THe Seaſon of Harveſt is ſo far advanced, that the Members of this Houſe are beginning to long for a Cloſe of this Seſſion, that they may go to the Countrey to ſee to the Reaping of their Cropt of Corns, which God be thanked is ſo much bettered ſince you meet together, that the Fear the Countrey was under of Dearth and Scarcity, is changed to a good Hope, which is very comfortable to all, eſpecially the poorer ſort.
Albeit your Seſſion has not been long, yet when what you have done in the Service of your King and Countrey is duely Conſidered; All muſt be ſatiſfied that you have improven your time diligently, and to very good purpoſe: I need not recapitulat your Acts made, they are ſo recent; but this I may aſſert, that what you have done makes a good Demonſtration of your moſt hearty Affection to, and intire Truſt in your Soveraign Lord the KING, and of your Diſpoſition and Readineſs to ſerve him in that which is his greateſt Satisfaction, His Fatherly Deſign of increaſing the Proſperity and Happineſs2 of His good Subjects; and to do every thing towards the Support of His Majeſties Honour and Government, which can be expected from a People deeply ſenſible of, and thankful for the Great Bleſſing of GOD to this Nation, of Bringing and Eſtabliſhing a Pious, Wiſe, Couragious, and active Proteſtant KING, to bear the Crown and ſway the Scepter of this Kingdom.
I will not fail God willing fully to repreſent to His Majeſty, both the greatneſs of your Performances, and the Heartineſs, Alacrity and Calmneſs of your Procedure, and I am very perſwaded His Majeſty will not only be well ſatisfied of what you have done, but will alſo heartily accept it as a clear evidence of your firm and unalterable Loyalty and good Affection to him, and Zeal in His Service.
My Lords and Gentlemen, AS I have good Reaſon to be confident, that you will do it; So I do earneſtly recommend to you, that when you go to your ſeveral homes, you will make it your Buſineſs to put the people in remembrance of the great things his Majeſty has done for them, and how conſtant and effectual his happy endeavours have been, and are even to this Moment for procuring their peace and comfort, and their enjoyment of their Religion, Properties, Laws and Liberties which formerly were in great danger, but now by the bleſſing of GOD upon his Majeſties Endeavours, are reſcued, eſtabliſhed, and as we have reaſon to hope, ſecured againſt the malicious Deſigns of His Majeſties and our Enemies.
And I alſo recommend to you in your ſeveral Stations, the Preſervation of the Peace, the due Execution of the Laws; which is indeed the Nurſe of peace, and the charitable maintenance of the Poor, who by the hardſhips of this and former years are become very numerous: That ſo the Works of Piety and Charity increaſing and flouriſhing in this Nation by the example of you who repreſent it; There may be good ground of hopeing, that Almighty GOD will bleſs and eſtabliſh both the King and the People.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Succeſſors of Andrew Anderſon, Printer to the Kings moſt excellent Majeſty. Anno Dom. 1698.
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