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Yet another word to the Wiſe: SHEWING, THAT The lamentable grievances of the Parlia­ments friends in Cumberland and Weſtmerland. Preſented by their Commiſſioner, Mr. Iohn Muſgrave, to the Houſe of Commons above two yeares agoe, are ſo far yet from being redreſſed, that the Houſe of Commons not only protecteth Mr. Richard Barwis, one of their owne Members, from the Law, being accuſed of High treaſon, as appeareth by the great charge againſt him in this treatiſe contained.

As alſo againſt Sir Wilford Lawſon, Commander in chiefe of Cum­berland, who betrayed that County into the enemies hands. And af­ter he was Commiſſioner of Array, carried Men and Arms out of the Countrey for the King againſt the Parliament.

But in ſtead of doing juſtice either againſt them or other accuſed Traytors to the Common-wealth, they have moſt unjuſtly com­mitted that worthy Gentleman, Mr. John Muſgrave, (their Ac­cuſer and proſecuter to the Fleet priſon) above theſe 12. mo­neths, without any kind of allowance to himſelfe or Family, or ſo much as any appearance yet of any faire hearing, triall, or deliverance.

Matters worthy all the freemen of Englands ſerious obſervation.

ECCLES. 4.1.

So I turned and conſidered all the oppreſſions that are wrought under the Sunne, and behold the teares of the oppreſſed, and none comfort­eth them, and lo the ſtrength of the hand of them that oppreſſe them, and no man comforteth them.

Printed in the yeare 1646.

To our honoured friend Mr. John Muſ­grave, who through God hath done and ſuffered valiantly for Truth and Iu­ſtie, and the Freedom of the Nation, Grace and peace be multiplied.


WHereas in the midſt both of our own parti­cular grievances and of the generall judge­ments, which (likthe waves of the Sea) do ſo ſucceed one another, that they ſeem to ſtrive which of them ſhall firſt make an end of this idolatrous and ſin­full nation, we look with ſorrowfull hearts upon your deplorable conidition, with all thoſe that are neareſt and deareſt unto you; and that for no evill, but for your well­doing; which tendeth greatly to all our comforts. For in regard of your Fidelity, Magnanimity, and Conſtancy, you were choſen by the wel-affected party in your Coun­trey, to preſent their grievances to the Houſe of Com­mons, it being one of the chiefe ends wherefore the whole Kingdome hath choſen and aſſembled them.

But the houſe of Commons in ſtead of hearing and re­dreſſing your grievances, have added new grievances unto thoſe which formerly you have ſuffred in their owne quarrel againſt the cōmon enemy, they have unjuſtly im­priſoned you theſe 12 months, protected traytors amōgſt themſelves from the Law, permitted them not onely to ſet up malignants and other traytors in chiefeſt places of truſt and command in your Countrey, but left an o­pen paſſage there, both for Montroſs and his wicked c••e to goe through and oppeſſe Scotland, and for the Iriſh rebels to enter England; ſo tht by theſe and ſuch means they haſtened the deſolation of both Kingdomes, if God had not a gracious protection over his own, and did not both continue Kingdoms, and reprove Kings and States for their ſakes.

Yet we ſhall rather with teares ſeek their repentance, then their perſiſting in ſuch courſes, ſeeing they are pla­ced in lawfull authoritie, and have a good cauſe, though they ſeek too much their own, and too little the King­domes good in managing it and that they might be firſt reformed at home amongſt themſelves, before they goe abroad to reform others: otherwiſe if they ſhall ſtill ad­vance themſelves, and not heare the cries of the poore, nor pitie the Widow and Fatherleſſe, nor the heavie groanes of the oppreſſed, nor the ſighes of the priſoners, they themſelves ſhall cry and not be heard.

And as for their lamentable ſubmiſſion to the Biſhops ſervants, the Presbyterian Synodians (as if the ſervant were above the Lord) in eſtabliſhing that wil-worſhip and Popiſh maintenance which now themſelves do well know to be jure Dibolico through theſe blinde guides, their Diviners and Sooth ſayers inability to anſwer their querees (wherby to prove themſelvesure divine) ſurely, if they will notwithſtanding obſtinately perſiſt in ſuch wilfull, dangerous, and unwarrn••blcourſes (not being any longer blind folded as at firſt it might have ſeemed) they will doubtleſſe ſhew themſelves to be fighters a­gainſt God, his truth and pople to ther own deſtructi­on, without ſpeedy converſion.



Articles and Propoſitions for the Counties of Cumberland and Northumberland.

INprimis. That Sir Iohn Lowther and Sir Philip Muſgrave procured the Commons of Weſtmerland to ſubſcribe the Petition to the King at Yorke, as Sir Richard Greham and the Gentry there did the Commons in Cumberland, and went to the King at Yorke to tender their ſervice; which is conceived to have more inſited his Majeſty to take up Armes.

2 That about 1000 within the Barony of Kendal, about the ſame time petitioned the Commons Houſe of Parliament, thereby tendring their ſer­vice, and would have ſtood for the Parliament, as many more in the ſaid County, who had provided Armes for that end, if_____would have joyned with them, which they would not doe, yet then profeſſed to be for the Parliament, whereby the Commons were deceived, and ſo more eaſily by Sir Iohn Lowthers policy, and Sir Philip Muſ­graves threatnings, brought under the power of the Commiſſioners of Array.

3 That the Committees for Weſtmerland appointed, or the greater number of them, are eyther ſuch as Joyned with the Enemy by Contribution or otherwiſe, or are Tenants to the Delinquents there, and ſuch as have not, and is feared dare not oppoſe themſelves, againſt the Delinquents in any great buſineſſe.

4. That_____is joyned to the enemy, is a great Delinquent & now_____and now made Commander in chiefe, in Weſtmerland, as is ſaid, wherby complaints will not bee ſo well heard againſt the Delinquents, ney­ther are the Delinquents eſtates Sequeſtred there, which is the cauſe of great taxes, and heavy ſeaſements upon the Commons.

5. That Richard Barwis Eſq a member of the Houſe of Commons, and one of the Commiſſioners for both Kingdoms, at his being at Edenburgh (with the conſent and advice of Iohn Hodgſon, who was protected in his eſtate by the enemy, & was the firſt man that drew Brough Barony to ſubmit to pay contrybution money to the enemy, appointed & named for Commitees in both Counties, men then in actuall rebellion, and ſuch as complied with the enemy.

6. That ſaid Mr. Richard Barwis from Edenburgh ſent ſundry letters to the Com­miſſioners of Array, in both Counties, by the ſaid Hodgſon to be conveyed to them, which was done accordingly.

7. That moſt of the Committee appointed for Cumberland are Delinquents, and ſuch as have dependance upon the enemy, and have not oppoſed themſelves, neyther dare diſpleaſe the Delinquents there, againſt whom Mr. Barwis would not heare, nor receive complaints brought unto him.

8. That the Sequeſtrators are ſuch like. and many of them of the ſame Committee

9. That the Commander in chiefe, Sir Wilfride Lawſon, over the forces in Cumber­land now appointed upon the commons taking up armeagainſt the Array men, there procured himſelf to be commander〈◊〉cheife over them, upon his promiſe to be faith­full to them, and then preſently without any compulſion, but voluntarily joyned with the enemy, and took the Oath for the Earle of Newcaſtle, and did ſend ſundry to priſon for the Parliaments cauſe; And ſince he was〈◊〉commander in chief, con­veighed2 away one Ducket a Papiſt and a great Delinquent, which Mr. Barwis would take no notice of, though acquainted therewith.

10. That ſeverall propoſitions and grievances were preſented by ſome Gentle­men and others to the Parliament Commiſſioners, but were not allowed or regarded, wherby others were and are diſcouraged further to complain; a copy of which is here­unto annexed.

11. That heavier and greater burdens and taxes are laid upon the Commons now by the Committees, then were under the enemy, and ſuch as the County is not able to beare; yet few or none of the Delinquents eſtates Sequeſtred.

12. That if the Militia be not better ſetled, theſe t••o Counties will be eaſily re­duced back under the enemy, upon the Scots removing thence.

13. That if more faithfull honeſt and able men, be not chozen for Committees and Sequeſtrators, the County will be ruined or loſt, & moſt of the Sequeſtrators imbecil­led and private men, yea the Delinquents friends wholly inriched thereby.

14. That if there ſhould be two commanders in chief in theſe countyes, it would much hinder the Service, beſides the charge incident to the ſame, for theſe were all­waies in the time of Queene Elizabeth, under one, and ſo while the enemy had power over them; Therfore ſome honeſt and able man ſhould be choſen for that place, who may be added to the Commiſſioners for both Kingdoms.

15. That the chief of the commiſſioners of Array in theſe countyes, be eyther im­priſoned or confined in, or to ſome remote place, which will much conduce to the fur­therance of the ſervice, and better ſetling of the peace there; Their Tenants being thus freed from the feare and op reſſion of their wicked Landlords, moſt of the com­mons there holding their eſtates in Taintright.

16. That the grievances and deſires formerly preſented to the commiſſioners of both Kingdoms (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) may be taken in conſiderati­on, and wherefore the ſame were not regarded, neyther anſwered unto by the ſaid Cammiſſioners.

17. That the caſtles and ſtrenghts in theſe countyes, be committed to non but honeſtand apporved men.

18. That care be taken that Stewardyes, Barliweeks, and clerkſhips of Stewardyes and ſuch like offices, be put into the hands of honeſt and able men.

19 That Mr. Richard Barwis is brother in law to ſome of the greateſt Delinquents there cozen germaineo, or otherwiſe nearely allyed, to moſt of the notorious Delin­quents of both Countyes, and laboured to put all command there, upon his and their friends, or themſelves, ſo as without good aſſiſtance theſe countyes will not be well ſetled, without removing ſuch perſons from publique imployment, which are not found fit to be truſted, and to place ſuch other in their roomes, with ſuch power and authority as ſhall conduce to the publique ſervice, and to ſettle a courſe that the Militia may be put in execution, and that there may be appointed ſit Deputy Lieſtenants, and one more ſit to command in chief over the forces of thoſe County es, that they may be alwaies in a readineſſe for the defence of themſelves, and aſſiſtance of their neighbours, upon all emergent occations.

20 That the ſaid Ricard Barwis at his being at Sunderland, had intercourſe by letters with the chief Malignats in Cumberland, eſpetially with Baronet Graham, Ba­ronet Muſgrave, Baronet Curwen, and Sir Wilfride Lawſon, as appeareth by the con­feſſion of Thomas Watſon Mr. Barwis his letter carye.


21. That the ſaid Sir Richard Graham and others the Delinquents there, procured the lands and goods of the ſaid Mr. Barwis to be protected, wherewith Prince Rupert being made acquainted at his being in Lancaſhire allowed the ſame, and ſo Mr. Barwis his wife did quietly without moleſtation or plundering enjoy the ſame, till the Scots comming thither, not any other ſtanding for the Parliament having the like favour or freedome in theſe parts.

22 That the ſaid Thomas Watſon confeſſed to Mr. Oſmotherley that the ſaid Mr. Barwis was the hinderer of the Scots not taking in Cumberland and Weſtmerland up­on their firſt comming in and after, and that the ſaid Mr. Barwis tould the ſame unto him, which hath been great loſſe and damage to the State, and benefit of advantage to the Enemy.

23 That the King, ſince the Scots laſt comming into England, hath had about ſe­ven thouſand men ſent forth upon his ſervice, whereof two thouſand to Hartlepoole, the reſt to Prince Rupert for Yorke, beſide great ſummes of moneyes being raiſed there for the Kings uſe.

24 That twenty thouſand pounds per annum, may be eaſily raiſed out of the Bi­ſhops, Deane and chapter, Papiſts and Delinquents eſtates, in their lands, rents, fines and tythes, if honeſt and able men be etruſted therewith, whereby the poor commont may be disburdened of many great taxes, wherewith they are oppreſſed, and through which they begin to be diſ-affected; all which this Honourable Houſe is deſired to take into conſideration.

Repreſentations and Conſiderations offered to the Commiſſioners for the Parliament of England, by ſome of the ſufferers and late baniſhed men in Cumberland for the Parliaments cauſe.

FIrſt, it is deſired that none be admitted to be of any Committee, or have any com­mand, that have either ſubſcribed the Petition to the King at Yorke, or have joyned in aſſiſtance with the Commiſſioners of Array by forcing others, or have taken up­on them any command or Office under the Earle of Newcaſtle againſt the Parliament, or have perſecuted any ſtanding for the common cauſe.

