3The Compleat BONE-SETTER.
Of broken Bones.
THis is an accident often happening in the Country amongſt poor people, where Surgeons, and eſpecially good ones, are very ſcarce, and oftentimes remote; and thereby many times enſues much danger to the party thus afflicted, through the neglect or perchance miſdreſſing of his wound: and therefore it ought diligently to be regarded.
The firſt progreſſe that is to be made in the remedying of any ſuch miſchance, is diligently and dexterouſly to joyn and reunite together the fractured Bones into their proper ſeats & places again; that thereby the member may4 be again enabled to perform his proper office he is ordained for by God and Nature.
Secondly, in the next place care is to be taken, that the bones thus reduced to their proper form and figure, be ſo kept and preſerved without motion, to gather ſtrength.
Thirdly, to uſe means to ingender Callus, whereby the parts of the broken bones are conglutinated, joyned and faſtened together again.
And fourthly, to take heed to prevent and preſerve the part afflicted, from thoſe accidents which in ſuch caſes are apt to follow the fracture of the Bone, bringing much hurt to the patient.
Firſt therefore, to joyne and ſet again the broken Bones into their right and proper place; obſerve how and which way the member where the Bone is fractured, doth extend and ſtretch it ſelf: if the member where the Bone is broken, doth ſtand upwards, and is pricking, ſhewing an inequality when it is touched; it certainly manifeſts, that the broken Bone is out of his natural place ▪ wherefore to reduce the5 ſame again, the fractured member is decently to be extended, and that part of the Bone which is depreſſed or cruſhed down into the fleſh, to be gently lifted up; and that part which ſtandeth upwards, to be put down, untill both ends of the broken Bone do and be united and cloſed together, and brought again into their natural and proper place; having a diligent care that the member be not too immoderately extended and drawn out, for that will bring very vehement pain, and conſequently the Fever, Palſey, Convulſions, and ſuch like accidents will purſue it: and oftentimes by this means, the fibres and threads in the heads of the Muſcles be broken; whereupon lameneſs enſues.
Therefore to proceed rightly, and avoyd ſuch danger, let one man lay his hand on the member above the fractured or broken place, and another on the nether part of the member under the fractured Bone; and ſo gently and moderately ſtretch and extend the member, till both parts of the Bone do meet together in their proper place: then form it together, till you6 feel you have brought it again to its natural form and figure, and the Bone be repoſed in his due place; Which being done, then, and not till then, ſhall the Patient be eaſed of his pain.
To keep the Bone, being ſet, that it fall not out again.
THE ſecond progreſſion to be made in the effecting this Cure, is to keep the fractured Bones, being reduced and brought to their proper place and figure, that they ſtart not out again.
The means to be uſed in the effecting hereof, is to uſe apt and con•enient ſplinting, binding, ligature, and rolling of the fracture; and by all means to keep the member without motion, as much as poſſible may be.
But when you have reduced the member, or to ſpeak more plain, ſet the broken Bone, before you roll up the member, mix ſome Oil of Roſes, and the white of an Egge together, and dip therein a ſoft linen cloth, and lay it all over the place, that it may compaſſe7 it all about, and above and below it; and then roll up the member, but not too hard, ſo as to compreſſe it, & draw humors, cauſing inflammation therein; nor ſo ſlack, that the broken Bones ſeparate again: but alwayes remember that in meaſure reſteth virtue.
Begin your roller ſmoothly upon the broken place, going three or four times about it, untill you have compaſſed about the ſound place above and below it.
Wet your rollers well in Water and Wine, before you uſe them; and if the place be much afflicted with any Vehement pain or inflammation, then the member ought to be wrapped about with fine Wooll, or towe well carded, and wet in Oxicratum, or Oil of Roſes.
Then, to defend the member from accidents, and to keep it together, and ſtrengthen the ſame, lay upon the rollers a plaiſter or Cerecloth, made of Wax melted in Oil of Roſes; but if there be beſides the broken Bone any bruiſe or hurt in the fleſh, then do not apply any Oil or Cerecloth to it; but in ſtead thereof, Cloths dipt in red and Stiptick Wine.
8Alſo, to keep the member from pain and accidents, there muſt be ſplints prepared, to put about the broken member; which ſplints muſt be ſmooth and equal, without ruggedneſs or crookedneſs, and are to be thus applyed: Firſt, wet cloths in Roſe-water, and then lay them upon the Roller three or four times double; then roll Wool or Cotton round about the ſplints, and place them about the member, about the bredth of a finger one from another; and bind them gently on, taking heed that you do not compreſſe the member, nor touch any joynt, if the broken Bone be neer a joynt, leſt the joynt do thereby become inflamed and ulcerate: but make your ſplints the ſhorter and ſmaller, if the fracture be neer to any joynt.
Now after this progreſſe, if the Patient receive eaſe, & no pain, inflammation, or itching be fell in the fractured part; then let the ſplints remain on and unopened twelve or fifteen dayes: but if on the contrary, any of the forementioned accidents happen, then you muſt unrole the Member the third day at the furtheſt, and foment and waſh9 the place with warm water, to put away the pain and itching.
It is likewiſe good to prevent and remove ſuch accidents as uſually attend theſe miſchances; as gangrenes, ulcers, inflammation, itchings cauſed through immoderate dryneſs or moiſture, and for the moſt part extream pain; which the Patient will quickly be too ſenſible of then muſt you ſpeedily looſe the binding about the broken place, and take off your roller; which being done, foment and bathe the place with Oil of Roſes, Vinegar, before and hereafter mentioned; and alſo uſe Unguentum Album, and Unguentum Populeon, or either; and do not either roll or ſplint up the Member again, till the pain abateth, and the inflammation ceaſeth, but only endeavour to ſtrengthen and keep the Member together, and afterwards roll it, and ſplinter it as before: and to ſtrengthen the weakned Member, this following is very good.
10A ſpecial Oyntment to reſiſt accidents, and ſtrengthen a broken Member.
- TAke Camomile,
- Mallows,
- Balme and the Rootes thereof, of each one handful,
Chop and ſtamp them very ſmall, and then take May-Butter 2 pound, Doggs Greaſe 1 pound and a half, and therein boyl the Herbs very well: ſtrain it, and then
- Take Wax five ounces and a half,
- Ammoniacum,
- Galbanum, of each 2 ounces.
Diſſolve the Gum in Vinegar, and ſtrain it; and then boyl it till the Vinegar be waſted away: then, melt the Wax amongſt it; then put amongſt the ſtrain'd Herbs before, and when it is almoſt cold
- 11
- Take Bevercod 1 ounce and a half,
- Oil of Camomile 2 ounces and a half,
- Oil of Bayes 16 ounces.
Mix all this together into an Oyntment, and reſerve it as a ſpecial ſecret for your uſe: And when you have occaſion to uſe it, melt a little of it, and therewith anoynt the grieved place, and afterwards apply thereon this Cerecloth following.
A Cerecloth for broken Bones.
- Take Frankincenſe,
- Galbanum, of each 3 quarters of an ounce,
- Maſtick 1 ounce,
- Wax 3 ounces,
- Roſin 1 ounce and a half,
- Oil an ounce:
Diſſolve the Galbanum in a little Vinegar, and then melt all together in the Oil; and afterwards ſtrain it through a Cloth, and then dip your Cerecloth therein, and apply it after the anoynting.
12Another for the ſame.
- Take Sallat-Oil 4 ounces,
- Wax half an ounce,
- Maſtick half an ounce.
Beat the Maſtick to powder, and melt the Wax in the Oil; and when it is almoſt cold, put in the Maſtick, and temper them well together, and uſe it as before is directed.
For the ſame.
- Take Virgins-Wax,
- Frankincenſe, of each half an ounce,
- Linſeed Oil 4 ounces.
Melt and incorporate them all well together, and dip a Cerecloth therein, and uſe it as the other.
Alſo for the ſame, becauſe if you have not one Medicine in readineſs, I preſcribe many, that you may ſpeedily apply what remedy is next at hand:
Take Wax and freſh Butter, and melt them together, and apply it.
13Another for the ſame.
Take Fenegreek meal as much as you think good, and Comphrey; pound the Comphrey ſmall, and boyl them together in Water, till they be as thick as grout, and apply it moderately warm to the fractured place.
For the ſame.
- Take Litharge of Gold,
- Bolus,
- Comphrey, of each 3 ounces,
- Bean-meal, one ounce and a half:
Beat them all together, and infuſe them in good Vinegar one night: then
- Take Wax,
- Roſin, of each 3 ounces,
- Sallad-Oil 12 ounces.
Incorporate them all well together on the fire, and let them boyl till all the Vinegar be conſumed. Then when it is almoſt cold, ſtir into it two ounces of Dragagant in powder, that hath14 been well ſteeped in Wine, and ſo make it into a plaiſter, and apply it.
Another very good for the ſame, and for other Ruptures.
- Take Saffron,
- Euphorbium,
- Long pepper; of each 1 Dram.
- Roſin five ounces,
- Aquavitae, 1 ounce and a half.
Diſſolve the Roſin in Aquavitae, and beat all the reſt to powder, and then boyl them all together till the Aquavitae be conſumed; and afterwards add to it as much Wax as is ſufficient to make it into a plaiſter, and reſerve it for the uſe aforeſaid.
Another plaiſter for the ſame.
- Take Ammoniacum half an ounce,
- Galbanum 3 quarters of an ounce,
- Wax,
- Turpentine; of each 4 ounces,
- Myrrhe a quarter of an ounce.
Diſſolve the Gums in Wine, and15 then melt them all together; and when it is almoſt cold, put in the Myrrhe, and make thereof a plaiſter for your uſe.
But if together with the breaking of the Bone, there happen any wound or flux of blood, then indeavour to ſtanch the blood: for which you may uſe this powder following.
A Powder to ſtanch blood in a wound.
- Take of Frankincenſe,
- Arſenick,
- Aluminis Succarini; of each two ounces.
- Calcis Vivi 6 ounces.
Mix them all together into fine powder, and add thereto a pinte of Vinegar, and boyl them together till the Vinegar be conſumed; then let it dry in the Sun, or againſt the fire, and make it again into fine powder; then to 3 ounces of this powder, add half an ounce of Bole-Armoniack, and one ounce of Pulvis Alcamiſtinis, and mix them all together into a very fine powder, and reſerve it for your uſe, to ſtanch any flux of blood in a wound. 16And when you have any occaſion to uſe it, take 4 ounces of this powder, and incorporate it with whites of Egges; then take a bolſter of towe, bigge enough to cover the place where the wound is, and dip the towe in Vinegar, and preſs it out again; then ſpread your Medicine on the towe, and after ſtrowe a little of the dry powder upon it, and apply it; and after lay upon this many more little bolſters of towe, as much as is needfull to ſtanch the blood. And proceed in the cure, as you do in the cure of green wounds, if there be no Ulcer, or inflammation, or putrifaction in the Bones; but if the Bones ulcerate or putrify, then to reſiſt the ſame, uſe theſe Medicines following.
For putrifaction of the Bones.
