now, perhaps, our Gods are appeas'd, and will, as I hope, permit, that their holy Law, which has ſince bin profan'd by you Chriſtians, ſhall there be renew'd, and reſtor'd to its former ſtate.
Ah Sir Knight, ſaid the Good man, have a care, leſt the Devil deceive you under colour of the Sanctity, of which you ſpeak, ſo as to make you attempt that, which18 you neither can, nor ought to do for your Honour, and leſs for the Salvation of your Soul.
'Tis a miſtake, anſwer'd the Knight, may not Fortune be as favourable to me, as ſhe was to him, that conquer'd it, according as you have related it to me? Therefore pray, good Sir, ſhew me the way thither, without Preaching to me any longer.
That indeed I will not do, ſaid the good Father, for tho' you are a Pagan, and wholly contrary to the Faith of IESVS CHRIST, yet is it not lawful for Religious Perſons, ſuch as I am, to contribu••in any manner whatſoever to the death of any one.
Since it is ſo, anſwer'd the Knight, do as you pleaſe: I will then find it by ſome other means.
This ſaid, he and Yneril went out of the Church, taking the•r way along a little Path, and ſeeming very joyful, that they had found an occaſion of acquiring Honour by doing Service to their falſe Gods. They had not Travell'd long, before they met a Man, d•iving two Mules, laden with barrels of Water, of whom they askt the way to the Caſtle, which the honeſt Country Man willingly ſhew'd them. Then they began to aſcend the Mountain, not without great Pain. And becauſe Yneril appear d more penſive than ordinary, the Knight of the Burning Sword askt him, on what he mus'd on ſo much.
Certainly, anſwer'd he, were I not afraid of diſpleaſing you, I ſhould willingly tell you, for the Love I bear you, accompany'd with the deſire, I have to ſerve you
Friend, reply'd the Knight, thou canſt not ſay any thing, that will be diſagreable to me, ſince in all things the Intention is more to be regarded than the Effect, which proceeds of it. And moreover, ſince the Counſel of an Enemy is ſometimes good, that of a Friend (as you are to me) ought well to be eſteem'd wholſome and ſalutary: Speak therefore boldly, and, if thy Advice be reaſonable, aſſure thy ſelf that I will follow it: for I will not imitate many obſtinate Perſons, who, knowing themſelves to be in Fault, do yet diſdain the counſel of others, committing therein two Offences: the one thro' their little ſenſe; the other thro' their want of knowledge.
Truly Sir, ſaid Yneril, your Arguments are ſo prevalent, that I will freely lay open my Thoughts, not concealing from you any thing, I have in my mind. You are not ignorant, that you were found by the Sea-ſide, neither your ſelf〈◊〉I believe) nor they who bred you up, knowing, whether the Country, whence〈◊〉•ere taken, be Chriſtian, or Pagan, wherefore methinks you are much to bla•e in what you undertake, ſince peradventure you are ſon to ſome Chriſtian•ho' at preſent you profeſs another Religion. And then if it be ſo, are not you o•lig•d to follow the way of your Parents? Yes indeed are you, and you ought to hear•en to the counſel of this poor Sancto, till you know better what you are, than as yet you do: for the hands often act wrong; tho' the intention be right.
Now Yneril ſaid this, becauſe himſelf was deſcended of Chriſtian Parent•g•,19 tho' he were then a Pagan; but his heart perpetually earn'd to return to the Faith of his Anceſtors, and he would willingly have diverted his Maſter from paſſing any farther, as well for the fear, he had of his Perſon, as for the Evil, which might follow, if this Country, where GOD was ſo devoutly ſerv'd, ſhould b•conquer'd by him, and reduc'd to its firſt Error.
The Knight of the Burning Sword, hearing Yneril ſpeak with ſuch Affection•could not forbear ſmiling, but ſaid to him, Indeed, Yneril: I may (as you ſay) be deſcended of ſome Chriſtian, but I doubt it, whereas I am certain, that the King Educated me in the Pagan Law, and in doubtful things we muſt follow the moſt apparent. Now I have always liv'd amongſt thoſe of Saba, and receiv'd Knighthood according to their Faith, in which I will perſevere to my death, except my Judgment alter: otherwiſe I ſhould properly reſemble him, who, having his ſ ght perfect, knowingly makes himſelf blind, or (to ſay better) leaving the High-way, known to all, I ſhould take the Path that will lead me to Perdition. Believe me, that Wiſe men advance only with the Time, and follow their good Fortune, when it preſents it ſelf, and to theſe two, Time and Fortune are all Perſons naturally ſubject. Put caſe therefore, that my Parents were Chriſtians, or ſtill are ſo, it is nevertheleſs for me to chooſe that Religion, which ſhall ſeem beſt to me, and not to imitate them, knowing that they Err. For this cauſe have the Gods made men differ from Beaſts, giving them Reaſon to chooſe the Good and Avoid the Evil. Wherefore I am reſolv'd (till ſuch time I am otherwiſe inſpir'd) to endeavour by all means the Augmentation of the Pagan Religion, and the Deſtruction of its contrary, were I therefore to dye a Thouſand Deaths for ſuch Death ought properly to be nam'd the beginning of Life. And moreover it is probable, that our Gods have caſt us upon theſe Coaſts, and deliver'd us out of danger, expreſly to force us to do them ſome agreeable ſervice here, in deſtroying this Rabble, which has ſo long reſided in this place. And as to what you have laid before me, ſaying, that I am bound to follow my Parents; to this I anſwer, that I am yet more oblig'd to them, to whom I ow my Education, as I will preſently prove by an Example, which was on a time amongſt other things told me by Mandaiar, who was my Inſtructer, whilſt I liv'd with Magadan. There was, and ſtill is at Sobradiſe a King, nam'd Don Galaor, who, being a Knight errant, was entertain'd in the Houſe of a Prince, which then Reign'd in great Britain, call'd Liſvart. Now it happen'd that a certain Difference aroſe between this Liſvart, and Amadis, Brother of Galaor, touching the Iſle of Mongaza, for defence of which Amadis, with his Father the King of Gaul, another Brother of his, nam'd Don Floreſtan, and many of their Kindred, Friends, and Allies, went into it: and to ſuch an height grew this Quarrel, that there follow'd many fierce and cruel Battels, in which Galaor was always found on the ſide of the King, by whom he had been entertain'd, giving by his Proweſs a certain Teſtimony of his acknowledgment for the great Benefits and Favors, he had receiv'd of him, preferring the Amity and ſervice, he bare him, before all Right of Affinity, and Parentage, tho' it were againſt his own Father. And by this20 thou may'ſt judge, that every Perſonage of noble Spirit is more indebted to his Honour and Reaſon (by which he ought to govern himſelf) than to Father, Friends, Kinsfolks, or even his own ſelf.