2 That the chiefe of the Commiſſioners of Array of ſuch & the Gentry, as have been urgers of the new Oath againſt the Parliament upon the Commons, for better ſe­curing the countrey, may be apprehended and detained in hold, as is done in other places, without which the country cannot well he ſecured.

3 That already the Committee for this county hath choſen or aſſented to Com­mander for chiefe Sir Wilfride Lawſon Knight, who before, together with Baronet Curwen, injuriouſly betrayed the truſt repoſed in them by the country, and joyned with the Enemy. And now hath admitted of and given command to many Officers and Commanders formerly commanding under the Earle of New-caſtle, and other wicked and vaine men, to the great diſcouragement and griefe of the well affected, and the ſaid Sir Wilfride is allyed, and in confederacy with the greateſt Malignants of this county, in which ſaid Sir Wilfride the commons cannot confide.

4 That ſuch of the commiſſioners of Array, or other the Juſtices of the peace as have ſent any to Carlile priſon for the Parliaments cauſe, may be attached and kept in hold for ſecuring the ſaid priſoners untill they be releaſed.


5 That Sir Richard Graham and the late Sheriffe procured the commons of Weſt­merland by Sir Philip Muſgrave, and Sir John Lowther to ſubdue and plunder all ſuch as ſtood for the Parliament in this country; by whom Mr. John Barwis, and Mr. John Oſmotherley, with many others, were plundered and baniſhed, and great cruelty exerciſed by them and the reſt of the Malignant Gentry.

6 That ſome of the Committee, now appointed, have aſſiſted the Enemy in their wicked deſignes, ſome of them have dependance upon the Enemy, others of them much feared to connive at the Enemies doings, and to favour them.

7 For that few of the Committee have not as yet, and as we feare, well dare not repreſent unto you the Malignants doings and practiſes, we humbly deſire ſome faith­full and honeſt men of Lancaſhire, or elſe-where, bee deſired and admitted to joyne with the Committees of thoſe Counties for the good of the State, ſafety of theſe Counties, and the better diſcovery of Malignants wicked practiſes.

8 That in the meane time none of the favourers or friends of Sir Richard Graham and the late Sheriffe (againſt whom many juſt and great complaints will be brought) may be admitted to be of any committees.

9 That forthwith ſome good courſe may bee taken for the diſcovery and puniſh­ment of the malignant, wicked and ſcandalous Miniſtry of the county, which have been and will be the greateſt fomentors and abettors of the commons and gentry againſt the Parliament.

That preſent courſe be taken for the ſecuring of Whithaven, Parton and Working­ton over againſt Ireland, the ſame being Havens

11 Theſe and other the grievances of our country, we are humbly bold to repreſent to your Honours grave conſideration and wiſdomes, and ſhall be ready to approve our doings in the premiſſes as your Honours ſhall direct, for the furtherance of the peace of this country, and juſtice to be done upon offenders. In teſtimony whereof we have ſub­ſcribed our names.

Theſe Propoſitions and Articles were delivered to the Parliament Commiſſi­oners at Penreth in Cumberland, the foure and twentieth day of the ninth moneth called September, 1644. by mee John Muſgrave, for and in the name, and by the direction of the Subſcribers: But the ſame were ſleighted and diſ-regarded by Maſter Barwis and Sir William Er­myne, though much deſired by Maſter Robert Fenwick, one of the com­miſſioners to be taken into conſideration.

Perſons deſired to be removed from being of the Com­mitty in Cumberland.
  • William Briſcoe Eſquire.
  • William Penington Eſq
  • Thomas Lamplough Gent.
  • Myles Halton,
  • and all the other Delinquents.
Perſons deſired to be removed from being Sequeſtra­tours in Cumberland.
  • Sir Wilfride Lawſon, Knight.
  • William Briſcoe, Eſquare.
  • William Lawſon, Gent.
  • Peter Mawſon.
  • Nicholas Mawſon.
  • Iohn Stodders.
  • and all other Delinquents.
Reaſons for their removall.
  • Sir Wilfride Lawſon, See Artic 9.
  • William Briſcoe a Delinquent, and tooke the Oath impoſed by the commiſſioners of Array.
  • Thomas Lamplough a Delinquent, and tooke the Oath againſt the Parliament.
  • Myles Halton, an Officer and Tenant to the Earle of Arundell, one that never did not dare oppoſe the Delinquents, and voluntarily joyned and contributed to the Enemie.
  • Peter Mawſon and Nicholas Mawſon his brother, voluntarily contributed to the Enemie, and ſuch as have not, nor dare oppoſe, nor diſpleaſe Sir Iohn Lowther and Sir Philip Muſgrave.
  • Maſter Pennington,〈◊〉Sheriffe, contrary to the Ordinance of Parliament de­taines the Ship-money in his bands, being not paid into the Exchequer.
Perſons deſired to be removed from command, and office of warre in Cum­berland.
  • Sir Wilfride Lawſon Knight, the Commander in chiefe.
  • Lieutenant colonell Offeere
  • Captaine Muſgrave.
  • Captaine Stoddert.
  • Captaine Story
  • Iohn Hodgſon Governour of Brough Barony,
  • And all other Delinquents.
Reaſons for their removall.
  • Sir Wilfride Lawſon, for the reaſons above ſaid, See Artic. 9.
  • Lieutenant colonell Orfeere, a notorious Delinquent, and formerly a captaine un­der the Earle of New-caſtle.
  • Captain Muſgrave a Delinquent, formerly a captaine under Sir Richard Graham.
  • Captain Stoddert a Delinquent, formerly an Officer under the Earle of New-caſtle.
  • Captaine Story a Papiſt, was firſt a Lieutenant to Sir Francis Howard, then joyned himſelfe to Maſter Oſmotherley, who was for the Parliament, and after deſerted Ma­ſter: Oſmotherley, and joyned with the Enemy. And, as he confeſſeth, hath ſlaine foure men of the Parliaments party, he became a Lieutenant to Sir Henry Fletcher, a colo­nell for the King; but upon the Earles retreat backe out of Scotland upon Hodgſons promiſe to procure him a place, came into Scotland, from whence at his pleaſure hee went over into England to the Enemy, and was familier with the Enemies captaines and officers, neither he nor the ſaid Iohn Hodgſon were plundered till the Scots com­ming into Cumberland, one Patriſon a Lieutenant to captaine Carleton, was taken but by the ſaid Story conveighed away into Scotland, and ſo got into Carlile againto the Enemy, wherewith Maſter Barwis was acquainted, but Story never que­ſtioned.
  • Iohn Hodgſon, a man of very meane eſtate, an Ale houſe-keeper, who procured Brough Barony firſt to ſubmit and contribute to the Enemie voluntarily, after his go­ing into Scotland had daily recourſe, and tooke liberty to go into England to the Ene­mie, See Artic. 5, & 6.
Perſons deſired to be removed from all Offices,
  • Sir Iohn Lowther Knight-Baronet,
  • Edward Robinſon and all other Delinquents.
  • Sir Iohn Lowther a notorious Delinquent, one of the chief Commſſioners of Array, both in Cumberland and Weſtmerland, with the firſt Petitioned the King at York and tendred his ſervice, and was the contriver of that Petition, he was colonel over a Regiment, and Governour of Kendall for the King; Sir Iohn Lowther preſſed one Cleasby for a ſoldier, for ſaying he would not fight for Papiſts, who after fled, but being taken again, the ſaid Sir Iohn Lowther cauſed him to be put in cloſe priſon, where he is yet, and hath indured great miſery for theſe 10 moneths, yet is the ſaid Sir Iohn Low­ther againe put in command for the Parliament, upon the letter of Mr. Barwis, as is ſaid.
  • The ſaid Sir Iohn Lowther committed to priſon one David Browne a Scotſman, where he lay in Carlile in great miſery a long time, and till the Scots comming unto Cumberland. Sir Iohn Lowther did take him for an Jntelligencer for the Parliament, but was not.
    • When by ſome of the Houſe of Commons it was moved to have Sir Iohn Lowther put in command for the Parliament; Mr. Blackſton acquaited the Houſe that he had theſe Articles in his hands, and deſired he might not be put in Command, where upon Sir Iohn Lowther was put by.
  • Edward Robinſon, a notorious wicked man, of evill fame, formerly borne out by Sir Richard Graham, one who hath done much hurt, and got much by plundring, an officer under the Earle of New-caſtle, and ſince under Str Philip Muſgrave, but now to the countries grief imployed by Mr. Barwis about Sequeſtrations, yet Mr. Barwis would not heare any complaint againſt him.

To the Right Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgeſſes, aſſembled in the Commons Houſe of Parliament.The humble Petition of ſundry wel affected Gentlemen, and other perſons, in the Counties of Cumberland and Weſtmerland.

WHo moſt Humbly pray this honourable Houſe, to take into your ſerious conſideratins, theſe Articles annexed, to provide a ſpeedy remedy, while the Scots forces remaine in theſe quarters, leſt the ſame fall again into the bon­dage of the Array, and that if it ſeem good unto this Honourable Houſe, to ſend a faith­ful commander unto the counties, to command in chief over both, for that the one can­not be kept without the other, and that the Counties may be eaſed of their great op­preſſion, and taxes in maintaining ſouldiers, by allowing the Sequeſtrations, as well of lands as goods, for the maintenance of forces againſt Ireland, to which they lie o­pen, and for the ſervice of the Parliament and Countries; And that faithfull and ho­neſt men thehave ſuffered for the Parliament, may be put in office, and that none be admitted to be in office, or be of any Committee, that are by the ordinance of this Ho­nourable Houſe, judged Delinquents.


Weſtmerland Articles.

FIrſt, that in the counties of Cumberland & Weſtmerland through the evill govern­ment of commanders and committees, the commons are ſo oppreſſed that in their affections they are quite fallen from the Parliament, who heretofore ſtood well af­fected to the ſame, and are now ready to embrace, nay, much deſire to ſee any oppoſite forces.

2 That ſuch as beare office and command are many or moſt of them Delinquents, as the principal commander, Sir Wilfride Lawſon, a commiſſioner of Array, and many of choſe forces that entred the South of Scotland, called the Black-band, under the com­mand of Marqueſſe Mountroſſe, are received and have command under the ſaid Sir Wil­fride Lawſon.

3 That the ſaid commanders doe take and raiſe great ſummes of moneyes of Delin­quents to free them from publique ſervice, and do put on and off ſouldiers for money, through which and their oppreſſions mutinies are raiſed, the countries endangered, anthe Parliaments ſervice diverted.

4 That the commanders exact moneyes by way of loane, and enforceth the coun­try, groning under other great taxes and burthens thereunto.

5 That great ſums of moneyes are raiſed of the ſaid counties under pretence of the publique ſervice, which upon ſtrict examination would be found to remain in the hand of Officers and Committees or Delinquents protected.

6 That divers of the Committees are noted Delinquents, who ſhewed great for­ardneſſe againſt the Parliaments ſervice, ſome have borne Armes and joyned in Acts of Aſſociation, and taken oathes againſt the Parliament.

7 That ſuch as have ſuffred impriſonment and baniſhed for the cauſe of Parliament,aue bin plundered by the ſame commanders, are not countenanced but threatned and••••ed by them, and their perſecutors countenanced, and have ſome of them command.

8 That the Commiſſioners of Array, and other diſ-affected and notorious Delin­quents are protected both in their perſons and eſtates, go armed up and down the coun­••y upon the beſt horſe of the country, ſuffered to keep Armes and Amunition in their•••uſes, ſend and go at their pleaſure out of the country to the Kings forces, or any way〈◊〉up mutinies, & publiquely and openly ſhew their malignancy, both by word & deed.

9 That divers of the Enemies Scouts and ſouldiers have been taken priſoners ſally­••g out of Carlile by the Forces of Sir Wilfride Lawſon, which he had made Comman­ers under him, and ſuffered priſoners to lye in irons in Carlile for the Parliaments•••ſe without reliefe.

10 That the ſaid Sir Wilfride Lawſon did before-time under pretence to ſtand for〈◊〉Parliament, break a well affected party that ſtood for the Parliament, and with the•••ſtance of Sir Patricius Curwen, brought the Counties under the bondage of the••ray, working that by fraud, which the Commiſſioners of array could not do by force,〈◊〉leaving the country to the plunder, he with the ſaid Patricius fled to the Enemy,here they took the Oath for the Earle of New-caſtle.

11 That certain Commanders were ſet to keep the Havens over againſt Ireland, who••re Commanders on the other ſide.

12 That ſmall or little is made of the Sequeſtration, by reaſon of the favour ſhewedelinquents, many of which have had time to conveigh away their goods, and the reſt〈◊〉ſequeſtred, or at ſmall rates, and the Committees refuſe to take information and••••overy of Delinquents and their eſtates, and to ſequeſter them.