- Take burnt Lead 2 ounces,
- Myrrhe half an ounce,
- Aloes,
- Opopanacum,
- Iron Droſſe,
- Burnt Squinant,
- Rindes of firre-Tree; of each 1 dram.
17Make them all to a powder, and ſtrew thereof upon the putrified Bone; it ſeparates the putrifaction, and heals the place very much.
Alſo waſh the place with water, wherein Sal Armoniak hath been decocted.
If there be any ulcer therewith, then have a care you uſe no Oil thereunto, for Oiles bring putrifaction in Ulcers; but waſh the Ulcer with this Medicine following.
For Ulcers in broken Bones.
- Take White-wine 4 ounces,
- Roſe-Water two ounces,
- Burnt Allom 1 quarter of an oun.
- Verdigreaſe 1 dram,
- The White of an Egge ſodden hard.
Bruiſe the white of the Egge ſmall, & boyl them all together a little gently; then ſtrain it, and keep it well ſtopt for your uſe; and afterwards if it be too thick or too ſtrong, add ſome more Wine and Roſe-Water unto it, and uſe it as before is directed: And afterwards lay upon the ſore this plaiſter following.
18A Plaiſter for Ulcers.
- Take Oil of Roſes 3 drams,
- Oil of Camomile 1 dram,
- Ceruſe 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Dragons blood,
- Bolus; of each half an ounce,
- Camphire 1 dram,
- Litharge of gold half a dram,
- Tutty prepared a quarter of an ounce,
- Coral 1 dram.
Make them all into a plaiſter with Wax, as much as is ſufficient; ſpread it on leather, and lay it upon the Ulcer.
But if theſe accidents happen not, or at leaſt be removed; then endeavour to ſtrengthen and Conglutinate the fractured Bones; which is done by a certain Nutriment or ſubſtance that groweth out of the Bones, which gleweth them, and cauſeth to Unite and grow together. This nouriſhment is called Callus, which muſt be increaſed by all means. When once it begins to grow, you ſhall perceive it by theſe ſigns; the inflammation ceaſeth,19 and the pain is abated, and the member again reduced to it's natural Colour. To ingender Callus, let the patient uſe meats that are groſſe and viſcous, and breed good juyce: and that the Callus may be ingendred neither too big nor too ſmall, have reſpect to the dyet, fomentation and plaiſters. If the Callus grow but ſlowly, that there be need to increaſe it, uſe plaiſters that do moderately heal; of which ſort here be many directed, in this book. And on the contrary, if it appear too big, uſe Aſtringent Medicines, a compreſſing ligature or binding; apply alſo a plate of lead upon the place, And uſe fomentations made with Oil, Salt-Peter, or Water and Salt made hot. But if the member appear ſmaller and leaner then ordinarily and naturally it was before, then apply unto the affected member hot attractive Medicines. Let the patient uſe large dyet, and voyd all things cauſing Melancholy.
20Of eluxation of the joynts, and to ſet a Bone put out of joynt.
THE Greeks call this Exarthrema, the Latines Eluxatio; which is asmuch as to ſay, a Joynt writhen or ſtarted aſide out of its natural place into another; ſo that the free natural motion thereof is thereby hindred: ſo that if the Bone be quite out of joynt, then this is called an eluxation; or a luxation only, without a compound, you may call it, if you pleaſe; but if it be only a little extorted and ſtrained aſide, that is not properly a luxation, but only a ſtrain or wrench. If the joynt be luxated, then muſt manual operation be uſed to ſet the ſame, and reduce it to its proper place; which is the firſt intention to be uſed in this caſe. And the manner of this operation muſt be in this manner: to reduce the bone out of his ſocket into his natural ſeat, extend the member decently and tenderly with the hands, till you feel the Bone brought again into his proper place; but ſometimes the operation of the hands ſufficeth, not to21 perform this work alone, but inſtruments and bands prepared fit for that purpoſe muſt be uſed, as Hippocrates teacheth, Hippocrates lib. de Luxatis & fractis.
The Luxated member being well reduced again to his natural place, your next intention muſt be to endeavour to ſtrengthen and confirm the affected joynt, and keep the Bone that it ſlip not out of its place again; for which purpoſe, have Rollets and Splints in readineſs to bind up the member, and keep it from hurt and motion. But before you roll or bind up the ſame, anoint it with Oil of Roſes, and lay upon it ſome old fine Linen-cloths wet in Oil of Roſes, or whites of Egges, and apply them to the joynt; then gently roll up the member, having firſt wet your Rollers in Water and Vinegar mixed together; then apply your ſplints about the joynt, if there be neceſſity: and they may be made of leather or paſtboard.
This being done, if the patient be at eaſe, and no accidents happen, open it not again in ten dayes: if any inflammation happen, ſome refrigerating22 Cerecloth is good to be uſed. And to prevent and ſtop defluxions of humors, which may chance to fall down and weaken the joynt, this plaiſter following is very good to withſtand the ſame.
- Take Colophonia,
- Pitch; of each 1 ounce,
- Galbanum,
- Myrrhe,
- Ammoniacum,
- Frankincenſe; of each 3 drams,
- The Muſcilage of Holly-hocks 3 quarters of an ounce,
- Polypody Roots,
- Miſleden,
- Heartwort; of each 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Wax 1 ounce,
- Turpentine 3 quarters of an ounce.
Diſſolve the Gums in Vinegar, and then put to it the Wax, Pitch and Turpentine: melt them together, and boyl them over a gentle fire, till the Muſſilage and Vinegar be conſumed; then temper the other things being beaten23 very ſmall, amongſt them, and then make it into a plaiſter.
Spread of this Plaiſter upon a cloth or peece of leather, and lay it on the grieved place.
Another Plaiſter for the ſame.
- Take Holly-hock Roots 3 ounces,
- Acorn-budds 3 quarters of an ounce.
- Flowers of Self-heal 1 ounce and a half,
- Sallet-Oil,
- Oil of Mirtles; of each 3 quarters of an ounce,
- Red Wine 24 ounces,
- Self-heal Water 12 ounces;
- Frankincenſe,
- Myrrhe; of each 1 dram,
- Deeres ſuet 1 ſcruple and a half,
- Turpentine half an ounce,
- Sealed earth half a dram,
- Mumy two Drams and a half.
Firſt bruiſe the Holly-hock roots, Self-heal flowers, and Acorn-budds, very ſmall, and beat them to pap; then add thereunto the Wines, Oils, and Self-heal Water, and boyl all together,24 till the Wine and Water be conſumed; then ſtrain it out hard, and put in the Frankincenſe, Myrrhe, Deeresſuet and Turpentine; then ſeeth them again, till the moiſture be conſumed; then put in the Sealed-earth and Mumy, and as much Wax as is ſufficient to make it into a Plaiſter: which is very good for all Luxations and broken Bones, to aſſwage the pain, and ſtrengthen the ſinewes.
In all ſuch accidents, as broken and diſlocated Bones and joynts, have a care to defend the afflicted Member from inflammation and humours that are apt to flow thereunto; To prevent which, a moderate dyet muſt neceſſarily be uſed, and that not only in this, but in all other diſtempers; for health conſiſts in mediocrity: and alſo, if need require, purging and letting blood are not amiſſe to be uſed.
It will not be here amiſſe, to add ſome remedies fit to be uſed for the ſhrinking of ſinewes, and withered joynts, and contractures, which oftentimes happen after Luxation of the joynts, or fractures of the Bones; which many times happens after ſuch25 miſchances, if the ſame be long before they be cured.
A Salve very good for an extenuated or withered Member.
- Take Cats Greaſe,
- Deers-ſuet,
- Bears-Greaſe,
- Hogges-Greaſe,
- The marrow of Neats feet,
- Honey,
- Doggs-Greaſe,
- Badgers-Greaſe; of each a like quantity:
Boyl them all together in Wine to an oyntment; then ſtrain it, and therewith anoynt the place affected, before the fire, twice a day.
Another for the ſame purpoſe.
Take Sage, Mallowes, Nettles, and their Roots, Camomile, Sprigges of Juniper, of each one handful; Dogs-Greaſe, and freſh Butter, of each 3 ounces; Chop the Herbs ſmall, and boyl them to a grout, and then26 ſtrain them through a Courſe-cloth, then put the Greaſe and Butter to it, and ſeeth it again to an oyntment; then reſerve it for the uſes before mentioned.
And thus have we done with the firſt part of Luxated, diſlocated, and broken Bones, and withered members, and ſhrinking ſinews: next follows an accident many both old and young languiſh under; namely, Ruptures, or broken Bellyes.
Of Ruptures.
THIS Diſeaſe is generally called in Latine Hernia; although there be ſeveral cauſes, degrees, and diſtinctions thereof: but generally is that which falleth down into the Cod.
There is a kinde of Rupture that cometh about the Navel, or privy parts, both of Man and Woman; the Rupture of the Navel ſwelleth and hangeth out of the forepart of the Belly: for a remedy whereof, theſe following Medicines are convenient:
27Take Comphrey well ſtamped 1 ounce, then melt half an ounce of Wax, then mix them well together in the form of a Plaiſter, and lay it on the Navel.
But if the Rupture be great, then anoynt the back-bone of the party with Bears-Greaſe.
The Herb Perfoliata, in Engliſh called Thorough Wax, is very profitable for all Ruptures, either in Children or other people, if the Herb and Seed thereof be ſod, and laid upon the Rupture.
A dragm of the Decoction thereof in Water or Wine given to drink, is good, or the Herb and Seed ſtamped, and the weight of a ſcruple and a half thereof given to a Child in Pap.
The groyn and privy places be likewiſe ſubject to tumors and ſwellings, with heat, hardneſs; and by reaſon of the tenderneſs and ſenſibility of thoſe parts, afflicted with great anguiſh and pain: for which it is not beſides the purpoſe, to preſcribe theſe following Remedies.
28For a Tumor or ſmelling in the groyn or privy parts.
TAke Muſcilage of Elecampane Roots, Linſeed, Figges, and Sebeſtes, of each ſix ounces, and as much Oil of ſweet Almonds, Litharge of gold prepared, three ounces; ſeeth it untill the Muſcilage be conſumed, alwayes ſtirring it: then put thereto an ounce of Wax; make it into a Plaiſter, and lay it on the place grieved.
A Salve for the ſame.
Take Roſin and Wax, of each 1 ounc. a great Onion, and two Lilly-Roots; ſtamp them, and ſeeth them in Goats Milk; then ſtrain them through a linen Cloth, and let it ſeeth well again; then ſtir it about until it be cold, and ſo reſerve it for the uſe aforeſaid.
If there be any open Ulcer, then uſe this following.
- Take Tutty prepared 1 ounce.
- Maſtick,
- Frankincenſe, of each 1 quarter of an ounce,
- White Wax, half an ounce.
29Oile of Roſes a ſufficient quantity, to make it into a Salve. If the place be raw, and in great anguiſh, then anoynt the ſame with Oil of ſweet Almonds.
Alſo take Argal, and put it into a new pot, and burn it till it be black; then beat it ſmall, and ſtrew it on the ſore.
Theſe are only for outward ſwellings and Ulcers: if there be any inward ſore or Ulceration in the conduit of the yard, ſtoppage or inflammation, then uſe this injection following, ſpouting it in gently with a Syrringe.