Diſcourſing in this manner, they came to the Bridge, adjoyning to the Fortreſs, which they were a pretty while in Viewing, and there the Knight took his Helmet, and Shield, commanding Yneril to ſtay there for him, and not to paſs any farther, which was very grievous to him. Then he marcht bravely on, till he came near the firſt Tower, at the Window of which he perceiv'd two Knights, playing at Cheſs, the one bigger than the other, each of them about Fifty Years of Age, and both clad in Black. The leſſer had his Hair exceeding long, and his Beard below his Girdle, twiſted with Threads of Gold, which made the Knight certainly believe him to be, as indeed he was, the King of Jeruſalem. But when the greater deſcryd the Knight of the Burning Sword compleatly Arm'd, ready for Fight, and climbing up the Steps, cut in the Rock, he put his Head out of the Window, and ſpeaking to him in Greek, ſaid loud enough: Knight, paſs no farther, before we know what you are, otherwiſe the Cuſtom of this place requires, that you be made go down, whether you will or no.
He, to whom he ſ•ake, was not at all frighted at theſe menaces; but without taking any farther notice of them, came as far as the Gate, and then gave him this Anſwer: Sir Knight, cauſe the Caſtle-Gate to be open'd, and let me in, and I will ſatisfie you, and the Cuſtom.
By my Head, ſaid the other, it ſhall be open'd time enough to your coſt: for it is probable, that you come not into theſe Coaſts for any good will, you bear us: wherefore you ſhall not eſcape my ſtaying of you for a Spy.
As he finiſht his Speech, there preſented himſelf another Knight, younger, but ſo big, that he of the Burning Sword was ſomewhat amaz'd at him; yet made he no ſemblance of any ſuch thing: but ſaid to the other, You may peradventure be deceiv'd: for, if I can, I will renew the Good, of which you have depriv'd this Country, to ſow therein ſo much Evil.
In what manner? ſaid he of the Fortreſs.
The Gods, anſwer'd the Knight of the Burning Sword, diſpleas'd with your wicked Life, contrary to their Glory, will permit me to chaſtiſe you and drive you hence.
How? ſaid the young Grant, Art thou then one of thoſe Fools, that believe in more Gods, than there are ſands in the Sea? Stay a little, and thou ſhalt ſee the Event of it.
Scarce had he utter'd the Word, but they retir'd from the Window; and a little after there was a Poſtern open'd, at the entrance of which, an Arm'd Knight preſented himſelf, who, ho•ding his Shield ready for Combat, ſaid to him of the Burning Sword, Come in poor Man, and perhaps I will have Mercy on thee.
I know not what Mercy you may ſhew me, anſwer'd the other, but I have not yet any part about me, that inclines me to ask it: the Execution alſo21 Arms l•es not in the Tongue, but in the Hands.
Then he of the Burning Sword entred, and ſoon after began ſuch a Combat between them, that to hear the Blows, they gave each other, you would have ta•en to be two Smiths beating on an Anvil. The Knight of the Caſtle gave the other ſuch a Blow with his Sword, that he made his eyes ſparkle; but the other in Revenge, ſtruck at him with ſo great fo•ce, that he cleft his Shield aſunder, and t•e Point of the Sword, falling upon the creſt of his Helmet, wounded him ſo ſeverely, that he fell backward, as if he were dead. Which being ſeen by thoſe, that beheld them, they were very much troubled, believing him to be ſlain, nor did the Knight of the Burning Sword think any leſs. Wherefore he left him, and paſs'd on, till he came in to the Court, where he found ten Servants, Arm'd with Br•gandins, who ran upon him, crying out: Wicked Infidel, Enemy to GOD and his Faith, thou ſhalt now pay for thy Raſhneſs, which has brought thee hither: and immediately they environ'd him on all ſides.