13. That the Committee for Sequeſtrations, nor any Officer for Sequeſtrations have taken the oath injoyned by ordinance of Parliament, nor any priſement made by Oath.

14. That the ſtanding Committees have given over to ſet taxes, or ſeaſements, for forces or ſoldiers in the ſaid Countyes, or undertake any collections, or payment of the ſame, but ſuffer officers and commanders to ſet ſeſments, and to leavy the ſame at their pleaſure, whereby great oppreſion and plunders doe inſue, rapes, and murthers, nay open riſing in armes, and ſlaughters both of commons and ſoldiers.

Cumberland Articles.

FIrſt that the counties of Cumberland and Weſtmerland, through the evill govern­ment of commanders, and Committees, the commons are ſo oppreſſed, that in their affections, they are quite fallen from the Parliament, who heretofore flood well affected, and are ready now to imbrace, nay doe much deſire to ſee any oppoſite forces.

2. That ſuch as beare any office or command, are for the moſt part Delinquents, and many thoſe forces that entred the ſouth of Scotland, called the black band under the command of Marqueſſe Mountroſe, are received, and have command.

3. That the ſaid commanders doe take and rayſe great ſummes of money, of Delin­quents to free them from all publique ſervice, doe put on and off ſoldiers for money whereby mutinies are raiſed, the counties indangered, and the Parliament ſervice diverted.

4. That the commanders exact and rayſe money by way of loane, and inforceth the country (groning under other great taxes and oppreſſions) there unto, and put the country to unneceſſary charges, by raiſing more forces then needfull, or they have com­miſſion to doe.

5. That great ſummes of money are raiſed of the ſaid countyes, under pretence of the publique ſervice, which upon ſtrict examinations, there will be much found to re­maine in the hands of commanders, and committees, or Delinquents protected.

6. That divers of the committee are noted Delinquents, moſt of them have been forward againſt the Parliament, ſome borne armes, and taken the oath, for the Earle oNew-caſtle.

7. That ſuch as have ſuffered impriſonments, and baniſhed for the cauſe of the Parli­ament, have been plundred by the ſaid commanders, and are no waies countenancebut threatned and hated by them, and their perſecuters countenanced and have com­mand.

8. That the commiſſioners of Array, and other diſ-affected Gentlemen, and notori­ous Delinquents are protected both in their perſons and eſtates, goe armed up a••owne the country, upon the beſt horſe of the country, and at liberty goe to the King forces, and ſend letters, and openly and publiquely ſhew their malignancy both〈◊〉word and deed.

9. That divers of the enemies have been taken priſoners, ſallying out of Carli••which are made commanders againe, under our commanders, and yet priſoners ſuffereto lye in irons in Carlile for the Parliaments cauſe above one whole yeare, and〈◊〉in aged.

10. That ſome of the commanders doe give protection unto Delinquents and Sco­tiſh9 Papiſts, which did betray the towne of Dumfree, into the hands of thoſe called the Black-band, as Marqueſſe Mountroſe and that company, the ſame are protected, which in Scotland were proclaimed Traitors, theſe have free liberty to goe amongſt〈◊〉, to ſee the ſtate of our country, and to give the enemy intelligence, whereby great d••ger may enſue, if not in due time prevented.

11 That ſome of the chief commanders did before time, under pretence to be for the Parliament, breake and divide a certaine wel affected party that ſtood for the Par­liament, and with their aſſiſtance, the Country was brought under the bondage of the Array, working that by fraud, which the reſt of the Commiſſioners of Array, could not doe by force, who leaving the Country to the plunder, fled to the enemy, where they tooke the oath for the Earle of New-caſtle, and made in that ſervice Commiſſio­ners of Array, and cruelly perſecured thoſe that were well affectted to the Parliament by impriſonment.

12 That divers of the Delinquents are ſuffered to keep their armes.

13 That ſmall or little profit is like to be made of the Sequeſtrations, by reaſon of the favour ſhowne to the Delinquents, many of which have had time to convey away their perſonall goods, and the reſt eyther not ſequeſtred, or at ſmall rates valued, or ſuffered to ſell their goods after Sequeſtration.

14 The ſaid Committees for ſequeſtrations, or any officer for ſequeſtrations, have not taken the oath injoyned by Ordinance of Parliament upon them, nor any preſent­ment made by oath, ſave ſuch as is done by de•••quent Juſtices.

15 That malignant ſcandalus, and de•••••ent Miniſters, and ſuch as are non-preaching and maintainers of ſuperſtition, and have been great urgers, and abet­tors of the gentry and commons againſt the Parliament, and ſuch as caſt aſperſions up­on the wel-affected, preſſing the booke of common-prayer, are borne out and counte­••anced.

Some informations delivered by the Scottiſh Commiſſioners to both Houſes of Parliament, given to them by the two Commiſſioners of the wel affected of Weſtmerland and Cumberland, ſent hither to preſent Articles to the Honourable Houſe of Commons

THat many of the Commanders, and members of the Committees, who were in actuall Rebellion againſt the Parliament, under the Earle of New-caſtle, and did take the oath preſcribed by him, are ſtill continued in their former charge, and imploiment.

That generally the gentry of thoſe Counties are Papiſts, Malignants, and very diſaf­fected to the Parliament.

That very little of the Sequeſtrations of Weſtmerland, and Cumberland, have been uplifted, many of thoſe to whom it is entruſted to, put the Ordinances of Parliament in execution, being themſelves Delinquents.

That ſome of the Committee for Cumberland, being deſired to ſequeſter the eſtates of Delinquents, ſaid they wiſhed there were no Sequeſtrations at all, and that they had warrant from the Commiſſioners of Parliament, not to Sequeſter.


That if the Sequeſtrations had been duly up-lifted, they would have maintained the Scottiſh forces, that quartred in thoſe two Counties, and the Country no waies ho•••••n burthened.

That the reaſon of the Scottiſh forces impoſing aſſeafements upon the Counties, did proceed from the Malignity of the Committees, who either refuſed, or neglected their duty, in aſſeſſing the Countrey and uplifting thereof, and yet under hand ſtirred up the Commons, to withſtand the Scots taking up aſſeſſements.

That Sir Wilfride Lawſon brother in law to Maſter Richard Barwis, a member of the Houſe of Commons, and one of the Committee of both Kingdomes, with the Scottiſh Army, is a knowne Malignant, was actually in Rebellion, under the Earle of New-caſtle, againſt the Parliament, and continued in Armes, till thoſe Counties were reduced to the obedience of the Parliament, and yet notwithſtanding, is now intruſted with the Command in chief of the Parliaments forces in thoſe Counties and is alſo made High Sheriffe of Cumberland, and one of the grand Committee for the Northerne Aſſoſiation.

That Sir Wilfride Lawſon, with the aſſiſſtance of John Barwis, Uncle to Maſter Barwis the Commiſſioner, and William Briſcoe couſin to Maſter Barwis, have with­out conſent of the reſt of the Committee, levied great ſummes of moneyes upon the Country, diſtrained their goods, and committed their perſons to priſon who refuſed it, and have alſo raiſed great ſummes of money, under pretence for the publique ſervice, which they doe ſtill deraine in their owne hands.

That when the country people complained of Sir Wilfride Lawſons ſouldiers, and condeſcended, both upon the names of the perſons, and the goods, neither the perſons were puniſhed, nor the goods reſtored.

That Sir Wilfride Lawſons men had pay from the Country, and yet tooke free quar­ter, and ſtole horſes, whereof they would make no reſtitution.

That Colonell Cholmeley, having deſired Sir Wilfride Lawſon to cauſe his ſoldi­ers to diſcharge their quarters with money they received, as he did in his Divition: Sir Wilfride Lawſon wrote a bitter railing letter againſt him, whereof Colo. Cholme­ley ſent the originall to the Commiſſioners of Parliament.

That Sir Wilfride Lawſon did formerly, and of late, protect divers Papiſts, and o­thers, declared Traytors by the Eſtates of Scotland.

That Sir Wilfride Lawſon, Major Thomas Barwis, kinſman to Mr. Richard Bar­wis the commiſſioner, and others his officers, conveighed in victuals to the enemy in Carlile.

That the enemy falyed out ſtrong and frequently upon the Scots, and colonell Cholmeleys Quarters, but kept faire correſpondence with Sir Wilfride Lawſons Quar­ters.

That when they came out upon Sir Wilfride Lawſons Quarters, ſometimes the ſouldiers wanted powder, and when they had powder, they were diſcharged upon paine of death to ſhoot againſt the enemy, though the enemy was much inferior, in number.

That Thomas Barwis Major to Sir Wilfride Lawſon when any of his owne ſouldi­ers were taken priſoners had them releaſed at his pleaſure, and alſo releaſed other ſoul­diers that were taken priſoners, for money.

That they are fully perſwaded that the Towne of Carlile had been long ſince taken, but for the correſpondence and ſupplies given to the enemy, by Sir Wilfride Lawſons11 forces, and iall probability, thoſe partes had been againe put under the Enemies power, and the well affected in at had condition as formerly, if the See as forces had been with drawne from Carlile.

That many of thoſe forces that entred the South of Scotland, called the Black band, under the command of the late Earle of Mountroſe, are received, and have command under the ſaid Sir Wilfride Lawſon.

That Thomas Lamplough was in Armes, and actuall Rebellion againſt the Parlia­ment, and tooke the Oath preſcribed by the Earle of New caſtle.

That the ſaid Thomas Lamplough, brother in law to Mr. Barwis the Commiſſioners, is a ſavourer of Malignants, and procured the releaſement of Thomas Fleeming Kinſ­man to Mr. Barwis the Commiſſioner, who was impriſoned by Col. Cholmeley for of­fering a ſumme of money to one, to betray Graiſtock-Caſtle to the Enemy.

That Mr. Richard Barwis, one of the members of the Houſe of Commons, and of the Committee of both Kingdomes, with the Scottiſh Army, is a protector of Delin­quents, and Malignants.

That when thoſe Countices were under the Enemies power, Sir Richard Graham procured a warrant from the Earle of New-caſtle, for protecting Mr. Richard Barwis the Commiſſioners eſtate, and his Wife lived there quietly, and peaceably, in the Enemies quarters, without moleſtation. That now the ſaid Maſter Richard Barwis protected Sir Richard Grahams eſtate, who is yet with the Enemy, in Rebellion againſt the Parliament.

That he did intruſt the command of the Caſtle of Roſe to one L. Colonell Orfeere, a great Malignant, and a commander under the Earle of New-caſtle.

That when the ſaid Mr. Richard Barwis was in Scotland, before the Scottiſh Army came into this Kingdome, and afterwards at Sunderland, he kept correſpondence with the Enemy.

That John Barwis, Uncle to Mr. Richard Barwis, and Michael Stiholme, who was preſent at the meeting, told him that it was agreed upon, In Mr. Richard Barwis commiſſioners chamber at Edenburgh, before the comming in of the Scottiſh Army into this Kingdome.

That Sir Henry Bellingham, Sir Wilfride Lavvſon, and Mr. Thomas Lamplough, both brethren in law to the ſaid Mr. Barvvis commiſſioner, and divers others Delin­quents, ſhould be put upon the Committee of Weſtmerland, and Cumberland, though then all three in Armes, and actuall Rebellion againſt the Parliament, and according­ly when the country was reduced by the Scottiſh Army, theſe parties were put upon the Committees.

Concerning the Inſurrection made in theſe counties, they informe, that the firſt in­ſurrection was not pretended to be againſt the States, but that they openly profeſſed themſelves Enemies againſt the Parliament; That the manner of it was this, Major Brigs procured from the Lord Fairfax a commiſſion to himſelfe, to be a colonell, and ſummoned all the county to appeare before him, that he might make choice of ſouldi­ers, that he and his Officers diſmiſſed ſuch as would give him 206, and detained the reſt, but afterwards diminiſhed the price to ten ſhillings, then to five ſhillings, then to 12 pence, and within a few daies after they ſummoned the country of a new againe, and made their benefit of them as formerly.

