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NEVVES From the Siege before YORKE.

BEING A Letter from an eminent perſon out of the Leaguer there; dated the 16. of June. 1644.

TOGETHER With the Articles for the ren­dring of it up, which were inter­changably propounded and ſent on both ſides.

Authorized according to Order.

LONDON, Printed by M. O. for H. S. Iune, 24. 1644.


A LETTER from an Eminent Perſonage at the Leagure before Yorke, dated there the 16. of June. 1644.

UPon Friday morning early the Marqueſſe New-caſtle wrote to our Generals offering a Parley to begin that after-noone at three a clock, and to continue till eight at night, and a ceſſation of Armes for three houres before, and three houres after to be held in Tent without the Wals, betwixt our Fort and theirs; with a•…iaion of Guards, to ſuch number and diſtance as ſhould be•…ſe and neceſſarie: he named for Commiſsioners onely to treator himſelfe. The Lord Widrington, Sir Thomas Glemham, Sirichard Hutton, Sir William Wentworth, Sir Robert Strickland,ir Thomas Meſham, and Maſter Robert Rockley: Our Generalls accepted the offer in all poynts, and ſent for them; the Earle ofindſey, the Lord Humby, Lieutenant Generall Baylie, Sir Wil­liam Fairefax Colonell Hamond, Colonell Ruſſell, and Colonell White: Theſe fourteen met on Friday laſt, and the enemy pro­pounded to our men certaine Articles which they brought inn writing, but would not ſuffer our Commiſsioners to read nor other1〈1 page duplicate〉2coppy them. The Heads of them were ſuch as appeare in t••other Ppr therewith ſent. Our Commiſſioners propound to them alſo certaine conditions, the true Coppy whereof I ſe•…here alſo, offering a Coppy to the enemies to carry into York, be conſidered of, and after to return Anſwer. The enemies Com­miſsioners would not accept the Paper, but ſcornfully & prou­ly ſaid, They were below their condition, and much other pro••language, which I cnnonow write: ſo the Commiſsioners p••­ted. But when Generall Leſley heard that the adverſaries Commi­ſioners refuſed to take the Paper containing the Conditions; hpreſently cloſed the Paper in a Letter to the Marqueſſe Now caſile, and ſent it by a Drum: Vnto which Letter and Prpoſi­ons the Marq New caſtle yeſterday after-noon returned an An­ſwer to this effect following. That our Generals pretending a de­ſire to prevent the effuſion of bloud, had framed and rendred thim ſuch Conditions as neither he nor any man of Honowith him could condiſcend unto any one of them: yet he would ſtill be teady to deliver up the Towne upon ſuch terme as he had offered him by his Commiſsioners the day before So you ſee the buſineſſe is now plainly left to be decided by thSword, of which the common Souldiers on out Party are no­thing ſorry: The laſt night the enemy made fires on the toof the Minſter, and Cliffords Tower, and were anſwered bthe like from Pomfret Caſtle, which is a ſignall of ſuccours com­ming towards them: but I ſee no likelihood of any: foyeſterday and and this day alſo, we have Letters from Man­cheſter that Prince Rupert hath on Saurday and Friday laſſent part of his Army and Ordnance over the River Merſ••into Cheſhire, and hath loſt one of his greateſt Pieces in the3 paſſage of the Water: Some conjecture he intends to beſiegearrington: others thinke he goes to ſuccour the King: If heomes this way, our Armies are ready to encounter him.

After I had concluded this letter, word was brought mee thathe Earle of Mancheſters men never acquainting our other Forcesith their intention, ſptung a myne this afternoon, which ddood execution, making a large breach in the wals into the man­••u, by which thoſe forces entred and poſſeſſed themſelves ofhe Mannour, the enemies guards laying down their armes: Buthe enemie drawing all their forces that way, beate out our men gaine, with the loſſe of 200. of our partee, and the other armiesould not come to their ſuccour, having no notice of it.

The heads of their Propoſitions, as I heard them reported by our Commiſſiioners at their re­turn, made by the Marqeſſe of Newcaſtles Commiſſioners, tou­ching the Rendition of Yorke, Iune 14, 1644.

