THE LORD GORINGS MESSAGE TO THE Lord Generall, CONCERNING The ſurrendring of the Town of Col•heſter, with all the Ordnance, Armes, and Ammunition.
And the ſeverall Attempts of Generall Haſtings, and Sir Charles Lucas to eſcape a way with their Horſe.
Together with a Liſt of the Officers and Souldiers that were ſlain and taken priſoners, VIZ.
⟨June 17⟩
LONDON. Printed for R. W. 1648.
THe Enemy ſtill continues in COLCHESTER, The great ones had a purpoſe laſt night to eſcape, as wee heare, for their goods are ſhipped, and ſent a Party to poſſeſſe MERSEY Iland2 ſFort, the better to ſecure their paſſage to Sea; but this morning early, our Horſe and Dragoones paſſed the Iſland and Foot, and ſo hath prevented the Enemies flight by Sea; and by Land their body cannot ſtirre: ſome Horſe may perchance in the night eſcape, & leave the reſt to ſlaughter. For ſuch is the rage of the Souldier for the loſſe of their Commanders, that they will hardly admit of quarter. Many honeſt people (though the meaner ſort) ſteale out of towne hourly to us; and all agree in one ſtory, That the Enemy knows not which way to turn himſelfe, that he is deſperate, and thinks to get Conditions for themſelves, by their having Sir WILLIAM MASSHAM, and others of the Committee priſoners.
The Generall ſent a Trumpeter to ſee Sir William Maſham, but they yet detain the Trumpeter. The Townſmen ſay, they had ſix hundred men run away that night the fight was; we have Five hundred Priſoners, moſt taken from the Gats3 of the City. The Enemy buried of their ſlain men, Sixty in one Church yard, beſides what was ſlain in the other part of the Town, they ſay, that Sir William Campion, and one Knight more, Col: Cooke and two Majors, and other Officers were ſlain; ſome priſoners we have taken ſince confeſs as much, and many of quality wounded; many of the priſoners of the Trained bands; (which this day the General releaſed, being ſore wounded) ſay, that they went under Col. Farre, my Lord Warwicks Lieutenant Colonel, that he lead them out into the field, and into Mr. Grimſtons houſe; and when he and the men fled, being galled with our Musketiers, he got to the gate, and cauſed it to be ſhut, and left his men to be cut in pieces without the wall, if4 our Soldiers had not been more mercifull. The General is cloſe beleaguering the Town; this day Col. Ewers is come up with his Regiment, and all our Train: The General purpoſes to preſerve the town from plunder and fire, if it be poſſible; though one Buxton and the Leomons, and many more (as thoſe that come out in form) encourages GORING and the Cavaliers to hold out. Many an honeſt boyd is und on by them God is only wiſe, for who could have found out ſuch a way to unite the honeſt party together againſt this bloody & common Enemy? There are 4. Colonels taken at Newmarket, about to raiſe men for the King, Col. ſir BAR. SCUDAMORE is one of them. If the News of any ſucceſs this Army hath were acceptable, you would ſend one weeks pay to an Army that hath not had a penny this Moneth. I. R.
The Generalls Trumpeter is returned, who left Sir William Maſham and the other Gentlemen in a reaſonable good condition,5 he ſaith, Sir Wil Campion and one Col. Cook were buried this afternoon, their Corps attended by the Lord Goring, Lord Capel, Lord Louthborough, Sir Wil. Compton, and divers others of quality. They much lament the loſſe of Major Eyres, whom they thought we had priſoner, but he was ſlain.
Captain Zanchy, who took in Merſey-Fort, found two Culverins, two Sacres, and one Drake in it, Captain Peacock, and the Commanders of the Ships at Har wich have ſent to the Generall to aſſiſt him, in the Harbour of Coln River, if the Fort at Merſey be ours, of which the General hath ſent them word, Col. Stewart, and Col. Thornton were taken with Sir Barn. Scudamore.
UPon Thurſday laſt, about three of the clock in the afternoon, Captaine Pickering received intelligence, that divers eminent Commanders were at Newmarket, plotting and contriving how they ſhould raiſe and ſeduce the Inhabitants, to6 ſerve the King againſt the Parliament; and the better to effect, rode up to the Market place, declaring That all Gentlemen whatſoever, that had a deſire to ſerve his Majeſtie, for the defence and preſervation of his Royall Perſon, the Proteſtant Religion, the fundamentall Laws of the Kingdome, and the Libertie of the Subject ſhould repaire to the Kings Armes, there to receive preſent entertainment, and advance money; Whereupon divers reſorted thither, Proteſting to live and dye in the Cauſe. But in the very interim of time, Captaine Pickering, came in with his Troop, who ended their Deſignes, diſperſing thoſe that were gathered together, and ſeizing on the perſons of the Commanders in chiefe, but with ſome difficulty; for Collonell Stewart, Coll. Shornton, and Coll. Scudamore, ſhot out at the Chamber windowes, and maintained the doores, which cauſed the exchange of ſeverall bullets, but after ſome few ſhots on each ſide, Captaine Pickering with 12 of his men, entred the Chambers, ſeized on the ſaid Colonells, with loſſe of one man; for they fought it our very reſolutly, but at laſt ſubmitted to mercy.
Poſtſcript.Newmarket,17 of June, 1648.
FRom Colcheſter we are informed, that Cot. Goring is very much ſtraitned, his Excellency having cloſely beſieged the ſaid City; inſomuch, that Goring, Capel, Loughborough, &c. diſtruſting their own ſafeties, have made ſeveral attempts with their horſe to break through his Excellincios forces; but finding it no way ſecible; have ſent a Meſſage to the Generall (as is ſuppoſed) to this effect, viz. That if His Excellency will be pleaſed to ſigne certain Articles, that they may march forth with their horſe and armes, without letter moleſtation, they will ſurrender the Town, with all their Ordnance, Armes, and Ammunition.
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