But he, as being the beſt Knight in the World, fac'd them with ſo much Courage, that they ſoon felt the weight of his Blows, whoever he ſtruck, being aſſur'd either of Death, or a Wound, wherefore they began to retreat by little and little, and not without cauſe: for Three of them were in a little time lay'd dead on the place, which ſo mov'd the others to revenge, that they reſolv'd either to kill him, or to loſe every man of them their Lives: preſſing therefore more cloſe upon him, than they had•itherto done, he nevertheleſs knew ſo well how to defend himſelf, that before the parting of the Game, two more of them were overthrown, ſhaking their Heels. But the Five, which were left, gave him afterwards ſo much work, that it is incredible, how he could preſerve himſelf: for one of them, cloſing with him, thought to get him down, but the Knight of the Burning Sword with a Blow of his Fiſt brake his teeth, and jaws, the extremity of the pain making him let go his hold, and fall flat with his face on the ground, which the reſt perceiving, fled to the Tower of the Caſtle, crying out, Come forth my Lord, come forth, we are all dead men, unleſ•you aſſiſt us.
So cloſe at the Heels were they follow'd by the Knight of the Burning Sword, that they had not time to ſhut the door, but he entred after them into the midſt of the place, where he heard the voice of one, that ſaid to him, Devil, Enemy of GOD, thou ſhalt dy by my hands the moſt cruel Death, that ever brought Wretch to the End of his days.
Then he perceiv'd the Gyant, he had ſeen at the Window, who, being compleatly Arm'd, and holding his Sword drawn in his hand, came to aſſault him. And th•the ſtrange Knight had more need of Repoſe than Fighting, and mor•occaſion of Fear than Aſſurance, ſeeing this great Loggerhead ſo inclin'd to miſchief him, he was nevertheleſs ſo magnanimous, that bowing down his head, he march'd againſt him, and being come within a yard or two of him, ſpake to him in this manner, Gyant, the Vaſtneſs of thy Body did at firſt put me in ſome fear, who am as it were but half a man in reſpect of thee; but when I heard thy Threats, I felt my heart ſo22 ſwell and riſ•, that it wholly confirm'd me, ſorting before mi•e eyes, that it is far more ſeemly for all Knights, how Good and Valiant ſoever, to do than talk.
At the finiſhing this Diſcourſe, without expecting any anſwer, they joyn'd battle with ſuch cruelty, that never two mortal enemies ſhew'd greater Deſire of Killing each other, ſo that in this conflict the Plates and Pieces of their Harneſs were ſcatter'd about the ground, their Helmets batter'd, and not only their Shields, but their Fleſh alſo ſo cut, that the Spectators wondred at their long reſiſtanee, e•pecially the King o•Jeruſalem, w•o ſeeing the Blood trickle along the Gyants Armor, ſometime thought him vanquiſht, and ſuddenly again chang'd his Opinion, ſo well did the Gyant know how to handle his Adverſary. Nevertheleſs after this Skirmiſh had continu'd the ſpace of two long hours, the worſt was ſeen to fall on the Gyants ſide, altho' he d•d his utmoſt to reſiſt it. Juſt at this point came in another Knight compleatly Arm'd, and wearing about his Neck a Shield, on which in a Field or was a Croſs Gules, and this Knight was bigger and ſtronger than any, that had hitherto combated. Now as he was coming into play,•he of the Burning-Sword knew him to be Frandalo by the Deſcription, the Monk had made of him: wherefore ſtepping back a little he ſaid to him: Conform, I pray thee, Frandalo, thy Actions to thy Renown, and think, that thou wouldſt wrong thy ſelf by medling any farther in this Combat, which was undertaken by one againſt one. Let us then finiſh it, and if Fortune permits me to out-live it thou mayeſt then do with more Reaſon, what Knighthood permits thee for Satisfaction of thy mind: otherwiſe the vengeance, thou ſhouldſt attempt to execute upon me, might turn to the diſadventage of thy Honour, ſo that thinking to kill me, thou mightſt perhaps put an end at the ſame time to thy virtue, and thy own Life, ſince the Hazard may aſſoon fall upon thee, as on me.
Frandalo, who, at the firſt hearing himſelf nam'd, ſtood ſtill, perceiving the Pagan diſcourſe with ſo much Reaſon, made him this anſwer: Indeed Knight, I muſt confeſs, that I had very much forgotten my ſelf; but the grief, which ſurpriz'd me, ſeeing the death of my Nephew, whom thou defeatedſt at thy entrance into this place, as thou didſt afterward my People, even to this Knight my Coſen made me think to revenge my ſelf on thee without any farther delay, preferring my Choler before the Reaſon, which every man of Honour ought to have before his eyes, as thou haſt made me Remember; yet can I not imagine what knowledge, thou haſt of me. Nevertheleſs who ever thou art, it will be a Pleaſure to me to know thy Name, and much more, if thou wilt leave thy fooliſh Belief, and follow the Faith of IESVS CHRIST. This doing, I will not only quit thee the Combat betwixt us but will alſo find means, that the Emperor my Maſter ſhall receive thee in his houſe according to thy Merits.