- Take White-Wine one pinte,
- Burnt Allom 2 dragms and a half,
- Verdigreaſe 1 dragm and a half.
Boyl them well together, then ſtrain it through a Cloth, and inject it with a Syrringe.
A Salve for the ſame, to anoynt the whole member.
Take the Juice of Taſſels of Planten, and Comphrey, of each two ounces; Camphire 4; Starch and Ceruſe of each one ounce, Litharge of Gold half an30 ounce, Tutty prepared with Roſe-water 1 dragm and a half; the whites of three Egges well beaten: bruiſe the Champhire very ſmall, then incorporate them all together in a leaden Morter, and make a Salve thereof, for the uſe aforementioned.
But to return to ſpeak of the Ruptures falling into the Cods: of which there are ſeveral cauſes and kinds; one is a ſwelling or puffing up of the Cods through wind; Another, and that is moſt properly called a broken belly, when the Rym of the belly is broken, and the bowels or guts fall down into the Cod little or much, ſometimes in one ſide only, and ſometimes into both. And another kind (with is improperly called a Rupture) is a ſwelling of the Cod with water, and ſuperfluous matter of moiſture; to which Hydropical perſons are ſubject: And that Diſeaſe is very well known by the ſwelling of the Cods.
But firſt we come to ſpeak of the Hernia, or broken belly, with hapneth above the Cod; the cauſe hereof is oftentimes in Children, crying, ſome loud-hooping-cough, or extream blowing31 with wind; in older perſons as well as the former, falls, thruſts, blows, much labour, or heavy burdens.
A ſpeedy remedy is neceſſary to be ſought after for this Rupture; for the older it grows, the more difficult it will be to Cure. Let the Patient be laid on his back, and put up the bowels gently again till they come into their due place; then lay thereon this Plaiſter following, ſpred upon a piece of Leather, and bind it hard on, and apply thereto a convenient truſſe.
A Plaiſter for one that is broken in the Belly.
- Take Pitch,
- Maſtick; of each 3 dragmes,
- Frankincenſe 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Hypociſtis,
- Sarcocolla,
- Juyce of Sloes, of each 1 dram and a half.
- Blood-ſtone,
- Dragons blood,
- Aloe; of each 2 dragmes and a half,
- Birdlyme 1 dragm and a half,
- Comphrey,
- 32Galls,
- Pomgranate Pills,
- Fine Bolus; of each 3 dragmes,
- Ariſtolochia 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Sumach,
- Pomgranate Flowers, of each 1 drag.
- Deers ſuet 2 ounces,
- Turpentine and Wax a quantity ſufficient.
Diſſolve the Gums and Juyces in hot Vinegar or Wine, the reſt beat ſmall, and make thereof a Plaiſter, and apply it as before is directed.
Another of the ſame.
- Take Pitch half an ounce,
- White and Red Wax,
- Litharge of Gold,
- Ammoniacum,
- Galbanum,
- Mumy, of each 2 dragmes and a half,
- Bridlyme,
- Myrrhe,
- Cypres Nuts,
- Frankincenſe, of each one dragm,
- Gypſum, or Plaiſter of a wall,
- 33Bolus,
- Aloe, of each half an ounce,
- Maſtick,
- Comphrey,
- Daiſie Roots, of each 3 dragms and a half,
- Turpentine 1 ounce,
- Ariſtolochia,
- Galnuts, of each 1 ounce,
- Dragons blood 1 quarter of an ounce.
Diſſolve the Gums in Vinegar, and melt the Pitch, Wax, and Turpentine; and beat to powder all that is to be powdered; then make them all together into a Plaiſter: you may increaſe or diminiſh the quantity of the Wax, as the cauſe requires.
Another Plaiſter for a Rupture.
- Take Cypres Nuts 2 ounces,
- Myrrhe,
- Cypres Roots,
- Marjoram Gentle,
- Galls,
- Juyce of Sloes,
- Frankincenſe,
- Gum, of each 1 ounce.
34Diſſolve the Gum in Wine, then temper the reſt amongſt it, and make thereof a Plaiſter, and lay it upon the Rupture.
For the ſame.
- Take Daiſy Roots and flowers,
- Wild Tanſy flowers and roots,
- Comphrey; of each half an ounce,
- Maſtick 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Pomgranate flowers,
- Juyce of ſloes, of each half a dragm,
- Hares Hair chopt ſmall 1 dragm,
- Birdlyme 1 ounce,
- Pitch 2 ounces,
- Wax five dragms,
Oil of Roſes, a ſufficient quantity to make thereof a Plaiſter, and apply it as before is directed: you need not take off the truſſe but once in 4. or 5. dayes, and then renew the Plaiſter.
Another excellent Plaiſter for the ſame.
- Take Dragons blood half a dragm,
- Myrrhe ▪
- 35Sarcocolla,
- Opopanacum,
- Brimſtone,
- Amber,
- Maſtick,
- Comphrey, of each 2 dragmes and a half,
- Myrtle Seed,
- Yellow Myrobalaus, of each 2 drag.
- Barke of Pine-apples,
- Cypres Nuts, of each 4 ſcruples,
- Dragagant 1 dragm.
- Garden-Snayls 4. or 5.
Diſſolve the Gum in Vinegar, and add thereto as much fiſh-lyme diſſolve in Vinegar, as is ſufficient to make the reſt into a Plaiſter; mix them all together, and dry away the moiſture by a ſmall fire.
A Drinke to be uſed after this Plaiſter.
- Take Comphrey,
- Tormentil, of each 1 quarter of an ounce,
- Codwort,
- Sengreen,
- Cinquefoil,
- 36Mugwort,
- Herb Trinity, of each 2 handfulls,
- Gariofilata,
- Verbaſcum,
- Broad planten, of each 2 dragms and a half;
- Roſes,
- Horſe-tail, of each half a handful:
Cut and bruiſe the Herbs groſſe, and put to them Aquavitae, and red ſeething Wine, of each ſix ounces, or ſo much as will cover it: let it ſo ſtand 14 hours; afterwards ſtrain it through, and wring it out, and ſweeten it with Syrupe of Myrtles; And give hereof from one ounce to three, according to the ſtrength of the Patient, about 6 hours after the applying of the Plaiſter laſt before mentioned.
A Pultiſs for young Children.
Take meal of Lupins, and burnt Linnen, of each a like quantity; and make a Pap or Pultiſs thereof with Wine, and ſpread it between two fine Cloaths, and lay it upon the Rupture.
37A milde Plaiſter for Children.
Take Beans what quantity you pleaſe, ſteep them in warm water, peel them, and let them dry again; then beat them to powder, & take 2 ounces thereof, Oaken-wood filed ſmal 1 oun. Comphrey ſodden in Wine, and then beat to Pap 3 ounces: Let all theſe be boyled together till it be thick; then ſpread it on a Cloth, and lay it on the Rupture, changing it three times a day, and once in the night: faſten it well on with a truſſe; continue it 4. or 5. Weeks together, till the Rupture be cured, and the Skin grown ſtrong.
A Drink for a Rupture.
Take Sengreen, Conſolida, Saracenica, red Beets, Herb Bennet, Fennel, Knot-graſs, and Pauls Betony; of each one handful: boyl them all in Wine, and drink of it twice a day, morning and in the afternoon, but not at night: let a Child continue taking it 6 Weeks, and an old body 12 Weeks.
Shepherds purſe, Sanacle, and Valerian,38 and Harts-tongue, decocted in Wine, and drunken, are very good.
An Oyntment for a Rupture.
Take Womans Milk 16 ounces, Badgers-greaſe, Capons-greaſe, Deers-ſuet and Comphrey, of each two ounces, the innermoſt rynde of a Cherry-tree, cut ſmall, one ounce and a half; boyl them all a little together, and ſtrain it hard through a Cloth, and therewith anoynt the Rupture morning and evening.
Of a Rupture through Wind.
In this caſe, the Patient muſt eſchew all ſuch meats and drinks as cauſe wind; as Milk, ſweet Wine, and the like; moiſt fruits, and all moiſt meats: And uſe means to expell the wind ▪ for which this Clyſter following is good.
A Clyſter for a windy Rupture.
- Take Cumin,
- Annis,
- Caraway,
- Fennel,
- 39Ameos, of each one dragm,
- Rue one handful and a half:
Seeth theſe together in a quart of water, till the half be conſumed: Then take 12 ounces of this decoction; Oil of Rue, and Oil of Bayes, of each one ounce and a half; Jndia-Salt, and Salgem, of each half a dragm; Sugar 1 ounce and a half; make a Clyſter thereof, and give it once a day: and every morning let the Patient take a dram of Mithridate, with 2 ounces of Ruewater, 7 hours before meat: this expels wind marvelouſly.
An outward Loſion for the ſame.
Take Sulpher vive beaten 2 ounces, Grains half an ounce, groſly beaten; ſeeth this together till the third part be ſodden away: dip a Spunge in this water being warm, and lay it on the Privities, renewing it 5. or 6. times a day.
40Hernia aquoſa, or the watry Rupture.
This is an Hydropical watry humor in the Liver, Veynes and pores, that doth at laſt fall down into the Cods, and is known by the ſwelling of the Cods and Navel: for a Remedy hereof, the Patient muſt be purged, and keep an orderly dyet; that thereby the water may be expelled out of the body: to purge thoſe humours, take this Drink following:
A Drink to purge for the watry Rupture.
Take Agarit and Hermodactyls of each one dragme and a half, Ginger one ſcruple, Ireos a dragme; Hony-Water 4 ounces: then make the Hony-Water warm, and ſteep the other things therein 24 hours; ſtrain it, and drink it warm, and faſt 6. hours after it.
Another for the ſame.
Take Electuarium Indium 3 dragms, burnt Copper 8 grains, Water of blew41 flower de Luce 2 ounces: mix them all together, and drink it.
Pills for the ſame.
Take the Root of Laureola one ſcruple, ſteep it 5. dayes in Vinegar, Sulpher Vive 4 grains, burnt Copper 2 grains, Licoris, Annis, and Dragagant, of each 4 grains: make pills thereof with Juyce of Roſes, and take them all at once.
To provoke Urine in this caſe is requiſite: for which, uſe theſe things following.
To move Urine.
TAke red Peaſe 6 ounces, 2 Fennel Roots: boyl them well together, and take 5 ounces of this Decoction, at a time.
For the ſame.
Take Smallage-water and Melilot-water; of each 2 ounces and a half; ſweeten it with Sugar, and drink hereof a week together.
42Or for the ſame, drink Broom-water about 5 ounces at a time.
To ſtrengthen the Liver, uſe this Confection.
Take Trochiſcos, Diarhodon, Species Diacynamomi; of each 1 dragme, burnt Ivory one ſcruple, 4 ounces of white Sugar: ſeeth it in Fennel-water, and make Tabulats of it, and take of theſe a quarter of an ounce before meat.
A Fomentation for the Rupture.
Take Seſeli, Cumin, Camomile, and Melilot, of each one ounce; ſeeth theſe together in a quart of Water, until the third part be ſpent, and therewith bathe and foment the Rupture; and then lay this Plaiſter following upon it, binding it on warm.