Firſt, That himſelfe, with all the Commanders and ſouldiers, ſhould march away to the King with all their Ordnance, Armes, ammu­ition, money, plate, bag and baggage, drums beating, colours fly­ng, matches lighted, &c.

2. That the Parliaments forces ſhould furniſh them with victuals,arriages, and convoy through their Quarters, they marching one­••eight miles a day.

43. That the Citizens and others in Yorke ſhould not be queſti­••d fopaſſd acts.

4. 〈…〉That no Oath or Covenant ſhould be impoſed upon any of the•…

5. That the Churches and all belonging to them ſhould be preſer­ved from violence or defacing, and that the books of Common-pray­er ſhould be allowed to be uſed in them.

6. That bfore their forces march out or render the Towne, th••ſhould be allowed 20. dayes liberty to expect forces from the King〈◊〉prince Ruet, and if any came in the meane time, then they not〈◊〉be tyed to render the place at all.

Tis I conceive was the ſubſtance, but I have them onely bmemory, which is apt to faile.

Propoſitions ſent from the three Generalls for the Parliament to the Treatie, June 14. 1644.

That the Citie of York with all the Forts, together with all armOrdnance, Ammunition, and other Warlike proviſions whatſoever in and about the ſame, be rendred up to us, for the uſe of the Ki••and Parliament.

Vpon the Conditions following, viz.

5irſt, That the Common Souldiers ſhall have free liberty and licence to depart and goe to their owne homes, and to carryith them their cloaths and their own moneyes, not exceeding〈◊〉dayes pay, and ſhall have ſafe conduct & protection of their••rſons from violence; They promiſing that they will not here­••ter take up Armes againſt the Parliament or Peoteſtant Reli­ion.

2. That the Citizens and ordinary Inhabitants of the ſaid Citie, ſhall have their Perſons, goods, and Houſes protected••om violence, and ſhall have the ſame free Trade and Comerces others under obedience of the King and Parliament, and thato Regiments or Companies ſhall be admitted or quartered inhe Towne of Yorke, except thoſe that are appointed for the Ga­riſon thereof.

3. That the Officers of all qualities ſhall have liberty to goe toheir own homes with Swords and Horſes, and ſhall have ſafeonduct to protection to that effect, and ſhall have licence to ca­••y their aparell and money along with them, the money not ex­ceeding one montſts pay for every ſeverall Officer.

4. That any Officer, who ſhall be recommended by the Marq: of Newcaſtle, ſhall have a paſſe from any one of the Generalls to goe beyond the Seas, they promiſing not to ſerve againſt the Par­liament and Proteſtant Religion.

5. That the Gentry and other Inhabitants of the County of Yorke ſhall have liberty to goe to their owne homes, and ſhall be protected from violence.

66. That a poſitive anſwer be returned to theſe Propoſiti•••by three of the clock to morrow in the Afternoone, being〈◊〉15. of this inſtant Iune: And in caſe they ſhall not be then•••ted, we ſhall not then hold our ſelves bound to them; and in〈◊〉meane time we declare that there is no Ceſſation after 3. ho•••…already granted.

Subſcribed by
  • The Earle of Leven.
  • The Lord Fairfax.
  • The Earle of Mancheſter.

About this transcription

TextNevves from the siege before Yorke. Being a letter from an eminent person out of the Leaguer there; dated the 16. of June. 1644. Together with the articles for the rendring of it up, which were interchangably propounded and sent on both sides. Authorized according to order.
AuthorEminent person out of the Leaguer..
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 6 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationNevves from the siege before Yorke. Being a letter from an eminent person out of the Leaguer there; dated the 16. of June. 1644. Together with the articles for the rendring of it up, which were interchangably propounded and sent on both sides. Authorized according to order. Newes from the siege before Yorke. Eminent person out of the Leaguer., Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax, Baron, 1584-1648., Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of, 1580?-1661., Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671.. [2], 6 p. Printed by M. O. for H. S.,London :Iune. 24. 1644.. ("Subscribed by The Earle of Leven. The Lord Fairfax. The Earle of Manchester." [p. 6] as part of "Propositions sent from the three generalls for the Parliament to the treatie, June 14, 1644.".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • York (England) -- History -- Siege, 1644 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800.

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