Frandalo, ſaid the Knight of the Burning Sword, I was upon the point of perſwading thee to the ſame thing; It is then time loſt to think of giving Counſel to him, who comes n•t to receive it, but to give it to another. Therefore retire, and23 let the Knight and me finiſh our Enterprize: for we loſe a fair Opportunity to no purpoſe.
My Lord, ſaid he, who had the worſt, to Frandalo, he has Reaſon. I beſeech you, let him and me try our Fortune, and if I am vanquiſht, then govern your ſelf as you pleaſe.
Thus Frandalo ſtood aſide, and the two others began again their Combat more ſeverely than it had been all the day, ſo that in leſs than a quarter of an hour, the Knight ſo endammag'd the Gyant's Shield, that he had no more of it left in his hand but the Handle, by which he held it. And ſo cloſely did the Gyant find•imſelf preſt, that the goodneſs of his Armour could not ſecure him from the edge of his Adverſarys Sword, which drew Blood from him in ſuch abundance, that the p•ace, before brown and dry, became red and moiſt: nevertheleſs he did not ceaſe doing his duty, for he had an heart ſo couragious and reſolute, that the Knight, ſometimes thinking their Battle at an end, found himſelf ſtill at the beginning. But as much as the one grew heavier, the other ſhew'd himſelf light and luſty. At which Frandalo wondering, ſaid within himſelf, that he had never ſeen any man equal in Proweſs this Stranger, altho' he thought he had known the beſt Knights in the World. In the mean time the Gyant, whoſe ſtrength decreaſ'd by little and little, deſiring to b•ing the matter to a ſhort Iſſue, threw the little, he had left of his Shield, upon the ground, and taking his Sword in both hands, advanc'd to give ſuch a Blow on his Enemies Helmet, as he thought, might cleave his head in two. Nevertheleſs it hapned not ſo, the Knight bearing it off with his Shield, into which the Sword entred above an hands breadth, and the yet point fell ſo heavily upon his Helmet, that it was batter'd to his very head. And as the Gyant thought to draw out his Sword, he found himſelf ſo weak, that he had much ado to keep himſelf from falling with his noſe to the ground, the other ſtepping aſide with ſo much dexterity, that, as he drew back his Shield, he carried away his Adverſarys Sword, that ſtuck in it: and he was now lifting up his, to give the Gyant his deaths wound, when Frandalo, putting himſelf between them, ſaid thus: Ah! Knight, if there be in you as much Courteſy, as good Language, ſpare the Life of this poor vanquiſht perſon.
And as he finiſht this word, the Gyant, wholly enfeebled, fell flat upon the ground, ſo that they thought him to be dead, at which the Knight being ſomewhat ſorry, ſaid to Frandalo: In faith I wiſh you had not been ſo ſlow in asking me this Pleaſure, which I would willingly have accorded you, and, if it be not too late, do yet grant you. For tho' I repute you as my Enemy, yet may I uſe to you all the Courteſy and good Language, I poſſibly can.
Truly, anſwer'd Frandalo, you ſpeak ſo well, and I have ſuch an eſteem for you, that if it were poſſible to hinder the Combat, between us, I would willingly do bit, u•I look upon you as one, that would not for any thing delay it. Nor indeed would it be for the Honour of either of us, to put it off. There is nothing then, but the death of one of us, or perhaps of both together, that can terminate this Difference. One only thing I would have you grant me for your own great Profit, and24 which I deſire more for the du•y I owe to Chivalry, than to your Perſon, being an Enemy to our Faith. It is, that you repoſe till to morrow morning: for I ſee you ſo t•r'd and harraſs'd, that the victory, I hope to get of you, will go for n•thing.
This offer made the Knight of the Burning Sword have a very great Eſteem for Frandalo, whom having thank'd for his Civility, he return'd him this Anſwer: Frandalo, believe me, that I am not yet ſo debilitated, as to ſtand in need of Repoſe, ſo that I do not ſee now any cauſe•o retard our Combat: wherefore look to your Defence.
Since it is ſo, reply'd he, come on.
Then they ſet themſelves to Outrage each other, making the place ſound with the claſhing of their Swo•ds, and the ſparks of Fire fly out of their Harneſs, ſo that for the ſpace of half an hour they were not ſeen to take breath, their Fight being ſo inceſſantly furious, that they had neither Shield, nor any part of their Armour left entire, the ground being ſown with the pieces of it, and water'd with their Blood. At which the King of Jeruſalem being amaz'd, continually pray'd for the Knight of the Burning Sword, hoping by his Victory to regain his Liberty. Nevertheleſs, conſidering the ſhocks, he had already ſuſtain'd, and what he muſt ſuffer more, he very much doubted of that, which he would moſt ſecure himſelf of, ſeeing him, in his Opinion, as brisk, as if he had not handled his Sword that day. By means of which Frandalo began to diſtruſt himſelf, and being ſeiz'd with a chill and unuſual fear, perceiv'd his ſtrength to diminiſh, and that of his Adverſary to encreaſe and redouble. Thus they continu'd above four hours, till Frandalo was ſo wounded, t•at inſtead of offending his Enemy, he had enough to do to defend himſelf. And tho' the Knight of the Burning Sword might eaſily without much more Labour have put an end to his defence; yet he drew a ſtep or two back, and leaning on the Pommel of his Sword, as if he would take breath, began to ſay: Frandalo, thou canſt not but certainly know, that thy death is near, if thou contendeſt any longer againſt me: yield then, I pray thee good Sir, and I will ſave thy Life, ſo good an Opinion have I of thy Perſon.