That being before Skipton Caſtle with ſome forces, upon Sir Marmaduke Langdaile comming to raiſe the Siege at Pontfret, he came away from before Skipton, and ſum­moned12 the county againe to appeare, and demanded the halfe of their goods to main­taine a garriſon in Apleby, that there were divers Skirmiſhes between him, and the country people about that time, that afterwards he did againe ſummon all the country to appeare, and diſmiſſed all thoſe that would give him money, whereupon the coun­try, and colonell Brigs falling into differences, the Papiſts and Malignants made uſe of the opportunity, and chiefly Sir John Lowthar a notorious delinquent, couſin ger­man to Mr. Barwis the commiſſioner, and whom Mr. Barwis preſented to the Houſe of Commons to be commander in chief for Weſtmerland, and the attendants and ſer­vants of the ſaid Sir John Lowther, poſſeſſed themſelves of Bolton church, and ap­pointed the country people to come to a Randezvouſe there, with an intent to ſeaſe up­on all the Strengths and Forts in thoſe parts; according to this intimation the country met, the Lady Lowther furniſhed them with Ammunition, and the Enemies Garriſon at Shipton were drawing out for their aſſiſtance, but all their deſignes were diſappointed, and the meeting of the country people diſſolved upon the appearance of the Scottiſh Horſe, who were advertiſed of their intentions, and invited thither for the aſſiſtance of the wel affected, that about a fourthnight after there was another Plot of the Papiſts and Malignants, for betraying of Kaſewick Iſle, raiſing of the country, beating a way the Scots, and cutting of the wel-affected, but this deſigne was diſcovered by a gunner of Sir Wilfride Lawſons, who was hired to be an actor in the buſines, but being trou­bled in conſcience revaled it, and Sir Wilfride Lawſons Uncle, who lives in the houſe with him, was upon this plot.

That the Papiſts, and Malignants, failing in both theſe deſignes, ſtirred up the coun­try people againſt the Scots, pretending the great Brethrens of the countrey, and exa­ctions made by them for maintaying the forces before Carlile.

That generlly all that joyned in that Inſurrection were Papiſts, Malignants, their Tenants and ſervants.

That at the time of this Inſurrection, they did apprehend John Muſgrave one of the informers, and William Wheelewright, ſaying they deſerved no quarter, but ſhould be hanged, eſpecially Mr. Muſgrave, becauſe he had been in Scotland, and as they ſaid was a chief Inſtrument in bringing in the Scots to take away the Service-book.

That they further could him, that they were able to performe what they had under­taken, that they would not want aſſiſtance for Northumberland, Cumberland, York­ſhire and Lancaſhire would riſe with them, to beat all the Scots out of the Kingdome; And accordingly thoſe of Cumberland did riſe, and likewiſe the Papiſts and ill-affected of Northumberland afterwards:

Where-upon the Scots commiſſioners deſired by their paper preſented to both Houſes of Parliament in theſe words

That the mony and proviſion taken up by the Scottiſh Army in thoſe parts, may be ſpeedily brought to an accompt. That theſe Informations may be ſpeedily put in a way of triall and examination, and in the meane time ſome perſons of unqueſtioned affections, and fidelity to the Parliament, may be ſent into the country to take charge of the Parliaments forces there, and looke to the ſecurity of theſe parts.


The Scottiſh Commiſſioners Anſwer to the Parliaments De­mands, concerning the Informations given in by them, and received from the Commiſſioners of the well affected of Cumberland and Weſtmerland.

ACcording to the deſire of the Houſe of Commons, that we ſhould acquaint the Members of that Houſe, that are of the Committee of both Kingdomes, upon what grounds we delivered the Informations we received concernings Member of that Houſe, and other perſons We returne this Anſwer:

That theſe Informations were delivered to us by John Oſmotherley, a Member of the Committee of Cumberland, and John Muſgrave Gentleman, under their hands, who declared, they were ready to juſtifie and make them appeare.

That they ſhewed to us theſe Articles under the hands of above ſeven-ſcore of the Gentlemen, and Inhabitants of this Country.

That they had Recommendations from colonell Cholmeley, a colonell of a Regiment of the Parliaments Forces there, who is a religious and worthy Gentleman, of whoſe affection and forwardneſſe in the cauſe, the Kingdom of Scotland hath had much ex­perience.

That colonell Cholmeley in his Recommendation approves of the Articles, and In­gages his life for the fidelity of Maſter Oſmotherley and Maſter Muſgrave.

That wee received diverſe teſtimonies from perſons here in Towne, to whom wee give much credit of the fidelity of the ſaid Mr. Oſmotherley, and Mr. Muſgrave, as:

1 Before the comming of the Scots Armie into this Kingdome, John Oſmotherleyiſed in the ſervice of the Parliament of his friends and ſervants five hundred men, and oppoſed the Commiſſioners of Array, till they were betrayed by Sir Wilfride Law­ſon, and Sir Patricius Curwen, neare kinſman alſo to Maſter Barwis, who being choſen Commanders by the country, joyned with the Enemy, whereupon they were all unex­pectedly ſeazed on and diſarmed, and the ſaid Maſter Oſmotherley was forced to fly for his life.

2 That Mr. Muſgrave ſuffered much under the tyranny of the Earle of Strafford, and in the beginning of theſe troubles was ſix and twenty weekes impriſoned by the Commiſſioners of Array, and afterwards was baniſhed his own country.

3 That Maſter Muſgrave is of a different judgement from the Church of Scotland in matters of Church Government, and ſtands for the Independency of particular con­gregations, and therefore his Information is the leſſe to be ſuſpected of partiality to­wards the Scottiſh Army.

Concerning the matter of the Information.

FIrſt, Wee find them to agree with the Informations wee received from the Scot­tiſh Army.

2 That it was no new buſineſſe, that they had attended the Houſe of Commons thirteene weekes in Winter with Articles againſt thoſe perſons. And in February laſt were referred to a Committee by the Houſe of Commons, but nothing done there­upon.

3 That they were returned with further Articles and Informations againſt thoſe perſons were attending the Houſe, but by reaſon of multiplicitie of buſineſſe14 could not be heard: And therefore entreated for our Aſſiſtance which in matters of that conſequence, that did ſo much conduce to the preventing of miſ-underſtandings betweene the two Kingdomes, and vindication of the Scottiſh〈◊〉wee could not deny.

Theſe were the grounds upon which we delivered in theſe Informations, and upon the whole matter we deſire that the buſineſſe in ſo far as concernes the Scottiſh Army, may be examined by a commitee upon the place authoriſed by both Kingdoms for that purpoſe, according to the ninth Article of the late Treaty between the Kingdoms, viz. That all matters of differences that ſhall happen to ariſe betweene the ſubjects of the two Nations, ſhall be reſolved and determined by the mutuall advice and conſent of both Kingdoms, or by ſuch Committees as for this purpoſe ſhall be by them appointed, with the ſame power as in the precedent Article.

To the Honourable the Committee of Warre reſiding at Yorke.

The humble Petition of diverſe well affected perſons in the County of Weſtmerland.

THat whereas this poor Country of Weſtmerland languiſheth under heavy preſ­ſures of theſe times, is not in all likelihood longer to continue, nor able to doe ſervice required, who never ſo willing if not timely relieved by your pious vigi­lant, carefull proviſion, the many grievances conſidered it now grone under, do in all humbleneſſe preſent unto your Honours ſome few of thoſe many, humbly beſeeching your Honours judicious conſideration of them, that in this eminent time of danger, our poore Country may be ſpeedily ſo ordered by you, as that pious men void of ſelfe-gaine, and vain-glory, having the command of us, we may be preſerved, able to our willingneſſe to obſerve ſuch orders and command as ſhall come from your Honours or any other whom the Parliament hath put in Authority: And your Petitioners, whoſe names are here-under written, ſhall, as in duty bounden, daily pray for a happy ſuc­ceſſe of all your good and godly proceedings.

Firſt, wee ſhew to your Honoure that there is, and ever hath been a great neglect in the Committee for ſequeſtrations, their noſequeſtring known Delinquents, and their proceedings therein is by a diſorderly way.

In poſſeſſing themſelves of certain of the Delinquents goods to their own profit.

That there is not a Sollicitor for the Committee of Sequeſtrations appointed, which is the maine reaſon, as we conceive, of their diſorderly proceedings.

That the Deputy Sequeſtrators, appointed by them, have not taken the Oath ap­pointed by the Parliament, Ordinances which doth much hinder the benefit of ſeque­ſtrations, ſo as the County is not any way relieved therewith.

But that the Committee hath laid upon the Countyothe pound in the booke of Rates, which amounteth the ſumme of 1000 l' and above, whereas the Ordinance of Parliament doth only demand 600 pound, this being done in contrary to ſome of the Committee for the Aſſoſiation.


That Colonell Edward Brigs hath by his diſorderly cariage much hindered the rai­ſing of then for the Aſſoſiation, &c.

The ſaid Colonell did leave his Regiment before Skipton without Orders, as Colo­nell Lambert can beſt declare it, being a great incouragement for the ſouldiers to leave their Colours, which they did, ſave only one company, by which meanes many were loſt, and lefin that country, which now cauſeth us to be altogether deſtitute for want of Armes: It being intended by the Committee for this County to have taken as many men out of the Regiment, as ſhould ſerve for the County in the aſſoſiated Army, which now they are forced to go in a more inconvenient way.

That the ſaid Colonell Brigs did ſuffer, if not give order, with Richard Braithwait one of the Committee for the Aſſoſiation to certain Officers of the ſaid Colonell Brigs his Regiment, to levy and diſtrain for arreares of their pay; in colour of which they did much wrong to your Petitioners,

That the ſaid Colonell doth not accept of the ſouldiers that is ſent him, unleſſe they bring with them twenty ſhillings, which he calls advance money.

That the ſaid Colonell doth turne diverſe off for money, ſome for fire pound, ſome foure pound, ſome for three pound, and ſome for two pound, ſo that the preſent ſervice is much hindered and neglected, and the fault undeſervedly laid upon the Countrey.

That the ſaid Colonell did of his owne authority call a generall. Muſter without acquainting any of the Committees; that when the Country made their appearance, nothing was either ſaid to them or done.

Now that all theſe grievances being taken into your Honours conſideration, wee doubt not but to receive ſome redreſſe from your Honours, or at leaſt your wiſe advice and counſell what beſt is for us to do.

And your Petitioners, as in duty, ſhall daily pray.

This is ſeene by me, and approved

by your Honours moſt humble and obedient ſervants James Bellingham, Thomas Pickering Eſq

Theſe Articles were ſent to me by L. Colonell Bellingham, ſubſcribed with his owne hand and Maſter Pickerings, with fifty names more, which with his Letter of the 2. Novemb. 1645. I received ſince I came into priſon.

Iohn Muſgrave

November 10. 1645.

The Information of Edward Smith againſt William Cape, Robert Chambers, and Iohn Jackſon, &c.

FIrſt, Sheweth that Maſter Richard Barwis, a Member of the Honourable Houſe of Commons, hath ſent downe his ſervant with certain Articles exhibited to the ſaid Houſe, againſt the evill government of the Commanders Officers, and Commit­tees in Cumberland and Weſtmerland, and hath publiſhed the ſaid Articles with other writings two or three ſeverall dayes in one Church, ſaying, That thoſe which will16 deny ſubſcribing to the ſame, ſhould be no more troubled.

2 That the ſervants of the ſaid Mr. Richard Barwis, with one William Capt, Col. Lawſons Tenant, and a Quarter-maſter, doth goe up and downe the country, parſwa­ding, threatning, and deſiring ſuch as ſubſcribed the ſaid Articles, to deny the ſame, in all, or in part.

3 That the ſaid parties ſo imployed, finding of ſuch that ſubſcribed, doe inquire after others of the ſame name, and procureth them to diſclaime ſubſcription, and ſub­ſcribe to what they deſire, as John Wilkinſon of the Gilbank, for Iohn Wilkinſon of Loeſwater, and Thomas Symm of the New-towne, for Thomas Symm of Ederſide, and Thomas Chambers of Hartlow, for Thomas Chambers of old Bawbrey, and ſo others.

4 That the foreſaid Cape being thus imployed, did come into a houſe where Edward Smith, ſervant to Mr Oſmotherley, was, and begun to examine and queſtion the ſaid Edward, about ſubſcription to the ſaid Articles, but the ſaid Edward refuſing to make anſwer, he not ſhewing any Authority for his ſo examining the ſaid Cape, did there-upon ſay he would commit the ſaid Edward by Authority he had, and ſo laid hands upon him, but the ſaid Edward making an eſcape, the ſaid Cape did command ſome men to fellow, and he himſelfe laid waite for him, and ſought houſes where he ſuſpected the ſaid Edward to be.

5 That with the ſaid Cape there was one Robert Chambers, and one Iohn Iackſon a Quartermaſter, which gave the ſaid Edward Smith reprochfull ſpeeches, the ſaid Chambers wiſhing that the ſaid Smith had been Smoothered in his Mothers belly, and ſaid if he could get him at the Abbey, he would kill the ſaid Edward, and Iackſon the Quarter-maſter ſaid, the ſaid Edward was a ſeducing fellow, in drawing ſome to ſub­ſcribe the Articles, and the ſaid Edward had coſt the Lopp of Holme, twenty-ſcore pounds, in being an inſtrument to Mr. Oſmotherley, now a ſoliciter for the ſaid Arti­cles, to raiſe the Holme in Armes for the Parliament, Colonell Hodleſton an enemy, comming againſt the ſame.