A Plaiſter for the watery Rupture.
Take Roots of blew flower de Luce, and Roots of wild Cucumers, of each 3 ounces, Peaſe-meal and beane-meal, of each 2 ounces, Oil of43 Rue, and Juyce of Bay-leaves, of each 2 ounces: ſeeth this together to the thickneſs of a Plaiſter, and then ſpread it on a Cloth, and bind it warm upon the Rupture.
Another Plaiſter for the ſame.
Take Maſtick one ounce, Cypres-Nuts half an ounce, Dragagant & Gum, of each one dragme: temper theſe together with Oil of Roſes unto a Plaiſter, and ſo apply it.
If the Rupture be cauſed of Phlegmatick humours, then uſe theſe Purgations which follow.
A Purge for a Rupture cauſed through blood or Phlegme.
TAke Turbith 1 quarter of an ounce, Ginger one dragme, white Sugar 3 dragmes: temper them together; Let the Patient take a dram hereof every fourth day with Worm-wood-water, and the other mornings between them take this Potion following.
44A Drink for the ſame.
Take Water of Balme, Betony, and Worm-wood, of each one ounce and a half, Sugar half an ounce, Vinegar of Squills one ounce: mix them together, and ſo drink them.
A Plaiſter for the ſame, to take away the Phlegmatick matter.
Take Sandaracha two ounces, Sarcocolla one ounce, Aſhes of Bean-ſtraw, or Vine-ſtocks 6 ounces, Vinegar of Squills 2 ounces, Water as much as is needfull to ſeeth them all together till they come to the thickneſs of a Plaiſter; and lay it upon the place, binding it on warm, as before is directed.
If the Rupture be fleſhy, that is, a fleſhy excreſence growing in the Cods, which may be cauſed through overmuch heat and moiſture in the Cods, whereby the blood turneth into fleſh, which much weakneth and infeebleth this member; in this caſe, ſuch meats and drinks muſt be refrained, which do over-much heat or moiſten, ſuch as45 ſweet Wines, Sugar, delicate meats, and the like; and on the contrary, the Patient muſt eat ſuch meats as are cooling and drying. The Hemorrhoids in the fundament muſt be opened together with the Liver or Median Veyne, and outwardly apply theſe Plaiſters following.
A Plaiſter for a fleſhy Rupture.
- Take Leutil,
- Night-Shade,
- Roſes,
- Plantayn, of each 6 ounces,
- Barley-meal 12 ounces.
Boyl theſe together in a ſufficient quantity of Vinegar, and thrice as much water, adding thereto 3 whites of Egges; boyl it to the thickneſs of a Plaiſter, and lay it all over the Cod, renewing it every day, 5 or 6 dayes one after another.
46Of the Melancholy blood putrifying in the Cods, which is called Buris.
THis is the falling of Melancholy blood down into the Cod, which cauſeth great ſwelling there: and ſometimes if the Cod be full of matter and corruption, and it remain long, it putrifyeth the Stones, and ſpoileth them; therefore care is to be taken ſpeedily to purge away, and draw out the Melancholy humours; to effect which, it is neceſſary, that the Liver-Vein be opened, and the next day afterwards, give the Patient this purging Potion, viz. Catharticum Imperiale, with Violet-Water, or Lilly-water; and take 6 or 8 dayes following after, theſe Potions following: Take Violet-water, Lettice-water, and Hop-water; of each one ounce, Syrrup of Cytron-Pills one ounce and a half; drink it warm in the morning: And outwardly to aſſwage the ſwelling, take theſe Medicines following, viz.
- 47
- Take Bean-meal 3 ounces,
- Muſcilage of Holly-hocks,
- Camomile,
- Annis Seeds,
- Fenegreek Seed,
- Raiſins ſtoned, of each half an ounce.
Temper them with yolks of Egges, and apply it to the grieved place.
A Pultis for the ſame.
Take Cow-dung, Crums of Rye-bread, Cumin, Night-ſhade, Bean-meal, Melilot, Camomile, and Oil of Lillies: pound and ſeeth them all together, and lay them on the place grieved.
For the ſame.
Take Bean-meal, Lilley-Roots, Colewort-Leaves, Figges and Fenegreek-meal, of each a like quantity, and ſeeth them together being bruiſed into the form of a Pultis, and ſo apply it.
48Of the falling of the Bowels or Guts into the Cod.
THE firſt thing in this caſe, as before is generally directed, is diligently to endeavour the putting up of the Bowels again into their due place; by taking hold of the lower part of the Cods, & gently thruſting them up; the Patient lying on his back with his buttocks ſomthing higher then the other part of his Body, that thereby the Bowels may the eaſier be reduced to their due place.
Then foment and bath the whole Cods and parts about it, with ſuch Lotions as before are directed; then lay this Plaiſter following thereupon, and bind it on with a good Truſſe.
- Take Cypres-Roots 2 ounces,
- Mil-dust 3 ounces,
- Comphrey-Roots,
- Daiſy-Rootes, of each 1 ounce,
- Iſinglas 1 ounce and a half,
- Dragagant,
- Gum,
- Mumey,
- Burnt Ivory, of each half an ounce,
- 49Dragons blood,
- Sagapenum,
- Sealed-earth,
- Fine Bolus, of each 5 dragmes.
Pound the Roots, and ſeeth them with the meal in 2 parts of Water, and 1 part of red Vinegar, until it be thick enough; then mix molten Wax amongſt it, as much as is needful; ſtir it well together with diſſolved Gum, till it be cold; ſo ſpread it, and apply it as before is directed.
To aſſwage the pain of the falling down of the Bowels, Clyſters are very commodious to be uſed; for which, theſe following are very good.
Take white Seſamum Seeds groſly beaten, Linſeed and Fenegreek; make a decoction thereof, and mix therewith Butter and Oil of Violets, and adminiſter it warm.
For the ſame.
Take broth made of a Hen or Cock,50 and Oil of Seſamum; of each 6 ounces, Salgem half an ounce: temper them together for a Clyſter.
Take ſweet Wine 12 ounces, freſh butter, and Oil of ſweet Almonds, of each 2 ounces, Benedicta Lax, half an ounce: temper them all together for a Clyſter.
To ſtrengthen the broken place where the Bowels come through.
Take Iron Droſſe ſodden in Vinegar, and Myrrhe, of each half an ounce, Dragons blood, fine Bolus, Frankincenſe, Maſtick, Sealed Earth, and Juyce of Sloes, of each one quarter of an ounce, Cypres Nuts, and Mumey, of each 3 quarters of an ounce, Iſinglas 2 ounces: make them all together into a Salve, with Wax and Roſin as much as is needful; with this anoynt the Cods thrice a day, and knit it up alwayes with a Truſſe.
51A good Drink for a Rupture.
Take Roſemary half an ounce, Cynamon half a dragme, Balme-Flowers, Ginger, Borage, Nutmegs, of each half a dragme; ſeeth theſe together in 7 quarts of Water till the 4 part be conſumed, then add thereto 16 ounces of Honey, then boyl it again, till the third part be conſumed, and uſe it.
A Confection for the ſame.
Take Frankincenſe, Maſtick, Juyce of Sloes, Hypociſtis, of each 1 dragme and a half, Roſes, burnt Ivory, parched Cummin, Dill-Seed, of each one drag. Cypres Nuts half an ounce, Steel filed ſmall, Iron Droſſe decocted together in red Vinegar, of each one quarter of an ounce; dryed Seeds of Pomgranates one ounce: beat them all ſmall together; then take Honey of Roſes 18 ounces, white Sugar 12 ounces, Granado Wine 6 ounces, Dragagant-Gum, of each half an ounce: ſeeth both of theſe Gums with Honey, Sugar, and this Juyce, till it be thick: when it beginneth52 to be cold, put it into a Morter, and temper the other things amongſt it, ſtirring it well together: give the Patient 2 dragmes thereof in the morning, and let him faſt 2 hours after it; and one dragme at night, 2 hours after Supper.
Let the Patient keep himſelf as quiet as poſſible, forbear much ſtirring and carnal Copulation; and all exceſſe either of meat or drink; and forbear binding meat, ſtrong drink, and new Wine. So far of Ruptures.
53The perfect OCULIST.
THE Author firſt beginneth with 6 precious Waters, profitable both for the Eyes and other things; which he thus ſets down:
For to tell of 6 precious Waters, made and ſent to a Queen that ſomtime was in England.
The firſt Water is this.
- Take Fennel,
- Rue,
- Vervaine,
- Endive,
- Betony,
- Germander,
- Red roſes,
- Maydenhaire, of each 1 ounce.
Stamp them, and ſteep them in white-Wine a day and a night, and diſtil a54 Water of them; This Water ſhall depart in three, (that is, you ſhall draw 3 ſeveral Waters,) the firſt part ye ſhall do in a glaſſe by it ſelf: and know ye of a truth, that this Water is as precious as Gold, The ſecond as Silver, The third part as precious as Balme; and keep theſe 3 parts in glaſſes.
This Water ſhall ye give to the Rich for Gold; to mean men for Silver, and to the Poor for Balme.
This Water keepeth the Eyes in cleerneſs, and avoydeth the Quitery and gounde, and cleereth and ſharpneth the ſight.
The ſecond Water.
TO the ſecond Water take Salgema pound, and wrap it in a green Dock-leaf, and lay it in the fire till it be well roſted, and wax white, and put it in a glaſſe againſt the air at night, and at the morrow it ſhall be turned to white Water like unto Chryſtal; keep this VVater well in a glaſſe, and do a drop into thy Eye, and it ſhall cleanſe and ſharp thy ſight: And it is good for the evil at the heart, and for the Morphew,55 and for Sance-fleam, and for the Canker in the Mouth, and for other evills in the Body.
The third Water.
THE 3 Water is as followeth: Take the Root of Parſly, Endive, Monache, Fennel, Betony an ounce: waſh them well in Water, and bray them well, and then ſteep them well in white-Wine a day and a night, and then diſtil them.
This Water is more worth then Balme: It keepeth a good ſight, and cleanſeth it of all filth; it refraineth tears, and comforteth the head, and avoideth the Water that cauſeth headach.
The fourth Water.
THE 4 Water is this; Take Parſly-Seed, Annis, Caraway, Vervaine, of each 2 dragmes, Centory 10 dragmes: beat all theſe to powder, and do it in warm water a day and a night; then diſtil it. This water is a precious water for all ſore Eyes, and very good56 for the health of a mans body, or Womans.
The fifth Water.
THE fifth Water is ſuch, that with it you may do many marveylous things.