I had rather, anſwer'd he, dy a thouſand Deaths together, than do any thing, that ſhould in the leaſt blemiſh my honour. You may perhaps kill my Body; but as to my Intention, none but our Lord, in whom I put my Truſt, can change it. Compleat then thy Victory, without expecting any thing elſe from me: ſince I am reſolv'd to end my Days, that I may perpetuate my Renown, keeping the Faith. I ow to GOD, and my Prince, as well knowing, how great an Honour it will be to me hereafter, that I have with ſo much glory paid the Debt, to which I was oblig'd from the firſt moment of my Birth, and which we all ow to our Soveraign, that has created us, and plac'd us on the Earth.
So well was the Knight of the Burning Sword ſatisfy'd with this Remonſtrance, that he ſaid with•n himſelf, I ſhould indeed be very much to blame, ſhould I endeavour any farther to force him, who, being depriv'd of all Strength, has already vanquiſht25 himſelf, ſo as rather to chooſe Death, than never ſo little to prejudice his Loyalty and Virtue. And certainly it would be no other than Treaſon to perſe•ute any more ſo Noble, Faithful, and Magnanimous an Heart, as his; and therefo•e I will leave off.
Scarce had he finiſht this diſcourſe in his mind, when Frandalo, fainting, fell down to the Ground, without ſtirring either foot or hand. At which the Knight of the Burning Sword being much griev'd, ran haſtily to untie his Helmet, to give him breath. Nevertheleſs the King of Jeruſalem thought, he would cut off his head, wherefore he cry'd out with a mournful Voice: Ah! Knight, I requeſt you by the Virtue, that is in you, to ſpare him.
At this cry the other left Frandalo, and taking off his Helmet, addreſt himſelf to the King, kneeling down before him to kiſs his hands, but the King embrac'd him, ſaying: Indeed I do not know, that ever I have ſeen you before: Therefore pray do me the favour to tell me, what knowledge you have of me, and who you are.
Sir, anſwer'd he, be pleas'd to command ſome one from within to bind up the Wounds of theſe Knights, before they dye: for it would diſcontent me, ſeeing their Proweſs, that any of them ſhould periſh for want of help. This done, I will anſwer you, the beſt I can, to what you pleaſe to know of me.
Indeed, ſaid the King, there is not any one here, that underſtands, how to dreſs the Wounded; but below at the Monaſtery there is.
Then he call d a Servant, whom he ſent to fetch one of the Religious, that was skill'd in Chirurgery. In the mean time he gave Order for diſarming Frandalo, and the Gyant Frandalon, who were carry'd, and laid in the beſt Chamber of the Caſtle. And the Knight of the Burning Sword, deſiring to know, who the firſt was that aſſaulted him at the Entrance of the Caſtle, they told him, he was nam'd Belleris, a courteous Perſonage, and Nephew to the Admiral Frandalo.
As God ſhall help me, ſaid he, it will be then a great Loſs, if he be dead. Go ſee for him, and if he be living, let him be put with his Uncle.
Then ſome ran thither, and finding him come to himſelf out of his Swound, took him up gently, and laid him in another Bed near Frandalo. Then the Knight of the Burning Sword retir'd into another Chamber, and put himſelf between the Sheets, that the Monk might apply ſome Remedies to the Wounds, he had Receiv'd. Preſently after entred Yneril, who, having heard how all had paſs'd, was unſpeakably glad, eſpecially after he had ſpoken with the Religious man, who aſſur'd him, that all the danger was over. And indeed he ſo dextrouſly dreſs'd the wounded, Applying to them proper Remedies, that their Pains being mitigated, they all ſlept quietly till the morrow morning, which was an Apparent ſign of ſpeedy Cure.
Of the Diſcourſe the King of Ieruſalem had with the Knight of the Burning-Sword concerning his Liberty, and afterward with Frandalo and Belleris.
THe next day, after theſe things had thus faln out, the King of Jeruſalem went to viſit the Knight of the Burning Sword, whom he found walking about his Chamber, for none of his Wounds were ſuch, as to oblige him to keep his Bed. And therefore ſeeing the King enter, he went to receive him, and with great Reverence beſought him to ſit down in a Velvet Chair, and placing himſelf near him, began his diſcourſe in this manner: Alas! Sir, how ſhall I ever be able to acknowledge the Honour, your Majeſty is pleas'd to do me, who am but a ſimple Knight, and as yet unknown? And nevertheleſs, you take the pains to come and viſit me, who have never done you any ſervice.
My Friend, anſwer'd the King, he, that can deliver Kings out of Priſon, deſerves well to be honour'd by the greateſt Lords in the World, and for ever to be thanked by them. Is it not then reaſonable, that I, whoſe Liberty you have ſo valiantly obtain'd, ſhould offer my ſelf to you, and continue all my life your Oblig'd.