6 That the ſaid Cape ſaid, if he could get the ſaid Edward, he would take a leg or an arme from him; the ſaid Cape did alſo ſend word to Mr. Oſmotherley, that he ſhould not keepe the ſaid Edward Smith for a ſervant;

Witneſſe Edward Smith, Thomas Grave, John Satterthraithe.

This information written with Edward Smiths owne hand, was by him ſent and delivered unto mee about the 12. 4. mon. called April 1645.

John Muſgrave.

The complaint of Iohn Robinſon of Moſſer, and Francis Smith of Egermond againſt the Committee of Cumberland

SHeweth that the above named perſons, who have ſuffered fining, plundring, ba­niſhing, and impriſonment, for the cauſe of the Parliament, having their dwel­ling houſes, door, and windowes broken, and violently robbed, cruelly bearen, and blooded, alſo being mocked, and called theeves, murtherers, and much more, and17 all diſaffected perſons to the Parliament, whereupon wee made complaint three ſever­all daies unto the ſaid Committee, and could have no redreſſe, not ſo much as our wit­neſſes examined, but wee our ſelves threatned with puniſhment, by the ſaid Commit­tee, and after this our ſufferings under great Malignants, without cauſe or offence com­mitted by us, thus wee were made a prey unto the will of Malignants, by reaſon of in­juſtice, and for our labouring for Juſtice, wee are expoſed to further and greater miſery.

The Complaint of Margaret Robinſon of Pardſay Widdow, Againſt Sir Wilfride Lawſon Colonell for Cumberland.


THat the above named Widdow Robinſon, being plundred by Francis Story, Captaine under the command of the ſaid Colonell Lawſon, of ſome certaine goods, to the valew of about ſeven pound, where-upon I made complaint to the ſaid Colonell Lawſon, five ſeveral times, by which I was put to great trouble and char­ges, neare halfe of the former loſſes, to the great rejoycing of many Malignants to know me who ſtood ſtill deſirous to ſee our Country poſſeſſed by the Parliaments for­ces, and the Enemy therein ſuppreſt; to ſuffer ſo much by them, and not to enjoy the benefit of Juſtice, by the ſaid Commanders, though voluntarily I promiſed halfe of the ſame to the publique purſe, yet for all this could not get any ſatisfaction.

This complaint was ſent to me in2. Mon; 1645.
John Muſgrave

To the Knights and Burgeſſes Aſſembled in the Commons Houſe of Parliament

The Humble Petition of a well affected party in Weſtmer­land, and Cumberland, for Mr. Muſgraves Liberty.

THe great care this Honourable Houſe hath had of this diſtreſſed Kingdome, to­gether with the diſtreſſed condition of theſe two Counties of Weſtmerland and Comberland, maketh us again to be humble ſuiters unto this Honorable Houſe, that as it hath pleaſed this Honourable Houſe, to eſtabliſh a grand Committee for ac­compts for this whole Kingdome, impowring them to nominate a ſub Committee for accompts in ſeverall parts of the ſame, to act according to the Ordinances of this Ho­nourable Houſe made in that behalfe, which grand Committee having appointed within theſe two Counties, and there-upon hath miniſtred the Oath expreſſed in the Ordinance, unto Mr. John Oſmotherley and Mr. John Muſgrave, two whom they had appointed for execution of the ſame; Perſons of approved fidelity in this grand Cauſe, and intruſted by a well-affected party of the ſaid Counties, to preſent the great18 grievances of the ſame by Petition and Articles to this Houſe, for which wee returne hankes unto this Honourable Houſe, as alſo unto the ſaid grand Committee of ac­compts, but ſince it hath pleaſed the all Directer ſo to appoint, that the ſaid Mr. John Oſmotherley being to returne into his Countrey, having the carriage of the ſaid Com­miſſion and Ordinance, had the ſame taken from him in his Journey, being likwiſe robbed as of the ſaid Commiſſion and Ordinance, ſo of his horſe money and other thinges; And the ſaid Mr. John Muſgrave being by a Committee of this Honourable Houſe impriſoned, whereby theſe diſtreſſed Counties groning under the great oppreſſi­on of Commanders and Committees, doth find themſelves no way caſed, but conti­nually more burthened, without great care of this, Honourable, will tend to the deſtruction of thoſe Counties.

Your Petitioners humbly pray this Honourable Houſe, that in porſuance of your former care, that the ſaid Commiſſion with Ordinances may be againe ſent downe to theſe two Counties: And that Mr. John Muſ­grave who cannot be touched with the leaſt reproch of infidelity to this Honourable Houſe, and the Common-weale (as wee are confi­dent) may be inlarged, and inabled together with Mr. Oſmotherley and others to act in the ſaid Committee, as they have taken the ſaid Oath, and that the ſaid Petition and Articles exhibited to this Ho­nourable Houſe, by the ſaid Mr. Iohn Oſmotherley and Mr. Iohn Muſ­grave for theſe oppreſſed Counties may be put to triall, and that men knowne to be of publique ſpirits, may be put in the ſaid Committee of accompts;

And your Petitioners ſhall pray.

This Petition was ſent me the 2. Mon. 1646. ſubſcribed by 90. of the Gentle­men and other well-affected of Cumberland and Weſtmerland.

A warrant of the Commiſſioners of Array in Cumberland ſubſcribed by Sir Wilfride Lawſon who was one of that number there.

VVHereas all the Counties of this Kingdome now lye groning under the hea­vy yoke of this unnaturall Rebellion, warre againſt their Soveraigne, yet notwithſtanding all or moſt part of theſe Counties, have ſubmitted to a voluntary contribution to his Majeſtie, towards the maintenance of his Majeſties Roy­all Army, Cumberland and Weſtmerland only excepted, and there-upon information given to the Lord Generall his Excellency, of our ſlacknes in not addreſſing our ſelves the ſame way as others did, who there-upon had given order for ſending three thou­ſand horſe to be billetted among us, and ſome before that time billetted in the Coun­try, if not by the carefull ſollicitation of Sir Philip Muſgrave and Sir Richard Gra­ham, who were ſent from both the Counties, his Excellency had not been diverted from that way, would have ruined the Country, and thereupon ſuch horſe as was already billetted, were by his Lord-ſhips command removed out of the two Counties, and whereas his Majeſtie in the late warre with the Scots, did by his Royall proclamation command all his Free-houlders in chief, to be attendant on his Perſon at Yorke, yet19 ſuch was his care over this County, that his Majeſtie by his warrant under his prime Signet did diſcharg theſe Counties of the ſaid Proclamation, all which acts of grace, and to prevent the biletting of horſe among us, and other inconveniences that may happen unto us by our neglect, wee having taken into conſideration, doe hereby teſti­fie our obedience to his Majeſties ſervice, and therefore will and require you the_____and the Conſtables of Ribtonand little Broughton, and that you doe Aſſeſſe your whole Pariſh at the ſumme of two pound ten ſhillings, and the ſame ſo aſſeſſed by that, then you and all of you forth-with demand, collect and receive of the ſaid In­habitants there, and pay the ſame to Leonard Dikes Eſquire, High-ſheriffe of the coun­ty of Cumberland, at Cockermouth the firſt day of April, to that end the ſame may be preſented to his Majeſtie as a free contribution of his well-affected ſubjects in Cum­berland, towards the charge of his great affaires, faile not as you tender the furtherance of his Majeſties ſervice;

  • Richard Graham
  • Edward Muſgrave
  • Philp Muſgrave
  • Henry Fletcher
  • Wilfride Lawſon
  • Patricius Curwen
  • William Dalſton
  • George Dalſton
  • Thomas Dacre

Sir Philip Muſgrave Commander in chief over the Kings forces in Cumberland and Weſtmerland, and Leonard Dikes a Commiſſioner of Array their warrant againſt Henry Bluthwait and Mary his wife


FOraſmuch as wee are informed, that Mary the wife of Henry Bluthwait is one that doth not ſtand affected to his Majeſties ſervice, and is ſuſpected to diſperſe ſcandalus pamphelts. Theſe are therefore to will and command you, that you take and arreſt the bodies of the ſaid Henry Bluthwait and Mary his wife, and them carry before the next Juſtice, to enter in Recognizance with good ſureties, not only to appeare at the next Seſſions, but alſo not to depart this County without Licenſe of the commander in chief, whereof faile not.

  • Philip Muſgrave
  • Leo. Dikes

To the Conſtables of Withope Seckmurther and Embleton, and if they refuſe to become bound as aboveſaid, that you commit them to the Gaole at Carlile.

Philip Muſgrave:

A warrant of Sir Wilfride Lawſon then a Commiſſioner of Ar­ray and now High-Sheriffe of Cumberland, and Comman­der in chief ouer the Parliaments forces there.


SIr Wilfride Lawſon Knight one of his Majeſties Juſtices of Peace within the county of Cumberland, to the Conſtables of Seckmurther, & to the Keeper of his Majeſties Gaole at Carlile, whereas the ſaid Conſtbles of Seckmurther had a war­rant20 from Sir Philip Muſgrave Knight and Baronet, and Commander in chief of the county of Cumberland and Weſtmerland, and from Leonard Dikes Eſquire, to arreſt the bodies of Henry Bluthwait and Mary his wife of Sickmurther aforeſaid, and them to bring before the next Juſtice that ſuch courſe might be taken as to Juſtice appertaineth, in purſuance of the aforeſaid warrant, the ſaid Conſtables brought the ſaid parties before me; but the ſaid Mary Bluthwait the wife of the ſaid Henry Blu­thwait ſnatcht up the warrant and doth detaine the ſame. Theſe are therefore to will and command you the conſtables immediatly upon the receipt hereof, to convey the body of the ſaid Henry Bluthwait for refuſing to obſerve the ſaid warrant, and the ſaid Mary his wife, for the miſdemenour aforeſaid, as alſo for refuſing to obſerve the ſaid warrant ſafely to his Majeſties Gaole at Carlile, there to remain untill ſuch time as he and ſhee ſhall be inlarged by due courſe of Law Iſel. 6. May 1644.

Wilfride Lawſon
Philip Muſgrave Baronet, and Symon Muſgrave Eſquire, two of his Majeſties Juſtices of the peace within the county of Cumberland:
To the Conſtables of Pen­reth, and all other his Majeſties Officers and loving Subjects within the ſaid Coun­ty; as alſo to the Keeper of his Mejeſties Gaole at Carlile, and to every of them gree­ting;

Whereas wee are credibly informed that Richard Crakanthrop late of Stickland in the County of Weſtmerland Gentl. hath lately much ſtrived to ſeduce and miſtead his Majeſties loyall ſubjects within theſe two Counties of Cumberland and Weſtmer­land, (ſince he got his inlargement out of priſon) from their duty and allegiance to his Majeſtie, the Lawes of the Kingdome, and Religion eſtabliſhed; and hath like­wiſe publiquely attempted to raiſe and levie warre within the two counties before na­med, and hath alſo publiquely oppoſed himſelfe againſt thoſe who are put in Autho­rity by his Majeſtie, to the evill and wicked example of all his Majeſties well-affected ſubjects. Theſe are therefore in his Majeſties name to command you, that you doe carry the ſaid Richard Crakanthrop to his Majeſties Gaole at Carlile: And you the Keeper or Keepers of the ſaid Gaole, that you doe receive him into your cuſtody, and him the ſaid Richard Crakanthrop in ſafe cuſtody to keep in your ſaid Gaole, without baile or mainprize untill his Excellence, the Lord Generals pleaſure, of his Ma­jeſties Army in the North-partes be further knowne, or otherwiſe untill he ſhall have a legall triall by Law, for his ſaid offences and miſdemeanors, according to the Lawes21 and Statutes of this Kingdome. Whereof faile yee not, at your perils:

Philip Muſgrave. Simon Muſgrave

Copia concordat cum originale.

Per me Richardum Kirkbrid-tum Gaoler.
Witneſſe hereof,
  • Thomas Gibſon.
  • John Cleasby.

A Letter of Sir Patricius Curwen Baronet, Knight of the Shire for Cumberland, afterwards a Commiſſioner of Array, written with his owne hand to his brother Eldred Curwen, a Papiſt, and Captain Lieue­tenant to Colonell Hudleſton.