Take Lymel of Gold, Silver, Latyn, Copper, Iron, Steel, and Lead; And take Litharge of Gold and Silver, and take Camomile and Columbyne, and ſteep all together in the Urine of a man-child a day and a night; The ſecond day in white-Wine; the third day in the Juyce of Fennel; the fourth day in the whites of Egges; the fifth day in a Womans milk that nouriſheth a man-child; the 6 day in red Wine; the 7 day in whites of Egges; and upon the eighth day, blend and mix all theſe together, and diſtil a water of them, and keep this water in a veſſel of Gold or Silver. The Virtues of this water is this; it doth away all manner of ſickneſs of the Eyes, the Perle, the Sckome of the tears, and the**Tis an old Engliſh word; if Geofry Chaucer were here, he could tell you the meaning of it. Tis too old for me. Quiters,57 and draweth again into their due form the Eye-lids that are bleared; it ſlayeth the ach of the head; And if a man drink of it, it keepeth his viſage long to be young. There is no man can tell half the Virtues of this VVater.
The ſixth Water.
TAKE Lapis Caluminaris, and do it in the fire till it be red as a Roſe, and ſlack it in a pinte of white-VVine, and do ſo 9 times, and after grinde it and beat it ſmall, and ſearſe it very clean; then Infuſe it in the Sun, in Fennel-water, Vervain, Roſes, Celendine, Rue, and three-leaved Graſſe (the diſtilled water of them, not the Herbs,) of each a like quantity, in a Vial of glaſſe, ſo that the VVater may ſettle cleer about 5 inches above the ſtone in the bottom; and when you will uſe it, ſtir it together; and take up a drop of it with a feather; and if it abide, then it is fine and good; then drop of it in an Eye that is watry or running, or an Eye that hath a dimme ſight: and for the head-ach anoynt the Temples58 herewith; it is precious for helping the ſight, and for ache in the head.
To cleer the ſight of the Eyes, a good Water, and for itching thereof.
TAKE Fennel, Roſes, Vervain, Celendine and Rue, of each 2 ounces, and diſtil water of them, which is good to clarify the ſight of the Eyes, being waſhed therewith, according to this verſe:
Feniculus, Roſa, Vervens, Celedonia, Ruta,
Ex iſtis fit aqua quis lumina reddit acuta.
Of Fennel, Vervain, and the Roſe,
Herb Celendine and Rue,
A pure VVater is Compoſe,
That doth the ſight renew.
Another for the ſame.
Take red Snailes, and ſeeth them in fair water, and there will ariſe an Oyl or fat; which ſeparate clean by it ſelf, and reſerve it in a glaſſe, and59 therewith anoynt thy Eyes morning and evening.
To Clarify the ſight of the Eyes.
Take red Roſes, Smallage, Rue, Vervain, Mayden-hair, Eye-bright, Endive, Sengreen, red Fennel, Celendine, of each a quarter of a pound; waſh them clean, and infuſe them in white-wine a day and a night, and then diſtill them: the firſt VVater will be like Gold, the ſecond like Silver, and the third like balme. And this water is very good for all manner of ſore Eyes, for a webbe, perle, or haw.
Another for ſore Eyes.
TAKE Smallage, Fennel, Rue, Vervain, Egrimony, Betony, Scabious, Avens, Hounds-tongue, Eye-bright, Pimpernel, red Roſes, and Sage; Diſtil all theſe together with a little Urine of a Man-child, and five grains of Frankincenſe; And of this diſtilled water, drop a drop or two into the Eyes at night when you go to bed.
60For pain in the Eyes.
TAKE Egrimony, Vervain, Fennel, Rue and Roſes, and put them in a Scillatory, and ſpring on them good white-VVine, and diſtil it. This water is good for ſwelling of a mans Eyes that cometh of Cold, and for bleared Eyes, and Eyes that be red with anguiſh, and eaſeth the pain of them.
Another for the pain in the Eye.
TAke a little Allom and powder of Mint, and mix them together; draw thereof a VVater, and put thereof a drop into the Eye, going to bed, and in the morning.
Another for ſore Eyes.
TAke Flowers of Hawthorn, and the Flowers of Withy, and diſtil it; make thereof a VVater, and this VVater is good for the ſight in the Eye, and for the redneſs in the Eye, and for burning and heat in the Eye, and for Eyes that do lightly VVater; and for61 webbs in the Eye of a Man or VVoman.
A good Water for the ſight.
TAke Sage, Fennel, Rue, Vervain, Betony, Egrimony, Sanacle, Pimpernel, Eye-bright, Cinquefoil, and Rue, of all theſe like much, and grinde them in a Morter; then take powder of Alom, and a little Camphire, and mingle them together, and diſtil it: And know you of a truth, that this VVater is profitable for all evills of the Eyes; And reſtoreth the ſight that hath been almoſt loſt, by the ſpace of 3 years.
Water of Copporas, to make good for the Eyes.
TAke Copporas, and grinde it to powder, and put a little water to it, and let it ſtand a day and a night, and ſtrain it through a Cloth. This VVater is good for the Eyes, and for the Canker in the mouth, and for noli me tangere, and to make a deer complexion.
62Another Water for ſore Eyes, and pain in the Head.
TAke red Roſes, Maydenhair, Rue, Vervain, Eye-bright, Betony, Calamynt, of each one handful; ſteep them in white-VVine 24 hours: The ſecond day, diſtill it in a Diſtillatory. The firſt water that thou doſt diſtill, it ſhall be like colour of Gold; The ſecond, of Silver; The third, of Balme. And this is called, the precious water for Ladyes.
Another Water for ſore Eyes.
TAke good red VVine, and Cumin, and Salt, and put it in a pot; and ſet upon the pot an Alembick, and ſtop it faſt about with good paſte, and make a ſlow fire of Cole: The firſt VVater that is diſtilled, is good for all cold ſickneſs in the Eyes of Man or VVoman; The ſecond VVater is good for all manner of hot maladies in the eyes.
63Another for the ſame.
Take and fill a pot of thick Dregs of good Ale, and put thereto a handful of Cumin and Salt, and put a Lembeck on thy pot, and ſtop it about with paſte, and diſtill it: a precious VVater for the Eyes.
THE VVater of Salgem is good to cleer the filth of a mans Eyes, and it is good for the ſcurffe and Morphew, and for the ſtink of the hammes and Arme-pits. Take a pound of Salgem, and wrap it up in Colewort-Leaves, and do it in the hot Aſhes, And there let it ſeeth in his own kinde, till it be turned to whiteneſs; after that, lay it on a marble-ſtone a day and a night, and that which goeth over thereof, will be a Silver Colour: Then take that, and keep it in a glaſſe, and when need is, put a drop thereof into the ſore Eye.
64For the haw in the Eye.
Take Pepper, and ſtamp it to powder; then take the marrow of an old Gooſes wing, and mingle it together; and do it in a Cloth, and burne it to powder, and put thereof into the Eye.
For dim ſight, and bleared Eyes.
Take Ginger and rub it on a whetſtone, into a fair Baſon, and put thereto as much Salt, and temper it in VVine with the juyce of Eye-bright, and let it ſtand infuſing a night and a day; And then take the cleerneſs that aſcendeth above, and put in a glaſſe for uſe: and with a feather, when thou goeſt to bed, or as often as thou lyeſt down to ſleep, therewith annoynt thy eye-lyds within and without, and it will heal them.
An oyntment for ſore Eyes, approved.
Take Vinegar, and put it in a clean Baſon, then take the flowers of plumbs and mingle all together, and let it ſtand65 three dayes and three nights covered: then put it in a box, and reſerve it for your uſe, to anoynt the Eyes when need requires.
Another for the ſame.
Take Raw Cream made of Ewes milk, and ſpread it on the bottome of a fair ſcowred Baſon; then take a veſſel that hath ſtood with Ale in it 6. or 7. dayes, and pour out the Ale, and whelm the pot or veſſel over the Baſon, ſo letting it remain a whole night: then take the Cream, and keep the Cream in a box till you need it for an oyntment for ſore Eyes.
Another for the ſame.
Take red Snayles that be without houſes, and ſeeth them in water; and after that, burne them on a hot tileſtone to powder, and mix the powder with the fat that will ariſe above the water they are boyled in, And anoynt the Eye-lyds therewith at night going to bed.
66For bleared Eyes.
Take the Juyce of VVorm-wood, and mingle it with water, made of the white of an Egge; and therewith anoynt the Eyes, and it will put away the bloodineſs and aking thereof.
Another for the ſame.
Take Celendine, Rue, Planten, Annis; of each a handful, and as much Fennel as of all the reſt, and ſtamp them in a new earthen pot, and let it ſtand two days and two nights, & then ſtrain it, and therewith anoynt the Eyes evening and morning.
For a pin and Webbe in the Eye.
Take an Egge and roſt it hard, and take the white all hot, and put in as much white Copporis as a peaſe; and while it is hot, ſtrain it through a Cloth, and let it drop into the Eye a good drop. And this for young and old is proved a good Medicine.
67For Eyes that be blaſted.
Take Tutty and Calamint, and waſh them in white-Wine 9 times, and then grinde them upon a ſtone with ſome of the white-Wine, and white Gooſe-Greaſe, and Capons Greaſe; and put thereof in the eye morning and at night: approved.
For Eyes that be red, and full of pain.
Take white Ginger, and rubbe it into a Baſon on a whet-ſtone, put thereto as much white Salt, and grinde them together on a Marble-ſtone; and when it is ſmall ground, add thereto white-Wine, and then temper them well together, and let it ſtand ſo a day and a night; then pour out the thinne cleer liquor that ſtandeth above, and put it in a Vyal: And when the ſick goeth to bed, anoynt well the Eyes with a clean feather. Probatum.
68For Eyes that run with Water.
Take a Colewort leaf, and anoynt it with the white of an Egge beaten well, and lay it to thy Eyes when thou goeſt to bed, and let it lye all night; and it ſhall help thee by the grace of God.
To cleer the Eyes, a Drink.
Take Celendine and ſtamp it, and temper it with fair water, and drink it three dayes, and it ſhall heal the head, and cleer the ſight marvelouſly.
For the Perle in the Eye at firſt.
Take white Ginger that is good and fine, and rubbe it on a whet-ſtone of Norway, into a ſawcer of•ewter, and put thereto white-Wine; but let it be muddy of the Ginger, and with a feather do it into thy Eyes.
69A precious Water for Eyes, called the Water of Mr. Peter of Spain.
Take Fennel, Rue, Celendine, Vervain, Eye-bright, Clary, Roſin, or the water of Roſin, and ſtamp them by the ſpace of a natural day in white-Wine, and then put all together in a Lymbeck, and diſtill a water thereof; wherewith waſh the Eyes: it clarifyeth and comforteth them greatly.
The Powder of Maſter Peter de Villa Nova.
Take Tutty prepared one dragme, Antimony one dragme and a half, Marjoram 2 dragmes, Flower of red Coral one dragme and a half, Raw Silk of the Silk-worm cut ſmall as may be, half a dragme; make hereof as ſubtil a powder as may be made, and keep it in a box of Metal. This powder dryeth tears, and rectifieth redneſs of the Eyes: And was made for Biſhop John.
70A Powder for the Eyes, called Bonaventure.
Take a dragme of Sugar-Candy, Tutty prepared half a dragme, powder them, and waſh them with water of Roſes, and ſpread them abroad on a Baſon, and fumigate the Baſon with the fume of Lignum Aloes, and Frankincenſe; dry it, and powder it ſubtily, and keep it in a box of braſſe or pewter, And put it in the Eyes with a Pencil of Silver. This powder is good for all manner of ſpots in the Eyes.