Pardon me Sir, reply'd the Knight, 'tis a ſmall matter to pay an Obligation, due by neceſſity. Now there is nothing more certain, than that ſuch, as Your Majeſty, are born into this World, to be Reverenc'd, and ſerv'd by all, all being naturally oblig'd ſo to do, but that Obligation brings along with it this Benefit, that, whoever ſatisfies it, is thereby honour'd, for as much as the Honour, he pays his Superior, or any other, is of ſuch a Nature, that it returns to the place, whence it proceeded, as the Rivers and Streams do into the Sea, out of which they came. So that, Sir, you do me wrong to thank me ſo much, ſince it is abundantly ſufficient to commend him, who does well, without giving him thanks. For, if he did otherwiſe than well, he would not (in reaſon) deſerve to be call'd a Man, but a brute and ſenſeleſs Beaſt.
The King, hearing this goung Victorious Knight ſpeak ſo wiſely, and with ſo good a Grace, made him only this Anſwer: My great Friend, I ſee in you ſo much good Wit, that 'twould be a Folly for me, to think of vanquiſhing you either in word or effect: ſetting aſide therefore this Conteſt, I deſire you only to give me your Advice, how we ſhall henceforward govern our ſelves here, where there is not one in whom you truſt, but your Eſquire and my ſelf. And I much fear, that ſome or other is fled to King Norandel with News of the Conqueſt, you have gain'd over Frandalo. Now he is ſo near us, that he will in leſs than a moment have Beſieg'd us, and Fortune may ſhew us her Countenance quite contrary to what it has been in this beginning.
Since you will know what I think, reply'd the Knight of the Burning Sword, I will preſently tell you, I have left at the foot of this Caſtle a Bark, in which we27 will ſend Yneril, accompany'd by one from hence, to the next Pagan City, to demand Aſſiſtance. And in the mean time, conſidering the ſtrength of the Place, we ſhall eaſily keep it againſt all Aſſailants.
This Advice was well approv'd of, ſo that the Eſquire and another embarkt immediately after Dinner, when the King and the Knight of the Burning Sword went to viſit Frandalo, whom the King of Jeruſalem askt, how he did.
Your Majeſty, Sir, anſwer'd he, may ſee, and much better conſider, ſeeing the inconſtancy of Fortune, who towards the end of my declining years has ſhewn her ſelf ſo adverſe to me, that ſhe has brought me into Captivity, and under the Power of him, that could vanquiſh me, and by that means conquer this Place, with the keeping of which the Emperor my Maſter had intruſted me: which misfortune is much more afflicting to me, than death it ſelf. Nor can my life be henceforth other than a trouble to me, ſince I deſir'd its continuance only to ſerve him, who had put me in the Honour and State, in which I yeſterday day was.
Ah Frandalo! ſaid the King, You have ever been eſteem'd one of the wiſeſt Knights in the World, and now methinks, you would ſeem guilty of that, which never had any place in you, viz. Puſillanimity. Pray good Sir, make uſe of the Counſel, you have ſo often given me, thinking to comfort me, whilſt I was a Priſoner, and to ſhew the Magnanimity of your heart, taking example by many others, who have paſs'd thro' ſuch ſtreights, as you are at preſent in, and out of which you may get with Honour, knowing the Virtue, that is in this Knight, whom I will entreat for you: for he alone can do it, and no other.
The Knight of the Burning Sword, hearing the King ſpeak ſo much to his Advantage, could not forbear bluſhing, wherefore taking up the diſcourſe, he ſaid to him: Sir, your Majeſty may command me in all things. And as for you Frandalo, your Goodneſs and Loyalty ſufficiently ſatisfie, what you ere while Remonſtrated to the King, and the Efforts, you made me feel yeſterday in defence, of what the Emperor had committed to your keeping, will always teſtifie the Endeavour, you us'd to ſerve him faithfully. You have not then any Reaſon to complain of Fortune; but ought rather to eſteem her favourable to you, than adverſe or cruel: ſince ſhe has not any way abas'd your Honour, but exalted your Renown by your Loſs, which ought Rather to be eſteem'd a Gain, than otherwiſe: ſeeing I bear you more Envy for the Honour, you have gain'd with me, than I ſhould Glory, had I reduc'd this Iſland under the Law of our Gods, as it heretofore was.
Sir Knight, anſwer'd Frandalo, the little knowledge, I yet have of you, will hinder me perhaps from thanking you for the Praiſes, you give me, ſo highly, as you deſerve, ſo eaſily may it be ſeen, that you deſire in all things to render your Conditions, and Proweſs, equal to your Diſcretion, and Vertue, not to loſe by Reaſons, and diſcourſe the Conqueſt, the Goodneſs of your Chivalry has made in me. I will not heretofore any longer contend with you in words, fearing leaſt by them you may gain over me, what with the hazard of your Life you could never have obtain'd, which is to make me voluntarily yours.
28This ſaid, he held his Peace, his weakneſs not ſuffering him to ſpeak any more. Which the King and the Knight of the Burning Sword knowing, left him to repoſe, and went to viſit Belleris and Frandalon, with whom after they had along while diſcours'd, they wiſht them a good night, and retir'd to their Chambers. Here we will for a time leave them, turning our ſtile to another Matter, very neceſſary to the compleating of our Hiſtory.
How Garinda, ſent by Onoloria, to fetch from Filina the little Amadis of Greece, that was loſt, fled thro' deſpair into a Wood, not daring to return to her Miſtreſs: and of that, which happen'd.
