News from the FLEET. Being a true Account of what has occurr'd therein ſince the Dutch Ships join'd them in their preſent Expedition for Breſt. With a Liſt of the Engliſh and Dutch Ships and Guns.
Licenſed July 24. 1689. J. F.
I Have often remembered my Promiſe to you when laſt together, but could not find ſufficient to trouble you withall, but now am reſolved to let you know what is currant with us; Firſt I have ſent incloſed an exact Liſt of the Fleet, that are joyned at this Minute, both of Dutch and Engliſh Men of War, with their Fire-ſhips, and their order they are to fight in. Next, on the 4th Inſtant the Happy-Return, Portſmouth, Dover, and Jerſey-Frigats, were ordered by the Admiral to look into Breſt-Harbor, to obſerve the French Fleet, with their number, &c. But on the 5th at brake of day, upon the Coaſt, they eſpied within Gun-ſhot of them a French Man of War of 18 Guns and 80 Men, (a pritty Frigat capable of carrying 36 Guns; (more of this hereafter) but as ſoon as ſhe ſaw our Guns fire, and felt our Shot, ſhe made all the Sail ſhe could to eſcape us, ſhe being a prime Sayler: our Ships ſayling well, more eſpecially the Jerſey-Frigat, who plyed her well with their Fore-chace, and ſometimes with whole Broadſides, ſhe ſayling afore the Wind ſtill, plying her Stern-Chace very briskly upon our Ships, cutting our Maſts and Rigging, and ours hers, from three in the Morning, untill between twelve and one at Noon, when the Jerſey Shot had the good Fortune to ſhoot his Main Top-Maſt and Main-yard by the Board, upon which ſhe immediately ſtruck her Ancient, after having chaced her ten Leagues South-weſt in the Sea.
The French Man of War's Name is La Villiee, Monſieur Pickerd Commander; ſhe was a Fire-ſhip under the ſaid Commander, at the Fight with the French upon the Coaſt of Ireland, but ſhe being almoſt a new Ship and a prime Saylor, they made her a Man of War, and put 18 Guns on Board, with 80 Men at Breſt ſince the Fight, and ſent her in all haſte to Waterford to carry Collonel Porter to K. J. who its ſaid came from Room; but on her return we met with her as aforeſaid, ſhe having left three French Men of War, of about 30 and 40 Guns each, in that Harbor, who wait the Motion of the late K. James to carry him off, when put to the rout, which is expected when our Forces are landed; for the Letters do add that Ireland is but in a very bad condition to hold out againſt the Force of England, having neither Trade nor Mony; but they have been buoyed up with falſe News of our not being able to appear at Sea againſt the French: But I am of opinion the French will not appear fairly to us; we having this Day ſent into Breſt 12 Sail of Men of War, and 4 Fire-ſhips, under the Command of Sir Francis Wheeler in the Rupert, with an exquiſite French-Proteſtant Pilot, to do what Execution they can, and to dare them out.
We have taken many Ships of the Northern, Dutch, Danzeckers, &c. loaded with French Commodities, and Wine and Salt, all to be ſent into Plymouth, amongſt them one French or Iriſh Man bound for Ireland from France with Volunteers.
July the 15th. This day is held a Councel of War on board my Lord Torrington Admiral, on Capt. Wilford, for contriving to carry away their Majeſties Ship Pendennis to the late K. J. in Ireland; and on ſome other Officers for Miſdemeaners, and as ſoon as I know, you ſhall have the Knowledg of it.
A Liſt of the Engliſh and Dutch Fleets.
The Engliſh Fleet.
The Red Squadron. | |||
Fireſhips. | Men of War. | Guns. | |
York | 60 | Vice Admiral. | |
King-Fiſher | 46 | ||
Robert & John. | St. David | 54 | |
Reſolution | 70 | ||
John of Dublin. | Heneretta | 62 | |
Jerſey | 48 | ||
Woolwich | 54 | Admiral. | |
Advice | 48 | ||
Owners Love. | Edger | 72 | |
Fire-Drake. | Elizabeth | 70 | |
St. Paul. | Pendennis | 70 | |
Fubbs Yatch. | St. Alban | 50 | |
Happy-Return | 54 | Rear Admiral. | |
Diamond | 40 | ||
Sophia and Half-Moon. | Montague | 60 | |
Hampton-Court | 70 | ||
Defiance | 64 | ||
Hampſhire | 46 |
The Blew Squadron. | |||
Greenwich | 54 | Admiral. | |
Reſerve | 50 | ||
Cygnet. | Rupert | 66 | |
Duke | 92 | ||
Cadiz Merchant. | Suffolke | 70 | |
Centurion | 48 | ||
Charles & Henry. | Warſpight | 70 | |
Portſmouth | 46 | ||
Oxford | 54 | Rear Admiral. | |
Tyger-Prize | 46 | ||
Thom. & Elizab. | Lion | 60 | |
Berwick | 70 | ||
Cambridge | 70 | ||
Charles. | Mordant | 46 | |
Dover | 48 | ||
Plymouth | 60 |
The Dutch Fleet.
Eendraght | 70 | Vice Admiral. | |
Fregat | Honſterdyck | 50 | |
Command. Regat. | Harlem | 64 | |
Brander. | Gelderland | 72 | |
Cōmand. Dupen. | North-Holland | 70 | |
t'Wapen v. Horne | 52 | ||
Gaſterlant | 52 | ||
Fregat. | Hollandia | 70 | Admiral. |
Commander Genit Groes. | Elſwout | 50 | |
Weſt-Friezlant | 80 | ||
Brander. | VValcheren | 70 | |
Command. Cornelis Autoneſſe. | Amſterdom | 64 | |
Damiaten | 36 | ||
Cōmand. Andois Mugſe Vanger. | Schattershoeft | 46 | |
Cortine | 50 | ||
Frigat. | Waerdingen | 46 | Rear Admiral. |
Capt. Brakel. | Prov. Ʋtrecht | 56 | |
Brander. | Sierickzee | 62 | |
Geeroondeburgh | 62 | ||
Com. de Gough. | Ridder Schap | 60 | |
Vreede | 52 | ||
Vrijheyt | 72 |
There is the Vice Admiral of the Blew Captain Killegrew expected with more Ships of War.
July the 13th, came into the Fleet about ſeven Sayl of Dutch Men of War and Fire-ſhips, their Names as yet we have not.
We expect our Vice Admiral of the Blew, and 6 or 7 third and forth Rate more, all which are needleſs, for the French will not appear to theſe we have.