A precious Powder for a pin and Webbe in the Eye.
Take two dragms of Tutty prepared, of Sandragon one dragm, of Sugar one dragme; beat them together to a very fine powder; whereof put into the Eye a little at a time: approved.
71For a hurt in the Eye, with a Thorn, Stubble, or any other thing.
Take Monſear and ſtamp it, and drink the Juyce thereof; and lay three drops upon the Eye: and ſtamp Egrimony, and lay it on the hinder part of the Eye.
For the Webbe in the Eye.
Take ground Ivy, and dreſſe the Eye with the Juyce thereof once a day, and it will deſtroy it.
Another for ſore Eyes.
Take Centory, and make thereof an Electuary with Honey, very thick, and eat thereof. It is good for the ſtomack, and will make a man to have a good talent to his meat: And therewith anoynt the Eyes: it is very good for ſore Eyes.
72A Soveraign Medicine that helpeth the ſight, and purgeth and clarifyeth the Eyes, be they never ſo bleared.
Take a good quantity of Houſleek, and ſtamp it in a Morter, and wring out the Juyce clean; and put it in a broad Veſſel a day and night till it be clear, then take 20 Egges, and ſeeth them very hard; then take away the Yolk of every Egge, and ſet the ſhell hot in wheat-bran, and fill it full of the water of Houſleek; and ſo ſerve all the Egges while the water laſts, and let them ſtand ſo a day and a night, at the leaſt a day; then take the water and put it in Vials. VVith this water anoynt the Eyes morning and night.
Alſo, take a Pidgeon, and let it bleed in the right Vein under the wings, and anoynt thine Eyes with the blood 9 dayes and 9 nights, and more if it be need; for this Medicine hath been proved many times.
73An excellent Oyntment for the Eyes.
- Take new Hogges-lard 2 ounces,
- Tutia prepared 1 ounce,
- Lapis Hematis waſhed 1 ſcruple,
- Aloes waſhed and powdered 12 grains,
- Perles 3 grains,
Steep the Greaſe 6 hours in Roſe-water, then waſh it 12 times in white-Wine; powder the Tutia very fine, and make it into an oyntment with a little Fennel-water, and therewith anoynt the corner of the Eyes.
For Rheumatick Eyes.
Firſt, purge the Head and the Body, and let the Patient ſweat a little: Then uſe this powder following for the Eyes.
Take Tutia, prepared 1 ounce and a quarter, red Coral, yellow Myrobalaus, of each 1 quarter of an ounce, Pepper half a dragme: powder them very fine, and ſtrew them in the corners of the Eyes.
74A Water to waſh Rheumatick Eyes.
Take Rain-water, boyl therein Galnuts, Myrtle-Seeds, fine Bolus and Cypres-nuts, And therewith waſh the Eyes oftentimes.
To aſſwage and drive away the pain of the Eyes.
Take prepared Tutty, Camphire bruiſed very ſmall; of each one ſcruple, Roſe-water 1 ounce, white-Wine half an ounce: temper them well, and when you have occaſion to uſe it, ſtir it well about, and put a drop or two in the Eye.
For redneſs in the Eyes.
This oftentimes proceeds from ſuperfluity of blood, which floweth unto the Eyes; it is neceſſary in this caſe, to apply Cupping-glaſſes to the ſhoulders, if need be, to open the Head-vein on the contrary ſide, and to purge the Body; and outwardly to apply ſuch things to the Eyes, as may repercuſſe75 and drive back the humour offending, as followeth.
For the redneſs of the Eyes.
Take the white of an Egge, and bray it with Womans milk, and apply it to the Eyes; I mean, drop a drop or two thereof into the Eye.
For the ſame.
Take Linſeed and boyl it in water, and wet a Sponge in that Decoction; and lay it warm on the eyes; or do in like manner with the Decoction of Fenegreek or Camomile.
For the ſame.
Take the Juyce of Night-ſhade, and mix it with the white of an Egge well beaten, and Oil of Roſes: make a cloth wet in it, and lay it on the Eye.
For blood-ſhot Eyes.
Take the Juyce of Worm-wood, bray it well with the white of an Egge, and drop thereof into the eye.
76Another for pain or redneſs in the Eyes.
Take broad Planten water 1 pinte, ſmall bruiſed Verdigreaſe 1 ounce, fine Bolus, Dragons blood; of each half an ounce, Camphire 1 quarter of an ounce, diſtill this in a glaſſen helm in Balneo. This water taketh away redneſs of the Eyes and pains thereof, and helpeth ſwollen Eye-lids that have long continued; And is alſo good for all ſore mouths, and ſtinking impoſthumations therein, and eſpecial for all Ulcerations in the privy members.
For the ſame.
Take water of Vervain, Eye-bright, Marjoram, of each half an ounce, Fennel-water an ounce, Camphire half a dragme; the Gall of a great Pickerel: temper and ſtir it all together, and uſe it as the other.
An Oyntment for red Eyes.
Take Tutia half an ounce, Oil of Bay 1 quarter of an ounce, Honey and Vinegar,77 of each one ſpoonful, Camphire 1 dragme; make a Salve thereof, and therewith anoynt the Eye-lids: this is alſo good for inverted Eye-lids.
Nutmegs confected in Honey, do help the redneſs of the Eyes, and defend the ſight, being eaten.
For hot Eyes.
Take water of Eye-bright, Fennel, Celandine, of each 1 ounce; Tutia prepared 3 ſcruples: Sarcocolla and Pearles prepared, of each half a dragm: temper it together, and therewith anoynt the Eyes.
Another for the ſame.
Take Rue, Fennel, Vervain, of each equal parts; ſtamp them, and put to them Roſe-water and white-Wine, as much as will cover them quite over. Let it infuſe a night, and then diſtil it in a glaſſe body in balneo, and reſerve the water for the uſe aforeſaid.
78For pricking and hot Blyſters in the Eyes.
This is oftentimes cauſed through over-much moiſture, ſetling it ſelf in the white or apple of the Eyes; Theſe are dangerous to be cured: The Patient muſt be let blood in the Head-Vein, and purged, to divert and carry away the humours; And firſt take for it this Medicine following.
A Water for blyſtered and pricking Eyes.
Take Lycium and Saffron, of each half a dragme, Juyce of ſloes 1 ſcruple; mix this with Roſe-water, and drop a little into the Eyes with the white of an Egge.
Another for the ſame, to ripen and draw out the corruption, and aſſwage the pain.
Take Fenegreek and Linſeed, of each one quarter of an ounce; Melilot one quarter of an ounce: ſeeth it in fair water, and waſh the Eyes oftentimes79 therewith, and ſomtimes drop a drop thereof into the Eyes.
Another for the ſame.
Take Crums of white-bread, and ſteep it in Womans milk; and lay it on the Eyes; and when it grows dry, renew it, and lay on freſh.
A Confection, good for all heat, pricking and ſwelling in the Eyes.
Take Eye-bright, Fennel, Cinamon, of each 3 dragms, long Pepper, Mynts, Mace, Marjoram, Vervain, Calamus, Roſemary, of each one dragme and a half, Sugar Pennets 3 ounces, white Sugar 5 ounces: with the Sugar ſeeth theſe Juyces following, of Roſes and Vervain, of each 2 dragmes, Juyce of Fennel clarifyed, five ounces, Juyce of Celendine and Rue, of each one ounce and an half; let them ſeeth almoſt as thick as a Syrrup, afterwards temper amongſt it the reſt well beaten.
80Another Oyntment, to aſſwage the pain and heat in the Eyes.
Take young Endive, and ſtamp it with Oil of Roſes, or Oil of Violets, and therewith anoynt the corners of the Eyes, and Eye-lids.
Againſt itching Eyes.
This commonly proceeds from a defluxion of ſalt humour, that falls down to the Eyes, and cauſeth great itching and pricking in them, which maketh the Patient alwayes very apt to rubbe them; but that he muſt by all means refrain, for that hurteth the ſight, and maketh the eyes more red, hot, and angry: he muſt be moderate in eating, and forbear ſtrong drink; purge the Body of choler, and open the Head-vein, waſh the Eyes well in Roſe-water, and afterwards foment and bath them with the Decoction of Mallows, Violet-Leaves, Vervain, and Celandine.
81For running Watry Eyes.
This infirmity ſomtimes flowes from the weakneſs of the faculty retentive, And is alſo often occaſioned through ſuperfluous moiſt Rheumes, falling down from the brain upon the Eyes; and likewiſe it may be cauſed through mirth, but oftner through its oppoſite ſorrow; for that alwayes follows that kinde of deceitful pleaſure, under which exceſſive drinking ſeems to mask it ſelf: ſharpe windes, ſmoke, Coughs, ſtinking Savours, do periſh the Eyes. For help of this defluxion, uſe theſe remedies following.
Purge the Body with Pill. Cochiae Aureae, with ſucco Roſarum, or with Pills of the 5 kindes of Mirobalaus.
Forbear all moiſt ſharp meats and drinks, Salt Fiſh and Fleſh, Milk, Cheeſe, Onions, Garlick, and all that fumes into the head.
Outwardly, beat the white of an Egge, and temper it with Womans milk, and drop a drop thereof into the eye.
82For the ſame.
Alſo take unripe Grapes, and burn the ſame to aſhes, and make it into a fine powder; and blow thereof into the Eyes, it dryeth up the Rheume, and taketh away the redneſs.
Another for Watery Eyes.
Take Roſe-Leaves freſh half an ounc. Saffron, Spica, Indie, Gum Arabick, of each 1 quarter of an ounce: beat them ſmall, and make Cakes thereof with rain-water; And when you will uſe it, take 1 dragme thereof, and lay it to ſteep in the beaten white of an Egge, and herewith anoynt the Eyes. This repelleth the matter, and conſumeth the pain.
Another for the ſame.
Take Juyce of Fennel well clarifyed 1 ounce and a half; Aloe two dragmes and a half, a leaf of beaten Gold: mix them well together, then add to it 7. grains of Frankincenſe: diſſolve them in83 good white-Wine, and mix them all together with Fennel and Roſe-water; and drop of this water into the Eyes twice a day.
Another for running and overmoiſt Eyes.
Take Myrrhe half a dragme, Bloodſtone one dragme, Roſe-leaves one ounce: ſeeth them in a glaſſe in Balneo to the conſumption of half; then ſtrain it through a cloth, and drop thereof 4 ▪ times a day a drop into the Eyes.
A Salve for watery Eyes, to eaſe the pain, and ſtay the defluxion.
Take Juyce of Rue, Oil of Mirtle; of each 2 ounces: Let it boyl untill the Juyce be ſodden away: then ſtrain it, and ſet it again upon the fire, and mix amongſt it Saphire prepared half a dragme, Jacynt one ſcruple, Antimony one dragme, burnt Copper 1 ſcruple, Tutia prepared 3 dragmes; let it ſeeth gently on the fire, adding thereto two or three dragmes of Wax, more or leſſe, accordingly as you deſire to84 have it hard; when you will uſe it, melt a little, and anoynt the Eye-lids therewith.