YOu will find it Recorded in the moſt Excellent Hiſtory of Amadis of Gaul, about the latter end of the Sixth Book, how Onoloria and Gricileria were each of them deliver'd of a fair Son, whom they ſent to the Port of Filina, to be there Nurſt; but Fortune would, that the little Amadis of Greece was met by the Moors, who carry'd him into their Gallies, where he was bred up by them, and was afterwards nam'd the Gentleman of the Burning Sword, as you have been told. Now you are to underſtand, that theſe two Princeſſes, thinking Garinda had entirely ſatisfy'd their command, and that the two Children were plac'd with careful Nurſes, often ſent their faithful Meſſenger, to enquire how they did, who always told them the quite contrary to what was befaln the little Amadis. As for the other, ſhe deliver'd him to a Coſen of hers, nam'd Floriſma, who ſoon after became a Widow, having but one only Son, call'd Florindo, whom ſhe Educated with the little Lucencio. About a Year after which the Empreſs of Trebiſond came to the Monaſtery of Sancta Sophia, ſo diſcontented, becauſe ſhe could have no News of the Emperor, that ſhe reſolv'd to continue with her Daughters, and no longer concern her ſelf with the Government of the Empire. She was receiv'd by them in a manner, ſuitable to her ſtate, and they endeavour'd by all means poſſible to mitigate her ſorrow.
Now one day amongſt the reſt it happen'd, that Onoloria, deſirous to ſee her Son, commanded Garinda to go and fetch him from Filina, and, that ſhe might prevent all Suſpicion, charg'd her expreſly to ſay, that he was her Nephew, or Siſters Son. Garinda, ſeeing what ſhe had ſo long conceal'd, now upon the point to be diſcover'd, went her way ſo exceeding melancholly, that ſhe wiſht her ſelf dead. In this deſpair ſhe betook her ſelf to the Thickeſt part of the Forreſt, fully purpoſing never any more to be ſeen by either Man or Woman, but to finiſh her days with as much miſery as ſhe found her ſelf unhappy. In this Determination ſhe ſpy'd a Cave, which ſhe choſe for her abode, eating from that time, no other Food, but wild and ill taſted Herbs; hoping by this Auſterity to ſhorten her Years, and ſoon bring her life to an end.
Now Onoloria expected her from hour to hour, but not ſeeing her return, was29 very much amaz'd, ſending a Country man to Filina, to know, what was become of her, and whence her ſtay proceeded. The Fellow with great diligence enquir'd, as he had been commanded, all about, but could not hear any Tale or Tydings of her: wherefore he return'd to the Monaſtery, where being arriv'd, and having made his Report, I leave you to think, in what trouble the ſorrowful Mother was, who will recover the Ioy, ſhe has loſt, when it ſhall pleaſe GOD.
In the mean time the little Lucencio grew up from day to day, thinking himſelf to be Son to the good Widow Floriſma, and Brother to Florindo, whom he lov'd as his ſecond ſelf. They were both now come to ſuch an Age, that they were ſtrong enough to go an Hunting. Now as they ſat ſometimes, during the He•t of the day, under the ſhadow of the Trees, expecting the Cool of the Evening, when they might better find their Prey, Lucencio would in this manner diſcourſe his Companion: Brother, there is nothing in this world, I ſhould more deſire, than if it were poſſible, to be of the Order of Knighthood. But what? I ſee not any likehood of ever being ſo: for our Father was not a Gentleman, but a Labourer, tho' a rich and honeſt man, nor are we noble, but Ruſticks, and People of this Condition are reputed unworthy to follow Arms: at which I am ready to dye for ſpight.
So frequent was this diſcourſe with Lucenio, that the good Widow being Advertis'd thereof by Florindo, which made her from that time doubt, leſt coming to underſtand the truth of his condition, he ſhould leave her: therefore to obviate this, ſhe us'd her utmoſt endeavours to conceal it from him.
But it happen'd one time, as he and his Companion were an Hunting, having each of them a Bow in his hand, they met an Hind, at which they ſhot, and wounded her, yet not ſo, but that ſhe fled through the Thickets, whether the Dogs follow'd her, ſhe doubling ſo with them, that they came to a Fault, and a little after began again their cry, ſo that Lucencio and Florindo, thinking they had run her down, made haſt in to 'em. They perceiv'd them environing a naked Woman, who was ſo disfigur'd, that ſhe ſeem'd rather a Phantaſm, than an humane Creature, at the ſight of which Florindo was ſo frighted, that he turn'd his Face, flying, and trembling like the Leaf.
But Lucenio, whoſe blood could not deny the place, from whence he was deſcended, advanc'd, and taking his Staff, drave away the Dogs from about this woman, to whom he ſaid: By my Fathers ſoul, I will now ſee whether you are an Hobgoblin, or ſome Devil diſguis'd.
The poor Creature, wholly aſtoniſht, as thinking he would beat her, caſt her ſelf on her knees, and joyning her hands, anſwer'd him: Ah Gentleman, I beſeech you by the Faith you owe to GOD, to leave me in peace, without adding farther Affliction to the Miſery, in which I have now liv'd theſe thirteen or fourteen years, and ſhall live, as long as it ſhall pleaſe him, who has given me Being.