BRother, I ſhould have been glad to have heard from you by a line or two, I muſt confeſſe the buſineſſe you undertake is of ſo high a concernment for his Majeſties ſervice (in which I beſeech God ſend you all good ſucceſſe) as I durſt not adven­ture mine advice to you, leſt I might have been thought a hinderer to that ſervice, to which no man living can wiſh more happineſſe: No man can blame me to ſay that mine adventure in it (of three brothers) is more than ordinary, all things conſidered. And if I ſhould wiſh two might have ſerved, and you had ſtaid I deſerve no great cenſure for it. I am very ſorry for nothing but that you took not mine advice, but your owne wiſ­dome, I might and do ſubmit unto, and pray for your good fortune: And I am confi­dent when you reflect of my former carriage towards you, and my affectionate valua­tiation of you, you will thinke that ſuch a hazard doth worke with me, knowing how things ſtands with me; if at your leaſure I may heare from you, and that you have ſuch a Command as is worthy of you, you ſhall doe me a favour, and tye me to let you heare of the welfare of your friends here: In the meane time accept my beſt wiſhes and pray­ers for your good ſucceſſe, and remember my love to my brothers with you, and my ſervice to your noble Colonell; and be ever aſſured you ſhall never find me wanting in any reſpect that may moſt manifeſt how really I am, Sir

Your affectionate Brother and ſervant, Pa. Curwen.

I doubt not but you will be carefull that all be done faire at Wotten caſtle, where I heare you are, that no wrong be done there, either by your owne troope, or any others, that you can helpe, for I dare ſay my brother Darcy thinkes you very wel-come there, eſpecially if you have made choice of that place your ſelfe; this incloſed I pray you doe your beſt in it, the mans name is William Peale.

Extracts of ſeverall Letters to Iohn Muſgrave.

FIrſt, Beloved here are the Black-band, and many of Prince Ruperts Forces all the country over, it is thought no leſſe then five thouſand horſe and foot; Sir Thomas Glemmon hath been here with the Governour and the Commiſſioners of Array, they have been theſe three dayes in conſultation at Penreth, what was done there is yet unknowne to me, the Forces that hath been raiſed already in this country lye at Penreth with the reſt of the foot of Prince Ruperts, the Marqueſſe Mountroſe, the Earle of Niddeſdaile and Hurry are all in this Towne. The Marqueſſe of New-caſtle did grant the lands of Maſter Barwis, the Parliament man, to William Mercer, your cou­ſin Sir Edward Muſgraves man and our Gaoler, who did thereupon ſeaſe of them, but it was obtained by Sir Richard Graham to prevent another, for he did no more but ſeaſe, and Maſter Barwis his wife doth enjoy the ſame as fully, nay, more fully then any man of whether ſide ſoever in all this country; it doth only ſerve for a protection. Your couſin Sir Edward and Sir Richard Graham had it articled againſt them to Prince Ru­pert, that they had obtained a protection for Maſter Barwis, and that betweene him and them Letters did paſſe; and they were thereupon accuſed to be on the Parliaments ſide, but came faire off, and this teſtimony is true. Now how others ſuffered is known to you, while I am writing, newes is brought me that all the Gentry of the country are comming to this Town, Sir Philip Muſgrave, Sir John Lowther, and Sir Richard Gra­ham and the Sheriffe, Sir Edward Muſgrave your couſin, who came not here this long time, becauſe of the breach betweene them and the Governour, who with Dikes did, as I ſaid, Article againſt them. If Maſter Barwis (as you write) was the hinderer of the Scots taking in theſe Countries, then is he guilty of the blood of all theſe coun­try people that have been ſlaine, of all the blood ſhed by them, of all the ſpoile done now to this country, if not of the wrong done of late in Lancaſhire, of the ſpoile done by the Black-band in Scotland, of all the great charge, the Scots have been, and are at, by keeping the Border, beſides many of the Gentry of this country that neither were nor would have been againſt the State at the comming in of the Scots, that have been and are drawne to be enemies to the State, to the routing out of themſelves and their poſterity.


SEcondly, Beloved, I have laboured above one whole yeare for the good of this my native country; and for the good of Scotland without ceaſing, and all this with the Scots I have given diverſe reaſons unto them of weight, warning and foretelling them of their danger before it enſue, whereby they might have had time to have pre­vented it, but all in vaine, it was the cauſe of my abode in this place, when I might have been exchanged upon demand all the laſt yeare, whereby I have loſt the time I might have done good elſe-where, for I ſuppoſe upon the reaſons I ſhewed I could have brought the buſineſſe to paſſe, and have done good ſervice to the State; I have in­curred the danger of my life, in as ample wiſe as if I had been in every battell, for though God hath kept the thing from them, yet do they intend evill againſt me; the Sheriffe Sir Edward Muſgrave hath been with mee and my fellow priſoners, to preſſe us to be ſouldiers for the King, and that with ſuch violence as to threaten to take our lives for refuſing as Traiters; I pleaded my tenour of Knights ſervice, and that I was not by law to be preſſed for a common ſouldier, who yet told me his voice ſhould goe to take our lives, and they have appointed a Gaole-delivery to be within fourteene dayes, as he told us, to try us; you know what manner of men they be, it boots not to ſpeake to them either law or reaſon: I put was in cloſe priſon for refuſing to take up Armes with the Earles to invade Scotland; and now the Sheriffe would needs have irons pre­ſently laid on us for refuſing, affirming we were in the higheſt degree of Treaſon; the Under-ſheriffe and our Gaolour perſwading what in them lay, and but that he had no irons, (for our Gaoler would find him none) he had laid them on us: by this you may perceive what danger I were in, if but one Letter came to light; they have made a paire of gallows in the Market-place. I purpoſe to ſpend no more time with the Scots, but imploy my ſelfe another way, and get from under the hands of Tyrants; this day they hanged one of the Moſſe Troope upon the gallowes in the Market-place, by this view my danger; and put me to no more buſineſſe untill you have ſome that may ex­change me, as you love my life.


THirdly, Beloved counſell by ſome is reſpected, as the Counſellour ſtands in their eſteeme, of others, as the Councell is without reſpect of the perſon, the latter of theſe have good ſucceſſe wi••the former periſh; I ſhewed ſeverall reaſons of conſequence, that theſe Counties ſhould not have been neglected, and what ſuch neg­ect might bring forth, was (I may not condemne the wiſdomes of States) yet I will ſay,〈◊〉me it is very ſtrange, that the Scots ſhould invade by the Eaſt, and leave themſelves open by the Weſt to their enemies, whom I ſuppoſe they expected were aſleepe, but•••h advantages were able to awake the drowfieſt ſpirits. I am now to relate unto you, that the Earle of Niddiſdaile will invade Scotland by this way, who is now comming with five more Earles and Lords with him, and diverſe troopes of horſe and foot rai­ed of part of the Kings, and part of the Earle of New-caſtle Forces into this Country,nd here to raiſe men, and ſo preſently for Scotland, two thouſand were ſent hence to New-caſtle, two thouſand will be the leaſt for Scotland, they expect many Scots to aſ­••. The Scots will have a ſufficient triall of their enforced Covenanters and inven­••d Presbyteries they ſo much glory, Mich. 7.13. Yet I wiſh I could bring a ſpoonefull24 of water to quench this flame, I writ a letter to you when your Mother ſent you the 48 ſhillings, in my letter was incloſed a ten ſhilling peece of gold for you, this makes me ſuſpect you are not well dealt with, neither I and the State may ſuffer by the loſſe of it.

As I then writ the ſituation of theſe Counties, is ſo advantagious that it may either helpe a ſtanding Army, or relieve diſtreſſed forces, the Sea by the Weſt flanking it, no place of landing but Workington & Whithaven, two forts there made, but irregular one would be ſufficient to keep the Havens being manned with a few ſouldiers, againſt any ſhps that there can land, the South mountains only towards any Enemy, one ſtraight paſſage Stainmoore, which might eaſily be kept againſt 1 000 with 500 ſouldiers, one ſmall irregular fort being there made the other ſtraight waies Grayrig houſe, Crook-daile houſe, & the way between Furneſſefel & Milholme they face towards Lancaſhire, ſo there is no danger as the caſe now ſtands, but if danger were they are as eaſily for­tified as Staiſmoor, on the Eaſt, all mountenous, no paſſage untill you come to Na­worth (which way the Earles now come) which were no great buſineſſe to defend, likewiſe now none but out of Scotland, of which (as the caſe now ſtands) I for beare to ſpeak, loe here a brave & ſtrong Camp eaſily defended, ſome way about 600 no way under 40, or leaſt 30 miles broad, here no ſtarving, here may you both plough & ſow, hither might any brethren forces repaire, and gather nw ſtrength, and ſtop the pur­ſuing Enemy, no queſtion if the Enemy knew the advantage of this place might afford to routed forces at would not be left at random as now it is, theſe Counties muſt ei­ther therefore be taken in or let Scotland be ſure to ſmart ſoundly by them: any waies theſe Earles muſt either be met-with before they get into Scotland, or elſe it will be dangerous, but if they get footing then forces muſt be ſpared from the Scots Army, now at New-caſtle by Nawarth, to come and ſubdue theſe Counties, and ſo either goe on the back of the Earles, or at leaſt no more aid goe to them this way, this done, then are the Earles incloſed behind and before, and ſhall ſurely come to ruin, to help the Scots, Lancaſhire muſt be deſired to ſet on Kendall to divide the Coun­ties and it will be found the Scots will have feeble Adverſaries in theſe parts, the Commons will be more ready to lay downe their armes then fight, had they any hope of their owne peace.

I would have you with the Commiſſioners of Parliament, and make theſe things knowne to Mr. Darley, remember me to Mr. Oſmotherley, and though I know, him not by face, yet yet I wiſh him peace, and that you would goe together, it may be God will find you a reſting place, I could wiſh you in Northumberland, God diſ­poſe of you beſt to his glory, your Mother takes all very very patiently, grace and peace be with you and the Iſrael of God: let me heare of you, for thereby am I much comforted: Farewell.

Rich. Crakanthrop.

This letter was ſent ſome 20 daies before the Earles invaded Scotland, and took in Dumfreze.

FOurthly, Beloved, the Earle came this laſt night to Carlile, their forces is ſaio be 5000. Mountroſe is Lieut••ant Generall under Prince Rupert, who iGenerall againſt the Scots, I was a true Prophet to the Scots, that theſe Counties25 would be as troubleſome to them as New-caſtle to the parliament, here are great for­ces raiſed to joyne with the Earles, they expect a grea••part••in Scotland, it is ſaid 36 Lords are all of the band, the Presbyters and Synods will God find worke for, get from them, and let all good people make ha••a way; my adviſe is to goe to the Par­liament Commiſſioners, the Lord direct you, make haſt away, for the Earles it may be in on the Lords day, but within ſeven daies atu••heſt, acquaint the Scotthere­with, but ſpeake not of mee, but to the Parliament Commiſſioners, remember me to Mr. Oſmotherley and Mnge••ther, I ſent you twenty ſhillings, conſider well my former letter, there was one Thomas〈◊〉[whom I ſent unto, upon my other letter writing] he of zeale to his Country left this ſide and came to bring them this newes, whom they have impriſoned, ſee how erronious humaine judgment is, I witneſſe the mans zeal to his country made him hazard his life, which he had loſt, if be had been taken here; I was acquainted with his purpoſe, and this witneſſe is true Farewell.

Richard Crakanthrop

This letter was written the ſixt day of the weeke, and I received it on the Lords day after, early in the morming, and the day following the Earles came into Scotland and took Dumfreze.

John Muſgrave

Extracts of ſeverall Letters ſent to me before and ſince I was Committed.

FIrſt, Beloved; the affaires of theſe counties ſtands for the moſt part as they did, our Counties ſhould have beſieged Carlile, and the Scots have gone away, and have lain at Penreth twelve daies, but the Scots would not remove, Brigs is a forward man to have the Scots go away, himſelfe would be Commander in Chief be­fore Carlile; the County is more and more Malignant, would gladly have gone to Carlile, but not for any good, for they profeſſe againſt the Scots, ſay for the Parlia­liament, and are for the King, it will be a wonderfull worke if ever the Country be-brought to affect the Parliament, even to fetch water from the well of Bethlem, no thing is done for the generall good, every mans private is ſo looked after, the ſouldiersly in free Quarter, yet wee pay taxes, I had al teer from Colonell Cholmeley, wherein he writes to me of the unfaithfulneſſe of Colonell Lawſon, he was to raiſe a mount neerer to Carlile then thereſt, Lawſons horſe and foot was to attend the worke, when the towne ſallied out ſlwe diverſe of Colonell Chalme­leys men, hut and tooke many, and Lawſons men never offered ſhot, and upon exa­mination it was found they had not powder.