If the Rheume in the Eyes cometh of cold; then at the firſt beginning of it, take inwardly this Confection following.
A Confection for Watery Eyes, that come of taking cold.
Take Spica Indie 5 dragmes, Agarick 1 dragme and a half, Cynamon 1 ounc. Maſtick as much as the weight of them all: make a Confection thereof with clarifyed Honey, and take thereof every morning.
Muske and Pomanders are good for the Patient to ſmell to in this caſe, and to chew Betony in his mouth every morning.
An outward Oyntment for the ſame.
Take Bloud-ſtone prepared 1 quarter of an ounce, Roſes, burnt Ivory, white and red Coral, Amber, yellow Mirobalaus, of each one dragme, Juyce of Houſleek 4 ounces: temper them together,85 and ſo keep it well ſtopped; anoynt the Eye-lids every day herewith, and put of the ſame a drop into the Eye.
Another Water for the Eyes, to dry Catarrhes and cold Rheumes.
Take Gummi, the Muſcilage of Fenegreek-Seeds; of each one quarter of an ounce, of prepared Sarcocol, Spikenard, Myrrhe, Cynamon, Aloes, Bever-cod; of each half a ſcruple: powder them all together; then ſteep them in Womans milk, and drop thereof into the Eye.
A Salve for running Eyes, and for all Impoſthumes and Pains, Scabs, Wounds, and Bloud-ſhots in the Eyes.
Take Tutia prepared in Roſe-water half an ounce, freſh Hogges-greaſe one ounce, Starch 3 quarters of an ounce: bruiſe and temper them well together in a Morter, then waſh it three times in the Water of Night-ſhade, and with this anoynt the fore-head, the Temples and the Eye-lids, both within and without.
86A precious Water to ſtrengthen the ſight.
- Take Rue,
- Roſes,
- Endive,
- Betony,
- Vervain,
- Maydenhair,
- Egrimony,
- Clevers,
- Yarrow,
- Eyebright,
- Pimpernel,
- Sage; of each two handfuls.
Cut the Herbs ſmall, and ſteep them a day and a night in good white-Wine: then ſtrain them out, and let the Moiſture run from them: then bruiſe them groſly in a Morter: then diſtil them in Balneo, and keep the water for your uſe cloſe ſtopt.
For ſpots in the Eye.
- Take Prepared Blood-ſtone 3 dragmes, Burne Copper a quarter of an ounce, Perles,
- 87Red Coral, of each 1 dragm.
- Gummi,
- Tragacant, of each 3 dragmes,
- Pepper 30 grains,
- Waſhed Ceruſe 1 dragme,
- Dragons blood,
- Saffron,
- Amber, of each half a dragme,
Make it into the form of trochiſes of a dragme apiece; and when you have occaſion to uſe it, bruiſe one of them, and infuſe it in Womans milk, and drop a drop thereof into the Eye.
Another for ſpots in the Eyes.
Take Frankincenſe 5 dragmes, Saffron one dragm, Ammoniacum, Sarcocolla, of each two dragmes and a half: beat them all into very fine powder, and make it into Trochiſes, with Muſcilage of Fenegreek; then when you will uſe it, bruiſe it into Womans milk, and therewith waſh the Eyes: this doth mundify and deer the ſight.
88For mists and clouds before the Eyes.
It oftentimes happens in them that have the ſmall Pox, afterwards ſome clouds or white ſpots remain in the Eyes, endangering the ſight thereof; for which, take the Juyce of Corn-roſes, the Juyce of Centory; each apart or mixt together, and therewith anoynt the Eye.
A powder for the ſame.
Take the dryed Juyce of Celendine 3 dragmes, Ameos one quarter of an ounce, as much white Sugar-Candy; make a fine powder thereof, and blow a little into the Eye when you go to bed. Probatum.
With this Medicine, I cured my ſelf of a ſpot of whiteneſs, that grew over the ſight of my left Eye, immediately after my recovery of a grievous ſickneſs of the ſmall Pox, in October 1646. by putting a little thereof into my Eye going to bed, with a piece of clean Paper, rolled in form of a quill; which in a ſhort time took the ſpot clean away, not putting the Eye to any89 pain. Gloria Deo in excelſis. Turner.
Another Powder much commended for the ſame.
Taſte Pumice-ſtones, Cuttle-bones, prepared Sarcocolla, Ariſtolochia, red Coral, Boras, of each one dragme, white Sugar-Candy 6 dragmes; make them all into a fine ſubtil powder.
A Honey to be prepared for the mists before the Eyes.
Take clarifyed Honey 2 ounces, the Juyce of Fennel, the Juyce of Centory, of each 1 ounce and a half; ſeeth it a little, and ſcumme it till it be cleer, and drop thereof on the cloud or white ſpot in the Eye.
A Plaiſter for ſwollen and extuberated Eyes, as if they would fall out.
Take Shepherds Purſe, Planten, Houſleek; make a Plaiſter thereof, and apply it to the Eye: but if it proceed of weakneſs of the ſinews, then it is needfull to purge the Head with Hiera, or90 pill Cochie: uſe Gargariſmes, wherewith foment the mouth; and lay to the Eyes this Plaiſter.
Take Juyce of Sloes, Frankincenſe, Maſtick, Cypres-Nuts, (and the Leaves of each, if you can get them,) of each a like quantity; beat them very ſmall, and mix them with the Oil of Camomil, and lay it on the Eyes.
A Pomander for to ſtrengthen and help a feeble and dim ſight.
- Take Roſemary,
- Nep,
- Marjoram,
- Penny-royal, of each 1 dragme,
- Lignum Aloes,
- Marjoram Gentle,
- Mace, of each 2 dragmes,
- Muske,
- Amber, of each 2 grains,
Make thereof a powder, and bind it in a piece of red Silk, and ſmell often to it. All odoriferous Herbs, as Roſemary, Lavender, Gillo-flowers, Roſes; and all ſweet ſmelling Fruits are good for the Eyes; ſo alſo doth the ſight of91 green Fields, green Trees, the precious ſtone Smaragdus, green Glaſſe, green Linen, ſet before the Eyes, ſtrengthen and quicken the ſight: on the contrary, lechery, and unmeaſurable Venery, Drunkenneſs, ſleeping on a full ſtomack, much reading ſmall prints or writing, vaporous Meats, moiſt Fruits, dark miſty weather, Smoke, Wind, Duſt, Idleneſs and groſſe Meat, weakens and diminiſheth the ſight.
A Powder to ſtrengthen the ſight.
Take Tutia prepared 10 dragmes, make it into Paſt with the Juyce of Marjoram Gentle: when it hath ſtood a night, and be well ſetled, Let it drye well; then beat it again, and add to it Ginger, long and black Pepper, and Celendine, of each 1 dragme, ſal Armoniack half a dragme, all beaten ſmall, and made Moiſt with the Juyce of Fennel; let it dry again, and ſo preſerve it: when you will uſe it, beat it into a very fine powder, and put thereof into the Eye.
92A Powder to be ſtrewed upon the Head, to ſtrengthen and preſerve the ſight.
Take Cloves, Lignum-Aloes, Betony, Sandarac, burnt Ivory, Styrax, Calaminta, of each half a dragme; make them into powder, and ſtrew all the Head therewith; and when you will renew it, kemb the Head, that the firſt may come off: afterwards uſe twice a month, before you go to ſleep, one quarter of an ounce of Trochiſes of Diambra, and hold them in your mouth till they be diſſolved.
A Water to preſerve and ſtrengthen the ſight, uſed by the Emperour Frederick the third.
- Take green Betony,
- Rue,
- Vervain,
- Celendine,
- Eye-bright,
- Roſes, of each 6 handfulls,
- Long Pepper,
- 93Cloves, of each half a dragme,
- Aloe one ounce,
- Wood-bind and the flowers 3 handfulls.
Chop all the Herbs ſmall, and diſtill it through a glaſſe body; drop of this Water into the Eyes, and anoynt the Face therewith.
Another to preſerve the ſight.
Take Fenegreek, Holly-hock Roots, of each 2 ounces; cleanſe them well, and boyl them in fair water by a mild fire, till half be conſumed: then ſtrain them out, and add thereto, Aloes 2 dragmes, Sugar-Candy, or Sugar of Roſes 1 ounce; ſtrain it with Roſe-water, through a Cloth, and let it ſeeth unto a Syrrup; keep it in a glaſſe cloſe ſtopt, And when you have occaſion uſe it as other Eye-waters.
Another for the ſame.
Take Roſe-water, and white Sugar-Candy, of each what quantity you pleaſe, And infuſe them in a glaſſe together,94 and let them ſtand in the Sun two or three dayes or more, before you uſe it.
The Galls of all Ravening Birds, as alſo of partridges, of Bulls, Hares, Wolves, Foxes; and eſpecially the Gall of a Bucke, doth cleer the Eyes and ſharpen the ſight: if any one of them be decocted with Juyce of Fennel, and clarifyed Honey, and dropt into the Eyes.
A Confection for a bad ſight, called Electuarium Oculiſte, or the Oculiſts Electuary.
Take Silver Mountain-Seed, Eye-bright, Fennel and Cinabes, of each one dragme, Cardamome and Mace, of each one dragme and a half, Seeds of Rue and Celendine, of each one quarter of an ounce; Roſemary one ounce, Annis-Seed, Lignum Aloes, Caraway, Conſolida, Saracenica, of each half an ounce: make a Confection thereof, with Sugar or Honey. This alſo ſtrengtheneth the brain, reſtoreth loſt ſight, and maketh the Spirits of the ſight ſubtiller and ſtronger.
95Another Confection to preſerve and ſtrengthen the ſight.
- Take dryed Betony.
- Celendine,
- Eye-bright,
- Hyſop,
- Penny Royal, of each 1 dragme,
- Fennel,
- Silver Mountain,
- Coriander prepared,
- Marjoram Seeds,
- Baſil Seeds,
- Cardamom,
- Cynamon,
- Ginger,
- Galingale,
- Nutmegs,
- Cloves,
- Long Pepper,
- Lignum Aloes,
- Maſtick,
- Spikenard, of each half a dragme,
Preſerved Citron Pills 3 dragms, Conſerves of Borage and Roſemary, of each 6 dragms: make them all into a Confection with Sugar Decocted in Fennel96 and Roſe-water; and take hereof as you have occaſion.
Tabulats to ſtrengthen the ſight.
Take Species Diambrae a dragme and a half, Eye-bright, Celendine, Fennel, Vervain, of each one ſcruple; Seeds of Rue, and Silver Mountain, of each half a dragme, Sugar 5 ounces; boyl them all in Eye-bright water, and make Tabulats thereof, whereof take one every night after ſupper.
An excellent Water for the Eyes.
Take the Waters of Rue, Celendine, and Eye-bright, of each 2 ounces; Fennel and the Juyce of Vervain, of each 1 ounce; the Gall of a Pickerel three dragms, Lignum-Aloes beaten ſmall, half a dragme: The Seeds of Rue, of Celendine, and Marjoram Gentle, of each one dragme; put them together in a glaſſe cloſe ſtopt, and luted with Dough: Let it ſtand a day in an Oven after the Bread is taken out; the next day take of the paſt, and ſet it 12 dayes in the Sun; ſtrain it, and keep it in a97 glaſſe cloſe ſtopt for your uſe: when you will uſe it, put a drop thereof into the Eyes morning and evening, lying on your back.