Lucencio, not without cauſe wondering to hear her ſpeak ſo diſcreetly, whom he juſt now took for a Phantaſm, took a more diſtinct view of her, than he had hitherto done, and judg'd by the Lineaments of her Face, that ſhe muſt have been heretofore30 handſome: wherefore he askt her, how ſhe came to make her Repair to this Place, inhabited only by wild and ſavage Beaſts.
Alas! anſwer'd ſhe, I pray you deſire not to know it: for my Misfortune is greater, than you can comprehend: Wherefore I deſire you to take away your Dogs, and not importune me any farther.
Lucencio had ſuch pity of her, that he graciouſly made her this Reply: Dame I will readily obey you, altho' you would have more reaſon, and greater joy, if leaving this Auſtere Life, you would come with me to my Mother, whither I will willingly conduct you for the Deſire, I have to ſerve you, and all others, that would employ me.
My Child, ſaid ſhe, I thank you; and you will do me a Pleaſure to tell me your Name, and who you are, to the end I may pray to our Lord, ſo to keep you, that the Renown of your good Works may be conformable to your Beauty.
I am, anſwer'd he, call'd Lucencio: my Father was Sinofry, who dy'd long ſince, and my Mother, who yet lives, is nam'd Floriſma.
Scarce had he utter'd this Word, but ſhe began tenderly to weep and ſigh. And Lucencio, thinking, that theſe her Tears proceeded from her hearing of Sinofry's Death, askt her, if ſhe ever knew him.
Indeed, my Child, anſwer'd ſhe, I have many times ſeen your Father, and know perhaps more of your Affairs, than you do your ſelf: ſince I can aſſure you, that Sinofry nothing concern'd you.
When Lucencio heard this, he was more mov'd than before, thinking her to be ſome Fairy or Magic•an, wherefore he ſaid to her: Dame, I requeſt you with all the earneſtneſs I can, to declare more fully what you have began to tell me: for according to your diſcourſe, my Mother muſt have play'd him falſe, whoſe Son I eſteem my ſelf.
Your Mother, anſwer'd ſhe, never did your Father any Injury; but if you will promiſe me one Gift, I will tell you a thing, ſhall make you glad.
Indeed Dame, reply'd he, I promiſe it you whatever you pleaſe to ask me.
My Child, ſaid ſhe, aſſure your ſelf, that your Father and Mother are of ſuch noble Blood, that you are deſcended of an Emperor, and a King. The Gift, you have granted me, is, that you forbear to queſtion me any farther, concealing from all Perſons your having found me, and the diſcourſe, I have had with you, and to the end it may not be diſcover'd, make your Companion alſo promiſe you the ſame, to whom nevertheleſs you may relate what I have told you. And you will find means between you, to know whither two Knights, the one call'd Liſvart of Greece, and the other Perion of G•ul, loſt about fourteen Years ſince, together with the Emperor, be return'd into this Country, and bring them both hither to me, or at leaſt one of them: for this greatly imports you, and me alſo.
Then having embrac't and kiſt him, ſhe ran ſo ſwiftly thro' the Thickets, that Lucencio, who w•s in a muſe, preſently loſt fight of her, joyful nevertheleſs, that he31 knew himſelf to be the Iſſue of ſuch Noble Parents, in favour of whom he might one day hope to be a Knight. Then returning the way he came, he heard a little after Florindo calling him with a loud and mournful Voice: for he thought him to be dead, and for this reaſon bitterly wept, and diſcomforted himſelf; but Lucencio took his Horn, which he winded ſo loud, that his Companion heard him, and being wholly reaſſur'd, came to meet him, ſaying to him at his Arrival with Tears ſtill in his eyes: Alas Brother, I was greatly afraid of the Wild Beaſt, believing, ſhe had outrag'd you. On my faith I lookt upon you as gone, nor can I tell what made you ſo haſty to caſt your ſelf into her Paws.
Lucencio ſmillingly anſwer'd him: Have I not often enough told you, that the Sons of ſuch, as you and I are, cannot be Knights? for they have naturally fear for a Companion inſtead of Aſſurance, as you have experimented in your ſelf. Yet if you will promiſe me, never to report, what I ſhall tell you, you ſhall preſently hear a thing, at which you will ſufficiently wonder.
Then Florindo having made ſuch an Oath, as he deſir'd, Firſt, ſaid Lucencio, you muſt never ſpeak to any perſon of the Beaſt, we found: neither is ſhe indeed a Beaſt, but a wiſe and diſcreet Woman.
Then diſcourſing to him from point to point all, that you have heard, they came out of the Wood.
Ah! Ah! ſaid Florindo, I beſeech you, at leaſt let me always continue in your Company, and make uſe of me, as your Eſquire: for I ſhall think my ſelf happy, if I can come to ſuch honour.
This Lucencio eaſily granted him, and coupling their Dogs, they return'd into the Town
How Lucencio and Florindo fled ſecretly from Filina to Conſtantinople, where Lucencio receiv'd Knighthood at the hands of his Uncle, the Emperor Eſplandian.
THe diſcourſe, which the Damſel of the Forreſt had with Lucencio, ſo rais'd his Heart, that he reſted not an hour after without thinking, how he might attain to be a Knight. Sometimes he determin'd to ſpeak of it to his Nurſing Mother Floriſma; then all on a ſuddain he chang'd his Opinion, ſo that having debated