Richard Crakanthrop
26. 5. Mon. 1645.

SEcondly, Beloved, if the ſmalneſſe of our forces be but conſidered, I think there hath been no greater oppreſſion uſed in any place then in this Country, Mur­thers, Rapes and robbries is common there, is not any reſpect had by our Com­manders whether he be wel affected to the Parliament or no, he ſhal have no favour for that, nay if it be thought that he is zealous for the Parliament, then ſhall he be hated, it is ſo well knowne my affection that I dare not come at Apleby, but am affraid to be Impriſoned, and Colonell Brigs hath threatned it, yet are Delinquents protected, Sir John Lowther is Inlawed, the Commiſſioner Mr. Barwis, and it is ſaid Sir Wil­liam Ermyne hath been feaſting at Low ther, and preſently Sir John Low ther ap­peares from his Ambuſh, upon the going of the Commiſſioners out of the Country Mr. Barwis and Sir John was with the Colonell, and ſome of the Committee after they are gone, Sir John is ſent for by a party of horſe, and had to Apleby, the next day ſet at liberty, and hath ſince collected his tythes and rents, yet hath he ſent his Some beyond Sea; nothing is done about Sequeſtrations unleſſe it be ſmall thinges to put it in ſome mens purſes, of all the noted Delinquents Dudley only is a priſoner, com­mitted by Colonell Cholmeley; the Commiſſioners before their comming for Lon­don, had received your Articles, ſince when the Committee of Weſtmerland have ſent out their Orders, that if any have any cauſe of complaint againſt any officer, he ſhall be heard, yet before no man could have any redreſſe, neither I think will yet have, Mr. Dalſton is at his owne houſe, and now the Delinquents are in their former ſtate. An information was ſhewed mee againſt Richardſon the Vicar of Brugh, and it did accuſe him to have in his prayer before his Sermon, praid to make the rebellious Scots like Oreb, and Zeeb like, Zeba and Solmunva, and that God would ſend deliverance by Prince Rupert or ſome other man, which hath been informed the Committees, and I think the Commiſſioners, for the party went unto them, being neglected by the Committee; but tho he be a great Delinquent, yet is he protected in perſon and eſtate, theſe Counties are as Malignant as ever, the Officers ſeeke nothing but the ruine of all, the Kingdom wil be utterly ruined, if they imploy not men of conſcience, in their affaires. Wee heare of a new liſt of a Commander which is much deſired, for theſe by their ſpoyle make the people beleeve the Parliament intends no good to the King­dome, but like the perſons imployed in their ſervice, look for their owne ends; which thing ſeduce many, even all but ſuch as know the good intents of that houſe, let not the cauſe goe back for money, paines I know it wants none: Salute our friends, and Mr. Oſmotherley; the God of peace bleſſe you in your buſines, to whoſe protecti­on I commit you.

Your brother in the Lord Ieſus. Richard Crakanthrop

An extract of another letter to J. M.

BEloved, this new Commiſſion is now in ſetting in this Country, it was told me I was a Commiſſioner, but I think it was in deriſion; I wonder I heare not from you concerning it, it being a buſineſſe of ſo great importunance, and once27 ſetled unalterable, if theſe men command, all is wrong, your being at London was thought would have procured us favour in this Country, but it is ſuppoſed you are waved, and we are the more deſpiſed; I could you I durſt not come at Apleby, nor will I at Pereth any more, if no lover of God have the Command here, wee ſhall be as much as ever in ſlavery, if it be poſſible, and the Lord give a bleſſing, you muſt not faile to look to this, or elſe you and wee cannot expect here to live: It is ſaid Mr. Barwis promiſed Colonell Brigs that he ſhould Common here, and Lawſon in Cumberland, and be Governor of Carlile, as they themſelves give out; confer with Mr. Rigby, and acquaint him that the Militia here be in Delinquents hands.

Mr. Barwis ſhewed the Articles to Colonell Brigs and our Committee, who thereupon ſent out their warrants, that if any had ſuffered by his troops, upon Com­plaint they ſhould have redreſſe, but the Complaints are ſo great, that neither his not the Committees eſtate, are able to anſwer and give ſatisfaction; Colonell Ch•••eley told me, that one aſſured him, that he will prove Colonell Brigs to be the cauſe of all the buſines againſt the Scots, and William Airey told me Colonell Brigs gave a bar­rell both of powder and ball, to Captaine Browne [formerly a Lieutenant under the Kings command] for that purpoſe; nothing is now ſpoken of Sequeſtring any, and how ſhould it be otherwiſe, for how can Delinquents Sequeſter Delinquents, aske our worthy friend Mr. Rigby the queſtion from mee; let the Parliament expect no good from ſuch a Committee: We are all well, God have the honour; ſalute all our friends; the God of peace proſper you, Farewell.

Your brother in Chriſt Richard Crakanthrop.

THirdly, Beloved, I received your ninth and tenth letter, and this is the ninth of mine, I refuſe to excuſe my ſelfe ſeeing others have done it, I perceive you have got a Commiſſion for taking accompts of the Committees, but notwithſ­tanding my being in it, if ſome of more note be not joyned with me, it will availe little, ſo if my Lord Docre can be put in, and Mr. Bellingham of Gathorne, he writ to you before, the Lord Dacres ſeing the badnes of the Committee, told them if the Devil were here he would find friends and partakers, he gave me great countenance be­fore the Committee, to their grief, I ſhall be glad to joyne with ſuch a one as the Lord Dacres, I much deſire if it be poſſible, to have a Commander in chief for both theſe Counties, it will prove beneficiall to the whole Kingdome; in Cumberland may the Iriſh land at their pleaſure, and are daylie looked for; and ſo may the Dane come about the Iles of Scotland, where our ſhips come not, no place ſtands more need, Delinquents and meane men are put in high places, either of which enough to ruine a Kingdome Jervis Benſon and Brmthwait, the firſt made Colonell, yet hath but a houſe and no land, his Education no better then a Regiſter, [formerly under the Biſhop of Che­ſter] who yet executes that office, the other you know and hath little, a L. Colonell, but will be rich enough if this world would hold, I ſent you before an information againſt Lawſon, but it periſhed with my letter, and many more things of conſequence, which I cannot keep in mind, Farewell.

Richard Crakanthrop.

An extract of a Letter from Maſter Crakanthrop to Maſter Oſmotherley.


I doe much admire that you are not long ſince wearied out, with this long and te­dious buſineſſe: your friends, and I doe much admire of your courage; the truth is dwee are all growne faint, and I had rather that it were quite given over, then be held with a continuall expectation, you know and ſo Mr. Muſgrave, the ſtrength of our friēds who purpoſe only was to diſcharge themſelves, in making known their Coū­tries ſufferings, but if no cognizāce wil be taken thereof, yet do they hold themſelves diſcharged, and not all waies held to conſume the little they have, with continuall attendance, it may be you will think I doe not herein play the part of a comfortable friend, but doe rather weaken, then ſtrengthen you, I muſt confeſſe I did expect to have received ſome better ſatisfaction, then the laſt Orders did give me, yet doe I referre all to your wiſdome, and will alwaies endeavour to apply my ſelfe to give you ſatiſ­faction in your deſires, and to ſubmit my ſelfe, to your judgment; I have not written to you this 14. daies, wee have had the Enemy to keep us ſo buſie, who came from New wark, with about 1500 horſe under the command of the Lord Dighy, and at Sher­burne ſuffered ſome loſſe, and ſo marched for Cumberland by Millam, upon whoſe approch Barronet Curwen, and Colonell Law ſon was together at Iſell, the Enemy came to Workinton, where they found the houſe provided of all thinges for their en­tertainment, from whence they went for Scotland:

And abut Annon, Sir John Browne with ſome few horſe, fell one them, taking the nights opportunity, cut of divers, and took divers Priſoners Lawſon cal­led the Country together, making a ſhew to doe ſomething, but did nothing, only with-drew his companies, which kept the water at Bowneſſe, whereupon the Enemy retreated back, to Workington, but ſtaid but a day, the Baronet came to Penreth, but the Enemy was fruſtrate, and went to the Ile of man, the reſt diſperced and fled, be­ing rather ſmitten with terror from God, then cauſe of ſuch feare a party came over at Mooredovocke, yet none give notice to the country before them, only I was told of that parties comming up Cunnerkeld, and with as good a party as I could make of the night time, did make on to Strickland head, and miſſing on them, wee went for Roſgill where wee heard ſome of them were, but they had not there ſtaied, ſo wee miſſed of them, yet are the moſt of them taken, in ſome place one, ſome two, and ſome three, and many in Lancaſhire, ſo they are utterlyrouted, and and overthrowne, what ever their deſigne was, which ſome ſay for Scotland, to Mountroſe but I rather think for the landing of Iriſh, who miſſing of them, upon their firſt approch, made as they had been for Scotland, but returned againe, and ſo miſſing againe, aboue wor­kington diſperſed, ſome of Cumberland fled to them, John Scenehouſe of Slkild, of Whitehall, and Sir Edward Muſgrave but I think you will have the relation from Sir John Browne, who did gallantly, who have given you information enough, Mr. Bellingham doth not yet ſend the Articles, and whe -••er he will or on I know not, he did ſend a petition with articles to York, to this pur-poſe, he hath had letters from Sir Ralph Aſhton, and Sir Thomas Witherington, that if he would have a Solicitor, the time was, or not at all, we ſuppoſed you would have ſeen to it.

The L. Wharton of late hath put a great many of his, Tenants that had formerly ben29 of the Committee, of this Committee for affocation, wee thought to have heard from you of this too, if a Cōmittee be obtained, I wiſh Mr. Allen Bellingham were in it. I ſent away your letters to your wife, who I heare is well; ſhee writ to you twiſe to my knowledge: deſire Maſter Muſgrave to look to his owne buſineſſe: his Mother is well and the Children, but cannot get any thing out of Vaux for her maintenance, deſire him to ſee what he can doe with the Committee of Juſtice for her, and to adviſe us. The Lord Dacre is come to London; deſire Maſter Muſgrave to returne him thankes for his mother, and to tender my ſervice unto him: he will I hope acquaint you with the Cumberland Committees Cariage; ſo Sir refering all to your ſerious conſide­ration, I take leave, and will alwaies remaine,

Yours in what I may, Richard Crakanthrop.
To my Much reſpected friend John Oſmotherly or to Mr. Muſgrave in his abſence.

Lieu. Col. Bellinghams Letter

THis is the Countryes owne petition for I tranſcribed it, and ſent it them at York; if you can make any uſe of it I pray you delay it not, for loſſe of time is dange­tous; thus leaving it to your conſideration, I remaine now as ever,

Your aſſured friend James Bellingham
For Mr. John Muſgrave and Mr. Oſmotherley.

FOr newes, wee heare Maſter Barwis hath ſo prevailed with my Lord Gray, as he hath got a Commiſſion, to Sir Wilfride Lawſon, Maſter Briſcoe, Maſter Lamp­longh Maſter Barwis, Maſter Tolſon, and Maſter Curwen, as ſome of them re­port, to be Lieutenants, Juſtices, and Committees of accompts for Cumberland, in whoſe hands the monyes and goods remaines, that is to be accompted for,

John Oſmotherly

BEloved, your mother is ſo oppreſſed by Mr. Vaux, through the helpe of Nicho­las Mawſon, the Earle of Strafford never put an Arbitrary power more in execu­tion, then theſe Committees, they would needs have Townſon your ſiſters huſ­band to be bound to the behaviour for comming to your mother, and have given their Order to Vaux that he ſhall not come their, nor lodg there, but yet not him only, but the intent is that none ſhall be aſſiſtant to her, or doe her ſervice, yet did Towenſon Stoutly tell the Committee and Vaux, that he would come to her when ſhee deſired him, and doe her ſervice, and ſtay as long ſhee would: I can ſay no more unto you; knowing your labour herein, for freeing us of theſe Arbitrary governors that regard the Parliaments Orders, and theirowne Commiſſioner no more, nay not ſo much as thoſe that were Enemles to the Parliament, their will is their Law and Order they go30 by, and now they think they may do what they wil, no complaint is heard againſt them, you know they took eight and twenty beaſts from me (bought in your preſence) without a law, but their own wills: Whereupon their Order came out, what power more Ar­bitrary? Nicholas Mawſon the great Adverſary of your mothers, and one that doth what he will, is now comming to London, he is the great receiver of all the ſummes of moneys both for the Scots and the Committees, and yet is he of the Committee of Ac­compts, you ſay nothing of that buſineſſe to me, whereof I wonder; I hope you received our Petition by Henry Dalton, ſurely if the Grand Committee be ſuffered to name ſuch a Committee, who are all, unleſſe two in either County for meere faſhion, the one John Thwaits of Apleby [one who never flood for the Parliament, but for the Enemy] they are all accomptable, nay, they had the ſetting, receiving, and disburſing of all moneyes, and are the principall men to be accomptable. You ſent me a Petition to ſubſcribe but you may eaſily thinke that if the things be never ſo juſt, yet will none now ſubſcribe from our hands; you have brought us ſo farre in diſgrace with all who looke upon the outward face of things, and not at the right end.