A Potion to purge for a weak ſight.
Take Treacle half a dragme; mix it with white-Wine, Water of Rue or Fennel: take it once a week.
A Powder to ſtrengthen the ſight.
- Take Eye-bright half an ounce,
- Caraway ſodden in Vinegar and dryed, and Marjoram Gentle 3. quarters of an ounce,
- Lignum Aloes,
- Spica Indiae, of each 1 ounce,
- Sorrel Seeds 5 ſcruples,
- Coriander prepared,
- Cinamon,
- Fennel, of each 2 dragms,
Make thereof a Powder with Sugar as much as you pleaſe, And hereof you may take a dragme after Supper, with a little Julip of Roſes.
98A Medicine to ſtrengthen the ſight, and for thoſe that be purblind.
Take the Liver of a Buck, take out the Gall, and cut the Liver in pieces, laying thereon whole long Pepper: cover it with another piece of Liver, and Pepper, as before; thus continuing till all the pieces be layd one upon another, and above and beneath be nothing but Liver: put this in an Oven, and dry it well; then take off the Pepper, beat it ſmall, and mix ſome Musk amongſt it; And with the moiſture that droppeth from the Liver, moiſten the Powder, and make Lozenges thereof, And keep them till you have occaſion for to uſe it; then temper it with Eye-bright water, and eat thereof two or three mornings together.
In all diſeaſes & infirmities of the eyes whatſoever, have a ſpecial reſpect unto your dyet, avoyd Salt and groſſe meats, ſtrong drinks and venery, eſpecially exceſſe in either: uſe temperance and moderation in all things, for in mediocritate ſalus.
99The Mirrour of HEALTH. Of Aches, Meagrims, and other Diſeaſes in the Head.
A Drink for the Head-ach.
TAKE Betony, Vervain, Worm-wood, Celendine, Walwort, Rue, Bark of an Elder Tree, Honey and Pepper, of each equal parts; ſtamp them together, and ſeeth them in Water, and drink thereof morning and evening.
Another for the ſame.
Take Rue, Vervain, Worm-wood, Sage, Walwort, Alehoof, red Fennel, Planten, inner rinde of Elder, of each a handful; ſtamp them ſmall, and put them100 in a new earthen pot, with a quarter of an ounce of Pepper in Powder; put thereto a Pottle of red Wine, and another of Stale Ale, and ſeeth it till half be conſumed: ſtrain it, and drink thereof 8 ſpoonfulls at a time, 9 mornings together: And waſh thy Head with this liquour following.
A Water for the Head-ach.
Take Rue, Alehoof, Betony, Vervain, Mints, red Fennel, Worm-wood, Southern-wood, of each a handful; waſh them, and ſhred them ſmall, and ſeeth them in Water in an earthen pot, and waſh thy Head with ſome of the Water; and mix the Herbs with wheatbran, and apply it to the mold of the Head as hot as may be ſuffered, binding it on with a Cloth.
To cleanſe the Head, Breaſt and Stomack, and cauſe a good appetite.
Take 3 handfulls of Centaury, and ſeeth it in a Gallon of Water, till half be conſumed: then ſtrain it, and put to it a pinte of clarifyed Honey: then ſeeth101 it ſoftly to a quart, and drink thereof two ſpoonfulls, morning and night, firſt and laſt.
To ceaſe Aches and ſwellings cauſ•d of Sores and Wounds in the Head.
Take Mallows, Worm-wood, Mugwort, Betony, and Egrimony, of each a handful: waſh them, and ſtamp them, & put thereto 3 ounces of fine wheat-Flower, as much Honey, and as much barrows Greaſe; ſtamp them together, and put thereto red Wine a little quantity, and fry them, and lay them warm to the ſore; but lay a Colewort-leaf between the Plaiſter and the wound, and it will ceaſe the ach, and put away the ſwelling.
For the Meagrim in the Head, Impoſthume, Dropſie, Feaver, and all Aches in the Head.
Take 4 penny weight of the Root of Pellitory of Spain, a half penny weight of Spikenard, and grinde them, and boyl them in good Vinegar; and when it is cold, put thereto a ſpoonful of102 Honey, & a Sawcer full of Muſtard, and mingle them well together; and hold thereof in thy mouth a ſpoonful at once, as long as a man may be ſaying 2 Creeds, (if you have not forgot how to ſay the Creed) then ſpit it out into a Veſſel, and take more: and do ſo 9 or 10 times together. Take it after Dinner, and going to bed, and waſh thy mouth after it: and uſe this Medicine 3 dayes together. Probatum.
For the Meagrim.
Take Galingale half a dragme, Ginger one dragme, Nutmegs half a dragm, Cloves two dragmes, Elecampane two dragmes, Annis a dragme, Licoris and Sugar, of each half a dragme; make them all into fine powder, and take thereof a dragme, firſt and laſt in ſome Betony Water.
For the Head-ach, that proceedeth from hot and Cholerick cauſes.
If heat be the cauſe of the Head-ach, it is known by the ſwiftneſs of the Patients103 pulſe, redneſs of the Urine, much thirſt, dry'th of the Mouth, Tongue and Noſtrils; no ſleep, little appetite to meat, heat over all the Body.
Outward Applications for the Head-ach, proceeding from hot cauſes.
Take Oil of Roſes, Roſe-water, and Vinegar of Roſes, of each a like quantity; dip double linen Cloths herein, and lay them to the temples and the fore-head; refreſhing and changing them again as often as it dryeth.
Another for the ſame, more ſtrong.
If the heat be very extream, take the Water of Nymphea, called in Engliſh white water Lilleys, water of Endive, of each 3 ounces, Saunders red, white, and yellow, of each one dragme; or elſe 3 dragmes of one of them, if you cannot get them all three; Roſe leaves beaten half a dragme, beaten Camphire half a dragm; mix them all together, and uſe them as the other.
104If there be any flux of the Belly, or ague, that cauſeth the Head-ach, then for young or weak perſons you may uſe theſe Medicines following, with good effect: Such as are Caſſia, Manna. Syrrup of Roſes, or Sene-Leaves, boyled with ſome cooling Herbs: more ſtronger Bodyes may purge with Pill Cochiae, or the like ſtrong purge, if they have no looſeneſs with it.
If there be any great flux or looſeneſs of the Body, then let the Patient avoyd light and looſening meats; but boyl his meat in ſteeled water, which is thus made: Take as much fair water as you intend to uſe; ſet it on the fire: then take a good peece of Steel, heat it red hot in the fire, then quench it in the Water; repeating it over three or four times; So likewiſe may you Steel Milk or Wine, and prepare Gold, Silver, or flints for the ſame purpoſe: but if the Patient hath no looſeneſs, then you may ſoon prepare for him this Decoction following.
105Drink for the Head-ach.
Take Sene-Leaves 1 ounce, Cinamon, Anniſeeds, Fennel-Seeds, and Currans, of each one dragme, Licoris two dragmes, ſweet Marjoram and Roſemary, of both half a handful, two or three Figges; boyl them all in a quart of water with one ounce of Sugar, till half be conſumed: then ſtrain it; And for the Doſe, give hereof to a Child 2 ounces at a time; or weak Perſons: to ſtronger Bodyes, 4 ounces.
If there be pain in the Head, and the Body bound endeavour, the firſt thing you do, to open and make it ſoluble: otherwiſe the aſcention of vapours unto the brain, will ſo diſtemper the Head with heat and pain, that phrenſies, raging and madneſs will enſue: to do this, uſe Clyſters, Purgations, and ſome purging Potions and Suppoſitories.
106A Clyſter, to provoke the Body to go to Stool.
Take Mallows 3 handfulls, Beets and Herb Mercury, of each two handfulls; boyl them well together in fair water, then ſtrain them: Then take 12 ounces of this Decoction; three yolks of Egges, Oil of Seſamum or Linſeed 4 ounces, Salgem half a dragme; temper them together, and miniſter it warm.
Take Mutton-broth, Veal-broth, or Hen-broth, of either of them 16 ounces; melt therein freſh Butter and Ducks-Greaſe, of each one ounce, Saffron half a dragme, Oil of Lilleys, and Oil of Dill, of each one ounce and a half, Indie-Salt one dragme: then temper them together, and adminiſter it.
107A Decoction to open the Body for the ſame.
Take 12 Prunes, Licorice, Currans, Annis-ſeeds, and Fennel, of each half an ounce, Flowers of Burrage and Bugloſſe, of each one dragme and a half: boyl them in a quart of water till a third part be waſted; ſtrain it, and drink thereof.
Another for the ſame, and to coole the Body.
Take Currans, Licorice, Prunes, Injubes, Violets, Barley, Melon-ſeed, Pompeon-ſeed, Gourd-ſeed, and Cucumber-ſeed, of each one quarter of an ounce; boyl them as the other.
Pills for the Head-ach.
Take Rhabarb 2 drames, Maſtick one ſcruple, Scammony half a dragm make them into Pills with Juyce of Rue, one dragme of them at a time.
108A ſweet Ball or perfume for the Head-ach.
Take Violets, Water Lilleys, Willow Leaves, Roſes, of each one ounce; Camphire 2 grains: beat them all together, and bind them up in a piece of fine Silk, and wet it often in Roſe-water, and ſmell often to it.
If the Head-ach proceed from a cold cauſe, it is good to uſe Gargariſmes, to draw forth the Rheume out of the Head: for which this following is effectual.
A Gargariſme for the Head-ach.
Take Maſtick, Calamus, Licorice, Currans, of each half an ounce, Hyſop, Ireos, of each 2 drams, Pellitoty of Spain, Ginger, Saxifrage, Muſtard-Seeds, of each one dram: beat them all together, and boyl them in freſh Water, and gargle the mouth therewith three or four times a day, warm.
109A Clyſter for the ſame.
Take Mallows, Herb Mercury, Dill, Rue, Bran, of each one handfull; boyl them in a ſufficient quantity of Water: take of thi•Collature 12 or 16 ounces; mix with it Hyera Picra, and white Sugar, of each half an ounce, Salt two dragmes, Oil of Dill and Rue, of each one ounce and a half, and give it warm.
A Conſerve for the Head-ach.
Take Conſerve of Roſes 2 ounces and a half, Conſerve of Betony one ounce and a half, Cinamon, Cloves, Annis-ſeeds, of each one dragm, green Ginger half an ounce, Syrrup of Citrons a ſufficient quantity to make it into an Electuary; and take thereof every morning the quantity of a Nut.
Another for the ſame, called Electuarium Vitis.
Take Currans 6 ounces, Licorice 2110 dragmes: boyl theſe in the Waters of Bugloſſe, Scabious and Betony, of each 12 ounces; then ſtrain it out hard, and ſteep in the liquour warm 1 dragme of Rhabarbe, Lavender 5 grains, bound up together in a Cloth: ſtop it cloſe, and boyl it a