Farewell Weſtmerland.
Richard Crakanthrop.

Written about 4. 4. Mon. 1646. and received the twelfth of the ſame moneth:

John Muſgrave.

A Letter from my Mother.

DEare ſonne, the great diſtreſſe I here ſuffer by the means of Maſter Vaux is un­ſupportable, I cannot obtain from him any of the Quarterly ten pound which he is to pay me, as you know, and there is now an hundred pound behind, for bee hath paid me none ſince the Earle of New-caſtles Forces came into theſe parts, pre­tending me to be (while they bare the ſway) for the Parliament, and therefore kept my Rent backe, and ſince the County was ſubdued by the Scots, he hath got ſuch favour of the Committee, that they would not afford me any thing that I could get of him; I heartily deſire and authorize you to preſent this my Petition to the Parliament, who, I hope, will take it into conſideration, and grant ſome reliefe ſutable to my eſtate and meanes which he hath got by me [being two hundred pound per Annum, he having then (though a Gentleman) no eſtate at all.] So with my prayers to Almighty God to inable us to go through the vale of miſery to the glory of his Name, and comfort of his peo­ple, which ſhall be the daily prayers of

Your diſtreſſed Mother Iſabel Vaux.
To her ſonne Jo. M.

The Copy of a Letter ſent out of Weſtmerland, to a worthy aged Citizen of London.


THe great troubles that the poor people of God in the County of Cumberland are in, and the knowledge that I perceive you have of the ſame by Maſter Muſgrave our brother, of whom, as I underſtand, ſo ne who otherwiſe faithfull (but herein miſ-informed, have complained unto you) I thought it my part to certifie you of the31 conſtant fidelity of our brother Muſgrave, and of the hard condition of the poore Church of God in Cumberland the cauſe of our great griefe.

God who worketh as he will, when he will, and of whom he will, hath in that bar­ren County of Religion, choſen unto himſelfe a people, that to the glory of his Name, are in Church fellowſhip, and I may ſay a more faithfull people is not to be found in this kingdome, none more deſirous to know and practiſe the truth, yet poore in word­ly eſtate, and of meane degree, which doth wide open the mouth of adverſaries, and make them more odious to the world, eſpecially the Committee.

Now they having a good affection to the Parliament, made complaint by articles exhibited by their agents Mr. John Oſmotherley and Mr. Muſgrave of the Commit­tee, and others, of which wee have got no expected anſwere, enough to affright us and others from watching over our Counties and the publique weals good: but this wee purchaſed, even envy, for which doing this poore Church of God is ſo threatned••en to be rained: but he that planted, I hope will defend.

About the firſt of this month, the Committee and Colonell Lawſon deſired the ſaid people to give them a meeting, and they would bring ſome Miniſters to give them ſa­tisfaction as they pretended, but the truth was to entrap them, for they brought a Prieſt one Linger who was come out of Ireland, and was reported to them to be there of the Prelates faction, and a perſecuter of the contrary party, he mightily reviled the poore harmleſſe people, who was not admitted to diſpute, but was examined, accuſed, and arraigned, and two of them committed by Colonell Lawſon and the Committee to cloſe priſon, the reſt ſo threatned to deterre others, and to make them come to their aſſemblies.

The ground of their Mittimus was, that they ſhould have ſaid in private to a friend, that this Linger had perſecuted in Ireland as they had heard, yet Linger himſelf fea­ring to have them committed, upon this, deſired their liberty, to whom Colonell Lawſon anſwered that they were not committed for that, but for publique buſineſſe; his meaning (as was plaine) was their petitioning the Parliament againſt him and his fellowes.

The Committee ſore examined them of their covenant, and other things about their Church and order, and writ what they would, intending to ſend the ſame to Mr. Bar­wis a member of the Houſe of Commons, to informe the Houſe againſt them: It is to be feared, that they will certifie much untruths againſt them, to make them con­temptible, and to procure ſome order, to reſtraine their meetings or liberty.

Now I deſire of you, that if you heare of any ſtrange thing informed againſt them, not to beleeve it, but rather to perſwade the contrary, for no foraigne nor ſtrange thing doe they maintaine, but our owne grounds, and that you labour in their behalf, I hum­bly pray that things may be examined (before they be condemned) ſurely, you ſhall doe God good ſervice, for many are looking to the truth and aſſemble with them; and if trouble fall upon them, may be hindred in their progreſſe: this Church hath increa­ſed to neare forty perſons, and forty more ſeparated, not yet admitted, and in that Couny which makes the Committee ſo to ſtarme againſt them.

Sir, I perceive you have acquaineance with ſome people that think well of Mr. Bar­wis, I pray you certifie them hereof, and how much the Goſpell is hindred by his friends, and ſuch as have imployment by his meanes: Yet I muſt tell you the men are againe at liberty, how long wee know not, for they are ſore threatned, and all or the moſt of them are Independants that did article and petition, I doubt not but you32 will carry the buſineſſe judiceouſly, for the glory of God, and the peace of his people the thing above all things, I moſt deſire, and ſhall ever reſt,

your brother in the Lord Jeſus Richard Crakanthrop

Sir, I humbly thank you and your people, for your kindeſſe to our brother Muſ­grave, and I deſire of you to have a good eſteeme, what ever be ſaid to the contrary, for his fidellity will aloud preclaime it ſelfe to the world, to the trouble no doubt of oppreſſors.

The Copy of a letter ſent by Maſter Iſaac Autrobus, Mini­ſter of Egrement in Cumberland, to Mr. William Ben Miniſter at Lambeth, uponthe 27. of the firſt moneth 1646.

Deare Sir

THe burthen of the miniſtrie (as you partly know, for I did diſcover my minde unto you) lyeth heavy upon me, you ſee the Lord hath revealed the unlawful­neſſe of our calling to the eye of the world, and now that wee are upon chang­ing, it were good that wee ſhould learne the right and infallible way to Zion; for then the Lord hath promiſed a bleſſing, and life for ever more. I would doe as much as the moſt of our Cumberland miniſters, but I have in my eye that which they want. I deſire you to be a meanes to helpe me to acquire meanes for my livelyhood.

I have written to Maſter Burroughs for his help herein, and to your ſelfe, but I feare all have miſcarried. I was indebted before the times of tryall, but theſe have added to my load. Twice was I plūdred by Sir Chri. Lowther & John Senhouſe, before the Parliaments forces came here, but the Lord Digby & his forces ſwept all away. It coſt me for the Parliamēts ſervice this laſt yeare a hūdred pounds, which I think cor­dially, well beſtowed. I have complained to our Committee for ſome relief, for the loſſes I ſuffered by the Enemy, but no help from them: Wee have now in Cumber­land very cruell times. The preſent government here by our Majeſtrates, ſeemes to be matter of policie, rather then of juſtice, as one kinſman goes out of office on the Kings ſide, another comes in for the Parliament, and ſo the match is made up againe, the oppreſſors are only chāged, but the oppreſſion continues; juſtice falls in the ſtreets, corruption prevailes, thoſe few that be reall for the Parliament, are quite diſcouraged, ſo that the Cavaliers carryes it ſtil, the honeſt religious men about Broughton are beat and impriſoned &c. ſo that I feare our miſery in Cumberland is but beginning.

If the Parliament would doe that for us which they have done in other Counties, wee might yet enjoy happineſſe, viz. ſend downe Magiſtrates, that have no kinted here, then its like there would not be ſo much partiality. You may be a good inſtru­ment for your Country, if the Lord move your heart you ſhall. Sir, I deſire you to conſider of theſe rude lines, and to lend me your helping hand. You have done good to33 me and your Country. Go on and the Lord the al-director proſper you with the tender of my thankfulneſſe, and loving affections to your ſelfe, I remaine,

Yours in the ſureſt bond, Iſaac Autrobus

The Coppy of a Letter written to one of the Houſe of Commons.


I am bold to be trouble ſome unto you, in acquainting you with the cauſe & ground of my ſufferings, which are largely ſet forth in my letters and petitions publiſhed to the view of the world, what is mine I am ready to owne. Other things of the publiſhers or printers, I owne not, yet as I doe not juſtifie them in their doings, ſo I will not condemne them, for truth is ſtill truth, by whomſoever it is ſpoken.

The ſeverall charges, the Scotiſh papers with my reaſons for not anſwering, without deliberation and advice, are in the hands of Mr. Liſle, and the coppy of ſuch other things as are in my hands. I have ſent you. I am ſtill ready to anſwer ſuch interroga­tories as ſhall be propouded to me agreeable to Law; but I cannot conſent to betray the truſt which my Country repoſeth in me, neither give way to prove my charge, I have already avowed with my partner, untill the parties accuſed have anſwered, yet if the ſame be referted over to the common law (as I have proved in my letter to Sir Arther Haslerig it ought to be) I am ready to proſecute and make good the ſame, or elſe to ſuffer profalſo••more.

It is ſtrange that I cannot have the parties accuſed brought to anſwer, nor delivered up to the law, when as daylie the Committee of Examinations commits, and then puts them to anſwer in criminall cauſes, before any charge be brought in againſt them, as I my ſelf was committed and ſo brought before that Committee: I deſire to know the Houſes pleaſure, whether I may have the benefit of the law, and be admitted to pro­ceed in proſecuting my Countries cauſe; if not, then I deſire I may have my liberty, with ſatisfaction and reparation for my loſſes, from Mr. Liſle for my impriſonment, which I have vndergon upon his untrue report.

What the ſtate and condition our Country is in, you will better underſtand by theſe papers here encloſed, and by this our Counties petition to the Houſe, which I deſire you, to preſent or returne to me againe. The not redreſſing of our Countries grievan­ces, makes their adverſaries inſult over them, and they are now under far more heavy preſſures, then formerly they were, under the Kings partie, our neighbour Countries are very little better, as I am given to underſtand, in Biſhoprick.

Sir George Vane a notorious delinquent, and a profeſſed enemy to the ſtate, is now made high Sheriffe by an Ordinance of Parliament, and ſo the poſſe Comitatus, com­mitted to a traitor to the great griefe of the well affected party there: Yorkſhire is in no better condition, as appeareth alſo by their petition How thoſe things anſwers the Parliaments underakings, promiſes, oathes, and proteſtations, I leave it to your ſelves to judge. The revolting Welſh may be a caution to you, to commit ſuch high commands and truſt to any that have formerly joyned with the Enemy.


Sir, I pray you as you tender the good of the State, & ſuch as feare God, let theſe things be timely amended, and let theſe Achans and troublers of our State, be brught forth and taken out of the way, and deliver us from our oppreſſours, and as wee have never been unfaithfull to you, ſo you ſhall not find us unthankfull. My liberty is very deare unto me, yet little comfort ſhould I have in it, unleſſe our Countrie be likewiſe freed from Tyrants and oppreſſors.

I underſtand there is an Order for my freedome, upon bayle. I deſire either to come forth a freeman and juſtified, or elſe I am willing ſtill to continue priſoner, till the Houſe bring me forth unto triall: Only I deſire that the Houſe would take ſome care for my proviſion and maintenance, and that I may not be given up into the hands of ſpoylers, as I was of late, for two of the Sergeants men of your Houſe, under pretence of a warrant from the Committee of examinations, to ſearch my lodging for books intituled (Another word to the wiſe) would have robbed and taken from me my hiſtorie, and Law bookes, Bible and writings, if (by Gods help) I had not by ſtrong hand prevailed againſt the Warden of the Fleet, refuſing to joyne with them in any ſuch wicked act, though they imperiouſly commanded him to aſſiſt them, which he ra­ther did, becauſe he ſaw me willing to give way to their ſearch, even to my very ſhirt in obedience to their warrant.

Sir I carneſtly intreat you to take into your ſerious conſideration, what evill may enſue to the State, and what reproach and evill report it will bring upon that Honou­rable Houſe, in denying us juſtice, and ſuffering the Enemy thus to inſult over us, and how by thus ſlighting your friends, yee both ſtrengthen the hands of your adverſaries, and weaken your ſelves. However,